Van Jones Knows How To Unify America Or Something

Nothing like CNN allowing a highly polarizing guy like Van Jones to yammer about unity, eh?

The surprising ways we could unify America

Since his first speech as President-elect, Joe Biden has maintained a consistent message: He is committed to unifying the growing divides in America. For the Americans exhausted by the chaotic rhetoric of the Donald Trump era, the sentiment comes as a welcome reprieve. But, in a time when the lack of consensus seems to be the only thing there’s consensus about, is healing even possible? And, if so, how do we get from here to there?

Before we can find the right solutions to our present pain, we must properly define the problem. Across our country, the accents might change and the skin colors may differ, but the major problems we’re seeing are the same: soaring Covid-19 rates, an ongoing opioid crisis, high rates of poverty and a broken criminal justice system.

Well, hey, we can all agree on defunding the police, releasing stone cold criminals from jail, and giving illegal aliens unfettered access to the U.S. to fix the broken justice system, right? I’m sure Liberals will agree that we need to fix the 2 tiered justice system, the one which gave Hillary and her cohorts a free pass when you or I would have been in jail, right?

If we are going to mend these ideological fissures, we cannot continue to play into the current “us vs. them” dynamic. We need to invest in an alternative. That alternative will arise from a solution-oriented, positive kind of populism — one that puts truth above tribalism, results over rhetoric, and people over partisanship.

Which is funny, since Democrats, and CNN, are all about putting people in neat little identity boxes and playing them off against those who believe differently.

We need a “bipartisanship from below” approach. We need the kind of alliances that ordinary people discover when they reach out to solve the deadly serious problems that land on their doorsteps. That kind of solidarity emerges — however conditionally — when good people help one another as neighbors, as Americans, as human beings.

Kinda hard to do this when Democrats believe in Government telling us what to do. In the primacy of Government. Except when government conflicts with their Progressive (nice Fascist), Statist beliefs, then they run riot in the streets and create “autonomous zones”, which have dictatorial leaders.

Bipartisanship today is different from the top-down bipartisanship of the 1990s and early 2000s, which, for many, left a bad taste. Both parties were overly influenced by moderates and centrists, some of whom had no strong ideological commitment — except to do the bidding of their private and/or corporate donors, which contributed to the signing of NAFTA, prisons everywhere and endless wars.

Interesting, since Trump was all for doing away with things like NAFTA and renegotiating deals for the betterment of America, he did a big justice system reform, and, last I checked, he didn’t start a war, even a small one, and was working hard to pull us out of wars and create actual peace in the Middle East.

As a result, many people of strong political conviction on both the right and the left came to distrust anyone who talked about “compromise” and “reaching across the aisle.” And the grassroots movements — from Black Lives Matter to the Tea Party, from Bernie Sandernistas to the MAGA-hat crowd — revolted against the traditional dealmakers in both parties. The resulting partisan division has convinced much of the public that the parties can never cooperate on anything.

Van doesn’t offer any sort of specific policies below that paragraph on what we can agree on, and, let’s face it, the beliefs sets between the parties are very, very different. Even in cases where we might agree on the end goals, the ways to get there are far, far different. Conservatives have zero problem with cleaner energy, but, we want market forces to drive it, and a heavy reliance on next generation nuclear power. Democrats want government to force Everyone Else to comply, slap up tons of barely useable wind turbines and solar plants, and restrict people’s lives, which saying “nyet” to nuclear.

I’m sure you can think of 10 things we disagree on in just a couple of minutes.  And, remember, these same Democrats were calling for #Resist from the moment Trump was elected in 2016. They didn’t want to unify and work together and do bipartisan things and reach across the aisle. So, screw them.

Read: Van Jones Knows How To Unify America Or Something »

Democrats Slip Green New Disaster Language Into Take It Or Leave It Spending Bill

Republicans should slip language into a bill that says that all members of Congress who vote for climate crisis scam legislation should no longer be given any travel reimbursements when they take fossil fueled trips, and that the heat will be set to 65 and AC set to 82 in their Congressional offices. For a start (via Watts Up With That?)

The Stealth Green New Deal

As negotiations continue on a year-end government funding bill as well as a new round of coronavirus relief spending, bad energy policy is looking to hitch a ride. The zombie Manchin-Murkowski energy bill, which we call the American Energy Bureaucracy Act, has staggered back into the picture. In the fall, the bill got even worse after an agreement was reached to enrich big corporations at the expense of small businesses and individual consumers. A marriage of corporate bootleggers and green Baptists, with regular Americans forced to foot the bill.

The word on the street is that there are negotiations taking place to try and jam a pre-negotiated energy bill into the year-end spending bonanza. AEA obtained a page from the discussion draft that appears to include a provision from the House Green New Deal lite version of energy legislation, H.R. 4447, making is a “Sense of Congress” that calls for 100% of power demand to come from “clean, renewable, or zero-emission” energy sources. While these terms are conveniently not defined, from the wider messaging of environmental activists we know what they mean by that: replace electricity from natural gas and coal with expensive, unreliable wind and solar power. If included, this amounts to a backdoor 100% renewables mandate, snuck into a huge omnibus spending bill that they hope no one notices.

Forcing renewables onto the grid raises electricity costs and makes the grid less reliable. We only have to look at what has happened repeatedly this year in California to see the 100% renewable future: rolling power cuts at times of high demand and low renewable generation. And the California disaster is with a grid that is only partially renewable. Imagine facing power shortages because of dependence on renewables and deciding that we should become even more dependent on renewables.

This 100% provision “Sense of Congress” makes no sense whatsoever. Putting Congress on record supporting 100% renewables is a major statement of policy. It cannot be tacked onto a massive spending bill with no discussion or debate. Perhaps the drafters (and we call on you to reveal yourselves) wanted to make it sound bland, but the very vagueness of the language is especially dangerous. This provision basically gives the Secretary of Energy a blank check authorization from Congress to impose 100% renewables in whatever way he can.

Let’s require all the Congressional buildings in D.C. and their offices across the country to operate on 100% renewable within 1 year. Let’s see how well they do. Let’s see if they can operate using only non-fossil fueled means of transportation. Should be fun driving back to California and Oregon in a plugin electric vehicle, right? But, hey, #Unity, right?

Anthony Watts also notes

Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement:

“While most Americans are eagerly looking for news about access to a COVID-19 vaccine, or juggling their expenses and schedules this holiday season, some unnamed Members of Congress are making a last-minute attempt to to sneak bad energy policy into a take-it-or-leave it spending bill before checking out for the year. It’s shameful and should be rejected outright.

“Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are negotiating behind closed doors to jam a a stealth Green New Deal provision into a massive year-end bill to fund the entire federal government. Language uncovered in a “discussion draft” would give the Secretary of Energy the authority to effectively change the Department of Energy into the Department of Climate Policy.

The Democrat controlled House hasn’t bothered to vote on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. They haven’t even bothered discussing in committee. Now the question becomes “will they keep the provision, or remove it?” Because department heads already have way too much latitude to just create policy out of thin air due to being given that latitude by Congressional legislation, when that power should remain with the Legislative branch.

Read: Democrats Slip Green New Disaster Language Into Take It Or Leave It Spending Bill »

Unity Joe Forgets About The Real Unity In Electoral College Vote Win Speech

China Joe made a few patronizing calls for unity, but, his speech was mostly highly partisan. And kinda gross

Pollak: Biden’s Phlegmatic, Divisive Speech Burns Bridges to Trump’s America

President-elect Joe Biden delivered an angry, partisan speech Monday evening upon being voted the winner of the 2020 election by the Electoral College.

Biden did not just acknowledge victory; he taunted his defeated opponent, President Donald Trump. Rather than celebrate the result and reach out to Trump and his supporters, Biden — coughing up phlegm throughout his speech — attempted to rub salt in the wound, continuing to argue the case after he had already won it.

Biden seemed annoyed that Trump had contested the results at all. He has no right to be offended.

Biden was one of the Obama administration officials who “unmasked” Michael Flynn, as part of an effort undermine the incoming administration. On the campaign trail in 2019, Biden agreed eagerly with a voter who called Trump an “illegitimate president.” He called Trump a Nazi sympathizer and compared him to Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler. Biden has never apologized for that.

In his speech, Biden declared that the election was “free and fair” — a dubious claim, which I have disputed elsewhere. He  expects Americans to overlook a year of political violence, almost entirely by the left; unprecedented censorship by the mainstream media and Big Tech to cover up stories damaging to Biden’s political prospects; a debate commission stacked against Trump; and — most of all — a shift to vote-by-mail that was often pushed by Democrats over Republican objections.

There really was nothing of substance that could be considered “reaching across the aisle” included in the speech

Coughing and spluttering, Biden went on an extended rant against Trump’s effort to challenge the election results in court. There was no need to do that. The fact that the Electoral College voted the way it had was evidence enough that Trump’s legal efforts had failed.

Yeah, it is rather nasty, and rather shocking that his handlers would let him speak in such a condition.

At the end of his petulant address, Biden called on Americans to “unite and heal.” But evidently he expects unity and healing to flow in one direction.

Biden is, and always has been, one of the most divisive politicians in America. He is personally to blame for the fact that Supreme Court confirmations are fights to the death, for example.

Pollock goes on to say that Biden burned bridges. But, hey, Democrats set the stage with their Russia Russia Russia stuff, saying that the “campaign to impeach Trump has begun” on inauguration day 2017 without even giving him a chance, all the opinion pieces on hoping Trump fails and resisting Trump, 4 years of unhinged “resistance”,  and, you know the rest. I wonder if resistance will suddenly be unfashionable, that it will suddenly be un-patriotic, now that China Joe is sure to be installed as, to use the word Dems used for George W. Bush, pResident?

Read: Unity Joe Forgets About The Real Unity In Electoral College Vote Win Speech »

ClimaChristmas: Can Your Dinner Save The Planet From Climapocalypse?

I mostly ignored this stuff for Thanksgiving, but, way, way too much material, especially since so many of these climate cultists hate the Christian religion (while also refusing to give up their paid holiday off)

Can your Christmas dinner help save the planet?

Christmas Day is going to look very different for a lot of people this year, but there are also positive changes to indulge in, especially when considering what to eat for Christmas dinner and how to cook it.

Sustainable dietary advice recommends reducing the consumption of meat and an increase in consumption of locally sourced and in-season plant-based proteins, fruits and vegetables we eat. These small changes people can make to their diet are already known to benefit the environment, as well your health.

However, published in Nature Food, new research suggests that food can also have a major effect on the environment due to the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced through various methods of cooking. (snip)

“A lot of people are thinking carefully about what type of food to eat, or how it’s packaged or transported but, in terms of climate change, it is sometimes more important to consider how the food is cooked.

“Our research showed that up to 60 per cent of the climate impact of foods can come from cooking – particularly for the most climate-friendly foods like vegetables, when baked in the oven. Whereas appliances like microwave ovens and pressure cookers are generally used for less time, and so use less energy and contribute much less to climate change.”

Why don’t these people just mind their own business?

(CTV News) Christmas tree farmers across Canada and the United States are reporting an increase in demand for evergreens, compounding a supply shortage and prompting Canadians to look for alternatives this holiday season.

Shirley Brennan, executive director of Christmas Tree Farmers of Ontario, told CTV’s Your Morning that tree farmers anticipated a 15 per cent increase in demand this year, in line with annual increases over the last five years. (snip)

While tree farmers did expect to see an increase, Brennan said various factors, including the 2008 recession and climate change, have made it difficult for them to keep up with demand.

Their catch-all for everything, ‘climate change!’ And then dropping the recession 12 years ago? Bitch, please.

(INews) Should you do what you think is the right thing, or what is right for your family? That is the question at the heart of Carys Bray’s warm and thought-provoking third novel, which follows the Abram family in the build-up to a particularly fraught and rain-sodden British Christmas.

Chris Abram believes that not only is climate change about to hasten the end of the world, but it is his mission to warn people of the impending apocalypse.

Read: ClimaChristmas: Can Your Dinner Save The Planet From Climapocalypse? »

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on Christmas gifts that will and won’t work this year. Join the comments to add your ideas.

Read: If All You See… »

Are COVID Tyrants Setting Eyes On Christmas Shutdown?

They only have about 7-8 days to really force a shutdown, as doing this the 23rd or 24th will be ignored. Will they try and shut down churches for the 25th?

COVID-19 tyrants now set sights on Christmas

Watch out. One of Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisory board members told CNN that Americans need to give up their Christmas parties in order to help contain the spread of COVID-19.

Who died and made these political hacks the keeper of the constitutional rights?

Look, we know the coronavirus is harmful to health — fatal even to some. But we know, too, that the coronavirus is not a fraction as fatal or even harmful as what the political hacks say.

We know, for instance, that it’s mostly the elderly who die and the children who don’t, and that it’s ridiculous to crowd elderly into nursing homes but keep little kids home from school and call that sound scientific-based COVID-19 policy and protections. Yet that is what government has done.

But even if we didn’t know that — even if we were as ignorant as the day is long, and didn’t know a 70-year-old woman from a six-year-old first-grader — the fact is, in America, there’s still this thing called the Constitution. And as some really smart people have opined, the Constitution doesn’t get shredded even in times of national emergencies.

In other words: We still hold these truths to be self-evident, that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights — and that all the coronavirus mitigating glories in the world don’t change the source of individual rights in this country.

It’s incumbent on government to prove the need to strip citizens’ of their rights. It’s not incumbent on free citizens to prove to government why they deserve to keep their rights.

Unfortunately, that boat sailed in February/March, and there are too many who were cowed by COVID and government threats, and, early on, you could understand why, as we didn’t really know how bad COVID was, how easy it spread, whether it was really dangerous like a modern Black Death or just a bit worse than the flu. We had ideas, but, nothing really, truly concrete. People were scared even before government mandates. And, rather than pushing for wise policies, it really has become a “open it all up, get rid of masks, government go away” vs “arrest people for not wearing masks, lock Other People down” situation.

“Don’t get together with neighbors. No Christmas parties,” said Michael Osterholm, one of Biden’s coronavirus task force members. “There is not a safe Christmas party in this country right now unless everybody for the previous 10-14 days were podded.”

Podded? Get bent.

Maybe the pinheads who point fingers at Americans gathering for Christmas ought to turn their pinhead-y chastisements on the Democrats who keep getting outed for doing just what the pinheads say the rest of us can’t. Better yet, maybe these pinheads ought to keep quiet.

We don’t need the hypocrisies of Democrats who dictate we stay in our “pods,” all the while they go to restaurants, and travel, and gather in groups, and party — the hypocrisies of Democrats who do all this without wearing the very face masks they order the rest of us wear.

But, they wouldn’t really lock things for Christmas, would they?

We failed Thanksgiving and COVID is surging. For Christmas, let’s stay home and stay safe.
As a doctor, my orders are to stay at home this Christmas and not travel. It’s time to fight COVID and not keep letting it surge.

My heart breaks for the families who are missing one of the nearly 300,000 people who have died this year from COVID-19. These hundreds of thousands of people will be missing from dinners and celebrations this bittersweet holiday season. Unfortunately, these families do not have a choice: Their Christmas and holidays will be smaller and lonelier. But for those of us who do, we must voluntarily choose to keep our holiday celebrations smaller, limited only to immediate household members, so that our future celebrations are not scarred by the death of loved ones. (snip)

Let us not fuel this continuing fire that is COVID-19 pandemic. This holiday season, we need to stay at home and not risk further viral spread by visiting family. I had recently written a similar plea to stay home and opt for a virtual Thanksgiving and received a nice letter from a retired educator thanking me for “giving permission” not to gather for the holiday. She shared the article with her family so they could understand that it was not for lack of love, but because of love that she was staying away.

Please show your family this article. I am again giving permission — actually, this time, I am giving doctor’s orders: Opt for virtual Christmas and holidays, and please do not travel. Stay at home to celebrate.

Mind your own business, Doc. But, how many government are thinking about making this mandatory?

Read: Are COVID Tyrants Setting Eyes On Christmas Shutdown? »

United Nations Wants Every Nation To Declare A Climate Emergency, St. Greta Calls This ClimaVirtue Signaling

St. Greta isn’t exactly wrong

UN secretary general urges all countries to declare climate emergencies

Governments around the world should all declare a state of climate emergency until the world has reached net zero carbon emissions, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, has told a summit of world leaders.

At least 38 countries have already declared such a state of emergency, often owing to their vulnerability to the impacts of climate breakdown, which are already being felt.

“Can anybody still deny that we are facing a dramatic emergency?” Guterres said on Saturday. “I urge all others to follow.”

Yes, lots of us can still say that. This is the same UN that was useless as Russia invaded Crimea and China abused freedom lovers in Hong Kong. The same UN that does little about slavery in Africa, jihadi groups capturing young girls, and is an Israel hater.

Declaring an emergency would require countries to step up their actions on greenhouse gas emissions urgently. An increasing number of governments have a target to reach net zero emissions by around mid-century, but few have detailed plans on how to get there.

Isn’t that what the Paris Climate Agreement was about?

Many countries are also pouring money into high-carbon activities as they strive to recover from the coronavirus crisis and recession. Guterres noted that G20 countries were spending 50% more in their stimulus packages on fossil fuels and carbon-intensive sectors than they were on low-carbon energy.

“This is unacceptable,” he told the online Climate Ambition Summit, co-hosted by the UN, the UK and France. “The trillions of dollars needed for Covid recovery is money that we are borrowing from future generations. This is a moral test. We cannot use these resources to lock in policies that burden future generations with a mountain of debt on a broken planet.”

In other words, the United Nations wants that money, and is prioritizing climate scam stuff over really helping people hurt by the China virus, as their WHO covered up for China multiple times.

Greta Thunberg calls out New Zealand Government for ‘so-called’ climate emergency declaration

Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg has called out the New Zealand Government for its “so-called” climate emergency declaration earlier this month.

In a tweet on Sunday (local time), the 17-year-old linked to a Newsroom opinion piece, arguing the Government’s declaration is merely virtue signalling unless it’s backed by immediate action to reduce the country’s carbon emissions.

“‘In other words, the Government has just committed to reducing less than 1 percent of the country’s emissions by 2025’,” Thunberg tweeted, quoting an excerpt from the article.

She continued: “Text explaining New Zealand’s so-called climate emergency declaration. This is of course nothing unique to any nation. #FightFor1Point5.”

They’ve upset St. Greta! She’s not wrong though, right? Most of the plans around the world are really more about climavirtue signaling than actually doing anything. Most have their plans Doing Something in the mid-2030’s to 2050, by which time they will be ignored in practice.

Read: United Nations Wants Every Nation To Declare A Climate Emergency, St. Greta Calls This ClimaVirtue Signaling »

Western States Approve COCID Vaccines Safety Separately From FDA

Wait, I thought all these uber-Leftist states loved them some big, centralized government? No? They have to have their own review and approval of COVID vaccines? It’s almost like these people think themselves not part of the United States. Perhaps I’ve missed something in the news, but, I haven’t seen North Carolina or any other state run their own approval scheme, accepting FDA approval

COVID-19 vaccine clears key hurdle in California and across much of the West

The COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech cleared another hurdle in California on Sunday when a working group of scientists and experts endorsed its safety.

The group, representing the states of California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, reviewed the vaccine separately from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which had issued emergency-use authorization on Friday. The group made its recommendation to the governors of the four states Sunday morning, officials said in a news release.

The move paved the way for vaccines to be distributed across the state. Officials expect the first shipments to arrive as soon as Monday, with more to follow later this month and in January.

“With shipments of the vaccine soon on their way to California,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement, “we are working hand-in-hand with local public health officials to get the vaccine out to the first phase of recipients.”

So, what if this panel wasn’t in line with the FDA, and didn’t give their full approval? Would that mean that the four Modern Socialist states wouldn’t take the vaccines for distribution?

News of the group’s recommendation came as conditions continued to deteriorate at California’s hospitals. There were 13,047 COVID-19 patients as of Saturday, according to data released by the state on Sunday. That’s a nearly sixfold increase from two months ago, when there were 2,226 patients.

Weird how this paradise of Listen To The Science is having such a tough time, eh? The San Francisco area is devastated, as is the whole of Los Angeles (the county, not the city). Southern California is bad, and it’s now starting to hit the suburbs.

Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington, said the review by the four states should help assure residents of the region.

“It was crucial that the Western states had their own independent review of the vaccine,” Inslee said in a statement, “so we can have additional confidence on its safety and efficacy before we start administering to the people of our states.”

The FDA isn’t good enough for Jay? Or is it that the loopy Modern Socialists who say to Trust The Science need even more government to approve the use of the vaccines so that these people take it when available?

Meanwhile, only 4 million out of 40 million Californians signed for for the COVID exposure alert system. I’m guessing they don’t really like Government tracking their own lives, just those of Someone Else.

And in Germany

(The Telegraph) Germany is set to enter a strict lockdown from Wednesday onwards due to the “exponential growth” in coronavirus cases, with restrictions on private gatherings and the closure of shops and schools.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel made the announcement in Berlin on Sunday after a consultation with state leaders, saying “we are forced to act and we are acting now”.

“With increasing mobility and additional contacts in the pre-Christmas period, Germany is now in exponential growth of infection numbers,” she said.

Mrs Merkel conceded that Germany’s so-called ‘lockdown light’, which began in November, has “not done enough” to curb rising infection rates across the country.

Germany was another nation which was authoritarian in its response in the late winter through spring, with mandates and closures and masks and stuff, and the people Comply (whether they want to or not), with law enforcement forcing compliance. Yet, they’re having a big resurgence.

Read: Western States Approve COCID Vaccines Safety Separately From FDA »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In the Fire, with a post on the peasants not being sufficiently compliant.

It’s snow week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the geese are honking (I can hear them with the windows closed and the TV on), and less than two weeks to Christmas. This pinup is by Art Frahm, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers notes how many gun crimes suspects have been released in NYC
  2. Watcher of Weasels covers the values schism in the time of Wuhan
  3. Vox Popoli discusses a non-military war
  4. The Right Scoop features Allen B West’s response to SCOTUS blowing off the Texas election suit
  5. The People’s Cube has its Comrades of the Year
  6. The Other McCain discusses Eric Swalwell’s honey trap
  7. The Last Tradition wonders if Joe Biden will be China’s bitch
  8. The First Street Journal notes blacks in Philly protesting the police and also complaining about crime
  9. The Feral Irishman covers “the chair is against the wall”
  10. White House Dossier notes Trump creating more peace in the Middle East
  11. Raised On Hoecakes discusses what one of those “evil” police officers did
  12. Powerline notes that the higher education meltdown is here
  13. Pacific Pundit highlights the crowd at the Army-Navy game loving Trump (you can bet Biden won’t get this type of response if he goes)
  14. MOTUS A.D. has some Sunday holiday fun
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery covers a sickly Santa being featured in NHS propaganda

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove