Walking Away From The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Not OK, Boomer, Or Something

One would think that the Democratic Party city of Baltimore would have more pressing concerns, such as the ever increasing homelessness and crime, shootings, gangs, along with the loss of tax base as people and businesses move out of Baltimore proper. But, hey, Dan Rodricks of the Baltimore Sun, I have suggestions

Dan Rodricks: Walking away from the climate crisis: Not OK, boomer

Among the many things I have tried but failed to understand about fellow baby boomers who voted for Donald Trump: why they support a president who walked away from leadership on climate change.

The big clock keeps ticking, and there’s evidence all around us that the future of human life on the planet is in jeopardy, yet tens of millions of our fellow Americans want a president who would rather go golfing than devote any time to climate change.

I wonder about those men and women in their 50s, 60s and 70s: Don’t they have children and grandchildren? Aren’t they concerned about the world we’re leaving them? Aren’t they troubled by the prospect of their grandsons and granddaughters facing environmental conditions even more extreme than those we see now?

Haven’t most boomers reached the ages when men and women become reflective about their lives?

Perhaps they’re thinking “why should I believe this when very few climate cultists practice what they preach?” Also, “I got mine, why shouldn’t younger folks have a chance of getting theirs”?

I include Trump in that. He was born in 1946, the first year of the baby boom. He has five children — his youngest, Barron, is only 14 — and 10 grandchildren. I realize Trump is concerned, most of all, with Trump. But even a narcissist must have moments of reflection that spawn thoughts about life and legacy. Even the most self centered “petro-masculine” guy must hope that his descendants live on and thrive. But to do that, they must inherit a world that is livable, and tomorrow’s world is not going to be livable unless we follow the advice of the world’s best climate scientists.

The “world’s best climate scientists” usually recommend taxing people and restricting their lives, rather than practicing what they preach. So, there’s that.

A year ago this week, more than 11,000 scientists in 153 countries issued a stark warning: The Earth “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency” unless humans change our ways in a big way. “Despite 40 years of global climate negotiations, with few exceptions, we have generally conducted business as usual and have largely failed to address this predicament,” the scientists said.

After 40 years, why hasn’t the Baltimore Sun given up its use of fossil fuels to gather, create, and disseminate the news? Why are they not running strictly on solar and wind?

You would think, as old as many of those senators are, they’d be concerned with life and legacy — the world their children and grandchildren will inherit — and do the right thing, no matter who the president is.

I’m not a baby boomer, just 53, but, I’ll tell you what, I’m all for slapping the Millennials and GenZ with all the taxes and life restrictions that the climate cult wants and these younger folks want. All embedded in law. Let’s see how they like it. Oh, and these taxes and such will apply to the Baltimore Sun.

Also, since this is about leaving the Climate Paris agreement, perhaps Dan can point to any 1st World nation that is actually succeeding with their pledge.

Read: Walking Away From The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Not OK, Boomer, Or Something »

Trump Gives Speech On Democratic Cheating, Republicans Say “This Is Getting Insane”

Most likely, Donald Trump is going to lose. The fix is in, and there is really no way to stop it, no matter how blatant it is. The media is covering up and even excusing the election issues, and too many in the GOP are going right back to their Squishy way

‘This is getting insane’: Republicans break from Trump immediately after wild and false speech

Republican lawmakers on Thursday broke away from President Donald Trump’s grievances towards the 2020 US presidential election, and urged for calm.

In a impromptu speech at the White House on Thursday afternoon, Trump made several allegations — based on little to no evidence — relating to transparency and mishandling of ballots. Trump also claimed he had already won the election, despite trailing behind Democratic nominee Joe Biden and not accounting for the hundreds of thousands of unprocessed ballots throughout the country.

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” Trump said. “If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us. If you count the votes that came in late, we’re looking at them very strongly. But a lot of votes came in late.”

How is it that almost every single late vote is for Biden? How can tens of thousands go almost exclusively to just one candidate? It’s statistically impossible. I’m sure you’ve read all the things going on

China Votes BidenRepublican lawmakers sounded off on Trump’s suggestions of a preemptive victory after the president gave his remarks.

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a state where Biden is expected to win, said in a tweet that “this is getting insane” immediately after Trump’s speech.

“We want every vote counted, yes every legal vote (of course),” Kinzinger tweeted. “But, if you have legit concerns about fraud present EVIDENCE and take it to court. STOP Spreading debunked misinformation.”

And the courts are siding with the cheaters.

Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia, a US Air Force veteran like Kinzinger, also urged Trump to “respect the democratic process that makes America great.”

“Like @RepKinzinger, I took an oath to defend this country and fight for the democratic ideals it stands for,” Riggleman replied in a tweet to Kinzinger. “Count every vote, yes, but stop the Bravo Sierra, Mr. President.”

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, a state where Trump is heavily favored to win, said in a statement that “Americans voted in a peaceful election and there’s not a winner until all the legally cast votes are counted.”

Mitt Romney, a GOP Senator in Utah, reiterated in a statement that the process of counting votes is supposed to be “long and, for those running, frustrating.”

Two other “Republicans” are mentioned in this piece, Maryland Gov Larry Hogan and Will Hurd, who did not run for re-election in Texas. What do they all share?

That’s right, Never Trumpers. Sasse sorta kinda flipped deep into 2019, but, he’s pretty much being, let’s just say, Never Trump lite the entire time.

Unfortunately, so many Republicans are being quiet. They know the cheating is going on, but, in the face of Biden most likely taking the election (let’s be real, Dems will get away with it), they are staying quiet, ready to get back to being “get along go along” Republicans, rather than fighting. Politics is a dirty, nasty business with a veneer of civility, as the saying goes. If the GOP wants to keep the Senate and take the House in 2022, they have to continue to fight.

And we should yammer about Chinese interference and Joe being in their pocket for the next 4 years. Oh, we have evidence, we’ll show you at some point. Just trust us.

Read: Trump Gives Speech On Democratic Cheating, Republicans Say “This Is Getting Insane” »

Key Biscayne, Denver Approve Climate Crisis (scam) Referendums

Both cities approved restricting residents from driving fossil fueled vehicles in the city limits and that every homeowner would put dozens of solar panels on their homes….oh, wait

Key Biscayne voters approve $100M bond tied to climate change

Key Biscayne residents voted to pass a referendum that would allow the village to issue $100 million in general obligation bonds to deal with the effects of climate change.

More than 56 percent of the roughly 6,100 voters in Key Biscayne approved the referendum in Tuesday’s general election.

About $40 million could go toward mitigating the effects of sea level rise and flooding, $23 million toward protecting the beaches and shoreline, and more than $49 million to harden and place infrastructure underground to withstand hurricanes, according to the village’s August town hall presentation.

The closest active long term sea level measurement site is in Virginia Key, which shows just. .96 feet of sea rise per century, which is below the expectation for a regular Holocene warm period.

Critics have called the referendum a “blank check” measure that does not identify specific projects the bonds would fund. Attorney David Winker, who is representing a resident suing the village over the referendum, said his client’s lawsuit is “about what good governance and public participation in decision-making on funding of resiliency measures should look like.”

Winker said it violates the village charter, as well as Florida law requiring that voters be provided with sufficient information about the projects that would be funded.

There’s no real data on where this money is coming from, so, you can expect tax increases.

ELECTION 2020 | Denver voters approve pair of sales tax increases to fight climate change, tackle homelessness

Denver’s total sales tax rate is jumping to 8.81% next year in the name of resolving homelessness and curbing climate change, voters have decided.

As of 10 p.m. Tuesday night, 2A — a measure that would raise city sales taxes by 0.25% to clean up the city’s climate footprint — had earned about 64% of the vote. That means, as of January, the tax will begin raising roughly $36 million annually to make it happen, according to the Denver Climate Action Task Force, which made the calculation. The goal is to move the city closer to its target of achieving a 40% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, a 60% drop by 2030 and a 100% decrease by 2040.

I wonder how much they could decrease Denver’s carbon footprint if they shut down their airports, including the international one, which would eliminate all the car rental companies renting to those who are going to drive to go skiing. Oh, right, they don’t care that much.

Read: Key Biscayne, Denver Approve Climate Crisis (scam) Referendums »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on this being another strange election.

Read: If All You See… »

Portland Riots Again, National Guard Called In

What the heck are they rioting over? Have they just gotten so used to rioting that it’s just a normal part of their day, kinda like how people got used to doing something like going for a long walk during lockdown? There’s a slight difference this time (via Twitchy)

From the link

The Oregon National Guard was called into the city of Portland after protests in the city turned violent Wednesday night, police said.

Local authorities declared a riot after groups of demonstrators destroyed property in the downtown section of the city, which the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office described as “widespread violence.”

“In the interest of public safety, Governor Kate Brown, under the advice of the Unified Command, has activated the use of the Oregon National Guard to assist local law enforcement,” the agency said in a tweet. (snip)

Some of the protesters then ran riot in the city, destroying ATMs, vandalizing buildings and breaking windows, according to the report.

So, we’ve had months of riots, Biden voters attacking the federal building, committing arson and attempted arson, assaulting people, looting, etc, but, now Brown calls in the NG?



Yeah, now that the voting is done, it is inconvenient for the Modern Socialist leaders like Brown and Portland mayor Ted Wheeler. What happens, though, if Trump manages to hold on and win? Will the NG be sent in for those riots?

Read: Portland Riots Again, National Guard Called In »

Bummer: Majority Of Florida Voters Voted For A Climate Change (scam) Skeptic

People don’t move to Florida because it’s cold, and, I don’t think they really care about the climate crisis scam. Except some media folks

A majority of FL voters chose the presidential candidate who calls climate change a hoax

Despite coastal flooding, more severe hurricanes, and longer, hotter summers attributed to climate change, the majority of Florida voters on Tuesday chose the presidential candidate who calls climate change a hoax.

Florida incumbents in state offices who support efforts to curb climate change fared well enough, according to state election records, but they remain in a minority largely ignored by Republicans who control the House, Senate and governor’s office.

President Donald Trump won Florida by at least 3 percentage points, capturing all 29 electoral college votes.

He and challenger former Vice President Joe Biden espouse widely different views on climate change. Trump long called it a hoax and only recently acknowledged it exists. Biden considers it an urgent matter and made climate change central to his economic recovery plan to convert the nation to green jobs and non-polluting infrastructure.

He called anthropogenic climate change a scam. I don’t agree with his ideas on why it is a scam (China), but, it is a scam. How much of the uptick in heat in Florida is caused by land use and the Urban Heat Island Effect, along with natural variability, and how much because Warmists working for news outlets drive fossil fueled vehicles? None of the NOAA Florida stations show anything more than what would be expected during a normal Holocene warm period.

At the state level, one of Florida’s leading climate activists, Democratic Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez, is in a nail-biter race likely to be decided after a recount. With 215,411 votes counted, Republican challenger Ileana Garcia led Rodriguez by just 21 votes, with provisional ballots and ballots mailed from overseas yet to be counted. A third candidate, Alex Rodriguez, running under no party affiliation, garnered 6,366 of those votes.

Since being elected in 2016, Sen. Rodriguez has worn rain boots in the Capitol emblazoned with the hashtag #ActOnClimateFL to rally support for action to slow down climate change that is causing seas to rise, flooding coastal areas of south Florida.

So, the climate cultist is having trouble being re-elected? Huh.

Defeated was Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, a Monroe County Democrat who championed conversion of the Sunshine State to a green, non-polluting economy that would slow sea level rise and the intensification of hurricanes affecting her constituents.

Love to know how she’s going to stop hurricanes.

Moncrief said Florida voters, left to their own devices, consistently vote to protect their environment. She pointed to six local environmental protection measures approved by voters Tuesday in Collier, Manatee, Orange and Volusia counties and the election of two climate activists to local offices in South Florida in the midst of a red wave for candidates in that region. But faced with outside money and influence in state and federal races, Florida-based environmental concerns get overshadowed, she said.

Suddenly Democrats are concerned with outside money?

Read: Bummer: Majority Of Florida Voters Voted For A Climate Change (scam) Skeptic »

Even If Biden Manages To Steal Election, Democrats Will Regret It

Would it be theft if soon-to-be-25th-Amendmented-and-replaced-with-Harris Joe Biden wins? Maybe? We see all the irregularities, and virtually none in the Credentialed Media are bothering to investigate. Heck, most who mention them are providing cover with Excuses. Miranda Devine has thoughts

Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it: Devine

Let’s be real. Goliath was never going to let David breeze through the rematch.

The provinces, for whom President Trump is an instrument, not an end in himself, were never going to have an easy time winning the 2020 election against the amassed might of the Democratic Party, the “Fake News” media and allied pollsters, Big Tech, woke billionaires and the celebrity class, who united to stamp out the barbarian orange emperor.

The “chumps” and “ugly folk,” as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk of Biden.

It boils down to Trump’s belief that the Democrats perpetrated widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere to steal the election.

That can’t be real, could it?

In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted.

“They were never able to see the ballot itself, never able to see if it was properly postmarked, properly addressed, properly signed on the outside . . . this went on for 20 hours. While all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count going on here in Philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate.”

Giuliani’s team has also launched a lawsuit in Wisconsin where he says that, after election observers had gone home, “at 3 or 4 in the morning about 120,000 ballots appeared . . . and they all got counted.”

The Trump campaign also filed a lawsuit in Michigan Wednesday, with campaign manager Bill Stepien claiming Republican observers were denied “meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan law.”

How about workers in Detroit covering the windows while counting absentee ballots? 23,277 votes being discovered in Philly, with zero going to Trump. That’s statistically impossible. We have late counted ballots, ballot harvesting, reports of late arriving ballots being counted, improperly cast ballots. Damn right Trump should fight, this is a serious game. If some in the GOP want to go squishy, let them. Democrats know the game is hardcore, many in the GOP don’t get it.

But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans.

The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn’t a landslide win against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months.

If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin.

Republicans are going to hang on to the Senate

The fatal miscalculations of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in cynically refusing to negotiate on the latest stimulus bill has cost the Democrats dearly in the House, where they have gone backward by at least six seats. They did not manage to get rid of a single Republican. So much for the blue wave.


The Democrats won’t be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College or make DC and Puerto Rico states. They will struggle to impose the Green New Deal.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop a President Biden-Harris repeat of the geopolitical errors of the Obama presidency, such as appeasing China and Iran’s mullahs and signing onto the Paris climate accord.

But a President Biden in cognitive decline will sooner or later be replaced by his unpopular, untested vice president, Kamala Harris.

Here’s the thing: will the House Dems and/or Biden-Harris push the hardcore agenda? They know it won’t pass. But, it could expose their agenda. Joe can rejoin the Paris Climate (scam) accord if he wants, but, he won’t get the appropriations for the cash redistribution. Or anything else.

Saddled with a recession and policies that will only exacerbate economic decline, the next four years will hobble Democrats.

Here’s a big question: does the economy continue rising once Trump’s gone, or does the stock market and economy get bearish, as Biden/Harris yammer about taxes and restrictions and such, doing some through regulation, with a concern that Dems take the Senate in 2022?

Read: Even If Biden Manages To Steal Election, Democrats Will Regret It »

Oregon Voted To Decriminalize All Drugs

What could possibly go wrong with this?

Oregon becomes first US state to decriminalize possession of hard drugs

A nationwide push to relax drug laws scored significant victories on Tuesday as four states voted to legalize marijuana, and Oregon became the first state to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of hard drugs.

Voters in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota passed state ballot measures to legalize recreational cannabis use, major victories in the movement to undo the harms of cannabis criminalization.

And in Oregon, voters made history by passing the first state law in the US to decriminalize possession of hard drugs including heroin, cocaine and LSD. The measure backed by criminal justice reform groups is aimed at diverting people from jails and prisons by treating possession as a citation and expanding access to treatment and recovery.

Made history. Interestingly, it wasn’t “made history” here in North Carolina when we got the first Black Lieutenant Governor. Because Mark Robinson is a Republican. Anyhow, it’s nice to try and help the drugees by going for treatment rather than jail, but, really, this will just mean more people doing drugs and more smuggling. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and we know that this is going to make the cities in Oregon, especially Portland and the other bigger cities, even more dangerous.

Meanwhile, some other interesting ballot initiatives

  • People are apparently going to be able to get state offered psychedelic mushrooms in Oregon
  • California will be adding even more taxes on commercial and industrial properties to “pay for education” wink wink
  • Though, California did shoot down getting rid of cash bail
  • Michigan will require a warrant for an electronic search (see this link for this and the rest, more I’m not mentioning)
  • Kentucky added victim’ rights to their constitution
  • Utah apparently allowed slavery/servitude as punishment, which has now been ended

A big one which is surprisingly rather low-key is from Louisiana

Louisiana voters have approved an amendment to the state constitution that makes clear the document does not grant the right to an abortion.

The question before voters Tuesday was whether to explicitly state that “a right to abortion and the funding of abortion shall not be found in the Louisiana Constitution.”

Obviously, the “murder the unborn because you were too lazy to have responsible, protected sex” crowd will sue.

Read: Oregon Voted To Decriminalize All Drugs »

Bat Soup Virus, Climate Crisis (scam), And Fascist Government

I couldn’t rightly just slap Rupert Darwall’s headline up as mine, right? Mine’s just a bit more specific

Covid, Climate Change, and Government Coercion

Covid-19 has seen democratic governments exercising coercive powers over their citizens on a scale never imagined. Their justification: Your freedom is someone else’s risk of catching a potentially fatal disease. Having deployed the instruments of social control, politicians and government bureaucrats won’t quietly put them away when the crisis passes – not when other opportunities exist to wield their newfound powers.

Consider, for example, a similar justification for state coercion on environmental protection: Your carbon footprint is my climate change.

The link between Covid control measures and climate change has already been made by the head of Britain’s Committee on Climate Change, a body established in 2008 to hold the government accountable for meeting net-zero emissions targets. (Joe Biden has pledged a similar “enforcement mechanism” by the end of his first term.) “The government has stepped in in a quite extraordinary way to our way of life,” committee chief executive Chris Stark says.

In a powerful philippic against government-by-Covid-decree, Lord Sumption, a former justice on the British Supreme Court, observed that fear has always been the most potent instrument of the authoritarian state. “Fear was deliberately stoked up by the government: the language of impending doom; the daily press conferences; the alarmist projections of mathematical modelers; the manipulative use of selected statistics.”

This is the Doomsday Cult of Climastrology: always attempting to scare people into compliance. Hilariously, none of the disciples ever seem to realize that this stuff will apply to their own lives. That’s what indoctrination does. They’ll be real surprised when it hits their own lives. They’ll be real surprised when they realize their lives will be controlled just like during lockdown.

I’ll let you read all the middle stuff, up to the ending

And here we see the common theme between Covid and climate change. Thanks to the virus, governments now know that they can impose draconian restrictions on their citizens. “The government has discovered the power of public fear to let it get its way,” Sumption argues. Net-zero will shrink people’s choices and curtail the lives they wish to lead. Consider Covid a warning of what might yet come.

This is, quite frankly, what I’ve been saying since the early 2000’s, when I realized I had been duped and that this was not about science but control. And they know they can get away with it. My goodness, look at Michigan. Despite the massive crackdown on the citizens by their Democratic Party governor, plus doing nothing about the riots, the state is leaning Democrat right now for the returns. Not just Biden over Trump, but Peters over James in the Senate Race. Of course, a lot of that is being driven by 6 out of 14 districts, the big urban area ones. 13 (Rashida Tlaib’s district, full of transplants who like authoritarian government) and 14 are up around 77% to 19%. We should start by implementing hardcore climate restrictions in places like that. These people seem to love authoritarianism.

Read: Bat Soup Virus, Climate Crisis (scam), And Fascist Government »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled motorcycles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the results of decriminalizing shoplifting in California.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove