Who’s Up For Tulsi Gabbard As Trump’s VP Pick?

Apparently, she is playing well in New Hampshire

You’ll never believe who tops the list of Trump running mates in a new swing state poll

The politician who tops the list of preferred running mates for former President Donald Trump in a new poll in a key Northeastern swing state is not even a Republican.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who ran for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination but left her party two years later to become an independent, stands atop the list in a new University of New Hampshire Survey Center poll.

Nearly a quarter (24%) of voters who indicated they are not supporting President Biden in New Hampshire named Gabbard when asked their preference for whom Trump should choose as his running mate. (snip)

Gabbard, an officer in the Hawaii National Guard, is a veteran of the Iraq War. She made history as the first Samoan-American elected to Congress. She was once a member of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and endorsed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

She mounted a long-shot White House bid of her own in 2020. But since leaving the Democratic Party, she has started appealing to conservatives.

At a Fox News town hall in South Carolina in February ahead of that state’s GOP presidential primary, Trump indicated that at least a half dozen contenders — including Gabbard — were on his short list for running mate.

Is New Hampshire really a swing state? I’m doubting it, but, hey, you never know. Regardless, would Republicans stand for Gabbard? She seems like a nice person, she’s stood up to the moonbats in the Democratic Party, and certainly does seem to have a real love of America, unlike so many Democrats. However, she is still left of center, and big supporter of abortion, spending, taxing, and many Democratic initiatives.

But, what if picking her was a good thing electorally? What if bringing her on as his VP pick could make darned sure that Trump gets 270 electoral votes? At the end of the day, it’s about winning. And beating Biden right now is huge. Can the U.S. take another four years of Biden and his policies?

Read: Who’s Up For Tulsi Gabbard As Trump’s VP Pick? »

PRC Has Wonderful New Idea On Nagging People On Speeding

And if this passes, the next step will be to require auto manufacturers to install devices that stop people from speeding

New cars in California could alert drivers for breaking the speed limit

st greta carCalifornia could eventually join the European Union in requiring all new cars to alert drivers when they break the speed limit, a proposal aimed at reducing traffic deaths that would likely impact motorists across the country should it become law.

The federal government sets safety standards for vehicles nationwide, which is why most cars now beep at drivers if their seat belt isn’t fastened. A bill in the California Legislature — which passed its first vote in the state Senate on Tuesday — would go further by requiring all new cars sold in the state by 2032 to beep at drivers when they exceed the speed limit by at least 10 mph (16 kph).

“Research has shown that this does have an impact in getting people to slow down, particularly since some people don’t realize how fast that their car is going,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco and the bill’s author.

The bill narrowly passed on Tuesday, an indication of the tough road it could face. Republican state Sen. Brian Dahle said he voted against it in part because he said sometimes people need to drive faster than the speed limit in an emergency.

“It’s just a nanny state that we’re causing here,” he said.

The question, or, at least one of them, is how will this happen? Some Hondas have what is called traffic sign recognition, where the camera picks up speed limit signs, and blinks when you are over the posted speed limit. Not many other cars do that. And most turn that off. How will the People’s Republik Of California do this?

The technology, known as intelligent speed assistance, uses GPS technology to compare a vehicle’s speed with a dataset of posted speed limits. Once the car is at least 10 mph (16 kph) over the speed limit, the system would emit “a brief, one-time visual and audio signal to alert the driver.”

It would not require California to maintain a list of posted speed limits. That would be left to manufacturers. It’s likely these maps would not include local roads or recent changes in speed limits, resulting in conflicts.

Which would mean added cost to the vehicles. And how soon till the PRC requires this data be given to the state, so they can send tickets? And what if the insurance companies get their hands on it?

The technology is not new and has been used in Europe for years. Starting later this year, the European Union will require all new cars sold there to have the technology — although drivers would be able to turn it off.

And how’s all that freedom working in the EU? Anyhow, I think it would be better to crack down on idiots not using signals and running stop signs.

Read: PRC Has Wonderful New Idea On Nagging People On Speeding »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

Majority Of Likely Voters Support Deporting Illegal Aliens

There’s a very interesting breakdown in the economic divisions of these likely voters

Poll: Likely American Voters Prefer Deporting Illegal Aliens Over Amnesty

Americans before illegalsMost Americans likely to vote in this year’s presidential election say they prefer deporting all illegal aliens from the United States rather than giving them amnesty, a new poll reveals.

The Rasmussen Reports survey found that a majority, 54 percent, of likely U.S. voters said they support a policy to deport all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens — including 36 percent who said they strongly support such a policy.

Working and lower-middle class Americans, those most likely to compete for jobs against illegal aliens, remain highly supportive of deportations. Nearly 60 percent of those likely voters who are not college-educated said they support deporting illegal aliens.

At the same time, those Americans most likely to hire illegal aliens for below-market wages are the most opposed to such a deportation policy. A wide majority, 63 percent, of those earning $200,000 or more a year said they do not support deporting illegal aliens.

Essentially, the ones hurt the most by unfettered illegal immigration want them gone. The ones who stand to benefit, or, at least, not be hurt by illegal immigration want them to stay.

Meanwhile, 53 percent of likely voters said they oppose granting amnesty to illegal aliens, which would provide them with green cards and, eventually, naturalized American citizenship. A minority of about 41 percent of likely voters said they support amnesty.

As with deportations, Americans are divided on amnesty across socioeconomic lines — showing again the winners and losers of illegal immigration.

The Elites are the ones making the policies that allow all this illegal immigration. Congress could stop the majority in a heartbeat by getting tough on deportation, as well as ending most asylum. But, they benefit and the people that they listen to, which isn’t the working and middle classes, do not want it ended. There should be a poll of the areas being overrun with illegals, such as Chicago, Denver, Boston, NYC, etc, see if they have changed their minds.

Meanwhile, ahead of the election

(ABC News) The Biden administration on Thursday announced a new process to adjudicate immigration cases for those who recently entered the U.S. without authorization.

The move comes as President Joe Biden faces election-year pressure to control an unprecedented level of migration that polls show is a top issue for voters.

“Today, we are instituting with the Department of Justice a process to accelerate asylum proceedings so that individuals who do not qualify for relief can be removed more quickly and those who do qualify can achieve protection sooner,” Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement. “This administrative step is no substitute for the sweeping and much-needed changes that the bipartisan Senate bill would deliver, but in the absence of Congressional action we will do what we can to most effectively enforce the law and discourage irregular migration.”

Hmm, he couldn’t do this in January of 2021? Why now? And, will this actually go into effect, or, is this just the DOJ acting as a campaign arm of the Biden campaign? Considering that there is supposed to now be a 180 day timeline, that’s still 6 months for illegals to disappear into the country, to be given official documents and work approval, will anyone go through this? Considering that no one actually knows how many illegals are in the US, how do they track and enforce this? If Biden wins, this process will disappear.

Read: Majority Of Likely Voters Support Deporting Illegal Aliens »

ZOMG: Alaskan Rivers Turning Orange Due To Global Boiling!

Um, how did the minerals get frozen under all the ice in the first place?

Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds

Dozens of rivers and streams in Alaska are turning rusty orange, a likely consequence of thawing permafrost, a new study finds.

Wait, likely? It is or isn’t. Shouldn’t a scientific study determine the causation? Wasn’t that the point? Not to say “we feel” and “sure, why not”? This isn’t like a hypothesis of the mechanics of a black hole. They can actually go there and do Science.

The Arctic is the fastest-warming region in the globe, and as the frozen ground below the surface melts, minerals once locked away in that soil are now seeping into waterways.

“It’s an unforeseen impact of climate change that we’re seeing in some of the most pristine rivers in our country,” said Brett Poulin, study author and assistant professor of environmental toxicology at University of California Davis.

That’s weird, because they tell us everywhere is the fast place. Regardless of whether this is happening, it doesn’t prove anthropogenic causation

The rusting is a seasonal phenomenon, occurring in the summer typically during July and August, when the soil is thawed the deepest. The researchers at the National Park Service, US Geological Survey and University of California Davis now want to better understand the long-term implications of the changing water chemistry in places with continuous permafrost, which includes Arctic regions such as Alaska, Canada, Russia and parts of Scandinavia.

Did this happen during previous Holocene warm periods? That’s rather a necessary comparison to practice science.

Read: ZOMG: Alaskan Rivers Turning Orange Due To Global Boiling! »

UK Guardian Says You Stupid Peasants Are Totally Wrong On the Bidenconomy

The media is rather foolish in pushing this so early. It would be better off in September, but, hey, never interrupt an enemy in the midst of a mistake

From the link

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer.

The poll highlighted many misconceptions people have about the economy, including:

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.

Many Americans put the blame on Biden for the state of the economy, with 58% of those polled saying the economy is worsening due to mismanagement from the presidential administration.

The Guardian then spends time trying to up-play the Bidenconomy, but, that’s a heavy load, because

Yet even with these small strands of approval, pessimism about the overall economy is pervasive. It will be an uphill battle for Biden to convince voters to be more hopeful.

“What Americans are saying in this data is: ‘Economists may say things are getting better, but we’re not feeling it where I live,’” said John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll. “Unwinding four years of uncertainty takes time. Leaders have to understand this and bring the public along.”

Sure, some parts of the economy are getting slightly better, but, people have had 3+ years of rising prices on everything, and, while inflation has dropped a bit, those price increases are now baked in, and the middle and working class feel the pinch, while the Elites in the media do not care. How do you convince people who are paying more for all their favorite foods that everything is great? When they drive by gas stations and see $3+ a gallon? When their car insurance is way up?

Yeah, the Atlantic tried this, as well. I love that at some point they changed their headline to “Voters don’t care about the economy as much as they think they do.” They just keep calling you stupid. They did change it back to the original at some point

Joe Biden is, at the moment, losing his reelection campaign. And he is doing so while presiding over the strongest economy the United States has ever experienced.

Why won’t you stupid people give him credit? Dumb peasants.

Read: UK Guardian Says You Stupid Peasants Are Totally Wrong On the Bidenconomy »

Almost Half Of Americans Have Been Turned Into Climate Doomers

There’s “we believe anthropogenic climate change is bad” and then there’s this

Almost Half of Americans Believe Climate Change Will Devastate The Planet In Their Lifetime

Half of Americans believe climate change will devastate the earth during their lifetime, according to new research.

The survey of 5,000 Americans, split evenly by state, revealed that 48% of all respondents believe they’ll live to see climate change destroy the planet.

Respondents in Hawaii were the most likely to agree (66%), with Vermont (59%) and New Mexico (56%) rounding out the top three states most concerned about the effect of climate change in their lifetime.

Washington (55%) and Minnesota (54%) were fourth and fifth, respectively.

Commissioned by Avocado Green Mattress and conducted by Talker Research, the survey also asked respondents if they believe climate change will have a greater impact on their state, versus other states.

The hallmarks of a doomsday cult which has infiltrated schools and the news media to spread their propaganda. Their is a short video at most outlets covering this, not something I can embed.

Regardless of where they live, 65% of respondents wish they could do more to be environmentally conscious in their day-to-day lives.

Um, they can. Give up their own use of fossil fuels, give up meat, etc and so on, as I’ve written numerous times. This is the bottom 5 states

  • 46. Wyoming — 41%
  • 47. Oklahoma — 40%
  • 48. North Carolina — 38%
  • 49. Missouri — 37%
  • 50. Indiana — 36%

So, even in Indiana 36% are batshit insane. Of course, they only surveyed 100 people per state, so, not very representative. And, as much as I’ve looked, there is no link to this poll anywhere, so, for all we know, they could be polling people in deep Democrat areas primarily. We do not know. We do know that there are lots and lots of wackos out there.

Read: Almost Half Of Americans Have Been Turned Into Climate Doomers »

If All You See…

…is wood rotting from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on focusing on real environmental conditions.

Read: If All You See… »

Sanctuary City Denver Launches Ambitious Plan For Illegal Aliens

Goodness, what could possibly go wrong with this?

