Bummer: Michigan Winters Could Maybe Possibly Be Coming To An End

Climate cultists love them some “end of winter!” prognostications, eh? Of course, when snow and winter weather keeps happening, and sometimes you get massive winter storms, they also blame that on you driving a fossil fueled vehicle to get a nice burger

Michigan winters, as generations have known them, may be coming to an end

Karl Schwartz wishes he was simply chasing glory on the snowmobile racing track. Instead, in recent years, he has been forced to chase increasingly elusive cold weather.

Schwartz, of Freeland, is president of the Midwest International Racing Association, a snowmobile racing circuit operating primarily in Michigan for more than 40 years. Their weekend races draw about 100 teams, hundreds of racers and crew members, and thousands more fans, usually as part of a local community’s winter festival.

But each year, as Michigan’s climate changes, it’s getting harder to do.

“We race on ice, not snow,” he said. “We don’t need snow — we need cold temperatures.”

The racers often compete on fairground horse tracks, flooded with hundreds of thousands of gallons of water to try to build a base of frozen ground that the racers’ machines will chew up over a weekend of competition. They need about two weeks of temperatures in the teens to create the proper conditions. With increasing frequency, that’s becoming near-impossible to find, Schwartz said.

First off, the climate changes, as it has done multiple times throughout the Holocene (not too mention the previous 4.5 billion years). The climate is not stable. There’s not reason to assign witchcraft, er, Other People’s carbon footprint, to causation. Of course, the ironic part here is that these folks are whining about anthropogenic climate change while driving lots and lots of fossil fueled vehicles to these race tracks to race….fossil fueled snowmobiles. With lots of people driving fossil fueled vehicles to the track to watch them race.

Michigan’s cold, snowy winters, and a way of life built around them, are being disrupted by climate change. And for winter festivals reliant on cold, snow and ice — and communities reliant on the economic boost at a slow time that those festivals bring — it’s causing some scrambling to adapt, and even to survive.

The Great Lakes region has seen a larger increase in annual average temperatures than the rest of the continental U.S. And “winters are getting warmer more quickly than the summers are,” said Richard Rood, a professor in climate and space sciences and engineering at the University of Michigan.

Have you ever noticed that everywhere seems to have a larger increase in annual average temperatures than the rest of nation/world?

Read: Bummer: Michigan Winters Could Maybe Possibly Be Coming To An End »

Dr. Fauci Floats Making COVID19 Vaccine Mandatory

Personally, I think it is a really, really good idea to get the vaccine if you haven’t already had Wuhan Flu so do not have the antibodies. I’ll take it when I can get it. I plan to let pharmacies near me to put me on a waiting list when they have it, because, sometimes people do not show for their appointment, and, rather than waste the rest of the doses, you can get on. But, to think about making it mandatory? That’s the best way to make people resist

Fauci Floats Possibility That COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be Mandatory For School And Travel

In an interview with Newsweek, Dr. Anthony Fauci floated the possibility that the coronavirus vaccine would be made mandatory for things like school and travel.

Dr. Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) explained that there could be a “possibility of introducing COVID-19 vaccine passports,” as well as making the vaccine mandatory at the local level, Newsweek reported.

When asked if there was the possibility that the vaccine could be mandatory for school Fauci explained, “That is possible but that’s something that’s mandated at the state level and city level. A citywide school system might require it in some cities but not other cities. And that’s what I mean by things not being done centrally but locally.”

When Fauci was asked of the possibility that the vaccine would be mandatory for travel he responded, “That is quite possible.”

However, Fauci does not think that the coronavirus vaccine will be made mandatory at the federal level. “We almost never mandate things federally [with regards to health],” he explained.

“I’m not sure it’s [the COVID-19 vaccine] going to be mandatory from a central government standpoint, like federal government mandates. But there are going to be individual institutions that I’m sure are going to mandate it.”

See, the problem here is that once a major player starts floating it, it starts happening. You start having companies require their employees to get it, you start having airlines require it to fly, you start having schools require it to attend in person, and so forth, at least when it is widely available. What happens when China Joe makes it mandatory for federal employees and those visiting federal properties? Which would, of course, mean that Los Federales would be shifting vaccine availability to federal workers.

People will resist, just like so many did with masks. Not that the masks really work, they mostly just make people feel better.

Read: Dr. Fauci Floats Making COVID19 Vaccine Mandatory »

If All You See…

…is a too bright day from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on wildfires and ocean heat going down.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Peter Dribben

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. Some rain for the plants, we’re in a new decade (yes, technically 2021 starts the 3rd decade), and the Giants actually have a chance to win the NFC East with a 6-10 record. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Legal Insurrection discusses 12 GOP Senators demanding electoral audit in disputed states
  2. Maggie’s Farm covers Queen Pelosi’s house being vandalized
  3. Moonbattery notes govt wasting money on a smart toilet
  4. neo-neocon highlights the “no evidence” of election fraud
  5. Powerline covers election challenges then and now
  6. The Gateway Pundit notes a bill in New York to detain “disease carriers”
  7. The Last Refuge highlights Portland mayor Ted Wheeler finally noticing the violence
  8. The Lid discusses thousands of sex offenders in California being eligible for early release
  9. The Other McCain shows the homicide increase in Democrat run Chicago
  10. Weasel Zippers notes a report of ballots being scanned 5 times in Fulton County
  11. Independent Sentinel explains how the certification will go down on the 6th
  12. Watts Up With That? covers good news being portrayed as disaster
  13. Not A Lot Of People Know That says to resist green tyranny in 2021
  14. Jo Nova wonders what the odds are that all dumps favored China Joe
  15. And last, but not least, Green Jihad highlights the problem with Tik Tok nurses

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Los Angeles “Superspreader Task Force” Arrest Hundreds At New Year’s Parties

U.S. citizens in Los Angeles County decided to express their Constitutional Right to freedom of association at what were called superspreader parties. I’ll say it was pretty dumb to go to parties, but, you know what? This is still supposed to be America, and the federal and California constitutions allow Freedom of association. It allows people to be stupid and reckless with their own lives. So, what happened?

Los Angeles Superspreader Task Force Detains at Least 900 at NYE Parties

The Los Angeles County Superspreader Task Force detained at least 900 people after shutting down five New Year’s Eve parties.

The task force also arrested or issued 90 citations and recovered at least six guns at the parties, three of them being in downtown Los Angeles, Malibu, and Pomona, KTTV reported.

The Malibu party was held at an upscale home after it had been promoted on Instagram.

The sheriff’s department showed up in the middle of the party, warning the crowd via loudspeaker, “This is the LA County Sheriff’s Department. This superspreader party is now over. Anybody who refuses to leave will be subject to arrest.”

Hundreds of people were ordered to leave immediately or face arrest or citation.

There were at least two arrests and two guns confiscated at the Malibu party.

Interestingly, there was no big mass arrest of those involved in protests.  Anyhow, yes, there is actually a “Superspreader Task Force.” A giant group of police officers tasked with busting citizens for daring to not follow the dictates of the governor and lower level officials, orders that are against the constitutions. Meanwhile

(WPSD) Between January and October, there was a 29% increase in homicides compared to the same timeframe in 2019, according to a November report from the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice. As of December 27, some of America’s largest cities saw dramatic increases as well, including Chicago (55%), New York (41%) and Los Angeles (30%).


(LA Times) His death and three other fatal shootings in L.A. from Saturday into Sunday morning — of a 50-year-old homeless man, a 20-year-old man and a 41-year-old woman — pushed Los Angeles, in an already historic year, to a bloody benchmark not seen in a decade: 300 homicides.

Killings are up 25% over last year and shootings are up more than 32%, mirroring increases in violence that are driving concerns in big cities across the nation. Last week, a pregnant woman was gunned down. Children and elderly residents have been killed. Of all the year’s victims, nearly 20% have been homeless. Gangs are suspected in many cases. (snip)

Instead, passion is lacking in the official response, he said. The roughly $3-billion police budget was cut this year by $150 million in the wake of widespread protests against police brutality and misconduct, and Moore said he is scrambling to put more officers on the street — particularly in South L.A., where much of the recent violence has been — as he is slashing specialized units and reducing overtime by half.


(LA Times) Faced with a growing financial crisis, Los Angeles city budget analysts recommended Friday that the city begin preparing for the elimination of nearly 1,900 filled positions, including 951 officers at the Police Department.

But, they can detail officers to deal with idiots at parties. And, you know how bad crime is?

(ABC7) Los Angeles city park rangers say there’s been a dramatic increase in crime and they need to protect themselves and guests. The L.A. City Council is now considering a motion to arm them.

But, hey, yeah, let’s waste the time of hundreds of officers.

Read: Los Angeles “Superspreader Task Force” Arrest Hundreds At New Year’s Parties »

Good News: House Will Exempt Hotcoldwetdry Funding From Budget Limits

We should all be demanding that any House member that approves of this along with voting for climate crisis (scam) measures should have to stop using fossil fuels (especially those funded by the taxpayers), turn the heat down to 60 in their offices, and not get meat in the House cafeteria, among others

House rules would exempt coronavirus, climate bills from budget limits

The new rules package for the 117th Congress unveiled by House Democrats on Friday would grant a sweeping new exemption from deficit controls for legislation related to the coronavirus pandemic or efforts to curb climate change.

The text of the resolution, which House leaders expect to take up Monday, would provide House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., broad authority to “adjust” cost estimates for certain bills so that their budgetary impacts don’t count as increasing deficits under House rules.

In practice, the new section means legislation that fits within the two broad new categories doesn’t need to comply with appropriations limits affecting discretionary programs, or pay-as-you-go rules for measures affecting tax revenues and “direct spending,” otherwise known as mandatory programs. (snip)

The new language stipulates that “measures to prevent, prepare for, or respond to economic, environmental, or public health consequences resulting from climate change” wouldn’t be considered deficit-spending that requires offsets.

The same language applies to measures intended to address the “COVID-19 pandemic.” That could include much of the initiatives contained in earlier House Democratic relief packages that ranged in size from $2.4 trillion to $3.4 trillion in increased deficits.

I think we can all get the COVID part, but, this gives the unhinged climate cultists a chance to just waste taxpayer money willy-nilly on the climate change scam. And they will. If the GOP holds the Senate, will they hold strong on not passing this doomsday cult insanity?

Read: Good News: House Will Exempt Hotcoldwetdry Funding From Budget Limits »

If All You See…

…is a bridge that is either awesome because it’s for trains or horrible because it allows fossil fueled cars, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on a teacher’s union rep fighting to close schools while vacationing in the Caribbean.

Read: If All You See… »

Canada Makes COVID Tests Mandatory For International Flyers

A shade of things to come, where all flights require COVID tests, not just international arrivals? Also, isn’t Canada about 8 months too late? (misspelling of travelers not mine)

What You Need To Know About Canada’s New COVID-19 Test Requirements For International Travellers

The Canadian government has just announced that pre-departure COVID-19 testing and proof of negative results are now required for all air travellers coming into Canada as of January 7, 2021.

The news release states that “The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global crisis that is having a significant impact on the air industry and all travellers. The Government of Canada has multiple measures in place to protect the health and safety of Canadians, and to help prevent air travel from being a source of further introduction and spread of COVID-19 and new variants of the virus into Canada. Since March 13, 2020, the Government of Canada has strongly advised against non-essential travel, and that travel restrictions and measures can be amended at any time as necessary for public health reasons.”

However, these measures have proven not as effective as the government would like so that is why the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau, is requiring that, effective January 7, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. EST, all air passengers five years of age or older will be required to test negative for COVID-19 before travelling from another country to Canada. It’s believed that waiting until January 7 will provide all airlines, both foreign and domestic, adequate time to comply with the new requirements.

According to the press release: “Documentation of a negative laboratory test result must be presented to the airline prior to boarding a flight to Canada. The test must be performed using a COVID-19 molecular polymerase chain reaction (or PCR) test and must be taken within 72 hours prior to the traveller’s scheduled departure to Canada.”

The PCR test is the more invasive “stick it way up your nose or in your throat” test, vs the rapid test which just goes about half an inch up your nose. On one hand, you can completely understand the caution, on the other hand, it’s January 2021, why is this suddenly important now? One would have thought it would have been important months and months ago. Is this a precursor to more movement crackdowns? Or just a one off?

Read: Canada Makes COVID Tests Mandatory For International Flyers »

Climate Change (scam) Could Doom Amazon By 2064 Or Something

Another day, another prognostication of Doom. But, hey, we can stop this with a tax and you giving up your liberty, freedom, and choice

Amazon Rainforest to reach ‘tipping point before 2064’ and 25% will be destroyed – study

The Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest tropical rainforest, famed for its sheer size and diversity of species. However, the outlook for the tropical rainforest is looking increasingly uncertain, according to landmark new University of Florida research.

The study reveals much of the expansive area is caught between rapidly-accelerating resource exploitation and climate change-fuelled fires.

Lengthening dry periods will soon not allow the necessary five-year window of respite between dry seasons.

This will not allow rainforest canopies to recover from fires, encouraging the invasion of more flammable vegetation.

Dr Robert T Walker, a University of Florida geologist, said: “Southern Amazonia can expect to reach a tipping point sometime before 2064 at the current rate of dry-season lengthening.”

Now, see, if this does come to pass, the people involved in the study can say “see!” And when it doesn’t come to pass they’ll say “the policies government’s enacted stopped this!” And, in the meantime, they can get more funding from the taxpayers, and take fossil fueled trips down to the Amazon.

The number of Amazon rainforest fires in 2020 had exceeded the previous year’s fire season by October.

Yeah, and most of those were intentionally set, especially by those who are, sadly, clearcutting the Amazon, not because of the climate. We’re not dealing with rational people, we’re dealing with a doomsday cult.

Read: Climate Change (scam) Could Doom Amazon By 2064 Or Something »

Iran Threatens Trump, Those Involved In Killing Soleimani

General Soleimani was a very bad man, in charge of operations that killed scores of Americans, plus civilians and military members from throughout the Middle East. Of course, the Trump haters took the side of Iran when President Trump authorized his assassination. Interestingly, almost no news services have covered Iran’s threats other than Fox News and the Times Of Israel. One would think that a nation threatening the President of The United States would be important news, eh?

Iran says killers of top general Soleimani, including Trump, ‘not safe on Earth’

Iran’s judiciary chief warned Friday that Qassem Soleimani’s killers will “not be safe on Earth,” as the Islamic Republic began marking the first anniversary of the top general’s assassination in a US strike.

Ebrahim Raisi, speaking at an event in Tehran to pay tribute to Soleimani, said not even US President Donald Trump, who ordered the strike, was “immune from justice.”

Soleimani was killed in a US drone strike at Baghdad airport on January 3, 2020, ratcheting up tensions between decades-old enemies the United States and Iran.

“They will witness severe revenge. What has come so far has only been glimpses” of it, Raisi told the gathering at Tehran University.

“Do not presume that someone, as the president of America, who appeared as a murderer or ordered a murder, may be immune from justice being carried out. Never,” he said. “Those who had a role in this assassination and crime will not be safe on Earth.”

So, just wondering if China Joe will warn Iran not to mess with Trump and other Americans, not to attempt to harm/kill any of them, or will he blow their threats off in an attempt to curry Iran’s favor to reinstate Obama’s Iran Deal, which Iran is reneging on

Iran Tells U.N. Agency It Will Enrich Uranium Back To Pre-Nuclear Deal Level Of 20%

Iran says it intends to start enriching uranium to 20% at its Fordow nuclear facility, exceeding regulations set by the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action known as the Iran nuclear deal, as first reported by Reuters. Iran has previously suggested this increase could be a possibility.

The nuclear deal includes regulations that Iran cannot enrich uranium past 3.67% and that it specifically cannot conduct any enrichment at Fordow, which is located beneath a mountain near the city of Qom.

Iran has already breached parts of the agreement since the Trump administration withdrew in 2018, including increasing enrichment of uranium to 4.5%. Bringing enrichment to 20% would be the highest the country has gone since the agreement was established in 2015. In order to manufacture a nuclear weapon, it must hit 90%. (snip)

The law also vows to stop U.N. nuclear facility inspections if oil and banking sanctions on Iran are not removed by February.

Even if Trump pulled the U.S. out, all the other nations were still in it and giving Iran what they want. Now Iran wants more, and will demand sanctions be removed and threaten the increases in uranium enrichment and stopping inspections if they don’t get it, which is all probably aimed at China Joe as he takes office (yeah, it’s going to happen unless some big, whopping evidence is shown). And Iran is threatening Trump and the others. What does China Joe do? Kowtow to Iran, or defend Americans? Especially since Iran has consistently trotted out their “Death to America” stuff, even after Obama signed the Iran Deal.

Read: Iran Threatens Trump, Those Involved In Killing Soleimani »

Pirate's Cove