Bummer: Media Just Exposed That Trump Was Right On California Wildfires

Someone committed a Random Act Of Journalism

NBC News’ Alicia Victoria Lozano is surely being treated as a heretic today. From the link

The Western United States is enduring yet another devastating fire year, with more than 4.1 million acres already scorched in California alone, at least 31 people dead and hundreds of others forced to flee their homes.

Wildland fires are increasingly following a now-familiar pattern: bigger, hotter and more destructive. A recent Los Angeles Times headline declaring 2020 to be “The worst fire season. Again” illustrated some of the frustration residents feel over the state’s fire strategy.

For decades, federal, state and local agencies have prioritized fire suppression over prevention, pouring billions of dollars into hiring and training firefighters, buying and maintaining firefighting equipment and educating the public on fire safety.

But as climate change continues to fuel dry conditions in the American West, many experts say it’s long past time to shift the focus back to managing healthy forests that can better withstand fire and add to a more sustainable future.

Of course she had to drop the climate crisis (scam) into it, because that is Required to avoid an Climainquisition

“Fires have always been part of our ecosystem,” said Mike Rogers, a former Angeles National Forest supervisor and board member of the National Association of Forest Service Retirees. “Forest management is a lot like gardening. You have to keep the forest open and thin.” (snip)

Long before the country’s founding, Spanish explorers documented wildland fires in California. In 1542, conquistador Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo sailed along the coast and noticed smoke billowing up from what is now known as the Los Angeles Basin. He called it “la baya de los fumos,” or “the bay of smoke.”

So, yeah, always happened because of the topography and climate in California

The state’s policy to stop fires as soon as they ignite resulted in a backlog of trees in forests now choked with brush and other dry fuels. According to the U.S. Forest Service, one researcher studying the Stanislaus National Forest in Northern California found records from 1911 showing just 19 trees per acre in one section of the forest. More than a century later, the researcher and his team counted 260 trees per acre. (snip)

Removing small growth from forests is also more expensive and not as economically attractive as focusing on large-growth removal that can be turned into timber, Kusel acknowledged. Still, as wildfires threaten to become bigger and more dangerous, Kusel is hopeful that a new locally based biomass market could offset the cost of thinning out the state’s forests by creating smaller, better-maintained facilities that do not release dangerous pollutants into the air.

See, it’s better to just let it burn. Hey, perhaps they could use people in prison to do the hard work of clearing the brush, let them pay their debt to society? Nah, that’s crazy talk.

Read: Bummer: Media Just Exposed That Trump Was Right On California Wildfires »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, evil, utterly no good for Other People fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on a lockdown on dissent in the UK.

Read: If All You See… »

New Yorkers Make Plans To Escape The Post-Election Violence

Hey, who’s better to know what crazy Harris/Biden voters will do that other Harris/Biden voters and those who live in Democratic Party run cities

‘The City Will Be On Fire’: New Yorkers Reportedly Prepare To Flee Homes To Avoid Election-Related Unrest

New Yorkers are purportedly making plans to escape the city ahead of potential election day violence and protests, according to the New York Post.

Paulo Wei, 25, is planning on avoiding unrest by leaving his luxury building on the Upper West Side for his family’s 60-acre farm two hours north of the city, the Post reported Saturday.

“I felt trapped in the apartment — the protests were overwhelming,” Wei said, the Post reported. “It could happen again and I don’t want to be caught up in that. No matter who wins, someone is going to get upset.”

Andrea, 31, a Republican and public relations specialist of New York City’s Flatiron district, said she will leave for Tulum, Mexico, prior to Nov. 3, the Post reported. Her trip will span from Oct. 25 through Nov. 8.

“I went to my parents in New Jersey for about two weeks when the BLM protests got bad and the looting started. So I definitely want to get out of here the week of the election,” Andrea said, the Post reported.”

“I’m thinking if Trump wins, it’s going to be a disaster — the city will be on fire. People are going to go nuts,” Andrea added, the Post reported.

If Trump wins, there will be even bigger riots that what we’ve seen in NYC, Portland, Seattle, LA, Chicago, Minneapolis, Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, etc. They will refuse to accept the results, and they are more than willing to resort to violence, which is strange, since they’re destroying their own cities. Of course, during the BLM/Antifa riots they were very much destroying areas of the cities they didn’t live in, and were often areas black people live in.

A leaked NYPD memo said officials are expecting protests to start as early as Oct. 25, and to continue into next year, the Post reported. The memo reportedly said officers should “be prepared for deployment,” the Post reported.

If Biden wins you won’t have Republicans out in the streets looting, pillaging, committing arson and assault. They’ll just be disappointed and move on. Sure, some will call for secession, but, that will be fringe folks. If Trump wins, we’ll have the riots and serious calls for secession. Remember, we had that secession movement when Trump won in 2016, and it was a bit more serious than some of the “breakup states like California, NY, and Oregon” movement from Republicans when Obama won.

Read: New Yorkers Make Plans To Escape The Post-Election Violence »

Climate Crisis (scam) Doom For The Pika Is Cancelled

Hey, remember when the American Pika was Doomed because you ate a burger and drove to work in a fossil fueled vehicle?

The American ‘Fur Ball’ Being Threatened by a Warming Climate
The American pika evolved to thrive in the cold of the mountains of the West, a habitat that is shrinking with alarming speed, a new study finds.

American pika vanishing from western US as ‘habitat lost to climate change’
The small mammal – ‘one of the cutest animals in America’ – is struggling to survive as summers get hotter and drier

Pikas Disappearing from Parts of the West Due to Climate Change

And so many more. But, Doom cancelled

Study Says an Adorable Species May Be Doing Okay in Climate Change – The American Pika!

The American pika (Ochotona princeps) is traditionally thought of as a canary in the coal mine when it comes to America’s rising temperatures.

Making their homes high up in the cooler mountain regions of western North America, these adorable critters can overheat in high temperatures – making them incredibly sensitive to climate change.

Or at least that’s what we thought.

A new literature review by conservationist Andrew T. Smith says otherwise – that the pika is doing remarkably well considering the circumstances.

“These results show that pikas are able to tolerate a broader set of habitat conditions than previously understood,” Smith explains. (snip)

But placing individual studies into a broader context can reveal trends and inconsistencies that could otherwise be missed, and Smith believes that the American Pika is a lot better off than we thought.

“Much of the narrative regarding pikas and climate change has been based on studies from a restricted and marginal part of their geographic range,” he writes in the paper.

“But because responses of pikas to their environment can vary greatly across their broad geographic range, care should be taken when generalizing from one region to another.”

Pikas have survived many previous Holocene warm periods, several which were much warmer than the current one. Do you ever get the feeling that climate cultists just throw out scary prognostications without actual data in an attempt to scare people into complying with Cult of Climastrology dogma?

Here’s more doomsaying

Sharks have killed 7 people in Australia this year, the most since 1934. Climate change could be a factor

To put this year’s spike into perspective, there were no shark attack deaths in Australia in 2019. The years before that only saw one or two deaths annually. The last time the country had seven shark attack deaths a year was 1934, according to a spokesperson from the Taronga Conservation Society Australia. The highest annual figure on record dates back to 1929, with nine deaths.

And, yeah, they’re blaming it on ‘climate change’, forgetting to mention what caused the killer attacks back in 1929, when CO2 was well below the Cult’s call for 350ppm.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Doom For The Pika Is Cancelled »

Liz Peak Offers 5 Reason To Vote Trump

Sadly, this election seems to be ignoring actual policy. You don’t see much about it in the Credentialed Media, it’s more about personality, because, let’s face it, beyond Joe Biden’s talking points, the actual policies are pretty bad. They’ll jack up our taxes, increase our energy costs, food costs, fuel costs, and overall cost of living. And they institute even more government in our lives, government telling us what we can do and when we can do it. Government taking over different aspects of our lives and the economy. And the idiot Biden voters and Never Trumpers don’t seem to realize this. Just look at Net Neutrality: it would turn the Internet into a public utility: how well did that work for landline phone systems, where innovation was like nothing, and costs were essentially fixed, for local and long distance? When government control was greatly reduced, innovation happened.


Liz Peek: Trump vs. Biden — 5 reasons why a sane person should vote – again – for Trump

Four years ago, supporting Donald J. Trump for president was controversial.

Today, backing the president is downright risky. People are losing their jobs, children are being kicked out of class and businesses are boycotted because their owners support President Trump. Imagine.

Seriously, how risky is it to have a Trump flag, or bumper sticker, or hat? Remember when we heard about all the attacks on people for this? We don’t hear it much these days because people only have these in large groups. To do otherwise means an unhinged Biden voter going nutbar. Want you car keyed? Put a Trump bumper sticker on it.

Hitting back at the Democrats’ assault on Candidate Trump in 2016, I wrote a piece for the Fiscal Times titled: “Five Reasons a Sane Person Might Still Vote for Trump.” The arguments I highlighted hold up well, and are perhaps even more persuasive today.

First up: Education.

If you believe in equal opportunity, you want all youngsters to receive a decent education. In many (I’d say most) Democrat-led cities, Hispanic and African-American kids do not receive one.

And yet the teachers’ unions and their Democratic Party backers refuse all accountability or reforms, condemning millions of Black and brown children to second-class status.

New York City spends $28,808 per public school pupil but in 2019 only 28% of black kids were proficient in math and 35% made the cut in English.

That is unacceptable, but Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden would respond by handing even more funds over to his union pals and supporting the status quo.

Why? Because he needs money from the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, two of our nation’s largest political donors.

Trump is a big proponent of school choice and school reform, which Biden and the teacher’s unions are dead set against, even though the majority of parents are for it. 69% of black voters are for school choice. Which candidate is really trying to make the lives of blacks better, and which is simply using them as a voting block when the time comes around, then leaving blacks in squalor the rest of the time? Then we have Obamacare

Democrats have put this failed insurance program on the ballot, and it should be. While Biden tries to scare people by saying the Trump White House will remove protections for people with preexisting conditions, which is not true, they neglect to mention that the cost of insurance premiums under ObamaCare for people not receiving subsidies doubled between 2013 and 2017, making it unaffordable to millions.

As a consequence, the number of uninsured people in the country actually went up.  As of 2019 only 11.4 million Americans were enrolled in the ACA- mandated health care exchanges. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/761101

Bet you haven’t heard that data, eh? Further, let’s not forget that the deductibles of the plans are often unaffordable. Sure, you have health insurance, you just can’t use it. Oh, you’re renting a coffee machine, but you can’t afford the coffee for it? Huh.

Liz goes on to discuss the economy, which roared after puttering along during the Obama years, and will again post-COVID, as well as reducing government in our lives and the Supreme Court. For the Never Trumpers on the right, do you really want far left Democrats appointed to federal courts and the Supreme Court? Remember, they will be there for a long, long time, making ruling you really won’t like.

These five reasons to vote for Trump remain critical in 2020. His many accomplishments  – bringing hostages home, revised trade deals, taking on China, rebuilding the military, tightening our borders, the blockbuster Middle East peace initiative — and the near-insanity of the left, make the choice even easier.

Sadly, the Trump haters focus more on personality, and won’t listen to reason. They’ve been reduced to 4 years olds screaming because they can’t have a cookie before dinner, even after being told they can have one after dinner. You’ve seen those memes “why my child is crying,” right? That’s these people. All emotion, not adult thought.

Now do this: ask what policies make Biden supporters want to vote Biden: they’ll mostly flip to “well, you see, Trump” and it will mostly be about Trump personally, not his policy, and when they do hit the policy, they have their facts wrong.

Read: Liz Peak Offers 5 Reason To Vote Trump »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that’s risen dozens of feet since the photo was taken, and don’t try to give them your denier facts, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Ice Age Now, with a post on voting for Biden is voting for a bankrupt nation.

It’s old school beauty week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Peter Dribben

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are squirreling, and the Dodgers have managed to tie up the series, with game 7 today. This pinup is by Peter Dribben, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Not A Lot Of People Know That says that the Amazon is not turning into a savanna from ‘climate change’
  2. Jo Nova says this is the most important election since 1860
  3. Green Jihad discusses “record” wildfires
  4. Adrienne’s Corner says if Biden wins you’ll need to learn Chinese
  5. American Power covers everything being “white supremacy”
  6. Blazing Cat Fur wonders how close America is to civil war
  7. Bunkerville notes which foreign agent is running Biden’s super-PAC
  8. Chicks On The Right covers Motley Crue’s Tommy Lee pledging to leave if Trump wins (remember when rockers were about freedom, rather than Big Government?)
  9. Creeping Sharia introduces you to Iman Jodeh, an Islamist running in Colorado
  10. Datechguy’s Blog delves into Futureworld
  11. Geller Report News has Cuomo and de Blasio enabling anti-Semitic attacks
  12. Hogewash brings you some incredible video on quasars
  13. IMAO, which suddenly popped back up on the feedreader, delves into the what the FBI’s “personal weapons” category means
  14. IOTW Report covers how many are “retiring” from the NYPD
  15. And last, but not least, Irons In The Fire has the latest demands from the Wokescolds

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Deroy Murdock: Voters Should Focus On Policy Vs Personality

This is what I keep saying, in a few posts, and especially in comments at other sites, on Twitter, and definitely when I talk to the Trump haters in person. There are even people I know who say “I’m a Republican, but I can’t stand Trump.” Well, that’s great an all, what policies of his do you not like? They can’t even talk policy

Deroy Murdock: Trump vs. Biden – voters in 2020 should think long and hard about policy, not personality

Focus on public policy!

This is what I have done, and advised others to do, since Donald J. Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

Some people, including otherwise intelligent and thoughtful free-market and cultural conservatives, cannot tolerate Trump’s larger-than-life persona, his often grandiose statements, his Twitter blasts, and the sneaking suspicion that he might be the reincarnation of P.T. Barnum. Some Americans find the president’s quirks and conduct amusing. Others are appalled.

President Trump’s antics make me grin more than they make me grimace, Regardless, I focus on public policy: What legislation has he signed? What has he vetoed? Do his actions as president make Americans freer, safer, and more prosperous? Do America’s enemies advance or retreat in his presence?

As voters pick the Oval Office’s next occupant, they should imagine it’s Christmas morning. A large, mysterious box sits beneath a shimmering tree. Is it covered in soothing, lovely wrapping paper or in months-old newsprint? Who cares? The box’s contents matter.

I’m stealing that one, Deroy. It’s a hell of an analogy.

Former vice president Joe Biden generally exudes a vaguely calming tone. His empathetic demeanor, perhaps forced by multiple family tragedies, also amplifies his appeal. For some people, that’s plenty. They, especially Republicans in their midst, should meditate long and hard on what Biden actually would do as president.

Deroy points out that Joe is against school choice, while Trump is for it

President Trump has created 8,700 Opportunity Zones, largely in low-income minority neighborhoods. Incentives have attracted some $75 billion in private investment to these communities.

If Biden kills the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, as he has pledged, wave goodbye to Opportunity Zones.

Joe can talk all he wants about killing that act, and how he would only increase taxes on those making $400k or more: it would harm a lot of different things, and, really, small business owners. Plus, we know how this works: all his Comrades in the entertainment industry, sports, lawyers, media, etc, will be give exemptions so they pay not a dime more.

Deroy goes through a few more things in the article, let’s note a few more: Harris-Biden would attempt to reinstate the Paris Climate agreement, the Clean Power Plan, Waters of the USA (one of the most onerous rules ever passed), they’d push for single payer (Medicare for all), massive gun restrictions (their nutty base wants the Australian solution, which is banning most private ownership), and so much more.

Trump keeps passing legislation and pushing rules/regs that are good for citizens, including blacks, Latinos, and LGBT. Heck, read through this thread, it’s a great one. If you’re a right leaning Never Trumper, think about what voting against Trump, whether for Biden, a 3rd party, or just not voting, brings if Biden wins. Is that what you want? Can you hold your nose and check the box for Trump/Pence as a vote against Biden/Harris? I’ve said before that my vote in 2016 was more about being against Hillary than for Trump. Give it a try.

Read: Deroy Murdock: Voters Should Focus On Policy Vs Personality »

Good News: Meteorologist Genger Zee’s Body Has A Message About ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

See if you can get the message (you can see the whole picture at the link, embedding Instagram never works for me)

Well, darn it, Bill beat me too it. From the link

If you have ever posted a picture on Instagram that you thought was going to be a hit and it got barely any likes, then you certainly know what Ginger Zee is going through.

ABC News’ chief meteorologist took to social media Friday with an offering and a plea to her followers. “Photos of my body, hair and legs get so many more comments than my important climate stories so HERE — here’s a photo I know will get the attention,” she wrote next to a photo of her in an orange dress, sitting on a step, with her legs exposed.

The text of her Instagram post reads

PLEASE READ: Photos of my body, hair and legs get so many more comments than my important climate stories so HERE — here’s a photo I know will get the attention — NOW, PLEASE KEEP READING: I appreciate all the interaction but I really want you all to HEAR what I’m saying too.

DON’T comment on this photo— go click on and WATCH my next post. Learn. Then comment there.

I will do whatever it takes for everyone to realize we need to make changes and clean-up our planet— NOW.

I post my stories every Friday and they often get only 6 comments and very few views. Hope this helps change that.

It’s totes serious, people! If the climate crisis was real, would people have to do this kind of thing? Of course, let’s be honest, she’s really looking for likes and adoration for her body and viewpoints. But, hey, if she really wants to do something, she’d get ABC to stop using fossil fueled vehicles for all its operations and only use solar and wind for their broadcasts, right?

Read: Good News: Meteorologist Genger Zee’s Body Has A Message About ‘Climate Change’ (scam) »

If All You See…

…are leaves falling due to carbon pollution driven climatic changes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post fact checking the Harris-Biden tax plan.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove