California: You May No Longer Gather Socially With Your Friends, Even Outdoors

California dictators gotta dictate

Under California’s stay-at-home order, can I gather with friends outdoors?

The answer is no, according to the state guidelines.

Previously, the state requirement for private gatherings was to keep them outdoors and small, with people from no more than three households attending. Now, if your county or region falls under the order, “all gatherings with members of other households are prohibited,” according to the state.

Here’s how Santa Clara County puts it: “You may no longer gather socially (even outdoors).”

And this is what Berkeley Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez said about it: “If you have a social bubble, it is now popped.”

Does this apply to state lawmakers and bureaucrats attending fancy conferences, or the Gov dining at a fancy restaurant? Anyhow, it doesn’t sound too authoritarian, does it?

While social gatherings aren’t permitted, religious worship, protests and demonstrations are allowed but only outdoors with health protocols in place.

Just claim that every gathering is a protest.

“So this is really important to take care of your physical health, to take care of your mental health, to get the kind of exercise that is required to get us through this temporary moment,” Gov Gavin Newsome said. “This is not a permanent state. This is what many had projected. We had predicted the final surge in this pandemic. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We are a few months away from truly seeing real progress with the vaccine, real distribution, real accessibility, real availability.”

That’s what they told us in March. How’s that health when so many are out of work, losing their business, massively behind on their rent and mortgages and car payments, and more?

Many aren’t buying public officials’ ‘stay-at-home’ message. Experts say there’s a better way


Some 33 million Californians are now under a new regional stay-at-home order that began Sunday night, a last-ditch effort to turn the corner on an alarming rise in coronavirus cases statewide. The blunt messaging worked to bend the curve in the spring, when fear of the novel virus and the insidious ways it might spread kept many indoors. But nine months later, the words seem to have lost their meaning. (snip)

“It’s not because the public is irresponsible; it’s because they are losing trust in public health officials who put out arbitrary restrictions,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious-disease specialist at UC San Francisco. “We are failing in our public health messaging.”

There’s definitely COVID19 fatigue. People are tired of the Dictates from government, especially with many of the government officials failing to practice what they Mandate. Mandates that don’t seem to end, ones that keep coming back. Lots of people have become lax with things like social distancing, washing hands, not touching their face, not touching other people. If wearing a mask, lots don’t bother to wear it correctly. Leaving the nose uncovered is common. It would have been a lot better early on to cajole citizens, to ask, and, quite frankly, for the GOP and Dems to work together, but, we know that the Democrats wanted to use this against President Trump. Using the authoritarian stick has created too much resistance.

Read: California: You May No Longer Gather Socially With Your Friends, Even Outdoors »

Climate Cult Students Push For Climate Change (scam) Divestments

When will they give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their own lives carbon neutral?

Students push for university climate change divestments

When environmentalist Bill McKibben hit the road in 2012 to preach the gospel of sustainable investing, few would have guessed that his bio-fuel-powered bus tour of US universities would spark a worldwide divestment movement.

But eight years later, the work of Mr McKibben and others has led more than 1,250 institutional investors with $14.5tn in assets to commit to cut fossil fuels from their portfolios, and inspired a new generation of activists to take the fight to companies profiting from climate change.

Their message caught on quickly with students. If the world was going to keep global warming in check, energy companies would need to leave the vast majority of their fossil fuel assets in the ground. Therefore, university endowments that held fossil fuel stocks, as Mr McKibben argued in Rolling Stone magazine, are investing in a way “that guarantees [their students] won’t have much of a planet on which to make use of their degree”. (snip)

Students have kept up the pressure and things are changing. By January 2020, more than half of the public universities in the UK had committed to divest, and both Cambridge and Oxford joined the group later in the year.

In the US, Brown University became the first Ivy League school to sign up in March 2020. Cornell University followed suit in May.

You get the idea. That said, how do these institutions of higher learning run without fossil fuels? The construction, bringing in food and supplies, all the offsite conferences, all the sports? How about heating and cooling? Remember this one from earlier in the year?

The students weren’t particularly happy with having to practice what they preach. And the professor responded further

Read More »

Read: Climate Cult Students Push For Climate Change (scam) Divestments »

Sports Illustrated Names The Activist Athlete Sportsperson Of The Year

This is really great. Multimillionaires who talk a big game but don’t actually do anything, well, other than drive fans away with their politics

SI’s 2020 Sportsperson of the Year: The Activist Athlete

Lakers star LeBron James, WNBA’s Breanna Stewart, Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, tennis champ Naomi Osaka, and former Chiefs lineman Laurent Duvernay-Tardif were named 2020 Sportspersons of the Year by Sports Illustrated (SI) for being “champions on the field, and champions for others off it.”

James, who SI called “already a contender for GOAT,” and said “there is debate over whether he’s the greatest NBA player ever,” was also given the Muhammad Ali Legacy Award by SI for putting “his considerable energy into inspiring young people to go to the ballot box in the face of voter suppression.” (snip)

Taylor, a forward for the Seattle Storm, “spoke loudly against racism and for women’s equality,” according to SI. “Her support of Black Lives Matter never wavered, from the season’s opening tip to the Storm’s title celebration.”

Super Bowl MVP Mahomes “used his platform as the NFL’s transcendent star to push the league to recognize the Black Lives Matter movement and players’ rights to protest,” according to SI.

SI said that Osaka “embraced her fame and found her voice in the fight against social injustice,” and that Super Bowl champion Duvernay-Tardif “left the NFL to join the front lines of the battle against COVID-19.”

The publication said they will provide more of the athlete’s stories in detail on Monday.

How much of their own money are they giving to the causes? How much of their own time is being spent going out and actually helping? It’s really easy to write some words on Instagram and such, it’s a lot hard to get out there, and, say, spend time in the poor, crime ridden, poorly educated black neighborhoods as they were set up by the Democratic Party, attempting to get kids to move forward.

But, hey, if they want to call people who drive sports fans away from sports, have at it.

Read: Sports Illustrated Names The Activist Athlete Sportsperson Of The Year »

Bummer: Snowy UK Winters For Children Could Maybe Possibly Become A Thing Of The Past

Remember back to 2000 when The Independent, another UK news outlet, declared that snow was a thing of the past and that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”. Well, of course that prognostication didn’t materialize, so The Independent memory holed it, but, it led to lots of meme and derision. Now, the BBC gives it a shot

Climate change: Snowy UK winters could become thing of the past

Snowy winters could become a thing of the past as climate change affects the UK, Met Office analysis suggests.

It is one of a series of projections about how UK’s climate could change, shared with BBC Panorama.

It suggests by the 2040s most of southern England could no longer see sub-zero days. By the 2060s only high ground and northern Scotland are still likely to experience such cold days.

The projections are based on global emissions accelerating.

It could mean the end of sledging, snowmen and snowball fights, says Dr Lizzie Kendon, a senior Met Office scientist who worked on the climate projections.

“We’re saying by the end of the century much of the lying snow will have disappeared entirely except over the highest ground,” she told Panorama.

Oh, good, projections of doom 20, 40, and 80 years out. What happens when they fail to pan out? Right, nothing, because no one will remember these cult prognostications. The idea is to scare people now to get them to give up their money, freedom, liberty, and choice. Hey, I wonder if the people in the news broadcasting this garbage ever considered that the Government control will effect them, too?

And, yes, the above picture was part of the article.

Read: Bummer: Snowy UK Winters For Children Could Maybe Possibly Become A Thing Of The Past »

Follow The Science: China Joe Picks California AG For HHS Head

If one were going to follow the science, one would think that someone with a background in health services might be picked to be head of Health and Human Services, someone who knows how healthcare works. Instead

President-elect Joe Biden picks California AG Xavier Becerra to lead HHS amid global coronavirus pandemic

President-elect Joe Biden will nominate California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead the health and human services department, a critical appointment amid a global pandemic that has killed more than 280,000 in the U.S. alone.

Separately, Biden picked a Harvard infectious disease expert, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, to replace Dr. Robert Redfield as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If confirmed by the Senate, Becerra, 62, will be the first Latino to head the Department of Health and Human Services, a $1-trillion-plus agency with 80,000 employees and a portfolio that includes drugs and vaccines, leading-edge medical research and health insurance programs covering more than 130 million Americans.

Becerra’s nomination, which was first reported by The New York Times and confirmed by The Associated Press, as Health and Human Services secretary comes as Biden has faced increasing pressure to add more diversity to his administration.

Becerra has a BA in economics from and then earned his law degree, both at Stanford. After working a few years as a lawyer, he’s spent the majority of his time working for politicians and as a politician. As AG of California, he’s gone after whistleblowers and journalists. Sure, Trump’s head of HHS, Alex Azar, doesn’t have a degree in anything health related, either, but, at least he’s spent time working previously at HHS. Yet, we are continuously told that Joe Biden will follow the science, which apparently means lawsuits and government restrictions on The People.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Joaquin Castro lauded the former congressman’s selection in a statement Sunday.

“In this moment of crisis with COVID-19 devastating Latino communities, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus is proud that California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a dedicated public servant, will be nominated by President-Elect Biden to lead to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,” the statement said.

Apparently, his one attribution is that he’s Hispanic, because identity politics is more important.

Read: Follow The Science: China Joe Picks California AG For HHS Head »

Climate Cult Still Wants To Take Advantage Of COVID19 Misery To Push Their “Solutions”

Nothing says “we care, we really do!” like taking advantage of people’s misery, fear, sickness, and death

COVID-19 recovery is an opportunity to tackle worsening climate crisis: New report

We are at a moment of overlapping planetary health emergencies: COVID-19 and climate change. Both have their origins at the intersection of humanity and the rest of the natural world, both exacerbate pre-existing health inequities and both have the ability to bring health systems and economies to their knees.

The health impacts of COVID-19 are well-known — those of climate change less so. A new report by the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, an international collaboration among 38 leading academic institutions and U.N. agencies, shows that as the globe warms humans are experiencing increasing heat emergencies, wildfires, severe weather, trouble with food yields and potential for novel infectious diseases.

Watts Up With That? beats up on the horrendous report, and, let’s not forget that The Lancet went for a hard left turn back during the Iraq War, publishing an easily debunked statistical study in 2006 claiming there were over 655,000 Iraqi deaths since the start of the war, a really big shoddy piece of “science” which was nevertheless broadcast by the Credentialed Media as Holy Writ.

We need to “multisolve” — manage COVID-19 and climate change at the same time, looking for the sweet spots where a single measure can deliver the triple-win of improving public health, contributing to a sustainable economy and reducing the drivers of future crises.

I wonder how they intend to do this? They nip around the edges, but, never really answer

With climate set to drive further health-related emergencies as well as economic crises a shift from a culture of efficiency to one of resiliency is required. We could decrease our healthcare-related footprint and reduce the risk of supply disruption by switching to reusable medical supplies such as gowns and blood pressure cuffs.

You getting healthcare is also bad for the climate (another crappy Lancent study). It would be so much easier if billions of you would just die, right?

The proposed national formulary, a good first step towards a pharmacare system, can also serve as a list of essential medicines considered for domestic production. Co-ordinated work between the public and the private sector, potentially including the creation of new crown corporations, could help ensure supply of critical items, as it did during the Second World War.

Hmm, so, government in charge, eh? Wouldn’t you feel great if government was in charge of your medicines? And I bet you feel great about using a global pandemic to push a cult, right?

Read: Climate Cult Still Wants To Take Advantage Of COVID19 Misery To Push Their “Solutions” »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is MOTUS A.D., with a post on our betters being better because they’re totally better.

It’s cleaning out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Walt Otto

Happy Sunday! Another great day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and snow is starting to fly around the country. This pinup is by Walt Otto, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Real Climate Science says all this has nothing to do with ‘climate change’
  2. Watt’s Up With That? notes how much they want to spend over the next 30 years to “solve’ Hotcoldwetdry
  3. This ain’t Hell… features some stupid criminals
  4. The Rio Norte Line discusses progressive rationalization on getting rid of Trump
  5. The Right Scoop highlights an LA restaurant owner going off on COVID lockerdowners
  6. The Lid discusses what Liberals call “safety for all” as crime surges
  7. The First Street Journal covers SJW vs SJW
  8. The Daley Gator notes  the Useful Idiots that drive Marxism
  9. Shot In The Dark highlights Covid fatigue
  10. Raised On Hoecakes may be going to hell for the take on kicker Sarah Fuller (probably not)
  11. Powerline notes that rules are for little people
  12. Pacific Pundit notes a Dominion machine that was found to be switching votes
  13. Never Yet Melted discusses Biden accidentally telling the truth
  14. neo-neocon says all hail the Great Reset
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery has 15 signs you’re in an abusive relationship with government

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

By Blaming Thanksgiving, COVID Lockdowners Set Stage For Christmas Bans

While it was a nice theory to think that COVID would end if China Joe won, the reality is that COVID is still around, masks don’t work, and Modern Socialists (who are Authoritarians) love them some authoritarianism. They love Government dictating how people live their lives, and a lot of them have a big problem with the Christian religion, meaning Christmas is on the hit list. They also have a problem with Jews, so, watch to see what they try and do for Hanukah leading up to Christmas

US reported more than 10,000 Covid-19 deaths in four days. And the impacts of Thanksgiving will only make things worse, experts warn

Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths are at record-high levels nationwide, and officials expect the US will soon bear the full brunt of another surge of infections fueled by Thanksgiving gatherings.

“We have not yet seen the full effect of a potential surge upon a surge,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN Friday night. “The travel associated with Thanksgiving, the congregating at family and social gatherings with people indoors, sometimes without masks. So that may peak two to three weeks from now.”

And that surge will come right as travel and social gatherings will likely pick up again for the Christmas holiday. (snip)

So far, more than 278,800 people have lost their lives to the virus in the US since the pandemic’s start. The IHME predicts there will be about another 260,000 American deaths over the next four months.

So, expect to see some big time restrictions for Christmas. We’re already seeing big lockdowns in California and a few other places (I’m guessing masks don’t work, unless it is due to all the exemptions for things like the entertainment industry and pet projects). This is setting the stage to create the fear about deaths so people Comply with lockdowns, losing their businesses (even more), and doing what Government tells you to do. The thing is, while people may protest, most businesses will comply, at least in the minimum. They won’t risk being fined.

“Vaccines and vaccination will add a major, major, powerful tool to the tool kit that we have,” Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Programme, said. “But by themselves they will not do the job.”

Even the vaccines, which won’t really be getting to most Americans till sometime mid-year 2021, will likewise not provide the relief to get Government off our backs. Because they are taken advantage of this for their Big Government dominance.

Read: By Blaming Thanksgiving, COVID Lockdowners Set Stage For Christmas Bans »

‘Climate Change’ Could Cause Sleep Problems Or Something

This is rather a new one. I’m surprised it hasn’t spread around through the Credentialed Media climate cult members, as it is a ready made bit of scaremongering

‘Already in short supply’: How climate change could chip away at sleep health

climate change joke

In October 2015, Nick Obradovich was living in San Diego when an intense heatwave smothered Southern California, with temperatures spiking to 99 degrees during the day and hovering in the mid-70s at night — nearly eight degrees warmer than an average October.

“I was hot and grumpy,” he said. “I just wasn’t getting much sleep with the nights not getting as cool as they normally would be.”

Air conditioning?

With nighttime temperatures on the rise due to climate change, Obradovich, then a graduate student at the University of California, San Diego, wondered if others were sleeping as poorly as he was, particularly people like him who didn’t have air conditioning. So he started digging through the data. Not only did he find a correlation between rising ambient temperatures and disturbed sleep among U.S. residents, but in a recent global analysis of sleep data from fitness band users, Obradovich and his colleagues also found people were sleeping less on unusually warm nights.

That rise is primarily happening in urbanized areas, known as the Urban Heat Island Effect, which is a local issue, not global

So far, the amount of sleep people are losing to hotter temperatures remains minimal. But it’s a problem some experts predict will likely get worse in the years to come — and warrants attention sooner rather than later.

See, it’s not really happening, but, doom is coming soon! The rest of the article attempts to prove that Doom will be coming soon. We can fix this with a tax and a lockdown, right?

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Could Cause Sleep Problems Or Something »

Pirate's Cove