If All You See…

…is Evil sugar making people fat which is bad for the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on Chinese influence operations in the U.S.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Gun Grabbers Face Uphill Battle Even Under China Joe

So, just wondering if China Joe and whomever he picks to help him grab guns will be named Gun Salesperson Of The Month/Year on a constant basis

Gun restrictions face uphill battle even under Biden

The gun debate in America will soon enter a new chapter with a Democrat in the White House after four years under President Donald Trump in which gun control advocates developed a long wish list for reform amid a spate of large-scale mass killings in places like Las Vegas, El Paso and Parkland, Florida.

But any hope that Joe Biden will usher in a new era of restrictions on firearms is highly unlikely because of the same polarization in Washington that has tripped up similar efforts under past administrations.

The items on the agenda — largely relegated to the political shelf in recent years — include renewing a ban on AR-style rifles, universal background checks, restrictions on high-capacity magazines and a federal red flag law designed to prevent people at risk of harming themselves or others from purchasing a firearm.

But virtually all of those will require Congress to act. And regardless the outcome in two Senate races in Georgia that will determine which party holds the majority in that chamber, it will be a tall order to get a majority of lawmakers on board.

One more reason the GOP needs to stop the steal and keep the Senate with the Georgia revotes (which would probably not be necessary without all the Democratic Party fraud). But, let’s say that the Dems manage to steal the Georgia senate seats and pass all sorts of gun restrictions, there will be lawsuits out the ying-yang as to the Constitutionality of them, and, thanks to Trump and Mitch McConnell, judges who follow the Constitution control the Supreme Court.

One key reason is because the issues have become so polarized. Years ago, gun politics crossed party lines, and it was easier for Republicans and Democrats to find common ground.

“It used to be a cross-cutting issue, there used to be Democrats that were very pro-gun and Democratic legislators who won districts in part on their pro-gun views,” said Matt Grossmann, an associate professor at Michigan State University and director of its Institute for Public Policy and Social Research who follows gun politics. “And you just don’t have that anymore.”

And now we have the reality that any “common sense gun reform” coming from Democrats is just one more step to eliminating private ownership of firearms. Oh, and while so many Democrats are attempting to defund the police.

The number of firearms in circulation has mushroomed in the past 12 years, starting in President Barack Obama’s administration when gun owners feared he would push through significant restrictions.

Interestingly, there was a huge surge of firearm purchases by Democrat voters during lockdown. Huh.

The most coveted piece of legislation by gun control advocates has been a renewal of the ban on “assault weapons” that expired in 2004. Biden played a central role in pushing through that decade-long ban, and he has pledged to push for another ban on the semiautomatic long guns that have only surged in popularity since their return to the market.

Yet, the majority of shootings are not from the scary looking guns. Remember, though, Joe Biden wants unity and he plans on reaching out to Conservatives or something.

Read: Bummer: Gun Grabbers Face Uphill Battle Even Under China Joe »

St. Greta Releases Video, Is Very Disappointed In Your “Empty Words”

I wonder if anyone in the Cult of Climastrology and the Credentialed Media are thinking that it was perhaps not the best of ideas to elevate a teenager blowing off her education as a modern day icon, empowering her to lecture all humanity about her pet beliefs

Greta Thunberg: ‘We are speeding in the wrong direction’ on climate crisis

St. GretaThe world is speeding in the wrong direction in tackling the climate emergency, Greta Thunberg has said, before a UN event at which national leaders have been asked to increase their pledges for emissions cuts. (snip)

The fifth anniversary of the Paris climate accord is on Saturday and should have seen countries set out new plans to keep global heating below 2C and close to 1.5C. Current pledges would mean a catastrophic 3C rise in temperatures.

Thunberg has released a video which calls leaders to account for failing to reverse rising carbon emissions. “We are still speeding in the wrong direction,” she said. “The five years following the Paris agreement have been the five hottest years ever recorded and, during that time, the world has emitted more than 200bn tonnes of CO2.

“Distant hypothetical targets are being set, and big speeches are being given,” she said. “Yet, when it comes to the immediate action we need, we are still in a state of complete denial, as we waste our time, creating new loopholes with empty words and creative accounting.”

She told the Guardian: “Leaders should be telling the truth: that we are facing an emergency and we are not doing nearly enough. We need to prioritise the action that needs to be taken right here and right now, because it is right now that the carbon budget is being used up.

“We need to stop focusing on goals and targets for 2030 or 2050,” she said. “We need to implement annual binding carbon budgets today.”

She was very unhappy about all the empty words, an in you for failing to following the beliefs of a teenager who knows everything.

But Thunberg, who has given speeches at previous UN climate summits, concludes her video message by saying: “There is hope … we are the hope – we, the people.”

She said: “For me, the hope lies in democracy – it is the people who have the power. If enough people stand up together and repeat the same message, then there are no limits to what we can achieve.”

Here’s the question: what if most of us don’t actually want to do what she says? Are we supposed to bow to the minority? Or will St. Greta do like so many of her fellow cult members do, and Demand that government institute the restrictions?

Not now, Greta! Internet points to Covid-19 pandemic as teen activist berates world for ‘empty words’ on climate change

Greta Thunberg has been accused of issuing a tone-deaf lecture about the need for immediate climate ‘action’, with some arguing that it was a less-than-ideal moment to start issuing demands to the world. (snip)

However, many others were more hesitant to heap praise on Thunberg.

“Has Greta Thunberg chosen the wrong time to speak out on climate change?” tweeted Channel 5’s Jeremy Vine. The UK debate show host hinted that her appeal, made in the midst of a global pandemic, could be seen as out of touch.

There seemed to be others who harbored similar misgivings.

“I’ve got bigger things to worry about….like keeping my family and friends safe from a virus that could kill them,” wrote one Twitter user.

Video below the fold

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Read: St. Greta Releases Video, Is Very Disappointed In Your “Empty Words” »

Despite Mask Mandates And Restrictions, COVID Exploding, Leading To More Crackdowns

We see the commercials constantly: wear a mask to slow the spread. And, seriously, in most places, most people do wear the mask. We’ve been wearing them in most states per mandates since the end of May. Yet

States Announce Crackdowns as Virus Numbers Reach New Highs

Pennsylvania announced statewide restrictions on Thursday that ban indoor dining and close gyms, theaters and casinos for three weeks to stem a “dire” surge in coronavirus cases, and Virginians were asked to stay home from midnight to 5 a.m. until the new year.

The clampdowns came as states across the country reported deaths and cases in numbers never seen before, and hospitals filled beyond capacity. Through Wednesday, there were seven-day records in both cases and deaths.

In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf was unsparing Thursday in his characterization of the threat facing his state.

“This virus continues to rage in Pennsylvania,” Mr. Wolf said at a news conference. “Clearly we need to take future mitigation actions and stop the spread of Covid-19. We all hoped it would not come to this. The current state of the surge in Pennsylvania will not allow us to wait.”

Pennsylvania has sharpened their original mask mandate a few times. So did North Carolina and many states

And in Virginia, Gov. Ralph Northam announced a new executive order that imposes a nightly curfew, but it was unclear how — and how vigorously — it would be enforced.

The order lists categories of activity that will still be permitted during the curfew, including obtaining food, goods or services; seeking medical or law enforcement help; taking care of people or animals; child care; exercise; traveling to work, school or a house of worship; volunteering for charity; and leaving home to seek safety.

Oklahoma also limited indoor activity, restricting indoor youth sporting events and public gatherings — which includes weddings, funerals and holiday parties held at event centers — to 50 percent capacity for the next 30 days. Places of worship are excluded.

Both states have long had mask mandates and both have sharpened them over time.

The new daily record of coronavirus deaths is a stunning number in and of itself.

But it’s not just that at least 3,055 deaths were reported on Wednesday for the first time since the pandemic began, far surpassing the spring peak of 2,752 deaths. It’s that the nation lost 3,055 people who once blew out birthday candles, had triumphs and stumbles, and laughed and cried — before succumbing to the virus.

In a single day, the country, numbed and divided, lost more Americans to the coronavirus than were killed in the Sept. 11 attacks or the attack on Pearl Harbor.

And it appears far from over.

Yet, the majority of people have been following the rules, some by police force, since February. Most wear masks and don’t fight it. Perhaps they don’t actually, you know, really work? It’s certainly not a conservative thing to not wear them and get it, as we’re seeing COVID explode in heavy Democratic Party run areas. So, how will Joe’s “everyone wear a mask for 100 days” succeed?

Read: Despite Mask Mandates And Restrictions, COVID Exploding, Leading To More Crackdowns »

Manhattan Beach Is Repurposing Closed Restaurant Patios For Public Seating

I was holding off on this story till I could find a bit more information about it, a little deeper explanation. Even sent an email to reporter, but, haven’t heard back yet

Manhattan Beach repurposes closed outdoor dining areas for public seating

Though Los Angeles County has ordered restaurants to suspend outdoor dining through the holidays, the city of Manhattan Beach has implemented a plan to allow residents to continue using the space. The city has repurposed newly closed outdoor dining areas as public seating areas where people can sit and potentially dine out.

The action by Manhattan Beach was taken following the county’s newly issued safer-at-home order, which lasts through late December and prohibits outdoor dining at restaurants, breweries and wineries. The order was implemented following a surge in coronavirus cases that has strained intensive care unit capacity.

“The public can now use spaces previously allocated for outdoor dining and retail areas during the pandemic,” Manhattan Beach City Manager Bruce Monroe said in a statement last week, encouraging patrons to enjoy the holiday shopping experience in the South Bay community.

Restaurants will not be allowed to serve food directly to patrons, and must continue to abide by the county’s orders to limit service to takeout and delivery only. (snip)

“Our business community is struggling to survive the County’s latest restrictions and the City has a win-win solution to help, while safeguarding public health,” Mayor Suzanne Hadley said in a statement.

Ok, so, how exactly is this working? Does it mean that the restaurants, which spent a lot of money they didn’t have to create these outdoor eating areas, can sell takeout and people can eat there if they choose? Or does it mean that anyone can use these areas for basically hanging out doing whatever? If the latter, will the city pay the restaurants for essentially taking their property? Who knows, this is California, after all.

Fortunately, some parking fines in LA County will be suspended, which is somehow supposed to make people stay home. Will probably have the opposite effect. Oh, and

Do people who get the COVID-19 vaccine still need to wear a mask?

The short answer is yes, you will still need to wear a mask even if you get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Face coverings will be necessary for some time even after you get inoculated because while the scientific research is pretty solid that the vaccine protects you from the virus, it’s not entirely clear whether it stops you from spreading the virus to others, health officials say. It’s not known whether the virus could still set up shop in your nose and lead you to pass droplets onto others, even though you might not be “sick.”

Gotta keep the peons compliant, you know. Plus, it makes it easier for #ChinaJoe voters to do their crime.

Read: Manhattan Beach Is Repurposing Closed Restaurant Patios For Public Seating »

Climate Cult Still Pushing For Green COVID Recovery

They just don’t give up. Seems kinda cultish. This is María Fernanda Espinosa, a former president of the United Nations general assembly

The climate crisis should be at the heart of the global Covid recovery

In the early hours of 12 December, 2015, I stood together with world leaders to welcome the adoption of the Paris agreement on climate change. Years of negotiations and frustrating setbacks were capped by a two-minute round of applause for French foreign minister Laurent Fabius as he banged the gavel and ushered in an ostensibly greener, more sustainable future.

This would be the same Paris that has mostly failed

But the greatest opportunity for action against the climate crisis may be the Covid-19 pandemic. This episode in history has been a tragedy: nearly 70m people have been infected globally, and more than 1.5 million have so far lost their lives. The virus has been the cause of the gravest socio-economic crisis since the second world war, with trillions poured into economic relief. For now, providing healthcare and economic relief to those affected should be the priority.

But it’s imperative that resources directed at the Covid recovery also accelerate action against the climate crisis, a threat no less urgent than this pandemic. Some politicians have already followed this reasoning: France’s president Emmanuel Macron was among the first out of the gate when his government refused to give stimulus funds to airlines that would not take steps to drastically reduce emissions.

Such measures aren’t just necessary – they’re popular. If governments are spending incredible resources on reducing unemployment and kickstarting the economic recovery, it’s only fair that those resources go towards building societies that are greener, sustainable and more resilient, rather than redoubling on the fragile models of the past. We should be expanding mass renewable energy, installing electric car charging stations, reforesting, and retrofitting homes, to name just a few examples.

Nothing like using the misery and fear of the Common Folks to push an authoritarian cult, eh? Who’s seen these same elites practice what they preach?

Read: Climate Cult Still Pushing For Green COVID Recovery »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on keeping violent, dangerous people in jail being unfair.

Read: If All You See… »

New York Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory

I wonder how well this will go over with NY residents on the both the far left and far right. You’ll have those on the right who want nothing to do with what government is pushing, and those on the Left who refuse to take anything developed while Trump was president. Plus, the typical anti-vaxxers, who are on all political sides

New York legislation could make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory

A New York lawmaker has proposed mandating vaccination against COVID-19 if not enough residents voluntarily get the shot once it is available.

Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, who represents parts of Manhattan’s West Side, earlier this month introduced a bill that would require the state to “safely and effectively” distribute an FDA-approved vaccine “in accordance with the department [of health]’s COVID-19 vaccination administration program,” according to the language of the legislation.

“While steps have been taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19, epidemiologists and public health experts have concluded that a vaccine will be necessary to develop herd immunity and ultimately stop the spread of the disease,” the bill’s support memo states. “[T]he State must make efforts to promote vaccination and ensure that a high enough percentage of the population is vaccinated against COVID-19 to develop sufficient immunity.”

Once the vaccination program has been rolled out for a while, the Department of Health would have the authority to “mandate vaccination” to anyone who can “safely receive the vaccine” if public health officials see that New Yorkers aren’t developing “sufficient immunity from COVID-19.”

The bill doesn’t define “sufficient immunity,” so presumably public health officials would have to set that benchmark.

Rosenthal told FOX 5 NY that if less than 70% of the population voluntarily gets vaccinated then the mandate should take effect.

Will this pass? Probably not. It will most likely not even get a vote. But, just bringing it up is dangerous, and could cause lots of people to rethink getting a vaccine shot, wondering just what the government is doing. As Jazz Shaw writes

But what about the people who have already contracted the novel coronavirus and survived? Don’t they count toward the total herd immunity numbers? Assuming they do, the bill still fails to explain precisely how they plan on counting everyone who either has acquired immunity or has gotten the vaccine. Surely HIPPA privacy rules have to be a consideration here.

And then there’s the question of enforcement. Rosenthal knows how bad this entire idea smells and she was quick to tell everyone to “chill” for the time being. She claims that nobody is going to “come to your house in the middle of the night and stick a needle in your arm.” But her assurances ring rather hollow. Attempting to enforce this law, assuming it passes, would be a disaster waiting to happen.

COVID Police!

Republican Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay took the right tone in responding to this proposal. While he plans to get the vaccine himself (and urges his constituents to do likewise), he described Rosenthal’s proposal as a “knee jerk reaction… to take away civil liberties.” Welcome to New York, Mr. Minority Leader. Perhaps you haven’t noticed during your time in office, but taking away civil liberties has been the calling card of New York Democrats since well before the pandemic blew into town.

Heck of a good point.

Read: New York Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory »

Here’s How China Joe Can Get Conservatives On Board With Solving Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Joe is totally going to reach across the aisle with totally bipartisan legislation to solve a mostly fictional problem, you guys!

How Joe Biden can get conservatives to act on climate change

Life has etched President-elect Joe Biden with empathy — empathy that gives him a shot at bringing America together, especially on climate change.

Young conservatives of faith in congregations across America are ready to join with their progressive contemporaries in summoning the will to act. Talented staffs in EcoRight organizations are ready to step forward with solutions that fit with conservative values. Brave, card-carrying Republicans have spoken out even when speaking out was considered a heresy.

The president-elect should reach out to these people. They’re Americans who know that we’re in this together. They’re Americans who wish for our country to lead the world to solutions. They’re patriots who want the new administration to succeed.

Yeah, there are some on the Right who are Conservatives that believe this is mostly/solely caused by Mankind, who, from everything I’ve seen, are just barely Republicans, with their belief in the power of the government to solve things and wanted taxes. Anyhow, what could China Joe do?

With a Supreme Court that may be skeptical of regulatory action on climate, we need legislation — sweeping legislation at the scale of the problem and legislation that’s bipartisan and therefore durable. Having waited too long to act, the policy that we devise must be stable. It mustn’t be done and undone, enacted and repealed. It’s too late in the game for policy instability.

There’s a process for that, called “amending the Constitution.” Legislation can be undone. That’s the way the system works. Climate cultists don’t seem to like that much, eh?

The president-elect will find bipartisan support for spending on clean energy, giving us the opportunity to “build back better.” That spending will be worthwhile, but we must keep an eye on the worldwide nature of the challenge.

Direct investments and tax expenditures will successfully drive innovation in America, but those innovations might not be affordable in the developing world. We can change those economic realities with a carbon tax that’s border adjustable.

Once you drag in the far, far left “build back better”, no thanks! But, if they are willing to build lots of next generation nuclear power plants, I’d be on board.

By collecting an American carbon tax on imports coming from countries without an equivalent pricing-in of climate damage caused by the burning of fossil fuels, we’d make it in our trading partners’ interest to follow our lead.

The president-elect will find a cadre of conservatives ready to embrace a border-adjustable carbon tax, especially if it’s also revenue neutral. Inasmuch as Janet Yellen, nominated to be Treasury secretary, and Kerry have favored carbon pricing, it’s exciting to think that now could be the time to come together.

Joe and the Democrats would be OK if we did this on Chinese imports, right? But, wait, think about this. What’s really being said is that the U.S. will need to institute it’s own carbon tax, then tax those nation’s imports who aren’t doing things themselves.

The president-elect will look for a way to reward the progressive wing of his party. One way to do that is to strike a powerful blow at income inequality while solving for climate change.

By using the revenue from a carbon tax to pay for the elimination of the payroll (FICA) tax on low- and modest-income earners, he could raise take-home pay while simultaneously addressing climate change.

Wait, I thought we were “reaching across the aisle”? No? Looks more like this is all about rewarding his nutbar base. Of course, this opinion piece is by “Bob Inglis, a Republican, served South Carolina in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1993 to 1999 and 2005 to 2011. He directs republicEn.org, a community of conservatives reaching conservatives on climate change.” Yeah, he’s one of the loony tune Republican climate cultists who is in favor of lots of big government and a big carbon tax.

Read: Here’s How China Joe Can Get Conservatives On Board With Solving Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

17 States Have Joined The Texas Lawsuit

This is making Democrats and Never Trumpers very unhappy, with them throwing phrases around like “stealing the election” and “push towards Authoritarianism”. The media, at least those who bothered to cover the Texas suit, do not seem very interested in seeing if the suit has merit. Shocking, eh?

17 States Support Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Alleging PA-MI-GA-WI Elections Were Unconstitutional

Seventeen states filed an amicus brief Wednesday supporting the state of Texas’s lawsuit — filed directly to the U.S. Supreme Court — which targets Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin over claims of unconstitutional practices in their respective elections.

The states include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia (several tweets in article)

Texas filed the lawsuit on Monday, arguing that the battleground states “violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures,” as Breitbart News reported: (snip)

Many wonder what Texas has to do with the states where they allege anti-Constitutional actions occured

This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.

The amount of fraud in the election means that Texas has to deal with a president who shouldn’t be president. And that duly passed election laws passed by state General Assemblies are moot. Seriously, even Democrats surely can’t believe that Joe Biden received that many more votes than Obama did in 2012, right? Or that he got that many more votes while losing counties in states that Obama and Hillary won, that he lost shares in the black and Latino vote. There are just so many irregularities, so many points of contention (good luck finding any sort of list without a lot of looking, as search results are being suppressed).

The violations are there. We either follow the law and Constitution or we discard it all. See this from Rush, starting with a discussion on this American Greatness article.

Will it change anything? Unfortunately, I doubt it. The fix is in. The Credentialed Media is in on the fix. They have zero interest in investigating, other than a quick Internet search through other left leaning websites. Many high ranking Never Trumpers have no interest.

Read: 17 States Have Joined The Texas Lawsuit »

Pirate's Cove