Denver launches ambitious migrant program, breaking from the short-term shelter approach

illegal alien Democrat In a hotel conference room in Denver, Dallenis Martinez attended orientation with hundreds of other migrants Monday for the city’s new, ambitious migrant support program, which includes six-month apartment stays and intensive job preparation for those who can’t yet legally work.

It’s an about-face from strategies Denver, New York City and Chicago have used as the cities scrambled to support thousands of migrants and slashed budgets. The largely improvised support strategies have included days- to weeks-long shelter stays or bus tickets to send migrants elsewhere.

Now, Martinez, 28, and her two young kids, along with some 650 others in Denver, are being set up with an apartment with six months of rental, food and utility assistance, a free computer, a prepaid cell phone and metro bus passes.

Then, the city working in coordination with several nonprofits plan to provide courses on English language, computers, financial literacy, and workers rights, while also assisting migrants in getting credentialed in specific industries, like construction, retail, hospitality, healthcare and early childhood education. Martinez said she will take any job to support her kids.

I’m sure the homeless Americans in Denver are thrilled that illegal aliens are being given all this support. I’m sure illegals already in the U.S. and heading towards the U.S. are seeing this and saying “let’s go to Denver, they’ll pay for everything.” Is the government giving you all that assistance? It seems like government is doing all they can to raise your costs.

You also have to wonder what happens at 6 months: will the illegals leave the apartments, or just say “nah, we’re established.” And what of their neighbors? Will they enjoy having all the illegals in their neighborhoods with all the crime and life disruption they’ve brought with them?

(CBS NY) The tents have got to go. That’s the message from a community group pushing to get a migrant shelter off of Randall’s Island.

That group is threatening legal action, but city officials said Tuesday they have no alternatives.

From the outset, community groups did not like the idea of usurping eight acres of ball fields and parkland on Randall’s Island for a 3,000-bed migrant shelter. Now, after months of what one group calls violence, fights and reports of illegal activity, the Randall’s Island Park Alliance says it’s time for the city to fold its tents, remove the cots and hit the road.

“It is to the detriment of all — those temporarily housed in the park, along with the thousands of New Yorkers being denied access to parkland,” the group said in a letter to Mayor Eric Adams. “Moreover, it is illegal, and it is time for it to end.”

Well, that’s weird. One would think the Democrat voters in Sanctuary City New York would be happy to have illegal aliens in their neighborhoods, considering they support unfettered illegal immigration. They don’t enjoy the violence, fights, illegal activity?

Read: Sanctuary City Denver Launches Ambitious Plan For Illegal Aliens »

Your Fault: People Hurt, One Dies From Air Turbulence

I told you to buy a bike and give up your fossil fueled vehicle, move to a tiny home in a big city, and give up meat, but, no, you wanted to live a modern life

Mid-air turbulence turns fatal: How climate change is impacting your flight journey

Turbulence is one of the uncertain factors a flyer may encounter when travelling on a plane. While these inconvenient shake-ups are rarely fatal, they quite certainly can inflict unwarranted injuries.

The rarest mishap occurred on Tuesday when a passenger died after Singapore Airlines’ Boeing 777 encountered “severe turbulence”. The flight was heading from London to Singapore but later diverted to Bangkok.

The incident, in which many passengers were injured, has thrown up multiple questions, with climate change impact being one of them.

Experts say global warming may increase instances of clear air turbulence by up to 200% by 2050. In India, the increase in flight turbulence could be felt during the pre-monsoon season.

Uh huh. In fact, it’s rare, but, it does happen

(USA Today) In the U.S., the Federal Aviation Administration reported 163 passengers and crew have been seriously injured by turbulence between 2009 and 2022.

Why only those dates? Turbulence goes plenty far back. Planes have been taken down by it.

But, you know, the talking points went out

Those are just a few, but, I got bored with the cult propaganda. And, really, all this proves is that the Earth is in a typical Holocene warm period. It doesn’t prove it is mostly/solely caused be Mankind. But, I recommend that all believers should stop flying.

Read: Your Fault: People Hurt, One Dies From Air Turbulence »

Pirate's Cove