UK Guardian Squees On The Day After Tomorrow’s 20th Anniversary

Does anyone actually watch this movie anymore? It’s pretty much scientifically illiterate, and violates the laws of thermodynamics. But, it was perfect propaganda from the doomsday climate cult

The Day After Tomorrow at 20: a strangely prescient ecological warning

In the winter of 2013, a breakdown in the polar vortex allowed freezing cold air to escape southwards towards the North American continent. As ice storms, tornadoes and blizzards swept across the US, Donald Trump tweeted. “I’m in Los Angeles and it’s freezing,” he wrote. “Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax!”

OK, good grief, Trump Derangement Syndrome to start off

It was all a little too reminiscent of Roland Emmerich’s disaster flick The Day After Tomorrow – which opens with US leaders dismissing scientific concerns about the loss of a huge chunk of the Antarctic ice shelf. The researchers are soon vindicated: within days, the melting ice sets off a chain of freak weather events, culminating in a global superstorm that plunges the entire northern hemisphere into a new ice age.

The film, 2004’s summer box office hit, was lampooned by critics and scientists alike. Members of an internet chatroom allegedly paid the paleoclimatologist William Hyde $100 to see it: “This movie is to climate science what Frankenstein is to heart surgery”, he concluded.

Nevertheless, a series of studies showed that the film did sway public opinion about the climate crisis. Twenty years after its release, it remains a unique specimen: a climate disaster blockbuster that adheres to all the tenets of the genre, while also explicitly attributing its carnage to the greenhouse effect.

Well, in reality, the shutting down of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation can lead to cooling temperatures. Some think the introduction of too much fresh water into the system brought on the Little Ace Age. But, then, what about all the fresh water from the glacial melting as the last ice age ended? It really is all theoretic. But, if this all happened, it would be on the order of years for a little ace age, and at least decades for a new glacial age.

Like every disaster film, the Day After Tomorrow is riddled with inaccuracies, cliches, and strange displays of machismo (in one scene, Gyllenhaal battles wolves on a frozen ghost ship). But if anything, the film’s absurdity feels closer to our reality in 2024 than it did in 2004. After all, we live in the age of climate surrealism – it is generally understood that things are going to get weirder as they get worse. Today is the day after tomorrow, we mutter to ourselves, as we read about ancient anthrax-infested reindeer carcasses defrosting in the Arctic Circle.

Read: UK Guardian Squees On The Day After Tomorrow’s 20th Anniversary »

If All You See…

…is a palm tree that will soon grow in Norway, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on SEALs celebrating Pride.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden’s EO On Border Could See It Close When Crossings Hit 2,500

The number previously thrown around was 4,500 for his executive order. Now it’s 2,500. Why 2,500? Why not zero? If he can do 2,500 he can do zero

Biden to issue order that could close US-Mexico border to asylum seekers

Joe Biden on Tuesday was set to announce an executive order that would reportedly shut down the US-Mexico border to asylum seekers attempting to cross outside of lawful ports of entry, when a daily threshold of crossings is exceeded.

The move comes amid rising public concern over the number of migrants crossing into the US, with polls showing a majority of Americans dissatisfied with the president’s handling of the border. The White House has been under immense pressure from Republicans and some Democrats to reduce the number of migrants arriving at the southern border.

Many progressive and Hispanic lawmakers expressed alarm at the sweep of the order, the most aggressive border move taken by the administration so far.

First, it’s the only aggressive move made, unless you consider him leaving the border wide open as aggressive. Second, will the pro-illegal alien groups/individuals sue to stop this? If Trump was the one putting this out would they sue?

Under the executive order, which Biden plans to sign alongside several border-town mayors, the administration would shut down asylum requests to the US-Mexico border once the number of daily encounters reaches 2,500 between legal ports of entry, according to the Associated Press. The border would reopen once the number of crossings eases to 1,500. That could mean the order takes effect immediately. Legal challenges are expected.

That’s not particularly clear, is it? Nor are most articles

(CNN) President Joe Biden is expected to announce an executive order as early as Tuesday that would effectively shut down the US-Mexico border to asylum-seekers crossing illegally when a daily threshold of crossings is exceeded – a sweeping and controversial proposal that is likely to receive fierce pushback from progressives and immigration advocates.

So, if I’m getting this correctly, one the number hits 2,500, anyone declaring asylum would be turned away/put back over the border until the numbers go down. However, if they are not crossing and declaring asylum, what happens? Will they be immediately turned away/put back over the border? Or put in detention here in the U.S., allowed to remain for a bit, then released?

Also, the devil is in the details, so, will this EO have an expiration date, like, say, right after the election?

Also, why is this controversial?

The executive order uses an authority known as “212(f)” – a regulation used under the Trump administration and widely denounced at the time by Democrats.

So, will they sue to stop this, even as we go into election season? And, let’s say Biden puts this in place and actually enforces it, and it survives lawsuits: why can’t Trump, if he were to win in November, put out his own EO making the shutdown number, say, 100 a day?

Read: Biden’s EO On Border Could See It Close When Crossings Hit 2,500 »

Climate Cult News Already Linking Corral Fire To Their Dogma

The cause of the Corral fire is still under investigation, but, of course cBS News has to trot out the Typical Cult Propaganda

Corral Fire in California has firefighters worried as climate change threatens to make fire season worse

The Corral Fire exploded in Northern California over the weekend, scorching more than 14,000 acres, jumping major roadways and prompting evacuations as it bore down on nearby homes.

Local resident Daniel Perez stayed behind to help first responders.

“The firefighters actually dipped the hose into my pool,” he told CBS News. Perez said it appeared they had stopped the fire at one point before flames suddenly came in from another direction. (snip)

While wildfires aren’t new in California, what worries firefighters is that the Corral Fire, which was roughly 75% contained as of Monday evening, happened so early in the so-called fire season.

“For the most part, we don’t refer to it as fire season anymore. It’s almost like there are no rules anymore,” said CalFire information officer Cecile Juliette.

Yes, the rules that say that California has high wind times and can get very dry, then you add a tremendous amount of infrastructure in the area, all while banning things like clearing the underbrush, the dead trees and brush, and creating firebreaks. You know, proper forest management, which the native Americans did for a long, long time. Fires happen

(USA Today) Fueled by high winds, the blaze has spread across hundreds of acres of tall grass, burning around 22 square miles. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, CalFire said.

The wildfire started on property maintained by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about 40 miles southeast of downtown Oakland. Officials said the proximity between the fire and the federal lab, which conducts experiments on nuclear reactions, lasers, and atomic structure, did not immediately pose a threat.

Sounds like someone was screwing around with something, started a fire, and it got out of hand. It has nothing to do with witchcraft, er, carbon pollution.

Read: Climate Cult News Already Linking Corral Fire To Their Dogma »

Weird: Congressional Democrats Staying Away From Biden

This sounds like a repeat of when Obama was in office and Democrats wanted nothing to do with him on the campaign trail

Congressional Dems Apparently Want To ‘Biden-Proof’ Their Campaigns As President Continues To Tank In Polls

Biden Brain SuckerSome Congressional Democrats are apparently looking to distance their campaigns from President Joe Biden as they head into the 2024 election, according to Axios.

Five months out from the 2024 election, President Joe Biden is struggling in head-to-head matchups, both nationally and across key swing states, against former President Donald Trump. The poor polling coming from Biden have caused several Democratic lawmakers to “Biden-proof” their campaign in an effort to help boost their already close races, the candidates told Axios.

“[There is] more distancing now as his numbers continue to tank,” one House Democrat told the outlet, saying his campaign was “pretty much washing my hands of his campaign.”

The candidates distancing their campaigns from Biden is an alternative to publicly “rejecting” the president, Democratic incumbents, candidates and operatives told the outlet.

Distancing, not rejecting, right. The RNC and the GOP opponents of these Democrats should be running ads wondering why Dems with the same policies as Biden are trying to run away from Biden. It should be in ads.

Other Democrats, particularly in swing districts, are trying to publicly differentiate themselves from Biden in terms of policy, Axios reported. A coalition of House Democrats wrote to the president in May, urging him to take executive action on the southern border crisis, CBS News reported.

But, do they? Or are they just saying this to get elected, and then they follow Biden 100%? As I’ve written many, many times, the GOP needs to grow some cajones and go on the attack. Stop playing nice. Democrats sure don’t.

Read: Weird: Congressional Democrats Staying Away From Biden »

Surprise: India’s Doomy 52.9C “Record Temperature” Was Off By 3C

News organizations which have joined the doomsday Cult of Climastrology were super happy to boldly report on the initial 52.9C reading, often on the front page. Now that it turned out to be a lie, er, sorry, and “error” (meaning they got caught), most outlets are ignoring this or burying the reporter

Delhi’s record 52.9C temperature reading was wrong by three degrees, India says

A record temperature registered this week for the capital New Delhi of 52.9 degree Celsius (127.22 Fahrenheit) was too high by 3 C, the Indian government said on Saturday, blaming a weather sensor error.

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) had investigated Wednesday’s reading by the weather station at Mungeshpur, a densely packed corner of Delhi, “and found a 3°C sensor error”, Earth Sciences Minister Kiren Rijiju said.

“Corrective measures are now in place,” the minister said, sharing the conclusion of a draft report about the all-time high reading on social media platform X. He did not give a corrected figure for Wednesday’s temperature.

The IMD said in a statement that the maximum temperature reported by the Mungeshpur weather station “is not correct due to malfunctioning of the sensor”.

See? It was just an error. No big deal. It’s not like there are tons of errors in the gathering of data, right? It’s not like there were articles about Doom all over, right?

Read: Surprise: India’s Doomy 52.9C “Record Temperature” Was Off By 3C »

If All You See…

…is the need to live high on a hill to avoid catastrophic sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Hunter Biden’s gun trial beginning today.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Biden Is Simply Letting Illegals Roam The Nation Without Settling Cases

Supposedly, Biden is finalizing an executive order which is supposed to Do Something at the border, but, really won’t. It’s an election year stunt. Meanwhile

Biden keeps rewarding illegal migrants for jumping the border

For all President Biden’s talk about trying to try to address the border crisis, The Post keeps discovering new ways he’s encouraging the tide of illegal migrants.

The latest:

The Post’s Jennie Taer reports that Biden’s team has quietly closed some 350,000 asylum cases over the last 2½ years — terminating the cases while neither granting asylum nor ordering deportation; the illegal migrant is free to move freely around the country as if he or she was never intercepted at the border.

Don Barnett of the Center for Immigration Studies found that Biden has created at least eight different programs that allow 3.3 million migrants, most of the illegal entrants, to get work permits, end-running the laws that supposedly require a half-year wait before even applying for the right to work legally — with another 1.4 million cases in the pipeline.

What does this look like?


It’s hard to say which is more outrageous: On one hand, he’s pretending to resolve dubious asylum claims while really just wiping them off the official record; on the other, he’s handing work permits to illegal migrants he shouldn’t even be letting in.

Per Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) data reviewed by The Post, the wipe-the-record-clean program is accelerating since ICE acting Deputy General Counsel Kerry Doyle ordered a new approach in 2022: Just 4,700 people saw their cases dismissed in 2020; then 102,550 in 2022 — more than 10 times the 2014 level.

It was 149,000 the next year and 2024 is set to pass that level when the fiscal year ends Sept. 30.

Dismissed cases, though technically still subject to deportation, get cut loose — no longer monitored by ICE or anyone.

If you reward border jumpers you are going to create more border jumpers. It’s just like all the thieving criminals in California: the state made it easy, they mostly refuse to prosecute them, and, heck, they often do not even bother catching them, as long as the theft is under $1,000. Those few who do go to court either get a slap on the wrist or the case is dismissed. That incentivizes people to continue stealing. If you allow people to come across the border, give them food, shelter, clothes, money, schooling, etc, then just let them go even though they are here illegally and do not qualify for asylum you’re telling more to just show up and declare asylum.

Read: Good News: Biden Is Simply Letting Illegals Roam The Nation Without Settling Cases »

Your Fault: Global Boiling Causing The Loss Of Indigenous Languages

I’m so excited, this is a new one! As usual, it’s insane doomsday cult propaganda, but, it’s unique propaganda

Climate Change is Fueling the Loss of Indigenous Languages That Could Be Crucial to Combating It

There are roughly 7,000 languages spoken around the world. Indigenous groups speak more than 4,000 of them, despite making up less than 6 percent of the global population.

These languages often hold secrets to the inner workings of the planet, from the best times to plant certain crops to the healing properties of critical medicinal plants. However, a growing body of research shows that climate change is driving the loss of native languages worldwide—in big ways and small.

Extreme weather events such as hurricanes and drought are pushing Indigenous peoples and local communities away from their historical lands and languages, while changes in the timing of seasons or the distribution of different species are rendering many native words obsolete. (big snip)

The Climate Connection: As climate change rapidly alters ecosystems, centuries-old vocabularies are increasingly disappearing from dialects, experts say. Extreme weather and rising seas are driving mass migrations around the world, similar to the forced migration and colonialism that has long threatened Indigenous cultures in the past and continues today.

These cultists do realize that language changes over time, right? That some disappear, that some just change incredibly? Try reading a book from hundreds of years ago. A thousand years ago. It won’t be easy. Many languages have changed, both in usage and writing. If you time traveled back to the formation of America you’d have a tough time. Go back to the 1400’s and they’d burn you as a witch. But, you know, in Climate Cult World, no matter what happens they will drag it into their cult. It’s not like bad weather has always happened.

Read: Your Fault: Global Boiling Causing The Loss Of Indigenous Languages »

Islamic State Of Maldives Bans Israeli Passport Holders

Now, imagine how CNN would write this piece if it was Israel banning Maldives passport holders, considering that Islam is the state religion of the Maldives. We’d be hearing all about Islamophobia and stuff

Maldives to ban Israelis from entering country amid war in Gaza

The Maldives has announced it will ban Israeli passport holders from entering the country amid its war on Hamas in Gaza.

The presidential office of the Indian Ocean island nation, known for its luxurious resorts and endless white sand beaches, made the announcement in a press release Sunday.

Maldivian President Dr Mohamed Muizzu resolved to impose the ban following a recommendation from the cabinet, the release said.

The country’s laws will be amended, and a cabinet subcommittee will be established to oversee the efforts, the president’s office said.

Following news of the ban, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended Israelis avoid travel to the island and “for Israeli citizens staying in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, since if they fall into distress for any reason, it will be difficult for us to help.”

The Maldives is saying this is a religious war, and they’re taking the side of Hamas and their terrorism enablers in Gaza. I always find the Jew hatred wild, since both religions use the Old Testament, a Jewish religious book.

The president announced he is appointing a special envoy to assess Palestinian needs and is setting up a fundraiser to “assist our brothers and sisters in Palestine” with UNRWA, the release said.

Will the Maldives offer to take in Palestinians, or, will they be like the other Muslim nations and want nothing to do with these trouble making Islamists?

Read: Islamic State Of Maldives Bans Israeli Passport Holders »

Pirate's Cove