Masks Work? Bat Soup Virus Hospitalizations Rise In 36 States

Most of these states have mask mandates

Covid hospitalizations rising in 36 states as U.S. hits another record for average new cases

The average number of new daily cases of the coronavirus in the United States hit another record on Monday as 36 states reported worrying rises in the number of hospitalized patients.

The average number of patients hospitalized with Covid-19 over the past seven days rose by at least 5% in 36 states as of Monday, according to a CNBC analysis of data from the Covid Tracking Project. Hospitalizations lag behind cases as it takes time for people to get diagnosed and become sick enough to require medical attention. However, epidemiologists point to hospitalizations as a more telling indicator of the severity of an outbreak than new cases, which can fluctuate based on testing.

In Illinois, where Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced new business restrictions last week in four counties and Chicago, 2,638 people were hospitalized with Covid-19 as of Monday, according to data compiled by Covid Tracking Project, which tracks testing, hospitalization and other data on the outbreak. It’s run by journalists at The Atlantic. That pushed their seven-day average up over 2,480, a more than 24% increase compared with a week ago, according to CNBC’s analysis.

In Texas, El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego issued a curfew on Sunday to protect “overwhelmed and exhausted” hospitals and workers. More than 5,200 people there were in hospitals with Covid-19 on Monday, Covid Tracking Project’s data shows. The Lone Star state has had an average of about 4,970 Covid-19 patients in hospitals on any given day over the past week, up more than 18% compared with the previous week.

Remember when lockdown would take care of all this? Then it was masks. Remember, we aren’t just seeing this in the U.S., but so much of the world, including the 1st World. Many, many parts of Europe are exploding. In fact, if you look at the graphic, there are way more confirmed cases than during lockdown

And though cases is much, much higher than during lockdown…

…deaths have dropped way off. Perhaps it’s because they aren’t mixing deaths that really were from something else on the reports, and COVID only made it quicker? Of course, they are expecting a big spike in deaths.

He added that flu season typically begins to gain steam in November, and that could add another complication to the U.S. response to the pandemic. The diseases caused by the flu and the coronavirus “look very much alike” and health workers will face new challenges in trying to diagnose Covid-19 and flu patients, Schaffner said.

And flu deaths will be simply blamed on COVID. Unless Biden wins, then even deaths from COVID will be minimized, at least starting January 21st.

BTW, this doesn’t mean don’t take precautions. Wash your hands a lot, keep your distance, don’t touch, clean up, wear the barely helpful mask when necessary. I won’t tell you to do things that I don’t do myself. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Read: Masks Work? Bat Soup Virus Hospitalizations Rise In 36 States »

To Institute Climate Crisis (scam) Policy We Need To Fix Democracy Or Something

You darned Skeptics are voting with ClimaWrongthink, so, things need to change

To deal with climate change, we must fix democracy first

As wildfires expanded by climate change ravage the Pacific coast and hurricanes intensified by climate change flood the Gulf Coast, Americans are increasingly united behind the need to act on climate. According to the most recent data from the Yale Program on Climate Communication, 57% of American adults are “alarmed” or “concerned” about the effects of climate change; only 20% are “doubtful” or “dismissive.”

If they’re so alarmed or concerned, why do so few make major changes in their own lives? Just wondering

Despite the decisive national majority for climate action — including majorities in every state that supports strict limits for carbon dioxide emissions — one of America’s two major political parties is led by a president who does not “think science knows” whether climate change is real and a Senate majority leader who did not accept the reality of climate change until last year.

Interestingly, in most deep Blue states the governments haven’t done more than pass token measures. The People’s Republik Of California is one of the only Dem states to get serious, and they have rolling blackouts, many which are planned, and people are streaming out of the state

Yet in the current American constitutional structure and electoral system, a climate-change denier could win the presidency while losing the popular vote by 6%. The Senate further advantages the party of climate denial by giving only 18 votes to half of Americans living in the nine largest states. And with the Electoral College and Senate advantages, the opponents of climate action are working to entrench their minority perspective through lifetime judiciary appointments and voter suppression.

Remember, ‘climate change’ is all about science. Is it necessary to mention that we are not a pure, mob rule democracy at the federal level, but a Constitutional Republic? Warmists are welcome to practice Democracy in the cities and states.

If Democrats win the presidency and the Senate, they will have an opportunity for systemic reform that may be generationally unique. Their goal should not be to entrench their own rule. It should be to ensure that a party must win majority support to govern, and that a party with majority support can govern effectively. They must ensure that a minority party in hock to fringe conspiracy theorists is never again able to take control of our government.

