Parents Can Tame The Stress Of Climate Crisis (scam) They Caused Or Something

They should start by giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their lives and their kids’ lives carbon neutral

How Parents Can Tame the Stress of Climate Crises

My 3-year-old awoke recently, chirping happily in her bed while it was still dark outside, so I was surprised to see that the clock read 7:45 a.m. Normally, the autumn sun in Northern California would be fairly high by that time. But ash and smoke from raging wildfires dimmed the sun — in what the news labeled “turbulent mixing.” For four days, the sky remained a stubborn bruise of apocalyptic orange-gray.

My husband, our two young children and I remained housebound as the air swirled with particulates, reaching the worst recorded air quality levels around the globe. Television images of catastrophic wildfires burning along the Pacific corridor added a further sense of confinement and despair to the pandemic gloom.

OK, so this is simply another opinion piece

Unlike the invisibility of the coronavirus, evidence of extreme weather and climate events — like wildfire smoke, trees bending and snapping in high-speed winds, flooding and flames — contribute to collective “eco-anxiety” related to the climate crisis. A recent study by the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science has identified a common denominator: “uncertainty, unpredictability and uncontrollability, all of which are classic ingredients in anxiety.”

Anyhow, the first thing parents are to do is

Attend to Your Own Needs
Kids take emotional cues from parents, so when parents calm themselves, they can help calm family members. Psychologists call this co-regulation.

Well, good luck with this, since the parents are unhinged, which is what gave the kiddies “eco-anxiety”.

Next up, they’re supposed to seek “social connections.” Still no practicing what they preach. Then “maintain routines”, so, if they typically take lots of fossil fueled trips, keep taking them. Keep using lots of electricity and other things that are bad for ‘climate change.’ The final two, anchor in the present and stand up for others fail to do anything but be narcissistic. Why do they never want to change their own behavior?

Read: Parents Can Tame The Stress Of Climate Crisis (scam) They Caused Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled boats, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is White House Dossier, with a post on Biden not quite able to condemn violence against Trump supporters.

Read: If All You See… »

Socialism Is Just Like Potluck, Y’all!

In case y’all haven’t seen this one yet

Check the rest of Fuzzy Chimp’s responses over at Twitchy

Now, we do do lots of pot lucks here in the South. And they do them up North where I’m from. See, here’s what happens. You have lots of folks bringing the good stuff to that company pre-Thanksgiving affair. Big bowls of mashed taters and gravy, mac n’ cheese, 7 layer salad, green beans,  whole chickens, a big ole ham, pies, cakes, and more. And then there are the people who bring a bag of rolls, because they were told they have to bring something if they want to partake. So they spend $2 on a bag, and then eat a ton. They expect Other People to pony up, not themselves.

For awhile, things are good for the Believers. They have other people feeding them for little to no effort. Maybe they can do the dishes, but, really, that would be degrading, right, having to do work when others have so much, right?

And then full Socialism hits, and the Government forces them to purchase a turkey they cannot afford, or, even better, takes their money to purchase that turkey. Or, better yet, forces them to participate even though they were going out of town for Thanksgiving, so they wouldn’t be around for that potluck day. And say “I’m not even going.” And are now mad that they have to provide food even though not going to be there. Next up, they are forced to attend, because that’s what good Comrades do.

These nuts always think they’re only going to get the good parts. And then are shocked when the negative parts hit.

Read: Socialism Is Just Like Potluck, Y’all! »

Green Recovery: Deutsche Bank Wants People To Be Taxed For Privilege Of Working At Home

One would think that climate cultists would be thrilled by the notion of people mostly staying home and not taking fossil fueled trips to work, which would mean they wouldn’t be going out to lunch. Nope. They see this as a way of taking Someone Else’s money. It reminds me of the way government mandates higher and higher MPG standards, and wants more and more people to drive hybrids and electric cars, then they want to put more taxes on hybrids and electric cars because there is less money coming in from road and fuel taxes

Deutsche Bank Wants ‘Privilege Tax’ Imposed on People Who Work from Home

German banking giant Deutsche Bank is calling for a “privilege tax” to be imposed on people who work from home, to erase their savings from not having to commute or pay for food on their lunch breaks.

Writing in a paper for the bank titled What Must We Do to Rebuild? analyst Luke Templeman lamented the fact that “remote workers are contributing less to the infrastructure of the economy whilst still receiving its benefits.”

“That is a big problem for the economy,” he complained — as if spending much of one’s pay on commuting, dry-cleaning work clothes, and so on to boost the GDP is something of a civic duty — and proposed a 5 per cent “privilege tax” to recoup the economy’s imagined “loss”.

“Working from home will be part of the ‘new normal’ well after the pandemic has passed,” explained Jim Reid, Global Head of Fundamental Credit Strategy and Thematic Research at the German banking corporation.

“Our calculations suggest the amounts raised [from taxing home workers] could fund material income subsidies for low-income earners who are unable to work remotely and thus assume more ‘old economy’ and health risks,” he suggested.

Their estimated tax take from the scheme in Britain stands is £7 billion, with the potential to grab €20 billion (£17.8 billion) in Germany and  $49 billion (£37 billion) in America.

Most of these people are not working from home because they want to, but because they were forced to, thanks to the flu created in China. Some may enjoy the hell out of it, and might want to continue. Others are surely dying to get back to the office. So, of course, Deutsche wants to tax them for being forced to work at home, because, let’s face it, Progressives always want to tax more and more. Why isn’t Deutsche giving up lots of their own money?

As Eric Worrell points out, this is part of the climate cult’s agenda. He digs into the actual report and finds

Don’t waste the crisis: How to address Europe’s challenges for the next decade

Post-covid, Europe has a unique opportunity to make greater use of fiscal policy to support the strategic goals – green, digital, levelling up – of the EU with public investment. For this to work, fiscal expansion must be sustained, fiscal rules rewritten and common fiscal capacity created. We detail the actions that are needed.

Deutsche has long been a card carrying member of the Cult of Climastrology, pushing this green nonsense, and been a pretty big climahypocrite.

Read: Green Recovery: Deutsche Bank Wants People To Be Taxed For Privilege Of Working At Home »

Suddenly, CNN Deems Election Conspiracy Theories “Dangerous To Democracy”

Let’s see: we had eight years of conspiracy theories of George W. Bush stealing the elections, both 2000 and 2004. We have now had four years of Russia Russia Russia, for which CNN banged right along. But, not

Rudy Giuliani’s conspiracy theories could be dangerous to democracy, experts say

Rudy Giuliani’s increasingly outlandish claims of election fraud have former federal officials worried that theories peddled by the man once dubbed “America’s mayor” could be dangerous to democracy in the US.

In the two weeks since Election Day, Giuliani has become a super-spreader of election disinformation. His eyebrow-raising claims — from Republican observers being barred from vote counts, to mysterious batches of ballots appearing in the middle of the night, to an election technology company using Venezuelan software to swing results — have been steadily debunked in courtrooms and by federal officials who have declared there is zero evidence of widespread irregularities.

“Real distrust in the system, casting doubt on the integrity of our electoral system, the constitutional process — the Russians and the Chinese couldn’t ask for any more,” former Trump national security adviser John Bolton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Sunday. “This is dangerous to the Republican Party, obviously. Of paramount importance, what Trump’s doing, it’s potentially dangerous for the country.”

Javed Ali, who served as senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council during the Trump administration, said that Giuliani and Trump questioning the election’s legitimacy makes it more difficult for the US to “wag the finger at other countries where you see similar things happening.”

OK, blah blah blah continues. If only we had a press, afforded extra protections in the U.S. Constitution and many state constitutions, who would actually dig deep and investigate, right? CNN sure ran with the whole “Bush stole 2000/2004” conspiracy, as well as that Putin got Trump elected. That neither Bush nor Trump were legitimate presidents. They, and the guests they have on, were more than willing to run with the conspiracy theories, even after debunked, even after the Mueller Report basically said that Putin did not get get Trump elected, that Trump did not collude with Putin. They were running pieces about Trump possibly stealing 2020.

What, exactly, is wrong with investigating reports of election issues? Reporters are more than willing to dig into conspiracy theories that attempt to harm Republicans, not so much when they harm Democrats. Rudy does need to put up or shut up at this point. But, even before he started yapping, Republican voters noticed all sorts of irregularities, and people have little faith in our voting systems. That’s the danger, especially when the media, which is supposed to protect the citizens from government and investigate things, is uber-partisan.

Read: Suddenly, CNN Deems Election Conspiracy Theories “Dangerous To Democracy” »

Climate Cult Youths Think China Joe Owes Them

Of course, they don’t mean that China Joe should slap any restrictions and taxes on their lives, just on those of Other People

A youth group helped Biden win. Now they want him to fix climate crisis

Joe Biden will have to navigate a path for the most ambitious climate agenda ever adopted by a US president through not only stubborn Republican obstruction but also an emergent youth climate movement that is already formulating plans to hold him to account.

A record turnout of young voters, a cohort riven by anxiety over the climate crisis, helped Biden beat Donald Trump on the 3 November election. The Sunrise Movement, the youth-led progressive climate group, reached 3.5 million young voters in swing states and now wants to see a return on these efforts.

“We will have to see if Joe Biden is true to his word when he says that climate change is his number one issue but rest assured the movement will be there to remind him every moment of the way,” said Varshini Prakash, co-founder of the group, which surged to fame last year after a viral video showed a fractious encounter between the Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein and young climate activists who had occupied her office. “We delivered for Biden, now it’s his time to deliver for us.”

Biden has called the climate crisis an “existential threat” to the US and has outlined a $2tn plan to decarbonize the electricity sector and create millions of jobs in clean energy. This package is far more ambitious than the Democrat’s original climate plan, which groups, including Sunrise, successfully pushed to go further.

Too bad we can’t just apply everything to the little climate cultists, make them practice what they preach. He, we need experimental groups to see how things go, right? We could start with

Read: Climate Cult Youths Think China Joe Owes Them »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing rivers to rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a convicted Canadian ISIS jihadi now allowed to go skiing with his girlfriend.

Read: If All You See… »

CNN: Yeah, We Should Force Everyone To Wear A Mask To Save Lives From Bat Soup Virus

I wonder how this is working in all the states and cities and countries with mask mandates?

The best way to make masks work against Covid-19

What over eight months of navigating the novel coronavirus pandemic has taught us is that a mask is one of the most valuable tools currently available to mitigate the spread of the virus.

A recent report produced by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington found that if 95% of Americans wore masks, we could save nearly 70,000 lives that would otherwise be lost to Covid-19 by March 1. Additional research has shown that wearing face masks reduces the spread of Covid-19. But while infection rates are rising in all 50 states, only 34 states and the District of Columbia require face covering in public. In cities and counties with masking mandates, Covid-19 cases have tended to decline compared to municipalities without such rules. Indeed, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seven studies have confirmed significant declines in coronavirus infections in communities after universal masking orders were implemented.

Yet, more than 30% of the US population does not use them on a daily basis, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

As the United States faces a tsunami of Covid-19 infections, with 2,200 daily deaths projected by mid-January, a national masking mandate is long overdue as part of a federal strategy to prevent further spread of the virus.

30% seems a bit high, doesn’t it? Most private businesses in those 34 states and D.C. don’t want to cause waves and they go and enforce the mandate for customers. In nations around the world they enforce the mandates even harder. Yet, COVID is again rising. Michigan has had one of the most restrictive COVID responses, and

She could now be facing impeachment for violating state law and Michigan Supreme Court rulings. Many other restrictive areas, like California and NY City, are moving restrictions back to hardcore. We’re seeing the same, again, in Europe. Why? Most people comply.

President-elect Joe Biden has made implementing this critical public health intervention a top priority. He will call on governors to enact masking orders in their states and ask local authorities to buttress these actions by making them mandatory in their municipalities.

What will China Joe do if people refuse to comply? Police?

We would never dream of sending our country’s soldiers into combat without state-of-the-art helmets, armor and weapons. In this battle against Covid-19, all Americans need the best personal protection possible to fight back.

Consumers need an easy to use rating system: just as the US requires package content and labeling for tobacco and food products, masks should be rated for the percent of viral particles filtered by the mask.

Meaning that you will only be allowed to wear certain masks, ones approved by Government. Which mostly means big big companies who donate to lawmakers.

With a new administration in January 2021 an executive order by the President or guidance from the White House Coronavirus Task Force requiring masks to be worn on federal property could be issued as well as examining other governmental authorities for requiring face coverings to be used in public settings across states.

They really do just want to control citizens.

Read: CNN: Yeah, We Should Force Everyone To Wear A Mask To Save Lives From Bat Soup Virus »

Prince Charles Takes Fossil Fueled Flight To Proclaim Climate Change (scam) An “Existential Threat”

Well, see, it is OK for grand poobahs in the Cult of Climastrology to take fossil fueled trips, because they are just trying to Save The Eart

Prince Charles labels climate change an ‘existential threat’ to planet during speech at German parliament

He called for unity in the face of the challenges threatening the world.

“We must stand alongside each other in determined defence of the future we owe our children and our grandchildren.

“The challenges to that future are manifest, whether from this dreadful pandemic or from the existential threat to our planet and our way of life from climate change.”

Charles’ appeal during a visit to Berlin to attend Germany’s traditional day of remembrance was part of Britain’s diplomatic outreach to Europe’s biggest economy, days before a deadline to strike a post-Brexit deal with the EU.

Hey, remember this?

Prince Charles: 100 months to save the world

Prince Charles will say that the need to tackle global warming is more urgent than ever before and that, even in a global recession, the world must not lose sight of the “bigger picture”.

Aides believe it will echo one he gave in Sao Paulo in 1991 at the start of the last recession, when he warned that caring for the world’s long term welfare must not become a “luxury”.

The intervention will help to put the environment at the top of the political agenda ahead of the meeting of G20 leaders in London next month.

The Prince starts a ten-day tour of South America today during which he will be playing an elevated role as an international statesman working on behalf of the Government to support British interests on key issues.

In Thursday’s speech, the Prince will warn that a failure to act in the next eight years will have catastrophic effects for the planet.

That was March, 2009, and it was nice of him to make the prognostication right before he took a long fossil fueled trip, right? We, and the planet, seem to have survived quite fine. If it’s so existential, one would think just one prognostication of doom would come true, right? Instead of always being replaced with a new “doom’s coming!” prognostication.

Oh, and back to the first article

Charles, 72, was exempt due to the diplomatic nature of his trip from Germany’s rules requiring him to go into quarantine on arrival from Britain. The prince has himself recovered from a coronavirus infection in March.

The elites always get privilege.

Read: Prince Charles Takes Fossil Fueled Flight To Proclaim Climate Change (scam) An “Existential Threat” »

Biden Asks Republicans To Give Him A Chance Democrats Never Gave Trump

And Republicans are saying “no thanks”, which has made the NY Times very upset. Remember how the NY Times gave Trump a chance?

Biden Asked Republicans to Give Him a Chance. They’re Not Interested.

The change at the Sunday prayer service was so subtle it went unnoticed by several congregants. Tucked in between calls for divine health and wisdom, the Rev. Fred Krebs of St. Paul Lutheran Church, who rarely brings up politics, fleetingly mentioned this month’s presidential election.

“We pray for a peaceful transition,” he told his congregation of 50 people. The carefully chosen words underscored the political reality in Mason, Texas — a rural, conservative town of roughly 2,000 people — after Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump.

Not everyone thought the election was over, and not everyone said they would respect the results.

“My Democratic friends think Biden is going to heal everything and unify everyone,” said Jeanie Smith, who attends the more conservative Spring Street Gospel Church in Mason, which is about 100 miles west of Austin. “They are deceived.

“Now you want healing,” she added. “Now you want to come together. You have not earned it.”

That line is putting it nicely. What Democrats have really earned is complete and utter resistance, even coming out with lots of theories and Senate investigations of Joe Biden for what he did while he was Vice President and the years since he left that office. They did it to Trump with no evidence, so it would be fair to do it to Biden, right?

On Monday in Dallas, hundreds of Trump’s supporters gathered outside the city’s election office in a “Stop the Steal” protest promoted by the state Republican Party. The message from speakers and attendees went further than expressing fears of election fraud, amounting to a wholesale rejection of a Biden presidency and of the Republican elected officials who acknowledged it. One speaker said of the Republican lawmakers who had called Biden the president-elect, “Remember who they are when you go to the polls next.”

“This is contempt of half of the country by the other half of the country,” said Paul Feeser, 61, who attended the protest in Dallas. “So if the conclusion was for Biden, I would look at it as illegitimate, and I and many others expect to be part of the so-called resistance — as Trump resisted.”

And that’s the Times’ big point going forward, that any resistance because of the election irregularities is wrong-headed. Now, if the roles were reversed, the Times’ would be assigning dozens of reporters to investigate.

(Washington Times) Although Mr. Biden has gone back on his word not to claim victory until the election is certified, and has created an “Office of the President-Elect,” complete with an official looking seal, he has at least issued the standard call to unite the country. Can’t fault him for that.

But, more than 70 million Americans who voted for President Trump might be forgiven for asking, “Really?” In 2016, Democrats not only refused to accept Hillary Clinton’s loss but have engaged in a four-year coup attempt to remove Mr. Trump and smear his supporters as racists.

“The bitter 2016 battle for the White House is turning into a forever war with Hillary Clinton’s tormented team vowing a four-year insurgency against Donald Trump,” reported Politico on Dec. 3, 2016. “People in her orbit … are plotting an anti-Trump resistance and venting with a fury.”

This included FBI treachery, the Russian collusion hoax spun by the Clinton machine, an impeachment over a phone call, months of rioting in Democratic cities by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, a massive media coverup of the Biden family’s China and Ukraine scandals, and severe COVID-19 lockdowns in Democrat-run jurisdictions that crippled Mr. Trump’s roaring economy.

The people behind this now want us all to go along and “suck it up,” as Whoopi Goldberg angrily yelled repeatedly on ABC’s “The View.”

Guess we’ll have to forget Nancy Pelosi’s referring to Republican opponents as “enemies of the state.” Or former first lady Michelle Obama opining that “tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.”

Most Trump voters won’t forget this if Biden is installed come the end of January, and we won’t forget any Republican elected officials who work with Trump on big things that go to Democrat priorities. And the media like the NY Times can go suck it when they whine about Republicans being mean and not unifying behind China Joe.

Read: Biden Asks Republicans To Give Him A Chance Democrats Never Gave Trump »

Pirate's Cove