If All You See…

…is a horrible plastic food container, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on searching for your missing unemployment on California’s death row.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Vaccine: Will Your Employer Make It Mandatory?

For all those concerned with Government mandating that people get a Bat Soup Virus vaccine, which really isn’t a conspiracy theory based on the actions of governments at home and around the world, well, stop worrying about government over-reach

As COVID-19 Vaccine Nears, Employers Consider Making It Mandatory

Just a few months into the coronavirus pandemic, Holly Smith had already made up her mind. She was not going to reopen her restaurant to diners until there was a vaccine. She just didn’t think it was safe. When she shared the decision with her staff, they asked: Would the vaccine be mandatory?

Yes, she said. It would be.

“I’m not going to open until I can indeed be sure that everyone on my staff is vaccinated,” says Smith, chef and owner of Cafe Juanita in Kirkland, Wash. “The immediate people on the team — you’ve got to take care of them. If you don’t take care of them, they cannot help you take care of business.”

With promising news from three COVID-19 vaccine trials showing 90% to 95% efficacy, employers are now weighing whether they should simply encourage their employees to get vaccinated or make it mandatory.

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has stated that employers can legally impose a flu vaccine requirement on their workforce, but employees have the right to request medical or religious exemptions under federal anti-discrimination laws. Each claim must be evaluated on its own merits, a time-consuming process for employers.

In all fairness, Smith is the only business owner who specifically says she will mandate the vaccine, which she has every right to do. But, you can expect a lot of businesses to do the same, right, especially when you have

At Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, some 14,000 employees and students are required to get the annual flu vaccine, says Dr. James McDeavitt, dean of clinical affairs. About 90% actually do, with 10% claiming exemptions, most of them medical, according to his analysis.

Those types of businesses are certainly a small minority. Will those who mandate a COVID vaccine become a majority, deeming it a term of employment? You cannot go to school without certain vaccinations.

“The employer is truly in a no-win situation from a risk standpoint,” he says. Those who decide to mandate the vaccine will need protection against someone having an adverse reaction, even if the employee has signed a waiver upon receiving the shot, he says. Conversely, companies that decide against a mandate will need protection if someone does contract the virus in the workplace and sues.

The question becomes “how many refuse to take the vaccine simply because they do not want to for Reasons other than real medical and religious?” If it works, I’d be fine with taking it. On one hand, the mask allows me to hide certain facial expressions from customers. On the other, it is hard to do, as we say “make a friend and ask for the sale” when faces cannot be seen and it is hard to hear people. I still won’t shake hands anymore, no fist bumps, and it would be great letting customers do test drives on their own, that last being a good offset to not being able to bond.

A recent Gallup poll found that 42% of Americans say they will not get the COVID-19 vaccine, though the poll was conducted before the recent optimistic vaccine results.

It is Republicans and Independents who really bring that percent down. If Trump cannot overcome the cheat, one of the things he really should do would be to get with China Joe and both of them ask Americans to get the vaccine. Trump has always been pro-vaccine, so, this wouldn’t be a stretch.

More: what of companies that require their customers to have the vaccine? Will we all be required to carry our papers? Quantas airlines is apparently going to require them. Remember that Ticketmaster floated the idea.

Read: COVID Vaccine: Will Your Employer Make It Mandatory? »

Surprise: Trotting Out Scary Prognostications Doesn’t Really Work With ‘Climate Change’

This is mostly all the Cult of Climastrology does: offer scary prognostications, usually far in the future so that no one can truly disprove them, and when the time comes, no one remembers them. So far, almost nothing the CoC has predicted has come true

Why frightening facts don’t always move people to action on climate change

Anger, anxiety, overwhelm … climate change can evoke intense feelings.

“It’s easy to feel dwarfed in the context of such a global systemic issue,” says psychologist Renée Lertzman.

She says that when people experience these feelings, they often shut down and push information away. So to encourage climate action, she advises not bombarding people with frightening facts.

“When we lead with information, we are actually unwittingly walking right into a situation that is set up to undermine our efforts,” she says.

She says if you want to engage people on the topic, take a compassionate approach. Ask people what they know and want to learn. Then have a conversation.

This conversational approach may seem at odds with the urgency of the issue, but Lertzman says it can get results faster.

“When we take a compassion-based approach, we are actively disarming defenses so that people are actually more willing and able to respond and engage quicker,” she says. “And we don’t have time right now to mess around, and so I do actually come to this topic with a sense of urgency…. We do not have time to not take this approach.”

Well, see, it doesn’t help when the conversation is even-handed, Warmists cannot answer the question “prove that this is all mostly/solely caused by Mankind” nor another big one “what changes have you made in your life to accord with your beliefs?” Both elicit all sorts of deflections and emotional responses, but, never anything concrete. But, see, these are also Leftists, and they mostly cannot have rational conversations, because they are too invested in feelings and the need to destroy their opponent, using Alinsky rules. They also don’t like to answer the question “why are all your solutions about taking away money, freedom, and choice, putting the government in charge of our lives, while reducing temperature by hundreds of a degree Celsius?

Without the scary prognostications, oh, sorry, frightening facts (with zero proof), there is nothing to support the Cult of Climastrology. It’s all they have.

Read: Surprise: Trotting Out Scary Prognostications Doesn’t Really Work With ‘Climate Change’ »

#Unity: China Joe Says Will Submit Amnesty Bill In First 100 Days

There’s been a lot of yapping from China Joe and other Democrats about unity and coming together and reaching across the aise and stuff, as you’ve certainly heard and read. So far, have you seen anything from Joe that you would support? Has he offered anything bipartisan?

Watch–Joe Biden: Amnesty for Over 11 Million Illegal Aliens Going to Senate in My First 100 Days

Democrat Joe Biden says he will send an amnesty deal for “over 11 million” illegal aliens to the United States Senate in his first 100 days in office.

During an interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt, Biden reiterated his plan to give amnesty to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. Biden said of his agenda:

Some of it’s going to depend on the kind of cooperation I can or cannot get from the United States Congress. But I am going, I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America.

Already, a number of Senate Republicans have suggested that they are interested in working with Biden on some sort of immigration deal. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) have all hinted at striking a Democrat-GOP deal on immigration that would almost certainly include an amnesty.

Currently, about 24.5 million Americans are either jobless or underemployed, but all want full-time jobs. Those unemployed are forced to compete in the labor market by an endless stream of foreign workers who secure visas and green cards that rack up to more than 2.5 million admissions every year.

I’m good with amnesty if we can exchange the hardworking, non-criminal illegals for Antifa members, Never Trumpers, and other Biden voting troublemakers. I’d possibly be OK if it was paired with tough conditions for who would get a path to citizenship and strong border enforcement, but, we know it will pretty much make all these illegals citizens without care to their backgrounds, whether they can speak English, and won’t put them through the paces like all those who pay a lot of money to become citizens. And, no matter what happens regarding securing the border, that won’t ever happen, and the bill will entice even more to come illegally.

The question is, will the GOP roll over in numbers to allow an amnesty to go through? It could be a big mistake to go back to their old ways when Trump is gone.

Read: #Unity: China Joe Says Will Submit Amnesty Bill In First 100 Days »

How To Survive ‘Climate Change’ At Thanksgiving

My recommendation? Tell the climate cultists to stay home

Climate Change is Real – Here’s How to Survive that Subject at Thanksgiving Dinner

State government officials are encouraging people to avoid large Thanksgiving gatherings due to the pandemic. Even people attending more intimate Thanksgiving celebrations can still expect good old-fashioned awkward conversations with the family. Debates over the election are predestined, as are conspiracy theories from your crazy uncle denying the reality of climate change.

There are a variety of strategies to survive these conversations. First, let’s set the scene. Your crazy uncle just handed you more turkey, asked with care about how your life is, and then out of the blue, tells you climate change is actually a hoax invented by martians from Mars. “It’s true,” he’ll say. “Stop laughing.” Two thirds of Americans believe in climate change, but the one third who don’t are, shall we say, passionate. Especially around the holidays.

Nobody wants to argue over Thanksgiving dinner, especially about climate change. Arguments and debates do happen over the holidays, though, and we can either accept them, ignore them, or run from them. If you find yourself wanting to educate the uninformed, please do so. Maybe ask questions first, showing interest in their hot take rather than outright condemning: “You don’t think increased carbon dioxide levels affect the planet? Why do you think the average global temperature keeps rising? Interesting. Aliens from Mars, huh? OK, so the martians are responsible for 17 of the 18 hottest years that occurred this century? Why are the aliens melting the arctic summer sea at a rapid pace? It’ll be gone by 2035.” The list of questions you can ask, politely, are endless. Emphasis on politeness.

First, laugh at these nuts who still cannot prove their cult’s beliefs. Second, is anyone doing this Martian thing? No? Huh. Third, yes, Warmists do want to argue, or, rather, they want to give soliloquies, and will shout, literally shout, down anyone who attempts to have a discussion, especially when they ask for proof.

Maybe try to express how climate change will affect them personally. If a family member in Florida doesn’t believe in climate change, tell them you’re concerned about the rising sea levels around their state. If the uncle is European, maybe mention 50,000 people died of heat waves in 2003. Ask him — again, politely — why would martians do such a thing? Show genuine curiosity in his opinion. Sometimes sugar is more effective than medicine, and sometimes conversations are more impactful than lectures.

Maybe reply that Florida is seeing less than expected sea rise for a Holocene warm period. Ask them why there hasn’t been a repeat of 2003, and that perhaps there was something else at play. Ask them why they took a fossil fueled vehicle to dinner. Ask them for actual scientific facts, rather than personal stories. The stories, folks, is a standard bit of Alinsky arguing, designed to put people on the defensive, to be able to take it to them personally. Like when they call people racists, sexists, etc.

Spirited debate among families is important. On holidays, however, they are nauseating. There’s a time and a place. Maybe when stuffing your face with turkey or a veggie option isn’t the best time to deliver a lecture on climate change. It’s best to educate if you see a family member or friend with a blind spot, but on Thanksgiving, it’s OK to take a day off from trying to peel someone else’s open with a wrench made of facts.

And that’s the best piece of advice in the screed. Just leave it alone. Don’t be an ahole. If you aren’t able to resist yapping about it or other hardcore leftist propaganda, stay home, and don’t ruin the day for others.

Read: How To Survive ‘Climate Change’ At Thanksgiving »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution creating refrigerator, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…., with a post on your Tuesday feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

Spain Looks To Restrict Christmas And New Year’s Eve Gathering

Giving ideas to politicians with authoritarian leanings around the world

Spain eyes 6-people cap for holiday season parties, El Mundo reports

The Spanish government will propose to regional authorities a six-person limit for Christmas and New Year’s parties when they involve guests, El Mundo newspaper reported on Tuesday, citing a health ministry draft document.

Also, office gatherings and similar celebrations in the run-up to the holiday season would be limited to six people and preferably be held on restaurant terraces, outside or in a place with “no more than two walls”, it said.

The document recommends planning “different” Christmas celebrations without taking out the “soul and spirit” of the most popular holiday in the country.

The health ministry will discuss the document with the regions’ health chiefs, who could still introduce changes.

Spain, which has more than 1.58 million COVID-19 cases – western Europe’s second highest tally after France – and 43,131 dead – imposed a six-month state of emergency in October, giving regions legal backing to impose curfews and other restrictions.

The Olive Press, which is somehow figured out a way to stop copying and pasting, notes that there will be a curfew from 1am to 6am, meaning people would have to be home within an hour after New Year’s. And Spain is one of the nations which used their police to enforce the government dictates early on in the spring. And citizens do not have the Constitutional Rights that we do here. They just have to do what the government says, like it or not. Helps out with The Great Reset, making citizens more compliant, especially when there’s a 6 month state of emergency.

Then there’s this schmuck, unfortunately, one nominally on our side

I’d like him to point out in the Constitution of the U.S. and that of Maryland where he and the government have the power to do mask mandates. Driving is a privilege. Will you have a right to decline the vaccine (not sure why you’d want to, but, that’s your decision)?

Read: Spain Looks To Restrict Christmas And New Year’s Eve Gathering »

Obligatory John Kerry Picked To Be China Joe’s Climate Czar

Yes, this would be the same John Kerry with multiple cars, houses, boats, and private jets….oh, right, sorry, they are his wife’s. He still uses them

John Kerry to Return in Biden Administration as ‘Climate Czar’

Former Massachusetts senator and Secretary of State John Kerry is slated to return to government as a special presidential envoy on climate under a prospective Biden administration, the Biden transition team announced Monday.

Kerry tweeted after the announcement:

America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is. I’m proud to partner with the President-elect, our allies, and the young leaders of the climate movement to take on this crisis as the President’s Climate Envoy. (snip)

Kerry also oversaw the U.S.’s entrance into the Paris Agreement, a global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Trump pulled out of the agreement in 2020, arguing that the agreement handicapped the U.S. economy in order to “win praise from the very foreign capitals and global activists that have long sought to gain wealth at our country’s expense.”

Kerry indicated in a second tweet after the announcement that he would look to reenter the U.S. into the agreement (snip)

As a special envoy, Kerry would not need Senate confirmation.

According to Biden’s transition office, Kerry will sit on the National Security Council.

So, if China Joe’s government will treat the climate crisis (scam) as urgent, will they give up their own use of fossil fueled travel, give up most eating of meat, etc and so forth? Will Joe and John tell other governments to stay home, avoiding the fossil fueled flights, rather than come to the U.S., and, instead, do Zoom calls? Will Kerry stop flying around the world? He’s did quite a bit of that as Obama’s Sec of State, and certainly continued after as a private citizen.

Of course not. We all know this means the Elites slapping restrictions, taxes, and fees on the peons.

Notice the part about what Kerry admitted about Paris. This is all about putting America last. Kerry is just another globalist and a hypocrite. Yes, he does own a Gulfstream private jet. This will be more of the “do as I say not as I do” type administration.