Except, that’s what they’ve done in places like California, where they have entrenched their own rule, and run roughshod over the minority. It’s surprising that Republicans even bother running for office in the state.

Both the future of democracy and the future of the planet are on the ballot this year. To save both, we the voters must give the Democrats a decisive and unambiguous victory. And if they win, Democrats must reform our government so that a nihilistic minority will never again make the stakes so high.

Read: To Institute Climate Crisis (scam) Policy We Need To Fix Democracy Or Something »

ACB Confirmed To Supreme Court, Many Democrats Are Not Taking It Well

Of course, Democrats not taking it well is nothing that should surprise anyone, right?

Democrats warn GOP will regret Barrett confirmation

Democratic senators are warning that Republicans will regret confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as the Democrats face pressure from the left to nix the filibuster and expand the court if they win back the majority.

Democrats are facing calls from their base to enact rules changes and broad systemic reforms after President Trump, who lost the popular vote in 2016, was able to put three justices on the bench, in part because Republicans refused to give Merrick Garland, former President Obama’s final nominee, a hearing or a vote in 2016.

Several Democratic senators warned as part of the chamber’s debate over Barrett that Republicans have lost the right to kvetch if Democrats win back the majority and change the rules. Republicans nixed the filibuster in 2017 for Supreme Court nominees and reduced the debate time in 2019 for lower court and executive picks.

Perhaps the Dems should have thought of this before Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for judicial nominees. Hey, maybe it would have been better for Judge Garland to sit in a room for several days, being put on display, before the GOP voted against him.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), in a statement after Barrett’s confirmation on Monday night, warned that Republicans might “rue the day.”

“With this vote, my Republican colleagues forfeit their right to call procedural fouls,” Whitehouse said.

This vote? Well, Mitch McConnell has something to say

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor Monday night that America is a “constitutional republic,” and the government’s “legitimacy” does not arise from the left’s “feelings.”

McConnell said before the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, “Our Democratic colleagues keep repeating the word illegitimate as if repetition would make it true …We’re a constitutional republic. Legitimacy does not flow from their feelings.”

Of course, that doesn’t stop the caterwauling. Many of them are demanding that the court be packed, that lower courts be packed, all because they lost. But, perhaps the worst take?

Coons: ‘Hundreds’ of Trump’s Lower Court Judges Shouldn’t ‘Be Allowed to Sit Peaceably’

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said that there should be a “wide-open conversation” on rebalancing the courts, including the circuit and district courts, where there are “hundreds” of judges who shouldn’t “be allowed to sit peaceably without our re-examining the process, the results, and the consequences.”

Coons said, “[W]e’ve got to have a wide-open conversation about how do we rebalance our courts. Yes, the two Supreme Court [seats] that have been stolen through these processes that are just wildly hypocritical have been used to jam through partisan nominees. But we’ve got to look at our federal courts as a whole, Rachel. Because we’ve seen hundreds of conservative judges put on circuit courts and district courts all over this country in the last four years, in many cases, too young, too unqualified, and too far right to be allowed to sit peaceably without our re-examining the process, the results, and the consequences.”

“Sit peaceably.” Does seem rather a threat, does it not? And, based on how unhinged and violent so many Democrats have become, they will hear this and become threatening and violent. Imagine a Republican said this……yup, you know how the Credentialed Media and Democrats would portray it.

Read: ACB Confirmed To Supreme Court, Many Democrats Are Not Taking It Well »

CFACT Challenges Handsy Joe To Spend A Month Without Fossil Fuels

This should be a challenge to all those Warmists yammering about getting rid of fossil fuels. Let’s start here

Report: Biden Touts Climate Change Agenda While Making Huge Carbon Footprint on Campaign Trail

Former Vice President Joe Biden has made fighting so-called manmade climate change a pillar of his 2020 presidential platform, but reports show that he is leaving behind a huge carbon footprint traveling on the campaign trail.

In 2019, Biden said the country has to take “drastic action right now to address the climate disaster facing our nation and the world.”

But his actions speak louder than his words, according to E&E News:

So far the Biden campaign has offset roughly half of its emissions from the team’s transportation to rallies, fundraisers and other political events. A spokesman told E&E News that the campaign’s contract with Advanced Aviation to provide flights for Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), includes carbon offsets. The campaign’s payments to the Virginia-based jet company make up less than 55% of the more than $5 million that the campaign has spent on transportation and likely represent only a plurality of its overall emissions, according to campaign filings and interviews.

That’s disappointing to climate scientists, who would like to see Biden’s team — which is on pace to raise more than $1 billion before the final votes are cast in 12 days — match its political promises on climate change with commensurate action. Biden has said global warming is an existential threat.

“The time is now to be changing our behaviors and to follow through on our words and commitments,” Heidi Roop, a climate scientist at the University of Minnesota, said in the E&E report. “People who are in positions of leadership and positions of power, they need to start walking the walk.”

Well, see, it’s easy for rich people to pay for offsets, rather than actually practicing what they preach, especially when they can use Other People’s money via campaign contributions. And Joe Bastardi has a challenge for Joe

Joe Biden challenge: Spend a month without fossil fuels

Joe Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels. This is a position that is either ignorant of facts, or simply preying on the lack of knowledge people have on this matter. IT IS NOT JUST ENERGY APPARENTLY, HE HAS NO IDEA HOW MANY PRODUCTS THAT MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER RELY ON PETROLEUM!

Its not just the idea we are getting off fossil fuels as a source of energy. Products that are directly produced with petroleum or derivatives of petroleum are not even thought of by the average person, who is being indoctrinated by all this. Either Joe Biden does not understand this, or he does and is preying on the lack of knowledge on this matter by an increasingly indoctrinated public.

So here is the challenge to Joe Biden, win, lose or draw in the upcoming election, I want you your family and staff to spend 1 month off anything that has a link to fossil fuels.

Here is a list and it is still not a full one, but is a start.

Of course, we all know that for most climate cultists it’s always about making That Guy comply, never themselves.

Read: CFACT Challenges Handsy Joe To Spend A Month Without Fossil Fuels »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, evil, not good climate killing plastic water bottle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on AOC saying the Dems must retake the senate in order to avoid bipartisanship.

Read: If All You See… »

Americans Are Worried About Leftist Election Violence, Buying Guns And TP

It’s not Republican voters who will commit violence: if Biden wins, Trump voters will just shrug. If Trump wins, leftists will burn their own cities (makes total sense, right?) even worse than what they’ve been doing

Americans worried about Election Day violence and chaos are buying guns and toilet paper

Tabitha Converse is quietly preparing for Election Day and the weeks beyond by stocking her basement pantry with canned goods, toilet paper and other basic supplies. She even persuaded her husband to buy a hunting rifle, just in case.

Like millions of Americans, Converse, 43, fears the potential for violence that experts say may accompany this year’s presidential election. A mother of two who works as a dental hygienist, Converse is trying not to worry too much, but with a pandemic, civil rights protests and raging wildfires piled atop the election’s boiling-hot rhetoric, well, who knows what might happen?

Most experts predict scattered violence is the worst the United States could experience this Election Day, given isolated incidents that have already taken place this year. But across the country, Americans like Converse are stocking up and preparing to hunker down to ride out a possible wave of sustained election-relatedchaos. They are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers and getting ready to peel off political bumper stickers and yank out yard signs to make themselves less of a target in case the other guy wins. Some are fleeing for remote areas or custom-built bunkers.

I thought leftists were against individual gun ownership? Oh, right, right, that’s only for Other People, not themselves. As for bumper stickers, yeah, that’s Republicans not putting them on because Liberals are unhinged and intolerant.

“It just seemed, well, stupid isn’t the right word, but it doesn’t make sense to be that ill-prepared,” says Converse, a lifelong Republican who voted Democrat in the presidential race for the first time this year. “A civil war? That could last for years. We don’t have years’ worth of supplies and if it went on for years, well, you could always go out and shoot a deer.”

Right, right, a lifelong Republican who cares about implementing the leftist agenda. But, I don’t blame her for wanting a gun to protect herself from the rioting and violence from her Comrades.

On the other side, there’s fear that right-wing anti-government extremists responding to the largest civil rights movement in 50 years have now aligned themselves with Trump. After years of growing hate crimes and violence, experts said there is a concern that armed right-wing terrorists might take to the streets if there are delays in election results or an unfavorable outcome, such as Democrat Joe Biden taking the White House.

They might march, but, the only violence will be if Biden voters start it.

“The violence will occur either way,” says Gallaher. “If Biden wins, it will be an excuse to try to delegitimize the results and to go after perceived enemies on the left, and of course, that means labeling pretty much anyone that you disagree with Antifa. But I worry, too, if Trump wins, this will be a signal to these far-right groups that have supported him, extremist groups like the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, other groups like this, that they will see this is like open season to go after people that have been opponents of Trump. So even if he wins that, you know, I think the violence is going to happen. It’s going to be sort of opening the door.”

It’s great how they’re blowing off the actual, real violence and threats from Biden voters, eh? This whole article pretty much ignores what we saw on our TVs and social media.

“Hopefully, it will be limited and controlled, but it could, unfortunately, devolve into long term, widespread clashes, some even fear civil war,” he says.

Doubtful. At worst, it will be spread violence if these Biden voter nutters coming into non-Dem areas and trying to start something they can’t finish. They mostly stay in their own areas, though, because they know their cops are stopped from doing anything, and Dem govs mostly won’t call out the National Guard.

Read: Americans Are Worried About Leftist Election Violence, Buying Guns And TP »

Democrats Are Insane

Of course, this really more about her trying to Virtue Signal for likes. Still, disgraceful. These people are nuts.

Read: Democrats Are Insane »

Climate Cult Trots Out Another Young Child, Who Has A Doozy Of A Question

Seriously, the only way an 8 year old acts like this and talks like this is if they have been brainwashed by adults. They should be running around, having fun, playing games, and enjoying life. What these adults do to kids now really is child abuse. And it’s shameful that adults use kids in this manner to perpetuate their climate cult. But, this kid does have an interesting question (provided it didn’t actually come from his parents)

The 8-year-old who fears adults can’t be trusted to fix the climate crisis

Noah is an 8-year-old in Flamborough, Ontario. He loves nature shows and his two cats, Shadow and Whispers (he probably meant to name the second cat “Whiskers,” according to his mom, but he mixes those words up sometimes). When he grows up, he wants to be a veterinarian or a nature photographer — something that puts him in touch with animals and the Earth.

Lately, according to his mom, Jodi Green, Noah has become preoccupied with the climate crisis. He learned about it last year in school during a Greta Thunberg-style rally where students came together to demand swifter action on the global climate emergency, she said.

Ever since, he’s been brimming with questions.

He sent one of those questions — a doozy — to me recently as part of my new series for CNN Opinion, called “Let’s talk about the climate apocalypse.” “I want to know what I can do to change the world and make it better for my own children one day,” wrote Noah, who later told me he wants to have two kids when he grows up. “I am looking for specific actions and steps that will help me take control of the situation and fight climate change. I do not think leaving it up to the adults is working out very well.”

Do they sound like questions from a child or from adults? What 8 year old is thinking about having 2 kids when he grows up? The big question is on what he can do. Does the article writer, John Sutter, have an answer?

Noah, I agree we adults of the world aren’t doing right by you or your future. I share your mother’s concerns about what the weight of the world that’s sitting on your shoulders could do to you. (“I worry about him and all kids,” Green told me recently by phone. “I worry about them getting depressed about [the climate crisis] and giving up on it — feeling hopeless.”) It’s not fair that climate change has become the burden of the young simply because your generation will live on this planet far longer than mine or your mom’s. There’s more we all can do.

Perhaps it’s not fair that his mother and teachers put this burden on him. Sutter advises Noah

That includes eating (or asking your parents to consider letting you eat) more plants and fewer animals. Cattle and lamb, in particular, have an outsize impact on greenhouse gas pollution. (There are plenty of beef alternatives, and eating chicken and pork has less climate impact than beef, by far). It means biking and walking more, driving less. It means limiting air travel, especially across oceans. It means educating yourself – Project Drawdown is a great resource — about the most effective solutions to the climate crisis, many of which involve governments and energy systems and infrastructure. When you’re old enough, it means voting, and making climate change one of your top priorities as you consider political candidates and parties.

So….a few token changes, then giving even more power to government. Huh.

My second piece of advice is to use your voice. You, along with millions of other young people all around the world, realize truths far too many adults shy away from: The planet is in major trouble; we’ve been messing it up for decades and decades; and the time for change is now.

Why is so much of the advice from higher level climate cult poo-bahs always about using your voice, rather than practicing what you preach? They want them to use their voice to get government to tax themselves along with taking away their liberty, freedom, and choice. Idiots. Here’s what you can do, Noah

Read: Climate Cult Trots Out Another Young Child, Who Has A Doozy Of A Question »

Young Progressives Aren’t Just Settling For Biden, They’re Settling For Biden

All these young, dumb, Progressive (nice Fascism) voters (who never really show up like expected) are super enthused to settle for Biden

Young and progressive voters aren’t just ‘settling for Biden’ anymore. They’re going all in.

At first glance, it looks like a typical Joe Biden campaign sign.

But written in lettering that mimics Biden’s actual campaign logo is a phrase that has become a movement: Settle for Biden.

The former vice president, who ran in the Democratic primary on a centrist platform, was not the first, or even second, choice for many young and progressive voters. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who garnered a large following after his 2016 presidential run, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren carried that mantle.

But after Warren and Sanders left the campaign in March, it became clear to 19-year-old Samuel Weinberg he needed to do something to drum up support for a candidate he wasn’t initially thrilled to back.

“We’re saying that you don’t have to be head over heels in love with a candidate in order to vote for them,” said Weinberg, the founder and executive director of the Settle for Biden organization. “You really just have to right now choose the better of the two options, and we think that Joe Biden is a very good option given the circumstances.”

Weinberg was struck when he first heard a hint of that message from an unlikely source: Dr. Jill Biden.

In a message to skeptical primary voters in August 2019 in New Hampshire, the former second lady said “maybe you have to swallow a little bit” to vote for her husband, but he is the candidate who can be Trump. The comments resulted in some headlines stating Jill Biden was asking voters to “settle” for her husband.

See, these are supporters for another old guy, Bernie Sanders, and these youngsters are flirting with Modern Socialism, because young kids have to be rebellious and do what all the other kids are doing as taught by their teachers and an old dude who made lots of money from the system. Interestingly, the article fails to mention Comrade Bernie’s policies, or whether these kids are giving up their money and freedom to The Government, following Comrade Bernie’s plans

Over the past several months, young and progressive voters have used social media to campaign amid the coronavirus pandemic and convince skeptical voters to support Biden. And Settle for Biden has gone from just an organization to a movement for many members of those key voting blocs.

Well, mostly they all just wanted to shoot TikTok videos and get likes for them, rather than really caring. It’s easy to say you’re part of a movement, a lot more difficult to actually practice what the movement requires, the policies Comrade Bernie laid out.

But, hey, this is politics, sometimes you do have to settle. Young, mushy headed, “we’re totally counterculture” as they follow a long-term political insider will have to settle for Biden, who will only tax them some, instead of a lot, and will kill off business, raise their cost of living, kill off jobs, make Americans less safe, and not put America first for foreign policy. Good for them. They can have fun when the police are defunded

In the same manner, Independents, squishy Republicans, and even squishy Democrats should settle for Trump, who works to put more money in their pockets, puts America and Americans first, keeps taxes low, keeps the cost of energy low, and wants them to have as much freedom from Government as possible. Sure, you may not like him personally, but, then, it’s about what gets done. And Trump has done a heck of a lot of good Conservatively.

Read: Young Progressives Aren’t Just Settling For Biden, They’re Settling For Biden »

Vatican: A Sustainable Future Is Possible If We Implement Modern Socialist Rule

What else could the Vatican and Pope Francis be talking about? If you change governance, you’re getting rid of Democratically elected governments, and really implementing a Modern Socialist agenda, where you really do not have a choice of whom to vote for

Covid: a sustainable future is possible if governance changes

Marxism and SocialismPope Francis is certain of this and is repeating it to everyone: we will emerge either better or worse after the pandemic The global crisis requires that the parameters of human co-existence be rethought through the lens of solidarity. Based on this foundational idea, the “Covid-19: Building a Healthier Future” has been created in collaboration with the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, to offer a vision that might lead to the beginning of a new fraternity after the pandemic

It’s a question of perspective. Quarantined by the coronavirus, the world quarantined having had to suspend the evolution of its activities, wanting to recover a sense of direction needs to be careful that it takes the right path. Above all, there is no room to commit past errors. First among these is that of thinking that health is a consequence of economic growth. “Growth is the wrong goal. What we need to aim for is human development – sustainable human development”, states Janet Ranganathan, Vice-President of  Research, Data, and Innovation of World Resource Institute, one of the experts invited by Pope Francis as a member of the Vatican Covid-19 Commission. Ranganathan has an idea so that the poor will not be left pay the virus’s high costs: “One concrete first step would be for Pope Francis to convene a summit with other religious leaders and to form a virtuous Circle of Sustainability that keeps expanding until it envelopes the entire planet”.

So, the Vatican is going to give up its vast riches and all how it raises money?

If the international community were to take decisive action against the climate crisis, could it push the global economy toward growth?

R. – Growth is the wrong goal. What we need to aim for is human development – sustainable human development. That is what the UN SDGs call for. Too many governments have pursued economic growth, allowing it to become the “end” rather than the “means.” This has contributed to growing inequalities and degradation of the natural resource base that supports life on earth. Effective climate change action must be an integral part of efforts to rewire economies to deliver sustainable development. This requires a shift in focus to tackle the root causes of inequity and environmental degradation some of which I mentioned above – vested interests, overconsumption, lack of transparency and accountability, etc.

No growth, no earnings. Oh, right, all that money goes to Government. Funny how all the solutions go to big, controlling Government.

Read: Vatican: A Sustainable Future Is Possible If We Implement Modern Socialist Rule »

Pirate's Cove