If All You See…

…is horrible Spring heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on cops finding improvised weapons at a Portland pro-Hamas camp.

Read: If All You See… »

Here We Go: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators See A Global Struggle Against All Sorts Of Things

I’m actually surprised it’s taken this long for the pro-Hamas folks to start adding in all sorts of their typical pet peeves, because there’s nothing like a bunch pampered, entitled, and often rich (at least their parents are) college kids yammering and giving speeches and holding signs and such while not actually doing anything (non-paywalled at Yahoo)

It’s Not Just the Gaza Strip: Student Protesters See Links to a Global Struggle

Talk to student protesters across the country, and their outrage is clear: They have been galvanized by the scale of death and destruction in the Gaza Strip, and will risk arrest to fight for the Palestinian cause.

For most of them, the war is taking place in a land they’ve never set foot in, where those killed — 34,000 so far, according to local health authorities — are known to them only through what they have read or seen online.

But for many, the issues are closer to home, and at the same time, much bigger and broader. In their eyes, the Gaza conflict is a struggle for justice, linked to issues that seem far afield. They say they are motivated by policing, mistreatment of Indigenous people, discrimination toward Black Americans and the impact of global warming.

Well, now it’s in the open. It’s like somewhat like Occupy Wall Street: while initially they had an idea that most could agree with, how Wall Street was being given tons of money at the expense of Main Street, they quickly went down the route of pushing all their other hardcore leftist beliefs. And had filthy encampments. Of course, most do not agree with how the current lunatics are essentially taking the side of Hamas while calling for the destruction of Israel, killing Jews, and a global Intifada.

In interviews with dozens of students across the country over the past week, they described, to a striking degree, the broad prism through which they see the Gaza conflict, which helps explain their urgency — and recalcitrance.

Ife Jones, a first-year student at Emory University in Atlanta, linked her current activism to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, which her family had participated in.

“The only thing missing was the dogs and the water,” Jones said of the current pushback to demonstrators.

I’m quite confident that there’s a huge difference when you’re advocating for eradicating Jews from the face of the Earth. As she protests from a school which costs almost $60K a year in tuition alone, so, it’s not like she’s some poor, oppressed minority. Just cosplaying at it, like most.

In interviews, the language of many protesters was also distinctive. Students freely salted their explanations with academic terms like intersectionality, colonialism and imperialism, all to make their case that the plight of Palestinians is a result of global power structures that thrive on bias and oppression.

“As an environmentalist, we pride ourselves on viewing the world through intersectional lenses,” said Katie Rueff, a first-year student at Cornell University. “Climate justice is an everyone issue. It affects every dimension of identity, because it’s rooted in the same struggles of imperialism, capitalism — things like that. I think that’s very true of this conflict, of the genocide in Palestine.”

Wackadoodle. But, not surprising. Climate cultists always try and put everything in context of their cult.

Jawuanna McAllister, a 27-year-old doctoral candidate in cell and molecular biology at Cornell, pointed to the name of the student group she is affiliated with: the Coalition for Mutual Liberation.

“It’s in our name: mutual liberation,” McAllister said. “That means we’re anti-racist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist organization. We believe that none of us can be free and have the respect and dignity we deserve unless all of us are free.”

Cornell: $57K a year in tuition alone. Cosplay. And, of course the little wackos are yammering about hating the police….you know, the ones who protect their rich families.

The student movement in support of Palestinians has been built over decades by linking to other issues. Students for Justice in Palestine, a loosely connected confederation that began to emerge in the early 1990s at the University of California, Berkeley, consciously invited other activists — environmentalists, opponents of American intervention in Latin America, critics of the Gulf War — broadening the group’s base.

Today, the group’s national steering committee claims more than 200 autonomous chapters, most of them in the United States. And they often work with other student groups.

And that’s the root of the Jew hatred: they started listening to the Muslim Brotherhood backed students and advisors, getting them to care about the plight of the so-called Palestinians, and then moving the groups to the destruction of Israel and killing Jews while backing Islamic extremism and full on Muslim terrorist groups. This was part of the plan by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Antisemitism, almost all the student protesters said, is a real concern.

But they said they just do not see it around them — not in their encampments, not among the other protesters, not in their chants, such as “from the river to the sea.” (In their view, “from the river to the sea” is not a call to wipe out the state of Israel, but a call for peace and equality.)

Except, Hamas, Hezbollah, the average Palestinian, all see that call as the replacement of Israel with a Palestinian nation. I guess they don’t see Jew hatred in chants of globalizing the Intifada, on backing Hamas, on killing Jews. On wearing Intifada keffiyehs. Etc and so on. They’ve been taught to not see it.

Anyhow, it’s cute they have their language down and are rolling all their pet peeves into one big ball of virtue signaling. Where is their outrage at the gender apartheid in Iran? Innocent women in Iran continue to be tortured and executed but these students ignore them blatantly. Why? Well, have fun with trying to get a decent job after graduation when companies see their links to Jew hatred and support of terrorists.

Read: Here We Go: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators See A Global Struggle Against All Sorts Of Things »

“Study” Says NY Plagued By Blackouts From Global Boiling Or Something

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with New York killing off reliable, dependable, affordable energy sources and replacing them with unreliable and expensive energy sources which are dependent on the sun shining and the wind blowing, right? Replacing energy sources which can take weather and can be repaired quickly, can take over loads, with energy that can be knocked offline easily, is hard to fix, and is hurt by weather events, righ?

New York cities plagued by blackouts due to climate change, study finds

stop global warmingClimate change is pushing some New York City neighborhoods into dozens of nearly daylong blackouts per year, a new study has found.

Large swaths of the state’s principal towns and cities faced repeated, protracted and dangerous weather-driven power outages between 2017 and 2020, according to findings published Wednesday in the Public Library of Science.

The risk to the grid is rising as more frequent extreme weather knocks down power lines, damages transformers and threatens the stability of the grid, said first author Nina Flores, a doctoral student at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.

Researchers found that several neighborhoods in Queens had more than 100 outages over the three-year period: 147 in Jamaica, 138 in Flushing and 104 in Richmond Hills.

Other cities had dozens of outages: 48 in Lewisboro, near the Connecticut state line; 42 in Flower Hill, on Long Island; 38 in Boston, south of Buffalo. Small towns in counties like Nassau, Hamilton and Westchester had 20-30 outages.

So, mostly urban areas which already have transmission issues and are now more and more reliant on solar and wind.

Flooding and extreme levels of rain, hail or snow were the primary causes of outages, researchers found.

The scientists also noted that these outages are more than an inconvenience. If they coincide with heat waves or cold snaps, these outages can harm or kill residents — and at all times, they endanger the lives of people dependent on elevators or electric medical devices.

Would you be surprised that a high percentage of these outages are from winter weather? Who would have thought that snow and ice, along with the associated clouds, would cause problems with solar and wind? Don’t forget that wind turbines are meant to operate with wind speeds of 5mph to 30mph. More can damage the turbines. Snow and ice can likewise affect performance. Solar cannot gather light when it is cloudy, when rain is hitting them, or covered in snow or ice.

And it’s not a barely rising sea or storms which are not getting more extreme and more often, it’s having more power usage in those areas.

Read: “Study” Says NY Plagued By Blackouts From Global Boiling Or Something »

Friday Laugh: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Charge Cops With Garbage Can Shields

Let’s start off the day with some light fare, shall we? This has all the hallmarks of either a couple people coming up with with they think is a really cool idea, but, still being too immature to realize “this is truly stupid”, or someone giving them a triple dog dare

Wild video shows Portland anti-Israel agitator charge at police, get knocked to the ground

A dramatic video has captured an anti-Israel protester at Portland State University getting knocked to the ground Thursday after charging directly at a police officer who was on the scene to break up the occupation of the campus’ main library.

The Portland Police Bureau says its effort to clear the Millar Library in downtown Portland, Oregon is now underway following the unlawful occupation of the building that began Monday. Images that emerged yesterday showed that the inside of the building had been trashed by the protesters, with pro-Palestinian graffiti written on its walls.

Footage captured by KPTV on Thursday began with a crowd cheering as the protesters – some of whom were carrying makeshift shields made out of trash cans – came streaming out of the library.

“Stop, you’re under arrest. Stop!” a voice could be heard saying before one of the protesters is seen charging directly at a police officer and getting knocked to the ground. Other officers then help bring the individual into custody.

Let’s use the funny cut

Does anyone other than these moonbats think this was even remotely a good idea? Especially since they run like it is a Bennie Hill or Monty Python sketch. They obviously never watched Zombieland and realized how important cardio is. Rule #1.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt said earlier this week that he expects felony charges to be filed against the protesters, including burglary and felony criminal mischief, along with other possible misdemeanors.

And they could see felony assault on police officers as a charge. And for destroying garbage cans, probably owned by the city.

Read: Friday Laugh: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Charge Cops With Garbage Can Shields »

Appeals Court Shoots Down Climate Kids’ Astroturfed Lawsuit

I still say it’s a shame that none of the defense lawyers, nor judges ask pertinent questions such as “what are you doing in your own life to limit your own carbon footprint?” and “you do not use any fossil fuels, right?”

Appeals court rejects climate change lawsuit by young Oregon activists against US government

A federal appeals court panel on Wednesday rejected a long-running lawsuit brought by young Oregon-based climate activists who argued that the U.S. government’s role in climate change violated their constitutional rights.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals previously ordered the case dismissed in 2020, saying that the job of determining the nation’s climate policies should fall to politicians, not judges. But U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken in Eugene, Oregon, instead allowed the activists to amend their lawsuit and last year ruled the case could go to trial.

Acting on a request from the Biden administration, a three-judge 9th Circuit panel issued an order Wednesday requiring Aiken to dismiss the case, and she did. Julia Olson, an attorney with Our Children’s Trust, the nonprofit law firm representing the activists, said they were considering asking the 9th Circuit to rehear the matter with a larger slate of judges.

I’m actually surprised that the Biden regime and the 9th, one of the most liberal, activist courts in the nation, wanted this put on kibosh, just like I was surprised when they initially killed it in 2020.

“I have been pleading for my government to hear our case since I was ten years old, and I am now nearly 19,” one of the activists, Avery McRae, said in a news release issued by the law firm. “A functioning democracy would not make a child beg for their rights to be protected in the courts, just to be ignored nearly a decade later. I am fed up with the continuous attempts to squash this case and silence our voices.”

Except, we are not a democracy, as you well know, and going through the courts rather than the legislative branch rather avoids the will of the voters. Furthermore, Oregon has mostly avoided passing big bills on ‘climate change’, because the voters won’t allow these massive changes to their own lives. But, She’s more than welcome to practice her Beliefs, and convince others to do the same. And, really, does a normal 10 year have these concerns? No. Not unless other people, adults, put them there.

The case — called Juliana v. United States after one of the plaintiffs, Kelsey Juliana — has been closely watched since it was filed in 2015. The 21 plaintiffs, who were between the ages of 8 and 18 at the time, said they have a constitutional right to a climate that sustains life. The U.S. government’s actions encouraging a fossil fuel economy, despite scientific warnings about global warming, is unconstitutional, they argued.

Except, there is no Constitutional guarantee. I’ve read lots and lots on this suit, and can find nowhere in any of the material where it proves this assertion. So, go ahead and make your own carbon footprints zero, cupcakes!

Read: Appeals Court Shoots Down Climate Kids’ Astroturfed Lawsuit »

If All You See…

…are ugly bad weather clouds because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post noting Democrats paying a porn queen to propagandize for them.

Read: If All You See… »

Jewish Democrat Representative Explains Why She Voted Against Anti-Semitism Bill

This is what brainwashing looks like. What Stockholm Syndrome looks like. What it is when an elected official ignores what’s actually happening

Jewish Democrat on voting against bill: Anti-Zionism not ‘inherently’ antisemitism

Jewish Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif.) said she voted against the bill that would crack down on antisemitism on college campuses because, in her view, anti-Zionism is not “inherently” antisemitism, and the measure that passed through the House would “stifle” free speech rights.

Jacobs shared her explanation by drawing from her own experience of facing antisemitism in her personal life and adding that she is “deeply concerned” about its rise around the nation.

“As a Jewish woman, I’ve experienced antisemitism all my life,” Jacobs said in a statement following the bill’s passage in the lower chamber. “I’ve been called a kike while I was waiting for a drink at a bar when I was at college. I’ve heard too many ‘jokes’ to count about my frizzy hair and my big nose.”

The California Democrat said she supports Israel’s right to exist but that she knows many who question that and are “deeply” tied to Judaism.

“But I do not believe that anti-Zionism is inherently antisemitism. I support Israel’s right to exist, but I also know many people who question whether Israel should exist as a Jewish state who are deeply connected to their Judaism,” Jacobs said.

Well, we shouldn’t be surprised that she graduated from Columbia, which, like many California universities, has long been a hotbed of Israel hatred, which morphed into hatred of Jews, especially as Muslim extremists quietly pushed their beliefs, as planned and executed by Muslim Brotherhood doctrine. Jacobs apparently missed all the stuff about killing Jews, destroying Israel, and “globalizing the Intifada.” The wearing of Intifada keffiyehs, a sign of killing Jews, especially civilians, flew by her head.

How many Jews think Israel doesn’t have a right to exist? That want it to go away? How many of these same Democrat voting Jews want the United States to go away?

Did she miss this?

She, along with 69 Democrats, voted against the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The bill would require the Department of Education, when applying antidiscrimination laws, to utilize the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. The bill would codify the measure’s definition of antisemitism, and all institutions that receive federal funding would be obligated to comply.

Obviously, the entire Squad voted against this. Personally, I do not think the legislation was necessary, there are more than enough laws to cover protesting un-peaceably and speech that is violent.

Read: Jewish Democrat Representative Explains Why She Voted Against Anti-Semitism Bill »

SacBee: Californians Should Have To Choose Between Basic Needs And Utility Bills

Sticking in the People’s Republik Of California, we see this piece in the Sacramento Bee by California state senator Shannon Grove, which also fails to identify the reasons power bills and basic needs costs have skyrocketed

Californians shouldn’t have to choose between basic needs and paying their utility bills | Opinion

Utility bills in California are going up faster than people’s incomes, leaving residents with less money for basic needs. Instead of paying for necessities like food and housing, more and more of our money is going toward utility bills.

There are some startling numbers from a recent report by the California Public Advocates Office: in the past decade, the cost of electricity from Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has gone up by as much as 127%. Costs have risen under Southern California Edison by 91% and by 72 under San Diego Gas & Electric. Meanwhile, the overall cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, has only increased by 28%.

Despite household incomes having gone up by about 40% and the minimum wage (having) doubled in the same time frame, over 3 million minimum wage workers in California — about 19% of the workforce — are disproportionately feeling the impact of these rising utility costs. This means that utility bills now make up a bigger chunk of our budgets than they did ten years ago.

I wonder why that could be?

As California pushes toward cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, the costs of this shift are hitting those who can least afford it the hardest. A recent survey from KQED found that a quarter of Californians are struggling to pay their utility bills, forcing them to make tough choices between staying warm or putting food on the table.

Hmm, so, all that push for “green” energy has made energy costs a lot more expensive? Who would have thought it? But, I have zero compassion, because most Californians have voted for this, especially the low income folks, who vote Democrat in a high proportion. If they want to be part of the doomsday climate cult, then they need to deal with the results of their beliefs. If they bought into the belief that everything would be lollipops and unicorns, well, they should have done critical, adult thinking.

We need to rethink our approach to energy policy in California. Instead of rushing towards unrealistic goals that hurt the most vulnerable, we should focus on creating sustainable, affordable solutions that benefit everyone. This includes a diversified energy approach to keep costs competitive and rates affordable for households and businesses.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, for example, has continued to grant operating extensions for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo. Nuclear power is a bogeyman for green energy enthusiasts, but — as the governor recognizes — it provides plenty of low-cost, carbon-free electricity for the state. Exploring additional opportunities for nuclear power should be considered for its reliability and affordability.

Well, good luck with that, Shannon. You know that the Democrats will not allow this to continue, and will certainly not allow future next-gen nuclear plants to be built and put online. And, Shannon is not a Democrat: she’s a Republican. You couldn’t really tell from the way she was buying in to the green push like a Warmist, but, not a full cultist. She’s not helping.

Read: SacBee: Californians Should Have To Choose Between Basic Needs And Utility Bills »

Consequences: Automation Could Make Income Inequality Worse

This opinion piece in the LA Times by Brian Justie can’t quite get to why this is all happening

Opinion: How robots making your burger and fries can lead to greater income inequality

On April 1, more than half a million fast-food workers in California got a raise, with minimum wage across the sector bumped up to $20 per hour. That same week, the self-proclaimed “world’s first fully autonomous restaurant” opened its doors for business in Pasadena.

These two stories have received considerable media attention, typically presented as fundamentally linked: Fast-food franchise owners are struggling to stay afloat amid rising labor costs, leading many to consider automation as the only viable solution. But this simple depiction of cause and effect paints a picture of innovation and inevitability that sells the public on a fanciful myth.

Well, if the companies didn’t think it would save them money, they wouldn’t do it. But, it’s a one time cost for the device, then maintenance, instead of paying low skilled worked $20 an hour (for now, there’s no idea what the People’s Republik of California will do next) while dealing with all their issues.

I study low-wage industries in Los Angeles County, including the effects of new technology on workers. My research shows how automation does not always lead to greater efficiency and cost-cutting for businesses, as AI boosters would like the public — and policymakers — to believe. This kind of innovation also promises to further income inequality. Working people deserve to have their voices heard in determining how, where, when or whether AI and automation should be used.

Why? They don’t own the businesses. They didn’t put their money on the line to open on. What gives them a right to have their voices heard? They’re employees, and, it’s not like they are bringing anything to the table.

Likewise, consumers end up paying more for less, as automation requires high levels of standardization. In fast food, this means small menus with minimal customization. Food prices, meanwhile, will continue to skyrocket, just as they have over the last decade, far outpacing the rate of inflation and boosting corporate profits to unprecedented new heights. My order at CaliExpress — a burger and fries, the extent of their current menu — came out to $15.44, more than double the same order at In-N-Out.

Hmm, why are they skyrocketing? Must be those Evil store owners, right? Rather than idiot policies of the PRC.

Along with the minimum wage increase, Assembly Bill 1228 also established the state’s first “sectoral bargaining” councils, where workers and employers come together to collectively determine industry-wide standards and protections — including, hopefully, the role of new technology in the workplace.

And this will drive even more businesses out of business, at least in the PRC. Brian’s still missing the root cause.

Unlike unproven AI novelties, California’s new fast-food bill is a form of innovation we should demand policymakers invest in, as it will lift thousands out of poverty and give marginalized workers a seat at the table. That’s more transformative than anything being cooked up in Silicon Valley.

In other words, the LA Times wants worker bees to have a say in all policies. And you know one of those would be that humans cannot be replaced with automation. There really isn’t much time spent on income inequality increasing in the article, unless you want to count the minimum wage being zero for many, because they lost their jobs. I would argue that automation will help bridge the income gap. Now instead of working min wage doing a job you can train a toddler to do, you will have to learn a skill, maybe fixing the robots? Don’t see any cries about automation in the auto industry, and most of the work is done by robot.

Read: Consequences: Automation Could Make Income Inequality Worse »

Climahypocrite Sheldon Whitehouse Climate Climate Crisis (scam) Could Crash Financial System

Obviously, no one at The Hill, which published this, bothered to push back or demand actual proof

Sen. Whitehouse: Climate change could crash the financial system

The Hill reported earlier this month on how opaque decisions within the insurance industry were laying the groundwork for where Americans will live as the planet heats.

But the risk goes beyond that, many experts warn: The complex interrelationships between insurance, mortgage lending and the broader financial system have made climate change “an emerging risk to financial stability,” according to the 2023 report by the Financial Stability Oversight Committee.

Once upon a time, er, experts warn

Senate Budget Committee Chair Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) has been a principal voice warning of the financial risks spilling over as climate change impacts the insurance industry.

Sen. Whitehouse sat down with The Hill to discuss why he worries climate change poses risk to the global financial system and the role of the Senate in addressing it.

Would this be the same Whitehouse who takes numerous fossil fueled flights monthly between Rhode Island and D.C., rather than taking the train, which is easily accessed from R.I.?

Q: Some experts warn about the potential of Great Recession-style systemic risk from climate insurance — but others argue that, however serious that risk might be, it’s fundamentally a regional issue, restricted to places like Florida. Which side of that do you come down on?

Whitehouse: There are very significant indicators and it’s going to be big, national, and even global. A number of studies show a very high risk to the world economy from calamities — and insurance is at the heart of that.

The Florida insurance market is more or less circling the drain right now in the way in which Freddie Mac’s chief economist predicted: that with the danger of sea level rise and coastal storm activity, coastal properties become increasingly expensive to insure and then they become uninsurable.

Of, the problem here is that the media and all sorts of hysterics have warned and scaremongered to the point that the insurance companies aren’t looking at actual data, which is then combined with the skyrocketing costs of homes and repairs.

Q: For the Senate Budget Committee — what legislative intervention could help defray some of that risk? 

Whitehouse: I mean, obviously, solving the climate problem would put a huge amount of this risk out under better control.

In other words, the federal government controlling the economy.

Read: Climahypocrite Sheldon Whitehouse Climate Climate Crisis (scam) Could Crash Financial System »

Pirate's Cove