What 7 Things Could China Joe Do To Tackle Climate Change (scam)?

Strangely, there isn’t anything about asking his fellow climate cultists to give up their use of fossil fuels, give up their own eating of meat, turning the heat down to 60, etc and so forth. Nor a recommendation that Joe, Kamala, and all his climate czars do the same

The 7 things Biden should do first to tackle climate change

When Joe Biden takes office, CO2 levels in the atmosphere will be higher than ever before in human history. The challenge will be far harder to solve than if the government had acted earlier. But it’s still possible for the U.S. to get on a path that will make it possible for the country to eventually meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement—and stop the climate impacts that are already happening from getting far worse. Here’s where experts say that Biden should start. (nope, I’m not taking the bait on this stupidity)

  • REJOIN THE PARIS AGREEMENT (yeah, we know this schtick)
  • COMMIT TO SLASH EMISSIONS IN HALF BY 2030 (let’s see Warmists do this in their own lives if they think it’s real)
  • UN-ROLLBACK TRUMP’S ROLLBACKS (mostly on overbearing federal regulations)

Then, we get into

A sweeping stimulus package can create jobs and rebuild the economy while also tackling climate change with investments in things like modernizing the electric grid and making buildings more efficient to save energy. “What we need to be doing is making sure that we connect the near-term imperative to the long-term needs to get to a net-zero economy, and invest in the clean infrastructure that puts us on that track rather than doubling down on fossil fuel investments,” Cleetus says. The focus should be on rebuilding infrastructure in the low-income communities that have historically been hardest hit by pollution, helping deliver immediate health benefits.

How nice, taking advantage of a global pandemic which has destroyed people’s lives and businesses via government rules to push a cult.

In many states, renewable electricity standards that require utilities to provide an ever-increasing amount of clean energy have helped ramp up solar and wind power. (In California, for example, a renewable portfolio standard started with a requirement of 20% renewables by 2017, then a new requirement for 50% by 2030, later bumped up to 60%; by 2045, the state will require 100% renewable electricity.) ….

Using California with their high energy prices and rolling planned and unplanned blackouts is probably not the best example.

California recently decided to ban the sale of new fossil fuel-powered cars by 2035, and the federal government could follow that example; electric cars are already on track to be as affordable as gas cars within a few years. The EPA sets emissions standards for passenger vehicles, so Biden could direct the agency to make those standards so strict that only zero-emissions cars would comply. A separate standard for medium and heavy-duty trucks could reach the same goal by 2045. Federal agencies could switch to electric vehicles, including the Postal Service. Federal grants could help cities switch to electric buses for public transit.

This one is concerning, because existing laws could give China Joe the ability to do things like raise CAFE standards so high that companies have to build only EVs. But, there is no such thing as zero emissions, not without all the imported steel, parts, components, etc. And people won’t be able to afford them.

And, lastly, SET STANDARDS FOR BUILDINGS AND INDUSTRY, so, essentially, artificially increase the cost of housing and business. While you can bet Joe won’t be limo’d around in an EV, but a big, armored, fossil fueled vehicle, as well as on fossil fueled helicopters and airplanes.

Read: What 7 Things Could China Joe Do To Tackle Climate Change (scam)? »

Who’s Up For A Vaccine Passport To Travel Next Year?

Um, yeah, no. It would be interesting to see someone do a poll on this with a party affiliation breakdown, though

If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport

Now that coronavirus vaccines are starting to roll out in the US and abroad, many people may be dreaming of the day when they can travel, shop and go to the movies again. But in order to do those activities, you may eventually need something in addition to the vaccine: a vaccine passport application.

Several companies and technology groups have begun developing smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their Covid-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in order to enter concert venues, stadiums, movie theaters, offices, or even countries.

The Common Trust Network, an initiative by Geneva-based nonprofit The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum, has partnered with several airlines including Cathay Pacific, JetBlue, Lufthansa, Swiss Airlines, United Airlines and Virgin Atlantic, as well as hundreds of health systems across the United States and the government of Aruba.

