Paris Climate Agreement Puts America Last

Hmm, I do believe I’ve said this the other day, and back when Obama signed the agreement meant to circumvent the duly elected U.S. Senate

Paris Climate Treaty Puts America Last

Here we are in the midst of the second wave of a once-in-a-half-century pandemic, with the economy flattened and millions of Americans unemployed and race riots in the streets of our major cities. And Joe Biden says that one of his highest priorities as president will be to … reenter the Paris Climate Accord.

Trump kept his America First promise and pulled America out of this Obama-era treaty. Biden wants us back in — immediately.

Why? Paris is an unmitigated failure. You don’t have to take my word for it. National Geographic, a supporter of climate change action, recently ran the numbers and admits in its recent headline: “Most Countries Aren’t Hitting 2030 Climate Goals.” That’s putting it mildly. Most haven’t even reached half their pledged target for emission reductions.

Robert Watson, the former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, laments: “Countries need to double and triple their 2030 reduction commitments to be aligned with the Paris target.”

Gee, this sounds like a treaty we definitely should be part of and pay the bills for.

The one country making substantial progress in reducing carbon emissions is the U.S. under President Donald Trump. Even though our gross domestic product is way up over the past four years, our carbon dioxide emissions are DOWN. Our air pollution levels and emissions of lead, carbon monoxide and other pollutants are at record-low levels.

Trump has just let the private sector do their thing, rather than picking winners and losers.

Here is Paris in nutshell: We put our coal miners out of their jobs and cripple our $1 trillion oil and gas industry while China and India keep polluting and laugh at us behind our back.

Yeah, but Joe loves him some China

Across the globe, world leaders are overjoyed that under a Biden administration, the U.S. will reenter the Paris Accord. Why wouldn’t they be? We pay the bills. We hang our booming free market economy on a cross of climate change regulation. We pretend that the world is complying — when their actions speak much louder than their words. We trust, but we don’t verify.

If Paris is one of Biden’s first official acts as president, he will be announcing to the world that putting America First has been replaced with putting America Last.

If he does, there should be a Conservative movement to demand Joe, Kamala, their families, White House operations, etc, stop using fossil fuels 100%.

Read: Paris Climate Agreement Puts America Last »

Sky Tram To Reduce Traffic Congestion In Lost Angeles Runs Into Opposition

Have you ever noticed that climate cultists never seem particularly happy when things are done in the areas they live and that impact themselves? And that they always have Excuses?

Proposed aerial tram for Dodger fans ignites controversy at Los Angeles State Historic Park

To the average visitor, the Los Angeles State Historic Park looks to be an urban oasis — a serene expanse of rolling grass and shady glens tucked between Chinatown and the Los Angeles River.

But the park’s assorted picnickers, joggers and children flying kits belie a long history of conflict, one that continues to this day.

The park, which opened on Earth Day 2017, is just a few blocks from the site where hundreds of white rioters killed 19 Chinese men and boys on Oct. 24, 1871. And just to the north, developers and city officials forced more than a thousand mostly Latino families from Chavez Ravine in the 1950s to build the stadium where the Dodgers now play. (snip)

Now, a company funded by former Dodgers owner Frank McCourt has proposed a $125-million electric aerial gondola system to ferry baseball fans and concert goers from Union Station over the park to Dodger Stadium — and community activists have weighed in with a barrage of concerns.

“This park is a tribute not just to the historic struggle that created it but to the communities that continue to fight for it,” said Jon Christensen, an environmental historian at UCLA.

I’m betting that only, at most, 1% of the people who use the park even know these things. Community activist = nosy neighbors getting involved in everything and causing problems.

Standing on a pedestrian bridge in the park with panoramic views of the L.A. skyline, she wagged a finger in disapproval and said, “We don’t want gondolas in this park. People come here to enjoy nature, open space and fly kites high up in the sky.”

I understand the point, but

The project currently envisions two competing proposals: the southern Broadway alignment and the Spring Street alignment. Both would encroach upon and cross portions of the park with a passenger tower, stanchions, aerial cables and gondola cars able to whisk some 5,500 people per hour from Union Station to the stadium in about seven minutes, the developer said. Proponents say it will help reduce traffic and improve air quality.

In other words, this would decrease carbon pollution in Los Angeles, and there would be less traffic and vehicle pollutants in the same area these people live in. Warmists shoudl support that, right? Oh, right, NIMBY.

But opponents worry the project could transform the surrounding working-class neighborhoods into a commercial center festooned with corporate advertising. The area, after all, is already struggling to contain gentrification triggered by creation of the park on what had been an abandoned downtown rail yard.

Or, the area could take advantage and look to capitalize on this themselves. The gondolas are for going to and from Dodgers Stadium. It’s not like they are going downtown. Gentrification is just a buzz phrase to attempt to dupe minorities. Anyhow, this should be forced upon the people, so they understand exactly how the Cult of Climastrology operates.

Read: Sky Tram To Reduce Traffic Congestion In Lost Angeles Runs Into Opposition »

NY Times: Why, Yes, The Supreme Court’s Decision Does Put The First Amendment First

Let’s not forget, the Constitution is really laying out what the specific duties of  the federal government are, and why lines they may not cross. The 1st Amendment lays out more of what the Government may not do. There was no exception because people were eating bats in a wet market in China (or, more likely, screwing around with diseases in a poorly secured facility)

Cuomo Attacks Supreme Court, but Virus Ruling Is Warning to Governors

As the coronavirus pandemic has deepened and darkened in recent months, the nation’s governors have taken increasingly aggressive steps to curb the current surge of infections, with renewed and expanded restrictions reaching into people’s homes, businesses, schools and places of worship.

Many of these rules, often enacted by Democratic officials and enforced through curfews, closures and capacity limits, have been resisted by some members of the public, but largely upheld by the courts.

Late Wednesday night, though, the U.S. Supreme Court forcefully entered the arena, signaling that it was willing to impose new constraints on executive and emergency orders during the pandemic, at least where constitutional rights are affected.

In a 5-4 decision, the court struck down an order by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo that had restricted the size of religious gatherings in certain areas of New York where infection rates were climbing. The governor had imposed 10- and 25-person capacity limits on churches and other houses of worship in those areas.

New restraints? No. Old freedoms for The People.

The decision seemed to signal that some governmental efforts to stem the pandemic had overreached, impinging on protected freedoms in the name of public health. If unconstrained religious observance and public safety were sometimes at odds, as the governor and other public officials maintained, the court ruled that religious freedom should win out.

As it should be. The federal Constitution and NY state constitution do not discuss saving people from making bad decisions. Even decisions that could lead to their deaths. We don’t stop them from climbing mountains or smoking or drinking (well, have to be of age for last two). We don’t make them have some sort of contraption to keep them from falling while taking a shower. I bet you’re thinking of lots of examples right now. We do stop the Government from interfering with our 1st Amendment Rights, though.

Mr. Cuomo accused the court of partisanship, suggesting the ruling reflected the influence of the three conservative justices who have been nominated by President Trump in the past four years.

“You have a different court, and I think that was the statement that the court was making,” Mr. Cuomo, a third-term Democrat, said on Thursday. “We know who he appointed to the court. We know their ideology.”

Hey, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. Perhaps, though, Cuomo should take a gander at his own Constitution (though, the Progressives did manage to modify Article I Section 3 to perhaps allow these offenses against religion).

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. noted in a dissenting opinion that none of the governor’s most strict restrictions were currently in force. While the governor’s capacity limits on houses of worship might have violated the First Amendment, Justice Roberts wrote that it was not necessary for the court “to rule on that serious and difficult question at this time.”

“The Governor might reinstate the restrictions. But he also might not,” Justice Roberts wrote, saying it is “a significant matter to override determinations made by public health officials.”

But of course Roberts took this road. One of the worst picks for the court by a Republican ever. A real Conservative would have backstopped the Rights of citizens 100%

Critics of the court’s decision contended that Mr. Cuomo’s actions had not infringed on religious freedom and that the Supreme Court’s ruling could have dangerous public health consequences.

“The freedom to worship is one of our most cherished fundamental rights, but it does not include a license to harm others or endanger public health,” said Daniel Mach, the director for the American Civil Liberties Union’s freedom of religion and belief program.

Actually, it does. Because, let’s say I have chicken pox as a kid, and you decide to be near me to get it so that you will become immune, that’s on us. The Bill of Rights doesn’t give Government permission to abrogate our Rights for Reasons.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, an ultra-Orthodox umbrella group which had also sued to overturn the rules, called the decision historic, saying it “will ensure that religious practices and religious institutions will be protected from government edicts.”

Exactly. I’m betting the Court might have been a little more caring of Cuomo’s point of view had he not allowed all the violent protests and such.

Read: NY Times: Why, Yes, The Supreme Court’s Decision Does Put The First Amendment First »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fatty cupcake causing obesity which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on certification being halted in Pennsylvania with proof of fraud.

Read: If All You See… »

Happy Thanksgiving (sticky for day)

I want to wish all the folks who frequent Pirate’s Cove, as well as my blog friends out there, a wonderful Thanksgiving. Y’all, regardless of political identification, make it all worthwhile.

Read: Happy Thanksgiving (sticky for day) »

Thanksgiving Caused ‘Climate Change’, You Know

Yes, it is a holiday, so, of course a climate cultist has to attack it, and the bigger the holiday the bigger the attack

What Thanksgiving and the Coronavirus Pandemic Share: As Seen from Boston
Perhaps more than any other day, Thanksgiving embodies the underlying embrace of endless growth and voracious consumption: normally the year’s biggest travel day, its reliance on massive amounts of fossil fuel makes the holiday a climate changing event.

This year’s Thanksgiving has not turned out as many had hoped. As made clear by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s plea that everyone avoid travel and not spend Thanksgiving with people outside their household, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in many holiday plans. But we can learn from this misfortune. The lesson is a tragically ironic one: both the holiday’s development and epidemiological reasons for its present-day decline are rooted in a settler colonial project centered on the pursuit of wealth and ecological exploitation.

As many Native intellectuals and activists as well as historians have long argued, the depiction of Indians and Pilgrims breaking bread together at the first Thanksgiving in 1621 is inaccurate. It obscures a more complicated, and violent, history. It is one of war, literal and figurative, against the area’s indigenous population and the environment. (complaints continue for a few paragraphs)

The victory of colonial forces in 1676 ended major resistance to the settler project in what is today Massachusetts. It also facilitated far-reaching ecological destruction that characterizes contemporary Greater Boston and much of the wider world. Perhaps more than any other day, Thanksgiving embodies the underlying embrace of endless growth and voracious consumption: normally the year’s biggest travel day, its reliance on massive amounts of fossil fuel makes the holiday a climate changing event.

This lifestyle’s high costs are all around us. Here in eastern Massachusetts where Thanksgiving was born, rising sea levels threaten many waterfront communities. Boston, for example, already has more sunny-day flooding than almost any other U.S. municipality. According to various studies, a large share of the housing stock in Boston and nearby cities such as Cambridge and Revere are at risk of permanent inundation or chronic flooding by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to climb. Moreover, the health of many of the area’s forests is under great threat, largely due to air pollution and climate change. And toxic algae now ravage freshwater ponds throughout Cape Cod because of warming temperatures and pollution.

See? Because some people held Thanksgiving hundreds of years ago, you take a fossil fueled trip  to eat copious amounts of food with others who took fossil fueled trips as well, while watching football which uses huge amounts of fossil fuels and energy. And this causes sea rise in Boston!!!!!

The relative sea level trend is 2.86 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence
interval of +/- 0.15 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from
1921 to 2019 which is equivalent to a change of 0.94 feet in 100 years.

Huh. It should be quite a bit more during a Holocene warm period. This is not much more than average, which is what you get from the warm and cool periods. Anyhow, Thanksgiving allows climate cultists to mix their cult with colonialism, raaaaacism, capitalism, Mankind bad, food bad, everything bad. They are such negative nellies, aren’t they?

Read: Thanksgiving Caused ‘Climate Change’, You Know »

“The Great Reset” Is A Biden Presidency Conspiracy Theory Or Something

It’s funny, since so many Biden voters have embraced “build back better” which is part of the Great Reset and The Great Reset itself. But, like with ‘climate change’, the elites are now looking to hide their true intentions. People said I was a bit crazy, that it was conspiracy material to say that ‘climate change’ was all about taking people’s money, liberty, freedom, and choice and putting it in the hands of Government. This is what Progressivism is about: control. It is “nice Fascism,” after all. I said it was never about the science, because, even if the Warmist’s science was mostly/solely correct, their solutions were about that government control. Now? Quite a few Skeptics and others have seen that this is the reality

The Biden Presidency Already Has Its First Conspiracy Theory: The Great Reset

Joe Biden isn’t president yet. But his incoming White House already has its first conspiracy theory to deal with.

It goes by the tag the “Great Reset” and under its construct a wild dystopian future is in store. The coronavirus pandemic is merely a means to enslave humanity and end capitalism. Biden’s “Build Back Better” slogan is really a cover for nefarious plotting of a global cabal from Davos, Switzerland, intent on abolishing private property and building prison camps for the dissenters who refuse to accept microchips that will read their thoughts. Even Grover from Sesame Street might be involved.

The Great Reset is a hodgepodge of one-world-government fears that has gained steam in the wake of Biden’s win. It’s been fed by right-wing media personalities who have told their audiences that Biden is bent on launching said reset by using the coronavirus pandemic to ban religion, crush small businesses, and turn humans into something like robots—or replace them with actual robots.

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon has declared that the Great Reset is “up in your grill,” while talk radio host Glenn Beck said the Great Reset is a plot to institute Nazi-style restrictions on American citizens. WorldNetDaily has called it a scheme from our “globalist overlords.” Pro-Trump personalities “Diamond and Silk” have warned their audience on Newsmax TV that Biden is behind the Great Reset plot.

“You know Biden said he wants to build back better,” Lynnette “Diamond” Hardaway said on Nov. 21 on her show, Diamond and Silk: Crystal Clear. “But no, he doesn’t want to build back better. He wants to take this economy and build back globally. You all, I know you heard about this thing called the Great Reset.”

See? It’s totally a conspiracy theory!

In May, the World Economic Forum—a non-governmental group that hosts the annual Davos conference—announced a series of events and articles called the Great Reset centered on the idea of reducing inequality in the aftermath of the pandemic. The series, summed up in a book of the same name from WEF chief Klaus Schwab, is made up of the same kind of vague, feel-good talk aimed at the world’s wealthy that amounts to thought leadership at Davos. The WEF’s Great Reset website is filled with buzzwords like “sustainability,” “upscaling,” and “stakeholder capitalism,” but few concrete plans—and certainly nothing like the world-destroying plot described in pro-Trump media.

Oh, wait, so The Great Reset is real? Huh. Of course The Daily Beast tries to shoot all this down as wonky. They even drop this tweet as proof people are Crazy

Um, but, they did do that. Think about all that has been done. Now think of all the posts I’ve done about climate cultists wanting to use COVID to change everything for their cult, to change capitalism, institute all sorts climate cult rules and regs and stuff.

Did you ever think that Government would lock you down, restrict your movement, fine and even arrest you for walking your dog or not wearing a mask, and most judges would comply with this bit of un-Constitutional violations?

Read: “The Great Reset” Is A Biden Presidency Conspiracy Theory Or Something »

Who’s Up For A Climate First Foreign Policy?

I’m looking forward to China Joe voters saying “I just hated Trump. I didn’t realize I was voting for America last!”

A Climate-First Foreign Policy

President Donald Trump will hand the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden a daunting set of foreign policy challenges, including controlling the raging COVID-19 pandemic, stabilizing the global economy, and managing acute tensions with China. Each problem could be the defining issue of a less tumultuous and high-stakes tenure. But of all the global threats Trump has neglected, mismanaged, or actively inflamed, the climate crisis is the most dangerous and far-reaching. Left unchecked, climate change will inflict untold harm and hardship on people across the globe, devastate economies, and threaten the viability of countries. The effects of climate change will cascade in profound and unpredictable ways, straining the capacities of governments—even those of the wealthiest countries.

Obama/Biden left Trump with an emboldened Iran, raging civil war in Syria, the Islamic State, a lethargic economy, a rising China and Russia (Crimea, anyone?), a very frisky North Korea, and more. And took care of them by putting America first

Biden understands the gravity of the crisis and has pledged to steer the United States’ climate policy back on course. In the closing arguments of his presidential campaign, he warned that climate change is an “existential threat” and “the number one issue facing humanity.” Biden discussed climate change cooperation with nearly all the world leaders who called to congratulate him on his win. And by appointing former Secretary of State John Kerry as his cabinet-level climate envoy, Biden has signaled that climate change will be a foreign policy priority. But for Biden to squarely address the climate crisis as “the number one issue facing humanity,” his administration will have to fundamentally reorient U.S. foreign policy. Biden must raise climate change to the first rank of international priorities and treat it with the same urgency as other threats to core U.S. national interests, such as terrorism and nuclear proliferation.

Not only must the United States lead by example and cut its own emissions, it must reframe its engagement with other major economies around climate issues, consistently prioritize the climate agenda at the highest diplomatic levels, and use its diplomatic power to encourage more concerted climate action around the world. It must engage with both allies and rivals, including China, to tackle the crisis. And it must help poor and vulnerable countries better deal with the effects of climate change. These goals are all achievable, but they will require a sea change in approach from the foreign policy of any previous administration.

So, give up our sovereignty to other nations. I dare Warmists to reduce their own carbon footprints. And, I plan on pointing and laughing when Biden voters whine about getting what they voted for.

There’s lots more America last in the article.

Read: Who’s Up For A Climate First Foreign Policy? »

If All You See…

…is a horrible plastic food container, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on searching for your missing unemployment on California’s death row.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Vaccine: Will Your Employer Make It Mandatory?

For all those concerned with Government mandating that people get a Bat Soup Virus vaccine, which really isn’t a conspiracy theory based on the actions of governments at home and around the world, well, stop worrying about government over-reach

As COVID-19 Vaccine Nears, Employers Consider Making It Mandatory

Just a few months into the coronavirus pandemic, Holly Smith had already made up her mind. She was not going to reopen her restaurant to diners until there was a vaccine. She just didn’t think it was safe. When she shared the decision with her staff, they asked: Would the vaccine be mandatory?

Yes, she said. It would be.

“I’m not going to open until I can indeed be sure that everyone on my staff is vaccinated,” says Smith, chef and owner of Cafe Juanita in Kirkland, Wash. “The immediate people on the team — you’ve got to take care of them. If you don’t take care of them, they cannot help you take care of business.”

With promising news from three COVID-19 vaccine trials showing 90% to 95% efficacy, employers are now weighing whether they should simply encourage their employees to get vaccinated or make it mandatory.

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has stated that employers can legally impose a flu vaccine requirement on their workforce, but employees have the right to request medical or religious exemptions under federal anti-discrimination laws. Each claim must be evaluated on its own merits, a time-consuming process for employers.

In all fairness, Smith is the only business owner who specifically says she will mandate the vaccine, which she has every right to do. But, you can expect a lot of businesses to do the same, right, especially when you have

At Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, some 14,000 employees and students are required to get the annual flu vaccine, says Dr. James McDeavitt, dean of clinical affairs. About 90% actually do, with 10% claiming exemptions, most of them medical, according to his analysis.

Those types of businesses are certainly a small minority. Will those who mandate a COVID vaccine become a majority, deeming it a term of employment? You cannot go to school without certain vaccinations.

“The employer is truly in a no-win situation from a risk standpoint,” he says. Those who decide to mandate the vaccine will need protection against someone having an adverse reaction, even if the employee has signed a waiver upon receiving the shot, he says. Conversely, companies that decide against a mandate will need protection if someone does contract the virus in the workplace and sues.

The question becomes “how many refuse to take the vaccine simply because they do not want to for Reasons other than real medical and religious?” If it works, I’d be fine with taking it. On one hand, the mask allows me to hide certain facial expressions from customers. On the other, it is hard to do, as we say “make a friend and ask for the sale” when faces cannot be seen and it is hard to hear people. I still won’t shake hands anymore, no fist bumps, and it would be great letting customers do test drives on their own, that last being a good offset to not being able to bond.

A recent Gallup poll found that 42% of Americans say they will not get the COVID-19 vaccine, though the poll was conducted before the recent optimistic vaccine results.

It is Republicans and Independents who really bring that percent down. If Trump cannot overcome the cheat, one of the things he really should do would be to get with China Joe and both of them ask Americans to get the vaccine. Trump has always been pro-vaccine, so, this wouldn’t be a stretch.

More: what of companies that require their customers to have the vaccine? Will we all be required to carry our papers? Quantas airlines is apparently going to require them. Remember that Ticketmaster floated the idea.

Read: COVID Vaccine: Will Your Employer Make It Mandatory? »

Pirate's Cove