Politico Is Super Worried That Firing So Many Young Workers Could Alter Government

Stop, you don’t have to give me reasons to support Trump

Trump admin fires early-career federal workers. It could alter the future of government.

Federal agencies have slashed many early career recruiting and development programs as the government trims spending — and employees worry the cuts could drastically alter how the government operates.

These annual training programs — which last anywhere from a couple months to two years — have long been pipelines for hundreds of mission-driven college graduates and career-switchers into full-time public service. They were heralded by the Biden administration, which aimed to bolster recruitment of younger professionals in the face of an aging federal workforce gearing for retirement.

Right there is a big problem: mission driven. Because it’s their mission, not the stated mission of the federal agency. So many want to put their own beliefs, usually far left ones, onto what’s going on. They do not care what Americans want or need from an agency: it is a means to a dogma.

The confluence of the early-career program closures and mass departures means knowledge about arcane government workings could disappear. One result is it’ll be easier to undermine or eviscerate certain functions of federal agencies, said a HUD attorney who participated in the legal honors program.

Excellent. The business as usual garbage needs to go.

Six current and recently fired government staffers — most of whom participated in these programs — say they worry about the future of the federal government as early career program participants receive terminations. Trump and Musk have let go workers who guided years of opaque operational and policy decisions through probationary staff cuts, which also affected mid and late-stage workers who just received promotions. Simultaneously, they have seeded agencies with loyalists looking to undercut traditional government functions they see as bureaucratic bloat.

Change is hard, buttercups. Innovate or whither. If government were a private company they’d be Enron, not Amazon. They’d be Blockbuster, not Netflix. It’s time to get back to working for We The People, not for your own beliefs. Time to stop pissing taxpayer money away. And probably pocketing it. There was a time, less than 50 years ago, when the saying was “you don’t get into government to make money (though the benefits are great). You get in to help people.” Now it’s about being Little Dictators.

I included the 2nd because it includes the breakdown by party. 76% support eliminating fraud and waste. Even 62% of Dems. It’s worth looking at those others, though, they aren’t related to the post.

Read: Politico Is Super Worried That Firing So Many Young Workers Could Alter Government »

ABC News: Hey, It’s Totally OK To Adjust Weather Data

It’s been a long time since I touched on how the climate weenies are constantly adjusting temperature data. I’d have to go way back in the archives. How they always seem to change it too look like it is hotter. Sometimes they cool down the past so the current looks hotter. Particularly during the hot 1930s, which they’ve adjusted down. They “smooth” things out. But, it always seems to be in favor of supporting the dogma of the climate cult

Yes, NOAA adjusts its historical weather data: Here’s why

The year 2024 was deemed by global officials to be the warmest year on record — easily surpassing the previous benchmark set in 2023, and warning of a steady and dangerous climate trend.

But where does that data come from? And how are scientists accurately comparing current weather data to information that was recorded decades ago?

The archive of weather data in the United States is recorded by the Historical Climatology Network, a data set of temperature, precipitation and pressure records from long-standing stations around the county, managed and analyzed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

When digging into conspiracies claiming that the federal agency “manipulates” its historical weather data, ABC News’ chief meteorologist and chief climate correspondent Ginger Zee was able to confirm that it was true — but that the routine, public adjustments to records happen for good reason.

Really? If you’re running a news article with “here’s why”, well, that is opinion, not facts

Malloy’s tweet finishes “…be verified, especially when verification would require traveling back in time.” Exactly. Data is data. If the recorded high temperature (I wish I could find/remember the website I used to find this data) on July 7th, 1934 was 92.3 for Salt Lake City, and then changed to 91.7 90 years later, well, it doesn’t seem like much, but, they make the graphs so it looks scary.

Making small changes shows doom.

Historical weather data is typically collected through a network of weather stations, satellites and other monitoring tools. However, these stations across the country and the instruments used to collect the data vary and have evolved over time, meaning that raw historical data might not always reflect accurate or consistent conditions.

Who makes the decision that the specific temperature recorded is wrong? They certainly do not have an agenda, right? Look, the scale length of a Gibson Les Paul is 24.75″. If you adjust the length the sound quality is off. It’s not correct. The bridge will be wrong. The notes on the frets will be off. Because it is 24.75″. If the temp is recorded at 24.75F as a low, that is the temp. Period.

Read: ABC News: Hey, It’s Totally OK To Adjust Weather Data »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW report, with a post on if Senator Whitehouse is using his wife as a bag woman.

Read: If All You See… »

Left Wing Judge Blocks Trump’s Order On Stopping Refugee Imports

It’s always something with these wackos. Leftist always cheer bringing in the detritus of the 3rd world, as long as they are settled Elsewhere. Maybe the Trump admin should settle the ones that he’s forced to bring in near where the judge lives

Judge blocks Trump’s executive order suspending refugee admissions to the US

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order implementing an indefinite “pause” on refugee admissions to the United States, saying the directive appeared to amount to a “nullification” of federal law.

Trump’s order, which instructed the Department of Homeland Security to immediately stop processing refugee admissions, “has crossed the line from permissible discretionary action to effective nullification of congressional will,” said U.S. District Judge Jamal Whitehead, a Seattle-based appointee of former President Joe Biden.

“To be sure the president has substantial discretion … to suspend refugee admissions, but that authority is not limitless,” Whitehead continued. “I cannot ignore Congress’ detailed framework for refugee admissions and the limits it placed on the president’s ability to suspend the same. … Our system of separated powers demands no less.”

Send them to Seattle. Let the uber-leftist city deal with them. Really, as long as Trump is in office they can significantly slow walk any standing admissions and not work on any new ones. The judge can rule all he wants, but, the power to accept refugees was placed in the hands of the Executive Branch per the law passed by Congress. It is not required to accept groups of refugees into the U.S. Especially since the EO specifically mentions that the suspension is meant to continue while

Sec. 4. Resumption of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. Within 90 days of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit a report to the President through the Homeland Security Advisor regarding whether resumption of entry of refugees into the United States under the USRAP would be in the interests of the United States, in light of the policies outlined in section 2 of this order. The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit further reports every 90 days thereafter until I determine that resumption of the USRAP is in the interests of the United States.

The start date was January 27th, 2025. Section 1 of the order noted that American cities are already innundated with too many fake asylum seekers and illegals migrants, hence

The United States lacks the ability to absorb large numbers of migrants, and in particular, refugees, into its communities in a manner that does not compromise the availability of resources for Americans, that protects their safety and security, and that ensures the appropriate assimilation of refugees. This order suspends the USRAP until such time as the further entry into the United States of refugees aligns with the interests of the United States.

So, why is the judge freaking out? It’s 90 days? At this point, 60 days. The duly passed law, The United States Refugee Act of 1980, actually puts a cap on refugees at 50,000 per year, with exceptions allowed for emergency situations. It doesn’t mean the U.S. must take in 50K a year. So, what if the Trump admin follows the judges rule and takes in, say, 500? Or 50? That would be cooperation, right?

Whitehead’s injunction blocks key components of one of Trump’s Day One executive orders, which refugee resettlement groups said caused some would-be immigrants to be stranded overseas after selling their belongings before their scheduled travel to the U.S. was abruptly canceled.

Whitehead issued his ruling from the bench Tuesday following a hearing on a suit brought by individual refugees, their family members and groups that have contracts to resettle refugees in the U.S. Whitehead said the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services had taken steps that exceeded Trump’s order without proper deliberation.

That’s it: the hard left wing groups make gobs of money bringing people to the U.S. who mostly never seem to want assimilate and expect Americans to kowtow to their social mores and beliefs and lifestyles. It really goes to the old saying “if you have to ask why, the answer is money.”

Read: Left Wing Judge Blocks Trump’s Order On Stopping Refugee Imports »

Ford’s New Tiny EV Is Supposed To Be A Game Changer

Aren’t they all supposed to be game changers? Ford is risking a lot of capital on this venture, after already losing vast sums of money on EVs

Electric Ford ‘Fiesta’: game-changing affordable EV due 2026

A new range of smaller and more affordable electric Fords will be spawned from an upcoming ‘skunkworks’ architecture on which the firm aims to produce the world’s most efficient electric cars.

This new platform, the development of which is being led by a former Tesla engineer, could underpin spiritual successors to the Fiesta and Focus and a replacement for the Puma, as well as opening up the potential for other small cars from Ford.

The architecture programme is still in the engineering stages, yet it is the first concrete sign that Ford sees a way back to offering a whole suite of more affordable models underneath the new Explorer, Capri and Mustang Mach-E SUVs in addition to the Puma.

“We are spending a decent amount of time at the corporate level talking about affordability,” Marin Gjaja, chief operating officer of Ford’s Model E division, told Autocar recently.

“We know we need to do it and it’s a muscle we need to build up over time.

“If you look at our line-up globally, at this point we don’t really have much in the affordable segment. The key for us is to be affordable, differentiated and profitable. For too long we stayed in the affordable segment, either at break-even or losing money.

Affordable seems to mean tiny with little range. And, come on, it’s a Ford. Would you trust a Ford other than a truck? They keep trying to push this stuff on consumers, even though consumers are not clamoring for them. When does it end?

Read: Ford’s New Tiny EV Is Supposed To Be A Game Changer »

US Islamist Group Urges ICC To Investigate Biden Over Gaza

Biden was very much hot and cold when it came to Gaza. It seemed like he wanted to side with Israel and Jews, but, also provide aid to the murderous Palestinians while also providing, sometimes unintentionally, aid to Hamas. He and his party have let in scores of Islamist into to the United States, doing all they can to make them citizens, yet, at least one group has turned on him

ICC urged to investigate Biden for ‘aiding and abetting’ Gaza war crimes

A US-based nonprofit organization has urged the international criminal court to investigate former president Joe Biden and two of his cabinet members for complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

The request, submitted by the Democracy for the Arab World Now (Dawn) last month but made public by the group on Monday, urges the ICC to investigate Biden, as well as former secretary of state Antony Blinken and former defense secretary Lloyd Austin, for their “accessorial roles in aiding and abetting, as well as intentionally contributing to, Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza”.

Dawn’s 172-page submission, which the group says was prepared with the support of ICC-registered lawyers and other war crimes experts, alleges that the former US officials violated articles of the Rome statute, the court’s founding charter, in their support for Israel.

According to a press release, the group’s submission to the ICC lays out what it describes as a “a pattern of deliberate and purposeful decisions by these officials to provide military, political, and public support to facilitate Israeli crimes in Gaza”, including “at least $17.9bn of weapons transfers, intelligence sharing, targeting assistance, diplomatic protection, and official endorsement of Israeli crimes, despite knowledge of how such support had and would substantially enable grave abuses”.

Look, say what you will about Biden, there’s no way I can support this Islamist group going after him (though, the irony is delicious after all the support for them by Democrats), and certainly not the ICC investigating him for supporting Israel after the US designated terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israeli civilians and all they did. Let’s learn a little more about DAWN

(NGO Monitor) In October 9, 2023, two days after the brutal Hamas attack, DAWN issued a press statement calling  on the ICC prosecutor to “Issue a public statement reminding all parties to the conflict that his investigation of international crimes in the OPT is ongoing, and will include all crimes currently taking place” as well as to “Immediately dispatch an investigation team to Gaza.” On October 15, DAWN sent a public letter to the ICC Prosecutor noting that “the ICC has jurisdiction to prosecute not only nationals who are party to the conflict in Gaza, but government officials who are aiding and abetting the commission of crimes by providing weapons and other materials used in the commision of crimes,” and calling for the Prosecutor to “Provide information about the work your office is currently undertaking to investigate and document crimes taking place in Gaza and Israel since October 7, 2023.”

In December 2023, DAWN submitted a list of 40 senior Israeli commanders to the ICC prosecutor, demanding an investigation for “planning, ordering, and executing Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment, wanton destruction, and mass killing of civilians in Gaza.” As part of its campaign, DAWN posted  “‘Prime Suspect’ cards” with the name, rank, photo, and alleged role of each individual Israeli. There is no indication that DAWN submitted any Palestinian names to the ICC.

So, right after their comrades murdered, raped, and tortured Jews DAWN was asking the ICC to protect….Hamas.

(Middle East Forum) On September 29, friends and colleagues of deceased Saudi dissident, Jamal Khashoggi, launched his “brainchild” – a new, shiny D.C. thinktank named DAWN, or Democracy for the Arab World Now. Led by Sarah Leah Whitson, DAWN “seeks to highlight and celebrate democratic reforms in the Arab world, while also shining a light on human rights violations and arbitrary and abusive practices.”

“Abusive” is putting it lightly. Few can forget that the horror of Khashoggi’s murder. Killed and dismembered in 2018 inside the Saudi consulate in Turkey, his death sparked outrage around the world. But such outrage, and the gruesomeness of his murder, must not be used to sanitize Khashoggi’s ideology.

In reality, Khashoggi was an open supporter of violent, theocratic movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood. His public commentary included open support for designated terrorist organizations and unabashed anti-Semitism. Khashoggi appears to have reinvented himself as an exiled ‘human rights’ dissident only once he lost influence in Saudi Arabia after the rise of reformist Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and presumably trusting that his editors at the Washington Post would not bother to read the fascistic posts on his Twitter feed too closely. As even the Post itself reports, Khashoggi’s columns were “shaped” by a top official of the Qatari regime’s Qatar Foundation.

And DAWN has continued the beliefs of Khashoggi and the Muslim Brotherhood: hardcore Islam. Hatred of Jews. Hatred of the unbeliever. And, this just goes with what the MB wants: pretend everything is lollypops and unicorns while quietly infiltrating Western culture until it is too late. See Sweden and the United Kingdom, for one. So, yeah, I’ll take Biden’s side, and, perhaps Democrats will finally realize that these people are not their allies.

Read: US Islamist Group Urges ICC To Investigate Biden Over Gaza »

Religion Is Fundamental To The Climate (scam) Movement Or Something

Gee wiz, I’m totally wrong when I refer to the climate change’ movement as a cult, right?

Why religion is fundamental to addressing climate change

“There is no time for imagination, religious or otherwise. We need to act now!” an irritated scientist told me during a workshop on climate change and religion in 2024. Contrary to the tone of his comment, this scientist was not dismissing religion as being marginal to tackling climate change, but his underlying assumption rang clear: religion, while undoubtedly a necessary part of the solution, is only useful if it works alongside rational science.

Research by me and my colleagues suggests that framing religion and science as totally separate entities is unhelpful in advancing a global response to climate change.

In 2022 and 2023, I spent four months conducting fieldwork in Egypt, living and interacting with Muslim and Christian communities in Cairo and Alexandria. As a salient reminder of the ongoing climate crisis, my research took place over the summer, when temperatures reached more than 45°C.

Who would have thought it got hot in Egypt in the summer? to the end

Fortunately, things are changing. Through initiatives such as the UN Environment Programme’s Faith for Earth Coalition and the faith pavilion at recent UN climate summits, religious groups are becoming more prevalent and active on the global climate stage.

But efforts to seek collaborations between scientists and faith communities are not good enough. We need to resist the urge to see religion as a mere vehicle for convincing most of the global population for whom religion gives meaning to life. The only way we can do that is for scientists and faith leaders to start laying the groundwork for new ways of thinking together.

As Russian author Leo Tolstoy once wrote, “Science is meaningless because it has no answer to the only questions that matter to us: ‘What should we do and how shall we live?‘” The climate crisis demands new ways of thinking, new ways of perceiving reality, and religion is fundamental to achieving that.

Yes, it is a cult, but, you have to understand that the point here is to subsume religion under the banner of global boiling, to make it secondary and controlled by the cult. The cult attempts to do it to everything, because this is about empowering government, making it bigger and more controlling, taking away the freedom, free speech, movement, everything from the masses. That is the heart of the ‘climate change’ movement: authoritarianism.

Read: Religion Is Fundamental To The Climate (scam) Movement Or Something »

If All You See…

…are mountains which lost their snow cover, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is GeeeZ…., with a post on ending the deficit.

Read: If All You See… »

LOLCNN: Federal Employees Are In Bedlam Over Musk Email

Did CNN really think about this before publishing it? Because I thought it was from a satire site when I ran across it on Yahoo News first.

‘It’s bedlam’: Federal workers left in limbo as clock ticks down to Musk’s email deadline

Federal workers spent Monday trying to figure out how – or even whether – to respond to Elon Musk’s weekend email blast telling them to explain their work last week or risk losing their job.

A day of confusing and often contradictory guidance left many federal workers still unclear ultimately how to handle Musk’s request. Some were told to comply, others were advised not to, and still others were awaiting instructions from their agency’s leaders until late in the day.

Speaking from the Oval Office on Monday afternoon, President Donald Trump called Musk’s email demand “ingenious” and said that anyone who didn’t respond is “semi-fired or fired.”

Then, a couple of hours later, Trump’s own administration directly contradicted him, when the Office of Personnel Management formally notified agencies that response was voluntary and that any failure to respond would “not equate to a resignation.”

