Let’s Not Forget All The Peace Trump Brought

Say what you want about Trump. Loud mouthed, boorish, too much friendly fire on Twitter and such. He’s done more for peace than most presidents, including that guy who got a Nobel Peace Price for doing nothing

Trump’s Legacy of Peace

For 72 years, U.S. presidents sought to achieve peace between Israel and the Arab world. For 72 years, they largely failed.

What for so long eluded presidents from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Barack Obama seems to have come effortlessly to President Donald Trump. In the space of just four months, together with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump has achieved four peace deals between Israel and Arab states—twice the number achieved by all his predecessors combined. Last Thursday, Trump announced Morocco has joined the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Sudan in the Abraham Accords normalization agreements with Israel. Three or four more Arab states are likely to join the circle of peace in Trump’s final weeks in office.

Not only has Trump brought more peace to the Middle East, more comprehensively and faster than all of his predecessors combined, but he made it look easy. Israel’s ties with its Abraham Accords partners are expanding massively by the day. Tourists from the UAE are streaming into the country. And with one in seven Israeli Jews descended from the Moroccan diaspora, the potential for business and cultural ties between Israel and Morocco is almost limitless.

Trump’s sundry Middle East peace deals are humiliating for his predecessors. Not only did they fail where Trump has succeeded, but they insisted that his achievements were impossible.

For instance, John Kerry, who as Barack Obama’s secretary of state oversaw the administration’s failed Middle East peace efforts, insisted back in 2016: “There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world.”

Of course, Kerry was part of the regime that preferred to forge ties with Iran, which calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States. They preferred to work with the nation that launched terrorist attacks on US military members, took a Navy crew hostage, and support terrorism overall. Trump preferred to isolate Iran and kill their top terrorist enablers

A second pillar of U.S. policy toward the Middle East was forged shortly after Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. From then on, all U.S. presidents sought to cut a deal with the Iranian regime, believing that the proper mix of carrots and sticks would convince the greatest state sponsor of terrorism to bury its hatchet against the U.S. Here too, the “expert” catechisms held sway.

The first pillar was to tell Israel to give up land it won in wars it mostly didn’t start to Palestinian terrorists who blow up women and children in pizza parlors and ice cream shops. Trump didn’t go for that, and, further, moved the embassy to Jerusalem. And he said to hell with the horrible Iran deal.

If Obama distinguished himself from his predecessors with his ideological zeal, Trump distinguished himself with his elevation of facts over ideology. Trump had a healthy disdain for expert dogmas that had repeatedly been proven false. Trump also believed the U.S. should side with its allies against its enemies, rather than court U.S. enemies at the expense of its allies.

Anyhow, there’s a lot more to this piece, well worth the read. Remember, Trump didn’t start any new wars and was working to pull the U.S. out of many wars. He put the U.S. and our allies first.

Now you have to wonder how China Joe will ruin all the peace.

Read: Let’s Not Forget All The Peace Trump Brought »

Biden Totally Believes In ‘Climate Change’ Unlike Trump Or Something

Dingy Harry Reid crawls out of the woodwork to tell us how great China Joe is when it comes to the climate crisis scam

Unlike Trump, Biden believes in climate change — and his nominees prove it

President-elect Joe Biden will restore key features of the presidency that have been absent for the past four years, chief among them a belief that humans cause climate change. Biden made his commitment to science abundantly clear in announcing the nominations of his economic, health and environment teams.

These would be the same nominees who have outsized carbon footprints, just like Joe. Can any of them name one thing of consequence they’ve done in their own lives to greatly reduce their own carbon footprint? Changing a couple lightbulbs doesn’t count. Nor does purchasing carbon offsets, which is like paying speeding tickets because you don’t want to stop speeding

Experts have warned that inaction on climate change has put the world on a “suicidal” path leading to an “uninhabitable hell.” And President Donald Trump has done little to help matters.

What’s worse is that Trump has made these decisions despite record high temperatures, intense hurricanes and scorching wildfires, which are impacting millions of people, even as a deadly pandemic has led to both a public health and economic crisis.

Obviously, we get lots of whining about Trump, because he could have totally stopped hurricanes and such if he instituted a tax….say, why didn’t Harry do something about the climate crisis (scam) in 2009 instead of doing Obamacare? Wouldn’t Saving The Planet have been more important?

The incoming Biden administration presents a new era in the fight against climate change. His team isn’t just faced with the challenge of undoing the damage to our environment caused by the Trump administration over the past four years — but it must also meet the rapidly worsening climate crisis with bold, historic climate action.

The rest of this climascreed is about how super-awesome Biden’t team is, but, rather short on how they plan to practice what they preach. And what Joe will do to reduce his own carbon footprint. Obviously, not a damned thing, because all the climarestrictions and taxes are for the little people.

As Trump uses the final moments of his presidency to advocate an anti-environment agenda, Biden is setting the framework for his administration with a team of experts that will focus on the whole picture — including the role of climate change and environmental injustice — as they engage the most pressing public health issues of our time.

Watch your wallets. And Freedom.


Read: Biden Totally Believes In ‘Climate Change’ Unlike Trump Or Something »

Have A Totalitarian “Holiday” Season: Gov. Whitmer Uses Santa Clause To Push Her Lockdown Rules

Authoritarians stripped of lots of their power won’t give up trying to be authoritarian, you know

With Christmas approaching, Whitmer enlists one more ally in fight against COVID-19

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has repeatedly said she will use every tool at her disposal to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

She no longer has the Emergency Powers of Governor Act of 1945.

But she still has another vehicle that no Supreme Court in the land has yet declared unconstitutional — Jolly St. Nick.

Whitmer released a video Wednesday featuring her and a group of children talking with Santa Claus about the importance of social distancing and hand washing.

Whitmer told the children that Santa is “following the rules,” and “making sure that he stays safe and the elves stay safe.” (snip)

One of the children promises to leave a bottle of hand sanitizer for Santa, along with the usual milk and cookies.

It might not have been that bad if she wasn’t already so creepy, and shown over most of this year that she truly loves dictating the way people should act. Instead, she drags a Santa into this “holiday” message….why not Christmas, Gov? Santa is about Christmas…to preach her brand of “listen to Government and do what the hell I tell you, peasants.” She’s using kids and Santa to push her restrictions.

Stay safe, people. Just like all those COVID positive patients she put in nursing homes.

Read: Have A Totalitarian “Holiday” Season: Gov. Whitmer Uses Santa Clause To Push Her Lockdown Rules »

China Joe’s Climate Crisis (scam) Plan Comes Into Focus Or Something

You will comply, peons

Biden’s ambitious climate plan comes into focus

Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan, argues that green-energy investments are the key to the future of America’s gas-guzzler auto industry. In a November editorial, she pointed out low-carbon energy is one of the fastest-growing industries in Michigan, with jobs that pay 7% more than the median job and are more likely to come with health and retirement benefits.

Incoming President Joe Biden plans to nominate Granholm to be his energy secretary, one of several Biden nominees that reveal how Biden is likely to address climate change. He tapped Gina McCarthy, who ran the Environmental Protection Agency under President Obama, to be White House climate coordinator. Ali Zaidi, climate adviser to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, will be her deputy. Former presidential contender Pete Buttigieg will be Biden’s Transportation Secretary, overseeing infrastructure investment and fuel efficiency.

Biden has pledged the most aggressive effort to combat climate change ever, and climate activists are enthused by Biden’s early appointments. “We’re seeing the buildout of a really incredible climate team,” says Christy Goldfuss of the Center for American Progress, who was a top climate advisor in the Obama administration. “A year from now, I think we’ll see real progress on clean air and clean water regulations, and I think there will be a clear climate action plan in place.”

I’m truly looking forward to these climate activists caterwauling that all the rules and regs are supposed to apply to Someone Else, to That Guy, not themselves, because they have a family to scoot around, and the cheapest Tesla just doesn’t work, plus, seriously, for not much more they got a big ol’ Odyssey, Pilot, Highlander, or Sienna with DVD and stuff. All while Biden, Granholm, McCarthy, etc, run around in fossil fueled limos and private jets.

BTW, the domestic auto makers are dying, outside of trucks and big SUVS, because their quality is terrible.

For Interior Secretary, Biden has chosen Rep. Deborah Haaland of New Mexico, who backs the Green New Deal and favors a ban on energy drilling on public lands. Interior would be the agency that enforces such a ban, if Biden imposes it. Biden’s pick to run the EPA is reportedly Michael Regan, a veteran of the EPA under Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. He’s currently the top environmental regulator in North Carolina, where he hammered out pollution-cleanup settlements with Duke Energy and other companies.

They’re going to skyrocket your energy costs. Oh, and the pollution cleanup in NC had nothing to do with ‘climate change.’

Beyond that are likely to be efforts to restore the Clean Power Plan targets and perhaps go further, in ways that are less likely to get tangled in court. Granholm, for instance, has talked about creating incentives, like federal and private-sector grants, for states to lower carbon emissions, instead of ordering them to and inviting litigation. There could be new incentives to adopt wind and solar power and perhaps bipartisan Congressional legislation. Biden has one advantage over Obama, since more and more Americans continue to favor action on climate change, and that is filtering through to elected officials. They may finally be poised to do something.

By incentives, they mean things like threatening to withhold funds and other extortive measures. They want to make the rest of the nation like California, with rolling blackouts, some on purpose, and skyhigh energy costs and the cost of living.

And not one of them will actually call out China’s lying and increased building of coal plants.

Read: China Joe’s Climate Crisis (scam) Plan Comes Into Focus Or Something »

If All You See…

…are trees that were killed by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post wondering about foreign interference in election 2020.

Read: If All You See… »

Uber-Progressive, Mask Loving San Francisco To Require 10 Day Quarantine For Visitors

I’m assuming these are visitors who are coming to walk on the poop, urine, and used drug needles all over the city? Or, are looking to get their car stolen? One has to wonder why this super Progressive city is having such a big problem with COVID, and, it looks like they are trying to blame visitors

San Francisco imposes mandatory COVID quarantine for travelers outside Bay Area

The city of San Francisco is requiring any incoming travelers to quarantine for 10 days starting Friday.

I’m guessing that means no one will bother visiting San Fran, eh?

The mayor and director of health said it applies to anyone traveling, moving, or returning to San Francisco from anywhere outside the Bay Area, exempting some people who are traveling for “certain critical activities.”

According to the health order, it also strongly discourages non-essential travel between the Bay Area counties: San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Sonoma, Napa, Marin and Santa Cruz.


  • Medical professionals, first responders, official government business, essential infrastructure work
  • Travel to receive medical care or travel required by a court order, like transferring custody of a child
  • People transiting through San Francisco International Airport on connecting flights and not staying overnight in San Francisco

Nice how government officials have exempted themselves and government employees from the quarantine requirement, eh?

(NBC Bay Area) The travel quarantine order, which started at 12:01 a.m. Friday, remains in effect until at least 12:01 a.m. Jan. 4. It applies to returning residents and those moving to the city who spent any time outside the following nearby counties: San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Sonoma, Napa, Marin and Santa Cruz.

“COVID-19 cases are surging in San Francisco and across the country,” Mayor London Breed said in a statement. “Hospitals in the Bay Area are close to being overwhelmed. We must do whatever we can to contain the virus and stop its circulation in our community. Now is not the time to travel and risk being exposed or exposing others. We need to do the right thing to protect ourselves, our neighbors and our loved ones and make sure that we can celebrate together when this is over.”

It’s great how Mayor Breed yammers about doing the right thing when she’s exempted, eh? Why is COVID surging, and surging heavily, in San Fran, when they have all these restrictions and everyone wears a mask? It’s a Progressive utopia, isn’t everyone following the rules?

Read: Uber-Progressive, Mask Loving San Francisco To Require 10 Day Quarantine For Visitors »

Giving Gifts In The Era Of ‘Climate Change’ Has A Nasty Underbelly

Of course, remember, in Climate Cultist World, it is only Bad when Other People receive gifts. If you are a Cultist, you are excused from feeling bad because you have climavirtue signaled correctly

Gifts are a love language. But in the era of climate change, what are we really saying?

