NJ News Media Calls Gym Owner Not Wanting To Lose His Business “Arrogance”

It’s always great when someone in the Credentialed News does this, because most of them were in no fear of losing their jobs or even missing paychecks. They weren’t designated “non-essential” by Government. Seriously, are editorial page editors, like Nj.com’s Tom Moran, really essential?

The arrogance behind the defiance at Atilis gym

Ian Smith, the musclebound co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, vows that he will die before he obeys Gov. Phil Murphy’s rules on safe conduct at his gym.

“This is our hill and I’ll die on it before I let you take it,” he said recently. “Come and get us…You’ll simply have to kill us first.”

For now, Attorney General Gurbir Grewal is sticking to fines — big ones that are likely to grow if this defiance continues. Last week, the state moved to impose a fine of $124,000, with a warning that it could grow by more than $15,000 a day until he yields.

Even that has failed to penetrate.

“I don’t care about the fines,” Smith says. “Throw me in jail. I don’t care. I’m not going to pay them…We don’t have any respect for Gov. Murphy.

Smith sees himself as a hero, and as long as he’s a regular guest with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, as long as people keep sending him money to help in his legal defense, it’s hard to imagine him changing his mind. This might not end until a judge grants him his wish to go to jail, or the state moves in with a heavier hand to shut down the gym altogether.

Smith’s fantasy about sacrificing his life in a heroic blaze is something he’ll have to work out with his therapist. The law in New Jersey allows no such thing.

Nor does it allow the owner of a gym to make policy for New Jersey during a pandemic that has killed 16,000 within our borders so far. It takes a staggering level of arrogance for Smith and his co-owner, Frank Trumbetti, to decide that they know best.

See, we have this thing called “freedom” in this nation, a belief that has been strangled by the pro-Big Government Democrats, who want citizens to sit down, shut up, and listen to their Betters. And, again, it’s easy for someone like Moran to yammer and insult and demean Smith, because Moran has no worries.

We live in a democracy. We resolve disputes by relying on the law. And the big decisions are made by the men and women who get the most votes.

See? Just listen to your political masters. Even if it means losing your business, your money, your home, everything.

Read: NJ News Media Calls Gym Owner Not Wanting To Lose His Business “Arrogance” »

NY Times: Say, You Know That Big Snowstorm Is Totally Climate Change (scam), Right?

Here’s an interesting thing: most people didn’t bother attempting to link the big winter storm of the past couple days, which is still going on, to the climate crisis scam. Even on Twitter, just about the only ones mentioning the two together were making fun of Warmists. But, not the NY Times, with climate cultist John Schwartz chiming in

How climate change is affecting winter storms.

With a major winter storm bearing down on the Eastern United States, you can expect some people (and, perhaps inevitably, President Trump), to ask, “What happened to global warming?”

It should be noted that this screed was published around 3am today, 12/17, but sure looks like it was written days in advance, in order to be prepared to scaremonger

It’s becoming increasingly clear that climate change does have an effect on storms, though the relationship can be complex and, yes, counterintuitive. “There were these expectations that winter was basically going to disappear on us,” said Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at AER, a company that provides information to clients about weather and climate-related risk.

Although winters are becoming warmer and somewhat milder overall, extreme weather events have also been on the increase, and especially in the Northeastern United States, as Dr. Cohen pointed out in a recent paper in the journal Nature Communications. From the winter of 2008-9 until 2017-18, there were 27 major Northeast winter storms, three to four times the totals for each of the previous five decades.

See, because you ate burgers this year, winter is becoming warmer but also brings bigger storms with snow and cold and ice, because carbon pollution is magical and can do everything! Seriously, what they hell do they expect to happen during a typical, low end Holocene warm period during an interglacial? There is nothing unusual, but, these are modern versions of witch hunters, blaming them for everything.

Does that mean this particular storm has been fueled by climate change? Jonathan E. Martin, a professor in the department of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, cautioned against drawing quick conclusions.

Because of the “enormous natural variability” in storms and the weather they deliver, “I think it is a dangerous business attributing individual winter storms, or characteristics of them, to climate change,” he said. And this storm in particular, he added, is getting a lot of its moisture from water vapor evaporated off the Atlantic Ocean, which complicates the picture.

Dr. Francis agreed that any connections are complex, but added, “all storms now form in a greatly altered climate, so there’s little doubt that the same storm decades ago would not be the same.”

They always trot out that “be cautious against drawing quick conclusions” right as they, and the articles, blame you for daring to take a long shower and have some sausage with your breakfast before heading off to work in your fossil fueled vehicle.

Read: NY Times: Say, You Know That Big Snowstorm Is Totally Climate Change (scam), Right? »

Hot Take: CNN Reports Trump Will Refuse To Leave White House

Can you guess what is missing from this CNN report from not 1, not 2, but 3 so-called reporters?

Trump has reportedly been convinced he actually won, tells advisers he may not vacate the White House

President Trump was privately coming to terms with his loss to President-elect Joe Biden, but he “has now reversed and dug in deeper — not only spreading misinformation about the election, but ingesting it himself,” CNN reports, “egged on by advisers like Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis who are misleading Trump about the extent of voting irregularities and the prospects of a reversal.” One adviser told CNN, “He’s been fed so much misinformation that I think he actually thinks this thing was stolen from him.”

Even the Electoral College formalizing Biden’s win “did not appear enough to shake Trump from his delusions of victory,” CNN says, “but it is adding urgency to a push by several of his advisers to gently steer Trump toward reality.” Discussions of Trump’s post-presidency future tend to go nowhere because Trump “all but shuts down,” CNN reports. “In his moments of deepest denial, Trump has told some advisers that he will refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, only to be walked down from that ledge. The possibility has alarmed some aides, but few believe Trump will actually follow through.”

The actual CNN report says

In his moments of deepest denial, Trump has told some advisers that he will refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, only to be walked down from that ledge. The possibility has alarmed some aides, but few believe Trump will actually follow through.

“He’s throwing a f***ing temper tantrum,” an adviser said. “He’s going to leave. He’s just lashing out.”…

While Trump had begun to privately accept the reality that he lost the election late last month, advisers say Trump has now reversed and dug in deeper — not only spreading misinformation about the election, but ingesting it himself.

“He’s been fed so much misinformation that I think he actually thinks this thing was stolen from him,” a Trump adviser said of the President.

Not one single named source. As usual. This is what is called journalism these days. Of course, unhinged, TDS infused nutters like Hot Air’s Allahpundit, believe this piece of mule fritters, and even have fantasies

Imagine the news coverage. “It’s now 8 p.m. eastern time, eight hours since President Joe Biden was inaugurated, and as you can see from our live feed former President Trump is still seated at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office in the dark with his arms crossed. Wait, hold on — we’re now getting word that the former president is threatening to hold his breath if the election results aren’t overturned. To repeat, he will hold his breath unless he isn’t sworn in for a second term immediately. Back to you, Jim.”

I’m looking forward to #NeverTrumpers like AP whining once China Joe starts pushing all sorts of rules and regs, and, if the Dems take the Georgia senate seats, legislation that the Never Trumpers will hates. The operative phrase for these NTs will be “sit down, shut up, and take it, because this is what you wanted.” Or, just a simple, hearty “f*ck off, moron” works, as well.

Meanwhile, after 4 years of pimping Russia Russia Russia, the Washington Post seems rather upset that Ron Johnson would hold hearings on all the election irregularities, both in the supposed straight news (it’s opinion) and the opinion section. Let’s be honest, the fix was in, it’s still in, and it will continue to be in. And, when more and more evidence comes out showing all the election fraud, the same Russia Russia Russia media will tell us to just move on.

Read: Hot Take: CNN Reports Trump Will Refuse To Leave White House »

Uh Oh: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Be Coming For Your Favorite Christmas Rom-Coms Or Something

Why am I doubting that most Warmists watch these types of shows, since they are positive and upbeat and tend to discuss God and Christianity and Christmas and Jesus, all those things the climate cultists do not like. But, the cultists want to attempt to scare the heretics

Is climate change coming for the Christmas rom-com?

It’s December, which means ‘tis the season for drinking giant mugs of hot cocoa, making piles of gingerbread cookies, and lots and lots of ice-skating – at least, it does if you’re a character in one of this season’s many holiday rom-coms. Even in 2020, the end of the year still brings a deluge of festive romances, complete with totally believable plot lines (in The Princess Switch 2: Switched Again, Vanessa Hudgens plays not two but three (!) identical women romping through a fictional European country) and final-act kisses under the mistletoe.

Oh, and snow. Piles and piles of snow.

Despite our overheating planet, the weather forecast in most holiday-themed movies remains largely unchanged. Couples meet cute while wrapped in layers of flannel and cashmere. Nevermind the fact that the world has already warmed 1.2 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times and 2020 is on track to be the third-hottest year on record: In the world of Christmas Town, Holidate, and Christmas Ever After, romance – and snowy winters – are alive and well.

Personally, I’d prefer a good zombie or horror or scifi movie or TV show, some Survivor and The Amazing Race, but, that’s me. Lots of people, let’s be honest, mostly the ladies, like the movies on Hallmark and such, right?

Granted, Christmas rom-coms provide escapism in more ways than one. Hallmark, Lifetime, and Netflix are already selling a fantasy in which small-town America is thriving, most women work as novelists or bloggers, and the worst personality trait possible is to be a Christmas “grinch.” Climate change adds yet another dimension: While these movies’ fanciful, snowy backdrops might have once faded into the, well, backdrop, they’re increasingly hard to ignore in a time when so much of our lives are defined by extreme weather events.

According to an analysis by the nonprofit research group Climate Central earlier this year, rising temperatures are shrinking snowfall in many areas of the country, particularly during fall and spring; Chicago, a snowy bastion of the Christmas genre, now sees around 4 fewer inches of winter snow than in the 1970s. Sledding, skiing, and outdoor ice-skating — the best activities to do with a romantic partner who looks like a J. Crew model! — may all be in jeopardy as temperatures rise.

You mean back when the media hysterics were scaremongering about a coming ice age?

As the climate warms, these fake snow-making techniques will be on the rise — and so will the chasm between our treasured festive romances and reality. Granted, it can feel kind of good to travel into a winter wonderland that’s as devoid of climate change as it is of the restrictions (and masks!) of COVID-19. (Amid today’s lockdowns, just a quick scene of an indoor, poinsettia-filled holiday party filled me with aching wistfulness.) But will we still be watching these blizzard-filled flicks in 2030? Or 2050? Or will they start to feel too much like fantasy — a nostalgic imprint of the world that came before?

Read: Uh Oh: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Be Coming For Your Favorite Christmas Rom-Coms Or Something »

If All You See…

…are glaciers which will soon disappear due to the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the Christmas Star being visible for the first time in 800 years.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: You’ll Still Need To Wear A Mask Even With The Vaccine

Is anyone starting to get the idea that mask mandates are less about health than about forcing compliance, which makes people more susceptible to more forced compliance mandates? Is that more conspiracy theory, theory, or reality? Because Progressives/Modern Socialists are very much about government controlling people’s lives

A COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t mean that you can stop wearing a mask

Shipments of the Covid-19 vaccine are arriving, with frontline health care workers getting immunized — some for the cameras — across the United States Monday.

While these developments mark a historic moment and hold much promise, that doesn’t mean Americans can stop wearing masks anytime soon. CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor at George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, explains why.

CNN: Does the vaccine protect people from getting Covid-19? If so, how come I still have to wear a mask?

Wen: This is a good question! It’s important to be clear about what we know and what we don’t know about what the vaccine does. What we know is that the Pfizer vaccine is very effective at preventing symptomatic illness and severe disease. That means the vaccine appears to prevent people from getting sick enough that they develop symptoms, and very importantly, it prevents people from becoming so severely ill that they end up in the hospital. This is really great news.

Here’s what the studies don’t yet show. They haven’t looked at whether the vaccine prevents someone from carrying Covid-19 and spreading it to others. It’s possible that someone could get the vaccine but could still be an asymptomatic carrier. They may not show symptoms, but they have the virus in their nasal passageway so that if they’re speaking, breathing, sneezing and so on, they can still transmit it to others.

This is the main reason why we can’t stop wearing masks right after we get the vaccine. The vaccine will protect you from getting ill and then ending up hospitalized. But it’s possible that you could still carry the virus and be contagious to others. So those who get the vaccine should still be wearing masks and practicing physical distancing.

But, if we all have the vaccine, why would we need to wear masks?

CNN: Does that mean we will need to wear masks in public from now on?

Wen: No, not forever, but for a while longer. It’s estimated that about 70% of Americans must be vaccinated before we get to herd immunity through vaccination. That’s the point where enough people have the immune protection that the virus won’t spread any more.

