NY Times Calls Trump An Authoritarian For Declassifying Documents

Mind you, this is not in the opinion section, but called “news analysis” in the politics section

From the link

President Trump’s order to his secretary of state to declassify thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails, along with his insistence that his attorney general issue indictments against Barack Obama and Joseph R. Biden Jr., takes his presidency into new territory — until now, occupied by leaders with names like Putin, Xi and Erdogan.

Mr. Trump has long demanded — quite publicly, often on Twitter — that his most senior cabinet members use the power of their office to pursue political enemies. But his appeals this week, as he trailed badly in the polls and was desperate to turn the national conversation away from the coronavirus, were so blatant that one had to look to authoritarian nations to make comparisons.

He took a step even Richard M. Nixon avoided in his most desperate days: openly ordering direct, immediate government action against specific opponents, timed to serve his re-election campaign. (snip)

Now he is talking about it, almost daily. He is making it clear that prosecutions, like vaccines for the coronavirus, are useless to him if they come after Nov. 3. He has declared, without evidence, that there is already plenty of proof that Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden and Mrs. Clinton, among others, were fueling the charges that his campaign had links to Russia — what he calls “the Russia hoax.” And he has pressured his secretary of state to agree to release more of Mrs. Clinton’s emails before the election, reprising a yearslong fixation despite having defeated her four years ago.

But, see, there is plenty of actual evidence that it was a hoax, that it was started by the Hillary campaign, and that Obama-Biden and Russia knew about it. And, see, there was a time when a news outlet would smell blood in the water when it came to declassifying government documents that show malfeasance, even criminal activity, and they would swarm and attack.

Now? They defend those of their own party. Any shred of integrity and neutrality is gone like a fart in the wind. There was no Russian collusion by the Trump campaign or Trump. It was made up. That’s why nuts like Adam Schiff could never show their “rock solid evidence.” That’s why Mueller never found anything.

Seriously, what if I told you a president

  • targeted political rivals using the IRS and DOJ
  • got the DOJ to back off investigating political allies
  • blew off the law to give essentially amnesty to millions of illegals
  • instituted a reg that gave feds even more power over energy sector
  • instituted a reg that gave feds control over all waterways in US, including ponds in your backyard
  • signed a document pledging US money for ‘climate change’ which avoided the legislative body
  • Made a deal with Iran that avoided the duly elected legislative body
  • dictated how schools must allow boys claiming to be girls in the girls locker rooms and showers or they’d lose federal money
  • signed a law giving feds more power over your health insurance and care
  • same law gave feds more power over student loans
  • instituted a contraceptive and abortifacient mandate, despite appearing nowhere in the Affordable Care Act
  • refused to defend duly passed laws by Congress and signed by previous presidents
  • Continuously took more power for the feds and away from the states and municipalities
  • ruled by his pen
  • instituted rules and regs willy nilly
  • used the national press as his personal Pravda
  • and more

That’s the guy people say is freedom loving, while the guy who did away with that stuff, is trying to expose gov’t abuse, and get rid of burdensome gov regs is called an authoritarian/dictator. And these same media folks did all they could to defend the Big Government actions of Obama-Biden and protect them.

Read: NY Times Calls Trump An Authoritarian For Declassifying Documents »

ClimaPope Who Takes Long Fossil Fueled Trips Yammers On About Solving Climate Crisis (scam)

If only the Pope had as much passion for talking about the evil of abortion and governmental control of people’s lives

Pope in TED talk: Earth cannot be squeezed ‘like an orange’

Pope Francis on Saturday issued an urgent call to action to defend the planet and help the poor in his second TED talk.

The pontiff, known for his affinity for social media and technology, said in a videotaped message to a TED conference on climate change that the coronavirus pandemic had put a focus on the social-environmental challenge facing the globe.

“Science tells us, every day with more precision, that it is necessary to act with urgency — I am not exaggerating, science tell us this — if we want to have the hope of avoiding radical changes in the climate and catastrophes,” Francis said, looking directly in the camera as he looked up from his prepared remarks.

He set as a goal for the next decade constructing a world capable of responding to current generations, “without compromising the possibilities of the future generations.” He framed his call with references to his 2015 encyclical on climate change, “Laudato Si,” (Be Praised) and the more recent “Fratelli tutti” (Brothers All) on the failure of market capitalism.

Francis laid out three paths of action: promoting education about the environment “based on scientific data and an ethical approach,” assuring drinking water and an adequate food supply through sustainable agriculture and promoting the transformation from fossil fuels to clean energy sources.

“We have just a few years — scientists calculate roughly fewer than 30 — to drastically reduce the emissions of gas and the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere,” the pope said, adding that the transition needs to take into account the impact on the poor, local populations and those who work in the energy sector.

He called on investors to exclude companies that do not taking into account the environment, as have many faith-based organizations already have.

Have you ever heard the Pope say that investors should exclude companies that support abortion on demand.

Notice that the Pope doesn’t say what actions he is taking. When does he give up his own long fossil fueled flights? When does he convert Vatican City into purely relying on solar and wind? When does he tell Catholics and all the others who take fossil fueled flights then car trips to the Vatican to just stay home? Oh, right, the Vatican would miss out on lots of money, and they wouldn’t want that to occur.

Read: ClimaPope Who Takes Long Fossil Fueled Trips Yammers On About Solving Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are leaves falling early due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on remembering that it’s only property damage.

Its Autumn week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. There rain is feeding the plants, there’s a nip of Fall in the air, and the Dodgers are one step closer to the World Series. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch notes the Pope being against the death penalty while praising a pro-death Imam
  2. Weasel Zippers covers Biden saying citizens don’t deserve to know his positions
  3. This ain’t Hell… features a man sentenced to jail for stolen valor
  4. The Right Scoop covers 3 of the men (so far) charged in the plot to kidnap Gov Whitmer being Trump haters
  5. The Political Hat discusses systemic madness in Portland
  6. The People’s Cube features Putin praising the ideological links between Dems and Communism
  7. The Other McCain notes that Trump truly has broken the hater’s minds
  8. The Lid notes that Harris-Biden really do want to take your guns
  9. The Last Refuge covers ESPN having yet another round of get woke go broke layoffs
  10. The First Street Journal notes “mask-stiffing” on restaurant receipts
  11. The Feral Irishman highlights the condescending arrogance of the left
  12. The Daley Gator notes that math is apparently raaaaacist
  13. Raised On Hoecakes covers Yelp making their reviews about checking for racism
  14. Powerline features yet another Democrat “walking away”
  15. And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit notes a Trump supporter shot by an Antifa terrorist at a rally

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Elizabeth “Fake Indian” Warren Argues That Government Should Not Control Your Choices

In attempting to argue against Amy Coney Barrett because of her pro-life beliefs, Warren makes an interesting admission

We Know Exactly How Amy Coney Barrett Feels About Abortion
The decision whether or not to bear a child is “central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that 30 years ago, at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. She understood that reproductive freedom is foundational to equality, and critical to women’s health and economic security. Without access to high-quality reproductive health care — including contraception and safe, legal abortion — we cannot have true equality.

But President Trump, Senate Republicans, and their extremist allies don’t care. They’ve spent almost four years of the Trump administration — and the many years before — undermining health care and turning back the clock on reproductive rights. That’s why they nominated Amy Coney Barrett to sit on the Supreme Court. She’s the ticket for a desperate, right-wing party that wants to hold onto power a little longer in order to impose its extremist agenda on the entire country.

President Trump and his Republican enablers have tried to deny this obvious fact. The president recently said that he “didn’t know” how Barrett would rule on reproductive rights, and Republicans in the Senate have fallen in line. The Republican Party knows the large majority of Americans don’t support overturning Roe v. Wade. They benefit when we stay on the sidelines — and they want us to sit back and stay quiet while our fundamental freedoms are on the line.

First off, no one but fringe religious folks are talking about restricting contraceptives. Even the Catholic Church, which had been against the use of contraceptives by Catholics not that long ago, was never pushing for the government to do away with them. This is the current talking point for liberals, who are adding contraception in as way to pretend that this isn’t all about aborting babies because some people had irresponsible, casual, unprotected sex. Also, there is no right to abortion nor contraceptives. Not in the Constitution. Nor are hamburgers.

Access to birth control has changed the economic futures of millions of women, and access to safe abortion care is an economic issue, too. For a young couple with modest wages and piles of student loan debt, the decision to start or expand a family is a powerful economic issue. For a woman working two jobs with two kids in day care, an unplanned pregnancy can upend budgets already stretched too far. For a student still in high school or working toward a college degree, it can derail the most careful plans for financial independence. Indeed, one of the most common reasons that women decide to have an abortion is because they can’t afford to raise a child.

See? Liz mentioned in previous paragraphs all the suits regarding abortion that are pending for the Supreme Court: what does birth control have to do with this, other than a red herring, a fear-mongering talking point? Republicans would much rather that people have birth control, they just don’t think that Other People should be forced to pay for it. If you buy a car, the taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for your gas, right? If you want to lead a life of hookups, buy your own contraceptives. No one in the GOP will stop you.

And let’s be explicitly clear: If these attacks succeed, they will have disproportionately negative consequences for women of color, who are already facing some of the most insurmountable barriers to abortion care. Rich women will still have access to abortion and reproductive care, but it will be Black and Brown women, women with low incomes, women who can’t afford to take time off from work, and young women who were raped or molested by a family member who will be the most vulnerable.

Very interesting: Warren, like most of her Democratic Party Comrades, thinks most black and brown women are too stupid and lazy to get a good paying job where they can afford a couple bucks for condoms, $7 a week for birth control pills. As far as raped and molested by a family member, how often does that really happen? Barely ever. Same party also wants to get rid of the police that put an end to those crimes, along with catching non-family member rapists.

But, let’s go back to that subhead quote “The decision whether or not to bear a child is “central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” ” By using that RGB quote Liz is arguing that government should get the ever loving f*ck out of our lives, right? Yet, her party pushes for control of everything. Our health insurance, our healthcare. What kind of vehicle we can drive, where we can go, where we can work, what kind of house we can buy, what kind of foods are allowed. Insert all the other things here, there are too many to name. Heck, they want to force us to wear masks, even with fines and arrests, treating us less than a fully adult human responsible for our own choices.

Read: Elizabeth “Fake Indian” Warren Argues That Government Should Not Control Your Choices »

Denver Has A Climate Tax On The Ballot

Will the climate cultists of Denver vote in favor of the tax?

Denver climate tax hike aims to fund pollution reduction efforts

Denver voters will be among those casting ballots in a handful of major U.S. cities on measures tackling climate change, and prospects of a measure passing locally look good, organizers say.

Denver ballot measure 2A asks to increase that city sales tax rate 0.25% to start paying for city greenhouse gas emissions-reduction projects that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars in coming years.

The climate sales tax hike is projected to raise $36 million annually after accounting for the pandemic slowdown in the local economy, according to forecasts by a mayor-appointed task force that helped refine the ballot proposal.

The money would be used by the city government’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resiliency.

Mayor Michael Hancock created the office last fall in a compromise with the group Resilient Denver that was reached after the climate activists agreed not to pursue a different ballot measure that would have taxed business energy use to fund city greenhouse gas reductions.

If approved, the measure would increase the city’s sales taxes from 8.31% to 8.56%.

That’s really chump change. Why not raise that sales tax to 10% if they really care? Hey, how about one that adds $1 to every gallon of gas? How about banning the use of fossil fueled vehicles in the city? Sure, that would do away with the airports, sports teams, business, but, hey, we’re saving the world, people!

Supporters of the tax increase say its appears likely to pass. Campaign-backed polling finds two-thirds of respondents would be in favor of the tax hike when they hear the official ballot language, said Lynea Hansen, a spokeswoman for 2A supporters.

But, when people actually go to vote, will they vote to raise their own taxes? The answer is typically “no.” I guess we’ll see.

The sales tax increase funding would be considered a start.

Meaning that the Climate Cult grand poobahs expect to raise taxes more.

Read: Denver Has A Climate Tax On The Ballot »

Hardcore Progressives Unveil New Hardcore Agenda To Push Comrade Biden

And, let’s face it, Joe won’t last more than a year, he’s just not well mentally, so, then they’d have Comrade Harris

Progressives unveil new agenda to pressure Joe Biden to the left

A group of progressives — including “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — have unveiled their new vision for America in how a Joe Biden administration could address coronavirus aid, economic relief and other agenda items, according to reports.

The Working Families Party’s “People’s Charter,” released Thursday, calls for free public health care, a jobs program for 16 million people, retroactive hazard pay for essential workers and the reallocation of policing resources to education and other services, Politico reported.

It also calls for the cancellation of student debt, a $15 minimum wage and promotes giving the public an ownership stake in companies that receive bailouts.

Who pays for that free public health care? Jobs program means working for Los Federales. Rellocation of policing resources means getting rid of police officers. What about students who paid off their debt, you know, the debt incurred at colleges that are run by Democrats? $15 an hour? People voting to reduce available jobs, have their hours limited, and be replaced by machines. Ownership in companies? That sounds like….Socialism! If you’re a small business, would you be happy if the government had a “stake” in your business?

Eight members of Congress — including AOC and Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — are backing the program.

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), one of the liberal policy agenda’s backers, said it will serve as the legislative blueprint for what House progressives would push during a Biden administration, Fox News reported.

“The aim is a clear agenda that progressives in the House will advance focuses on these big items,” Khanna told the network.

If you’re voting Biden, you’re voting for this kind of Progressive (nice Fascism) agenda. It sound great on the surface, but, like Durian fruit and pure chocolate, it doesn’t work out on the inside.

“We’ve always said that electing Joe Biden was a doorway, not a destination,” Working Families Party national director Maurice Mitchell said in a statement, according to Fox.

“The People’s Charter is that destination: a nation that cares for all of us, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or how much money is in our pockets.

Joe should watch his back if he wins. If he’s cognizant enough. “A nation that cares for all of us” is exactly what it means: government in charge of all our lives just like when we were kids and mom and dad run the ship.

Read: Hardcore Progressives Unveil New Hardcore Agenda To Push Comrade Biden »

Climate Cult Seeks One Billion People To Practice A Little Of What They Preach

Why should they even have to ask? Shouldn’t Warmists be willing to make all sorts of changes in their lives without being told? Why do they have to beg for Other People to make little changes in their lives?

Campaign seeks 1bn people to save climate – one small step at a time

If a billion people around the world were to take a few small steps and make them into permanent lifestyle changes, global greenhouse gas emissions could be significantly reduced, a new campaign argues.

These actions can be as simple as eating local food, forgoing meat at some meals, and wearing clothes to last instead of throwing them away after a few outings.

The campaign, which is backed by businesses including Ikea, HSBC, BT and Reckitt Benckiser (owner of brands such as Cillit Bang, Gaviscon and Durex), is urging people to sign up to take at least one simple step that would reduce emissions.

Count Us In invites people to sign up online for the steps they want to take and a level of commitment, such as moving permanently to a different diet or promising not to fly over a specified period.

There are 16 steps on offer, of varying levels of difficulty. These range from having your house insulated, buying an electric car or solar panels and opting to fly less, to writing to political representatives and reusing and repairing belongings rather than buying new ones.

Some of the measures – such as turning down the thermostat and buying fewer new clothes – are ones that many people do routinely out of necessity rather than choice. However, the campaign aims to raise awareness among consumers that patterns of high consumption are unsustainable.

Shouldn’t card carrying members of the Cult of Climastrology be doing this anyhow? Oh, sure, they probably already take the easy route of bugging their friends and coworkers, but, putting up solar panels on their homes and buying an electric car are hard. Heck, biking and walking is apparently easy, but, most Warmists still opt for fossil fueled travel. Same with eating more plants. They would still rather have a burger. And are surely not happy with keeping the the AC high and heating low. Who wants to sweat and freeze?

Fortunately, there are celebs to spread awareness on ‘climate change’ tonight

The Pope and Prince William will join activists, artists, celebrities and politicians on Saturday at a free streamed TED event aimed at unifying people to confront the climate crisis.

The Countdown program will kick off on the TED channel at YouTube starting at 8.30 p.m.(IST) in California and features 50 speakers.

“You’ll be hearing from all different kinds of folks from all walks of life; from the front lines to the grassroots to the treetops,” actor Mark Ruffalo, who is among the Countdown hosts, said during a briefing ahead of the event. “They’ll be talking a little bit about the problems and a lot about the solutions.”