The CommonPass app created by the group allows users to upload medical data such as a Covid-19 test result or, eventually, a proof of vaccination by a hospital or medical professional, generating a health certificate or pass in the form of a QR code that can be shown to authorities without revealing sensitive information. For travel, the app lists health pass requirements at the points of departure and arrival based on your itinerary.

“You can be tested every time you cross a border. You cannot be vaccinated every time you cross a border,” Thomas Crampton, chief marketing and communications officer for The Commons Project, told CNN Business. He stressed the need for a simple and easily transferable set of credentials, or a “digital yellow card,” referring to the paper document generally issued as proof of vaccination.

Large tech firms are also getting in on the act. IBM (IBM) developed its own app, called Digital Health Pass, which allows companies and venues to customize indicators they would require for entry including coronavirus tests, temperature checks and vaccination records. Credentials corresponding to those indicators are then stored in a mobile wallet.

Ostensibly, this makes sense on the surface, in that companies want to make sure that people using their services do not have COVID, that they have the antibodies, that they have had the vaccine. Right? Think about just a week ago, where a United Airlines passenger got on a flight after claiming he didn’t have COVID but actually had it and knew it and then died and exposed lots of passengers to COVID. So, this is mostly the private market looking to require “COVID passports”.

What happens when Government starts requiring people to do this? What happens when everyone must “show their papers” per not just private companies requiring this but government requiring that companies track citizens? On one hand, if you’re getting on an airplane or going in a building, you’d like to know you’re safe, right? On the other hand, if you’ve had the vaccine/have the antibodies, they can all piss off, right?

Read: Who’s Up For A Vaccine Passport To Travel Next Year? »

Young Climate Cultists In California Making Themselves Crazy

Now, seriously, did anyone expect this outcome?

For young Californians, climate change is a mental health crisis too

Maddie Cole in eighth grade stopped running cross country. She’d competed the year before, but the air quality in her native Sacramento was so bad that she got sick during a race; she soon learned she had asthma.

The next year the sky above Sacramento turned gray with smoke from the 2018 Camp fire. Maddie and her classmates went to school with masks on. “It felt,” she said, “like a futuristic apocalypse.”

The situation has only worsened as wildfires and their devastation have become so routine that she and her classmates are “just used to it,” said Maddie, now 16 and a junior. This fall “it was just like, ‘Yeah, California’s on fire again. It’s that time of year.’”

Well, yeah. California is renowned for having wildfires. It’s nothing new. And, her asthma and poor air quality are not from CO2. Buy, in Climate Cult World

Neither the polluted air nor the wildfires punctuating Maddie’s adolescence are random. Both are being exacerbated by climate change, and the future they portend has left Maddie feeling helpless, anxious and scared. Climate anxiety and other mental health struggles are rampant among Maddie’s generation, according to experts who warn that young Californians are growing up in the shadow of looming catastrophe — and dealing with the emotional and psychological fallout that comes with it. (snip)

Such dire predictions can affect mental health, particularly among young people. Polls have found that climate change-related stress affects daily life for 47% of America’s young adults; over half of teenagers feel afraid and angry about climate change; and 72% of young adults are concerned that it will harm their community.

Climate depression played a central role in teenage activist Greta Thunberg’s political awakening, and according to Varshini Prakash — executive director of youth-focused climate activism group the Sunrise Movement — it’s not uncommon for her group to meet kids who have contemplated suicide over the climate crisis.

You know, if you keep telling kids that they are Doomed, teaching them that they are Doomed, them seeing news and such that they are Doomed, that the Earth is doomed, that all life on the Earth is Doomed, what, exactly, do you think is going to happen with their mental health? Especially since it has been shown that it’s a whole lot easier to be negative than positive. It’s a self fulfilling circle of Doom.

The Earth’s temperature has skyrocketed since the Industrial Age, fueled by human activity and accompanying greenhouse gas emissions. Dramatic reductions in those emissions, and in fossil fuel use, will be necessary to prevent temperatures from reaching a tipping point by 2030, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned two years ago.

A rise of 1.5 Fahrenheit in 170 years during a Holocene warm period is normal.

Young Angelenos described similar emotions and mental stress when contemplating the climate crisis. Kate Shapiro, 15, said humanity’s selfishness, greed and “lack of foresight” about the warming planet contributes to her depression. Sarah Allen, 25, said she shudders in “real terror” when contemplating the plight of future generations. And Sam Jackson, 29, said the enormity of the problem leaves him feeling “exhausted.”

I’ll bet these young climate cultists aren’t willing to give up their smartphones and gadgets, streaming their shows, movies, and videos, fossil fueled trips where they need to go (because walking and biking would mess up their outfits and hair for the selfies and stuff), and all the other things, eh?

Read: Young Climate Cultists In California Making Themselves Crazy »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful, old world, low carbon village without all today’s stuff, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Ice Age Now, with posts on record snowfall in New York State and Pittsburg.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Update: Cleaning, Picking Nose, Salon Raids

Lots of fun little COVID things to go over. Did you know that cleaning is not really necessary?

Still Disinfecting Surfaces? It Might Not Be Worth It

At the start of the pandemic, stores quickly sold out of disinfectant sprays and wipes. People were advised to wipe down their packages and the cans they bought at the grocery store.

But scientists have learned a lot this year about the coronavirus and how it’s transmitted, and it turns out all that scrubbing and disinfecting might not be necessary.

If a person infected with the coronavirus sneezes, coughs or talks loudly, droplets containing particles of the virus can travel through the air and eventually land on nearby surfaces. But the risk of getting infected from touching a surface contaminated by the virus is low, says Emanuel Goldman, a microbiologist at Rutgers University.

“In hospitals, surfaces have been tested near COVID-19 patients, and no infectious virus can be identified,” Goldman says.

In all fairness, early on things were very much up in the air, no one knew much. But, here we are closing in on a year later and now we’re finding this out? Will this be broadcast out beyond this lonely NPR article? Or will they look to keep us in fear?

Why picking your nose isn’t just gross — it’s dangerous in the time of coronavirus

…Jokes aside, nose picking is deadly serious.

Not only are people spreading their own bacteria and viruses onto everything they touch after a bout of digging for gold — but you also “transfer germs from your fingertips into the nose, which is the exact opposite of what you want,” said infectious disease specialist Dr. Paul Pottinger, a professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

That means that you can spread coronavirus to others from your nose-picking session, and you are also more likely to bring that virus, along with others like influenza or rhinovirus (the common cold), directly into your body.

One has to wonder how CNN green-lit an article on picking your nose, even with the Bat Soup Virus angle

VIDEO – Agents Cite CA Salon for Defying Shutdown Order: ‘They Treated It Like a Drug Raid’

A salon owner and several stylists in Stockton, California, were cited Wednesday for keeping their doors open despite the state’s regional stay at home orders.

“Agents with the Department of Consumer Affairs visited Pomp Salon in Lincoln Village, where the owner and staff have been outspoken about their desire to stay open,” KCRA reported.

Video footage of the incident shows one person asking an agent, “Are you gonna pay our bills? Would you like to pay my mortgage?”

Stylist Denise Levitt said she believes it should be up to clients to decide whether they want to visit the business or not, adding, “I was screaming because I said, ‘the governor does not follow his orders, so why should we?’”

Masks are worn at all times inside the salon, according to owner Dino Ballin, who said he is baffled as to why the personal care industry is being targeted.

“They burst into our salon and they treated it like a drug raid,” Ballin’s wife, Vicki Kirk, told Fox 40.

If you hit the links and check the video, these agents of the Dept of Consumer Affairs were actually wearing “police” placards on the back of their flack jackets. Really. I don’t see any firearms in the video, but, it is crazy that these agents would be considered police. Welcome to California?

Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci, who’s all over the place on his herd immunity claims, says that the worst is yet to come, just like China Joe. It’s like they want to keep this going as long as possible to keep as much power in the hands of government, getting you more and more used to it.

Read: COVID Update: Cleaning, Picking Nose, Salon Raids »

Climate Cult Looks To Drive The Rest Of Heavy Manufacturing Out Of The U.S.

President Trump worked hard to keep manufacturing here in the U.S. and bring some back, and had some successes. And some losses. Warmists would like to get rid of most of it

A way forward on climate change: Focus on reducing heavy industry’s carbon emissions
Heavy industry like iron, steel and cement production has an outsized impact on trade, job growth and the environment.

In such a landscape, low-hanging fruit feels easy, but we should set our sights higher. It is time for Congress to work together — in a bipartisan fashion that addresses Republicans’ key priorities while also significantly cutting greenhouse gas emissions — on one of the most difficult climate challenges: reducing the carbon footprint for heavy industry.

Little has been done, so the policy playing field is wide open. No idea has been tried and discarded; partisan camps have not been locked down.

Heavy industry like iron, steel and cement production has an outsized impact on trade, job growth and the environment, which make it an alluring opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, industry accounts for about 19% of direct greenhouse gas emissions — 33% when including indirect emissions, such as those generated by lighting and heating industrial facilities.

Indeed, data-driven climate policy needs to focus on industrial emissions because they have steadily increased and could soon surpass power sector emissions.

Because it is at the heart of the supply chain, the industrial sector has an outsized influence on critical economic indicators. Estimates based on Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that for every 100 jobs created or lost in the durable goods manufacturing sector, more than 700 jobs hang in the balance elsewhere in the economy.

OK, let’s go right to the heart of the matter, Warmists want to force the industry sector to Do Something about their “carbon footprints” here in the U.S., and use silly phrases like

  • Empower companies to reduce their emissions voluntarily.
  • Facilitate growth in the market for goods that have lower emissions profiles, and reduce barriers for people and companies interested in purchasing low-carbon products.
  • Update federal procurement policy to ensure that the U.S. government — the world’s largest buyer of goods and services — favors American-made low-carbon products.

to cover up that they force compliance by government fiat, thinking that industry will comply instead of getting out of dodge. A lot of auto manufacturing is getting out of Canada and the UK, partially due to climate crisis scam requirements, and moving to Mexico. A lot more would say Bye! to the U.S., along with all those jobs and tax revenues, at least in the cases where they do not just raise the costs to the consumers. So, the Warmists want to nail high carbon pollution products coming into the U.S., which would require that the U.S. watch how products are made in other countries, and mean that the costs would be passed on to the consumers.

BTW, without the industry sector, how will the China Joe admin make all those electric vehicles?

Read: Climate Cult Looks To Drive The Rest Of Heavy Manufacturing Out Of The U.S. »

Trump Signs COVID/Govt Funding Bill, Still Has Demands

Congress was obviously going to Congress on the bill, and was happy to give citizens chump change while funding all sorts of dumb things, like ‘climate change’ idiocy and gender studies in Pakistan

President Trump signs bill that includes $900 billion stimulus deal after delay

President Trump signed legislation on Sunday evening that provides crucial government spending and $900 billion in pandemic-related stimulus after demanding that the bill be amended in various ways.

The president “has signed H.R. 133, an Act making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, providing coronavirus emergency response and relief, and for other purposes,” White House spokesperson Judd Deere stated Sunday evening.

The entire $2.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, which funds the government through September 2021, passed both chambers of Congress on Monday night with overwhelming support.

The $900 billion coronavirus relief portion of the bill includes $600 stimulus checks, extends two federal unemployment programs, provides an additional $300 in weekly jobless benefits, and adds another round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses.

Also included is funding for vaccine distribution and schools, $25 billion in rental assistance, an extension of the eviction moratorium, $13 billion in food assistance, and $7 billion to increase access to broadband.

Trump has a few demands, but, it’s almost as if he’s washing his hands of this whole mess

In Sunday’s signing statement, the president asserted that the Senate “will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud.”

Breitbart has the full statement, and the question now becomes whether the GOP will vote for the $2,000 checks, now that there’s no need to worry about stripping the dumb crap out of the bills. The House won’t bother with either of the other two things, Section 230 being about Big Tech protections, and the Senate will most likely ignore them, as well. Per Trump’s statement, he looks to use the Impoundment Control Act of 1974, which will allow him to not spend lots of the crazy money funding measures. The question then becomes, does China Joe do the same, probably by accident? Or does he go and change it and spend that money in other countries when Americans need it?

I guess we’ll know later in the day about the $2,000.

Read: Trump Signs COVID/Govt Funding Bill, Still Has Demands »

Say, Who’s Going To Foot The Bill For China Joe’s Climate Crisis (scam) Agenda?

Anthony Rowley at the South China Morning Post asks a good question. It’s the answer he provides that’s rather interesting

As Joe Biden prepares to rejoin the global fight against climate change, who will foot the bill?

US President-elect Joe Biden has promised to go full tilt into action against climate change from the first day of his presidency on January 20.

But, in fighting an impending climate crisis, he and other advanced-nation leaders may encounter an unexpected enemy – a crisis of market capitalism.

The two things are closely connected, but this fact does not appear to have dawned yet on policymakers, investors and others who are raring to go into battle against climate change and other existential threats. Saving the planet is going to cost money, and no one is sure where it will come from.

In round terms, half of the multitrillion-dollar amount needed is envisaged to come from governments and the other half from financial market investors. Just how exactly this latter half is supposed to find its way from private savings into public projects is far from clear.

Um, where is the government getting the money from?

So, unless capital markets can come up with some radical new ideas on how to translate private savings into the colossal amounts needed to save the planet and its inhabitants, and do so quickly, state intervention to bypass markets will almost certainly become necessary.

That’s a mouthful, eh? They’re expecting private firms to take the money they’ve been entrusted with by private citizens to make the right decisions and dump that into Hotcoldwetdry stuff, and, if they don’t, it should be confiscated. Taken away. Think about that. Even you Warmists out there, do you want “state intervention” with your hard-earned money? Money you count on for retirement, for your kids, for whatever?

State-dominated financial systems (among which China’s is by far the biggest) seem likely – by virtue of their ability to marshal savings behind mega social and economic projects – to leave market economies behind in the race to “go green” and contribute to saving life on Earth.

Sounds like they’re advocating a takeover of the U.S. financial systems. Silly me to say this is about politics and not science.

The task needs not just a climate change tsar, such as former secretary of state John Kerry whom Biden has appointed to the task, but also a financial system tsar who can get Wall Street and other financial centres properly focused on the task in hand. That would be a good New Year resolution for Biden and other leaders.

Do you trust Government for this? Do you want the people who buy $750 hammers and fund shrimp on treadmills (insert your own example) do this? Finding creative ways to take your money?

Read: Say, Who’s Going To Foot The Bill For China Joe’s Climate Crisis (scam) Agenda? »

If All You See…

…are old buildings made for living without electricity and heating and AC, which is super awesome for other people, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Newsbusters, with a post on ABC and NBC being befuddled by Trump wanting bigger COVID checks.

It’s sundress week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

patriotic pinup gil elvgren

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the geese are honking, and the new year is almost here. Did everyone have a wonderful Christmas? This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Independent Sentinel notes John Ossoff took money from the CCP and hid it
  2. Weasel Zippers covers (fake holiday) Kwanza and Kamala Harris
  3. The Right Scoop discusses what MSNBC thinks of the selfish people having weddings
  4. The Other McCain notes a left wing journalist arrested for firebombing a police car
  5. The Last Refuge covers the FBI having a person of interest in the Nashville bombing
  6. The First Street Journal has some SJWs being butthurt
  7. Sultan Knish notes that managing people is just easier
  8. Powerline wonders if Dems are in trouble for 2022
  9. neo-neocon covers wealth extraction in San Francisco
  10. Moonbattery notes a school superintendent suspended for wearing blackface…18 years ago
  11. Liberty’s Choice features an epidemic of politics
  12. Legal Insurrection notes Detroit suing BLM protesters
  13. Jihad Watch covers CAIR and their 33 demands to China Joe
  14. DC Clothesline discusses all out war after Jan 6th
  15. And last, but not least, Chicks On The Right covers all the wasteful spending in 2020

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove