Bat Soup Today: New Variant Found In South Africa, China Blocking WHO Inquiry

See, viruses mutate all the time. Perhaps someone sciencey could explain one mutating at least 5-6 times in a year

Covid variant found in South Africa is worrying experts: Here’s what we know so far

Viruses mutate all the time and it’s come as no surprise to experts the coronavirus that emerged in China at the end of 2019 has undergone several significant mutations as the virus replicates and spreads.

But a new strain of the virus that has emerged in South Africa is causing concern. Like a variant that has been discovered in the U.K. in recent months, the one that has emerged in South Africa is proving to be far more transmissible.

While being able to spread more easily, so far, scientists do not believe either new variant is more deadly. But being more transmissible means more people can get infected, and this could mean more serious infections and more fatalities as a result.

Questions are now being raised over whether the coronavirus vaccines developed at breakneck speed in the last year, the western frontrunners being those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, will be effective against significant mutations of the virus, such as the one identified in South Africa.

While scientists believe that the U.K. variant is not likely to affect the efficacy of the vaccines currently being rolled out in the West, there is more uncertainty regarding the South Africa strain.

If I was a conspiracy theory type person, I’d be wondering if this is just government propaganda to continue to keep people locked down, controlled, and more and more used to being controlled by government. Also, that China was doing shady things with a virus that made it so likely to be able to mutate so easily

Covid: WHO team investigating virus origins denied entry to China

A World Health Organization (WHO) team due to investigate the origins of Covid-19 in the city of Wuhan has been denied entry to China.

Two members were already en route, with the WHO saying the problem was a lack of visa clearances.

However, China has challenged this, saying details of the visit, including dates, were still being arranged.

The long-awaited probe was agreed upon by Beijing after many months of negotiations with the WHO.

The virus was first detected in Wuhan in late 2019, with the initial outbreak linked to a market.

Well, now that WHO did all they kid to cover for China in 2019 and through mid-2020, they are no longer needed as Useful Idiots by China. Because they might actually find something out with Bat Soup Virus that shows this had zero to do with a wet market and everything to do with a research facility.

Read: Bat Soup Today: New Variant Found In South Africa, China Blocking WHO Inquiry »

LA County Tells Ambulance Crews Not To Transport Those With Little Chance Of Survival

Is Los Angeles County looking for lawsuits? Because this is the way you get lawsuits

Ambulance crews told not to transport patients who have little chance of survival

The situation in Los Angeles County hospitals is so critical that ambulance crews have been advised to cut back on their use of oxygen and to not bring to hospitals patients who have virtually no chance of survival. Officials say they need to focus on patients with a greater chance of surviving.

The measures were taken as circumstances are expected to become even worse in coming weeks, when patients sickened over the Christmas holiday will need treatment, leaving officials desperate for ways to increase capacity and triage care to focus on the sickest patients.

Already, “many hospitals have reached a point of crisis and are having to make very tough decisions about patient care,” said Dr. Christina Ghaly, the L.A. County director of health services. (snip)

In a sign of the strain the surge is putting on medical supplies needed for severely ill patients, the L.A. County Emergency Medical Services Agency issued a directive Monday that ambulance crews should conserve oxygen by administering it only to patients who have oxygen saturation levels below 90%. To reduce demand on hospitals, the agency issued memos directing ambulance staff not to transfer to hospitals most patients who have virtually no chance of survival.

Yes, that is an official government agency, which is telling ambulance crews to follow these directives. First off, do EMTs have the authority to make these calls, particularly on who has a chance of survival? Sure, their experience will give them a clue as to those who won’t survive, but, that should be the call of a doctor. So, lawsuit time.

Read: LA County Tells Ambulance Crews Not To Transport Those With Little Chance Of Survival »

The Earth Is Spinning Faster Than Anytime In the Past 50 Years

Science stuff is cool. Just wait till you get to the end

The Earth is spinning faster now than at any time in the past half century

If 2020 felt like a drag, you may be surprised to discover it actually went faster than you thought … and this year is set to be even speedier.

The Earth has been spinning unusually quickly lately, and July 19 saw the shortest day since records began, with the planet completing its rotation in 1.4602 milliseconds less than the usual 86,400 seconds.

The previous shortest day in 2005 was beaten 28 times last year, and 2021 is on track to be the most nippy year ever, with the average day passing 0.5 milliseconds faster than usual.

The changes to the length of a standard day were only discovered after highly accurate atomic clocks were developed in the 1960s and compared to fixed stars in the sky.

In recent decades, Earth’s average rotational speed has consistently decreased and timekeepers have been forced to add 27 leap seconds to atomic time since the 1970s to keep clocks in sync with the slowing planet.

Lots of atomic clock stuff, going to

The speed of the Earth’s rotation varies constantly because of the complex motion of its molten core, oceans and atmosphere, as well as the effect of celestial bodies such as the Moon.

The friction of the tides and the change in distance between the Earth and the Moon all make for daily variations in the speed the planet rotates on its axis.

And now for something completely different

Even the snow building up on mountains and melting in the summer can shift the rotation.

Global warming will also have an effect by melting ice and snow at higher elevations, causing the Earth to spin faster, although only by a small amount.

Read: The Earth Is Spinning Faster Than Anytime In the Past 50 Years »

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon sucking trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post on the results of releasing people from jail early due to COVID.

Read: If All You See… »

Proud Boys Leader Arrested For Burning BLM Flag

The politicized, dual justice system at work

Proud Boys leader arrested on charges related to burning of Black Lives Matter banner, police say

Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio was arrested Monday afternoon in Washington, D.C., shortly after landing in the nation’s capital to attend rallies protesting President Donald Trump’s loss in November’s election.

Tarrio, 36, was on a phone call with a USA TODAY reporter when the call was interrupted by loud sirens. He joked that “They’re for me,” and then, sounding confused, asked the driver of the car he was riding in to pull over. Tarrio told the reporter, “Here’s something to write about,” before hanging up the call.

In a statement, the Metropolitan Police Department said Tarrio was arrested and charged with destruction of property in connection with an incident last month where Tarrio set fire to a Black Lives Matter banner after a Trump rally. The banner had been taken from a historic Black church.

Tarrio later boasted about it on social media. Officials said Tarrio, who is a convicted felon, was arrested while in possession of two high-capacity firearm magazines and was additionally charged with “Possession of High Capacity Feeding Device.”

I’m in no way a fan of the Proud Boys. Exactly the opposite. But, let’s consider that the BLM protesters have been allowed to run roughshod over the District Of Columbia for a goodly chunk of this year. Arson, mayhem, assault, property destruction, vandalism, harassment, criminal intimidation, and so much more. They were allowed to paint BLM and other stuff on the streets with no government response. Those few arrested, even for assaulting law enforcement and private citizens, have mostly been let go, charges dropped.

In this case, the D.C. police literally sent officers to arrest him for burning a banner. Were they tracking him? How’d they know he just flew in and what car he was in? Further, he had no firearm, just some magazines, and that’s illegal? He should not have taken and burned the banner, that was wrong, but, you can see a dual, politicized justice system here.

On the social media site Parler, favored by the Proud Boys, Tarrio’s followers expressed anger and frustration at the news of his arrest.

“They are going to try there hardest to STOP PATRIOTS from getting into DC” one user wrote.

The arrest of Tarrio will likely have implications for a slew of protests planned for the capital on Wednesday. Local law enforcement officials are already on high alert and Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser warned residents to avoid the downtown area during the protests. She said she is evaluating whether a curfew is necessary to discourage violence, according to local media reports.

There is an attempt to stop people from using their 1st Amendment Rights. Keep the Democratic Party supporting people in BLM and Antifa away and there won’t be violence.

Read: Proud Boys Leader Arrested For Burning BLM Flag »

Massachusetts Pledges To Go On Greenhouse Gas Diet Or Something

This is a great pledge. Citizens are pledging to give up their fossil fueled vehicles. The government is going to stop using fossil fueled trucks and buses. They’re going to get rid of all their airports. No more fossil fueled boats will be allowed at the harbors….oh, wait

Mass. Is Going On A Greenhouse Gas Diet. So Should Every Other State In The Northeast

From hosting the first Thanksgiving to creating the country’s first public park, first public secondary school, and first university, Massachusetts has experience in setting the national pace. So it’s fitting that the Bay State is one of just three, plus Washington, D.C., making a New Year’s resolution to go on a greenhouse gas diet.

Inked also by Connecticut and Rhode Island shortly before 2020 expired, the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) sets a gradually tightening cap on signatories’ motor vehicle emissions. Fuel suppliers will bid at auction for pollution rights under the cap, with states putting the proceeds — totaling an estimated $3 billion over the next decade for the four early adopters — toward cleaner transportation, direct and indirect: mass transit, e-vehicle incentives, walking and bike trails, and commute-cutters like more broadband.

You know what this does? Make it a lot harder for lower income and lower middle class people to have reliable personal transportation. The “fuel suppliers” will just raise their cost of goods, passing it on to the consumer. It would be funny if they all said “nah, we’re out”. Same in those other states and D.C. Especially D.C., which wouldn’t be able to operate without fossil fuels. How would all the politicians and bureaucrats do their work without fossil fuels? All the visitors? International airports?

If a Beacon Hill bill committing to net-zero emissions from all sources by 2050 is signed into law, the state that saw the first shots in the Revolution will fire a policy fusillade against climate change.

Kinda strange mentioning the beginning of freedom and hatred of taxation in the same paragraph about a bill that removes freedom, liberty, and choice along with increasing taxation, eh?

The TCI, based on a similar Northeast compact controlling power plant emissions, won’t kick in for another two years, until 2023. Eight other Northeastern states are dawdling on the deal, their concerns ranging from surmountable to stupid — New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu’s “boondoggle” charge winning blue ribbon for the latter. (Has Sununu similarly described the $649 billion that taxpayers shovel at fossil fuel companies?)

See, it’s so damned important that they won’t bother starting for another two years.

If that’s so, we should be throwing everything we have at it. Yet the progressive governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, while endorsing the TCI “conceptually,” is pocketing his signing pen for now. “I’m conscious of the sticker shock,” he said, that could result from higher gas prices under the plan (an estimated five to nine cents a gallon).

Well, yes. Cleaner transportation requires making pollution, hence gasoline, more expensive, as a business consultant’s paper concedes (while opposing fuel taxes as burdensome for commerce). But there are better ways to cushion the hit on struggling families than frying the globe.

If crazy Phil Murphy is balking at how expensive this will be for citizens, should give pause for thought. They think it’s just 5-9 cents a gallon, but, it will be more, and that will effect most everything. But, how to cushion the blow?

The TCI calls for member states to spend on affordable mass transit, an undertaking for which they’ve been promised a partner in the incoming Biden administration. Rural areas lack mass transit because they lack masses, but Vermont is one place where environmental groups and the government are test-driving alternatives like clean electric buses. How about helping such initiatives by diverting some of those aforementioned fossil fuel subsidies?

Oh, so they’ll just drive you to using buses rather than your own personal vehicle. It takes me 15 minutes to get to work in my car. It would take almost an hour on the bus, which would also require me to walk a mile and a half to get to the stop. And switch multiple times. The big wigs who won’t give up their own fossil fueled vehicles have no problem forcing everyone else to give up theirs.

Read: Massachusetts Pledges To Go On Greenhouse Gas Diet Or Something »

Surprise: There’s More Evidence COVID Came From Lab Not Wet Market

One has to wonder why the Credentialed Media worked so hard to protect China from accusations that they intentionally or unintentionally released Bat Soup Virus from a laboratory. Was it just because they wanted to be contradictory from what Trump was saying? Is it because they’re beholden to China, much like the NBA and Disney (how many media outlets are owned by Disney?) Do they just love China and hate the Truth? Are they protecting China because Trump launched his economic war against them, which meant that Leftists took China’s side?

‘Growing body of evidence’ that COVID-19 leak from Chinese lab a ‘credible possibility,’ Trump official claims

A top Trump administration national security official recently claimed there was a “growing body of evidence” to support the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a Chinese government-run lab in Wuhan.

Deputy National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger made the claim in a recent virtual conference call with British lawmakers regarding China. During the call, Pottinger asserted that officials within China have rejected the theory that the virus originated from a wet market in Wuhan.

“There is a growing body of evidence to say that a laboratory leak or accident is very much a credible possibility,” Pottinger said during the call. “Even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story.”

Scientists have yet to trace the exact origins of the pandemic, though it is widely believed to have been spread through human contact with infected animals. President Trump and other top officials have floated the theory that the virus leaked from a lab. To date, no evidence has emerged to support that claim.

The Daily Mail was first to report on Pottinger’s remarks.

Efforts to identify the origins of the virus are a key element of the U.S. government’s plan to prevent future pandemics, a senior administration official told Fox News when asked for further comment on Pottinger’s remarks. The official noted the administration’s stance that China has failed to share reliable information about the pandemic since its onset and that Beijing engaged in an “extensive disinformation campaign” regarding its origins.

So, scientists do not know where it actually started, but, hey, they’ll claim without that evidence that someone ate something and it just spread like wildfire, a disease that tended to target the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, but tended to leave those 10 and under alone, and not really affect most under 50? Really? It wouldn’t be the first time a virus was released from the Wuhan lab.

But, see, not blaming China for releasing the virus, saying it came from someone eating a bat or pangolin or something allowed the media and Leftists to attack Trump. Pure and simple.

Read: Surprise: There’s More Evidence COVID Came From Lab Not Wet Market »

Tone Deaf: Teacher’s Mental Health Is Suffering During COVID

I’m just wondering who at USA Today thought this article was a good idea

During the pandemic, teachers’ mental health is suffering in ways they’ve never experienced

Carly Evans never missed her weekly appointment with her therapist. She called it her “maintenance” — it kept everything in her life running smoothly.

That changed in September, when Evans, a high school English and drama teacher and mother of three, found herself juggling an impossible burden: educating students in a pandemic while stewarding her own family through the crisis.

“I wish I could say, ‘I’m handling it so well and am on it everyday,’” she said. “I’m not.” (snip through all her life problems that are supposed to apply to all teachers, of course)

Since summer, experts have warned that the mental health of the nation’s teachers — a category dominated 3 to 1 by women — could suffer when school resumed. That prediction appears to be bearing out. Many say their psychological well-being is suffering in ways they’ve hardly ever experienced.

This keeps going on and on, a big woe is me for the teachers. And, sure, they’re suffering. But, they’re working. How many missed a paycheck, this year? Lots of mothers and fathers have been and still are having trouble juggling everything. Many parents cannot go back to work because so many government officials are keeping schools closed, and so many teachers and teacher’s unions want to keep it to remote learning only, so, someone has to be with the kids when they’re home all day. Not everyone can work remotely.

Yes, yes, most teachers are good people. I know a lot in my personal and business life. Seriously, the condemnation is more on USA Today for trotting out this piece about people who have never missed their government paycheck being Victims. Perhaps they should do it on all those who were out of work for months, who were only making a pittance of what they did, those still out of work, those who are in danger of being evicted or foreclosed, having their vehicles repossessed, and so forth.

“It’s like that trauma response where you cannot look forward. You just live day to day,” Herda said. “That’s the way I’m making it through.”

Welcome to our world, people who never missed a paycheck.

Read: Tone Deaf: Teacher’s Mental Health Is Suffering During COVID »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on a new declaration for American citizens empowered by an old Constitution.

Read: If All You See… »

St. Greta Is Not Telling Anyone What To Do Or Something

How dare you question her on her telling politicians to pass all sorts of legislation!

Greta Thunberg at 18: I’m not telling anyone what to do

St. GretaEnvironmental  Climate crisis (scam) campaigner Greta Thunberg says she holds no grudges against people who fly or decide to have children.

In an interview to mark her 18th birthday, the Swedish activist said she had stopped buying new clothes as a way of cutting down on unnecessary consumption. But she offered a relaxed view when asked about celebrities who trumpet their environmental awareness yet contribute to carbon emissions by using passenger aircraft.

She did say, however, such figures could be accused of hypocrisy.

“I don’t care,” Ms Thunberg, who usually travels overseas by boat, told The Sunday Times magazine.

“I’m not telling anyone else what to do, but there is a risk when you are vocal about these things and don’t practise as you preach, then you will become criticised for that and what you are saying won’t be taken seriously.”

Well, yeah, you will be criticized. Because if you’re demanding that government pass all sorts of restrictions on Other People’s lives, freedom, liberty, and choice, along with jacking up their cost of living and taking their hard earned money, all while refusing to practice what you preach, that is a problem. The thing is, St. Greta has been Demanding that governments around the world pass all sorts of climate crisis scam legislation. That was the whole point of her “how dare you!” speech at the United Nations. She may not be telling individuals what to do, but, she’s telling governments. Which will impact individuals.

Read: St. Greta Is Not Telling Anyone What To Do Or Something »

Pirate's Cove