A New Year’s Prediction Challenge For Climate Alarmists

Happy New Year’s! Welcome to 2021, and a new decade. And one year closer to End Of Life As We Know it. 2150 and 2200 are fast approaching, the primary dates that the climate alarmists always want to use to denote when Earth is going to burn, baby, burn in fire, dan dan daaaan, fire, dan dan daaaaan.

New Year’s is usually a time when we make resolutions which we abandon when we realize that chocolate, bacon, and beer are great (and bacon cooked in beer and covered with chocolate!) In the blogosphere, we often make predictions for the New Year. Instead, how about a challenge?

For a long time, the alarmists have been making predictions as to what the climate will do. They say in 10 years, 50, 100. Instead, why not, say, make predictions for……2021! What I want for them to do, from the biggest of big climahypocrites, such as Al Gore, James Hansen, Barack Obama, and Leonardo DiCaprio, to the smallest climate dupes, is tell us exactly what the climate will do this year. For some of these questions, I’m using the USA, but, alarmists from around the world can use their own country/region, if they like:

  • What will the average temperature of the Earth be for 2021? Most scientists place it at 59 degrees F (15 C). How far above, or below, will it be?
  • What will the average temperature be for the USA?  The rough average for the USA is 53 F.
  • How many tropical systems will there be in the Atlantic? How many will hit the USA?
  • What will the four seasons do in 2021? Warmer, colder, hotter, wetter? Tell us
  • What will each month look like in the USA? How about in your home state?
  • Which months will be above average, and which ones below, temperature wise?
  • What states will have big floods, and during what months?
  • What will tornado season look like?
  • How many destructive thunderstorms will there be, and in which states?
  • How many “extreme” weather events will there be?
  • How much ice will the poles gain/lose?
  • Will the Arctic be ice free this summer?
  • What will the average precipitation be for your home city? Average temperature? Average low’s and highs?
  • How many earthquakes will there be (since, apparently, climate change/globull warming creates earthquakes)?
  • Pick an island, and tell us how much the sea will rise around it.

There are many, many, many more questions that can be asked, but, I know what the alarmists are thinking: “Teach, that is weather, not climate! I refuse to participate!” Ah, but, what, exactly, is climate? Let’s pull a couple good definitions

  • Climate encompasses the statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rainfall, atmospheric particle count and numerous other meteorological elements in a given region over long periods of time
  • Climate is the average weather conditions at a particular place over a long period of time. Climate is the long-term predictable state of the atmosphere. It is affected by physical features such as mountains, rivers, positioning of the globe, plateaus, deserts, depressions and much more.
  • The general or typical atmospheric conditions for a place and/or period of time. Conditions include rainfall, temperature, thunderstorms, lightning, freezes, etc.

Notice, “long term predictable.” Weather and other natural forces create climate. And right now the alarmists are saying “but, Teach, one year is not considered to be a “long period of time!”” Well, you have plenty of data available for the long term, and, with all your vast knowledge of what the climate is doing, due to man’s release of greenhouse gases, surely you alarmists can make predictions for 2021 based on that long term data, and be mostly correct, right? Surely, you aren’t afraid to make predictions for this year, and tell us what the climate during 2021 will do, right? But, you have to make your predictions, and can’t go back and change them up as the year goes on. And at the end of the year, we will see how well you have done.

Any alarmist up for the challenge? And no cheating be reading the Farmer’s Almanac, which tends to be right way more than the Met, NASA, UN IPCC, and other alarmist groups are. Forget about your PR blitzes, “spreading awareness” campaigns, your advocacy, your stunts, and tell us what will happen. If you’re correct, for a change, maybe people will start to believe you again.

Oh, and a second challenge: live your life in 2021 in the manner you tell everyone else to live. Change your life. Buy an electric vehicle, ditching your use of fossil fuels. Demand your high poobahs in the Cult of Climastrology practice what they preach. Start with China Joe.

Read: A New Year’s Prediction Challenge For Climate Alarmists »

If All You See…

…are horrible carbon pollution driven storm clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Portland, the new Venezuela.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Admin Votes Against UN’s Israel Hatred Agenda

One thing you can say about the Trump administration, they’ve come out hard in favor of our ally Israel over the past four years. And they continue to do that

In Late Trump Salvo, US Rejects UN Budget Over Israel, Iran

President Donald Trump’s outgoing administration on Thursday fired a late salvo against the United Nations by voting against its budget, citing disagreements on Israel and Iran, but it found virtually no international support.

Only Israel voted with the United States, with 167 nations in favor, as the General Assembly closed the year by approving the $3.231 billion U.N. budget for 2021.

Kelly Craft, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, voiced objections that the budget would fund a 20th anniversary event for the 2001 U.N. conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, where the United States walked out in solidarity with Israel over what it said was a fixation by Muslim-majority countries against the Jewish state.

The United States, the biggest funder of the U.N., “called for this vote to make clear that we stand by our principles, stand up for what is right and never accept consensus for consensus’s sake,” Craft said on the General Assembly floor.

“Twenty years on, there remains nothing about the Durban Declaration to celebrate or to endorse. It is poisoned by anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias,” she said.

Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Gilad Erdan, said that the Durban conference “will become another meeting demonizing the Jewish state — it will be used once again to slander us and to launch false accusations of racism against Jewish self-determination.”

The United Nations has long been an anti-Israel and anti-Jew organization, and that won’t change anytime soon. But, Trump’s moves with establishing peace between Israel and multiple Muslim nations has done a world of good. The question now becomes “what does the China Joe administration do?” Will Joe start catering to Iran like Obama did while blowing off Israel? Will Joe start abusing our relationship with Israel, constantly denigrating them, as his hardcore Progressive base wants to do, because Democrats tend to be anti-Israel, which has morphed into Jew hatred?

Read: Trump Admin Votes Against UN’s Israel Hatred Agenda »

Wonder Woman 1984 Is All About Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

This is, again, what is called Climarette’s, similar to Tourette’s, but, while the latter is a natural disorder, the former is driven by mental illness from the beliefs of a doomsday cult, where they just cannot help dragging their cult into everything

‘Wonder Woman 1984’: Patty Jenkins Says the Movie Is Secretly About ‘Climate Change’

The director of Wonder Woman 1984, Patty Jenkins, recently spoke about the real meaning behind her 2020 film. According to the filmmaker, the new Wonder Woman movie has to do with climate change.

“I wanted to do a full-blown Wonder Woman movie,” Jenkins recently told The New York Times about the 2020 sequel. “But what I really wanted to talk about was what I was feeling is happening in the world.”

While at first glance, Wonder Woman 1984 is a comic-book movie without much to say about current events, Jenkins claims: there’s more under the surface. However, she was hesitant to admit her vision behind the film in the interview.

“Not to get too heavy about it — I don’t want people to even know it’s about climate change,” Jenkins revealed to The Times. “But we’re about to lose this world.”

Bet you’re super excited to watch it now, eh? Reminds me of the movie The Predator, the recent one with Olivia Munn. The pulled that same card, and the movie tanked. It’s actually not bad, right up to near the end where they yap about Hotcoldwetdry. If forgot about it when I re-watched it last week. Massive eye roll. So, it’s no wonder Jenkins wanted to keep this quiet, because it would ruin the box office, and, really, does anyone want their climate cult lectures during COVID?

Read: Wonder Woman 1984 Is All About Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

COVID “Model” California Now A Massive Mule Fritters Show Of Contagion

Remember when so many states wanted to follow the California model? How the media said California, a state run lock, stock, and barrel by Democrats, was Doing It Right when it came to bat soup virus? All the lockdowns, restrictions, police arresting people out and about who weren’t anywhere near another human being? You know the hit parade. Now?

Once a model, California now struggles to tame COVID-19

Ambulances waited hours for openings to offload coronavirus patients. Overflow patients were moved to hospital hallways and gift shops, even a cafeteria. Refrigerated trucks were on standby, ready to store the dead.

For months, California did many of the right things to avoid a catastrophic surge from the pandemic. But by the time Gov. Gavin Newsom said on Dec. 15 that 5,000 body bags were being distributed, it was clear that the nation’s most populous state had entered a new phase of the COVID-19 crisis.

Now infections have been racing out of control for weeks, and California has routinely set new records for infections and deaths. It remains at or near the top of the list of states with the most new cases per capita.

Experts say a variety of factors combined to wipe out the past efforts, which for much of the year held the virus to manageable levels. Cramped housing, travel and Thanksgiving gatherings contributed to the spread, along with the public’s fatigue amid regulations that closed many schools and businesses and encouraged — or required — an isolated lifestyle.

Perhaps all those liberals in California are just not wearing their masks, right? Right! California is basically looking like Italy in March/April.

Another factor could be a more contagious variant of the virus detected in Southern California, although it’s not clear yet how widespread that may be.

Seems as if that’s just an excuse to shift the blame from Gov Gavin Newsome and other politicians.

California’s woes have helped fuel the year-end U.S. infection spike and added urgency to the attempts to beat back the scourge that has killed more than 340,000 Americans. Even with vaccines becoming available, cases are almost certain to continue growing, and yet another surge is expected in the weeks after Christmas and New Year’s.

The article does attempt to offer reasons, such as very dense housing, but, there are plenty of areas in the nation, and the world, where they have dense housing and not this big of a problem.

In March, during the early days of the pandemic, Newsom was hailed for issuing the nation’s first state stay-home order.

The Democrat eased business restrictions in May, and when a broader restart led to another surge, imposed more rules. In early December, with cases out of control, he issued a looser stay-home order. He also closed businesses such as barbershops and salons, halted restaurant dining and limited capacity in retail stores. The latest restrictions apply everywhere except in rural Northern California.

But Dr. Lee Riley, an infectious diseases professor at the University of California at Berkeley, said that while the state managed to flatten the curve of rising cases, it never effectively bent the curve downward to the point infections would die out.

Thing is, it was never going to stop it, just delay the inevitable. Yes, things were very much in flux early on. We know slightly more now. But, really, we knew enough to not have to deal with the authoritarian lockdowns, and the whole world which pulled these dictatorial craziness are dealing with a massive resurgence.

Masks? How’s that working out? Now it’s just time to wait for the vaccine, which is coming

Read: COVID “Model” California Now A Massive Mule Fritters Show Of Contagion »

Climate Cultists Demand Removal Of Politician For Wrongthink

We apparently cannot remove politicians for sending COVID patients to nursing homes, instead giving them awards. Nor for misusing their offices, major campaign finance offenses, and more. Nope. But, Wrongthink?

Pennsylvania lawmaker subject of removal petition over climate change views

Butler County Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, one of the General Assembly’s most conservative members with a habit of sponsoring impeachment resolutions, now faces a removal petition of his own.

The Better Path Coalition asked House Speaker Bryan Cutler, R-Lancaster, to remove Metcalfe as majority chairman of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week over his views on climate change.

“A minimum qualification of the person who wields the most power on climate policy in the legislature is that they accept climate change,” said the coalition in a letter signed by 42 other groups opposed to his chairmanship and delivered to Cutler this week. “Metcalfe is an unabashed climate denier.”

Karen Feridun, co-founder of the coalition, said 70 percent of residents support climate action as the toll of weather-related disasters grows more severe each year. In 2020 alone, such natural disaster have cost the country $16 billion, the coalition said.

OK, they just want him gone from the committee, which seems to be about the environment and energy, real issues, not the climate crisis scam

“Speaker Cutler has no choice but to seize this opportunity to name a chair who has the skills and the basic understanding of science needed to address the unfolding climate crisis,” she said.

Oh, he has many choices, and the one he will probably take is for the climate cultist Democrats to go pound sand.

Read: Climate Cultists Demand Removal Of Politician For Wrongthink »

If All You See…

…is an Evil gas fireplace causing big winter storms from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on the year Big Tech became the ministry of truth.

Read: If All You See… »

Did Nashville Bomber Believe Lizard People Run The World?

My bet was on the homicidal lunatic believing in the “5G is evil” conspiracy theories, since it involved AT&T (potentially). How about this?

Nashville bomber linked to ‘lizard people’ myth, investigators say

As investigators search for a possible motive behind the Christmas Day suicide bombing that rocked downtown Nashville, injuring three people and destroying several buildings, new details have emerged about the peculiar beliefs of the suspected bomber.

NBC News reported Wednesday that investigators have obtained evidence that Anthony Quinn Warner, who died in the explosion, may have subscribed to a conspiracy theory that many of the world’s most powerful figures, from Barack Obama to the late Bob Hope are actually evil, lizard-like extraterrestrials in disguise. Officials told NBC News that investigators, who have been questioning friends and acquaintances and searching for clues of a possible motive for the bombing, have become aware of statements Warner made about the lizard people conspiracy theory — though it wasn’t immediately clear what those statements were. Authorities also reported that Warner made statements to others about hunting possible aliens during previous camping trips he took in his RV.

The so-called lizard people conspiracy theory has taken a back seat to some of the newer and more widely publicized baseless beliefs that have come to dominate the conspiracy landscape in recent years. But in 2013, a survey conducted by Public Policy Polling found that 12 million Americans believed that the country was run by lizard people in suits.

Oh, but, wait

In some ways, lizard people believers were a precursor to QAnon, the insidious pro-Trump conspiracy movement that has snowballed from the dark corners of the internet into mainstream social media feeds and even the halls of Congress over the last three years. Like QAnon, which was founded on the myth that President Trump is secretly working to dismantle a “deep state” cabal of satanic pedophiles, the lizard people theory holds that a secret network of blood-guzzling “global elites” have engineered tragedies from the Holocaust to 9/11. But it gets worse: The nefarious world leaders and Hollywood celebrities responsible for so much misery are not actually humans but shape-shifting reptilian creatures of alien descent.

Yeah, we had to get some Trump Derangement Syndrome included.

Federal investigators have reportedly been trying to determine whether Warner also believed in some of the more contemporary yet equally absurd conspiracy theories that have been circulating on the internet about 5G wireless communication networks. The Christmas morning explosion took place outside an AT&T building in Nashville, knocking out 911 service and disrupting AT&T service across the state. AT&T is one of the American telecommunication companies involved in rolling out 5G, the latest standard for broadband cellular networks, which is expected to dramatically increase data transfer speeds. [Verizon, which owns Yahoo News, is also a provider of 5G technology.]

I guess I wasn’t out of bounds when I was noting the 5G aspect late on Christmas day on blogs and such.

Read: Did Nashville Bomber Believe Lizard People Run The World? »

We’re Saved: Massachusetts To Mandate All Vehicle Sales To Be EVs By 2035

If this is so important, why not, say, 2022? If there are so many climate cultists in Mass., why are they not buying EVs in huge numbers right now?

Mass. to require all new cars sold to be electric by 2035 as part of climate-change measures

Governor Charlie Baker’s administration on Wednesday released a plan that will require the state to dramatically cut greenhouse-gas emissions in the next decade and beyond through a raft of changes, including by mandating that all new cars sold in the state be electric by 2035.

Among the changes the state plans over the next decade: retrofitting 1 million homes to use electricity for heating instead of gas and oil, cutting commuters’ driving miles by 15 percent, and dramatically increasing offshore wind power generation.

Where’s the electricity coming from to replace the gas and oil? Will they forcibly retrofit homes above the wishes of the home owners? How, exactly, will they make commuters reduce their miles? And, it will be interesting when politicians and rich folks jam up the works so that their views aren’t blighted.

The state’s new legally binding commitment to reduce the state’s carbon emissions to 45 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 is among the most ambitious of such pledges by governments in the United States and the rest of the world. Achieving that milestone would put the state on track to reach “net zero” fossil-fuel emissions by 2050, a goal announced this year by Baker’s administration.

It’s nice and all, but, most pledges to Do Something about Hotcoldwetdry have failed. Few keep their personal ones, few governments keep theirs. Let’s start with forcing the Gov’s office to become net zero right now.

The state strove to balance its ambitious goals with the need to maintain a thriving economy and prevent residents’ living costs from ballooning, Theoharides said. The changes will benefit Massachusetts residents by improving air quality — leading to savings in health costs up to $100 million per year by 2030 — and through the creation of thousands of high-quality local jobs, officials said.

Crazy pipe dreams of climate cultists who won’t change their own lives but want to force Other People to change theirs.

Massachusetts currently has about 30,000 electric vehicles on the roads, a number which may include hybrid vehicles, officials said. They set the goal of increasing that number to 750,000 by 2035, when all new “light-duty” vehicles, or passenger cars, sold will be mandated to be zero-emissions, meaning either electric or hydrogen fuel-cell cars, which also run on electricity.

Not “may include”, it does include. And the majority of those 30k will be standard hybrids, gas engines with electric battery assist. And a smattering of plugin hybrids. And then a few rich folks with Teslas. If this is so darned important, why is the Gov not switching to one now, along with all the people in his office?

And, why can’t these people just mind their own damned business?

Read: We’re Saved: Massachusetts To Mandate All Vehicle Sales To Be EVs By 2035 »

We Can Reduce The Spread Of COVID By 30% By Closing One Place Or Something

It’s such a simple thing, you know. Can you guess what that place is?

Closing This One Place Could Reduce the Spread of COVID by 30 Percent

When it comes to reducing the number of new COVID cases, there are many ways individuals can help limit the virus’ spread, like wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and washing hands both thoroughly and often, just to name a few. However, new research reveals that there’s one public health measure that can drastically reduce the rate of COVID growth—and all it takes is shutting down a single spot. Read on to discover how experts say we could be significantly lowering COVID numbers, and for the latest expert-backed news about the virus, Dr. Fauci Just Gave This Warning About Stopping COVID Entirely.

According to a Dec. 2020 study published in the journal PLOS One, there’s one COVID control measure that’s proven more effective than any other when it comes to slowing the spread of the virus: closing down workplaces. While there are clear economic ramifications associated with doing so—and it’s not feasible for workers in every industry to perform their jobs remotely—the study’s authors found that workplace closings implemented at the highest applicable policy level could reduce viral spread by an estimated average of 32.5 percentage points.

See? It is simple. We’ll just close workplaces. We’ll essentially just close the economy. Man, if only we had tried this back early on, you know? Oh, they want to close even more? How about we start with making the news media and politicians non-essential workers, see how they feel?

The research also found that restrictions on internal movement, stay-at-home requirements, public information campaigns, and school closings were the next most effective means of limiting the spread of COVID.

How’s that worked so far? Nations with much more restrictive movement orders, like Italy, Germany, and the UK, are floundering. Public information nagging? Perhaps they should spend more time on social distancing, washing hands, and not touching your face like early on, instead of mask naggings. Schools? OK, then let’s reduce the education funding since they don’t need the buildings anymore.

It feels like so many of these articles are about being informative, they’re about telling Other People that they should Comply.

Read: We Can Reduce The Spread Of COVID By 30% By Closing One Place Or Something »

Pirate's Cove