“Our chief said it was mandatory. Then OPM said it became voluntary. Then I guess Trump just told us it was mandatory again,” said one career employee with the Department of Veterans Affairs. “No one knows who is in charge and who to listen to.”

“It’s bedlam,” added one IRS employee.

Do federal employees not realize that Americans working in the private sector a laughing at them? Speaking derogatorily about them? Have zero sympathy? It’s 5 things. Over the course of a week. If you cannot think of 5 things you did last week and write it in 5 quick bulletin points then you aren’t really doing anything. It is not hard. Not hard at all.

The leftover bosses in the Permanent Federal Bureaucracy do not need to confuse things. How about finding out what your employees are doing? It’s rather your job. If this was the private sector there would be a lot of people on the chopping block for the inability to come up with 5 things, and for fighting against it. It really was brilliant to make this requirement, because it shows just how unhinged and intransigent the federal bureaucracy is. They live in a completely different world from the rest of Americans.

Not too belabor the point, if your boss, your bosses the boss, a person who assists the CEO, said “give me 5 quick things you did last week”, would you fight it? Or, would you jump on the computer and take 5 minutes to write the email and move on with your day?

More: ran across this at Real Clear Politics

RCP Podcast: What Did You Get Done This Week? DoD Shakeup, Trump vs. AP, Goodbye Joy Reid, Bongino’s FBI

“An organization that wants to take stock of what its employees are doing is a healthy thing, but this was not that,” Carl Cannon commented. “This was one step above trolling, really…It wasn’t a good faith effort to do what President Trump and Elon Musk say they’re trying to do, which is make sure the federal government workforce is working efficiently.”

“The tone was insulting and demeaning… Also, what person is going to read 2.3 million responses?”

Is this the new Talking Point? The email sent to require 5 things Was Mean? Frankly, Margaret, I don’t care. You are a worker bee. You do not run the federal government. There are requirements to have the job.

“…you need to know.”

“We had a lady on CNN today, a supposed federal worker who said she was infuriated by the getting this e-mail. She had time to go on CNN, but she didn’t have time to send a 30 second email saying, here’s what I was working on last week.”

“This is what people in the private sector have come to hate about how they view the public sector.”

Yeah. Are federal employees saying they cannot be held accountable?

Read: LOLCNN: Federal Employees Are In Bedlam Over Musk Email »

Climate Scam Groups Say They Will Spend The Scam Money Given By Biden Regime

Well, enjoy it. Because there will be no more forthcoming. If the Trump admin doesn’t figure out a way to cancel the contracts

Recipient isn’t giving in as Trump’s EPA tries to revoke climate grants

A coalition of nonprofits under fire from President Donald Trump’s appointees says it will begin doling out money from a $2 billion climate grant it received during the Biden era — despite the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempts to claw back the funds.

“When the EPA made a grant to us and grants to other awardees, there’s an official contract that the government enters into,” said Tim Mayopoulos, the CEO of Power Forward Communities, in an interview with POLITICO. “The agreement has not been terminated, and we have an obligation to fulfill it.”

He said his group, an umbrella for five nonprofits that include United Way and Habitat for Humanity, will deploy its initial $539 million disbursement from the grant over the coming weeks to help communities across the country build energy-efficient housing.

Asked for comment on the status of the fund, EPA referred POLITICO to a videotaped statement Feb. 12 in which Administrator Lee Zeldin demanded that a total of $20 billion in Biden-era green grants be returned — vowing, “The days of irresponsibly shoveling boat loads of cash to far-left activist groups in the name of environmental justice and climate equity are over.”

Well, good luck with that. If they do spend it they best keep complete records and it best all go where it’s supposed to for what it’s supposed to. They best not siphon it off, either for the umbrella groups or the recipients. It best not be wasted. Because you can bet that the auditors will be taking a hard look at any disbursements.

Mayopoulos said those accusations misrepresent his organization, which intends to improve or build 11,000 multifamily and 61,000 single-family homes, spur 64,000 jobs and curb energy bills $1.26 billion over the seven-year grant period.

Good for them. What does that, for the most part, have to do with the climate scam? Those homes best be on the up and up.

Read: Climate Scam Groups Say They Will Spend The Scam Money Given By Biden Regime »

Pirate's Cove