If All You See…

…is an ocean which will rise hundreds of feet if Orange Man Bad is re-elected, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on the Associated Press justifying the French beheadings by Islamists.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Agents Putting Up “Non-scalable” Fence Around White House To Protect From Unhinged Biden Voters

By federal law enforcement, I’m sure this is the US Secret Service, who aren’t worried about what happens if Trump loses: they’re worried about what happens if Trump wins and the Biden supporters get violent, just like we’ve seen them do for a long time, and especially over the past 6 months

Federal agents are erecting a ‘non-scalable’ fence around the White House in apparent anticipation of Election Day unrest

Federal agents are planning to erect a fence around the White House on Monday, on the eve of Election Day, according to NBC News reporter Geoff Bennett and CNN.

A federal law-enforcement source told Bennett that “crews will build a ‘non-scalable’ fence” on Monday “to secure the [White House] complex, Ellipse, and Lafayette Square,” Bennett tweeted late Sunday.

Lafayette Square and the Ellipse are the parks to the immediate north and south of the White House. The three spaces take up more than 70 acres in total.

Bennett also reported that 250 National Guardsmen have been put on standby in Washington, DC, and are reporting to the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.

Election Day on Tuesday looks to be more charged than usual, with far-right groups threatening to come out to the polls armed, and law-enforcement agencies in several cities planning for unrest and possible clashes in the street.

Stores in major cities like New York and Washington, DC, have also been boarding up their windows in anticipation of possible Election Day violence.

It’s always fun how they drop this “far-right groups” stuff in, missing that most of the violence originates from Biden voters. If it is a far-right march/protest, there is no violence. If the Biden supporters show up, violence ensues. If it’s just Biden voters, violence ensues. The Secret Service is not concerned about these so-called far-right folks streaming onto all this property if Trump or Biden wins: it’s what they think could happen if Trump wins.

New York is not boarding up because of of their small number of Republican voters: we’ve already seen Biden voters pillage, loot, burn, destroy, and assault multiple times this year.

Read: Federal Agents Putting Up “Non-scalable” Fence Around White House To Protect From Unhinged Biden Voters »

US Election Shapes How The World Warms Or Something

Do we really need an election? If every climate cultist gives up their own use of fossil fuels and goes carbon neutral, the world will be fine, right? I’ve missed seeing Excitable Seth Borenstein articles for quite some time now

US Vote to Shape How World Warms as Climate Pact Exit Looms

What happens on election day will to some degree determine how much more hot and nasty the world’s climate will likely get, experts say.

The day after the presidential election, the United States formally leaves the 2015 Paris agreement to fight climate change. A year ago, President Donald Trump’s administration notified the United Nations that America is exiting the climate agreement. And because of technicalities in the international pact, Nov. 4 is the earliest a country can withdraw.

The U.S., the world’s second biggest carbon polluter, will be the first country to quit the 189-nation agreement, which has countries make voluntary, ever-tighter goals to curb emissions of heat-trapping gases. The only mandatory parts of the agreement cover tracking and reporting of carbon pollution, say U.S. officials who were part of the Paris negotiations.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has pledged to put the country immediately back in the Paris agreement, which doesn’t require congressional approval. Experts say three months — from November to the January inauguration — with the U.S. out of the climate pact will not change the world, but four years will.

If Paris is so great, then why have so few countries actually honored their pledges? Even ones which are already hyper-Warmist have either not bothered drafting a compliant plan or stuck to it? Heck, Paris has seen lots and lots of protests, heck, revolts against the more stringent regulations.

If America pulls back from Paris and stronger carbon cutting efforts, some nations are less likely to cut back too, so the withdrawal’s impact will be magnified, said scientists and climate negotiators.

If so many people believe in anthropogenic climate change, why are they not cutting back their own carbon cutting efforts? Why is Government force necessary?

“Other countries around the world are obsessed with the Paris Climate Accord, which shackles economies and has done nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said in an email. “President Trump understands economic growth and environmental protection do not need to conflict.”

“We’ve also done our fair share” to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday in the Maldives, a climate-vulnerable country. “We stand amongst industrialized nations as a beacon, and we did it not through state-driven, forced rulesets, but rather through creativity and innovation and good governance.”

Trump is open to all energy, including nuclear. Most climate cultists are dead set against nuclear energy.

In the last debate and on his website, Biden pledged to set a goal of zero net carbon emissions from the U.S. by 2050, meaning the country would not put more greenhouse gases into the air than it takes out through trees and other natural and technological sources. Dozens of nations, including top polluting China, have already made similar pledges.

If we’re so doomed, why pledge 30 years from now?

Eleven years ago, the world was on pace to add about another 5 degrees of warming. But with emission cut pledges from Paris and afterward, the world is facing only about another 2.2 degrees of warming if countries do what they promise, said Wageningen University’s Hohne.

This is the insanity of a cult: the world’s temperature has only gone up a couple hundredths of a degree, and we were in a Big Pause 11 years ago. How, exactly, does make a pledge which you aren’t actually doing changes this from 5 degrees to 2.2 degrees? If I pledge to cut out cookies so I can lose some weight but still eat cookies, I’ve succeeded because I pledged, right?

Read: US Election Shapes How The World Warms Or Something »

Handsy Joe Biden Is The Only One With A Plan To Unite The Nation Or Something

NBC News, which used to actually do news rather than constant opinion and “analysis”, gives Ashley Pratte, a hardcore Never Trumper, a platform to yammer about Trump being Orange Man Bad. She currently serves on the Board of Republican Women for Progress. So, a RINO. How do you call yourself a Republican when you’re a supporter of the far left Biden/Harris platform? Perhaps if you were supporting a 3rd party like a Libertarian, but, these people are deranged. She think Biden has a plan

After the Trump-Biden race, America needs healing. Vote for who can give us that.
We can’t continue as a nation so divided. But only one candidate has a plan to unite us again.

If Joe Biden wins the election — and I sincerely hope he does — he will face the arduous task of trying to unite our country after four years of divisiveness. A mid-October poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 85 percent of registered voters described Americans as greatly divided in their values, and only 15 percent say democracy in the United States is working.

America desperately needs a “healer in chief” of our country.

But that same poll shows that if President Donald Trump were to be re-elected, 65 percent of voters believe our divisions would worsen — and 47 percent of registered voters believe the country would be unified if Biden were elected president.

Under the Trump administration, it’s clear that our nation became more divided than ever. We desperately need a leader who can heal those wounds — and only Biden has already shown that he is up for the task.

It became pretty divided when Democrats decided they would attempt to make us lose in Iraq, and 47% of Dems thought that Bush 43 either made 9/11 happen or let it happen. We became pretty divided under Obama when Dems decided to pass Obamacare and the Stimulus, raising taxes, and Obama was calling political opponents “tea baggers”. Then siccing the IRS on political opponents. We became more divided when Democrats wouldn’t accept the results of the 2016 election, and blamed Russia and called Trump a Russian asset. You know the rest. So, what’s Biden’s plan?

He recognizes he can’t just win the election or effectively govern the country with Democratic support alone; he will need the support of independents, current Republicans and former Republicans. That’s likely one reason he’s floated GOP leaders, such as former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for Cabinet positions in his administration should he win: It further demonstrates that he will be a bipartisan president who can lead our country through what will be an extremely tumultuous time.

(9 paragraphs of mostly Orange Man Bad)

Who would you trust to be that leader in such a moment of crisis and chaos? Trump has shown America how he reacts in times of crisis. So, for me, the answer to that question is clear: Joe Biden.

So, that’s Biden’s plan. Considering possibly maybe putting RINO, TDS infused Republicans into cabinet positions, which will, of course, never happen. That’s it. If you are going to say someone has a plan, tell us the plan. But, these Biden voters can’t, because they don’t know what Joe really is proposing. How is implementing Medicare For All, raising taxes, massive gun restrictions, sending jobs back to China, kowtowing to nations like Iran, harming our law enforcement, killing off jobs by passing a $15 minimum wage, implementing authoritarian ‘climate change’ rules, etc and so on, help bring the country together? How does Joe calling political opponents “ugly chumps” and Nazis bring us together? His supporters sure aren’t working to unite. Try and have a debate with one, even a friend or close coworker: they lose their minds.

You know? To hell with being together. You can either root for America or you can root to change everything about America. You can stand up for freedom, liberty, and choice, or you can stand for domineering, controlling Centralized Government. If you’re voting Biden, especially if you’re a Never Trumper Republican, just remember the old adage: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Read: Handsy Joe Biden Is The Only One With A Plan To Unite The Nation Or Something »

If All You See…

…sunlight reflecting carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the death of Sir Sean Connery.

It’s flannels week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Petty

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in America. There’s some drizzle in the air, great for the plants, the squirrels are stealing my neighbors birdseed, and the Dodgers are the world champs, been waiting 32 years for this. This pinup is by George Petty, with a wee bit of help. I have a ton of Halloween themed pinups left over.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Liberty’s Torch discusses when the news speaks for itself
  2. Legal Insurrection notes snowflakes melting over a Blue Lives Matter emblem
  3. Geller Report News covers Trump sending in the SEALs to rescue Americans
  4. Datechguy’s Blog discusses raising taxes and killing business
  5. Creeping Sharia notes a beheading in….Oklahoma
  6. Chicks On The Right covers the LGBTQ crowd starting to realize they are being taken for granted by Dems
  7. Blazing Cat Fur notes how to survive the coming riots if Trump wins
  8. 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny covers the Philly firefighters union endorsing Trump
  9. Watts Up With That? laughs at St. Greta’s fossil fuels free world view
  10. Jo Nova notes how much power $2 billion gets you
  11. Climate Change Dispatch notes what’s really behind Jamaican beach erosion
  12. Moonbattery goes into Mr. Biden’s neighborhood
  13. neo-neocon tells the crabs to line up in order of size (not political)
  14. Noisy Room discusses why cultural superiority is not racism
  15. And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit highlights Joe Biden’s very important issue of badakathcare

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Trump Declares November 1st “National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens”

Think Joe Biden will want to keep this around if he wins, or will he want people to forget that his Party is the biggest supporter of illegal aliens, and wants them to be given free, easy citizenship?

Trump declares 1 November to be ‘national day of remembrance for those killed by illegal aliens’

Donald Trump has declared that 1 November will be marked nationwide as a “National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens”.

With three days left until the election, the presidential proclamation was designed to hammer home his message of law and order, and position himself as the candidate best placed to protect the United States.

“On this National Day of Remembrance, we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the document, released by the White House late on Friday, read.

“As sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and as American citizens, these precious lives are an irreplaceable piece of our national community. We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel Families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.

“Today, we recommit to ensuring that those responsible for these tragedies face justice, while taking every action to prevent these horrific acts from occurring in our Nation.”

Of course, you won’t find this around most of the Credentialed Media. At best it will be a tiny back page blurb.

According to statistics from Immigration and Customs Enforcement  published in ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations Report, in the Fiscal Year 2019 there were 1,923 total offenses for homicide, resulting in 374 criminal charges and 1,549 criminal convictions.

In the same year there were 16,425 murders in the United States, according to FBI data.

That’s 1,923 who should be alive if illegals were stopped. Trump should have named it for those who have been harmed by illegal aliens, because then you add in the rape, assault, attempted murder, and other crimes from people who should not be here. Just ask Kamala

Kamala Harris Gave Plea Deal to Illegal Alien Months Before He Killed Drew Rosenberg

On November 16, 2010, second-year law student Drew Rosenberg was killed in San Francisco by Roberto Galo, an illegal alien from Honduras who had been granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to stay in the United States.

Galo hit Drew, who was riding his bike, and ran him over twice before attempting to flee the scene of the crash. Galo stopped his car on Drew’s abdomen, prompting a group of bystanders to help lift the car off of him.

A year before Drew’s death, then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D) implemented a policy that allowed unlicensed drivers about 20 minutes to find a licensed driver to drive their car so that it would not be impounded by the city.

The policy ensured illegal aliens, driving without licenses, could be pulled over, cited, and fined without having to deal with having their car impounded. As District Attorney, Harris seemed to follow the Newsom policy, Rosenberg said.

Months before Drew was killed, in June 2010, Galo was pulled over by San Francisco police officers for driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Galo was arrested and charged with driving without a license and driving without insurance.

Harris’s office offered Galo a plea deal that would allow him to escape the more serious charges of driving without a license and driving without insurance by pleading guilty to driving the wrong way. Rosenberg said Galo had taken a driver’s test on three occasions and failed each time.

And they new the person was unlawfully in the United States, a federal crime, for which the first offense was deportation. Illegal immigration may not have been an issue during this campaign season (heck, policy overall has barely been part of this campaign season), but, give Democrats the White House and Senate and you will get amnesty for all illegals, which they won’t have to earn. And this will entice even more to come illegally, and law enforcement, particularly ICE, will be told to stand down.

Read: Trump Declares November 1st “National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens” »

Who’s Up For A Radical Proposal To Stop An Imaginary Issue?

I mean, I know what my recommendation is in order to stop the climate crisis (scam). I’ve mentioned it enough over the past 15 years

As Climate Disasters Pile Up, a Radical Proposal Gains Traction

As the effects of climate change become more devastating, prominent research institutions and government agencies are focusing new money and attention on an idea once dismissed as science fiction: artificially cooling the planet, in the hopes of buying humanity more time to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

That strategy, called solar climate intervention or solar geoengineering, entails reflecting more of the sun’s energy back into space — abruptly reducing global temperatures in a way that mimics the effects of ash clouds spewed by volcanic eruptions. The idea has been derided as a dangerous and illusory fix, one that would encourage people to keep burning fossil fuels while exposing the planet to unexpected and potentially menacing side effects.

But as global warming continues, producing more destructive hurricanes, wildfires, floods and other disasters, some researchers and policy experts say that concerns about geoengineering should be outweighed by the imperative to better understand it, in case the consequences of climate change become so dire that the world can’t wait for better solutions.

“We’re facing an existential threat, and we need to look at all the options,” said Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at the Columbia Law School and editor of a book on the technology and its legal implications. “I liken geoengineering to chemotherapy for the planet: If all else is failing, you try it.”

What could possibly go wrong? No worries, they’ll soon figure our a way to tax people for this while restricting their freedom, liberty, and choice.

Or, hear me out, climate cultists could

No fossil fueled flights. Practice what you preach. Live like it’s 1399.

Read: Who’s Up For A Radical Proposal To Stop An Imaginary Issue? »

If All You See…

…is a sea that is rising and will soon move everyone into the mountains, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post wondering just how wrong John Kerry could be.

Read: If All You See… »

A Vote For Biden Is A Vote To Undo Deregulation

How did people become brainwashed to the point that they are asking for more and more Centralized Big Government? Vox unintentionally tells you exactly what a Biden presidency will mean

If Biden wins, here’s how he could undo Trump’s deregulation agenda
Biden could use Trump’s playbook to reverse his regulatory moves on pollution, worker safety, health care, and more.

Cutting workplace safety inspections. Allowing subpar health insurance plans to be sold to Americans. Permitting tractor-trailer drivers to blow past previous driver-fatigue limits. Waging war on birth control.

Obviously, the birth control one is about the so-called Contraceptive Mandate, which doesn’t actually appear in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, being manufactured out of thin air by HHS. What the Trump Admin did was make it so health plans didn’t have to offer contraceptive coverage if they chose not to. People can go and buy their own condoms and birth control pills. They aren’t that expensive. My insurance doesn’t cover my allergy pills, nor the epipens. I can’t avoid dust mites, grass pollen, or oak pollen. I do my damndest to avoid MSG and certain shellfish. But, some, like dust mites, no way to avoid. Unlike having unprotected, irresponsible sex with a partner they don’t want to have a baby with, it’s not a choice. They just want Other People to pay for their birth control.

As for subpar plans: what was the point of good Obamacare plans when the deductibles were too expensive to afford and doctors refused to take the plans?

These deregulatory actions and others taken by President Donald Trump’s administration have adversely impacted the health and safety of Americans, according to System Failure, an investigative series produced by the Center for Public Integrity and Vox.

But Trump’s actions may not stick. If former Vice President Joe Biden wins the November 3 election, he’ll have a few tools at his disposal to undo some of Trump’s regulatory maneuvers.

And if Democrats take control of both houses of Congress, they’ll be able to quickly wipe out regulations pushed through in the last 60 legislative days of Trump’s term, thanks to the Congressional Review Act, part of the Contract With America that Newt Gingrich and House Republicans campaigned on in 1994. (snip)

The Trump administration, more than any other in the US history, aggressively pursued the rollback of federal regulations, particularly the ones put in place by President Barack Obama — including a rule meant to prevent people with mental health issues from buying guns and a regulation aimed at keeping coal companies from dumping mining waste into streams.

Republicans used the Congressional Review Act to undo at least 14 of the Obama administration’s rules. Before Trump took office, the law had only been used once.

Biden has already said that if he wins, he plans to roll back more than 100 Trump administration public health and environmental regulations, including his reversal of protections for transgender people. We asked Davis Noll to explain how Biden will execute these rollbacks if he takes the election. This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

So, basically, while Trump was reducing the government burden on citizen’s lives from elected officials and unaccountable bureaucrats, Biden wants to put them back, add more, and have Los Federales control your life and do things you do not want. Do you want mentally unstable boys who think they’re girls in the locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms with your daughter? Then vote Biden. If you want more federal government, vote Biden.

Read: A Vote For Biden Is A Vote To Undo Deregulation »

Pirate's Cove