Each holiday season, we trudge out (or this year, go online) to try to choose gifts that communicate our love for friends and family. Each year, businesses look with anxious eyes and oft-updated spreadsheets to predict whether a season will be “robust” or “healthy,” i.e., selling more than the previous year – no matter what. These pressures, to find perfect gifts and to “grow” sales, inevitably results in other kinds of growth as well: growth in feelings of being overwhelmed, growth in clutter, and growth of credit card debt – not to mention growth in greenhouse gas emissions, growth in unfair labor practices, and growth in landfill tonnage. In this topsy turvy world of 2020, before we click “buy,” we have an opportunity to rethink what we really want to say this holiday season.

Gifts are a critical form of communication, helping to express emotions, kinship ties, obligations, status, and more in cultures around the world. Anthropologist Yunxiang Yan writes that, “according to the Maori, to receive a gift is also to receive a part of the gift-giver’s own spiritual essence.” Or, as Gary Chapman, who created the concept of “love languages,” argues: “Gifts are visual symbols of love.”

Given this cultural and emotional weight, it’s not easy to point out the nasty underbelly of holiday gift giving without sounding like a total grinch. But I’ll go there: the holidays are the most extreme seasonal expression of a generally broken and bloated American pattern of consumption. That pattern of consumption is implicated in human rights abuses like Rana Plaza, the deadliest garment-factory accident in history, a plastic soup in the Pacific bigger than Texas, and up to 45% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

For one, there is the increasing trend towards giving “experiences” rather than gifts. This is one way to fill someone’s heart and their life (and their calendar) without filling a landfill. It’s possible to give the gift of quality time or service (Chapman again), like arranging a date or a walk with a loved one, or when my husband repairs his mother’s broken cabinets. There are donations to charity on someone’s behalf. These are all wonderful ways to express love. But, for many people they don’t quite scratch the “gift exchange” itch. We still like to give objects, things – stuff wrapped with a bow.

There are a few simple steps to giving stuff without giving a whole lot of unpleasant and unintentional impacts. First, if you buy something new, make sure you pay attention to where it is made, and who made it. Buying new items should be rare,…..

These people never want to mind their own business, eh? Always telling Everyone Else what to do.

Read: Giving Gifts In The Era Of ‘Climate Change’ Has A Nasty Underbelly »

China Joe Whines That Bringing Up Hunter Is “Foul Play”

Well, Joe, unlike Russia Russia Russia, there’s actually evidence of wrong-doing by Hunter, which was enabled by you, which is why most of the compliant Democrat voting news outlets didn’t bother covering it pre-election

Joe Biden claims ‘foul play’ while defending son Hunter but says he’s ‘not concerned’

President-elect Joe Biden defended his son Hunter Biden amid an ongoing investigation into the younger Biden’s taxes.

During an interview with Stephen Colbert that aired Thursday night, Biden sat alongside his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, and expressed “confidence” in his son.

In raising the subject of Hunter Biden, the liberal comedian Colbert claimed to Joe Biden that “the people who want to make hay in Washington are going to try to use your son as as a cudgel against you.

“How do you feel about that?” Colbert asked. “And what do you have to say to those people?”

“I have, we have, great confidence in our son,” Biden responded. “I am not concerned about any accusations being made against him. It’s used to get to me. I think it’s kind of foul play but look, it is what it is and he’s a grown man, he is the smartest man I know. I mean, from a pure intellectual capacity – and as long as he’s good, we’re good.”

Well, you can’t exactly blame Joe and Jill for defending Hunter, can you?

The Biden transition team clarified that Biden was not referring to the investigation as “foul play,” but rather to Republicans who have used Hunter Biden’s business dealings to go after him personally for months.

Well, the point in going after Hunter was to go after Joe, who, again, enabled all this, and probably was the recipient of lots of the money Hunter received. In fairness, many of them didn’t do a very good job at that, making it seem as if Hunter was the main target

Schweizer: There’s ‘Issue of Enrichment Involving Joe Biden Himself’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer stated that Hunter Biden’s emails make it clear “he’s also paying a lot of the family’s bills, including his father’s and his mother’s, with these foreign gains,” and “this is an issue of enrichment involving Joe Biden himself.”

Schweizer said, “[N]ow, with the laptop, with the emails, that includes emails from Hunter Biden’s business partners…but also Hunter Biden’s emails themselves, we realize how the Biden family actually operates in this commercial space. And what I mean, Sean, is that it’s pretty clear, in Hunter’s own words in some of these emails, that he is receiving this money from overseas, but he’s also paying a lot of the family’s bills, including his father’s and his mother’s, with these foreign gains, these foreign funds. So, the point is, this is not just about Hunter Biden getting wealthy, and it’s not just a question of the intelligence and the national security threat, this is an issue of enrichment involving Joe Biden himself.”

And that is the crux of the matter, Joe used his position as Vice President to get Hunter some cushy gigs for which he had no experience which earned him a lot of money, and that money flowed to Joe.

Read: China Joe Whines That Bringing Up Hunter Is “Foul Play” »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Raise The Risk From Failing Sewage Systems

The Washington Post was nice enough to change the headline to Battling America’s Dirty secret

Climate Change Raises The Risk From Failing Sewage Systems

To Catherine Coleman Flowers, this is “holy ground”: the place where her ancestors were enslaved and her parents fought for civil rights and she came of age. Here, amid the rich, dark earth and emerald farm fields, she is home.

Yet this ground also harbors a threat, one that will worsen as the planet warms.

For decades, the people of this rural county 30 miles south of Montgomery have struggled with waste. Municipal sewage systems do not extend to this farming community, and many residents cannot afford septic systems; their waste flows directly into ditches or streams. Even those with septic tanks find that they often fail in the dense, waterlogged soil. On rainy days, toilets won’t flush and foul effluent burbles up into bathtubs and sinks.

The untreated waste and warm, wet weather breed illnesses rarely seen in developed nations. Visitors to the county — doctors, politicians, a United Nations human rights expert — have expressed shock that such conditions exist in the 21st century in the world’s richest country.

This is America’s “dirty secret,” Flowers said.

See, this would be what is called a real environmental issue, one which harms the environment and citizens.

Flowers, who was named a MacArthur “genius” in October, is working on a new kind of septic system. Instead of flushing waste, the system she envisions filters, cleans and recycles it. Instead of sending raw sewage into the soil, it turns it into water for use in washing machines, and into nutrients for fertilizer, and perhaps even energy for homes.

She should be encouraged to continue her work, and rewarded if she can make it come to fruition. It’s not there yet, but, it is definitely something that is worth doing, is it not? Yes, it is. I’ll dare say, if government wants to invest in private research, this is worthwhile.

But, she hasn’t made it happen yet, and there is a lot of SJW in the article, a lot of organizing and such, and very little on actually working to make this system happen. Perhaps Flowers is actually working on it. If so, there is nothing really on it. Anyhow, finally, deep, deep into this

Meanwhile, climate change is making existing deficiencies worse. Rising sea levels have elevated the water table in coastal areas, shrinking the depth of leach fields and increasing contamination. Days of extreme rainfall — which have doubled in the Southeast as a consequence of warming — stymie septic systems.

Studies suggest that if climate change continues unabated, septic systems will be less able to filter toxic nitrates and fecal bacteria from wastewater. According to Mejia, warming in the Southeast has doubled the length of the infectious season for parasites such as hookworm, whose larvae hatch in warm, moist soils and infiltrate humans through bare feet.

“Climate change is like a magnifying glass for everything,” Flowers said. It exacerbates neglect, widens inequality and exposes problems once hidden.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to not build barely above the water table, when the sea heights have been going up for 20,000 years.

Flowers has made it her mission to ensure that other Americans do not look away. She advised Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) on legislation to improve surveillance and treatment of “diseases of poverty,” such as hookworm. She served on the task force that developed President-elect Joe Biden’s climate plan, advocating for environmental justice and improvements in sewage management. Her memoir, “Waste: One Woman’s Fight Against America’s Dirty Secret,” was published last month. Meanwhile, she has brought every powerful person she can find to Lowndes County: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), U.N. special rapporteur on extreme poverty Philip Alston, actress Jane Fonda, and pastor and activist William J. Barber II.

I’m getting the idea that this is all about Big Government politics, and that she’s not really doing a damned thing to bring her idea to fruition. That is a straight shame, because this climate cult garbage ends up overshadowing real environmental concerns.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Raise The Risk From Failing Sewage Systems »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow because Someone Else turned the heat to 72, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the left wanting to strip parental rights.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove