If All You See…

…are rocks covered with carbon pollution residual, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on shutting up and taking it.

Read: If All You See… »

Insane: Federal Judge Orders DACA Restored In Full

This really is insane: you have a program created via Presidential fiat, one with no power of the Constitution, one which was not authorized by the Legislative Branch, one which was called un-Constitutional by Barack Obama who initiated it. These people have no legal access to staying in this country. Yet

Federal Judge Orders Trump Administration to Restore DACA Program for ‘Dreamers’

A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York, ordered the Trump Administration Friday to fully restore the so-called Dreamers program that protects undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis directed the Department of Homeland Security to post by Monday a public notice that it will accept petitions for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which hasn’t accepted new applicants since 2017.

In June, the Supreme Court blocked the administration from ending the initiative that shields hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants from deportation and lets them seek jobs.

The high court said the administration didn’t adequately consider its options or the implications before rescinding DACA. The court also left open the possibility for President Donald Trump to attempt to terminate the program.

How, exactly, do you get rid of a program which unlawfully gives illegal aliens the ability to stay, which is essentially a stealth amnesty? Of course, we can give thanks to John Roberts for being his squishy self. There is no program. It was never authorized. And it seems it will never go away. And the recipients will soon demand full citizenship.

Read: Insane: Federal Judge Orders DACA Restored In Full »

Climate Cult “Experts” Want Biden To Force 50 Million Kids To Learn About Climate Crisis (scam)

This sounds awesome, federally formalized indoctrination

Experts tell Biden to teach 50 million American children about climate crisis in classrooms

This summer, New Jersey became the first state in the country to mandate climate change education in public schools. Now, advocates are urging President-elect Joe Biden to make sure other states do the same.

“With over 50 million children enrolled in public schools, education can help prepare children and youth to advance a more sustainable world. Whether future engineers, solar installers, business leaders, farmers, or policymakers, the next generation will face the impacts of climate change,” wrote former education secretary John King and New Jersey Gov. Christine Whitman, who also served as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Bush. The open letter was also signed by former education secretary Arne Duncan and other former Cabinet members as well as scholars and climate activists.

Gotta love the notion of elitists who do not practice what they preach (remember the Glenn Reynolds thing “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis act like it’s a crisis by changing their own lives”) trying to get China Joe to force all schools to teach a cult. Hey, if it’s so bad, let’s remove heat and AC from the schools, and get rid of school buses. As a start, right?

But while more than 80 percent of parents supported students learning about climate change in a NPR and Ipsos poll last year, more than half of teachers in the same survey said they never talked about climate change in their classrooms.

Perhaps the kids should learn actual real world skills? Perhaps they should be taught things and advised against taking out huge loans for mostly worthless college degrees? If they really want to do something important, how about nudging women and blacks towards stem programs? That’s the kind of SJW stuff that would make a difference.

While education could be part of the solution to climate change, it’s also part of the problem. Counting the carbon footprint of 98,000 schools, 480,000 primarily diesel school buses and more than 7 billion meals served in school cafeterias, the public education system has a significant environmental impact, the letter said.

Take it all away! Along with Joe Biden’s fossil fueled planes and vehicles.

Let’s face it, this is a way to make more climate cultists, who are willing to give up their own liberty, freedom, money, and choice to Government.

Read: Climate Cult “Experts” Want Biden To Force 50 Million Kids To Learn About Climate Crisis (scam) »

UN Warns 2021 Will Be A Catastrophe, Appears To Want Control Of Vaccine Distribution

The United Nations thinks they still have the power to compel in a world that, let’s face it, is seeing each nation, particularly in the 1st World, look at their own nation first. With Coronavirus raging, think that Germany, France, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and so many more aren’t worried about their own nations 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th? And they will be priotizing vaccination for their citizens and recovery for their countries the same

U.N. warns 2021 shaping up to be a humanitarian catastrophe

Next year is shaping up to be a humanitarian catastrophe and rich countries must not trample poor countries in a “stampede for vaccines” to combat the coronavirus pandemic, top U.N. officials told the 193-member U.N. General Assembly on Friday.

World Food Programme (WFP) chief David Beasley and World Health Organization (WHO) head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke during a special meeting on COVID-19, which emerged in China late last year and has so far infected 65 million globally.

The pandemic, measures taken by countries to try to stop its spread and the economic impact have fueled a 40% increase in the number of people needing humanitarian help, the United Nations said earlier this week. It has appealed for $35 billion in aid funding.

“2021 is literally going to be catastrophic based on what we’re seeing at this stage of the game,” said Beasley, adding that for a dozen countries, famine is “knocking on the door.”

He said 2021 was likely to be “the worst humanitarian crisis year since the beginning of the United Nations” 75 years ago and “we’re not going to be able to fund everything … so we have to prioritize, as I say, the icebergs in front of the Titanic.”

Well, there are lots of things they can set aside in 2021. They can get rid of their climate change scam funding. All those climate change conferences. They could spend a lot less on needless travel and bureaucrats. Perhaps stop giving so much money that ends up in the pockets of dictators and governments rather than helping citizens. The UN Peacekeepers program is a disaster, what with all the rapes and property theft.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his top officials have also called for COVID-19 vaccines to be made available to all and for rich countries to help developing countries combat and recover from the pandemic.

Tedros appealed for an immediate injection of $4.3 billion into a world vaccine-sharing program.

“We simply cannot accept a world in which the poor and marginalized are trampled by the rich and powerful in the stampede for vaccines,” Tedros told the General Assembly. “This is a global crisis and the solutions must be shared equitably as global public goods.”

That’s nice and all, but, America should worry about Americans being vaccinated first. Germany should worry about Germans. India should worry about Indians, etc and so on. If the U.N. wants some extra cash, why not hit up their buddies in China, whom they helped hide the outbreak of COVID19 and are still helping hide what’s actually going on in China. Otherwise, they have no power to dictate anything.

Read: UN Warns 2021 Will Be A Catastrophe, Appears To Want Control Of Vaccine Distribution »

All You Warmists Should Cut Back On Your Gadgets And Streaming Or Something

I’m sure all of you younger climate cultists would be happy to give up all your smartphones, gaming systems, and streaming shows and movies, right? No more videos of everyday life, no more “creating content”, right?

Climate change: Why it could be time to cut back on new gadgets and HD streams

We need to cut global emissions, and fast – and in doing so, tech businesses are both part of the the problem – and the solution. A new report from the UK’s Royal Society finds that as technologies keep growing at pace, the onus is on the digital sector not only to reduce its own carbon footprint, but also to come up with innovative ways to reverse climate change globally.

While there is no exact figure that sums up the impact of digital technologies on the environment, the report estimates that the sector currently represents between 1.4% and 5.9% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the industry is projected to make huge strides in the coming years: for example, the total number of internet users is expected to reach 5.3 billion by 2023, up from less than four billion in 2018.

All this extra connectivity comes at an environmental cost. The complex infrastructure of cables, fibers, computers, data centers, routers, servers and radio masts that are required to run the digital world need power to be built, and even more so to be used and maintained. Data centers alone accounted for 0.8% of global electricity demand last year.

On a consumer level, the report identified small steps that can be taken to mitigate the impact of new technologies. For example, keeping phones, laptops, tablets or smart TVs for four years can halve the amount of carbon emitted compared to renewing a device every two years. Even better is to purchase second-hand devices; and users should always make sure that they recycle their old phones, which, if kept in a drawer at home, “amount to a form of landfill,” said the researchers.

Similarly, streaming should be done responsibly: the report warned that one hour of streaming on a smartphone generates eight times more emissions in ultra-high definition than it does in standard definition, despite little difference between the two options on a small screen. Turning off the video when listening to YouTube content could equally save between 1% and 5% of the service’s total emissions.

Marching orders, Warmist folks! It’d be funny watching some of these younger folks try and stream in non-HD. They surely have little idea that this is the way things used to be. For all shows and such.

The funny thing is that one has to read the article on the Internet from a site, ZDNet, which reviews and pushes computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, TVs, etc and so on.

Read: All You Warmists Should Cut Back On Your Gadgets And Streaming Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a frozen heat world from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on a BLM rioter charged with murder in a home invasion in NC.

Read: If All You See… »

Coming To A Democrat City Near You: Excusing Crimes Due To “Poverty”

Exactly where does poverty stop in Liberal World? What’s the threshold? And doing this while defunding the police

The New Untouchables

In October, the Seattle City Council floated legislation to provide an exemption from prosecution for misdemeanor crimes for any citizen who suffers from poverty, homelessness, addiction, or mental illness. Under the proposed ordinance, courts would have to dismiss all so-called “crimes of poverty”—which, according to the city’s former public-safety advisor, would cover more than 90 percent of all misdemeanor cases citywide. In effect, the legislation would create a new class of “untouchables,” protected from consequences by the city’s powerbrokers.

This is the latest and most brazen effort in the city’s campaign to establish what might be called a “reverse hierarchy of oppression.” The underlying theory is that society has condemned the lower class to a life of poverty and stigma, which leads to addiction, madness, and indigence. The poor, in the logic of Seattle’s progressive elites, are thus forced to commit crimes—including violent crimes—to secure their very existence. Therefore, as society is the perpetrator of this inequality, the crimes of the poor must be forgiven. The crimes are transformed into an expression of social justice.

On a practical level, if this ordinance becomes law, it will effectively legalize an entire spectrum of misdemeanor crimes, including theft, assault, harassment, drug possession, property destruction, and indecent exposure. Criminals must simply establish that they have an addiction, mental-health disorder, or low income in order to evade justice. The impact of this measure would be enormous. In 2019, the Seattle Police Department reported 25,993 thefts, 8,442 assaults, 6,430 property offenses, 4,194 frauds, 3,910 trespasses, and 1,640 narcotics violations—representing 72 percent of all reported crimes. If the ordinance passes, nearly all these crimes would be permitted under law.

Will Seattle do this? Why not, they have pushed through some defunding of the police, and the courts routinely blow off crimes and release the criminals. We have seen this to a smaller degree in many other cities, where crime is excused

Anyone else see the problem here? And all these uber-Progressives in Seattle, San Francisco, etc, who think these policies are great are fine with people stealing their own stuff, assaulting them, and so forth, right? They never call law enforcement, right?

Lisa Herbold, the city councilwoman who proposed the legislation, must have known that it would be controversial. Though she chairs the council’s Public Safety Committee, she attempted to launder the ordinance through the budgetary process, under the justification that it would reduce the cost of court proceedings and jail usage. During a five-minute presentation buried in an hours-long budget hearing, Herbold framed her argument in social justice terms, claiming that “poverty, institutionalized racism, and systemic oppression are root causes that lead to mass incarceration” and that “punishment and incarceration are harmful and ineffective tools to address behaviors triggered by poverty and illness.” Neither questions from other councilmembers nor public comment was permitted.

The law was tabled from the budget hearings, and scheduled later for the Public Safety Committee. Because Liberals will never give up once they have an idea, and their political cult has created the talking points to make things like this not only possible, by necessary.

Read: Coming To A Democrat City Near You: Excusing Crimes Due To “Poverty” »

Big Companies Call On China Joe To Do Something On Climate Crisis (scam)

Most companies, especially really big ones, rarely do something without seeing a benefit to their bottom line. What benefit do they see here? Why not just change the behavior of the companies, practice what they preach?

Major Companies Call on Biden to Act on Climate Change

Some major companies are angling to line up with the Biden administration on climate next year, as lawmakers and lobbyists gird for renewed policy fights in Washington.

A big slice of corporate America—including utilities, banks and auto manufacturers—signed onto a statement yesterday calling on President-elect Joe Biden to work with Congress on “ambitious, durable, bipartisan climate solutions.”

While the statement doesn’t offer support for a specific policy, its signatories represent a cross section of the U.S. economy, including Amazon.com Inc., Bank of America Corp., BP PLC, Walmart Inc., DSM and Exelon Corp.

“To achieve a net-zero economy, the United States must establish durable national policies that harness market forces, mobilize investment and innovation, and provide the certainty needed to plan for the long term,” they wrote.

Organized by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, or C2ES, the statement comes amid a raft of corporate signaling on climate, as Biden enters office with an ambitious clean energy platform.

These same companies make all sorts of pledges that they never really keep in order to climavirtue signal. Here we have companies essentially calling for Government to implement climate scam rules on all the consumers. What financial benefit do the companies see in this? As the saying goes, follow the money.

General Motors Co., which signed the statement, said last week it would end its support for the Trump administration’s clean car standards rollback and instead support Biden’s efforts to deploy electric vehicles (E&E News PM, Nov. 23).

Flipping for the new admin, eh?

Bill Gates just released a plan for US leadership on climate change, including $35B in funding

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest men and most prolific philanthropists, has just released a broad new plan on how the U.S. could take the lead in the fight against climate change.

“[We] need to revolutionize the world’s physical economy—and that will take, among other things, a dramatic infusion of ingenuity, funding, and focus from the federal government. No one else has the resources to drive the research we need,” Gates writes.

Interesting. Guy who’s made an enormous amount of money via capitalism wants to change the world’s economy. To what? Why doesn’t he say?

Gates calls for a dramatic $25 billion boost in spending that would bring clean energy research spending to $35 billion a year (in line with medical spending from the government). Gates notes that this could lead to the creation of more than 370,000 jobs while boosting a clean-energy agenda.

Why not spend the money of Microsoft? Or, does Bill not think the results would be profitable?

Read: Big Companies Call On China Joe To Do Something On Climate Crisis (scam) »

China Joe To Ask Everyone To Wear A Mask For 100 Days

Sure, sure, not every state has a mask mandate, but, for the most part, most of the U.S. does. 34 states, D.C, and Puerto Rico. And we’ve essentially had them since before the Centers for Disease Control updated their guidance on May 31 to say that everyone should wear a mask, even though they really have little chance to stop a virus. And that cases are spiking around the 1st and 2nd worlds where people are required to wear masks. But, Joe probably has a deal for a family member for masks, possibly imported from China

Biden to call for 100 days of masks after inauguration

President-elect Joe Biden said during an interview Thursday that he plans to ask the American public to wear masks for 100 days, starting the day he is inaugurated, in order to drive down the number of coronavirus cases.

Biden, during an interview with CNN, said he will ask Americans to mask up, but only for a limited period.

“The first day I’m inaugurated I’m going to ask the public for 100 days to mask,” Biden said. “Just 100, not forever — 100 days.”

“I think we’ll see a significant reduction that occurs with vaccinations and masking to drive down the numbers considerably.”

We haven’t seen a significant reduction since the mask mandates. In fact, COVID continued to go up even with masks. Those with and without mandates have much different responses till about October, when cases started to really spike. Why? That is the real question that no one is answering, or even asking. It can’t be the onset of Fall, because Arizona and Florida did not see big drops in temperatures. (the NY Times has a good interactive page). California, with all its hardcore mandates, has a huge upswing, as does NJ and New York. So, how effective are masks?

I’m looking for more brilliant ideas from the China Joe administration and other Democrats

Read: China Joe To Ask Everyone To Wear A Mask For 100 Days »

United Nations Wants Humanity To “End The War On Nature” And Go Carbon Neutral

The building full of climahypocrites and dictators has Ideas

From the link

As an extreme year for hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves comes to an end, the head of the United Nations challenged world leaders to make 2021 the year that humanity ends its “war on nature” and commits to a future free of planet-warming carbon pollution.

With new reports highlighting 2020’s record-breaking weather and growing fossil fuels extraction that triggers global warming, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered yet another urgent appeal to curb climate change. It was tinged with optimism but delivered dire warnings, as the UN gears up for a Dec. 12 virtual climate summit in France on the 5th anniversary of the landmark 2015 Paris climate agreement.

“The state of the planet is broken,” Guterres said in a speech at Columbia University. “Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal.”

But he said the two U.N. reports Wednesday “spell out how close we are to climate catastrophe.”

See above GIF.

Guterres said there’s no way the world can curb the climate change “without U.S. leadership” and urged students and other Americans to do “everything you can” to get their governments to curb emissions more quickly.

I don’t know how many times I’ve written this, but, notice that Guterres doesn’t say a thing about Warmists practicing what they preach nor the U.N. reducing its own carbon footprint to zero. Let’s demolish the 1950’s monstrosity in Turtle Bay, and ban all the diplomats, UN employees, etc, from using fossil fuels.

Read: United Nations Wants Humanity To “End The War On Nature” And Go Carbon Neutral »

Pirate's Cove