Ilhan Omar Continues To Push To Make Minneapolis Into Mogadishu

Well, sure, why not? It would be just like home.

Of course, being an elected member of Congress and making lots of money through graft and votes that enrich her, she’s able to afford private protection, plus, all the protection from being an elected member of Congress, something not afforded to the people of Minneapolis

Ilhan Omar to Teen Vogue: We Need to ‘Get Rid of’ the Minneapolis Police Department

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) renewed her call for the complete removal of the Minneapolis Police Department, emphasizing the need to “disband,” “dismantle,” and completely “get rid of” it in a Tuesday interview with Teen Vogue.

“The need to disband and dismantle — get rid of — the Minneapolis Police Department comes out of a place of understanding that they don’t have credibility within our community,” Omar told the magazine, asserting that it is operating with “impunity.”

“They are not doing the core function of solving half of the homicides in our city. So if you are not functioning in the ways in which you are supposed to function, protecting and serving, and your function has become to brutalize and cause harm to our community, then you shouldn’t exist,” she continued.

In June, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a pledge to disband the police and replace it with a community-led system. (snip)

After taking steps to eventually abolish the police department, three council members received private security detail, costing the City of Minneapolis tens of thousands of dollars. While they cited threats, the police, at the time did not have any public reports of threats against the council members.

And all these months later they seem to be waffling around the subject, probably to let the clock run out on this idiocy. And, what do the citizens of the city want? Crime has been soaring and police officers have been leaving in droves.

Just as in New York, the residents of Minneapolis are learning that “violence interrupters” are no help: To keep the peace, you need police.

If Ilhan calls the police, they should send a social worker. If she’s in D.C., the Capital Police should send a social worker. If she’s robbed, well, it’s just property, right? Perhaps she can explain to the business owners why their businesses are constantly robbed/looted. Well, the ones left, since lots are leaving, along with the tax base. Leaving many with no jobs.

Read: Ilhan Omar Continues To Push To Make Minneapolis Into Mogadishu »

We Should Follow The Science On Climate Crisis (scam), Just Like With Chinese Virus Or Something

Would this be the same science which said to lock down for 15 days and now we’re almost in November? The one that says wear a mask, but, infections and hospitalizations are spiking? That masks are great, but, that most do not really do much of anything, that they “give wearers a false sense of protection”? We all enjoyed our Progressive (nice Fascism) test drive of a climate change policy world, right?

Follow Science: That’s How To Fight Climate Change — And How We Should Be Fighting The Pandemic

I sometimes joke that there are three things people ought to know about climate change:

Number one, it’s real. (very few argue that the climate hasn’t changed)

Number two, man-made emissions caused it. (they can’t prove it, and they refuse to modify their own lives, so, must not be serious)

And number three, that’s why women need to run the world.

That last line always gets a laugh, but the truth is that the challenge before us is deadly serious.

Our country is trapped in a raging pandemic. Millions of Americans are out of work, without enough money to put food on the table. And our nation finally seems willing to confront our legacy of systemic racism.

So, let’s shut down big, racist, carbon pollution Democratic Party run cities

I don’t think so. We don’t have to accept a life that looks more and more like a horror movie.

I haven’t lost hope and neither should you.

Well, it’s easy for the writer, Gina McCarthy, to not lose hope. She’s a big 10%er, who serves in a cushy position in the NRDC and was head of the EPA under Comrade Obama. Rich people do not worry about things like lockdown.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been unbearably difficult. And lord knows, I don’t want to be trapped in my dining room for the rest of my days.

But these difficult months have also delivered a powerful wake-up call: the world can change on a dime.

The way we fight climate change, is the same way we fight the pandemic.

So, being locked down in our homes, losing our jobs/working lower hours making less money, not being able to go anywhere or do anything, with businesses dying all over the place, being told what we can and can’t purchase, and all the rest, is what they want.

We follow the science. We listen to the experts. We embrace systemic and fundamental changes that help people live and thrive in a new way. We grab hold of the growing momentum around clean energy and climate action — and refuse to let go.

See? We embrace Government dictating our lives. It’s easy. Right?

Read: We Should Follow The Science On Climate Crisis (scam), Just Like With Chinese Virus Or Something »

Democrats Are Still Pretty Upset About The Whole Way This Supreme Court Appointments Thing Works

Democrats love them some Constitution except when it gets in the way of their agenda

Trump Packs the Court His Way

WASHINGTON, DC – Following the US elections on November 3 – although its final resolution may take longer – the partisan arrangements of almost the entire US federal government are subject to change. Only the House of Representatives appears certain to remain in the same party’s hands (the Democrats’). The Republican-dominated Senate could be won by the Democrats. The conservative-leaning Supreme Court is now shifting far to the right, given the Senate’s confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, to the seat previously held by the late liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (snip)

If Biden defeats Trump – the polls, currently in his favor, are considered more reliable than in 2016, but polls can’t predict voter suppression – his supporters’ celebrations may be short-lived. Controversies about counting votes are already in the courts, which have changed dramatically as a result of Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appointing an astonishing 220 federal judges. Moreover, Senate Republicans are already plotting how to undermine a Democratic majority.

But the greatest threat to Biden and any progressive government for a long time to come will emanate from the Supreme Court. The approval of Barrett (age 48) has produced, almost certainly, a very conservative 6-3 majority. Chief Justice John Roberts, who has tried to keep the Court from going to extremes, will no longer have the controlling swing vote. The legitimacy of the Court is now in question.

If federal courts, especially the Supreme Court, are standing in the way of enacting the Progressive (nice Fascism) agenda, perhaps the agenda is way out of line with the U.S. Constitution (and most state Constitutions) and the way things are supposed to work in the United States.

But, hey, Progressives have Ideas

Want Nonpartisan Court Reform? Add 4 Liberal Justices.

This week, Republicans cemented their 6-3 Supreme Court majority by confirming a 48-year-old, far-right justice to the bench in flagrant defiance of principles they had preached just four years ago. Such bad faith — combined with the Roberts Court’s hostility to voting rights, labor, economic regulation, and reproductive choice — has brought previously marginal ideas for judicial reform to the center of Democratic politics.

Hey, Republicans could have had the hearings and such and then simply voted down Merrick’s nomination, putting him through the whole process. This ended it.

Moderate Democrats have largely declined to endorse manufacturing a liberal majority through court expansion (a.k.a. “court packing”) should voters give them the opportunity. But Joe Biden has argued that “the court system” is “out of whack” and vowed to empanel a bipartisan commission tasked with producing recommendations for reforming the federal judiciary. The editorial board of (an eponymous publication of the Democratic Party’s biggest donor in recent cycles), meanwhile, argued Tuesday that “the Supreme Court needs reform” and expressed particular fondness for the following proposal: (snip through the 18 year term limits and then some yammering about a “party neutral court”, and we know what that actually means)

What’s more, theoretically, the nonpartisan approach could accomplish these things in a more durable way: If Democrats simply use their trifecta to engineer a liberal majority, there is no doubt the GOP will respond in kind the next time they secure unified federal power. By contrast, if Democrats implement a nonpartisan reform plan that’s plainly aimed at strengthening the Court’s legitimacy and independence from partisan politics, it’s at least possible that Republicans will have greater difficulty restoring a conservative majority as soon as they get the chance. To be sure, conservative media will ensure that the bulk of Republicans regard the formation of a “balanced court” as the death of the American Republic. And most GOP officeholders will be eager to avenge the “theft” of their 6-3 majority. But the mainstream media is likely to cover nonpartisan court reform much more positively than court packing.

In other words, this is repackaged court packing, putting it in a way that seems more palatable. Not that the Credentialed Media wouldn’t spin for the Dems in the first place

By adding four liberal justices to the Court shortly after taking power, a unified Democratic government would create the preconditions for a bipartisan settlement on the judiciary. Biden could specifically handpick justices who have publicly expressed their support for 18-year term limits or a “balanced court.” And if he wished to signal that court packing isn’t his goal but merely an expedient, Biden could have such justices publicly promise to resign upon the passage of nonpartisan reform. Regardless, the point is this: By manufacturing a 7-6 liberal majority, Biden could simultaneously guard against the threat of nonpartisan reform being struck down and potentially put Republicans in a position where they would be willing to negotiate. The latter is far from certain. In the immediate aftermath of court expansion, Republican obstructionism would doubtless hit a fever pitch. But after a year or two of a liberal majority dealing the Federalist Society major losses, the GOP might come crawling back to the table.

We’re sorry that so few Justices have died during Democratic Party presidencies, but, this is all just Excuse Making for packing the Court in order to get your way. They would have to pass legislation to do this, and it did not go well when FDR was president, and it won’t go well now. This is not “nonpartisan”, it’s strictly partisan. What do liberals do if things change and suddenly a Republican president is able to appoint more Conservatives to the court, changing the balance? The idea here, though, is to get the Progressive agenda enacted fast, with the Supreme Court siding with it in opposition to the Constitution.

Trump is the greatest president in the modern era when it comes to shaping the judiciary

With the Senate’s confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, President Trump has cemented his legacy as the most important president in the modern era when it comes to shaping the judiciary. Whatever happens on Election Day, that legacy will remain — and it validates the votes of every conservative who, despite other misgivings, decided to support him. (snip)

That doesn’t mean they won’t try. Voters have a chance to stop them by preserving a Republican majority in the Senate. If history is our guide, Trump may have more Supreme Court appointments in a second term — and with them the opportunity to further preserve or even expand the court’s conservative majority. As for the 26 percent of Trump voters who backed him because of the Supreme Court, their decision has produced a court that will protect our freedoms for decades to come. Any other flaws in the Trump presidency pale by comparison.

And there it is: the Court should be the final arbiters of the Constitution and our Freedoms. A far left Court will be about eroding those Freedoms, with some help from John Roberts. That Progressive agenda is about government control of your life. How people have bought into actively asking government to take their money, freedom, liberty, and choice is beyond me, but, they have.

Read: Democrats Are Still Pretty Upset About The Whole Way This Supreme Court Appointments Thing Works »

Bummer: Canadian Court Rejects Climate Kids’ Lawsuit As Being “Too Political”

Nice to see a court act within the Law, rather than their personal beliefs, for a change

Climate change too ‘political’ for court

Fifteen Canadian children and youth who sought a declaration of dereliction of duty on the part of the Canadian government in dealing with climate change have lost their legal challenge.

Backed in the court challenge by three environmental organizations, including the David Sukuzi Foundation, the youth in Le Rose versus Canada were seeking an order from the Federal Court of Canada that their charter rights, and rights of future generations, were being infringed by Canada’s inaction on climate change under a public trust doctrine.

So, pretty much an astroturfed lawsuit using the children as props

Their claim was generally broad in scope – too broad for the courts to deal with – although it did focus on one specific government policy: The Trudeau government’s purchase of — and plans to expand — the Trans Mountain pipeline.

“The defendants (the Canadian government) are further alleged to support fossil fuel exploration, extraction, production and consumption through subsidies to the fossil fuel industry and through the acquisition of the Trans Mountain Pipeline System, the Trans Mountain Expansion Project and the Puget Sound Pipeline System,” the court decision reads.

In response to the petition to the federal court, the Canadian government moved to strike the claim. The court granted Canada’s request, without awarding costs.

Interesting. The uber-climate cultist government of Justin Trudeau wanted to squash the suit.

“The plaintiffs are effectively seeking that this court intervene in Canada’s overall approach to climate policy, for which there is no judicially manageable legal standard,” Justice Michael Manson writes in his decision.”Additionally, the remedies sought by the plaintiffs are not legal remedies.

“The plaintiffs’ position fails on the basis that there are some questions that are so political that the courts are incapable or unsuited to deal with them.”

Too political. Pretty much because this is political. The plaintiffs, meaning the big bucks climate cult groups using the kids, plan to appeal, but, instead, the kids should be forced to practice what they preach

Read: Bummer: Canadian Court Rejects Climate Kids’ Lawsuit As Being “Too Political” »

If All You See…

…is a tree that looks distressed from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the media promoting BLM lies on 2nd night of Philly riots.

Read: If All You See… »

Masks Work: Despite Skyrocketing Infection Rates, Death Rates Are Low

Perhaps it could be due to so many of the most vulnerable having already died because they were stuck in nursing homes to infect other vulnerable seniors?

Covid-19 deaths aren’t rising as fast in Europe and US, despite soaring new infections. That doesn’t mean the virus is less deadly

Europe is drowning in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic. Infection rates are skyrocketing across the continent. Governments are imposing strict lockdowns. Economies are shutting down again. But there is a glimmer of hope: The virus, while still deadly, appears to be killing fewer people on average.

Recent case and fatality figures from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) show that while recorded Covid-19 cases are spiking in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany and other European countries, deaths are not rising at the same rate.

“The fatality rate has declined, in the UK, we can see it going down from around June to a low point in August,” said Jason Oke, a senior statistician at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. “Our current estimate is that the infection fatality rate is going up a little bit, but it hasn’t come up to anywhere near where we were and that’s unlikely to change dramatically unless we see a really surprising increase in the numbers of deaths.”

Oke has been tracking Covid-19 fatality rates along with his colleague Carl Heneghan of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and health economist Daniel Howdon. Their research shows that, at the end of June, the fatality rate was just below 3% in the UK. By August, it had dropped as low as about 0.5%. It now stands at roughly 0.75%.

So, it is now essentially the same as the regular flu. Perhaps herd immunity has something to do with it, and there was no need to lockdown countries, just isolate those who were the most vulnerable. And, again, why are cases going up when everyone is wearing a mask?

In fact, data gathered by researchers from London School of Economics’ long-term care responses to Covid-19 group shows that, on average, 46% of all Covid-19 deaths across 21 countries happened in care homes.

Thanks, Governor Cuomo.

“The Covid-19 virus is very stable, it is not mutating much at all,” said Dr. Julian Tang, clinical virologist and honorary associate professor at the University of Leicester. “The variation in severity of Covid-19 illness is really due to individual host immune responses together with age, sex, ethnicity and certain pre-existing medical conditions,” he added.

Lots of young folks are getting, but, they are not dying. Most are not even getting that sick.

The demographic shift may have contributed to the lower death toll, but experts suspect the fact that healthcare providers are now more experienced in dealing with Covid-19 patients is another factor.

So, all the stuff the Trump admin did is helping. How about that?

BTW, who ever thought that some of the merchandise for the Dodgers winning the World Series would be face masks? Yeah, I ordered them.

Read: Masks Work: Despite Skyrocketing Infection Rates, Death Rates Are Low »

Dems See Green New Deal Which They Won’t Pass Yielding Gains Or Something

Democrats totally see the Green New Deal gaining support despite the GOP bad-mouthing it

Democrats see Green New Deal yielding gains despite GOP attacks

Democrats are sensing political gains from the Green New Deal heading into Election Day, even as Republicans deride the progressive proposal and some Democratic candidates slink away from it.

The fight over the proposal — what’s in it and who supports it — has played out on the debate stage over the past month, with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden showing he’s as eager to cast his climate plan as his own as President Trump is to tie the Green New Deal and Biden to socialism.

The battle underscores how less than two years after it was introduced in Congress, few voters fully understand what is and isn’t in the 14-page resolution introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.).

The resolution lacks any legislative language to enact its proposals, let alone ban meat or air travel as Republicans have suggested, but some Democratic congressional candidates have nonetheless distanced themselves from it as Republicans land some blows with their attacks.

But where Democrats sense success is in energizing voters around a massive investment in clean energy — a topic that unites the party and offers a pathway to growth amid an economic downturn.

Yes, so the nation can have rolling blackouts, planned and unplanned.

A Yale University poll last week found that 64 percent of voters expressed support for the Green New Deal.

That figure is in line with the share of voters who say they support Biden’s climate plan, which he has stressed won’t transition the U.S. away from fossil fuels as quickly as Green New Deal backers would prefer.

If this was true, then why has there been no vote on the GND in the House? In fact, there have been no committee hearings or anything on it. It was introduced, dumped in committee, and then shelved. Even AOC has not called for action on it. In the Senate, Mitch McConnell forced a vote on it and every single Democrat voted “present”, including the GND’s main sponsor, Ed Markey. If it’s so popular, why have Dems done nothing?

Markey told The Hill that the proposal has helped Democrats on several fronts.

“The Green New Deal has transformed the national discussion around the climate crisis. It has galvanized a movement of young, diverse activists who have made climate change an electoral powerhouse, and climate action a winning issue. We are seeing progressive candidates running, and winning, on their support for a Green New Deal,” Markey said in a statement.

“On Election Day, this movement of young climate activists will be the difference for Joe Biden and candidates up and down the ballot,” he added.

Yes, the same you climate cultists who refuse to practice what they preach. It’s just more spreading awareness while actually doing nothing. But, then, do most Warmists ever take action in their own lives?

Read: Dems See Green New Deal Which They Won’t Pass Yielding Gains Or Something »

Is The Suburban Mom’s Switching To Biden A Credentialed Media Myth? Most Likely

The Credentialed Media has been telling us for months that white, suburban women have been changing their votes from Trump to Biden for months now. Vox is telling us that, because they interviewed a few cherry picked suburban women voters that all of them blame Trump for their lives being upended by COVID. But, really, will they be more like this woman?

My ‘suburban mom’ demographic is supposedly all in for Biden. But I’m voting for Trump.

I’m a white, college graduate, suburban mom in her 40s living in an upper middle class area. If you listen to the media, my fuel efficient SUV should be proudly outfitted with a Biden/Harris bumper sticker.

Except it’s not. Not all of us fit into a big suburban box. I have two young girls — yes, girls — and this year I’m voting for them.

In 2016, I took a chance and cautiously voted for Donald Trump based on the promises he made. This year, I’m proudly voting for him based on the promises he’s kept and the leadership he’s shown over the last three and a half years.

President Trump has done more that I support than any president in my lifetime, and certainly more than Joe Biden in his decades in Washington.

See, lots of people think more with their heads than their moonbat gland. Most politicians are not really great people: it boils down to what they actually do in office. Obama seemed a nice guy, right? His policies were destructive, for the most part, and instituted more Big Government control of our lives than any president since FDR.

Newsflash: This year’s election isn’t the choice between a guy who tweets or a guy who trips all over himself reading his teleprompter. The choice is between two vastly different Americas. The question is, which America do you want your kids to grow up in?

An America where the Orwellian mantra of “peaceful protests” reverberates in dismissing violence and anarchy? Where public safety is an afterthought? Where “mob rule” rules the day as we’ve seen in many Democrat-run cities across the country, as rioting and looting have destroyed businesses and ended innocent lives.

That’s Joe Biden’s America.

An America that unequivocally condemns violence, loudly supports law enforcement, and proudly protects our families? That’s Trump’s America.

With violence raging yet again, this time in Philadelphia, with the Pa. Governor having the National Guard stand down in the face of looting, violence, assault, destruction, arson, and so forth, who thinks this changes a lot of votes to Trump?

Suburban moms like me believe the safety of our families also depends on this election.

There are surely a lot of suburban moms who feel the same. They see the violence within Joe Biden’s vision, that Democrats pretty much did jack and squat as riots raged, no matter how much the media trotted out “mostly peaceful”.

For all you Christians out there upset that the president doesn’t say “please” and “thank you” on Twitter: While you were obsessing over 280 characters, Trump was actively working to protect religious freedom. That’s a 180-degree turn from the Obama-Biden administration and Democratic attorneys general which sued the Little Sisters of the Poor — twice.

One of Trump’s first acts was to nominate Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, followed by Brett Kavanaugh. Both nominees had strong records of protecting religious freedom enshrined in the First Amendment — which doesn’t just protect where and how you choose to worship, but also how you choose to exercise your faith in your everyday life.

While the media was obsessing over Trump’s Twitter, he was actually doing this an a lot more. Twitter serves as a messaging platform and a way to distract the moonbat Dems/Media.

The virus has taken a toll on our children as well as our economy and physical health. Keeping our kids isolated at home learning behind a computer screen is a disaster. Working parents struggle to juggle their jobs while supervising online learning.

Meanwhile, mental health issues in our kids are on the rise. In July, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert R. Redfield said there are more suicides and deaths from drug overdoses than from COVID-19 as a result of school closures, particularly high schools. Inexplicably, some teachers unions are hijacking schools and refusing to help let kids back in the classroom. The union in my northern Virginia school district demands schools remain closed until at least August 2021.

But in Biden’s America he’ll always stand with the teachers, even when they are wrong. How do we know? Because he told them. In July he said, “You don’t just have a partner in the White House, you’ll have an (National Education Association) member in the White House,” referring to his wife, Jill Biden.

Trump wants the country open. Democrats want it shut. Trump wants kids in school. Biden wants to touch kids and keep them out of school. He backs teachers who want to get paid for not doing their jobs. I’d place a big bet that lots of suburban moms are thinking the same was as the article author.

Read: Is The Suburban Mom’s Switching To Biden A Credentialed Media Myth? Most Likely »

You Know How We Can Solve The Climate Crisis (scam)? Threatening To Withhold Medical Care

I don’t know about you, but, I’m starting to get the idea that this whole scheme has nothing to do with science or the climate

Accessible healthcare could be key to solving climate crisis

Caring for people’s health is a prescription for protecting rainforests, slowing climate change and creating significant monetary value, according to a new Stanford-led study.

The analysis, published in PNAS on Oct. 26, finds that deforestation in an Indonesian national park declined 70 percent—equivalent to an averted carbon loss worth more than $65 million—in the 10 years after an affordable health clinic opened in the area. The clinic, which accepts barter as payment and gives discounts to villages based on community-wide reductions in logging, could provide a blueprint for preserving the world’s biodiverse carbon sinks while reversing poverty and poor health outcomes.

“This innovative model has clear global health implications,” said study co-author Michele Barry, senior associate dean of global health at Stanford and director of the Center for Innovation in Global Health. “Health and climate can and should be addressed in unison, and done in coordination with and respect for local communities.”

“If you leave that tree up, so that you don’t have fuel for cooking and homes, we’ll give you healthcare. Otherwise…..”

“This is a case study of how to design, implement and evaluate a planetary health intervention that addresses human health and the health of rainforests on which our health depends,” said study co-author Susanne Sokolow, a senior research scientist at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.

Globally, about 35 percent of protected areas are traditionally owned, managed, used or occupied by Indigenous and local communities, yet the perspective and guidance of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are rarely considered in the design of conservation and climate mitigation programs. By contrast, the Indonesian clinic’s success grew out of the early and continued design by local communities who identified the mechanisms driving linked health-environment problems and the solutions.

So these people who Really, Really Care about indigenous and underprivileged people are essentially threatening to withhold medical care unless these people act in a Climate Cult manner.

Read: You Know How We Can Solve The Climate Crisis (scam)? Threatening To Withhold Medical Care »

If All You See…

…is snow that will soon be a thing of the past, except where it snows more because of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Tuesday Feel Good Stories.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove