If All You See…

…are tropical plants growing in Canada due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on good guys 1, bad guys 0/

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Is Supposedly Coming Up With A Border Clampdown

Why couldn’t he have done this years ago? Is this something mean to be permanent, or, simply an election year stunt?

Biden is said to be finalizing plans for migrant limits as part of a US-Mexico border clampdown

Americans before illegalsThe White House is finalizing plans for a U.S.-Mexico border clampdown that would shut off asylum requests and automatically deny entrance to migrants once the number of people encountered by American border officials exceeded a new daily threshold, with President Joe Biden expected to sign an executive order as early as Tuesday, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The president has been weighing additional executive action since the collapse of a bipartisan border bill earlier this year. The number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border has declined for months, partly because of a stepped-up effort by Mexico. Still, immigration remains a top concern heading into the U.S. presidential election in November and Republicans are eager to hammer Biden on the issue.

The Democratic administration’s effort would aim to head off any potential spike in crossings that could occur later in the year, as the fall election draws closer, when the weather cools and numbers tend to rise, two of the people. They were not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing discussions and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

So, this is purely an election year stunt, which will most likely end immediately if Biden wins re-election in November

The move would allow Biden, whose administration has taken smaller steps in recent weeks to discourage migration and speed up asylum processing, to say he has done all he can do to control the border numbers without help from Congress.

I love how the AP is putting this so matter-of-factly, when they would be blasting a Republican for such a blatant election year stunt.

The restrictions being considered are an aggressive attempt to ease the nation’s overwhelmed asylum system, along with a new effort to speed up the cases of migrants already in America and another meant to quicken processing for migrants with criminal records or those who would otherwise be eventually deemed ineligible for asylum in the United States.

This means people are already in the US, and, they should be allowed to deport criminals immediately already.

The people told the AP that the administration was weighing some of the policies directly from a stalled bipartisan Senate border deal, including capping the number of encounters at an average of 4,000 per day over a week and whether that limit would include asylum-seekers coming to the border with appointments through U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s CBP One app. Right now, there are roughly 1,450 such appointments per day.

That would be 1,460,000 illegals per year. Is that supposed to make Americans feel better?

Read: Biden Is Supposedly Coming Up With A Border Clampdown »

Democrat In Charge Of NY Assembly Comes Out Against ‘Climate Change’ Superfund Act

Is this a case of Carl Heastie introducing common sense, or, is he reading polls which show this will be really unpopular with voters who will turn around and blame Democrats?

NY Assembly speaker throws cold water on Climate Change Superfund Act

New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie threw cold water on a bill that would require major energy companies to pay for climate change remediation, saying the measure could ultimately result in higher costs for utility ratepayers.

The Climate Change Superfund Act would require companies that contributed significantly to the buildup of greenhouse gases to pay for part of the mitigation efforts to offset climate change, including major infrastructure projects like water barriers.

The measure was approved in the state Senate, but has stalled in the Assembly.

Heastie says he’s concerned that it would result in higher utility prices, as the energy companies pass down the costs of the new requirements to ratepayers.

“I’ve never in my life seen corporations choose the ratepayer over the stockholder,” Heastie said. “Asking these companies to pay more, it’s going to be, of course, taken out on the ratepayer.”

What company decides to take an overall lower profit when the cost of doing business rises, especially when it comes to government taxes? You can damned well bet all those lawyers and other professions working as elected public servants in the NY Assembly wouldn’t take less money if the government raised their taxes. They’d pass the costs on to their clients. That’s the way life works.

There’s actually been talk in the NY assembly about adding in a requirement that companies cannot pass those taxes/fees on to consumers. What happens then? They leave the state, taking their jobs and revenue with them. What happens when energy companies do the same? That would be decidedly ugly.

Read: Democrat In Charge Of NY Assembly Comes Out Against ‘Climate Change’ Superfund Act »

Say, Why Do Food Prices Feel So High When Inflation Is Down?

I’m actually shocked that Axios isn’t trying to spin this

The inflation rate for “food at home,” basically the stuff you buy at the supermarket, is really low these days, with prices rising just 1.1% over the last year. But since January 2021, when President Biden took office, prices are up nearly 21%.

Why it matters: Every time Americans go food shopping they feel the sting of higher prices, making the grocery store the place where consumers are most regularly reminded about inflation.

The intrigue: Dining out is worse — prices rose 4.1% over the last year, far faster than costs at the grocery store or overall inflation.

And prices for “food away from home” are up nearly 22% since 2021.

The bottom line: Finding cheap eats is a challenge.

What does it look like?

Sure, food inflation is below where it was when Brandon took office, but, it rose 21% since he took office. And every cent comes out of your wallet, eroding your paycheck. For most working and middle class Americans, their pay damned sure hasn’t gone up 21%.

Read: Say, Why Do Food Prices Feel So High When Inflation Is Down? »

There’s A Bizarre Link Between Pregnancy And Climate Doom Or Something

Here we have cult science in action: they take something real and link it to their doomsday cult. The only thing bizarre is that these people are more nuts than Scientology, than Jim Jones, than Heaven’s Gate

The bizarre link between rising sea levels and complications in pregnancy

Today, 30-year-old garment factory worker Khadiza Akhter lives in Savar, a suburb of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Her small concrete house is clean and organized. Green shutters frame the windows, and clothes hang on lines outside her front door. A water spigot sticks out of the concrete next to the drying laundry, and the turn of a white plastic knob is all it takes for clear, clean water to rush out. Akhter calls it “a blessing of God.”

Akhter grew up some 180 miles south of Savar, in Satkhira — a district home to 2.2 million people on a river delta where, in recent decades, fresh water has become scarce. As sea levels rise, rivers dry up, and cyclones become more severe, Satkhira and the other low-lying districts that surround it have been among the first in the world to experience the sting of climate change-driven saltwater intrusion — the creep of seawater inland.

The memory of drinking water tainted with salt is burned into Akhter’s mind. “It felt like swallowing needles,” she told Grist and Vox in Bengali. “It doesn’t quench your thirst.” The water was so salty Akhter couldn’t properly clean herself with it. The sodium in the water prevented soap from forming bubbles and left powdery streaks on her skin as it dried. Her hair fell out, and she itched all over.

They always have to have a story of woe, eh? If she lives that far south of Savar, then she’s on the Bay Of Bengal, and, yeah, the seas are slowly rising. That’s what happens during a Holocene warm period. And an Interglacial period.

Studies have shown that saltwater consumption has negative, long-lasting effects on nearly every stage of a woman’s reproductive cycle, from menstruation to birth. Akhter knew that if she stayed in Satkhira and started a family of her own there, she’d be putting herself in real danger. She’s not the only person in her region to leave in search of cleaner water. Millions of Bangladeshis have been internally displaced by flooding in the past decade, and experts say saltwater intrusion is one of the factors driving migration from rural regions of Bangladesh to urban centers.

Yet, roughly 40% of the world’s population lives within 100KM of an ocean. They want to live near the ocean. And no one has whined about it. And people still have babies living near the oceans. In 3rd world nations people try to live near the oceans so they can catch seafood.

As usual, it is a long, long, long, boring Vox piece, which misses that instead of implementing climate cult initiatives, we could help them with desalination.

Read: There’s A Bizarre Link Between Pregnancy And Climate Doom Or Something »

If All You See…

…is fast rising sea that will soon tip islands over, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on wind turbines potentially messing with the radar of ships.

Read: If All You See… »

New Yorker Arrested After Trying To Run Down Jewish Students, Rabbi

It could possibly be random, but, most likely, this is the result of all the protests against Israel and Jews, especially since he tried to do it twice

New York man arrested after allegedly attempting to run down students, rabbi near Brooklyn school with car

A New York man is in police custody after a manhunt when he fled the scene where he allegedly tried to run down several Jewish students and a rabbi with a vehicle outside a Brooklyn school on Wednesday morning.

Just before 11:30 a.m., the New York Police Department (NYPD) responded to an incident on Glenwood Road within the 63rd Precinct.

Police said a 58-year-old man was driving a white 2011 Ford Crown Victoria onto the sidewalk in an attempt to injure pedestrians.

Sources told Yeshiva World News that Boro Park Shomrim received urgent calls that a white sedan had twice attempted to hit Yeshiva Bochurim and a rabbi outside the Vien Yeshiva in Canarsie neighborhood.

Police said there were no injuries, and the driver was taken into custody shortly after locating him. Police have not released the suspect’s name or further details at this time.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force told Fox News Digital it is aware of the incident and that the investigation is being led by the NYPD.

Huh. If this was against Muslims you know the JTTF would have jumped in and taken control. According to the NY Daily News, he verbally assaulted the students. And his name is Asghar Ali. An immigrant from Pakistan.

(Asianet News) Asghar immigrated to the USA two decades ago. His previous encounters with the law include four prior arrests. In 1998, he was arrested for false personation. Despite claiming to be a cab driver, he did not possess a valid TLC license, according to police records.

With that arrest record, why was he not deported? Regardless of if he was going through naturalization (if he was, he would have been a citizen by now) or some other program, those arrests are grounds for deportation.

Read: New Yorker Arrested After Trying To Run Down Jewish Students, Rabbi »

Weird: Britain Warned They Need More Subsidies For Wind Power

I’ve been told that wind power is cheap and can survive on its own. No? (via Not A Lot Of People Know That)

Offshore wind needs bigger subsidies, warns government adviser

State subsidies for new offshore wind projects may not be generous enough to drive the projects needed to achieve targets for boosting clean energy, a leading climate adviser to the government has warned.

Baroness Brown of Cambridge, chairwoman of the adaptation sub-committee of the Climate Change Committee, the independent non-departmental public body, said Britain had been “slow” and “not very clever” in its handling of offshore wind auctions.

The government has raised the so-called strike price, a guaranteed price that generators are paid for the power they produce, to £73 per megawatt-hour for this year’s auction and has set the budget at a record £800 million in the hope of attracting new offshore wind schemes. Last year’s round failed to secure any bids to build.

Huh. So, no one wants to lose money on wind power? They do not want to do this without government giving them vast amounts of money? Remember, these would be in addition to all the tax breaks.

Read: Weird: Britain Warned They Need More Subsidies For Wind Power »

Myorkas: Some Illegals Try And Game The Asylum System

Ya think?

Mayorkas says some migrants “try to game” the U.S. asylum system

In an interview with CBS News, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said some migrants coming to the U.S.-Mexico border are trying to “game” the U.S. asylum system, echoing a statement often made by Republicans but rarely expressed by Biden administration officials.

“The reality is that some people do indeed try to game the system,” Mayorkas told CBS News in El Paso last Thursday. “That does not speak to everyone whom we encounter, but there is an element of it, and we deal with it accordingly.”

Mayorkas made the comment in response to a question about concerns some Americans have expressed about the situation at the southern border, where U.S. officials have reported record levels of migrant apprehensions over the past three years. Immigration has become one of President Biden’s worst-polling issues, as well as a top concern for voters heading into November’s presidential election.

For years, Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have accused migrants of cheating or abusing the U.S. asylum process to stay in the country indefinitely, arguing that restrictions or bans on asylum need to be enacted to deter those who don’t qualify from filing weak or non-existent cases.

When speaking of reforming the U.S. asylum system, however, Democrats and Biden administration officials like Mayorkas have mainly talked about the need to speed up the processing of claims, to quickly grant asylum to those who qualify for protection and deport those who don’t.

In fact, around 90% game the system, as only around 10% are granted asylum. People from all over the world show up at the Southern border and demand asylum, having been told this will get them into the U.S. At that point, most won’t have hearings for years, as long as 8-10 years, and, at that point, if they’re told they do not qualify, most won’t leave. And they’ll say “hey, we’ve been here contributing, you should give us amnesty.” Many will cross the border illegally, and, when caught, will claim asylum. It’s all a big game, and the pro-illegal crowd makes damned sure they know how to do it.

Really, the whole asylum system should be scrapped. No more. We have too many, and so few seem to assimilate anymore. Barring that, Congress should pass a law requiring people to apply for asylum outside the U.S., and, if they are caught trying to enter the U.S. or have entered they will be immediately put right back over the border. No waiting years. Just gone.


NYC set to launch new migrant program … in Buffalo. Will more follow?

New York City officials are planning to launch a novel resettlement program to help migrants leave city-funded hotel shelters in Buffalo, which some proponents hope will serve as a blueprint for how the city manages the migrant influx moving forward.

The $22 million program would enlist a local nonprofit to relocate up to 539 migrants currently living in Buffalo hotels and help them find apartments, jobs and apply for asylum, according to City Hall spokesperson William Fowler. It’s akin to the decades-old national resettlement system for refugees that advocates have asked the federal government to create for new migrants, who are mostly asylum-seekers.

It’s almost like the declared sanctuary city of New York doesn’t want illegals. Even though Buffalo is pretty liberal, neither it nor Erie County are declared illegal alien sanctuaries.

Read: Myorkas: Some Illegals Try And Game The Asylum System »

Your Fault: 12% Of Phoenix To Die From Hotcoldwetdry In The 2030s

It’s always some prognostication of doom with these people

Roger is the cofounder of Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Anyhow, from the cult article

Millions of Americans face the threat of dangerous heatwaves in the coming weeks with another summer of record-breaking temperatures forecast to hit the US.

Most of New Mexico and Utah – alongside parts of Arizona, Texas and Colorado – have the highest chance (60% to 70%) of seeing hotter-than-average summer temperatures, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa). In addition, the entire north-east – from Maine down to Pennsylvania and New Jersey – as well as a large stretch from Louisiana to Arizona, Washington and Idaho, have a 40% to 50% chance of experiencing above-average temperatures from June through August.

Only south-west Alaska is expected to have below-normal temperatures.

The problem here is that they never actually show the science that proves this is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind. It’s an assumption, and there’s no comparison with previous Holocene warm periods. But, that’s not the point: they simply want you to be controlled by government.

Read: Your Fault: 12% Of Phoenix To Die From Hotcoldwetdry In The 2030s »

Pirate's Cove