ClimaPope Links COVID And Climate Scam, Calls For Net Zero By 2050

Pope Francis has been deep in the Cult of Climastrology camp since he took his position, spending more time yapping about ‘climate change’ than seemingly stuff that supports the beliefs of the Catholic church and the Bible. Now, like so many high ranking poobahs in the CoC, he is linking COVID and ‘climate change’, because, let’s face it, unlike the peons he doesn’t have to worry about having his own life negatively effected by the policies

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Net-Zero Emissions’ Plan to Beat Climate Change

Pope Francis tied together the coronavirus pandemic and climate change Saturday, insisting that both crises have ethical, social, economic, and political relevance.

In a video message for Saturday’s “High Level Virtual Climate Ambition Summit,” organized by the United Nations, Great Britain, and France, in collaboration with Chile and Italy, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Climate Accord, the pontiff reiterated his summons for greater efforts to combat global warming.

There are a number of “measures that cannot be put off any longer,” the pope said, including “a net-zero emissions strategy.”

“The current pandemic and climate change, which have not only an environmental relevance, but also an ethical, social, economic, and political relevance, have an impact, above all, on the lives of the poorest and most fragile,” Francis said, in an address delivered in his native Spanish.

The pope articulated the commitment of the Vatican on two levels, one for the Vatican City State itself and one for the Holy See in its role as global teacher.

“The Vatican City State commits to reducing net emissions to zero by 2050,” he said, “by intensifying ongoing environmental management efforts that have been in place for some years to enable the rational use of natural resources such as water and energy, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, reforestation, and the circular economy also in waste management.”

Secondly, “the Holy See is committed to promoting education for comprehensive ecology,” Francis said. “Political and technical measures must be linked to an educational process that promotes a cultural model of development and sustainability focused on fraternity and the alliance between human beings and the environment.”

Secondly, sounds like the ClimaPope wants indoctrination into CoC beliefs. First, why is he waiting till 2050 for the Vatican City State to go net zero? Start doing it hardcore right now. He could

  • Fully embrace solar power, and get power from nothing else but solar and wind (in fairness, the city/state has been called the greenest state)
  • Restrict the use of all fossil fueled vehicles in the city starting now. All deliveries must be by non-fossil fueled vehicles, no PopeMobile, no scooters, no bringing in anything or anyone by fossil fueled vehicle. Which still leaves the problem of fossil fuels used to the gates of the Vatican city
  • Tell people to stop taking long, fossil fueled flights to Italy to visit the Vatican
  • No meat being available anywhere in the city
  • Start sending a huge chunk of money to the UN
  • Pope France and everyone who lives in Vatican City should no longer take fossil fueled flights around the world.

Like most nations, the Vatican has plans for 30 years down the road, because they want Other People to be forced to live the Cult’s life, not themselves.

Read: ClimaPope Links COVID And Climate Scam, Calls For Net Zero By 2050 »

Al Gore Gives Us Doubleshot Of Whine About ‘Climate Change’ And Election 2000

See, we can totally reclaim America’s standing with Modern Socialist nations cracking down on their citizens while the Elites refuse to reduce their own carbon footprints, nations with a heck of a lot fewer speech, protest, and press protections

Al Gore: Where I Find Hope
The Biden administration will have the opportunity to restore confidence in America and take on the worsening climate crisis.

This weekend marks two anniversaries that, for me, point a way forward through the accumulated wreckage of the past year.

The first is personal. Twenty years ago, I ended my presidential campaign after the Supreme Court abruptly decided the 2000 election. As the incumbent vice president, my duty then turned to presiding over the tallying of Electoral College votes in Congress to elect my opponent. This process will unfold again on Monday as the college’s electors ratify America’s choice of Joe Biden as the next president, ending a long and fraught campaign and reaffirming the continuity of our democracy.

Well, Dem voters still whine about this, saying the election was stolen, so, I guess Gore can whine about it 20 years on, eh?

The second anniversary is universal and hopeful. This weekend also marks the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. One of President Trump’s first orders of business nearly four years ago was to pull the United States out of the accord, signed by 194 other nations to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases threatening the planet. With Mr. Trump heading for the exit, President-elect Biden plans to rejoin the agreement on his Inauguration Day, Jan. 20.

Now, with Mr. Biden about to take up residence in the White House, the United States has the chance to reclaim America’s leadership position in the world after four years in the back seat.

Would this be the same Paris Climate Agreement that almost no nation is even close to being in compliance with?

Anyhow, The Goracle also mentions COVID and inequality stuff and

What lies before us is the opportunity to build a more just and equitable way of life for all humankind. This potential new beginning comes at a rare moment when it may be possible to break the stranglehold of the past over the future, when the trajectory of history might be altered by what we choose to do with a new vision.

Ever notice that these Elites always want to build things, and do not give a flying shit about the opinions of the people they are building it for? Why would we want the Government building our economy?

Mr. Biden will take office at a time when humankind faces the choice of life over death. Two years ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned of severe consequences — coastal inundations and worsening droughts, among other catastrophes — if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced by 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030 and 100 percent by 2050.

Life or death, people! Life or death!

Read: Al Gore Gives Us Doubleshot Of Whine About ‘Climate Change’ And Election 2000 »

If All You See…

…is climate change death coming for us all without a carbon tax, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on watching history happen.

Read: If All You See… »

Activists Livid That Tulsi Gabbard Is Supporting Bill Protecting Women In Sports From “Trans Women”

At what point do actual, real, biological women start to realize that the Democratic Party mostly puts a tiny number of people with mental health issues over real, biological women? That the Democrats do not have the best interests of real, biological women at heart? That Democrats have relegated real, biological women’s interests to well below that of the tiny number of gender confused men who want to compete as women, often because they cannot compete against men?

For Her Final Act, Tulsi Gabbard Is Promoting A Bill That Threatens Trans Women In Sports

While she might be ending her final term in Congress in just several short weeks, former presidential candidate and Representative Tulsi Gabbard partnered up with Representative Markwayne Mullin to introduce a new bill before she says goodbye — and it has a deeply transphobic twist. H.R. 8932, entitled the Protect Women’s Sports Act, seeks to limit women’s collegiate sports programs to only people assigned female at birth. “Title IX was designed to give women and girls an equal chance to succeed, including in sports. Allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports diminishes that equality and takes away from the original intent of Title IX,” Gabbard said in a statement.

But this is only the latest attempt to prevent transgender athletes from competing in sports according to their true gender as opposed to their gender assigned at birth — or what Gabbard has referred to as “biological sex.” In September, Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler paired up with Tom Cotton and several other senators to propose another transphobic bill, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. That bill similarly aimed to make it a violation of Title IX protections for any educational institution that receives federal funds to allow transgender women to participate in women’s sports.

Good for Tulsi. Why should actual, real women have to compete against biological men in their sports, so often losing to the “trans women”, which has a real world implication of losing scholarships and wins which they would have earned? They shouldn’t have to

Additionally, a law that bans trans athletes from participating in school sports also passed in Idaho. However, a preliminary injunction was granted to stop the bill from doing irreversible harm. In June, the Supreme Court also decided that under the Civil Rights Act, discrimination on the basis of gender identity is classified alongside sex discrimination.

Akin to Loeffler’s bill, Gabbard’s new bill introduced would also make it a violation for schools that receive federal funding to “permit a person whose biological sex at birth is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.” If it were to become law, it would make it impossible for trans women to play women’s sports. So far, advocates have come out in droves to denounce the harm that the Protect Women’s Sports Act could do. “Dare I say that women’s sports may benefit from actual protection like resources, equal pay, training, support. Stop weaponizing your fear of transness to hurt all women,” said Chase Strangio, an ACLU lawyer and trans advocate.

Gotta love how the activists say that protecting “trans women” so they can beat real women in competitions is somehow protecting real women.

What is perhaps just as alarming is the fact that Gabbard may be the only (technical) Democrat to promote anti-trans legislation like this.

I bet most people beyond the “activists” think of this as promoting protection of real women.

Read: Activists Livid That Tulsi Gabbard Is Supporting Bill Protecting Women In Sports From “Trans Women” »

Surprise: Canada To Raise Carbon Tax Prices

Interestingly, the same government applying the cultish taxation scheme isn’t really giving up its own use of fossil fuels and such, because it would be really difficult to run a government in the cold and snowy conditions of Canada without them. See how well your Tesla does next time Canada gets a big snowstorm

Canada to boost carbon price to fight climate change, Ontario premier blasts “green scam”

Canada plans to steadily ramp up its price on carbon as part of a program to fight climate change, the government said on Friday, prompting praise from green groups often critical of Ottawa’s record.

Canada, which has missed every one of its emissions targets, is relying heavily on the measure to help meet 2030 commitments. Starting in 2023, the price will go up by C$15 ($11.70) per tonne a year from the current C$30 until it hits C$170 in 2030.

“The cleaner your economy, the faster and stronger it will grow,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters. The majority of the proceeds are returned directly to individuals and families through rebates.

Canada, a vast cold country that is also a major crude exporter, has struggled to control emissions of greenhouse gases that are widely blamed for global warming.

If the cleaner is faster and stronger thing is real, then why hasn’t Canada, and so many other Warmist led nations, simply just instituted all the climarules immediately? Why is everything out 10+ years? Why not implement the raised tax right now? Why is it that the governments and politicians pushing this stuff don’t change their own behavior?

The premier of Ontario, the most populous of the 10 provinces, called the announcement a “green scam” that would cripple an economy struggling to cope with the coronavirus.

“This carbon tax is going to be the worst thing you could ever see,” Doug Ford told reporters.

“You don’t have to protect the environment on the backs of the hardworking people of this province … at a time when people are barely holding on by their fingernails.”

Because cults don’t care about people, they care about people complying.

Read: Surprise: Canada To Raise Carbon Tax Prices »

The Atlantic: Republicans Need To Just Shut Up And Accept China Joe’s Win

The next thing the leftist news media will tell us is that we are required to get behind China Joe’s policies, otherwise we Hate Democracy

Republicans Are Going Down a Dangerous Road

Even with the Supreme Court still deciding whether to consider a last-ditch legal effort to invalidate the results from the key swing states, there appears little chance that Trump will succeed in subverting Joe Biden’s victory. But Trump’s failure on that front has obscured his success at enlisting a growing swath of his party to join his cause—a dynamic that is already prompting new Republican efforts to make it more difficult to vote and raising concerns about the party’s commitment to the basic tenets of Western democratic rules and conventions, including the peaceful transfer of power.

“Where their hearts are is hard to know, but their behavior is not small-d democratic,” Susan Stokes, a political-science professor and the director of the Chicago Center on Democracy at the University of Chicago, told me.

Stokes, like other experts, says the Republican Party is on a continuum toward the kind of “democratic erosion” visible in other countries, including Turkey under Recep Erdoğan, Hungary under Viktor Orbán, or, in the most extreme example, Russia under Vladimir Putin. In those nations, a party that wins office through a democratic election then seeks to use state power to tilt or completely undermine future elections.

“With one of our political parties trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election, we are way farther down that road now than we were before the election, or a year ago,” she told me. Republicans “have been going down that road all through Trump’s term, but this is the parting gift, which is more extreme than what has happened before.”

What follows is The Atlantic’s Ronald Browstein being upset that Republicans have tried to enforce the notion of one person one vote and that we should require proof that the person voting is actually that person, along with all the complaints of election fraud that have been alleged by Republicans for the 2020 election. Because trying to ensure election intergrity is just dumb, right? Because the enormous amount of election irregularities, bad software, ballots just appearing out of thin air, election watchers being kept away, counts being restarted after watchers went home, etc and so on, you know the drill, is just silly. No one should ever contest anything, right?

It’s all very interesting, because we were treated to 8 years of Democrats proclaiming that George W. Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections, and refereed to him as pResident and “not my president”. They then spent 4 years proclaiming that Trump was an illegitimate president because Russia stole the election for him, that he was an agent of Vladimir Putin. They wanted him impeached even before he took office. They figured out a way to get a several years long special council investigation, and still wouldn’t accept the results when it turned out their Russia Russia Russia meme was a bunch of mule fritters.

But, see, Republicans are just supposed to accept China Joe.

Read: The Atlantic: Republicans Need To Just Shut Up And Accept China Joe’s Win »

Climate Cultists Have Plan For A Global Citizen’s Assembly Or Something

I wonder if we can troll the hell out of this?

Global citizens’ assembly planned to address climate crisis

People around the world will have a chance to discuss responses to the climate crisis in a planned global citizens’ assembly to inform UN talks in Glasgow in 2021, organisers said on Thursday.

The project aims to build on similar initiatives in individual countries such as Ireland, France and Canada, where citizens’ assemblies have given politicians a steer by generating ambitious proposals on divisive issues.

“Young people are not just frustrated by rising temperatures and declining ecosystems; we’re also frustrated by the constant recycling of outdated political solutions,” said Susan Nakyung Lee, 19, a South Korean student working on the project.

The plan is to launch a core virtual assembly made up of 1,000 people chosen by lottery from around the world, in spring or early summer, to run for several months ahead of the Cop26 talks in November.

So, what if hundreds, if not thousands, of Skeptics get in the lottery, and get picked? That would be fun, right? My recommendation would be for all Believers to get rid of their own fossil fueled vehicles and travel and make their own lives carbon neutral.

Organisers are working with other groups to hold local events around the world to broaden participation and build a lasting platform to host deliberations on global heating.

They love them some events and chats and protests and conferences and stuff, but, they never really actually show they believe in what they’re pushing by modifying their own lives. Weird, right?

Although the assembly has no power to compel governments, supporters hope its recommendations will carry enough moral authority to influence policymakers.

Um, shouldn’t government be listening to We The People, rather than government dictating how we live our lives? Not in Warmist World.

Read: Climate Cultists Have Plan For A Global Citizen’s Assembly Or Something »

If All You See…

…is Evil sugar making people fat which is bad for the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on Chinese influence operations in the U.S.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Gun Grabbers Face Uphill Battle Even Under China Joe

So, just wondering if China Joe and whomever he picks to help him grab guns will be named Gun Salesperson Of The Month/Year on a constant basis

Gun restrictions face uphill battle even under Biden

The gun debate in America will soon enter a new chapter with a Democrat in the White House after four years under President Donald Trump in which gun control advocates developed a long wish list for reform amid a spate of large-scale mass killings in places like Las Vegas, El Paso and Parkland, Florida.

But any hope that Joe Biden will usher in a new era of restrictions on firearms is highly unlikely because of the same polarization in Washington that has tripped up similar efforts under past administrations.

The items on the agenda — largely relegated to the political shelf in recent years — include renewing a ban on AR-style rifles, universal background checks, restrictions on high-capacity magazines and a federal red flag law designed to prevent people at risk of harming themselves or others from purchasing a firearm.

But virtually all of those will require Congress to act. And regardless the outcome in two Senate races in Georgia that will determine which party holds the majority in that chamber, it will be a tall order to get a majority of lawmakers on board.

One more reason the GOP needs to stop the steal and keep the Senate with the Georgia revotes (which would probably not be necessary without all the Democratic Party fraud). But, let’s say that the Dems manage to steal the Georgia senate seats and pass all sorts of gun restrictions, there will be lawsuits out the ying-yang as to the Constitutionality of them, and, thanks to Trump and Mitch McConnell, judges who follow the Constitution control the Supreme Court.

One key reason is because the issues have become so polarized. Years ago, gun politics crossed party lines, and it was easier for Republicans and Democrats to find common ground.

“It used to be a cross-cutting issue, there used to be Democrats that were very pro-gun and Democratic legislators who won districts in part on their pro-gun views,” said Matt Grossmann, an associate professor at Michigan State University and director of its Institute for Public Policy and Social Research who follows gun politics. “And you just don’t have that anymore.”

And now we have the reality that any “common sense gun reform” coming from Democrats is just one more step to eliminating private ownership of firearms. Oh, and while so many Democrats are attempting to defund the police.

The number of firearms in circulation has mushroomed in the past 12 years, starting in President Barack Obama’s administration when gun owners feared he would push through significant restrictions.

Interestingly, there was a huge surge of firearm purchases by Democrat voters during lockdown. Huh.

The most coveted piece of legislation by gun control advocates has been a renewal of the ban on “assault weapons” that expired in 2004. Biden played a central role in pushing through that decade-long ban, and he has pledged to push for another ban on the semiautomatic long guns that have only surged in popularity since their return to the market.

Yet, the majority of shootings are not from the scary looking guns. Remember, though, Joe Biden wants unity and he plans on reaching out to Conservatives or something.

Read: Bummer: Gun Grabbers Face Uphill Battle Even Under China Joe »

St. Greta Releases Video, Is Very Disappointed In Your “Empty Words”

I wonder if anyone in the Cult of Climastrology and the Credentialed Media are thinking that it was perhaps not the best of ideas to elevate a teenager blowing off her education as a modern day icon, empowering her to lecture all humanity about her pet beliefs

Greta Thunberg: ‘We are speeding in the wrong direction’ on climate crisis

St. GretaThe world is speeding in the wrong direction in tackling the climate emergency, Greta Thunberg has said, before a UN event at which national leaders have been asked to increase their pledges for emissions cuts. (snip)

The fifth anniversary of the Paris climate accord is on Saturday and should have seen countries set out new plans to keep global heating below 2C and close to 1.5C. Current pledges would mean a catastrophic 3C rise in temperatures.

Thunberg has released a video which calls leaders to account for failing to reverse rising carbon emissions. “We are still speeding in the wrong direction,” she said. “The five years following the Paris agreement have been the five hottest years ever recorded and, during that time, the world has emitted more than 200bn tonnes of CO2.

“Distant hypothetical targets are being set, and big speeches are being given,” she said. “Yet, when it comes to the immediate action we need, we are still in a state of complete denial, as we waste our time, creating new loopholes with empty words and creative accounting.”

She told the Guardian: “Leaders should be telling the truth: that we are facing an emergency and we are not doing nearly enough. We need to prioritise the action that needs to be taken right here and right now, because it is right now that the carbon budget is being used up.

“We need to stop focusing on goals and targets for 2030 or 2050,” she said. “We need to implement annual binding carbon budgets today.”

She was very unhappy about all the empty words, an in you for failing to following the beliefs of a teenager who knows everything.

But Thunberg, who has given speeches at previous UN climate summits, concludes her video message by saying: “There is hope … we are the hope – we, the people.”

She said: “For me, the hope lies in democracy – it is the people who have the power. If enough people stand up together and repeat the same message, then there are no limits to what we can achieve.”

Here’s the question: what if most of us don’t actually want to do what she says? Are we supposed to bow to the minority? Or will St. Greta do like so many of her fellow cult members do, and Demand that government institute the restrictions?

Not now, Greta! Internet points to Covid-19 pandemic as teen activist berates world for ‘empty words’ on climate change

Greta Thunberg has been accused of issuing a tone-deaf lecture about the need for immediate climate ‘action’, with some arguing that it was a less-than-ideal moment to start issuing demands to the world. (snip)

However, many others were more hesitant to heap praise on Thunberg.

“Has Greta Thunberg chosen the wrong time to speak out on climate change?” tweeted Channel 5’s Jeremy Vine. The UK debate show host hinted that her appeal, made in the midst of a global pandemic, could be seen as out of touch.

There seemed to be others who harbored similar misgivings.

“I’ve got bigger things to worry about….like keeping my family and friends safe from a virus that could kill them,” wrote one Twitter user.

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Read: St. Greta Releases Video, Is Very Disappointed In Your “Empty Words” »

Pirate's Cove