But, even after 230 million Americans receive one of the vaccines (thank you, President Trump!), they’re still hedging that people will need to wear masks. They will continue to find reasons to force mask compliance, because, again, that makes others easier, because it’s just a mask, right? No biggie.

Meanwhile, how about some SJW virtue signaling?

California May Consider ‘Historical Injustice’ When Allocating Coronavirus Vaccine

When Virginia Hedrick first heard about the coronavirus circulating on cruise ships off the coast of California back in March, it made her think back to some of the first ships of European settlers that arrived on American shores centuries ago, also teeming with disease.

Oh, good grief

Various outbreaks and epidemics spread across the continent in the following centuries, particularly measles and smallpox, and Indigenous people suffered hugely disproportionate rates of illness and death.

“So some would say that it was an unintentional spread of infectious disease upon contact. Others would say it was absolutely intentional,” says Hedrick, a member of the Yurok tribe who grew up on a reservation in Humboldt County. Now, during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, American Indians are 4 times more likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 than white people, and more than twice as likely to die. For all these reasons, past and present, Hedrick says, Indigenous people should be moved toward the front of the line to receive a vaccine.

“When we think about the historical injustice of this nation, of California, isn’t now the time to say that for the first time we prioritized Indigenous people?” she says. “We started to make reparations in the way that we handled and treated the Indigenous people of this continent?”

It doesn’t get better after that.

Read: Good News: You’ll Still Need To Wear A Mask Even With The Vaccine »

Say, What Would China Joe’s Net Zero World Look Like?

What hyper-Warmist Chris Mooney fails to mention is that all the elites will continue to fly their fossil fueled jets, cruise in their fossil fueled yachts, and drive in their fossil fueled limos while living in their mega-mansions with their manicured lawns while eating expensive, imported food, all while the non-elites will suffer

Biden wants the U.S. to stop contributing to climate change by 2050. Here’s what that would actually take.

The year is 2050, and everything in your home — perhaps in your entire life — is electric.

Your car runs on battery power. Your home heating runs through a highly efficient heat-pump system that has long since replaced the gas furnace. Not even the burners on your stove produce combustion or flames any longer.

And all of it is powered by an array of solar and sometimes distant wind installations, which route electricity across the country thanks to a gargantuan network of power lines that triples the scale of the United States’ current transmission infrastructure. You see them — the panels, the turbines, the lines — everywhere you drive, everywhere you go.

By 2050, in President-elect Joe Biden’s vision of the country — even more ambitious than what the Obama administration proposed — the United States would no longer be putting greenhouse gases into the air. And for that to happen, it is likely that our world would have to look a lot like what was just described.

And what, exactly, is the cost of all this? What’s the cost of that heat-pump system? Unless you can afford almost $40k and up for a vehicle, you won’t be driving. You can essentially kiss goodbye all those in the gig-economy doing deliveries and rides, because they won’t be able to afford those vehicles. Perhaps we’ll all be taking long commutes on battery powered scooters, or those little electric vehicles like they make tourists use in Bermuda.

Of course, unemployment will be sky high, so, a huge percentage won’t have to worry about going to work. Huge sectors of the economy will be put out of work, some forcibly.

In Joe’s World all those suburban and rural areas will be forced to slap up wind turbines and solar farms all over, ruining property values and destroying the landscape. Warmists, of course, do not want this stuff near them and ruining their views.

That is the gist of what an extremely detailed study from energy experts at Princeton University describes in 344 exacting slides outlining what it would take for the United States to be “net zero” in 30 years — meaning any remaining greenhouse gas emissions would be offset by subtractions through forests, agriculture or perhaps directly sucking carbon from the air.

“The costs are affordable, the tool kit is there, but the scale of transformation across the country is significant,” said Jesse Jenkins, a Princeton professor and one of three leaders of the study, along with the university’s Eric Larson and Christopher Greig. “This is a major national undertaking that will only happen if we have the right national commitment.”

So, let me ask: what if 49% of us do not want to participate with this? Will we be force? What say those who are Believers start by changing their own life? What about China Joe and his people, oh, and the Washington Post, start using pure electric vehicles for their operations?

And hands will be tied not only by national politics, Tierney noted. There could be all kinds of “friction” that energy system modelers say they’re not able to include in their scenarios, she said: Legal issues. Permitting issues. Changes in consumer behavior, or resistance to changes. People wanting to keep their gas burners on their stoves, for instance, or not wanting to buy an electric car.

You will not be allowed a choice, Comrades.

Read: Say, What Would China Joe’s Net Zero World Look Like? »

Senator Ron Johnson To Hold Election 2020 Hearings

This is making those folks at CNN who totally avoided Russia Russia Russia totally upset. How dare Ron investigate the election!

After Electoral College affirmed Biden win, Ron Johnson to hold hearing to probe 2020 election

China Votes BidenOne day after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said plainly that Joe Biden was the President-elect, Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is holding a controversial hearing Wednesday to probe the 2020 election.

Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has invited two Trump campaign lawyers who tried to overturn the election results in Nevada and Wisconsin and a Republican Pennsylvania state representative, as well as former independent counsel Kenneth Starr, who was part of President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense.

Senators in both parties have raised concerns that the hearing is promoting debunked conspiracy theories about the election, and one Republican senator is not participating. It comes as Trump has continued to spread baseless and false claims about fraud in the election and ignored Monday’s Electoral College vote that affirmed Biden as the winner of the presidential election, 306 electoral votes to 232. (snip)

Asked Monday whether Biden was President-elect, Johnson said it was “certainly walking down that path, isn’t it?” But Johnson defended his decision to hold his election fraud hearing, saying there’s “a large percentage of the American population that just don’t view this as a legitimate result for a host of reasons.”

Johnson said Tuesday in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that he considered the election “legitimate.”

“Yes. I haven’t seen anything that would convince me that the results — the overall national result — would be overturned,” Johnson said.

Democrats, including the lunatics at CNN, spent four years claiming that the 2016 election was stolen due to Russian interference, and that Trump and his people were Russian assets. That turned out to be a bunch of mule fritters, yet, the Trump deranged continued to bang the drum and spin things even after the Mueller report said “nope, didn’t happen, just stop.” What’s wrong with a look to see what happened for 2020, considering how many irregularities occurred? Perhaps a hearing will solve most of what happened. Or not. Because there were too many things that were rather, let’s say, funky, not too mention the number of election laws and rules that were arbitrarily changed without the legal approval of state legislatures

Democrats charge Wednesday’s hearing provides a forum to spread the unproven conspiracies that were roundly rejected in courts in all of the battleground states where Trump challenged the result. One of the witnesses, James Troupis, represented the Trump campaign in its unsuccessful court challenges in Wisconsin. Another witness, Jesse Binnall, who was Trump’s attorney in Nevada, baselessly claimed on November 17 that Trump had won the state. The campaign’s Nevada challenge was also dismissed.

After four years of Russia Russia Russia, Democrats can kiss my hairy ass. They have zero leg to stand on

Read: Senator Ron Johnson To Hold Election 2020 Hearings »

Bummer: Parts Of Arizona Could Be Uninhabitable Within 30 Years

Yup, parts of Arizona that are pretty much hot deserts could maybe possibly we think a carbon tax could solve this become even worse

6 Arizona counties may be uninhabitable in the next 30 years due to climate change, study shows

Six of Arizona’s counties are at-risk of being uninhabitable in the near-future due to climate change, a ProPublica and Rhodium Group study found.

The study predicted which counties in the U.S. would face climate change issues to the point of having an uninhabitable climate for humans in the next 20 to 40 years by combining multiple metrics.

The Arizona counties listed, which included Pinal, Graham, Cochise, Mohave, Yuma, and Maricopa, were in the top 100 most at-risk counties in the United States. For context, there are 3,700 counties in the nation.

The study’s findings listed Pinal County in Arizona as the second most at-risk county in the United States of being uninhabitable.

And this is all from our old pal ‘climate change’!

The study projects that rising temperatures will only become more commonplace in the state, threatening the state’s agriculture production. Some Arizona counties will experience temperatures above 95 degrees for more than half the year, according to the study’s findings.

The average for Phoenix, in Maricopa County, is 87 degrees yearly. May through October are the hottest months, and already average 99F for the six month period, so, does this mean that the temps will go down due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and keeping the AC at 71?

Anyhow, if you’re living in what is essentially a desert area, it will get hot. And, what happens in 30 years when this study fails? Is there any punishment for that?

Read: Bummer: Parts Of Arizona Could Be Uninhabitable Within 30 Years »

If All You See…

…is a horrible world killing dog causing extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on Ted Cruz submitting legislation designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove