Climate Cult Upset That People Can Make Their Own Choices In Western Democracies On Coronavirus

See, you darned people have too much freedom that you are not willing to give up

Democracies that failed the Covid test will struggle on climate change
Efforts to address both issues are hampered by externalities and behavioural biases

The second wave of the pandemic continues to gather pace in Europe and the United States, but the optimistic news about vaccines has trumped these worries in the minds of investors.

Because they see the global boost to economic activity from the vaccine as potentially larger than any loss of fiscal stimulus in 2021, the markets have interpreted the news as a demand shock, raising bond yields and damaging the relative performance of technology stocks versus cyclicals.

For now, this seems to be a rational response. But the persistent failure of governments in the major western democracies to control the pandemic has lessons for the future, particularly for our efforts to tackle climate change.

Public resistance to lockdown measures made early and strict restrictions, accompanied by effective test, trace and isolation policies, politically infeasible in most of Europe and the US all year. But aggressive restrictions and testing regimes have worked well in Asia and the Pacific.

The comparative results are stark. The cumulative Covid-19 death rate per million of the population is nearly 740 in the US, and 760 in the UK, compared with 3 in China and 15 in Japan, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Opposition to enforced lockdowns in the major western countries is to some extent based on a libertarian belief in economic freedom. This is a legitimate political choice that is usually fully justified but has proved costly in current circumstances. Furthermore, public support for strict measures has been eroded by serious operational failings.

Now, obviously, Japan is a democracy, and a good one, but, the Japanese people can also be very rigid in bowing to authority, so, they were able to lockdown. China? Yeah, that’s more what the Cult of Climastrology wants, an authoritarian government. Does anyone actually believe the China death numbers?

The failure of most western democracies to accept these arguments for early restrictions demonstrates the potency of the behavioural biases involved and their fundamental political belief in free markets.

How dare you believe in Freedom!

The effects of climate change also increase exponentially, albeit over a much longer period than a pandemic. Time lags between cause and effect are very lengthy, making interpretation obscure to the public. Externalities are unavoidable, and apply across international borders, making them even harder to address. Human biases leave us systematically underprepared to address serious but remote risks.

The climate problem is therefore even less suited to free market solutions than Covid-19.

In other words, authoritarianism for all, and you will like it, Comrade. Or else.

Read: Climate Cult Upset That People Can Make Their Own Choices In Western Democracies On Coronavirus »

If All You See…

…is a fish that will soon be wiped out from Other People using fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmst

The blog of the day is The Crawdad Hole, with a post showing what you voted for if you voted China Joe.

It’s fishing week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Thanksgiving is quick approaching. This pinup is by George Petty, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 (being a little lazy, bee stung the heck out my hand right below the little finger, hurts to type)

  1. America’s Watchtower: Biden COVID advisor: no indoor dining, gyms, or private family gatherings
  2. Blazing Cat Fur: WALSH: Cracker Barrel Apologizes For Racist ‘Noose’ In One Of Its Restaurants. It Was Just A Cord For A Soldering Iron.
  3. Chicks On The Right: Target Removes Book That Hurt Activist’s Feelings From Its Stores
  4. Datechguy’s Blog: Body cams for voting officials
  5. Doug Ross @ Journal: The New York Times’ Pennsylvania Voting Data Seems to Confirm Massive and Obvious Vote Count Manipulation for Biden
  6. Geller Report News: Election Data Team to Call 1.25 Million Voters Over Anomalies in 6 Contested States
  7. IOTW Report: Coloradans unleash wolves on their neighbors: A fitting metaphor for COVID
  8. Jihad Watch: Mahmoud Abbas Plans to Ask Biden to Move Embassy Back to Tel Aviv
  9. Legal Insurrection: CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Blasted For Comparing Trump Admin to Nazi Kristallnacht
  10. Liberty’s Torch: The Good and the BAD
  11. Moonbattery: How a Civil War Could Start
  12. neo-neocon: COVID case increases vs. death increases
  13. What The Fox? Sandra Smith, Neil Cavuto And The Unmasking Of A Potemkin Network
  14. Not A Lot Of People Know That: Latest Alarmist Hurricane Study Easily Debunked
  15. And last, but not least, Jo Nova: Swamp is terrified of Trump’s legal cases. Resorting to Big Dollar ostracism, cancel culture to drive out lawyers

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Million Maga March Turns Violent When Biden Voters Show Up

Here’s how this works:

  1. If Republican voters, even the crazy ones we do not want, are there by themselves, it’s not mostly peaceful, it’s 100% peaceful
  2. If Democratic Party voters show up, the chance for violence escalating increases dramatically because they are unhinged and looking for a fight
  3. If Democratic Party voters are demonstrating alone, violence will ensue

So, once the Biden Voters showed up, you could guarantee things would turn sour

Trump supporters morning protests turn into violent clashes

Several thousand supporters of President Donald Trump in Washington protested election results and then hailed Trump’s passing motorcade before nighttime clashes with counterdemonstrators sparked fistfights, at least one stabbing and at least 20 arrests.

Several other cities on Saturday also saw gatherings of Trump supporters unwilling to accept Democrat Joe Biden’s Electoral College and popular vote victory as legitimate. Cries of “Stop the Steal” and “Count Every Vote” continued in spite of a lack of evidence of voter fraud or other problems that could reverse the result.

After night fell, the relatively peaceful demonstrations in Washington turned from tense to violent. Videos posted on social media showed fistfights, projectiles and clubs as Trump supporters clashed with those demanding they take their MAGA hats and banners and leave. The tensions extended to Sunday morning. A variety of charges, including assault and weapons possession, were filed against those arrested, officials said. Two police officers were injured and several firearms were recovered by police.

Obviously, you can see how the media tries to pin this mostly on Trump supporters. This is the Associated Press story, which will be repeated ad-nauseum throughout the media. But, they finally get to

Multiple confrontations appeared later in the day as small groups of Trump supporters attempted to enter the area around Black Lives Matter Plaza, about a block from the White House, where several hundred anti-Trump demonstrators had gathered.

In a pattern that kept repeating itself, those Trump supporters who approached the area were harassed, doused with water and saw their MAGA hats and pro-Trump flags snatched and burned, amid cheers. As night fell, multiple police lines kept the two sides apart.

And the police?

In preparation, police closed off wide swaths of downtown, where many stores and offices have been boarded up since Election Day. Chris Rodriguez, director of the city’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, said the police were experienced at keeping the peace.

Except, for lots of the time, they were nowhere to be found

Read More »

Read: Million Maga March Turns Violent When Biden Voters Show Up »

Democrat World: Minneapolis Officers Bolting, City Devolving Into Violence

Say, what happens when you demonize the very people who protect you from criminals?

Violence, Gunfire Rage as Officers Abandon Minneapolis Police Department

Violence and gunfire are raging in Minneapolis as officers leave the department at such a rate that residents are warned that 911 responses may soon cease.

The Washington Post reports:

Nearly six months after George Floyd’s death here sparked massive protests and left a wide swath of the city burned and destroyed, Minneapolis is grappling with dueling crises: an unprecedented wave of violence and droves of officer departures that the Minneapolis Police Department warns could soon leave the force unable to respond to emergencies.

The report notes that North Minneapolis is marked by gunfire, as “bullets zip through this predominantly Black neighborhood, hitting cars and homes and people.”

Minneapolis homicides have surged 50 percent this year, with almost 75 people killed

Community activist Cathy Spann observed, “If you want to talk about pandemics, we’re dealing with a pandemic of violence. We’re under siege. You wake up and go to bed in fear, because you don’t know what’s going to happen next. … And our city has failed to protect us.”

The same type of “community activists” demonized the police for the horrible actions of a very few (and some actions that aren’t bad but bad people complain about). They wanted them defunded. And the police are leaving for greener pastures. What did you think was going to happen? In fairness, Joe might not want to defund them, but people like Kamala and tons of other Democrats do. And Democrats are soft on criminals, so, have more fun in Democratic Party run cities.

Read: Democrat World: Minneapolis Officers Bolting, City Devolving Into Violence »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Karen’s gonna Karen.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Even Net Zero Won’t Stop The Climate Crisis

No, it won’t, because CO2 is not the control knob, and even net zero will only change things a tiny, tiny bit. So, this is a bit of excuse making

Reducing greenhouse gas emission even to zero won’t stop global warming: Study

Scientists have been warning for years that climate change is a very real threat that mankind faces. But many, including prominent world leaders have ignored this. This may have resulted in inadequate response to the problem and we may be at a point of no return. These fears may be true according to researchers who say that global warming will continue even if greenhouse gas emissions responsible for it are reduced to zero.

“According to our models, humanity is beyond the point-of-no-return when it comes to halting the melting of permafrost using greenhouse gas cuts as the single tool,” lead author Jorgen Randers, a professor emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School, told AFP.

The researchers have published their finding in the journal Scientific Reports.

So what’s the way to stop global warming?

What is it?

According to the researchers, the only way to do it is to extract greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and store them so that they do not go back into it.

On the bright side, this would most likely not bankrupt our economy and citizens, nor take away freedoms, liberty, and choice. This is one of the few “plans” I’ve seen which doesn’t involve massive Big Government being authoritarian. Of course, what could possibly go wrong with sucking GHGs out of the atmosphere, and perhaps starting a new ice age?

But many scientists are contesting the claims made in the study and also the method by which the study was conducted.

Mark Maslin, a professor of climatology at University College London, also pointed to shortcomings in the model, known as ESCIMO, describing the study as a “thought experiment.”

“What the study does draw attention to is that reducing global carbon emissions to zero by 2050” — a goal championed by the UN and embraced by a growing number of countries — “is just the start of our actions to deal with climate change.”

For one thing, many of these climate cult scientists would be against a simple plan like sucking GHGs out of the atmosphere because it means they are no longer needed, that they would lose power, influence, and money. And, many do want that Big Government, thinking they will be spared the pain, like priests in other cults.

Read: Bummer: Even Net Zero Won’t Stop The Climate Crisis »

Warmists Wants China Joe To Turn Military Into Arm Of Climate Cult

Why is it necessary for Democrats to make our military into testing beds of hardcore Modern Socialism? Obama wanted to stock it full of the gender confused. Will China Joe make the U.S. military all about the climate crisis (scam)? Most likely. Ray Mabus, who was Secretary of the Navy under Obama

Under President Biden the U.S. Military Must Lead the Way on Climate Change

The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris means the return of serious thought and action on the existential threat of climate change. Like so many issues in the past, the American military can, and should, lead the way.

The Pentagon uses more fossil fuels than any other organization on earth consuming two percent of all fossil fuels produced in the United States. It is big enough to be a market changer and accelerator for renewable energy. It has an imperative to move aggressively toward sustainable, clean energy for three main reasons: the first is climate change, which is one of the biggest national security challenges our country faces; the second is that it makes our military better warfighters; and the third is that such an action will save serious money at a time when the Pentagon, rightly, will be facing a future of lower funding for a number of reasons.

When I became Secretary of the Navy in 2009, one of the things that became the most obvious was how fuel—energy—could be used as a weapon either for or against us. This remains true today. As a warfighting and climate change measure, I moved aggressively to get the Navy and Marines off fossil fuels. The goal we set eleven years ago was that by 2020—now—at least half of all Naval energy, ashore and afloat, would come from renewable, clean energy. Were we successful? Ashore, the Department of the Navy met the fifty percent goal five years early and today two-thirds of all energy used to power our bases comes from renewable sources, mainly solar and wind but also geothermal, hydrothermal, and others. This represents 1.2 gigawatts of energy, which is more than enough to power a city the size of Orlando, Florida. And, by the way, over the lifetime of these projects, $400 million will be saved over what would have been spent using conventional energy. In spite of efforts by the Trump Administration to hurt renewable energy in every way it could, these renewables are locked in and couldn’t be undone.

Yes, this would be the navy which allowed Iran to take sailors hostage and not only did nothing, but punished the sailors. Thanks, Ray. The U.S. military is not the place to be playing games which could negatively impact the mission, which is use of force. But, climate cultists will always attempt to get Other People to change their behavior, not their own.

Unsurprisingly, Ray’s group, the Mabus Group, for which he is CEO, stands to make a lot of money if the military does this. Surprise?

Read: Warmists Wants China Joe To Turn Military Into Arm Of Climate Cult »

New York, Oregon Governor’s Expect Police To Enforce Their Thanksgiving COVID Restrictions

Will police do this? I guess it depends where they are. Are there enough China Joe Biden cops in deep blue areas who are willing to give this a shot? They best bring something

What part of the Constitution and their state constitutions are not clear?

Cuomo limits how many people you can have in your home; will cops come knocking?

One of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s latest mandates aimed at helping to stop the spread of coronavirus has gotten a lot of people talking.

It restricts how many guests you are allowed to have in your own home and limits the number to 10 or fewer.

This has caused consternation among those who believe the edict crosses the line between the need to take measures to curb the virus, and individual liberties, especially with Thanksgiving fast approaching.

With every new rule handed down by then governor, he’s almost always been quick to add that it’s up to local authorities to enforce it.

Most of the law enforcement, mostly Sheriff’s departments, said that they would, at worst, simply give people a lecture, and only if someone snitches. Well, don’t even let them in without a warrant. But, really, Cuomo has, in fact, directed law enforcement to enforce his edict, which will cause some to push their authority. You can bet their will be some interesting news stories come Black Friday.

Oregon Governor Imposes Statewide “Freeze” to Curb COVID-19 Spread, Restricting Bars and Restaurants to Takeout Service

Gov. Kate Brown announced today she’s imposing a two-week “freeze” on many activities in Oregon because of the sharp increase in COVID-19 infections.

The new restrictions, which go into effect Nov. 18, include restricting bars and restaurants to takeout only, limiting in-home gatherings to six people from no more than two families, capping grocery and retail stores to 75% of capacity, and limiting attendance at churches to no more than 25 people indoors or 50 outside.

The restriction on social events in private homes will be in effect on Thanksgiving Day.

For counties that have seen a particularly large increase in COVID-19 cases, Brown said the freeze would last at least four weeks. One of those counties is Multnomah.

Wait, that’s the most blue of blue counties in the state, with the city Portland. Is Gov Kate saying that all the Democrats are failing to follow her edicts? Huh

Brown also said today that she has directed the Oregon State Police to begin coordinating with local law enforcement agencies to police the restrictions on in-home gatherings. Brown noted that households that violate the six-person limit will be committing a misdemeanor and could be to subject to citation or arrest.

“We have not chosen to enforce the law in the past,” Brown said. “Unfortunately, now we have no other option.”

People might kowtow to law enforcement in Multnoma, and cops might be willing to go to citizen’s homes, but, that won’t happen in the more rural areas. That Gov. Kate is willing to do this in contradiction of the federal Constitution and the Oregon constitution says a lot about Democrats, just like with Cuomo. Will China Joe voting states and cities try the same thing?

Read: New York, Oregon Governor’s Expect Police To Enforce Their Thanksgiving COVID Restrictions »

If All You See…

…is a palm tree that will soon grow in used to be cold areas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post saying that when Dems tell you they will establish truth and reconciliation commissions, believe them.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove