If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled motorcycles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the results of decriminalizing shoplifting in California.

Read: If All You See… »

Maxine Waters Says She’ll Never Forgive Black Trump Voters

When will blacks finally realize that the Democratic Party thinks they own black, but only care when elections come up

Herschel Walker Blasts Maxine Waters for Saying She’ll Never Forgive Black Trump Voters

Former NFL star Herschel Walker has criticized congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) for saying she would “never forgive” Black Americans who voted for Donald Trump.

Earlier this week, Waters told The Joe Madison Show on SiriusXM she was flabbergasted by the prospect of Black voters backing the incumbent Republican.

“It just hurts me so bad to see Blacks talking about supporting Trump. I don’t know why they would be doing it. I don’t know why it is on their minds,” she said.

“For those Black young men who think somehow they can align themselves with Trump, not only are they terrible mistaken, any of them showing their face, I will never, ever forgive them for undermining the possibility to help their own people and their own communities.”

They think they own you, black folks. Remember, Waters doesn’t even live in her district, a district rife with poverty, homelessness, and urban blight. She’s lives in a nice area, living high on the hog with all the graft money she’s made being an elected Representative.

Walker, a long-time friend of Trump, hit back at Waters’ comments, suggesting the reason parts of the Black electorate were shifting towards Trump was they felt let down by Democratic administrations at both federal and state levels.

“She’s been in office for a long, long time. Have you seen her pass any laws for social justice? Have you seen her pass anything to make anything equal? I don’t want to hear them [the Democrats] putting the blame on anyone else,” he said during an appearance on FOX Business’ Varney & Co. on Election Day.

“Now she is upset that people are starting to educate themselves and see policies that fit them. […] So don’t come here to me with this rhetoric right now.

“I want people to realize that the person that should be in office is someone who cares about America, someone who cares about the people and someone who’s not going to try to put money in his pockets but put it in the people’s pockets.”

At the end of the day, the Trump polices have been very good for blacks, and he treats them like people, not a voting block of faceless people. On that note, Trump should have spent more time telling people this, along with his other accomplishments, rather than battling with the media and others so much.

Read: Maxine Waters Says She’ll Never Forgive Black Trump Voters »

You Should Totally Be Worrying About The Systemic Death Of The Earth

Is it any wonder that so many climate cultists, especially the under 25 crowd, are mental messes, when they keep trotting out apocalyptic prognostications and articles?

Decoding Climate Change: Why You Should Worry About Earth’s Systematic Death

“2020 is on course to become the warmest year” revealed one of the studies reported by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It pointed out that the first nine months of the year witnessed record concentrations of major greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. These gases accounted for over 80% rise in global surface temperature altering Earth’s climate.

Yeah, by perhaps a tenth of a degree, but, according to Warmists, this is all driven by CO2. CO2 was way down around the globe due to Coronavirus lockdowns. So, why did that not make a difference? Don’t bother asking for a scientific explanation, they’ll just give you Excuses.

This conspicuous change in our planet’s climate is also believed to be the cause of an increase in sea level, a substantial decrease in the arctic ice, and rising cases of weather-related catastrophes including floods, earthquakes, and droughts.

Only thing they left out were volcanoes and cold weather, which are often included.

Although it is certain that Earth has naturally warmed up and got colder over the course of billions of years, such transition cycles have always been much slower, taking millions of years, whereas now, within a period of just 200 years, the planet is advancing towards extinction levels.

Except, we’ve seen quick cycles for warming and cooling during the Holocene, some warmer than the current warm period. We’re in a slight warming period, not a really hot one. Hot ones which life on Earth survived and flourished.

Palaeontologist and conservationist Richard Leakey warned that human activity is paving way for a “sixth extinction”. Right now, reports have highlighted that the planet is experiencing a ‘biodiversity crisis’ that could put up to a million species of plants and animals at risk.

Activities like deforestation, poaching, industrialisation, burning of fossil fuels, population explosion, greenhouse gas emission, and plastic pollution are some of the major reasons for human-caused climate change.

The doom of the article didn’t quite live up to the hype of the headline. Let’s learn about the author

Palak Agrawal is a journalism graduate believes in simplifying the complicated and writing about the extraordinary lives of ordinary people. She calls herself a ” hodophile” or in layman words- a person who loves to travel.

Oh, so the Warmist blaming fossil fuels for climate change loves to travel? Huh.

Read: You Should Totally Be Worrying About The Systemic Death Of The Earth »

State Of The Race: Race Hinges On Four States

Did you stay up all night waiting? I didn’t bother, since I just knew we were not going to get a call. Democrats thought they were going to get a blowout. Not quite. I wonder why?

Economy Is By Far America’s Top Issue, CNN Exit Poll Shows

A plurality of Americans say that the economy is the top issue for their vote, according to a CNN exit poll released Tuesday night.

CNN said that 34 percent of voters named the economy as their top issue.

Racial inequality was a distant second with 21 percent. Coronvirus was third, with 18 percent. “Crime and Safety” and “Health Care Policy” each garnered 11 percent.

The economy was doing quite well before it was tanked by the Chinese originating COVID19, and Democratic governors and mayors did not help by going crazy with their lockdowns.

‘I Am Optimistic’: Biden Claims He Is ‘On Track’ To Win Election

Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden told a crowd of supporters Tuesday night that he believes that he is “on track” to win the presidential election.

“We feel good about where we are. We really do,” Biden told a crowd of supporters at his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. “I am here to tell you tonight, we believe we’re on track to win this election.”

“We knew because of the unprecedented early vote and the mail-in vote, it was going to take a while” to know the results of the election, the former Vice President added. “We were going have to be patient until the hard work of tallying the votes is finished.”

In other words, he’s hoping cheat by mail comes through

Trump claims victory with many states still undeclared, hints at possible Supreme Court case

President Trump declared victory in multiple key battleground states early Wednesday, even though it remained unclear who had the votes to win, as Trump hinted the White House would push the Supreme Court to rule over disputed ballots, warning that a “very sad group of people” was trying to “disenfranchise” voters.

The president, speaking from the East Room of the White House, alongside first lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence, thanked his supporters and touted “record” turnout.

“I want to thank the American people for their tremendous support. Millions and millions of people voted for us tonight and a very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise that group of people and we will not stand for it,” Trump said. “We won’t stand for it.”

Jen O’Malley Dillon, Joe Biden’s campaign manager, said in a statement that Trump “does not decide the outcome of this election. Joe Biden does not decide the outcome of this election. The American people decide the outcome of this election. And the democratic process must and will continue until its conclusion.”

So, both are claiming a win, and both are saying to keep patient. Though Trump isn’t as enthused with cheat by mail.

But, a number of key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and North Carolina, were too close to call.

The big one is Pennsylvania. It has 20 electoral college votes. Arizona is trending Biden with Trump down 3.4% with 84% reporting. Trump can only afford to lose one of the above states. He has a slight lead in all but Wisconsin, where he is down .7% with 95% reporting.

Nevada, though, is also still in play, which is unusual. It’s real close, with Biden up just .6% with 75% reporting. It has 6 EC votes. Perhaps all those who were laid off/lost their jobs/lost their money who work in Las Vegas and Reno might lean towards Trump who wanted them open.

Trump added that he predicted a legal battle, and said he has “been saying this since the day I heard there would be tens of millions of ballots sent,” referring to the unprecedented scale of mail-in voting amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Team Biden is doing the same thing. Now it’s just a matter of how long it takes to count the mail ins, followed by suits from either side depending on how states go. Gird your loins, folks.

Read: State Of The Race: Race Hinges On Four States »

Good News: US Involvement In Paris Climate Agreement (scam) Ends At Midnight

Of course, did it really matter if we were in it or not? All actions were utterly voluntary, including sending no-strings attached climate reparations to 3rd World Nations. That’s one of the big ways Obama avoided taking it to the U.S. Senate for ratification. And, those nations who are still super excited about it aren’t really implementing it

US participation in Paris climate deal expires at midnight

Regardless of how Election Day turns out for President Trump and Joe Biden, the US will no longer be a part of the Paris climate deal as of midnight, according to a report.

Trump withdrew the US from the global accord on July 1, 2017, but the rules of the deal stipulated that any country wanting to pull out would have to wait three years from Nov. 4, 2016 – the day it became international law, Politico reported Monday.

The US officially filed its separation documents last Nov. 4, and the one-year cooling off period expires at midnight.

The State Department will not take an active part in United Nations’ meetings on the climate deal, but it will remain an observer.

The Paris Climate Accord, signed by 197 countries, created a goal to halt warming “well below” 2 degrees Celsius and try to maintain it at 1.5 degrees by cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Of those 197 nations, the ones which are supposed to actually cut their “carbon pollution” and send lots of money to other nations have, at best, pledges. And many climate cultists (who haven’t made their own lives net zero) complain they are not strong enough. The ones getting the free, unfettered, no-strings attached money (because they feel that 1st world nations owe them) are keeping their bargain, by taking the cash they get, but, they aren’t getting all the want, so they complain.

Being in or out makes no difference. If Warmists want leadership from the U.S., maybe they should follow along that we won’t destroy our economy, freedom, liberty, nor choice for a cult, and they can do the same. Or, they could demand that Believers practice what they preach.

Read: Good News: US Involvement In Paris Climate Agreement (scam) Ends At Midnight »

If All You See…

…are trees dying because Other People ate burgers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post noting that the Palestinian (terrorist) Authority is in direct contact with Biden.

Read: If All You See… »

Cindy McCain: Handsy Joe Biden Will Unite The Country Or Something

Yeah, I do understand how Cindy McCain could support anybody but Trump, but, somehow, this supposed Republican chooses a hardcore leftist. Also, something is missing

Cindy McCain: A Republican’s reasons for voting Biden
Joe will unite a deeply divided country and bring together all Americans to address and overcome the great challenges we face.

As a proud, lifelong Republican I have done my share of campaigning for our party’s candidates. My decision to endorse Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was not taken lightly, and I owe it to my fellow Republicans to explain why I’m convinced he is the best choice on this year’s ballot to lead the nation as president of the United States.

One, Joe understands the importance of national defense and has a long and strong record of support for the military. As commander in chief, he will keep the nation strong and ready to meet the array of threats facing America. Moreover, he knows the value of our security alliances in keeping the country safe and prosperous in a dangerous and unpredictable world. As president, he will strengthen America’s vital partnerships to advance U.S. interests and values.

This would be the same Joe who, as Vice President, saw the rise of ISIS under Obama and did pretty much nothing? The one who rewarded an enemy, Iran, who took our naval members hostage (and then the Obama admin punished the Navy members) and talks about death to America, billions and easy access to sell their oil to fund their terrorist activities? The VP who sat by while the Obama admin did nothing as Americans were attacked in Benghazi? And more?

Three, a President Biden will provide the leadership the country demands to beat the COVID-19 pandemic. No one will work harder in bringing the nation together to achieve the mission. Guided by a genuine spirit of bipartisanship, Joe won’t be looking for Democratic ideas or Republican ideas but the country’s best ideas to ensure that our families, businesses, communities and country recover swiftly.

Point out when Joe has worked in a bipartisan manner. Sure didn’t happen while VP.

As a mother, I have watched with alarm at the ballooning debt and deficits, even before COVID-19 demanded drastic fiscal action. As president, Joe will be a leader stimulating strong private sector-led economic growth and job creation to recover from COVID’s ravages and tame titanic debt that imperils the quality of life for our children and future generations.

Obama, with Biden as VP, doubled the debt. Not saying Trump is doing well on this, but, Joe has no leg to stand on.

My husband believed in straight talk and country first. So do I. Joe Biden is the right choice to be president at this pivotal time in the country’s history. He is a patriot who believes passionately in America and the principles and values that make it great. He will be a leader whom all Americans can count on to put country above party, patriotism above partisanship, and national interest ahead of his own. Most important, Joe will unite a deeply divided country and bring together all Americans to address and overcome the great challenges we face.

Have you ever noticed that no one can actually say how Biden will bring the country together, other than some soundbites? What happens when Republican voters object to the Democrats hardcore Modern Socialist agenda? Will he listen to them, or just do like Obama did, and say “I won”? How do you bring a country together when the Party he represents has moved so far “to the left” (it’s actually more to the far right, into the Authoritarian model) that JFK, Truman, and even FDR might not be considered anything by squishy Democrats?

But, hey, if Biden wins, I hope the anti-Trump voters get everything they’ve wished for.

Read: Cindy McCain: Handsy Joe Biden Will Unite The Country Or Something »

Not A Cult: Reverend Argues For Doing Something About Climate Crisis (scam)

Rev. Susannah Tuttle seems super concerned. She’s the Director of NC’s Interfaith Power and Light. You have to visit the website, because this is exactly what you’d expect from the Cult of Climastrology. Exactly what you’d expect from turning what was supposedly science into a religion

For NC, effects of climate change are personal. Vote accordingly

For North Carolinians, the effects of climate change are too personal to ignore. In Orange County, where I live, farmers are losing crops to erratic weather caused by the climate crisis. In the state’s coastal communities, families are losing everything to flooding.

We know the climate crisis is affecting our state. We’re living with the consequences. In 2018, North Carolina recorded close to 4,600 emergency department visits for heat-related illnesses, and 2019 was North Carolina’s hottest year on record. Today, more than 300,000 North Carolinians are especially vulnerable to extreme heat.

It’s North Carolina. 4,600 isn’t abnormal, and, consider that the normal average is 4-6 100 degree days a year. That’s not with heat index. We haven’t had that in about 5 years. Many years we’ve only had no more than 1. And, weather is pretty much the biggest story. Like always. No need to assign witchcraft.

This is why North Carolinians know the future of our planet is on the ballot.

For many living in the state, we’re voting for climate not just because of concerns about heat and flooding, but because we deeply recognize that climate action is a matter of social justice. While the president keeps rolling back important standards to improve our air and water quality, studies show Black North Carolinians are almost twice as likely to live near an EPA-registered polluter than white residents. Communities of color in North Carolina keep bearing the heaviest burden of climate and continue to fight against water and air pollution caused by industrial hog farms, wood-burning facilities, and pipelines.

As the director of the North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light, I know there is a responsibility for faith and religious leaders to work toward a future where climate action ends centuries of climate racism. People of faith recognize the need to heal our planet and build a foundation for projects that bolster resilience to natural disasters in our communities, especially for those most vulnerable to the climate crisis’ effects. In this election, the responsibility to tackle climate change in our communities and at the national level is borne out through the right to vote — and the need to vote for climate. (snip)

But to make this vision for our future come true, we must use our power to make our voices heard. We need leaders who listen to scientists and are serious about healing our planet while creating opportunities for North Carolinians.

The perfect merging of religion with politics, attempting to force their beliefs on Everyone Else like Spanish missionary’s in the 1500’s and so. Like hardcore Muslim leaders now, who force Christians and others to convert or die in majority Muslim countries.

Oh, hey, remember when Modern Socialists yammered about a wall of separation between church and state?

Read: Not A Cult: Reverend Argues For Doing Something About Climate Crisis (scam) »

Biden Voting Areas Boarding Up, Being Warned About Election Day Violence

These aren’t areas chock full of Trump voters, you know. Sure, there are bunches, but, Democrats are the majority, and Dems are the ones who have rioted

Los Angeles County Sheriff has ‘zero tolerance’ policy for looting/violence this week: report

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said it would exercise a “zero tolerance” policy this week as many businesses in the city prepare for the possibility of unrest after the election.

Bill Melugin, an investigative reporter for Fox Los Angeles, tweeted that deputies are already working 12-hour patrols and are operating three mobile field stations. There will be Special Response Teams prepared to deploy across the city including in downtown Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva said law enforcement was able to learn from the unrest that swept through much of the city in the wake of George Floyd’s death last May.

Unfortunately, Villanueva might be a bit outnumbered, and the National Guard might too late in being deployed when Biden voters riot

If Biden voters are so peaceful, why the need to board up?

Oregon Gov. Brown to place National Guard on standby ahead of election

The Oregon National Guard was directed to place its members on standby ahead of potential election unrest in Portland, Gov. Kate Brown announced Monday.

Brown said she is also exercising her executive authority to create a joint incident command structure in Portland, with the Oregon State Police and the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office co-managing the police response in the city.

“Every Oregonian has the right to express themselves freely and to peacefully assemble. However, I want to be clear that voter intimidation and political violence will not be tolerated. Not from the Left, the Right, or the Center. Not this week, not any week in Oregon,” she wrote in a release by the governor’s office.

None of the violence we’ve seen has come from the Right/Center. It has all started with Brown’s own voters. And Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler will probably have his police stand down yet again, and Brown will probably not actually use the ONG unless they start trashing the suburbs.

NYPD issues pre-election warning to known rioters, agitators: ‘We know who they are’

The New York City Police Department put known rioters on notice ahead of Election Day as the city braced for possible protests over Tuesday’s presidential contest.

“Our intel has gotten a lot better. Our responses to getting cops out to the scene has gotten a lot better,” NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan said Monday about the protests that raged in the city over the summer. “We’ve identified those who are willing to cause damage and destruction, and we will be on them. We know who they are.”

But, the hyper-leftist mayor will probably have the NYPD stand down.

Monahan said officers will be out to protect everyone’s right to vote, engage in peaceful protest and respond to calls for service. He also urged organizers to avoid looting and violent clashes between demonstrators and police.

“When you see those who are trying to turn your protests into something that it was not meant to be, to turn it into violence, that’s the time to police your own people,” he said.

It’s not Trump voters attacking police. If Trump loses, I expect a few tears from a few, but, at most, maybe a caravan of vehicles from Trump supporters like we’ve seen, then back home to get on with their lives, and work towards 2022 and taking back the House and Senate (I fully expect to lose the Senate if Biden wins). No riots, no vandalism, no assaults, no arson, no looting. We’ll congratulate and move on with our lives.

I don’t expect Democrats to win gracefully, though. I expect a few fights to start because they won’t shut up, and some friendships to end because Dems won’t shut up. And, you could easily see the unnecessary marches from Biden supporters turning violent. Not badly, but, some. They don’t take winning well.

If Trump wins, though, that’s why shops are boarded up, cops and National Guard ready to be deployed. Biden voters will go apeshit, and make the previous “mostly peaceful” protests look like chump-change. They’ll be burning down their own cities.

Read: Biden Voting Areas Boarding Up, Being Warned About Election Day Violence »

St. Greta Is Not Impressed By Climate Cultist Excuses

Isn’t her 15 minutes up yet? Meh, the Cult of Climastrology will milk her celebrity as long as they can, till she starts becoming inconvenient. Which is happening

Greta Thunberg Hears Your Excuses. She Is Not Impressed.

Greta Thunberg has become so firmly entrenched as an icon — perhaps the icon — of ecological activism that it’s hard to believe it has been only two years since she first went on school strike to draw attention to the climate crisis. In that short time, Thunberg, a 17-year-old Swede, has become a figure of international standing, able to meet with sympathetic world leaders and rattle the unsympathetic. Her compelling clarity about the scale of the crisis and moral indignation at the inadequate political response have been hugely influential in shifting public opinion. An estimated four million people participated in the September 2019 global climate strikes that she helped inspire. “There’s this false image that I’m an angry, depressed teenager,” says Thunberg, whose rapid rise is the subject of “I Am Greta,” a new documentary on Hulu. “But why would I be depressed when I’m trying to do my best to change things?” (snip) (bold is interviewer, not bold is St. Greta, directly from article

A second ago you said that Joe Biden’s climate policies are not good enough. I get that his plan or the Green New Deal is insufficient in the face of how, according to most estimates, the United States is overspending its emissions against the But these kinds of plans are being discussed in a serious way, which was not happening five years ago. Is it possible that the nature of democratic politics is such that changes might not come as quickly as they need to in order to keep us below certain thresholds of global warming? When we say “greener policies,” what does “green” even mean? Green is a color. So when people say that we are going to invest in green investments, that can mean anything. The Green New Deal is very far from being enough, but as you said, it has changed the debate. It could be a small step in the right direction, and that’s the way we have to communicate it. To say, “This is far from being enough” and then always show where we need to be.

Got that? The GND isn’t even enough for the hardcore Warmists

Do you feel you have clarity about political or moral issues beyond the climate crisis? Are there any in which you see gray? There’s a misconception that I see the world in black and white. Of course I don’t see the world in black and white. It’s just that when it comes to the climate and environment, you can’t be a little bit sustainable. Either you are sustainable or you are unsustainable. Why I was able to act upon the crisis without people around me doing it was because most people follow social codes, but people with Asperger’s and autism, we don’t follow social codes. We don’t care what people think about us. That’s why I started to act, and I strongly believe it’s why people on the autism spectrum are overrepresented in the climate movement.

Comply or you will be forced to comply for Wrongthink.

What have you learned about people in power? I’ve spoken to many world leaders, and sometimes I wish I had a hidden camera. People wouldn’t believe what they say. It’s very funny. They say: “I can’t do anything because I don’t have the support. You need to help me.” They become desperate. It’s like they are begging for me to help them persuade the public that we need climate action. What that tells me is people are underestimating their power and the power of democracy and of putting pressure on people in power. They can’t do anything without support from voters.

Yeah, cause that’s kinda the way Democratic societies work. Politicians act with the consent of the governed. Climate cultists aren’t interested in that.

Read: St. Greta Is Not Impressed By Climate Cultist Excuses »

Pirate's Cove