42% Of Americans Want To Transition Away From Fossil Fuels

The questions not asked in the poll: have you transitioned away from using fossil fuels yourself, and, if not, why? The responses could be

  • Yes – 1%
  • No, because it is too hard and would screw with my life and this should apply to Other People – 57%
  • No, see, Trump is a Orange Man Bad and screeeeeeeeeeeee! – 42%


2020 Polls: Almost half of Americans want to transition from fossil fuels as majority say time is running out to save planet

The majority of people think that time is running out to tackle the climate crisis, according to a sweeping poll shared exclusively with The Independent.

In the survey of 5,500 people across the US last month, 54 per cent either strongly or partially agreed that the window was rapidly close on our ability to prevent more devastating consequences as a result of global heating.

Climate change is considered by Americans the second most important issue facing the world, topped only by the coronavirus pandemic, according to the poll conducted by HOPE not Hate (Hnh), an anti-extremism non-profit.

We can totally trust this hardcore leftist group’s polling, right?

The issue is most palpable among supporters of Joe Biden with 73 per cent agreeing that tackling the climate crisis an urgent issue. The Democratic presidential candidate has called climate change an “existential threat to humanity”.

President Trump’s supporters are split: Some 37 per cent agree that we are running out of time to tackle climate change while the same percentage disagree.

However the US poll also found that a significant number of Americans are climate change deniers.

One in five people strongly dismiss the notion that humans are contributing to global warming, while another 19 per cent somewhat believe it is the case.

Yet, how many of those 73% of Biden voters do more in their own lives than change a few light bulbs? And then a separate poll, for which they do not provide a link

The polling, conducted by JL Partners for The Independent, found that 42 per cent of people agree, and “strongly” agree, with transitioning away from fossil fuels.

Some 26 per cent of people said they were unsure of how to answer, while 8 per cent agreed with neither.

The poll, of 1,002 people from 26-28th October, also revealed that 22 per cent disagree, or “strongly” disagree, with transitioning away from oil and gas.

I’d love to see the party affiliation breakdown, but, let’s face it, you know that a majority of that 42 percent are Harris/Biden voters, who refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels in their own lives. However, let’s give the Harris/Biden voters some credit, they aren’t using much in the way of fossil fuels to drive to Biden events

Read: 42% Of Americans Want To Transition Away From Fossil Fuels »

Say, How Many Guns Have Americans Bought During Year Of Unrest?

Would 17 million shock you, when we’ve been dealing with Bat Soup Virus lockdown and lots of restrictions, coming mostly from Democratic Party governors and mayors, along with violence and threats in Democratic Party run cities across the country, for which the Democratic Party mayors and governors mostly did nothing?

Americans have bought record 17m guns in year of unrest, analysis finds

Americans have bought nearly 17m guns so far in 2020, more than in any other single year, according to estimates from a firearms analytics company.

Gun sales across the United States first jumped in the spring, driven by fears about the coronavirus pandemic, and spiked even higher in the summer, during massive racial justice protests across the country, prompted by police killings of black Americans.

“By August, we had exceeded last year’s total. By September, we exceeded the highest total ever,” said Jurgen Brauer, the chief economist of Small Arms Analytics, which produces widely cited estimates of US gun sales.

The estimated number of guns sold in the US through the end of September 2020 is “not only more than last year, it’s more than any full year in the last 20 years we have records for”, Brauer said.

The previous record for estimated firearms sold in a single year was 16.6m in 2016, when Hillary Clinton ran for president against Donald Trump and endorsed a strong gun-control platform, he said.

Democrats really are the best firearms sales people, aren’t they? Gun dealers love Democrats in office and making threats, because they sell quite a bit of product. Of course, they also want some checks on the Democrats, because they know Dems are serious about implementing massive restrictions on this Constitutional Right

The spike in gun sales comes amid rising tensions and intense political polarization. Citing “the current unrest”, Walmart removed guns and ammunition from display in stores this week, as a “precaution” against theft if stores are robbed, the Wall Street Journal reported. The retailer did not confirm when firearms and ammunition would be put back on display but said that customers could continue to buy guns and ammunition by request.

So, Walmart is concerned about Harris/Biden voters breaking in and stealing guns and ammo, even when they are in strong locked cabinets. I should walk by the ammo cabinet in my Walmart (they have no guns, and haven’t as long back as I can remember). It’s not Trump voters going criminal they are worried about.

While there is no hard data on how many Americans bought a gun for the first time this year, advocates across the political spectrum say they believe that many of the guns sold in 2020 went to new gun owners.

Fears about lawlessness and government instability drove many people to purchase firearms, according to a recent survey of California residents conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis.

Of the people who said they had bought guns this year, “Two-thirds expressed worry about lawlessnes, and close to half worried about prisoners being released. Half also cited worry about the ‘government going too far’,” said Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, the lead author of the study.

So, new owners because Democrat government is crazy. Check.

“The common thread is just uncertainty,” said Kareem Shaya, a gun rights advocate and another founder of Open Source Defense, which has organized dozens of video training sessions for first-time gun owners this year. “A feeling of, hey, if nobody else is going to be able to take care of me, push comes to shove, I want to be able to take care of myself.”

It certainly didn’t help that so many Democrats were calling for defunding the police, eh? And still are.

Read: Say, How Many Guns Have Americans Bought During Year Of Unrest? »

Your Vote Matters Or The Planet Will Die Or Something

Unhinged climate cultist John Sutter is missing something important

America, if you care about climate, vote like it

Linda, a reader in California, wrote to me recently after I invited people to have a dialogue about the looming climate apocalypse. She sent me a question I know many of you have on your minds as US election season nears an end: “Can Biden/Harris make a difference if they are aggressive in putting new [climate change] regulations in place?”

The answer is a clear yes. Voting for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket — and rejecting President Donald Trump — can be expected to yield actual-tangible results on climate change.

There are limits to those results, to be sure — which is why American voters must also seek out Senate, House and local candidates who support swift action on the climate crisis.

But the 2020 presidential election, in substantive ways, despite all else that is going on in the world, is an election about the climate emergency. There are many issues dividing Biden and Trump, from racial justice to Covid-19. Perhaps no chasm is wider than climate, though. (snip)

[Biden] proposes two overarching goals that, if achieved, would mean the United States was doing its part to try to limit catastrophic warming that makes storms more dangerous, lengthens the wildfire season, drives mass extinction and displaces people around the world.

The first is achieving net zero emissions in the electric sector by 2035.

The second is net zero US emissions — economy-wide — by 2050.

And he’ll do this by skyrocketing your cost of energy, which will skyrocket your cost of living. All while Joe, Kamala, and the rest of the elected aristocrats who vote for this will continue with their big carbon footprints, which you, the tax payer, will be charged for. Your tax money will go to pay for the higher costs associated with supporting the lifestyles of elected officials, as well as all the government bureaucrats, and all the carbon offsets. They’ll just go about their normal day to day lives, taking long fossil fueled trips, riding in fossil fueled SUVs, eating well at the Congressional cafeterias, and so forth. You, on the other hand, will be paying through the nose in your own life, with no one giving you money.

That’s if you have a job, since this will reduce economic activity, reduce jobs, and destroy some businesses.

This also goes to show the extreme bias of the Credentialed media, who run anti-Trump stories almost exclusively. It’s nothing new, obviously, it has just got worse and worse, and the media has pretty much received their marching orders to allow no skeptical views be published. Yet, their own carbon footprints are huge, and they make zero changes in their own operations.

If this was so important, so real, why do they have to vote to implement harsh, regressive policies? Wouldn’t people simply take action in their own lives?

Read: Your Vote Matters Or The Planet Will Die Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on schools believing they now own your homes.

Read: If All You See… »

Unhinged Biden Voters Erupt In Violence After Guy On Moped Crashes, Dies, While Fleeing Police

Apparently, if you’re of a certain racial demographic, you are allowed to commit whatever moving violation you want, and it’s the police’s fault if you kill yourself attempting to flee

Protests erupt in Washington following fatal moped crash

12 officers have been injured after the second consecutive night of violent demonstrations in front of a Washington D.C. police station.

Protests broke out on Wednesday night after a vigil for 20-year-old Karon Hylton Brown, who died while trying to evade the police. Demonstrators at the protest threw rocks, bricks and fireworks at officers. They have blamed police for the death of Hylton-Brown.

Authorities initially tried to stop the 20-year-old for not wearing a helmet while riding a moped-scooter, when he fled and collided with another vehicle.

“They need to check their officers,” stated Charles Brown, Hylton-Brown’s father. “When they’re doing something that’s messed up out here, they ain’t gotta do it on the streets so we can see it, but when they get back to the precinct right here they need to tell them…. ‘hey look, that was messed up what you did out there.’”

The mayor has thrown the police under the bus, because, apparently, police are not supposed to follow when someone is attempting to evade the police on the roads. Or, you know, people could just take the traffic stop like a responsible citizen. They might have only warned Karon for ….. violating the rules of the road and not wearing a helmet, a measure designed to protect the rider for serious harm.


Now, that link in the excerpt goes to a CNN article (bear with me)

Hylton was driving a Revel scooter on the sidewalk without a helmet on Friday, prompting police officers to turn on their emergency lights and attempt to make a traffic stop, according to a news release from the Metropolitan Police Department. As Hylton exited an alley, his moped crashed into another vehicle, the department said.

So, he was illegally on the sidewalk without a helmet, both illegal, and the cops simply turned on their lights to make a routine traffic stop. Hylton took off down an alley, apparently without the police in hot pursuit (it’s a moped, people), and crashed because of what would be consider felony evasion. If there was more to blame the cops, CNN would be offering it, right?

Why is it always Biden voters who get all sorts of violent?

Read: Unhinged Biden Voters Erupt In Violence After Guy On Moped Crashes, Dies, While Fleeing Police »

Climate Crisis (scam) Story Will Be Forced On You, And You Will Comply

Apparently, the climate cultists held a 3 day “climate festival” at the end of September, where they yammered on about this and that and the other, while refusing to make their own lives carbon neutral, or, should we say, net zero, as that is the new thing among the Warmists, which allows them to pay for offsets and such without modifying their own lives

Net Zero Festival: How do we change the story we tell about climate change?

Meeting the challenge of climate change must become part of a new human story, of striving for a better life on the only planet that can sustain us.

Up until now the story we’ve been telling ourselves is that we’re doing the best we can, but climate science is telling us our best is nowhere near enough. This is not terribly inspiring.

To get the level of action required from us as citizens, business leaders and governments, we have to pledge and deliver real and consequential action that changes the story from one of doom to one of stubborn optimism – economically, environmentally and in human terms.

At BusinessGreen’s recent Net Zero Festival, Global Optimism Tom Rivett-Carnac spoke to Amazon’s vice president for worldwide sustainability Kara Hurst about what’s happening in the real economy to change the story that committing to net zero is bringing forward, and the exciting changes that are possible. The conversation can be watched in full above.

You will comply, Comrade. It is interesting that they still need stories, and are now talking about changing to a different story. They’ve been spreading awareness since 1988, with little to show for it. Meanwhile, few Warmists practice what they preach. What of Net Zero?

Japan promises to be carbon-neutral by 2050

Suga yoshihide, Japan’s new prime minister, came to office in September promising continuity with his predecessor, Abe Shinzo. But in one way he has already distinguished himself: during his first speech to the Diet as prime minister, on October 26th, he promised to reduce Japan’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050, breaking with Mr Abe’s foot-dragging on climate change. That brings Japan, the world’s third-biggest economy and fifth-biggest emitter, with a relatively poor record on emissions cuts (see chart), in line with Britain and the European Union and slightly ahead of China, which last month promised zero emissions by 2060.

Of course, there are no real plans to do this, just a pledge

There are reasons to be optimistic. By the time of Mr Suga’s speech, more than 160 local governments, representing 62% of the population, had already pledged zero emissions by 2050, up from just four a year ago.

Climavirtue signaling.

‘This is about being smart’: Mayor unveils draft plan to address climate change in Lincoln

Lincoln should consider transitioning all homes to electric heat and cooking appliances, offering citywide compost collection, running an electric downtown shuttle system and enticing new buildings to use renewable energy as measures to mitigate the local impact on the climate, according to the mayor’s draft 2020 Climate Action Plan. (snip)

While building the city’s resiliency to these conditions, the plan proposes dozens of short-, medium- and long-term recommendations to reduce by 80% the city’s carbon emissions by 2050.

Why are all these pledges for 2050 and 2060? If we’re in a climate crisis, and they’re telling us that it is here right now, then why 30-40 years from now? I say that all these climate cult cities and nations implement their agenda right now. Let’s see it in action. We need experimental groups to show us how bad things can get, right?

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Story Will Be Forced On You, And You Will Comply »

Democratic Party Run Cities Boarding Up In Advance Of Election Day Violence

It’s interesting that cities run by and chock full of Democrats need to board up because their Democratic voting citizens could, and probably will, run riot

Los Angeles & DC Businesses Brace for Election Day Chaos, Board Up Windows

Businesses throughout major cities in America, particularly in California and Washington D.C., are bracing for what is expected to be a chaotic Election Day full of protests.

Bill Melugin, a journalist for Fox 11 Los Angeles, shared photos to Twitter on Thursday that showed concerned business owners boarding up their windows to avoid damage from protesters and looters on Election Day.

“Driving through downtown LA…so many businesses boarded up & in the process of boarding up,” Melugin wrote.

Beverly Hills Police Chief Dominick Rivetti announced earlier this week that the famed Rodeo Drive will close on Election Day in an effort to combat expected violence and destruction.

Rivetti also stated that the Beverly Hills Police Department would be on “full alert” from Halloween and throughout the election day cycle.

Other photos shared on Twitter throughout the last week have shown business owners in Washington, D.C. preparing for civil unrest on Election Day as they board up their storefront windows.

Chicago officials have also been preparing for political threats and violence on Election Day by holding “all-hazards” drills. Democrat Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said  on a conference call

A confidential document obtained by Breitbart News revealed Thursday that a coalition of left-wing groups in Minnesota who fear a Trump victory are preparing for post-election mass unrest while planning to execute wide-scale “strategic disruption.”

What, exactly, would they be protesting, and if they’re so peaceful then why the need to board everything up?

I wonder, though, if they are boarding up in preparation for

Raleigh police warning downtown residents, businesses of possible protests on Friday

Raleigh police have been going door to door, warning downtown businesses and neighboring areas about potential protests expected in the area on Friday night.

Police have been handing out flyers to many downtown businesses and residents who live nearby. They are also encouraging people to enable any security cameras they may have in their homes, to close and secure doors and to be alert. (snip)

Officials with the Raleigh Police Department said it will provide security, crowd control and traffic direction. WRAL News stopped by several local businesses with many employees saying police also warned them about potential protests.

Most of those business owners would not speak on camera for fear of being targeted Friday night.

Might the much of the boarding up stem from warnings about potential “protests” around the nation on Friday, which would then carry through election day, and possibly weeks, since the mail in vote is just going to mess things up? Notice, too, that business owners in a Democratic Party run city are too fearful to actually speak on camera.

Way to destroy your own cities, leftist folks.

Read: Democratic Party Run Cities Boarding Up In Advance Of Election Day Violence »

Democrats Trot Out Impeaching ACB If She Refuses To Recuse Herself From Election Cases

Sorry for the second SCOTUS post, but, seriously, what a bunch of sore losers

Report: Democrats Consider Impeaching Justice Amy Coney Barrett if She Doesn’t Recuse Herself

Sore LosersDemocrats are reportedly considering impeaching newly sworn-in Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett if she does not recuse herself from contentious election cases, based on false claims that President Donald Trump discussed them with her.

George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley wrote in an op-ed in The Hill on Wednesday:

Feeling disrespected, Democrats are threatening acts of retaliation in changing the Supreme Court or the Senate. But the most unhinged was the idea to impeach Amy Coney Barrett after she takes her seat. This option was raised by columnist Norman Ornstein, who wrote that if she “immediately votes for voter suppression” after rising to the Supreme Court, “she should quickly be impeached” because President Trump “asked her openly to act to tilt the scales of the election.”

It does not matter, apparently, that Barrett denied having such a conversation and that no one has an inkling of how she would vote on election challenges that have not even been filed. Ornstein is building on demands from various senators that Barrett promise to recuse herself from any election dispute. Others have demanded her recusal in pending cases like the challenge to the Affordable Care Act, to be heard Nov. 10. After Barrett declined to discuss her personal views on the environment, still others demanded recusal from any climate change-related cases … forever.

The rules for recusal focus on the personal and financial interests of judges, not on their judicial views. Judges may have to recuse themselves if they have previously played a role in a case, or if there are serious questions about their impartiality.

Perhaps we should apply this to elected officials, forcing them to recuse themselves from most votes that they have a personal and/or financial interest in. Because most seem to have a personal and/or financial interest in a lot of votes. I don’t see Supreme Court justices getting rich off their rulings like members of Congress get rich off the laws they pass.

Read: Democrats Trot Out Impeaching ACB If She Refuses To Recuse Herself From Election Cases »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from carbon pollution vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on your race baiter of the day.

Read: If All You See… »

Ilhan Omar Continues To Push To Make Minneapolis Into Mogadishu

Well, sure, why not? It would be just like home.

Of course, being an elected member of Congress and making lots of money through graft and votes that enrich her, she’s able to afford private protection, plus, all the protection from being an elected member of Congress, something not afforded to the people of Minneapolis

Ilhan Omar to Teen Vogue: We Need to ‘Get Rid of’ the Minneapolis Police Department

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) renewed her call for the complete removal of the Minneapolis Police Department, emphasizing the need to “disband,” “dismantle,” and completely “get rid of” it in a Tuesday interview with Teen Vogue.

“The need to disband and dismantle — get rid of — the Minneapolis Police Department comes out of a place of understanding that they don’t have credibility within our community,” Omar told the magazine, asserting that it is operating with “impunity.”

“They are not doing the core function of solving half of the homicides in our city. So if you are not functioning in the ways in which you are supposed to function, protecting and serving, and your function has become to brutalize and cause harm to our community, then you shouldn’t exist,” she continued.

In June, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a pledge to disband the police and replace it with a community-led system. (snip)

After taking steps to eventually abolish the police department, three council members received private security detail, costing the City of Minneapolis tens of thousands of dollars. While they cited threats, the police, at the time did not have any public reports of threats against the council members.

And all these months later they seem to be waffling around the subject, probably to let the clock run out on this idiocy. And, what do the citizens of the city want? Crime has been soaring and police officers have been leaving in droves.

Just as in New York, the residents of Minneapolis are learning that “violence interrupters” are no help: To keep the peace, you need police.

If Ilhan calls the police, they should send a social worker. If she’s in D.C., the Capital Police should send a social worker. If she’s robbed, well, it’s just property, right? Perhaps she can explain to the business owners why their businesses are constantly robbed/looted. Well, the ones left, since lots are leaving, along with the tax base. Leaving many with no jobs.

Read: Ilhan Omar Continues To Push To Make Minneapolis Into Mogadishu »

Pirate's Cove