While Countdown will spotlight science about the climate crisis and how it is harming the health of the planet, it will be geared to things people can do to stop it, according to organisers.

Mostly, you can expect it to be about people getting out and voting for Democrats.

Countdown organisers have set a goal of mobilizing governments and citizens to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half over the next decade and get to net-zero carbon pollution by the year 2050.

“You can think of Saturday as a clarion call, a warning that we must reignite our efforts to take on this daunting challenge,” Anderson said. “But it’s also a day of hope that there is a pathway to do this and we must walk down it together.”

They’ve been doing this for 30+ years, and they still have to do this? Apparently, Warmists are not very good at actually walking the talk.

Read: Climate Cult Seeks One Billion People To Practice A Little Of What They Preach »

Democrats Seem Nervous, Tell Voters Not To Get Complacent

For a party that says they’re way up in the polls, they sure seem nervous about losing, do they not?

Progressives unveil new agenda to pressure Joe Biden to the left

Democrats are warning their voters not to become complacent as Joe Biden builds up a formidable polling lead in the race for the White House.

Party leaders are seeing new polls that show the entire battlegrounds map move against President Trump with just over three weeks to go before Nov. 3. Republicans are beginning to worry that Trump could face a landslide loss that costs the party the White House and their majority in the Senate.

Why so nervous if they are about to blow Trump and the Republicans out?

But Democrats are still deeply scarred from 2016, when Democrat Hillary Clinton was viewed as the heavy favorite heading into Election Day.

They say that despite Biden’s polling strength, the political terrain is extremely volatile and that even small changes in their projected turnout models could produce wild swings in the Electoral College.

Democrats are urging activists to keep their foot on the gas in the stretch run, saying they can’t afford to rest easy until the race has officially been called in Biden’s favor.

Yet, Joe Biden mostly hides in his basement. What excitement does he create? How many yard signs and bumper stickers do you see? I live in a city that tends to vote Democrat, yet, I do not see any yard signs on my way to work or anywhere else.

“I think we’re putting that fear [of another upset loss] to good use and we’re being constructive in the way we’re approaching the election,” said Guy Cecil, the chairman of Priorities USA, the largest Democratic super PAC supporting Biden’s campaign. “Am I optimistic? Yes. But I do continue to have serious concerns and we need to continue to run through the finish line.”

Cecil’s own polling shows Biden would be in line to potentially win a massive victory in the Electoral College if the election were held today.

The Priorities USA data finds 319 electoral votes leaning toward Biden, versus only 188 leaning toward Trump, with 31 up for grabs in Georgia and North Carolina.

Well, I guess we’ll see if this very far left poll holds true, but, the polls were saying the same thing in 2016. Heck, even Republicans were asking if Trump was trying to lose the race intentionally. We’ll know in less than a month. Of course, Democrats will have their late arriving mail in votes, and they’ll know just how many votes that will have to magically appear to win. Should be a fun recount and lawsuit time.

Read: Democrats Seem Nervous, Tell Voters Not To Get Complacent »

Climate Cultists Look To Make All New Homes Really Expensive

I just wonder if these same Warmists live in tiny homes that rely solely on wind and solar power

Inside the climate battle quietly raging about US homes

Some challenges to US climate action are obvious – like when Donald Trump boasts about leaving the international Paris agreement and rolling back pollution rules.

But many more play out behind the scenes. One of those is the battle over efforts to make America’s new homes and buildings more energy-efficient.

On one side are the city and state officials trying to go greener, and on the other are real estate developers and the natural gas industry.

The International Code Council, which like the World Series largely concerns Americans, met this week on updating the baseline codes that most states and cities adopt for new buildings. The council is reviewing about two dozen proposals that would, for example, require builders to install electrical outlets near gas stoves that may one day be replaced with electric ones; and to wire enough power to garages where people may one day want to plug in electric cars.

It’s a longer article, but, the short of it is that these climate cultists are attempting to make homes artificially much more expensive. They can’t just mind their own damned business, and will turn everywhere just like home prices in places like San Francisco if they continue. These aren’t safety measures, they’re stuff that makes homes more expensive with little return, and energy more expensive, since they keep legislating away the use of natural gas.

Read: Climate Cultists Look To Make All New Homes Really Expensive »

Pirate's Cove