If All You See…

…is fast rising sea that will soon tip islands over, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on wind turbines potentially messing with the radar of ships.

Read: If All You See… »

New Yorker Arrested After Trying To Run Down Jewish Students, Rabbi

It could possibly be random, but, most likely, this is the result of all the protests against Israel and Jews, especially since he tried to do it twice

New York man arrested after allegedly attempting to run down students, rabbi near Brooklyn school with car

A New York man is in police custody after a manhunt when he fled the scene where he allegedly tried to run down several Jewish students and a rabbi with a vehicle outside a Brooklyn school on Wednesday morning.

Just before 11:30 a.m., the New York Police Department (NYPD) responded to an incident on Glenwood Road within the 63rd Precinct.

Police said a 58-year-old man was driving a white 2011 Ford Crown Victoria onto the sidewalk in an attempt to injure pedestrians.

Sources told Yeshiva World News that Boro Park Shomrim received urgent calls that a white sedan had twice attempted to hit Yeshiva Bochurim and a rabbi outside the Vien Yeshiva in Canarsie neighborhood.

Police said there were no injuries, and the driver was taken into custody shortly after locating him. Police have not released the suspect’s name or further details at this time.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force told Fox News Digital it is aware of the incident and that the investigation is being led by the NYPD.

Huh. If this was against Muslims you know the JTTF would have jumped in and taken control. According to the NY Daily News, he verbally assaulted the students. And his name is Asghar Ali. An immigrant from Pakistan.

(Asianet News) Asghar immigrated to the USA two decades ago. His previous encounters with the law include four prior arrests. In 1998, he was arrested for false personation. Despite claiming to be a cab driver, he did not possess a valid TLC license, according to police records.

With that arrest record, why was he not deported? Regardless of if he was going through naturalization (if he was, he would have been a citizen by now) or some other program, those arrests are grounds for deportation.

Read: New Yorker Arrested After Trying To Run Down Jewish Students, Rabbi »

Weird: Britain Warned They Need More Subsidies For Wind Power

I’ve been told that wind power is cheap and can survive on its own. No? (via Not A Lot Of People Know That)

Offshore wind needs bigger subsidies, warns government adviser

State subsidies for new offshore wind projects may not be generous enough to drive the projects needed to achieve targets for boosting clean energy, a leading climate adviser to the government has warned.

Baroness Brown of Cambridge, chairwoman of the adaptation sub-committee of the Climate Change Committee, the independent non-departmental public body, said Britain had been “slow” and “not very clever” in its handling of offshore wind auctions.

The government has raised the so-called strike price, a guaranteed price that generators are paid for the power they produce, to £73 per megawatt-hour for this year’s auction and has set the budget at a record £800 million in the hope of attracting new offshore wind schemes. Last year’s round failed to secure any bids to build.

Huh. So, no one wants to lose money on wind power? They do not want to do this without government giving them vast amounts of money? Remember, these would be in addition to all the tax breaks.

Read: Weird: Britain Warned They Need More Subsidies For Wind Power »

Myorkas: Some Illegals Try And Game The Asylum System

Ya think?

Mayorkas says some migrants “try to game” the U.S. asylum system

In an interview with CBS News, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said some migrants coming to the U.S.-Mexico border are trying to “game” the U.S. asylum system, echoing a statement often made by Republicans but rarely expressed by Biden administration officials.

“The reality is that some people do indeed try to game the system,” Mayorkas told CBS News in El Paso last Thursday. “That does not speak to everyone whom we encounter, but there is an element of it, and we deal with it accordingly.”

Mayorkas made the comment in response to a question about concerns some Americans have expressed about the situation at the southern border, where U.S. officials have reported record levels of migrant apprehensions over the past three years. Immigration has become one of President Biden’s worst-polling issues, as well as a top concern for voters heading into November’s presidential election.

For years, Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have accused migrants of cheating or abusing the U.S. asylum process to stay in the country indefinitely, arguing that restrictions or bans on asylum need to be enacted to deter those who don’t qualify from filing weak or non-existent cases.

When speaking of reforming the U.S. asylum system, however, Democrats and Biden administration officials like Mayorkas have mainly talked about the need to speed up the processing of claims, to quickly grant asylum to those who qualify for protection and deport those who don’t.

In fact, around 90% game the system, as only around 10% are granted asylum. People from all over the world show up at the Southern border and demand asylum, having been told this will get them into the U.S. At that point, most won’t have hearings for years, as long as 8-10 years, and, at that point, if they’re told they do not qualify, most won’t leave. And they’ll say “hey, we’ve been here contributing, you should give us amnesty.” Many will cross the border illegally, and, when caught, will claim asylum. It’s all a big game, and the pro-illegal crowd makes damned sure they know how to do it.

Really, the whole asylum system should be scrapped. No more. We have too many, and so few seem to assimilate anymore. Barring that, Congress should pass a law requiring people to apply for asylum outside the U.S., and, if they are caught trying to enter the U.S. or have entered they will be immediately put right back over the border. No waiting years. Just gone.


NYC set to launch new migrant program … in Buffalo. Will more follow?

New York City officials are planning to launch a novel resettlement program to help migrants leave city-funded hotel shelters in Buffalo, which some proponents hope will serve as a blueprint for how the city manages the migrant influx moving forward.

The $22 million program would enlist a local nonprofit to relocate up to 539 migrants currently living in Buffalo hotels and help them find apartments, jobs and apply for asylum, according to City Hall spokesperson William Fowler. It’s akin to the decades-old national resettlement system for refugees that advocates have asked the federal government to create for new migrants, who are mostly asylum-seekers.

It’s almost like the declared sanctuary city of New York doesn’t want illegals. Even though Buffalo is pretty liberal, neither it nor Erie County are declared illegal alien sanctuaries.

Read: Myorkas: Some Illegals Try And Game The Asylum System »

Your Fault: 12% Of Phoenix To Die From Hotcoldwetdry In The 2030s

It’s always some prognostication of doom with these people

Roger is the cofounder of Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Anyhow, from the cult article

Millions of Americans face the threat of dangerous heatwaves in the coming weeks with another summer of record-breaking temperatures forecast to hit the US.

Most of New Mexico and Utah – alongside parts of Arizona, Texas and Colorado – have the highest chance (60% to 70%) of seeing hotter-than-average summer temperatures, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa). In addition, the entire north-east – from Maine down to Pennsylvania and New Jersey – as well as a large stretch from Louisiana to Arizona, Washington and Idaho, have a 40% to 50% chance of experiencing above-average temperatures from June through August.

Only south-west Alaska is expected to have below-normal temperatures.

The problem here is that they never actually show the science that proves this is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind. It’s an assumption, and there’s no comparison with previous Holocene warm periods. But, that’s not the point: they simply want you to be controlled by government.

Read: Your Fault: 12% Of Phoenix To Die From Hotcoldwetdry In The 2030s »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the EPA giving $50 million to a pro-Hamas organization.

Read: If All You See… »

WWIII Watch: France, Germany, NATO Assembly Urge For Ukraine To Use Weapons Inside Russia

How well would this go over, since most of the weapons Ukraine is using these days come from NATO member nations?

France and Germany say Ukraine should be able to use their weapons to strike inside Russia

France and Germany said Tuesday that Ukraine should be allowed to use their weapons against targets inside Russia from which Moscow attacks Ukraine.

Speaking at a news conference alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron outlined that French weapons sent to Ukraine, including long-range missiles, were permitted to target bases inside Russia.

“Ukrainian soil is being attacked from bases in Russia,” Macron said during his visit to Schloss Meseberg in Brandenburg, Germany. “So how do we explain to the Ukrainians that we’re going to have to protect these towns and basically everything we’re seeing around Kharkiv at the moment, if we tell them you are not allowed to hit the point from which the missiles are fired?”

“We think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired and, basically, the military sites from which Ukraine is attacked,” Macron continued.

