If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon rise and swamp all the coasts, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Democrat Andrew Yang recommending barcodes for those who get vaccine.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Trump Is Leaving “A Real Mess” Behind For China Joe

See, no president has ever left anything behind for the next person to take office. Clinton left a recession and Al Qaeda behind for Bush 43. Bush left stuff for Obama. Obama left stuff for Trump. But, TDS

‘A real mess’: Trump is leaving behind crises and undermining Biden before he takes office

When President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office on Jan. 20, the list of crises he will face includes a massive cyber intrusion, a still-raging global pandemic, a slowing economic recovery and a lingering reckoning over the nation’s racial tensions.

Did you realize that Donald Trump is responsible for the entire global pandemic? Silly me, I though China was responsible, either by accident because people were eating bats or because they developed and released it (by accident or on purpose). Obama left a slow recovery, which Trump supercharged prior to the Wuhan Flu traveling around the world. Obama also saw a charged racial condition, one which hadn’t been this bad for decades. He also left behind the Syria issue, since Obama involved himself and then blew it by backing off the red lines.

Anyone remember ISIS? Obama left that behind, and Trump fixed most of that issue. He gets no credit, of course. The opioid crisis, while not fixed, has been seriously reduced, especially with the Trump admin going after the drug makers. There’s a whole lot more peace in the Middle East. And, what did Obama do when his admin knew of Russian cyber-hacking? Not much

President Trump is not making his job any easier and, in several ways, appears to be actively making it harder — going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises.

See, the idea here is to create a Narrative to blame all of the failures during the China Joe admin on Trump.

Read: Bummer: Trump Is Leaving “A Real Mess” Behind For China Joe »

Good News: Climate Cult Media Has Already Determined 2021 Will Be Very Warm

How often are meteorologists correct? Compare a 10 day forecast to what actually happens. How often is it on point? Really close? Now try that for a full year. Yeah, they don’t usually do that. But, this is a cult we’re talking about, one that has infected the Credentialed Media

Climate change: 2021 will be cooler but still in top six warmest

UK Met Office scientists are forecasting that 2021 will be a little cooler around the world, but will still be one of the top six warmest years.

The La Niña weather phenomenon will see temperatures edge down but greenhouse gases will remain the biggest influence.

Researchers say the world will likely be around 1C warmer than the pre-industrial era.

It will be the seventh year in a row close to or above this mark.

According to Met Office projections, the Earth’s temperature for 2021 will likely be between 0.91C and 1.15C above what they were in the years from 1850-1900 with a central estimate of 1.03C

The 2021 forecast is slightly lower than in recent years, due to the onset of the La Niña event in the tropical Pacific. (snip)

“The global temperature for 2021 is unlikely to be a record year due to the influence of the current La Niña, but it will be far warmer than other past La Niña years such as 2011 and 2000 due to global warming,” said Prof Adam Scaife, head of long-range prediction at the Met Office.

I’d like to say “let’s see what actually happens by the end of 2021”, but, as we’ve seen, the fix is already in. No matter what happens, the data will me massaged, adjusted, made up from whole cloth, etc, to match the prognostication. This is why they really, really, really do not like releasing the raw data nor methodology.

Read: Good News: Climate Cult Media Has Already Determined 2021 Will Be Very Warm »

Covid-hypocrisy: Dr. Birx Travelled For Thanksgiving, Visited Relatives

Remember, you were supposed to stay home for Thanksgiving, but, the political masters get to do their own thing

Birx travels, family visits highlight pandemic safety perils

As COVID-19 cases skyrocketed before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, warned Americans to “be vigilant” and limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”

For many Americans that guidance has been difficult to abide, including for Birx herself.

The day after Thanksgiving, she traveled to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. She was accompanied by three generations of her family from two households. Birx, her husband Paige Reffe, a daughter, son-in-law and two young grandchildren were present.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has asked Americans not to travel over the holidays and discourages indoor activity involving members of different households. “People who do not currently live in your housing unit, such as college students who are returning home from school for the holidays, should be considered part of different households.”

Even in Birx’s everyday life, there are challenges meeting that standard. She and her husband have a home in Washington. She also owns a home in nearby Potomac, Maryland, where her elderly parents, and her daughter and family live, and where Birx visits intermittently. In addition, the children’s other grandmother, who is 77, also regularly travels to the Potomac house and returns to her 92-year-old husband near Baltimore. (snip)

“To me this disqualifies her from any future government health position,” said Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. “It’s a terrible message for someone in public health to be sending to the American people.”

Well, it’s the message that many, many politicians and Government Officials

Numerous elected officials, including prominent Democrats, have been forced to acknowledge that they have not heeded their own stern warnings to the public about the dangers of spreading the virus.

But Birx occupies a position of far greater authority when it comes to the pandemic. Many Americans rely on the advice that she and the government’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, have given.

Interestingly, this AP article really trashes Birx for this Thanksgiving travel. I mean trashed her in a way that the AP and most news media never trashed those Democrats who were covid-hypocrites. Is anyone trashing California Gov Gavin Newsome over being exposed because a staffer got COVID somehow? Is anyone bothering to ask how the staffer got COVID?

Meanwhile, Congress has supposedly agree on a COVID relief package, now that Democrats have dropped a lot of their Crazy like they had in other packages. “The deal includes restarting a $300 boost to the federal unemployment insurance benefit, extending eviction moratoriums for renters for an unspecified amount of time and a $600 direct payment to most Americans.”

Read: Covid-hypocrisy: Dr. Birx Travelled For Thanksgiving, Visited Relatives »

Uh Oh: Climate Crisis (scam) Putting Cashmere Industry At Risk

You know who’s fault this is? The guy in that office on the 2nd floor who eats lots of burgers and drives that big SUV. You should go give him the old what for

Climate Change is Putting the Future of Cashmere at Risk

climate change joke

The onset of colder weather means the onset of warmer clothing if you’re planning to head outdoors at all this season. For many people, warmer clothing might include cashmere scarves or sweaters, which add comfort and a distinctive feel to most occasions. Cashmere wool has a long history, but its future may be at risk due to a host of factors — including climate change.

The existential threats to cashmere are documented in a new article from Robb Report. As Mark Ellwood writes, the bulk of cashmere come from goats residing in Mongolia. Over the last few decades, the global demand for cashmere has increased tremendously. This has led to changes in the way the goats are farmed — but that’s only part of what’s prompted a crisis for the industry. Changing temperatures have also had an adverse effect on Mongolia itself.

“Ninety percent of the country is drylands and so especially vulnerable to desertification,” Ellwood writes. “Mongolia is a hot spot for climate change, where temperatures have risen by 4 degrees since 1940, compared with an average global rise of about 1.5 degrees. Of course, that warming threatens the very ecosystem on which the goats depend — the second major problem.”

In other words, more goats need to get by on land that might not be able to produce as much. Add in the fact that the price of raw cashmere is actually dropping and it’s not hard to see why many observers are concerned. It’s an industry in the midst of flux — never an easy process to weather.

In other words, it’s not really climate change, but, hey, cults have to cult by mentioning it and blaming it.

Read: Uh Oh: Climate Crisis (scam) Putting Cashmere Industry At Risk »

If All You See…

…are palm trees growing in the North Pole due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the CDC wanting blacks/browns vaccinated over whites.

It’s Santa week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

patriotic pinup kevin clark santa

Happy Sunday. Another gorgeous day in America. The trees are getting some rain, the NHL should be back in January, and Christmas is almost here. This pinup is by Kevin Clark, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Change Dispatch notes that North Face “hates” big oil but profits from it
  2. Ice Age Now covers all the record snowfall because you took a long shower
  3. Blazing Cat Fur discusses Canada’s failed carbon tax scheme
  4. Bluebird Of Bitterness features your Caturday funnies – winter edition
  5. Chicks On The Right covers the Trump admin blacklisting dozens of companies with ties to China
  6. Cold Fury wonders if we have what they had in 1776
  7. Diogenes’ Middle Finger features 46*
  8. Geller Report News highlights crazy Stacy Abrams saying she has 1.2 million absentee ballots…isn’t that illegal?
  9. hogewash features another wonderful shot of outer space
  10. LMAO covers if we’re being played as leftists double down on lockdowns
  11. Jihad Watch notes Hamas linked CAIR cheering Rep Dingell for demanding Facebook take down “anti-Muslim” content
  12. Just One Minute wonders if Trump will veto the defense bill
  13. Legal Insurrection covers Dems getting some payback towards AOC
  14. Liberty’s Torch highlights consumers vs creators
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery notes WHO’s director general being accused of genocide

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Hot Take: Unnamed Officials Worried About Trump’s Power Grab, Plan For Martial Law

Axios doesn’t actually say much as to what power Trump is trying to grab, but, then, that’s not their point, because the liberals who read it and post it do not need actual details

Officials increasingly alarmed about Trump’s power grab

Senior Trump administration officials are increasingly alarmed that President Trump might unleash — and abuse — the power of government in an effort to overturn the clear result of the election.

Why it matters: These officials tell me that Trump is spending too much time with people they consider crackpots or conspiracy theorists and flirting with blatant abuses of power.

The big picture: Their fears include Trump’s interest in former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s wild talk of martial law; an idea floated of an executive order to commandeer voting machines; and the specter of Sidney Powell, the conspiracy-spewing election lawyer, obtaining governmental power and a top-level security clearance.

A senior administration official said that when Trump is “retweeting threats of putting politicians in jail, and spends his time talking to conspiracy nuts who openly say declaring martial law is no big deal, it’s impossible not to start getting anxious about how this ends.”

Not one named source. This is pretty much all we’ve gotten from the news media for 4 years, and almost none of the TDS infused fear mongering has come to fruition. The New Yorker also covered this

Trump Floats Coup Plan That’s So Wild Even Rudy Giuliani Is Terrified

At the White House on Friday, President Trump held what may have been his most deranged meeting yet. In it, the president raged at his loyalists for betraying him, and discussed taking extralegal measures to overturn the election.

The meeting, first reported by the New York Times, included lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell, convicted felon Michael Flynn, and Rudy Giuliani. One plan floated at the meeting was for Trump to appoint Powell as a “special counsel” overseeing allegations of voter fraud. Powell’s voter fraud claims are so fantastical she has been mocked even by other far-right legal conspiracy theorists. Andrew McCarthy, a former birther and author of one book titled How Obama Embraces Islam’s Sharia Agenda and another calling for his impeachment on multiple counts, has described Powell’s vote-fraud claims as “loopy.”

And it made CNN cwazy

Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash

President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump’s aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn’s more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump’s aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn’s more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Flynn had suggested earlier this week that Trump could invoke martial law as part of his efforts to overturn the election that he lost to President-elect Joe Biden — an idea that arose again during the meeting in the Oval Office, one of the people said. It wasn’t clear whether Trump endorsed the idea, but others in the room forcefully pushed back and shot it down.

The meeting was first reported by the New York Times.

Ah, so this bit of nuttbaggery was coming from the “paper of record.” Who thinks “senior Trump officials” would actually speak to them? And lots and lots of other outlets are amplifying the Times’ article without research of their own: Business Insider, Forbes, The Daily Beast, Task & Purpose, Gothamist, Slate, and many others. Credentialed Media outlets are basically Moonbat bloggers just linking crazy stuff from each other.

And none of them had issues with the power grabs by Democratic Party governors and mayors for COVID lockdown, which still continue. I’m also looking forward to these media nuts see what actual power grabs look like under China Joe.

Read: Hot Take: Unnamed Officials Worried About Trump’s Power Grab, Plan For Martial Law »

Climate Crisis (scam) Coming After French Fries Or Something

It’s always something meant to scare people, eh? Their science is beyond shoddy, so, this is what they resort to. It’s all they have

Behind the Forecast: Climate change affecting French fries? Say it ain’t so

Potatoes are a staple in our diet. They can be fried, baked, mashed, smashed, made into chips or soup, and even more. Our changing climate may threaten our favorite vegetable. (snip)

The optimum temperature for a potato’s above-ground stems and leave to grow, according to a 2019 study, is 75°F. The optimum temperature for maximum tuber yields is 68°F; this is why most potatoes are grown in northern states.

Warm temperatures pose a significant risk to potatoes, and in turn, our French fries. (snip)

Average temperatures across the United States have been gradually warming. Daytime average highs in July across central Wisconsin have risen more than 1.5°F per decade, according to the USDA. In Idaho’s Snake River Plain, where farmers cultivate most of the state’s crops, July’s daytime highs have risen more than 2°F per decade.

First of all, mule fritters. They don’t say how far back in decades this goes, nor offer a link to anything. Let’s just say it goes back to 1980. They’re claiming the daytime high has increased between 6-8 degrees Fahrenheit? Horse hockey! Buffalo bagels! Sufferin’ sheep deep! Road apples! Cow cookies! (Colonel Potter sure had some good ones)

Second, no proof is offered that any rise is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind.

Most potatoes have low drought tolerance. Areas farmers grow potatoes in Idaho and Washington are quite dry; this means that proper irrigation is necessary here. Between 1986 and 2015, annual precipitation rates over the western U.S. decreased. One study found that the potato growing season in Washington and Idaho most likely will get longer based on irrigation demands and water stress. A longer growing season means more evapotranspiration would increase. Warmer temperatures and more evapotranspiration may lead to more crop stress and irrigation demands. All of this may lead to smaller tubers and, eventually, smaller fries.

But, proof is not necessary, because cults do not require proof, just faith and obedience.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Coming After French Fries Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow from people living in big houses, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on Dominion and the Georgia election and shady stuff.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove