If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the Phantom Regiment for Memorial Day.

Read: If All You See… »

IDF Sends Two Senior Hamas Officials To See Allah

But, since Muslims use the same Old Testament, will they go for their 72 virgins, or go to Hell? Further, so many articles start the same way as this The Hill one, and many fail to wonder Hamas was doing operating in the area. But, pearl clutching Hamas supporters gotta pearl clutch

Israeli military says it killed two senior Hamas officials in Rafah strikes that left at least 35 dead

At least 35 Palestinians were killed Sunday in an Israeli strike on a tent encampment, Gaza health officials said, that the Israeli military claims targeted two senior Hamas officials.

The strike targeted a humanitarian zone in Rafah which the Israeli military previously instructed displaced Palestinians to shelter from attacks, the Gaza Health Ministry said. The ministry said most of the 35 dead were women and children, and that the death toll is likely to rise as “countless” are trapped in rubble.

The attack comes just days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to stop its operations in Rafah, the last remaining major settlement in Gaza that has not been invaded by the Israeli military.

Yeah, well, Israel is not part of the ICC, and Hamas, a designated terrorist group by the U.S., UN, and EU, is still in operation. The Allies refused to let the Nazi Party continue to operate during WWII when they annihilated city after city, including Berlin.

Anyhow, what about those Hamas officials? So many stories barely mention them, just the plight of the Palestinians, who were willingly being used as human shields

(NBC News) The Gaza health ministry reported that at least 35 people had been killed in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, the majority of them women and children. First responders had warned the number of casualties could rise as many were trapped in flames that erupted following the bombardment.

And on Monday, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Rafah said the death toll had risen to at least 40 people.

“This massacre is the largest in the city of Rafah in months,” Palestinian Civil Defense spokesman Muhammad Al-Mughir told NBC News. He stressed that the area that was hit was a designated “humanitarian area” next to U.N. warehouses.

Why were those Hamas members operating in the area, right next to the UNRWA storage facilities. It’s not like we haven’t seen Hamas operating near and out of them, even chatting amicably with UN employees. Per the IDF

Eliminated in the precise airstrike in northwest Rafah: Hamas Chief of Staff in Judea and Samaria and an additional senior Hamas official.

Terrorist #1: Yassin Rabia, managed the entirety of Hamas’ terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria, transferred funds to terrorist targets and planned Hamas terrorist attacks throughout Judea and Samaria. He also carried out numerous attacks, in which IDF soldiers were killed.

Terrorist #2: Khaled Nagar, a senior official in Hamas’ Judea and Samaria Headquarters, directed shooting attacks and other terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria and transferred funds intended for Hamas’ terrorist activities in Gaza. He also carried out several deadly terrorist attacks in which IDF soldiers were killed.

So, very senior Hamas leaders operating, which, apparently, was not in the safe zone

The rest of the twee reads

The execution site of senior Hamas officials in Rafah is located near UNRA warehouses in the west of the city – areas 2371 and 2372 – more than a kilometer away from the safe zone

And this contrasts with the Arabs’ claims that the IDF bombings took place in the safe zone

Maps: the elimination zone is marked in red near the UNRA warehouses, the elimination zone in red on the IDF evacuation map and the safe zone in purple, a map of the safe zone for reference

Not only were they not evacuated to the safe zone, they also serve as human shields for senior Hamas officials and then lie and claim that the IDF attacked in the safe zone.

Well, whoops. Don’t hang around terrorists and you won’t be in danger.

Read: IDF Sends Two Senior Hamas Officials To See Allah »

BidenFail: Admin Has Only Built 7 Or 8 EV Charging Stations

How much money was in the partisan “Inflation Reduction Act”?

Buttigieg Can’t Explain Why Biden Has Only Built ‘Seven or Eight’ EV Charging Stations

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg struggled Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation to explain why the Biden administration has only manged to build “seven or eight” electric vehicle (EV) charging stations thus far.

As Breitbart News has noted, while the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 allocated $7.5 billion for EV stations, as part of building a national EV charging infrastructure, no EV charging stations had been built by the end of 2023.

$7.5 billion. Yup. Insanely, it can cost several hundred thousand dollars per level 3 charger installed. And, for those who say “well, it can take years”, I watched them put at least 5 Tesla chargers up over in Knightdale near the Lowe’s Foods in a matter of a few months. And, being government backed, I bet the costs skyrocket to at least $300k per Level 3 charger. Level 1 and 2 are less costly, of course.

Only about seven or eight had been built under the program by April — while the fossil fuel industry has been cashing in by lobbying to have the stations built at existing gas stations.

Places like Sheetz get in on that sweet federal money, since, people can sit down and eat while waiting.

Read: BidenFail: Admin Has Only Built 7 Or 8 EV Charging Stations »

Irony: Anti-Semites Force Seattle To Close Anti-Prejudice Exhibit

Do this Jew hating, Hamas loving Progressives even see it, or have they just made such common ground with the Islamists (not that the Islamists reciprocate) that they will never notice the irony?

Museum closes anti-prejudice exhibit after employees walk out against Israel

A Seattle-based museum is temporarily closed down after employees accused its “Confronting Hate Together” exhibit of inadvertently supporting Israel.

The striking Wing Luke Museum employees, who organized under the handle @wlm4palestine on Instagram, claim that the exhibit “conflate[s] anti-Zionism as antisemitism.” The museum describes the exhibit as exploring “anti-Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander hate, Black hate and anti-Jewish hate.”

The strike is made up of over 20 employees who walked out on Wednesday, which was the day that the exhibit opened. The strikers are a mix of full-time staff members and part-time employees.

“A majority of our walkout collective is made up of the most vulnerable employees of the Wing Luke Museum — front of house staff and part-time workers,” a post from @wlm4palestine read. “There are 22 known WLM Staff across departments and organization levels who are still in solidarity with walkouts, with others who are in solidarity.

In a sane world the museum would simply fire every single of them, with work records showing “not eligible for rehire”.

Among the employees’ demands are for the museum to remove “any language…that attempt[s] to frame Palestinian liberation and anti-Zionism as antisemitism.” The anti-Israel protesters also ask for the museum to “acknowledge the limited perspectives presented in this exhibition.”

“Missing perspectives include those of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslim communities who are also experiencing an increased amount of violence, scapegoating, and demonization as Zionist forces continue the genocide in Palestine,” the petition states.

Do they understand that the Palestinians mostly hate Americans, including the far left nutters advocating for the Palestinians? That Islamism is a competing ideology, which seeks to (direct quote from the Real Clear Politics piece cited at the beginning) “torture and kill based on race, ethnicity, and sexual preference; loathe and wage war against Israelis, Jews, Americans, and the West; and, by all available means, seek to establish Islamist theocracy”? That quote doesn’t just apply to the Iranian backed Hamas, but, all Islamists.

They even set up a GoFundMe account, and

“As we are withholding labor, we potentially will not be compensated,” the campaign states. “These funds would provide financial relief so that we can pay rent, utilities, food, medical bills, and other living expenses here in Seattle. Funds will also assist staff efforts of this walkout (needs, supplies, sustenance).”

Yeah, well, actions have consequences. Unfortunately, the museum will most likely give in to their demands, being Seattle and all, especially based on their statement.

Read: Irony: Anti-Semites Force Seattle To Close Anti-Prejudice Exhibit »

If All You See…

…is fat inducing bread, and being fat is bad for climate change, but, it’s also bad to call fat bad, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on London buying 100 electric buses from China.

It’s ladies with glasses week. Of course, the funny part is that a goodly chunk are plano (no prescription), just there for looks.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup David Uhl

Happy Sunday! It’s another fine day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the mockingbirds are mocking, and we should remember all those who gave their lives to keep America, and so many other nations, Free. This pinup is by David Uhl, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Independent Sentinel covers Biden’s fantastic West Point speech
  2. This ain’t Hell discusses a veteran beating a bear
  3. The Right Scoop notes a new person added to Trump’s VP list
  4. The Gateway Pundit features Ana Navarro calling Latino voters stupid
  5. The First Street Journal discusses Bidenomics and Bidenflation hitting real people
  6. The American Conservative covers the new theory of Ukrainian victory
  7. neo-neocon explains the Trump “unified Reich” hoax
  8. Moonbattery covers biscuits and gravy now being raaaaacist
  9. Legal Insurrection discusses how the fight for part of Washington to join Idaho is going
  10. Jihad Watch covers Spain, Ireland, and Norway rewarding Hamas violence
  11. IOTW Report notes the media keeps calling deranged males “she”
  12. Geller Report shows where some of the Hamas hostages were found
  13. Dissecting Leftism features more on over-reporting deaths from COVID
  14. Cold Fury has the first legit UFO photo being released
  15. And last, but, not least, Climate Depot covers NPR discussing whether paper books or E-readers are better for ‘climate change’

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden’s Gaza Pier, Navy Relief Ships Having Trouble In “Rough” Seas

$320 million for Biden’s pier and

That’s what all the news reports are calling rough seas. Barely looks like it’s decent surfing

(Politico) The transfer of aid from four U.S. Army vessels through the newly completed Gaza pier was disrupted by rough seas Saturday morning, the latest hiccup in a bumpy rollout of the pier’s operation.

According to the U.S. Central Command, the vessels “broke free from their moorings” during bad weather, with two vessels beaching farther north along the Israeli coast near the city of Ashkelon and another two anchoring on the beach closer to the pier. CENTCOM added that the Israel Defense Forces were assisting in the recovery efforts and that no U.S. personnel would enter the Gaza Strip.

All the video makes it looks like they were choppy seas. Maybe the US Navy should have been in charge of the vessels? But, of course, with all the gender confused, DEI, and other wackadoodle stuff going on in the Army and Navy, should we be surprised that at least one ship was beached? Will the commander be relieved for this breach of duty?


(NY Post) Three US service members were injured, one critically, while working on the Army’s Gaza aid pier on Thursday.

Two service members suffered a sprained ankle and a minor back injury.

“Two were very minor, routine injuries. Those individuals returned to duty,” Cooper said.

A third service member, who was injured on a ship at sea, was medically evacuated to a hospital in Israel, he said.

That person is in critical condition. No mention anywhere of how they were injured. All to supply aid which is mostly stolen by Hamas, which is meant for Islamists who hate Americans.

Read: Biden’s Gaza Pier, Navy Relief Ships Having Trouble In “Rough” Seas »

Colleges Create Climate (scam) Programs Or Something

The question not being asked in this article or any others is whether the programs and degrees will allow those who take the classes to earn money after graduation. Or, are they just creating little activists?

More universities are creating climate change programs to meet student demand

At 16, Katya Kondragunta has already lived through two disasters amped by climate change. First came wildfires in California in 2020. Ash and smoke forced her family to stay inside their home in the Bay Area city of Fremont, for weeks.

Then they moved to Prosper, Texas, where she dealt with record-setting heat last summer.

“We’ve had horrible heat waves and they’ve impacted my everyday life,” the high school junior said. “I’m in cross country. . . . I’m supposed to go outside and run every single day to get my mileage in.”

Wait, it gets hot in Texas in the summer? Who would have thought? And those wildfires? Mostly caused by arson, vehicles, power lines, campfires, and few lightning strikes. And incompetent and even malicious forestry methods. Not anthropogenic climate change.

Increasingly, U.S. colleges are creating climate change programs to meet demand from students who want to apply their firsthand experience to what they do after high school, and help find solutions.

It’s called “weather.”

“Lots of centers and departments have renamed themselves or been created around these climate issues, in part because they think it will attract students and faculty,” said Kathy Jacobs, director of the University of Arizona Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions. It launched a decade ago and connects several climate programs at the school in Tucson.

Other early movers that created programs, majors, minors, and certificates dedicated to climate change include the University of WashingtonYale UniversityUtah State Universitythe University of MontanaNorthern Vermont University, and the University of California, Los Angeles. Columbia, the private university in New York City, opened its Climate School in 2020 with a graduate degree in climate and society, and has related undergraduate programs in the works. (snip)

They dive into how to communicate about climate with the public, ethical and environmental justice aspects of climate solutions, and the roles lawmakers and businesses play in cutting greenhouse gases.

Students also cover disaster response and ways communities can prepare and adapt before climate change worsens. The offerings require biology, chemistry, physics, and social sciences faculty, among others.

So, they learn to be nags, all while living a high CO2 lifestyle, jetting around, going to climate conferences on the other side of the world. But, does the cult grift pay? Is there a long term career, or, will they graduate with a huge student loan debt which they cannot pay and demand that Other People wipe out their debt?

For Lucia Everist, a senior at Edina High School in Minnesota who is frustrated at her own lack of climate education so far, schools need to go deeper on the human impact of climate change. She cited disproportionate impact on Black, Latino, Indigenous, and low-income neighborhoods.

Funny how they always think that “minorities” are unable to take care of themselves, eh?

Read: Colleges Create Climate (scam) Programs Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused drink causing flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Nintendo introducing a gender confused character in a Mario game.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenflation Causing Your Memorial Day Cookout To Be Even Higher

Not for Fox Business: Barbecue (BBQ) is a noun. It is what you cook. It is not a verb or a description of cooking out all sorts of meats and having sides and a party

Memorial Day cookouts cost more this year as price of one BBQ staple jumps a staggering 50 percent in one year

Your Memorial Day barbecue will cost upward of 10 percent more than it did this time last year according to Datasembly.

Datasembly follows the cost of groceries across the country every week. Its recently released data points to this year’s Memorial Day festivities costing the average American family about $30.18 or 10.19% more than 2023.

Here is a breakdown of Memorial Day cookout costs, according to Datasembly:

Burgers jumped from $7.04 in 2023 to $8.07 in 2024, or a change of 14.63% in cost. Hamburger buns cost two cents more, from $3.04 on average to $3.06.

Ketchup costs 10 cents more from 2023 prices, increasing from $5.43 to $5.53, and mustard increased from $2.53 to $2.61.

Most surprisingly, pickle relish is nearly 50% more expensive than in 2023, with a cost change from $3.14 to $4.67.

I wonder if the Biden regime will be trotting out a tweet and Talking Points that Americans are paying less, like they have in other years, or, just wait till Independence Day for that? Overall, we’re paying 20% more than we did since Biden assumed office.

The number of Americans who say they’re ‘doing OK financially’ drops to 4-year low—here’s why

The worst of inflation might be in the rear-view mirror, but the share of Americans who say they’re “doing OK financially” has hit a four-year low.

Among all U.S. adults, 72% say they were “doing OK” in 2023 — the lowest percentage since April 2020, according to an annual Federal Reserve survey released Tuesday. The sentiment has been trending down since 2021, when it was 78%.

Notably, the share of parents with kids who say they are doing OK dropped from 69% in 2022 to 64% in 2023.

We’re Americans: we should be doing better than “OK”.

Read: Bidenflation Causing Your Memorial Day Cookout To Be Even Higher »

Pirate's Cove