But, this will be good times for those of us who write about the climate change scam.

Read: Obligatory John Kerry Picked To Be China Joe’s Climate Czar »

North Carolina Tightens Mask Mandate, Gov Forgets To Wear Mask

Rather than roll back existing re-opening, Gov Cooper decided to tighten mask mandates, because wearing a mask has certainly limited the spread of COVID, right?

Cooper tightens mask mandate as one-fifth of NC counties now coronavirus hotspots

Gov. Roy Cooper reinforced statewide coronavirus restrictions on Monday as a growing number of North Carolina counties are considered hotspots for viral spread.

Less than a week after rolling out a county alert system to illustrate where the virus was spreading fastest, the number of counties in the red zone has doubled from 10 to 20. The number in the orange zone with substantial spread grew from 43 to 46. (snip)

“I have a stark warning for North Carolinians today: We are in danger,” he said during a briefing on the pandemic. “This is a pivotal moment in our fight against coronavirus. Our actions now will determine the fate of many.” (snip)

“This is a call to arms to the people of North Carolina – we have to pull together to stem the tide,” Cooper said.

Rather than reimposing restrictions that have been eased in recent months, he decided to close loopholes in the statewide mask mandate that he put in place over the summer.

Now, masks must be worn indoors whenever someone not in the same household is present and outdoors whenever physical distancing isn’t possible. The tighter restrictions include requiring masks in private schools and in gyms, even when people are working out, as well as in airports and train and bus stations.

Large businesses must have someone checking that customers are wearing masks and that capacity limits are followed, and law enforcement can cite individuals or businesses for not complying.

Large business means, per the order, those with 15,000 square feet of retail space, meaning a business must dedicate someone as their Mask Police at the door. The mask mandate, as you can see from the first link in the excerpt (you can also read about it here), means that you cannot ever remove your mask inside, be it for working out (where you could remove it while on machines and such, but had to wear while walking around), or in your office, which had been part of previous orders. Good luck understanding people on the phone. And eating. Study after study shows that gyms are safer than other businesses for Bat Soup Virus spread.

And, yes, sicking the police on you

Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin said city officials plan to discuss how to handle Cooper’s new executive order.

“We have been proactively monitoring businesses for the past few weeks with our fire marshals and special events staff specifically working with bars and restaurants,” Baldwin said. “Our goal has been voluntary compliance. This order is more focused on retail, so we will look at language and enforcement.”

The order doesn’t lay out the exact penalties, which seems problematic, but, then, he has no statutory authority for that. The duly elected Legislative branch would be the ones to do that.

“The rules need to be enforced,” Cooper said. “We don’t want to go backward [and close businesses again], but we will if necessary.”

Need to enforce the rules, right?

In all fairness, Cooper has been one of the less burdensome governors with his restrictions, and, I suspect he has consulted with the Republican General Assembly leaders, as they have not slapped him for doing things without legislation from the GA.

Read: North Carolina Tightens Mask Mandate, Gov Forgets To Wear Mask »

Reduction In “Carbon Emissions” During Lockdown Had Little Effect, Part 947

Remember how they said we had to all reduce our carbon footprint (meaning you, not the people saying it), and that government should basically force people to do so. Well, that pretty much happened. Yet, atmospheric CO2 continued to rise, so, we’re still in the Making Excuses phase

Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2

The global response to the Covid-19 crisis has had little impact on the continued rise in atmospheric concentrations of CO2, says the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Carbon emissions fell dramatically in 2020 due to lockdowns that saw transport and industry grind to a halt.

But this has only marginally slowed down the overall rise in concentrations, the scientists say.

The details are published in the WMO’s annual greenhouse gas bulletin. (snip)

Thanks to lockdowns in early 2020, carbon emissions fell by 17% at their peak, but the overall effect on concentrations has been very small.

Preliminary estimates suggest that CO2 will continue to increase this year but that rise will be reduced by 0.08 to 0.23ppm.

So, if seeing a bigger reduction than Warmists were calling for (roughly 7-10% reduction) doesn’t actually change anything, might there be other forces at play? Like, oh, nature, and being in a typical Holocene Warm period caused mostly by nature?

This falls within the 1ppm natural variability that occurs from year to year.

“We breached the global threshold of 400 parts per million in 2015, and just four years later, we crossed 410 ppm, such a rate of increase has never been seen in the history of our records,” said WMO secretary general, Prof Petteri Taalas.

“The lockdown-related fall in emissions is just a tiny blip on the long-term graph. We need a sustained flattening of the curve,” he said.

And that’s the point, to lock everything down (for Other People) for years, if not decades. You’re OK with that, right?

Read: Reduction In “Carbon Emissions” During Lockdown Had Little Effect, Part 947 »

Pirate's Cove