I mean, sure, I see the logic. It makes sense. Why not attack Russian military assets being used against Ukraine? That’s sound military doctrine. Don’t let Russia sit there in safety, right? But, how will Russia take it when Ukraine uses all the weapons given to them by France, Germany, and even the U.S.?

NATO chief and European allies urge U.S. to let Ukraine strike inside Russia

Washington is facing mounting pressure from NATO and several key European allies to lift restrictions and allow Ukraine to use the full force of U.S.-provided weapons to strike military targets inside Russia. The demands reflect new alarm in the West over Russian battlefield advances in recent days, including the seizure of several villages in the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions and brutal bombings that have killed dozens of civilians.

“If you cannot attack the Russian forces on the other side of the front line because they are on the other side of the border, then of course you really reduce the ability of the Ukrainian forces to defend themselves,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance’s top political official, said during a visit to Bulgaria on Monday.

They should think long and hard on what Russia may do if NATO member weapons are used to strike Russian soil. So far, the Biden regime is saying “nope, not going to happen.”

NATO’s parliamentary assembly, meanwhile, issued a declaration urging that the restrictions be lifted.

The United States and other NATO allies, including Germany and Italy, have long refused to let Ukraine use their weapons to strike inside Russia’s borders, fearing that such attacks could escalate the conflict. Senior Russian officials repeatedly have brandished Moscow’s nuclear arsenal in response to suggestions of greater Western involvement in the war.

The elites are really trying to start WWIII.

Read: WWIII Watch: France, Germany, NATO Assembly Urge For Ukraine To Use Weapons Inside Russia »

PRC Launches Pilot Program Which Will Charge Tax Per Mile Driven

I wonder why they would do this, beyond the norm of the Elites in the People’s Republik Of California always wanted to bleed their citizens dry

California launching pilot program to charge drivers for miles driven

California is the nation’s biggest EV market by a wide margin, and the relatively high percentage of battery-powered cars is digging a hole in the state’s budget because it relies on revenue from its gasoline tax to fund road maintenance. Lawmakers want to replace the gasoline tax with a new mileage-based tax to offset the loss, and they plan to begin testing this system by launching a pilot program in August 2024.

Lauren Prehoda, a spokesperson for Caltrans, told news outlet ABC7 that maintaining California’s road network costs approximately $8.5 billion annually. “The vast majority” of this sum comes from the taxes that the state collects every time someone fills up their car’s tank. Put another way, California loses money when someone replaces a gasoline-powered car with an EV. Hybrids are eroding the budget as well. State officials estimate that there were about 1.1 million electric cars and 1.3 million hybrids on California roads in 2022.

“On average, Californians pay about $300 a year in state gas taxes. EVs have a $100 [annual] registration fee. That’s a $200-million-a-year-loss,” Prehoda said. Note that California plans to ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2035, so its gas tax revenues will fall to zero. (snip)

In theory, drivers would be able to choose how the state tracks their mileage. They could hook up an electronic device to their car, use the car’s built-in tracking system or send Caltrans a picture of the odometer. “Everyone has different levels of comfort when we’re managing our data between efficiency and privacy, and that’s why it’s really important to have options from low tech to high tech,” Prehoda told ABC7.

Does anyone else see the irony here? The PRC is requiring vehicles to get better and better MPG, and, of course, demanding that citizens switch from fossil fueled vehicles, including hybrids, and get EVs. Because of this, they are not making vast amounts of money from gas taxes, what the Elites see as a “loss”. They caused this. If I dipped way back into the archives during the early Obama years I’d find at least one post on the exact same thing happening when he increased the CAFE standard, causing states to lose not make as much off gas tax.

It’s also hilarious that all those EV owners who are crowing about saving money since they do not have to buy gas will now find themselves paying as much if not more. And you know that the elected officials in the PRC will implement the road miles scheme. I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up requiring Citizens to hook up an electronic device, which will also track their movement.

Read: PRC Launches Pilot Program Which Will Charge Tax Per Mile Driven »

Pro-Hamas Supporters Vandalize NC State WWI Monument

I hope they catch these terrorist supporters and string them up by their Buster Browns

On cam: NC State Belltower livestream shows 2 people wearing black, vandalism

The Belltower at North Carolina State University has been vandalized.

The words ‘Gaza,’ ‘Rafah’ and ‘Free Palestine’ were sprayed around the base of the tower, surrounded by red painted hand prints.

Red paint was also dripping down the staircase. An employee from NC State sent a photo to WRAL News.

It happened not even two hours after midnight – striking the end of the Memorial Day holiday. The vandals used black paint to cross out the purpose of the Belltower – a tribute to the NC state alumni who died in World War One.

NC State broadcasts a live view of the Belltower at all times, and the feed can be viewed on YouTube. At around the 8:40 mark, two people wearing black can be seen walking around the tower’s base. They appear to be spraying paint on the tower.

The Belltower is a memorial to those who died in WWI who were from North Carolina. People who gave their lives for freedom from tyranny. These wackjobs desecrated it in support of hardcore Islamists.

Read: Pro-Hamas Supporters Vandalize NC State WWI Monument »

Ethics Scholar Looks At How Your Carbon Footprint Causes Conflict Or Something

Apparently, conflict and war never existed before fossil fueled vehicles

Columbia Theological Seminary ethics scholar looks at how climate change impacts conflict and violence

In addition to the existential threat that climate crisis poses, it’s also a factor in conflict and violence around the world, the Rev. Dr. Mark Douglas said earlier this month on “A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast.”

Douglas, Professor of Christian Ethics and Lead Professor of the Master of Theology degree at Columbia Theological Seminary, spoke to “A Matter of Faith” hosts Simon Doong and the Rev. Lee Catoe during a 54-minute episode of the podcast that can be heard here. Catoe and Doong posed this question: “We hear a lot about the impacts of climate change on things like loss of biodiversity and weather changes, but are there more human impacts such as increased likelihood of conflict or violence?”

Douglas said he first became interested in how climate change can lead to conflict and violence when he heard a retired admiral interviewed on NPR about security considerations related to climate change. “I thought, I hadn’t heard of anybody in my guild, Christian ethics or religious ethics more broadly, talk about climate change and security issues. I thought, here’s a place where maybe there’s a niche for me,” Douglas said. “What I discovered was entire new fields of study with which I was not familiar.”

How about studying the Bible, rather than joining a doomsday cult? The good Reverend does realize that there were plenty of big wars during the Little Ice Age, right? And during the Dark Ages? There is no existential threat from ‘climate change’.

The first causative impact on security issues and violence driven by climate issues was the El Niño system that began hitting Central America and its neighbors in the early 2000s and returned last year. “This was the first bit of evidence we had, that there is a causative impact on security issues and violence driven by climate issues,” he said.

El Nino is a naturally occurring weather phenomenon that has been going on for a long time.

Climate change also has exacerbated or contributed to conflict, he said. His work suggests “that environmental degradation, climate change, the catastrophic loss of biodiversity and the exponential growth of pollutants, including toxic pollutants, are not only having impacts on human activity, they’re reshaping how we understand the world around us,” Douglas said. To put it another way: “Environmental issues are not only in this new age we’re entering into going to be issues about which we think, they’re going to be lenses through which we make sense of other issues.”

Well, he has the cult talking points down.

There’s also “a theological claim we would want to make: Somehow God is still working providentially, and our confidence in what God does ought to look like a willingness to have and raise children into God’s future,” Douglas said. “It’s an expression of faithful confidence in God in the face of a lot of change, recognizing that the world has always undergone change and, in the middle of it, we’re better off than most people in history.”

The church “has to pay attention to displacement, primarily refuges, and how we understand resources and questions of scarcity,” Douglas said. “As Christians, we don’t start with control and scarcity to take advantage and control markets. We start with the goodness of Creation and a sense of God’s abundance in which there is enough and go from there.”

I’m confident that God doesn’t want His representatives joining a cult.

Read: Ethics Scholar Looks At How Your Carbon Footprint Causes Conflict Or Something »

Pirate's Cove