Joe Biden, Who’s Called Trump And Trump Supporters Bad Things, Now Demands “Unity”

So, if the cheating holds up, and it most likely will, China Joe will be president (for how long till he’s replaced with Kamala, I guess we’ll see), and he wants

Let me ask: why should we unite with the people who never gave Trump a chance, who’ve called us racists, Fascists, and Nazis for all these years, who made up conspiracy theories about why Trump won, etc and so on? Who now want to make lists?

After a Campaign Comparing Trump to Nazis, Joe Biden Calls for Unity

Joe Biden, presumed the winner of the presidential election according to mainstream media networks, issued a call for “unity” Saturday evening after a bruising campaign in which he had compared President Donald Trump to Nazis, including Adolf Hitler.

Biden, who called his campaign a “battle for the soul of our nation,” launched his campaign in April 29 with the false claim that Trump had referred to neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” (Trump in fact said that they should be “condemned totally.”)

When confronted with that fact, Biden continued to insist on his version of events, despite evidence to the contrary.

Biden referred to Trump and his supporters as racists, saying 10 to 15 percent of Americans were “not very good people.”

In the last weeks of his campaign, Biden compared Trump to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, a vicious antisemite who was one of Hitler’s most trusted aides. In late October, his campaign released a video recorded by the Black Eyed Peas that compared Trump to Hitler himself, and implied that his supporters were like Germans who saluted the Nazi regime.

You now have Democrats saying they will fly the U.S. flag again. Where was their unity? Why does the nation need healing? Looks to be due to unhinged Democrats. Remember, you had many saying they would not give Trump a chance immediately after the election, now they want to give Joe a chance. I said I would give Barack a chance, but now? No, thanks

Jason Chaffetz: President-elect Biden calls for ‘unity’ – but where was ‘unity’ from Dems when Trump won?

Remember when Democrats called for peace and unity in the days following the 2016 election of Donald Trump? Neither do I.

In fact, I remember my congressional office being inundated with angry calls from people alleging voter fraud, demanding investigations, and insisting Donald Trump could not be allowed to assume the presidency.

Back then, they wanted a special prosecutor, criminal investigations, lawsuits, and congressional hearings to ensure there would be no peaceful transition of power.

In the months following, the “Resistance” was born. Clinton voters, many from outside my district, packed my town hall in the days following the presidential inauguration.

But now in 2020, as Joe Biden proclaims himself the president-elect, it’s a “time to heal.” Convenient.

“The better angels of America are back,” Biden proclaimed to a parking lot of cars and a smattering of people in Delaware Saturday night.

And just like that, “Resistance” is no longer in fashion. The rules have been rewritten.

When Democrats hold power, we must be unified, and our opposition must be silent. Not to be confused with the rules when Republicans hold power – which are that Resistance is as American as apple pie.

Are we now allowed to resist, or will the media and Democrats now have a problem with that?

Don Surber writes

Before I take off for my day of rest on Sunday, let me respond to Biden’s hypocritical call for national unity. By unity he means conformity.

Shove it.

A real leader who cared about the country would have called for unity 4 years ago when his side was throwing tantrums.

A real man would have called Trump supporters Americans.

Instead he called us the dregs of society.

Shove it.

It wasn’t that long ago that Biden was calling us Chumps and worse.

By unity, Biden means conformity. The threat to the politicians in Washington has ended. Accountability died. The Durham report will say it is OK to lie and spy on behalf of Obama. The whitewash was the whole purpose of Barr’s appointment.

Exactly. We are expected to roll over and comply, rather than fight for our beliefs. So, no, I’m not giving Biden a chance. None. I’ll channel leftists when it came to Bush 43 and Trump: Biden’s not my president. He may be president, but, he gets no respect and no support. He’ll have to earn it. And I highly doubt he will. He’ll do everything against Conservative ideals. Why should any of us unify with people who hate us, and divided us from the minute Trump was elected? Remember how they were planning on how to impeach Trump even before he took office? And they’re talking about prosecuting him, his family, and the people are him? How will that work?

So, yeah, shove your unity.

Read: Joe Biden, Who’s Called Trump And Trump Supporters Bad Things, Now Demands “Unity” »

The Green New Deal Is A Bigly Election Loser

Whether we’re talking about the Green New Deal submitted by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the House and Ed Markey in the Senate (which was already a loser, since every Dem, including Markey, voted “present”, and it has been languishing in committee in the House, with AOC not bothering to demand a hearing and vote) or some slightly less insane version, the election was not good for it

One clear election loser: The Green New Deal

Joe Biden was both for and against the Green New Deal. In a debate, he said it would pay for itself. Sentences later, he denied he supported it even though his website said the Green New Deal was a “crucial framework” for his own plan.

No matter, though. The exit polling shows that the climate issue was simply not a voter priority anywhere. The high mark for climate seems to have been in Colorado, where 9% of voters said climate was their priority. But in states such as Florida, Texas, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and even Biden’s Delaware, a mere 3% of voters said climate was their priority.

None of this is to say that Democrats won’t keep trying to force the Green New Deal or variations of it down our throats. They certainly will.

What are the prospects for the success of the Green New Deal in a Biden administration?

It looks like Republicans might successfully defend the Senate, and they have even picked up several seats in the House. So, we could expect a return to the Obama era of congressional stalemate on the climate issue, perhaps with some unilateral executive pen-and-phone regulation.

A lot of people are blaming the hardcore Modern Socialism of AOC and her crew for the loss of House seats, including the GND. This thing is going nowhere.

Will a Republican-controlled Senate kill hopes for a Green New Deal?

Three months ago, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden stood before cameras in Wilmington, Delaware, and promised to take the biggest, most sweeping measures to fight climate change ever seen in the United States. He would spend $2 trillion on boosting renewables and energy efficiency. He would completely eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector. It was, according to one writer, a promise to implement the Green New Deal — “minus the crazy.”

But now, even if Biden wins the seemingly never-ending presidential election, those hopes have been dashed. After losing tight, high-profile Senate races in Montana, Maine, and Iowa, the Democratic party currently holds 48 seats. And they may not get any more. The only remaining seats up for grabs are in North Carolina — where the Democratic candidate, Cal Cunningham, is lagging behind after a sexting scandal — Alaska, and Georgia. (The Georgia Senate seats will likely go to a runoff in January, but Democrats would have to win both seats if, as expected, they lose in Alaska and North Carolina.)

Let Joe submit the legislation. Let’s see it. Let’s see all that’s in it. Let’s look at the costs. Let’s see how much it hurts the economy and people’s wallets. I triple dog dare him. Even if there had been a blue wave, this is the last thing on their priority list. Because, Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is important to people in theory, not practice.

Read: The Green New Deal Is A Bigly Election Loser »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles making the seasons change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The American Conservative, with a post on last minute election rule changes.

Read: If All You See… »

Philly Activists See Biden Winning As A Debt To Them

The “activists” are never satisfied, and always want more. They aren’t particularly concerned with black people shooting each other on the streets of Philly and other Democratic Party run cities, though

Return to Normalcy? Not on the Streets of Philadelphia

As the sun sets the night after the election, the streets around City Hall feel like a dystopian street fair.

Illuminated by garish purple lights, leftist speakers lead rants and chants from the tricked-out back of an old delivery truck. A marching band’s drum section materializes, and, inexplicably, so does someone in an Elmo costume. Everyone is masked, no one is socially distanced, and everyone I speak to has a bleak outlook on life. The Philadelphia police bicycle by, looking neutered compared with the National Guard, which stands a block away with rifles strapped across their chests. A capitalist sells Black Lives Matter swag. Most downtown shops have hung plywood to deter looters, painted over with reassurances that they’re still open. They look closed.

In Philadelphia and other cities, radical leftists planned protests for Nov. 4 regardless of the election outcome. Wednesday’s demonstrations were peaceful here, but if you hoped a Biden presidency would bring tranquility to urban America’s streets, forget it.

“No matter what goes down on Election Day, we will gather this Wednesday and every Weds until the fall of the regime,” pronounced a flier circulating in several cities. The self-described “rebel alliance” network explained that “if Biden wins, there will still be police, prisons, deportations, ecological destruction, capitalism—a Biden victory is not the end of this struggle, it is just the beginning of a new chapter.”

So, downtowns will continue to be boarded up, because of the threat of violence from Biden/Harris voters. And they’re going to continue going on when Biden takes office (if he does).

Many of the demonstrators I interviewed have little use for the Democratic Party. Microphone in hand, a speaker Wednesday night bemoans how “the Democratic Party enabled Trump” and “enabled his policies the last four years.” She’s particularly outraged that Democrats didn’t fight to block Justice Amy Coney Barrett: “They did not do anything. They could have mobilized the mass movements that we have seen all summer long—the Black Lives Matter movement, the people who have gone on strike, the teachers—and they did none of that. So we have to be very real about the fact that Joe Biden, if he wins this, he won it despite himself. He won this because of these mass movements, not because he’s a good candidate.” The crowd applauds.

From this perspective, Democrats owe a debt for a Biden victory, and those in the streets intend to collect it. Unless the radical left wields the threat of unrest, “I think if push comes to shove, the Democratic Party is going to let Trump and the right wing just roll right over them,” says Lile Harris, 22, who’s out Wednesday night evangelizing for Philadelphia’s Socialist Alternative group.

This is what you created and let fester to harm Trump, Democrats. It’s all yours. Have fun

Among the protesters I interviewed, urgent goals include the abolition of the Electoral College, a $15 minimum wage, the Green New Deal, Medicare for All and expansive curbs on police power and funding. They play hardball, exerting their will through a combination of street action and social-media shaming. This intimidating strategy may not win elections, but it can shape policy—especially if Democrats are as spineless as the radical left believes.

These are your nuts, Dems: whatcha gonna do now? You like patronizing them when you need them for elections: what happens when the elections are over and the nuts come with their bill? You can only put them off so much, especially when you stood by and let them become very violent.

“I approve of destruction where it makes a statement and sort of hurts the right people.” Looting looks like a minor offense compared with “police violence and the entire country being stolen from Native people hundreds of years ago.” Ms. Globig describes herself as a moderate: “You could get much further left voices here. I think I’m actually a little bit conservative compared to a lot of Philadelphians.”

If those who consider themselves moderate Democrats are good with destruction and violence, what about the hardcores? These are your folks, Dems. You own them.

Read: Philly Activists See Biden Winning As A Debt To Them »

Climate Cultists Think Joe Biden Could Gets Lots Done Through Executive Orders

If the GOP holds the Senate, China Joe Biden won’t be able to get much done legislatively, because all the climate cult crazy will never make it to his desk. We know that Joe won’t look to do reasonable stuff that, even if the GOP doesn’t believe in the climate scam, would be good, such as building nuclear power plants. So, how does he do stuff?

Executive orders: Biden’s best bet on climate

If Democrat Joe Biden moves into the White House next year, the path to action on climate and the environment will likely run through the executive branch.

Senate control remains in limbo, but if Democrats lose just one of the two special elections in Georgia in January, Republicans will keep the upper chamber, leaving a difficult path for environmental legislation.

Biden’s allies said they’ll be pushing him to flex the powers of the presidency immediately in hopes that a quick move to regulate can avoid rollbacks by a future Republican president.

“There’s lots of opportunity for him to use executive authority to look for setting standards, to look for federal investments in technologies and advanced battery storage, to get the grid constructed in an infrastructure investment,” said Gina McCarthy, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council and a former EPA administrator.

No, no, using executive “authority” doesn’t sound to authoritarian or anything.

EPA finalized the Clean Power Plan in 2015, shortly after the world adopted the Paris climate agreement, but the Supreme Court almost immediately issued a stay, and the Trump administration eventually rolled it back for a more modest power plant greenhouse gas regulation.

President Trump has also scaled back Obama-era auto fuel efficiency standards and the 2015 methane rule, not to mention some of President Obama’s national monument designations.

Observers said the experience highlights the dangers of an executive approach, particularly for climate policy, because the next administration could easily erase any new regulations made in the next four or eight years.

And, there is the Congressional Review Act, which can whack any executive orders with a simple majority vote. So, what might China Joe do?

While uncertainty still reigns about Senate control, one thing is clear: Biden will rejoin the Paris Agreement.

The former vice president has pledged to do so throughout his campaign, and even though the U.S. formally withdrew earlier this week, rejoining is a relatively simple administrative process.

On the domestic front, observers said there are a few obvious early moves. Biden could move to restore Bears Ears National Monument to its original size; halt Trump’s proposal to open up logging in the Tongass National Forest; and restore Obama-era methane standards, which were largely supported by the oil and gas industry.

There are also several other policies “within reach,” including more stringent vehicle fuel efficiency standards, said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune.

“We would expect the Biden administration to move forward with an end to fossil fuel leases on public lands,” Brune said.

The GOP should demand that Joe stop taking fossil fueled flights and SUVs, practice what he preaches.

With Trump leaving more conservative courts in his wake, the judiciary is likely to be less flexible with EPA authority.

There is that. China Joe will probably over-reach, because he’s cognitively impaired and Kamala Harris and the other hardcores will be telling him what to do, but, there will be lawsuits, and the rules and regs will be put on hold, much like with the Clean Power Plan and Waters of the USA.

Mitch McConnell should bring the Green New Deal up for another vote as soon as the Senate starts its next session in January/February, put the Dems on the record yet again, though they’ll probably vote “present”.

Read: Climate Cultists Think Joe Biden Could Gets Lots Done Through Executive Orders »

The Anti-Fascist (sic) Forces Begin Compiling Lists

This is not talking about compiling lists, this is them actually making lists, and being happy about it

Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters

Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling lists of Trump supporters to they could be held “accountable” for supporting President Donald Trump after the election.

“Democratic socialist” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

Michael Simon, who describes himself as a former staff member in Barack Obama’s administration, replied in the affirmative, linking to what he called the “Trump Accountability Project”:


The database at the site includes a list of federal judges appointed by the president.

Yes, that tweet looks strange, because Simon deleted his. Emily Abrams, who worked for Pete Buttigieg’s campaign, limited who can see her tweets, after tweeting and being called out. She seems big in the project. Lots of others, including conserving conservatism Anti Trumpers like Jennifer Rubin, were super excited to retweet and push this bit of Fascistic list making.

Right now they just want to go after

Those who elected him.
Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020.

Those who staffed his government.
Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration.

Those who funded him.
Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.

Who’ll be next on their list? Oh, and who might file a targeted harassment claim, which would most likely be at the federal level? Could go from a misdemeanor to a felony. There are state and federal laws against this kind of thing. But, hey, remember, the Joe Biden era will be one of coming together and unity and stuff, right?

Go ahead and keep you little lists, Libtards: whatcha going to do about it? Send in you little Black Shirt Antifa folks? That may work when they’re burning down Democratic Party owned areas, not so well when you start messing with Conservatives.

Read: The Anti-Fascist (sic) Forces Begin Compiling Lists »

Cult Of Climastrology Is Coming After Food Production Again

The talking points of the day have gone out. Interestingly, none of the people writing these screeds are talking about giving up their own input of meat and stuff. But, hey, if you’re hungry, you’re compliant, right?

To limit global warming, the global food system must be reimagined

Fossil fuel burning accounts for the majority of global greenhouse gas emissions, and to the world’s credit, several countries are working to reduce their use and the heat-trapping emissions that ensue. The goal is to keep global temperatures under a 1.5° to 2°C increase above preindustrial levels — the upper limits of the Paris Climate Agreement.

If we stopped burning all fossil fuels this minute, would that be enough to keep a lid on global warming?

Acording to UC Santa Barbara ecology professor David Tilman, petroleum energy sources are only part of the picture. In a paper published in the journal Science, Tilman and colleagues predict that even in the absence of fossil fuels, cumulative greenhouse gas emissions could still cause global temperatures to exceed climate change targets in just a few decades.

The source? Our food system.

“Global food demand and the greenhouse gases associated with it are on a trajectory to push the world past the one-and-a-half degree goal, and make it hard to stay under the two degree limit,” said Tilman, who holds a dual appointment at UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and at the University of Minnesota. The world’s growing population as well as its diet are driving food production practices that generate and release massive and increasing amounts of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. According to the paper, left unchecked, agricultural emissions alone could exceed the 1.5°C limit by about 2050.

If the Modern Socialist elites control the food, they control you. I bet they won’t give up what they’re eating now

“It’s well known that agriculture releases about 30% of all greenhouse gases,” Tilman said. Major sources include deforestation and land clearing, fertilizer overuse and gassy livestock, all of which are increasing as the global population increases. In “high-yield” countries such as the U.S., which have the benefit of large scale modern agriculture, intensive animal farming and heavy-handed fertilizer use are major contributors of greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, in “low yield” countries such as those in sub-Saharan Africa, population growth and increasing affluence are driving demand for more food, and toward more “urban” diets that are richer in meat and meat products, Tilman explained.

Most of that is really not global warming, but, land use and real environmental issues. They won’t tell you that, because it’s not as easy to control your life that way.

That last one is interesting

Researchers looked at five types of broad fixes to the food system and calculated how much they fight warming. They found that sampling a buffet of partial fixes for all five, instead of just diving into the salad bar, can get the job done, according to a study published in Thursday’s journal Science.

To do this, you’ll be told what you can eat and when you can eat it

Read More »

Read: Cult Of Climastrology Is Coming After Food Production Again »

If All You See…

…is a bridge built to cross a flooded area, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on waves of Bat Soup Virus.

Read: If All You See… »

Next Fake Hate Hoax? Threatening Flyers Found In Apex, NC

If this is another in a long line of hate hoax’s, the person could be in some serious, serious trouble

‘Day one, get ready:’ Flyers depicting Holocaust found in Apex, threaten consequences if Biden is elected

Apex police are investigating after a woman found packets of notes and photos, which appear to warn of deadly consequences if Joe Biden and Democrats take power.

Allona Johnson was babysitting two small children when she found the flyers during a walk to the park around a block away from home. She said she saw them tossed along the side of the road.

What she found inside horrified her.

One paper included photos of prominent Democrats, and this message:

“We’ll take care of you like we did in Benghazi. Our motto: What difference if we kill 50 Americans over there or 50 million in the U.S.A.!”

A flyer also read:

“You aughtta know after 70 years, we’ll kill teens, M.L.K. and Kennedies.”

Another paper displayed photos of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, with the note:

“Day one, get ready. This is the real deal.”

That sheet also contained an image, too graphic to show on TV, of what appeared to be a mass grave during the Holocaust.

I don’t get the Benghazi one, no matter how much I read it. It’s like someone put it together with buzz phrases.

She threw two of the packets away but saved one to show her boss, Connie.

Why would she do that? Why save one to show to her boss? Kinda a strange thing to do

Connie reported the flyers to Apex police.

She said her husband found another packet – in their driveway – on Monday, but he hadn’t told her so as not to alarm her.

And Connie’s husband just happened to find a packet, too? That’s convenient. And no one else is reporting finding any? One would think that reporters might be doing some digging and asking pointed questions, especially since so many of these things turn out to be fakes.

Apex police are investigating, and

Thursday evening, Shelly Lynch, a spokesperson for the FBI in North Carolina released a statement on the situation.

“Though the FBI’s standard practice is to neither confirm nor deny any investigation, we take all election-related threats seriously, whether it is voter fraud, voter suppression, or threats from cyber or foreign influence actors. We’re committed to supporting our election security partners and protecting the American people during the 2020 election season.”

If this turns out to be a hoax, it could be very, very bad for the folks involved with the FBI getting involved. Especially if the people stick to their stories and the FBI finds they’re lies.

Read: Next Fake Hate Hoax? Threatening Flyers Found In Apex, NC »

Walking Away From The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Not OK, Boomer, Or Something

One would think that the Democratic Party city of Baltimore would have more pressing concerns, such as the ever increasing homelessness and crime, shootings, gangs, along with the loss of tax base as people and businesses move out of Baltimore proper. But, hey, Dan Rodricks of the Baltimore Sun, I have suggestions

Dan Rodricks: Walking away from the climate crisis: Not OK, boomer

Among the many things I have tried but failed to understand about fellow baby boomers who voted for Donald Trump: why they support a president who walked away from leadership on climate change.

The big clock keeps ticking, and there’s evidence all around us that the future of human life on the planet is in jeopardy, yet tens of millions of our fellow Americans want a president who would rather go golfing than devote any time to climate change.

I wonder about those men and women in their 50s, 60s and 70s: Don’t they have children and grandchildren? Aren’t they concerned about the world we’re leaving them? Aren’t they troubled by the prospect of their grandsons and granddaughters facing environmental conditions even more extreme than those we see now?

Haven’t most boomers reached the ages when men and women become reflective about their lives?

Perhaps they’re thinking “why should I believe this when very few climate cultists practice what they preach?” Also, “I got mine, why shouldn’t younger folks have a chance of getting theirs”?

I include Trump in that. He was born in 1946, the first year of the baby boom. He has five children — his youngest, Barron, is only 14 — and 10 grandchildren. I realize Trump is concerned, most of all, with Trump. But even a narcissist must have moments of reflection that spawn thoughts about life and legacy. Even the most self centered “petro-masculine” guy must hope that his descendants live on and thrive. But to do that, they must inherit a world that is livable, and tomorrow’s world is not going to be livable unless we follow the advice of the world’s best climate scientists.

The “world’s best climate scientists” usually recommend taxing people and restricting their lives, rather than practicing what they preach. So, there’s that.

A year ago this week, more than 11,000 scientists in 153 countries issued a stark warning: The Earth “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency” unless humans change our ways in a big way. “Despite 40 years of global climate negotiations, with few exceptions, we have generally conducted business as usual and have largely failed to address this predicament,” the scientists said.

After 40 years, why hasn’t the Baltimore Sun given up its use of fossil fuels to gather, create, and disseminate the news? Why are they not running strictly on solar and wind?

You would think, as old as many of those senators are, they’d be concerned with life and legacy — the world their children and grandchildren will inherit — and do the right thing, no matter who the president is.

I’m not a baby boomer, just 53, but, I’ll tell you what, I’m all for slapping the Millennials and GenZ with all the taxes and life restrictions that the climate cult wants and these younger folks want. All embedded in law. Let’s see how they like it. Oh, and these taxes and such will apply to the Baltimore Sun.

Also, since this is about leaving the Climate Paris agreement, perhaps Dan can point to any 1st World nation that is actually succeeding with their pledge.

Read: Walking Away From The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Not OK, Boomer, Or Something »

Pirate's Cove