If All You See…

…is carbon pollution driven extreme weather causing snow and frost, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post on surging murders in another Democratic Party run cities.

Read: If All You See… »

Iran’s President Opposes Bill That Would Suspend UN Inspections, Increase Enrichment

Can you guess why Hassan Rouhani opposes it?

Iran’s president opposes bill that would boost enrichment

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday expressed his opposition to a bill approved by parliament the previous day to suspend U.N. inspections and boost uranium enrichment, saying it would be “harmful” to diplomatic efforts aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal and easing U.S. sanctions.

The tug-of-war over the bill, which gained momentum after the killing of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist last month, reflects the rivalry between Rouhani, a relative moderate, and hard-line lawmakers who dominate parliament and favor a more confrontational approach to the West.

The bill would suspend U.N. inspections and require the government to resume enriching uranium to 20% if European nations fail to provide relief from crippling U.S. sanctions on the country’s oil and banking sectors. That level falls short of the threshold needed for nuclear weapons but is higher than that required for civilian purposes.

Speaking at a Cabinet meeting, Rouhani said his administration, “does not agree with that and considers it harmful for the trend of diplomatic activities.” He implied the lawmakers were positioning themselves ahead of elections planned for June.

“Today, we are more powerful in the nuclear field than at any other time,” he added.

First, why are they more powerful than ever? Shouldn’t they have pretty much given up their nuclear weapons programs? Isn’t that what the Iran deal was all about? Or so we were told. Doesn’t it do that? Even with the U.S. out, shouldn’t Iran still be complying with the E.U. nations who are hooking Iran up?

Second, it sure looks like Rouhani figures China Joe will be a big pushover, rejoining and removing all the sanctions, and, surely Rouhani will demand more from China Joe to make up for what Trump did, right?

Later Wednesday, Iranian state TV said the constitutional watchdog, the Guardian Council, also approved the bill and formally sent it to Rouhani who now has has five working days to officially sign off on a bill to make it executable.

Even if Rouhani were to change his mind and approve the bill, it is unlikely to have an impact as Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the final say on all major policies, including those related to the nuclear program.

Under the law, if the president refuses to sign the bill, it will be automatically singed by the parliament speaker to go into effect.

Is this a ploy designed to allow Rouhani to get more out of Biden, saying “hey, these people want to do this stuff, I want to work with you, but, you have to give me something more”? And the Israel haters and Iran apologists in Joe’s circle and the Democrat party will take Iran’s side and say “give them what they want for Peace In Our Time.”

Read: Iran’s President Opposes Bill That Would Suspend UN Inspections, Increase Enrichment »

Climate Cultists Say China Joe Rejoining Paris Climate Agreement Isn’t Enough Or Something

In all fairness, lots and lots of climate cultists were applauding the passage of the Paris Climate (scam) Agreement while also saying that it didn’t go far enough. And then they all jumped into fossil fueled vehicles to travel to the airport where they took a fossil fueled airplane trip after their working vacation in Paris

Biden intends to rejoin the Paris Agreement, but climate activists say that’s not enough

One of President-elect Joe Biden’s first acts after being sworn in on Jan. 20 will be to rejoin the Paris climate agreement, a nonbinding pact signed by nearly 200 nations that, at President Trump’s direction, the U.S. exited on Nov. 4.

Since Biden has pledged to “take drastic action right now” to address climate change, the question remains whether he and newly appointed special climate envoy John Kerry will seek to strengthen the Paris Agreement commitments agreed to by the Obama administration — which Republicans say are already too tough and will hobble the U.S. economy.

Yet international climate change advocates are already pressuring the new administration to think bigger on cutting emissions.

“The U.S. rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement is just the first step, but in order for Biden to meet the scale of the climate crisis, we must see the U.S. commit to great ambitions to reduce carbon emissions, phase out fossil fuels, and bring forward a carbon neutral economy powered on renewables,” Thanu Yakupitiyage, U.S. communications director at 350.org, told Yahoo News in a written statement. “The Biden-Harris Administration have an enormous opportunity to be a leader on climate and we will be pushing them to not only keep their promises, but go beyond.”

Warmists are never satisfied, and they never seem to practice what they preach, either. I suggest that we initiate projects in certain areas to see how this would work. Test-beds. We can start with the areas that sued fossil fuels companies, such as “Rhode Island, New York City, Baltimore, eight coastal California cities and counties, three Colorado cities and counties, and a Washington county”, along with Honolulu and Maui. Let’s see how well they do without using fossil fuels. They will have to get rid of their airports. How do people get around except on very expensive non-fossil fueled buses, because most will not be able to afford EVs? How do they bring in food and goods? Where will they put all the solar panels and wind turbines? Should be fun to see how NYC survives, as well as Honolulu and Maui, which cannot do anything without tourism money, and most food has to come from elsewhere. Sailing ships?

The U.S. is not alone in laying out ambitious targets. The European Union, which has already reduced emissions by 24 percent, has also set a goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. China, the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases, has released a plan to become carbon-neutral by 2060.

The thing is, most nations, especially 1st World ones, who have laid out plans aren’t coming close to hitting their targets. Of course, most of their big targets are decades away, as nations realize they cannot destroy their economies for a scam. What Trump should do is send the Paris Climate Agreement to the Senate for a vote, as we know it would be rejected, making it much, much harder for U.S. courts to support it being a “legislatively tossed treaty.” Remember, Paris has no force of law, it is strictly voluntary, but, Warmists are not treating it as such, and will attempt to use the power of the courts to compel Other People to comply.

Never themselves, though. They have lives to live and shouldn’t be burdened.

Read: Climate Cultists Say China Joe Rejoining Paris Climate Agreement Isn’t Enough Or Something »

Who’s Up For Carrying An “I Got The Vaccine Card”?

Speaking of vaccines

Remember when they were telling us it couldn’t be done, that it would be years before a vaccine was ready? Now there are multiple vaccines approved for use

Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health officials say

The Department of Defense released the first images of a Covid-19 vaccination record card and vaccination kits Wednesday.

Vaccination cards will be used as the “simplest” way to keep track of Covid-19 shots, said Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” Moore said. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”

Vaccination clinics will also be reporting to their state immunization registries what vaccine was given, so that, for example, an entity could run a query if it didn’t know where a patient got a first dose.

Moore said many places are planning to ask patients to voluntarily provide a cell phone number, so they can get a text message telling them when and where their next dose is scheduled to be administered.

Every dose administered will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers.

On one hand, this makes complete sense. Having health authorities know this information is necessary for many reasons, such as if the particular version worked for you, did you get COVID even with the vaccine, are you double dipping, and to let you know when the next dose should be taken. Your doctor/medical facility does this, right? The bad part is that the Government is now tracking you even more, which will keep lots of people from getting. We can all trust government with this information, though, right? Further, will companies start requiring you to show this? The company you work for, the supermarket you shop at, etc?

Yes, your company can require it as a term of employment. Want to fly? Show you card. Want to this and that? Show your card.

US reports 3,100 COVID-19 deaths in one day, surpassing previous record by 20 percent

The U.S. saw its highest single-day coronavirus death toll to date on Wednesday with 3,157.

The number was 20 percent higher than the previous single-day high of 2,603 on April 15, and brings the total U.S. death toll to 273,799, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

The record high came the same day new hospitalizations exceeded 100,000 for the first time ever and newly reported infections hit 200,000 for only the second time, according to the COVID Tracking Project. Of those hospitalized, 19,396 were intensive care patients, another new high.

The thing is, we’re seeing these types of numbers throughout Europe, as well, along with huge spikes in Canada, Mexico, Russia, even Nepal (which is strange). There are very few countries reporting no new cases. One has to wonder why it is hitting so hard in the 1st World, especially with all the mask mandates.

Elsewhere, both Barack Obama and George W. Bush say they will take the vaccine when available, which should appeal to the Trump haters in the Democratic Party who would refuse to take something developed under Trump and the Never Trumpers on the Right who are equally unhinged.

Read: Who’s Up For Carrying An “I Got The Vaccine Card”? »

Hot Take: Jerry Brown Thinks China Joe Should Work With China On ‘Climate Change’

Right, right, because we can totally trust China, right? They would never cheat, right? They would never say they would do something and not do it, right?

Op-Ed: Jerry Brown: Biden’s first task should be working with China on climate change

China Votes BidenIn 2017, during my final term as governor of California, I traveled to China in search of climate partnerships with both national and local authorities. I knew that California’s path-breaking vehicle emission standards and other climate laws would prove ineffective unless other states — and countries — enacted similar measures. If California wanted to succeed in forcing the big auto companies to cut their emissions and shift to zero-emission vehicles, there would be no better ally than China, whose market every car company coveted.

U.S.-China relations were less toxic then than they are now, but still very difficult. Nevertheless, I was determined to build an effective climate alliance that would amplify and secure our efforts in California. (snip)

Our discussion that day also set in motion the California-China Climate Institute, a joint initiative of the University of California and Tsinghua University, which has begun research on ways to align carbon markets, accelerate a shift to zero-emission vehicles and achieve carbon neutrality by mid-century. We have also brought together top American and Chinese climate leaders.

California suffers through blackouts, many of them planned, and pays high prices for energy, which makes the cost of living high. And China suffers what, exactly? Nothing? They’re building lots of coal fired energy plants? Huh. Perhaps conspiring with a lying, Communist country isn’t such a good idea, Jerry. A nation that abuses its citizens, has a horrendous human rights record, enslaves citizens for forced labor, you know the rest.

Meanwhile in Washington, Trump has pursued unabashed nationalism, scapegoated foreigners and fostered unrelenting political polarization. Under these conditions, dialogue and building consensus — the very essence of democracy — have become ever more difficult. Beyond our borders, suspicion on every side has led to name calling and avoidance of international cooperation.

ZOMG, Trump put American interests over China’s? How horrible for you, Jerry

But America is only part of the problem and must enlist other nations to combat climate change. That is where China comes in. The overarching fact of life in today’s world is that despite totally different systems of government, China and America share a common interest and a common vulnerability. We will suffer the same devastations from a warming planet. We also share a common responsibility as the two largest producers of global greenhouse gases. Either we turn the tide together and put the world on the path to zero carbon emissions or it won’t be done.

That starts with Biden and Xi jointly pledging — in the first week of the Biden presidency — to work together on climate change. With Biden reentering the Paris Agreement and with both China and the U.S. sharing the goal of mid-century decarbonization, we are now heading in the same direction — at least on one of the biggest threats facing mankind.

I’m sure Joe would love to work with China. And China would love to go back to the old days when they took advantage of America. Anyone who thinks China will keep its word is a halfwit.

Read: Hot Take: Jerry Brown Thinks China Joe Should Work With China On ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Project Veritas releasing tapes on CNN, and CNN freaking.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Republican States Will Fight China Joe Utility Emissions Cuts

Republicans states led the way in suing the Obama administration over the Clean Power Plan, successfully having a stay put on it till the Trump admin killed it off. They did not want to burden their citizens with skyrocketing costs of energy, which would skyrocket the cost of living, and create rolling blackouts and brownouts, some intentional. Just like in the People’s Republik Of California!

Some Republican states would fight forced utility emissions cuts under Biden climate agenda

The governors of five Republican states are ready to fight Democratic President-elect Joe Biden if he tries to require the power sector to slash greenhouse gas emissions.

The litigious stance reflects just one of the many obstacles Biden will face as he seeks to deliver on a campaign promise to bring the U.S. economy to net zero emissions by 2050 to combat climate change.

Biden’s pledge includes a goal of cutting net emissions from the power sector – a top source of nationwide greenhouse gases – to zero by 2035, though the president-elect has yet to detail how he intends to make it happen. Lawsuits from states could halt implementation of any Democratic plan, as they did in 2016.

“We can all agree that lower emissions are better, but we should also all be able to agree that cost-prohibitive, counterproductive regulations for the sake of catering to an extreme wing of a political party is destructive,” said Bailey Martin, a spokeswoman for Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves.

Republican-governed Mississippi, North Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Arkansas said they would challenge any new federal policies requiring the power sector to cut carbon emissions. Utah and Missouri, also under Republican governors, said they would review proposals before deciding.

The seven were among 27 states that sued in 2015 to block the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the Obama administration’s signature effort to address climate change by requiring deep cuts in power-sector emissions. Fifteen other states in the lawsuit, including four now under Democratic leadership, either declined to say how they would respond to a new emissions reduction order or did not respond to requests for comment.

You can bet that most, if not all, of those Republican states would #Resist. Oh, wait, I forgot, resisting will no longer be patriotic come January 20th.

Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups, however, have argued that free-market forces can only push the utility industry so far and that a net-zero emissions goal is not achievable without federal regulation.

Democrats do love the force of Government, eh? How y’all enjoying that in California?

Read: Surprise: Republican States Will Fight China Joe Utility Emissions Cuts »

European Court May Soon Rule On Whether Climate Crisis (scam) Violates Children’s Human Rights

Considering the court this was filed in, it just may well succeed

Does Climate Change Violate Children’s Human Rights? A European Court May Soon Decide

The summer of 2017 was hugely stressful for Sofia and André Oliveira, then aged 12 and 9. From their home in Lisbon, they watched a season of record wildfires and severe heat waves tear through Portugal, killing 120 people. For the children, it was already clear that the extreme heat –which scientists linked to climate change –would not be an isolated chapter in their lives. “We’ve always talked about climate change at home,” Sofia, now 15, says over video chat, sitting next to her brother at the family’s dining room table. “And we wanted to do something—something big.”

If she wants to do something big, she should give up all the trappings of modern life that are linked by the Cult of Climastrology to “carbon pollution.” That video chat uses lots of energy, right? Let her live like it’s 1499. Instead, she wants to enforce her own cultish beliefs on everyone across Europe

Three years later, after three more summers that broke heat records, the Oliveira children are on the cusp of a major breakthrough in their climate action. In September, aided by a still-ongoing crowdfunding effort, Sofia, André and four other young Portugeuse people filed the first ever climate-related case at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), arguing that governments in 33 European countries have not done enough to prevent the impacts of climate change from violating their citizens’ human rights. In a landmark decision on Nov. 30, the court announced it would take the case to the next step— forwarding it to defendant countries and ordering them to respond to the case’s arguments—and granted it priority status.

Only around 15% of cases submitted to the ECHR made it to this stage in 2019, and even fewer were fast-tracked, according to Global Legal Action Network, which filed the case. In a further good sign for the plaintiffs, the court took the unusual step of extending the scope of the case, asking, in its letter to the parties, whether climate change may constitute a violation of Article 3 of the European Human Rights Act on “inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”—a point not even raised in their lawyers’s submission.

The ECHR’s decisions are legally binding, and if it hears the case and finds in favour of the Portuguese youth, it could order national governments in Europe to step up their emissions reductions. “The communication of this case is a momentous event. It’s the first occasion when the court has had the opportunity to grapple with climate change and its impact on European citizens,” says Marc Willers QC, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers, one of the lawyers on the case. “It seems to have decided that it can’t avoid the issue.”

That the court took it up and then extended the scope of the case doesn’t bode well for the citizens of Europe, but, then, they keep voting for all these uber Progressive elected officials who they vote for the  judges in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

The case submitted to the ECHR argues that the climate impacts seen in Portugal are violating the rights of the Oliveira children and the other four young plaintiffs that should be guaranteed under the European Human Rights Act. In particular, Willers, the barrister says, lawyers focused on the right to life, the right to a home and family life, and the right to enjoy their rights free of discrimination. The case argues the disparity in different generations’ experience of climate change constitutes discrimination in their enjoyment of human rights, since today’s young people will experience rising sea levels, extreme heat, storms and other extreme weather events, for far longer and with greater intensity than previous generations.

These kids are living better lives than their parents and grandparents ever did. Here’s an idea

Read: European Court May Soon Rule On Whether Climate Crisis (scam) Violates Children’s Human Rights »

Uber Progressive California Might Be Super Restricted Soon, Also Sued Over Failures In Education

California, of course, was one of the strictest states during the initial lockdown, and continued lots of those strict policies ever since. Also, since it is a bigly China Joe voting state, why aren’t the good little Comrades following the dictates of Government?

California Coronavirus Update: Governor Gavin Newsom Warns Of New, “Drastic” Stay-At-Home Order Possible “In The Next Few Days”

“Red flags are flying,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom at the top of his Monday COVID-19 press conference.

Newsom ran through the state’s dismal coronavirus numbers, warning that, “If these trends continue we’re going to have to take much more dramatic, arguably drastic action. If these trends continue, the potential for a stay-at-home order for those areas in the Purple…more in line with the stay-at-home order that folks were familiar with at the beginning of the year.”

With Monday’s updates, over 99% of California’s population was in the Purple, or most severe, tier of Newsom’s reopening order.

In terms of the timing of the orders, “Those are being assessed in real time,” said Newsom, before stressing should not think in terms of weeks, but days.

Will Gavin be dining at a fancy indoor restaurant again? Will state Democratic Party lawmakers be taking long fossil fueled trips to Hawaii? Will San Francisco Mayor London Breed also dine out?

(Fox News) San Francisco residents should brace more severe coronavirus restrictions, Mayor London Breed said Tuesday.

The warning coincided with reports that Breed had dined at the upscale French Laundry restaurant in Napa County last month, according to reports.

Breed said rising COVID-19 cases in recent weeks could lead to stricter restrictions in San Francisco on gatherings, reduced capacity in public areas, and mandatory quarantines after traveling, FOX 2 of the Bay Area reported.

“We’ve been worried for months, but now it’s real,” Breed said. “The truth is we’re going to have to take more restrictive action and it pains me to say that.”

San Francisco, run lock, stock, and barrel by far left Democrats, with a population that votes mostly Democrat (85% voted China Joe), is in California’s purple zone, which is the worst type of zone with the biggest outbreaks. Are these San Francisco liberals not wearing masks, not following Orders?

Will Gavin and London finally help out the poor?

Families sue California, say state fails to educate poor, minority students amid pandemic

Families of 15 public school students sued California on Monday, claiming the state has failed to provide equal education to poor and minority children during the pandemic.

The impoverished students, who range from kindergarten to high school and were only identified by first name in court documents, were not provided devices and internet connections to attend online classes, according to the lawsuit, the first of its kind in the United States.

The children attend schools in Oakland and Los Angeles, and many were described as Blacks and Latinos. The lawsuit also claims that schools did not meet academic and mental health support needs, English language barriers and the unmet needs of homeless students.

Don’t they know that they are only around to vote Democrat, and once those votes are assured these people are disposable till the next election? I wonder how many are illegal aliens?

Read: Uber Progressive California Might Be Super Restricted Soon, Also Sued Over Failures In Education »

Here’s How You Can Donate To Stop Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

See, you can pay your speeding tickets or you can just, get this, not speed

The Weekly Planet: The Best Way to Donate to Fight Climate Change (Probably)

Let’s say you want to donate $25 to fighting climate change. Where should your money go?

Since I started this newsletter, this inquiry (or something like it) is among the most common questions I’ve received from readers. And for good reason: There are at least 461 nonprofits in the United States devoted to environmental causes, according to the evaluator Charity Navigator. Not all of them approach climate change effectively, or even do what they claim to. The green-nonprofit world is a thicket, contained in a morass, reachable only by slog.

Daniel Stein, an economist who trained at the London School of Economics, learned this lesson about 18 months ago when he went looking for the best ways to maximize his climate giving. “I thought I could find the information after a couple hours of Googling,” he told me last week. “But not only could I not find it, a lot of the information that I could find was straight-up wrong.”

So he founded Giving Green, to help people ford the swamp. Giving Green advises people on how to fight climate change with their donations in the most evidence-based way possible. It emerged from beta and published new recommendations last month. Because today is Giving Tuesday—the capstone of America’s ersatz Holy Week and the only square on the calendar devoted to philanthropy—I wanted to look at those recommendations.

And I bet he’s totally selfless in this and not making a profit, right?

Anyhow, it’s interesting that Warmists are very interested in making “donations” but not so interested in changing their own behavior. Many groups are mentioned, such as the unhinged Sunrise Movement, a bunch of kids who want to force Other People to change their behavior via government laws and rules

But in climate, it faces a harder, even epistemological, question. The carbon-offset question is knowable; some organizations remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere better than others, and it is possible to learn their names. But supporting political action, as Giving Green recommends, goes beyond the realm of quantifiable evidence; it requires arguing about what will change people’s behavior. Sunrise and the Clean Air Task Force are good options for certain kinds of donors. But to support either group is to make a bet about the future. And nobody can run a randomized controlled trial on the future.

Donating doesn’t change your own behavior, climate cultists. Give it a try.

Read: Here’s How You Can Donate To Stop Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

Pirate's Cove