Iran Is Super Excited For A Biden Presidency

Let’s see: the nation that constantly chants “death to America” hated Donald Trump, but loved Barack Obama with Joe Biden as VP, and is now happy that Joe (most likely) won

Iran’s president calls on Biden to return to nuclear deal

Iran’s president called on President-elect Joe Biden to “compensate for past mistakes” and return the U.S. to Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, a state-run news agency reported Sunday.

Hassan Rouhani’s comments mark the highest-level response from Iran to Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris clinching the Nov. 3 election.

“Now, an opportunity has come up for the next U.S. administration to compensate for past mistakes and return to the path of complying with international agreements through respect of international norms,” the state-run IRNA news agency quoted him as saying.

Under President Donald Trump, tensions between the U.S. and Iran have escalated, reaching a fever pitch earlier this year. One of Trump’s signature foreign policy moves was unilaterally withdrawing the U.S. from Iran’s nuclear deal in 2018, which had seen Tehran limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

Yes, limit. Because the deal allows Iran to resume attempting to make nuclear weapons in under 10 years from now. Obama gave Iran hundreds of billions of dollars, and through the relaxation and removal of sanctions allowed the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorist and an avowed hater of the U.S. to garner even more money for their operations.

Also Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif tweeted that “the world is watching” to see if the new Biden administration would depart from Trump’s approach toward Iran and seek international cooperation.

You mean the approach of not coddling Iran? Will China Joe help Iran? We’ll see, but, you can pretty much bet that Joe will return to the deal (a former aid says he will), for which Iran will demand more since Trump took us out of it, and Joe will give them what they want.

Read: Iran Is Super Excited For A Biden Presidency »

TDS: Trump’s Policies Have Accelerated ‘Climate Change’

Realistically, even with the stuff Barack Obama put in place there was nothing substantive to actually reduce so-called carbon pollution. But, you know, TDS, this from hyper-Warmist Coral Davenport (who fails to demand that the NY Times give up their own use of fossil fuels and make the company net zero)

What Will Trump’s Most Profound Legacy Be? Possibly Climate Damage

President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. will use the next four years to try to restore the environmental policies that his predecessor has methodically blown up, but the damage done by the greenhouse gas pollution unleashed by President Trump’s rollbacks may prove to be one of the most profound legacies of his single term. (snip)

Moreover, Mr. Trump’s rollbacks of emissions policies have come at a critical moment: Over the past four years, the global level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere crossed a long-feared threshold of atmospheric concentration. Now, many of the most damaging effects of climate change, including rising sea levels, deadlier storms, and more devastating heat, droughts and wildfires, are irreversible.

So, wait, does this mean that other countries are still putting out emissions and not doing much of anything to reduce them? I know you’re thinking “China and India”, but, really, most nations are only making pledges, not really doing much.

And abroad, the influence that the United States once had in climate talks was almost certainly damaged by Mr. Trump’s policy rollbacks and withdrawal from the 2015 Paris climate agreement. Those actions slowed down international efforts to reduce emissions and prompted other governments to follow the American lead in weakening emissions rules, though none have followed the United States out of the agreement.

Why couldn’t they do stuff on their own? They weren’t really doing much more than pledges while Obama was around.

“We’ve lost very important time on climate change, which we can ill afford,” said Richard Newell, president of Resources for the Future, a nonpartisan energy and environment-focused research organization in Washington. “There is severe damage. To ignore climate for four years, you can’t put a price on that. It’s a huge issue that needs to be confronted with long-term momentum and extreme dedication, and we have lost that.”

Why lost time? Certainly those who Believe could have made changes in their own lives, and in other countries, right? But, hey, TDS is fun!

Read: TDS: Trump’s Policies Have Accelerated ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on a weird choice for a Trump press conference, and what it could mean..

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Disciples Recommend A “National Day Of Reconciliation” Or Something

So, how will this work out?

8 things our next president needs to do right away

(blah blah blah)

  • COVID-19 – they want to work with the WHO again, who protected the lying from China
  • Reach across the aisle – good f’ing luck with that, he really has never done that in 47 years
  • Stimulus – we tried, Democrats blocked and wanted all sorts of left wing pork
  • The Federal Reserve – they don’t want China Joe to criticize it
  • New taxes – they recommend none.
  • Infrastructure – how’d this work out when Joe was in charge of the Stimulus? Not good
  • Re-engage allies – kowtow to China

On that last one, they write “As for Russia, Biden sees them for who they are: Not our friends.” Forgetting all the sanctions and such Trump put on Russia.


National Day of Reconciliation

I know, this is kumbaya, but hear me out. We need to set a day for parades, marches, picnics, whatever—let every town and city decide—where people from both sides come and celebrate America together. Call it a National Day of Freedom or some such, everyone likes that. Proud Boys and Antifa are invited, in fact we really want them to come, as long as they don’t bring guns (I can’t believe I have to say that in America today.)

Liberals and Democrats, since they won the presidency, in particular need to listen to what conservatives are saying and try to understand their grievances. I’m not asking anyone to compromise their values, just hear the other person out. By the way, the left wing of the Democratic Party needs to understand this was not a victory for them. They’re at the table, but not at the head of it. Ours is not a radical country. (This reminds me of an American explaining our two parties to a Brit: “We have the Republican Party in the U.S. which is like your Tory party. And we have the Democratic Party, which is like your Tory Party.”)

Conservatives in the U.S. too need to move off their dime. Want to understand racism in America? Talk to people like New York Knick legend Walt Frazier. I remember being told that he was the best basketball (and football) player in the city of Atlanta his senior year of high school. I met Frazier a few years ago and we had a very nice chat. “Why did you go to Southern Illinois University,” I asked him. “Why not North Carolina or Duke?” Frazier, who’s just 14 years older than I am, looked down at me. “Because they didn’t allow Black athletes to play in the ACC then,” he said. That was a powerful moment for me. Understand that someone like Walt Frazier couldn’t go to the college of his choice. And then extend that to millions of Americans and to every other institution in our country. In your lifetime.

So, let me ask how this works: they’ve been calling us racists, Islamophobes, homophobes, gender confusedphobes, Fascists, and Nazis since Bush 43 was president. They refused to work with us or give Trump a chance. They hated America when Bush 43 was president and when Trump was president. They only fly the flag when a Dem is in office, though, of course, they still want to change everything about America. Why would they want to celebrate and America they actually hate?

And what happens after this day? They’ll go right back to calling us Nazis and racists and such. Why waste time when all the Democrat base knows is hate? They won’t change? You can’t have a conversation with most because it is all feelings based with their visceral hatred.

As for Frazier, he went to college in the mid-60’s. I wasn’t even born yet. Democrats ran the South at that point, and were responsible for the segregation and such policies. It was not Republicans doing this. And it was over 50 years ago. Things change.

Read: China Joe Disciples Recommend A “National Day Of Reconciliation” Or Something »

St. Greta Suddenly Realizes World Leaders Are Climahypocrites

Congrats, Greta, you’re finally noticing this stuff. Of course, you won’t take the same lesson I did, that the people pushing the climate crisis scam the hardest are full of mule fritters, and that this isn’t about the climate but control. If Warmists aren’t willing to practice what they preach, and actually have bigger carbon footprints that everyone else, might this be a scam?

‘Hypocrites and greenwash’: Greta Thunberg blasts leaders over climate crisis

Greta Thunberg has blasted politicians as hypocrites and international climate summits as empty words and greenwash. Until humanity admits it has failed to tackle the climate crisis and begins treating it as an emergency like the coronavirus pandemic, society will be unable to stop global heating, she said.

In an interview with the Guardian, Thunberg said leaders were happy to set targets for decades into the future, but flinched when immediate action to cut emissions was needed. She said there was not a politician on the planet she would vote for: “If only,” said the teenager, who will turn 18 in January.

Funny, us Skeptics have noted the same thing, namely, that setting these targets far out allows politician Warmists to say they are Doing Something while not really doing the big things which would destroy their economies. Where’s St. Greta getting her money from? She’s not working. The rest of us have to earn a living.

A vital UN climate summit had been scheduled to begin on Monday in Glasgow but has been postponed for a year because of Covid-19. Thunberg, however, said she was not disappointed by the delay: “As long as we don’t treat the climate crisis like a crisis, we can have as many conferences as we want, but it will just be negotiations, empty words, loopholes and greenwash.”

She is also unimpressed with pledges by nations including the UK, China and Japan to reach net zero by 2050 or 2060. “They mean something symbolically, but if you look at what they actually include, or more importantly exclude, there are so many loopholes. We shouldn’t be focusing on dates 10, 20 or even 30 years in the future. If we don’t reduce our emissions now, then those distant targets won’t mean anything because our carbon budgets will be long gone.”

Many countries, including ones who are already kinda Warmist, won’t go full Jim Jones climate cultist. But, St. Greta is entirely correct about all the empty words, loopholes, and greenwashing.

Thunberg said there were no politicians she would vote for when she reaches voting age: “If only. I wish there was one politician or one party that was strong enough on these issues. Imagine how easy it would be if you could just support a politician.”

Justice is at the heart of her campaigning, Thunberg said. “That is the root of all this,” she said. “That’s why we are fighting for climate justice, social justice. They are so interlinked, you can’t have one without the other.”

And she proves that a) this is a cult, and b) it’s not really about the climate.

“The climate crisis is just one symptom of a much larger crisis, [including] the loss of biodiversity, the loss of fertile soil but also including inequality and threats to democracy,” she said. “These are symptoms that we are not living sustainably: we have reached the end of the road.”

Well, she is right on one thing: the Cult of Climastrology is a threat to the Democracy Model, as the people attempting to put all these plans in action essentially want to do away with people having a choice, having a voice, having a vote.

Read: St. Greta Suddenly Realizes World Leaders Are Climahypocrites »

China-Unity Joe To Make Good On “Incredibly Progressive Agenda

Well, sheesh, you would have thought China Joe would have at least waited a few months after Inauguration Day (if it happens) before suddenly ditching any notion of building unity, because how do you create unity when you are going to push legislation, executive orders, and rules that are far, far Progressive (nice Fascism)? Does he think the 71 million Trump voters will join him in backing things they are 100% against? It should be interesting watching the conserving conservatism Never Trumpers realize just what they advocated is coming. No whining, NTs!

Biden campaign manager says he’s ‘going to make good’ on ‘incredibly progressive’ agenda

President-elect Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said Sunday that the former vice president would follow through on his promises to implement what she characterized as a progressive policy agenda.

During an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press,” Bedingfield responded to comments from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who told The New York Times in a wide-ranging interview that many activist communities who support Democratic candidates often feel left behind when politicians don’t come through and fulfill their promises.

“I think that Vice President Biden campaigned on an incredibly progressive and aggressive agenda,” Bedingfield said on Sunday before pointing to the campaign’s plan to tackle climate change developed with advice from supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders‘s (I-Vt.) presidential bid, including the New York congresswoman.

“He’s going to make good on those commitments,” she continued. “I mean we, you know, he spent time during this campaign bringing people together around this climate plan. He was able to get the endorsement of groups like the Sunrise Movement and the endorsement of labor for this plan.”

“It’s a big, aggressive plan,” Bedingfield continued. “It’s a perfect example of the kind of, you know, big effort that he is going to make to meet this moment and to meet these crises that we’re in.”

Despite getting tweets from Team Joe like this

We stand together as one America. We will rise stronger than we were before.


With full hearts and steady hands, with faith in America and in each other, with a love of country — and a thirst for justice — let us be the nation that we know we can be.


And other kumbaya coming together stuff (which he never offered Trump, nor offered opposition while he was VP, or while he was trashing the Iraq war and Bush 43), we know that he will govern from the far, far left, kowtowing to the Nancy Pelosi to AOC wing of the Democratic Party. Good luck with that unity stuff.

Read: China-Unity Joe To Make Good On “Incredibly Progressive Agenda »

Here Are 5 Things China Joe Can Do On Climate Crisis (scam)

Don’t think for a minute that China Joe will give up his own use of fossil fuels and make life at the White House net zero, these things would never apply to him

Five things Joe Biden can do to fight climate change — without Congress’ help

Climate change is fueling record-breaking fires, hurricanes and floods. Global emissions of greenhouse gases are returning to pre-pandemic levels. And America — which has emitted more planet-warming gases than any other nation — has just become the only country to quit the Paris climate agreement.

President-elect Joe Biden is a few months away from inheriting a seemingly impossible situation: a country where the majority of people say they are in favor of climate action but where a divided government in Washington will complicate any efforts to do so.

If Republicans keep control of the Senate, then much of the legislation that would be needed to implement Biden’s aggressive plans to tackle climate change would likely be blocked.

But there is a huge amount that Biden can accomplish on his own. Here’s a look at five areas of environmental policy that the next president can change without so much as a phone call to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

So, let’s see

One of the most significant steps Biden could take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would to be reinstate tough nationwide rules for auto emissions and mileage standards that were put in place under the Obama administration and that essentially mirrored regulations already in effect in California. (snip)

But Biden has promised to reinstate the Obama standards and make them tougher, expanding them beyond passenger vehicles and SUVs into the most polluting trucks. He’s also likely to grant California a new waiver, allowing it and the 13 other states that have adopted its standards to crack down even more on tailpipe pollution.

The reduced emissions standards put in place by Trump really didn’t make much of a difference, because auto makers were trying to give greater MPG on cars and smaller SUVs. Biden, though, could hose the bigger SUVs and trucks which people are buying more of. Many automakers have done away with most or all of their sedans. So, higher prices, folks.

Biden could issue a new executive order directing the Interior Secretary to halt all oil and gas lease sales and permits. This would not block oil production that’s already taking place, but it would prevent more wells from being drilled and would allow for a gradual transition away from natural gas. The Obama administration used the same strategy to prevent the sale of new coal mining rights.

And your energy prices will go up, but, that’s not a problem for Biden, who will have you pay for his fossil fuels for flying and driving all over

Develop the Clean Power Plan 2.0

You don’t need more than the bullet point headline. The original CCP was put on hold by the courts after dozens of states sued, then killed off by the Trump admin. What makes them think this would not be hit with a lawsuit immediately, especially if it goes further? But, hey, if climate cultists love this, why don’t they all give up their own use of fossil fuels and only power their lives with solar and wind?

A report from Brown University’s Climate Solutions Lab lays out a series of steps that include creating a “climate club” of countries that volunteer to reduce emissions by agreeing to set a minimum price on carbon and penalize high-emitting countries through trade measures such as tariffs.

So China Joe could increase the cost of goods for American citizens, eh? Joe would prioritize other nations over the U.S.

Some environmental advocates have said that because we are barreling toward catastrophe, Biden should invoke emergency authority to address climate change. This step would be bold — quite possibly bolder than Biden is willing to be — and it would carry major rewards and risks.

Under emergency authority, a Biden administration could use military funding to quickly move the country away from coal and gas-powered plants and toward renewable energy. He could also increase the number of electric-vehicle charging stations, require automakers to produce more electric vehicles, and accelerate the expansion of clean-energy technology — all without having to ask Congress to approve new funding.

Oh, so, Fascism. Good to know.

In fairness, this is not China Joe saying this (yet), but, climate cultists writing for the LA Times and passing this off as news. Perhaps they should make their lives Net Zero, and the operations of the LA Times net zero.

Read: Here Are 5 Things China Joe Can Do On Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is the flag of the U.S., a nation that needs to provide climate justice, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on a Nevada whistleblower who says they witnessed election fraud.

It’s Unity or something week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the New Resistance will soon be born. We can do that, right? It’s allowed, right? Anyhow, this pinup is by Ren Wicks, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. White House Dossier covers Michelle Obama bringing the hatred
  2. The First Street Journal notes that China Joe winning isn’t the end of the world
  3. The Gateway Pundit highlights BLM and Biden supporters fighting at a unity party
  4. The Last Refuge has rebel alliance post it notes
  5. The People’s Cube features Biden-Xi 2020
  6. The Right Scoop wonders if the Bat Soup Virus pandemic is now over
  7. Weasel Zippers highlights military ballots found in a dumpster in Georgia
  8. Powerline isn’t up for this whole “unity” thing
  9. Pacific Pundit notes the backlash against Fox News
  10. Noisy Room discusses fake Conservatives selling out Trump
  11. MOTUS A.D. has some tales from the crypt
  12. Moonbattery notes that the left side Fascist have plans for those who opposed them
  13. Liberty’s Torch covers ethics and morality
  14. Legal Insurrection notes that you have 70 million friends, even if you live in a Blue area
  15. And last, but not least, Jihad Watch notes an imam decrying free speech in Canada, and Justin Trudeau agreeing

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Joe Biden, Who’s Called Trump And Trump Supporters Bad Things, Now Demands “Unity”

So, if the cheating holds up, and it most likely will, China Joe will be president (for how long till he’s replaced with Kamala, I guess we’ll see), and he wants

Let me ask: why should we unite with the people who never gave Trump a chance, who’ve called us racists, Fascists, and Nazis for all these years, who made up conspiracy theories about why Trump won, etc and so on? Who now want to make lists?

After a Campaign Comparing Trump to Nazis, Joe Biden Calls for Unity

Joe Biden, presumed the winner of the presidential election according to mainstream media networks, issued a call for “unity” Saturday evening after a bruising campaign in which he had compared President Donald Trump to Nazis, including Adolf Hitler.

Biden, who called his campaign a “battle for the soul of our nation,” launched his campaign in April 29 with the false claim that Trump had referred to neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” (Trump in fact said that they should be “condemned totally.”)

When confronted with that fact, Biden continued to insist on his version of events, despite evidence to the contrary.

Biden referred to Trump and his supporters as racists, saying 10 to 15 percent of Americans were “not very good people.”

In the last weeks of his campaign, Biden compared Trump to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, a vicious antisemite who was one of Hitler’s most trusted aides. In late October, his campaign released a video recorded by the Black Eyed Peas that compared Trump to Hitler himself, and implied that his supporters were like Germans who saluted the Nazi regime.

You now have Democrats saying they will fly the U.S. flag again. Where was their unity? Why does the nation need healing? Looks to be due to unhinged Democrats. Remember, you had many saying they would not give Trump a chance immediately after the election, now they want to give Joe a chance. I said I would give Barack a chance, but now? No, thanks

Jason Chaffetz: President-elect Biden calls for ‘unity’ – but where was ‘unity’ from Dems when Trump won?

Remember when Democrats called for peace and unity in the days following the 2016 election of Donald Trump? Neither do I.

In fact, I remember my congressional office being inundated with angry calls from people alleging voter fraud, demanding investigations, and insisting Donald Trump could not be allowed to assume the presidency.

Back then, they wanted a special prosecutor, criminal investigations, lawsuits, and congressional hearings to ensure there would be no peaceful transition of power.

In the months following, the “Resistance” was born. Clinton voters, many from outside my district, packed my town hall in the days following the presidential inauguration.

But now in 2020, as Joe Biden proclaims himself the president-elect, it’s a “time to heal.” Convenient.

“The better angels of America are back,” Biden proclaimed to a parking lot of cars and a smattering of people in Delaware Saturday night.

And just like that, “Resistance” is no longer in fashion. The rules have been rewritten.

When Democrats hold power, we must be unified, and our opposition must be silent. Not to be confused with the rules when Republicans hold power – which are that Resistance is as American as apple pie.

Are we now allowed to resist, or will the media and Democrats now have a problem with that?

Don Surber writes

Before I take off for my day of rest on Sunday, let me respond to Biden’s hypocritical call for national unity. By unity he means conformity.

Shove it.

A real leader who cared about the country would have called for unity 4 years ago when his side was throwing tantrums.

A real man would have called Trump supporters Americans.

Instead he called us the dregs of society.

Shove it.

It wasn’t that long ago that Biden was calling us Chumps and worse.

By unity, Biden means conformity. The threat to the politicians in Washington has ended. Accountability died. The Durham report will say it is OK to lie and spy on behalf of Obama. The whitewash was the whole purpose of Barr’s appointment.

Exactly. We are expected to roll over and comply, rather than fight for our beliefs. So, no, I’m not giving Biden a chance. None. I’ll channel leftists when it came to Bush 43 and Trump: Biden’s not my president. He may be president, but, he gets no respect and no support. He’ll have to earn it. And I highly doubt he will. He’ll do everything against Conservative ideals. Why should any of us unify with people who hate us, and divided us from the minute Trump was elected? Remember how they were planning on how to impeach Trump even before he took office? And they’re talking about prosecuting him, his family, and the people are him? How will that work?

So, yeah, shove your unity.

Read: Joe Biden, Who’s Called Trump And Trump Supporters Bad Things, Now Demands “Unity” »

Pirate's Cove