If All You See…

…are horrible carbon pollution caused rain clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on what changed a Biden voter to now voting for Trump.

Read: If All You See… »

Bat Soup Virus Continues To Rise In NYC, Europe

NYC is a big time Democratic Party city, right, one which embraces all the restrictions, right, one which wears masks and even had a snitch line, right?

COVID-19 cases in NYC continue to rise as city nears threshold

Fueled by coronavirus hot spot zones in Brooklyn and Queens, the daily number of new COVID-19 cases in the Big Apple is steadily rising and inching closer to the city’s threshold.

“There is no herd immunity in any of the neighborhoods where we are most concerned or any other neighborhood in New York City,” city Health Commissioner Dr. David Chokshi said during Mayor Bill de Blasio’s City Hall press briefing Thursday.

“This is so important to ensure that people understand that unfortunately the coronavirus continues to be very infectious, continues to spread and so we have to take the precautions that we are embarking upon,” Chokshi said.

According to the latest city data, the Big Apple’s seven-day rolling average of new virus cases is at 526 — just 24 away from the city’s threshold of 550 cases, after which further restrictions could be considered citywide.

That number has been incrementally rising in recent weeks, the data shows. On Sept. 15, that figure was just below 300.

But, if everyone is wearing a mask, and, certainly, being a hardcore Democratic Party stronghold, everyone is wearing masks, right? Because masks work, right?

Restrictions begin in COVID cluster zones in New York City, other parts of New York state

The warnings are over and now Friday the enforcement begins. (snip)

If you cross Queens Boulevard, you’re in the red zone.

You can find your zone at NYC.gov/covidzone.

That means that any business not deemed essential is ordered to close.

Violators could face a summons.

Restaurants are take out only and houses of worship are limited to 10 people.

Mass gatherings are banned.

Face coverings are mandatory.

Now, after a couple nights of protest in Borough Park, police are being directed to issue summonses and even make arrests if people don’t disperse.

There are other places in the state of NY that are facing similar things. It’s probably Trump’s fault for these Democratic Party areas seeing spikes, wouldn’t you say? Weren’t we told that Democratic Party areas were so much better than Republican ones? Enjoy your coming lockdowns, Dems. Maybe they can blame the bars and pubs?

Read More »

Read: Bat Soup Virus Continues To Rise In NYC, Europe »

To Slow ‘Climate Change’ We Need Coronavirus Type Lockdowns For Decades Or Something

The Arizona Mirror is running this little tidbit, something voters should think about

Voters must choose whether we fight or ignore climate change

(lots of the same whining about ‘climate change’)

Voters will make the ultimate decision. Will we be a state that mitigates or ignores climate change?

Well, as Arizona voters, and the rest of America (heck, countries around the world), vote, think about this as they include the climate crisis scam in the mix

Coronavirus is Not Helping to Slow Down Climate Change

One of the few positive outcomes (if we want to call them that) of the drastic measures implemented to contain the pandemic is that we may have reduced our planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions. Disrupting our lives, the pandemic has transfigured our society by reducing transportation, production of goods, and a whole series of activities that heavily add CO2 into the atmosphere.

Global CO2 emissions immediately after the global lockdown last spring decreased by 17% from 2019 average levels during the same period, with the peak of the reduction reaching 26%. A new study now takes stock of the situation and predicts that, based on data in the energy, industry and mobility sectors, in 2020 global CO2 emissions will drop by up to 8%. Unfortunately, although this may seem like a victory, this value is a drop in the ocean of emissions that we humans have injected in the atmosphere. Alone, it is not enough to have a significant effect on climate change.

We’ve noted this several times, that CO2 went down 17%. You enjoyed lockdown, right, in all its various facets? The economic devastation, loss of freedom, liberty, and choice? Being threatened with arrest/fines for being outside your home, for daring to travel anywhere, right?

“To reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in the long run, the restrictions imposed during the pandemic would have to be continued for decades. But even this would be far from sufficient,” says study author Ralf Sussmann of the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), cumulative reductions of this magnitude would be needed each year to achieve the Paris Agreement goals by 2030.

“The restrictions imposed during the corona crisis, however, are far from being sufficient,” says Sussman. “They have just resulted in a one-time reduction by eight percent. To reach zero emissions in the coming decades, cumulative reductions of the same magnitude would be required every year, i.e. 16 percent in 2021, 24 percent in 2022, and so on.”

To achieve those reductions, the study authors point out, “political measures have to be taken to directly initiate fundamental technological changes in the energy and transport sectors.” Policy changes can promote changes in our society that can lead to large reductions in carbon emissions while accounting for the economy and our lives. These measures should be accompanied by the capture of CO2 that already resides in the atmosphere.

The pandemic can teach us a lesson on how the planet can react to the greenhouse gases that we are pumping in the atmosphere, and can show us a path that can help us deal with the climate crisis. If only we will listen to it.

You’re OK with this, right? Essentially destroying the economy and taking away all your rights, instituting an authoritarian government at all levels, right? No? How about all you Warmists, you’re good with that, right? If you Believe, you should be willing to take one for the climate. What’s that, you don’t want to do this in your own life? Huh.

Read: To Slow ‘Climate Change’ We Need Coronavirus Type Lockdowns For Decades Or Something »

56% Say They’re Better Off Now Than Four Years Ago

The media car run out their polls that have Biden leading Trump (their polls didn’t work out too well in 2016), but, this one might be a bit more important

Poll: 56% Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Under Trump Than Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden

A solid majority of 56 percent of Americans say they are better off now than they were four years ago, a new Gallup survey reveals.

Only 32 percent say they are worse off than four years ago. The number is, as Fox News’s Laura Ingraham noted on Thursday night, “the highest Gallup has ever recorded.”

Obama did pretty well in 2012, did he not? Well, he did, he lost even more House, Senate, and state positions for the Democratic Party.

While the 56 percent number is impressive indeed — again the highest ever recorded this close to an election — it was even higher before the coronavirus pandemic swept across the United States. In February, a whopping 61 percent said they believed they were better off than three years earlier when Trump took office in January 2017. As such, while the number slid a little bit — five points — during the coronavirus pandemic the past six months, the number of Americans who consider their lives better with Trump as president remains at record levels even with all the disruption this year.

All this means, also, that the vast majority of Americans think their lives are better off — literally during, again, a pandemic that has upended American life — than it was when Obama was president and Trump’s opponent this year former Vice President Joe Biden was Obama’s second-in-command. Even with the disruption from the pandemic, in other words, it is hard to see those people who like life more now under Trump than they did when Biden was in charge voting for a change. And it would amount to a serious historical aberration for Trump to lose, given the trends in Gallup polling on this question since Reagan asked it of the public in 1984.

That is huge. Despite the Bat Soup Virus devastation to the economy and people’s lives, Trump only lost 6% on that poll. People still think they are doing better, and, since people tend to think about the future with that question, think the future will be bright. Thinking about there being “secret Trump voters” out there is starting to make a whole lot more sense.

Also in the poll, 44% say he has presidential qualities, 49% say not. But, 49% say they agree with him on the issues, 46% (isn’t that Romney’s number?) say they don’t. So, yeah, people agree with him.

Now they should ask if people trust Biden/Harris with the economy.

Read: 56% Say They’re Better Off Now Than Four Years Ago »

Climate Cult Group Very Concerned That Millions Have Seen WrongThink On Facebook

See, rather than rebut what the Cult of Climastrology calls “disinformation”, they really want these ads shut down

Climate denial ads on Facebook seen by millions, report finds

Adverts on Facebook denying the reality of the climate crisis or the need for action were viewed by at least 8 million people in the US in the first half of 2020, a thinktank has found.

ZOMG, 8 million views over 6 months by a population of over 330 million! How can we survive!

The 51 climate disinformation ads identified included ones stating that climate change is a hoax and that fossil fuels are not an existential threat. The ads were paid for by conservative groups whose sources of funding are opaque, according to a report by InfluenceMap.

Last month Facebook said it was “committed to tackling climate misinformation” as it announced a climate science information centre. It said: “Climate change is real. The science is unambiguous and the need to act grows more urgent by the day.”

Facebook uses factcheckers and bans false advertising but also says this process “is not meant to interfere with individual expression, opinions and debate”. Some of the ads were still running on 1 October. The ads cost just $42,000 to run and appear to be highly targeted, with men over the age of 55 in rural US states most likely to see them.

The Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren said: “InfluenceMap’s devastating report reveals how Facebook lets climate deniers spread dangerous junk to millions of people. We have repeatedly asked Facebook to close the loopholes that allow misinformation to run rampant on its platform, but its leadership would rather make a quick buck while our planet burns and communities – disproportionately black and brown – suffer. Facebook must be held accountable for its role in the climate crisis.”

Warren and other senators wrote to Facebook in July calling on it to close the loopholes.

Do, not only do regular climate cultists want them shut down, Democratic Senators, who’ve apparently never read the 1st Amendment, want them shut down, as well. I’ve been saying this stuff for 15 years, this isn’t about science, it’s about control. If it was about science, why would they not only want you to shut up with your heretical thoughts, speech, and writing, but willing to make you shut up?

Read: Climate Cult Group Very Concerned That Millions Have Seen WrongThink On Facebook »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to use instead of fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Russiagate.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: BLM/Antifa Riots After Charges Dismissed In Officer Shooting Of Black Teen

Here’s what it looked like in Wauwatosa

Rosen has several other videos, and one of the places they smashed was a learning center, which uses a lot of resources to help underserved kids.

No charges for Wisconsin officer in killing of Black teen

A Black Wisconsin police officer who fatally shot a Black teenager outside a suburban Milwaukee mall in February won’t be charged because he had reasonable belief that deadly force was necessary, a prosecutor said Wednesday.

Wauwatosa Officer Joseph Mensah shot 17-year-old Alvin Cole outside Mayfair Mall on Feb. 2 after police responded to a reported disturbance at the shopping center.

Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, in a 14-page letter laying out his rationale, said evidence showed Cole fled from police carrying a stolen 9 mm handgun. He cited squad car audio evidence, along with testimony from Mensah and two fellow officers, that he said showed Cole had fired a shot while fleeing and refused commands to drop the gun.

“He did not surrender the weapon and was fired upon by Officer Mensah causing his death,” Chisholm wrote. He concluded: “(T)here is sufficient evidence that Officer Mensah had an actual subjective belief that deadly force was necessary and that belief was objectively reasonable.”

A kid with a stolen gun who’d already fired it once. Seems like a good reason to commit violence in your own neighborhood, right?

Scores of people surrounded the Milwaukee County Public Safety Building as Cole’s attorney and family members met with Chisholm, some chanting, “Say his name! Alvin Cole!” and “Justice! When do we want it? Now!”

His family wants justice. Perhaps they should have done something about the little hoodlum

(CBS58) After the Milwaukee County district attorney announced Officer Joseph Mensah will not be charged in the Feb. 2 shooting of 17-year-old Alvin Cole, details about the investigation were made public. That includes an eight-minute produced video, which compiles some of the evidence.

The video includes pictures and video from Facebook, Mayfair Mall security video, audio from a police interview with a witness and squad camera video and audio.

At the beginning of the video you see security video of Alvin Cole entering the mall with a group.

Next, a slide explains a picture of Alvin Cole on Facebook the night before the incident, shows Cole holding a pistol and explains Cole was not allowed to be in possession of a firearm due to a juvenile conviction. The Facebook picture is then shown. Investigators have said the gun recovered in Cole’s possession after the shooting was previously reported stolen.

While at the mall, Cole allegedly got in a verbal argument with a man. A clip of that argument, taken from Facebook, is shown.

He’s also not allowed a handgun because he’s just 17. Not that he obtained it legally to start with. Don’t want to get shot by police? Don’t be a criminal.

Read: Surprise: BLM/Antifa Riots After Charges Dismissed In Officer Shooting Of Black Teen »

VP Debate: Pence Refuse To Call Climate Change (scam) And Existential Threat Or Something

The moderator worked in some climate crisis hysteria, and Pence refused to take the bait

Pence refused to concede climate change is a manmade ‘existential threat’ during the vice-presidential debate

Vice President Mike Pence side-stepped questions and made multiple false claims about climate change during Wednesday night’s vice-presidential debate.

“With regard to climate change, the climate is changing, but the issue is what’s the cause and what do we do about it?” Pence said, rejecting established science about the causes of manmade climate change.

And the Credentialed Media wonders why trust in them is so low and they’re called biased when news stories go like this. Anyhow, I wonder if Pence has ever read this little blog, or Right Wing News when it was still active, because, how many times have I noted that the debate is not about the climate changing, but, about causation?

Pence attacked Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, for supporting a Green New Deal and pledging to re-sign the Paris Agreement, which the Trump administration controversially abandoned in 2017. Pence argued both initiatives would “crush American jobs.”

When asked directly whether he considered climate change an “existential threat,” Pence ignored the question and quickly pivoted to a different topic.

“The climate is changing. We’ll follow the science,” Pence said. “But once again, Sen. Harris is denying the fact that they’re going to raise taxes.”

If it’s such an existential threat, why do almost no climate cultists act like it in their own lives? Further, the raising taxes thing refers partly to the Green New “It’s really about economics” Deal, and partly to Biden saying he’d repeal the 2017 tax cuts which, regardless of talking points, lowered taxes for the middle class.

Pence falsely claimed, too, that a Biden-Harris administration would ban hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, a controversial form of natural-gas and oil extraction.

During her presidential bid last year, Harris said she supported banning fracking, but Biden has rejected that position. Biden has repeatedly said that his administration wouldn’t ban fracking, but would end additional drilling on federal land.

But, Biden has said in the past, as has Harris, that he would ban fracking. And flipped and flopped all over on the subject. Let’s not forget that his previous boss tried to get rid of fracking, and their hardcore base demands an end to fracking, and most of the hardcores a President Biden would appoint in key positions would want to ban it, too.

Harris also ducked on her support of the Green New Deal, and, of course, AOC had to respond to Pence

If it’s so popular, why have the House Democrats not passed it? In fact, it is literally sitting in committee, with no discussion, no actions. If it is so darned great then why has AOC failed to demand a vote on it? February will be two years since it was introduced.

Read: VP Debate: Pence Refuse To Call Climate Change (scam) And Existential Threat Or Something »

VP Debate: It Was A Mansplaining Night Or Something

There’s a reason that Kamala Harris flamed out of the Demokkkratic Party primary in December 2019: she’s not good at this. She rolled her eyes, huff and puffed, and, as Liz Peek notes “She constantly smirked and frowned and shook her head in derision while listening to Pence; no wonder Democrat primary voters decreed her “unlikeable.”” So, of course, since VP Mike Pence won the debate handily, liberals go to their typical wells

ABC’s Stephanopoulos: ‘A Lot of People Were Noticing Some Mansplaining Going on Tonight’

Wednesday following the vice-presidential debate, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos described Vice President Mike Pence’s performance as having included “mansplaining.”

Rahm Emanuel said, “I would just say that, in this case, right now, the Trump/Pence ticket has a 31% deficit with women voters. There is nothing that showed tonight that they not only narrowed that gap. If you are attacking your opponent, who happens to be a woman, you can do that, but the journalist who is asking the question, I don’t think that helped them with the women vote in general. So, I would say that while this will not change the trajectory of the race, that, therefore, is a loss for Donald Trump, who is somewhere in the double digits losing right now. And specifically among women. Mike Pence, I know him. You have a reporter and a woman candidate, and both of them you are interrupted, both of them you are attacking, not a good sign. ”

Stephanopoulos said, “Obviously Mike Pence, former television commentator, does have a very calm demeanor, but I think a lot of people were noticing some mansplaining going on tonight.”


Van Jones: ‘Pence Was a Mansplainer-in-Chief’

Jones said that 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) had a strong start to the debate and a strong finish, and in the middle, “had to walk that tightrope that you’ve seen women of color and all women have to walk of being strong, but not too strong. And she got run over by Pence, over and over again, the moderator did nothing about it. But she kept her poise. She kept her composure, and she did great tonight.”

He added, “Pence was a mansplainer-in-chief. He was Mr. Mike Mansplainer all night.”


Carville: Harris I Will Not Be Lectured Line Hit Home– ‘Women Hate to Be Lectured by Men’

Carville said, “What stood out to you tonight? ‘I will not be lectured.’ Senator Harris said that multiple times. Women hate to be lectured by men, and she drove that point home. The other thing that stood out to me: She referred to Vice President Biden as ‘Joe,’ a conscientious decision that was made. Two things that struck me again and again. And Pence was a radio guy. Remember, they were being seen all the time, even when they’re not speaking, and Harris was much better trained. She didn’t lose her cool, smiled, took notes. Pence grimaced the whole time. You’re on 100% of the time, radio debate she would have won 55-45. But it was television debate. I’m surprised that his people didn’t train him better for that. But she really won the not speaking, visual part of that debate.”

And then, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who literally uses AOC (and RepAOC) as her Twitter handles, who has never complained about having that moniker, had a hissy fit

(Fox News) U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to be closely watching the vice presidential debate Wednesday night, tweeting several responses to comments by Vice President Mike Pence during his confrontation against Sen. Kamala Harris.

Particularly irking the New York Democrat seemed to be Pence’s reference to her by her widely used nickname “AOC.”

“For the record @Mike_Pence, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez to you,” Ocasio-Cortez responded on Twitter.

Ocasio-Cortez also appeared bothered by what she saw as “gender dynamics” at work during the debate, in which Pence was the only male participant. She accused Pence of demanding answers for the questions he posed to Harris, while trying to avoid directly answering questions put to him by the debate moderator, Susan Page of USA Today.

For the record, then, it is Vice President Mike Pence. Really, though, is this a good look? First, this nation long ago divorced itself from Titles. We don’t do that. More importantly, are all these folks, and there were lots more, saying that women cannot compete with men in the political arena? That women aren’t strong enough to compete? That politics needs to be dumbed down for them to compete? That is not a good look, painting women as hothouse flowers who need to be protected. For all her faults, Nancy Pelosi never complains, and, let’s be honest, she’s more than held her own, at least in the House, because she hasn’t had to really debate anyone in decades, being in the safest district in the country. You don’t see Republican women complaining when they debate: they just fight back. If you want to be in politics, it’s a dirty, nasty business, and you best be able to hold your own.

Read: VP Debate: It Was A Mansplaining Night Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on NYC’s September being a lot like Chicago’s.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove