Climate Change (scam) Is Super Important To Liberal Voters (who refuse to change their own lives)

So, if Trump promised a carbon tax, government so everyone could buy a Tesla, and said he would fight for a tougher Paris Climate agreement and fully instituted AOC’s Green New Deal, would they vote for him over Biden?

How important is climate change to voters in the 2020 election?

As Election Day nears, a majority of registered voters in the United States say climate change will be a very (42%) or somewhat (26%) important issue in making their decision about whom to vote for in the presidential election, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted July 27-Aug. 2.

Nothing says “I care” like a poll in the middle of the summer

Registered voters supporting Democratic candidate Joe Biden and Republican President Donald Trump have very different perspectives on the issue. Nearly seven-in-ten Biden voters (68%) say climate change is very important to their vote. By contrast, only 11% of Trump supporters say the same. In fact, climate change ranks last in importance (out of 12 issues tested in a recent survey) for Trump supporters.

The issue of climate change has been growing in importance for Americans over time. Six-in-ten adults now view climate change as a major threat to the well-being of the U.S. – up from 44% who said this in 2009. And a January survey – fielded before the coronavirus outbreak – found a rising share citing climate change as a top priority for the president and Congress. In both instances, rising concern has been concentrated among Democrats, but not Republicans.

Yet, most refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels, etc and so on, you know what I write.

Still, the share of all voters who say climate change will be very important to their vote (42%) trails behind other leading issues such as the economy (79%), health care (68%) and the coronavirus outbreak (62%).

So, basically, it’s a big nothingburger when moving from theory to practice. This article is basically a rehash at the Pew Institute of the previous article on the poll. Perhaps they should ask the climate (scam) voters questions like

  1. How much of your own money are you willing to give up, through taxes, higher energy, goods and food costs, to stop climate change?
  2. Are you willing to give up your own use of fossil fuels?
  3. Do you keep your AC above 80F and heat below 65F?
  4. Would you be willing to live in a tiny house to solve the climate crisis?
  5. Would you be willing to live in a world similar to the COVID lockdowns?
  6. Are you OK with government telling you where you can live, where you can travel and when, and how many kids you can have?

Warmists never think the bad things from their policies will hit them in their own lives.

Read: Climate Change (scam) Is Super Important To Liberal Voters (who refuse to change their own lives) »

Trump Cuts Off Negotiations With Pelosi And Dems Over COVID Relief, Wants Real Legislation

In the private sector, if people are negotiating in bad faith, if they’re being unrealistic, if they are playing too many games, you end the negotiations. When I’m doing it, I will ask “if I do X, you’re prepared to sign right now?” Some people will say “sure”, then back out with some sort of excuse. I’ll ask a couple questions, then pull the offer. If they want an offer to shop around, nah, I’m good, come see me last (though, we will sometimes give a crazy offer because we know it will screw the store the customer is going to buy from). Time is money, and I’m only spending so much time with your games (and these are typically people who say “I don’t want to play games.”) Trump has had enough of Pelosi and her Comrades screwing around

Trump says he’d sign off on specific coronavirus relief measures after halting talks

President Trump on Tuesday said he would sign off on specific coronavirus relief measures aimed at helping the airlines and small businesses.

“The House & Senate should IMMEDIATELY Approve 25 Billion Dollars for Airline Payroll Support, & 135 Billion Dollars for Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business. Both of these will be fully paid for with unused funds from the Cares Act. Have this money. I will sign now!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

The decision comes just hours after Trump said he was cutting off talks with Democrats over a new economic aid package until after the Nov. 3 election.

Why continue negotiating with people who are doing it in bad faith? Which is the way Democrats negotiate most deals.

It makes sense. Do small bills rather than the Big Bills, which also tend to have more Crazy buried in them, just like the Dems current COVID aid bill granted deferred deportation to illegals and would bring in lots and lots of foreign workers.

Read: Trump Cuts Off Negotiations With Pelosi And Dems Over COVID Relief, Wants Real Legislation »

California’s Blackouts Caused By ‘Climate Change’ And Poor Planning

See, I would usually tag “or something” on to a headline like that, but, I actually agree with the climate change part, just in a different way

What caused California’s rolling blackouts? Climate change and poor planning

California suffered its first rolling blackouts in nearly 20 years because energy planners didn’t take climate change into account and didn’t line up the right power sources to keep the lights on after sundown, according to a damning self-evaluation released Tuesday by three state agencies.

The rotating power outages didn’t last long and affected only a small fraction of the state’s 40 million people. Just under half a million homes and businesses lost power for as little as 15 minutes and as long as two and a half hours on Aug. 14, with another 321,000 utility customers going dark for anywhere from eight to 90 minutes the following evening.

But officials should have been prepared for the climate-driven extreme heat that caused electricity demand to soar and briefly left the nation’s largest state without sufficient power supplies, the state’s Energy Commission, Independent System Operator and Public Utilities Commission acknowledged in a preliminary “root cause analysis” demanded by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The immediate cause of the power shortages was the heat storm, which saw California experience four of its five hottest August days in the last 35 years, the analysis found. Temperature records were shattered across the American West, limiting the Golden State’s ability to make up for its energy deficit by importing electrons from other states.

See, this was all caused by climate change, or, more specifically, the climate cultists who believe in anthropogenic climate change who are slapping up all sorts of alternative energy sources while shuttering coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear, leaving the state with the inability to generate enough power when it’s needed, and even having to import power from surrounding states.

Further, why were Californian’s using energy anyhow? If they believe in ‘climate change’ then they should have forgone the use of air conditioning and other energy intensive appliances. Look, there’s no doubt we are in a warm period, something that happens off and on during the Holocene. Averages are made by having cooler times and warmer times. This is a warmer year for the west coast. Not as warm as the 1930’s, though. If Californian’s want to be climate cultists, let them deal with the results of their beliefs.

State agencies failed to adequately plan for that type of heat event despite knowing how quickly the world is heating up, the report concluded. They also failed to direct electricity providers to buy sufficient power supplies to cover the evening hours when solar panels go offline. And they created complex energy market mechanisms that masked the inadequacies.

If you have to purchase energy because you cannot get enough from your solar panels, well, that just proves that solar is not ready for prime time.

Officials have consistently said that intermittent power sources such as solar panels and wind turbines didn’t cause the rolling blackouts. But gas-burning power plants that can fire up when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing have been shutting down in recent years, and California has largely failed to replace them with cleaner alternatives such as lithium-ion batteries.

In other words, they know that solar and wind cannot provide enough power. Nuff said.

Read: California’s Blackouts Caused By ‘Climate Change’ And Poor Planning »

Trump Authorizes Full Declassification Of All Doc Related To Russia Hoax And Hillary Server

I posed the question last night “does the Credentialed Media ignore the story, like they tried to do with Operation Fast and Furious, or do they circle the wagons and protect Obama, Hillary, and all the people associated with them, like they did with Hillary’s server issue, Benghazi, and IRS targeting, among others?” Well, I see no front page articles on this at ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, NY Times, or LA Times. Go figure

Trump Authorizes ‘Total Declassification’ of ‘Any’ and ‘All Documents’ Pertaining to Russia Hoax, and Clinton Email

President Donald Trump on Tuesday night tweeted that he has “fully authorized” the “total Declassication” of any and all documents pertaining to the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” Trump tweeted.

Trump’s tweet was in response to a tweet by RealClearInvestigations journalist Paul Sperry, who had tweeted earlier: “When all the documents are finally declassified, and all the redactions removed from reports, the nation will see that the FBI and CIA not only knew the Russia ‘collusion’ allegations against Trump were a political dirty trick, but that they were in on the trick.”

You see, we already now know this

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents revealing that former CIA Director John Brennan had briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s plan to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia — as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Ratcliffe declassified two items — two pages of Brennan’s handwritten notes — taken after he briefed Obama on intelligence the CIA received, according to Fox News; and a CIA memo that showed that the CIA referred the matter to the FBI for potential further investigation.

One has to wonder how much Joe Biden knew, and will he be asked about it by reporters and during the next debate. Gregg Jarrett has thoughts

President Trump’s announcement on Twitter Tuesday that he had fully authorized the declassification of all documents related to the Russia investigation is bad news for Hillary Clinton, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett told “Hannity” Tuesday.

“It demonstrates just how immoral, unscrupulous, devious and corrupt Hillary Clinton was,” Jarrett said.

Jarrett said Clinton may have committed a felony in disseminating false information, depending on “how it [the information] was leaked and to whom.”

“I hope that the president’s declassification and removal of the redactions shed light on that because this does appear to be a criminal conspiracy,” he said.

Sadly, too many in the major media will either ignore the story, or circle the wagons, just like the did for Hillary’s server issue, with the assist of people like FBI Director Jim Comey and high ranking FBI agents. If Hillary was a Republican she’d already be in jail for the rest of her life for what she did, along with lots of her people. Now? If history is any indicator, no one is going to jail. The most likely outcome is that Trump is vindicated, as are the people the Justice Department went after.

If Trump wins, though, might we see some movement with prosecution? Not of low ranking fall guys/gals, but, high level? Obviously, the media will say this is political retribution, ignoring the lawlessness that started it.

Read: Trump Authorizes Full Declassification Of All Doc Related To Russia Hoax And Hillary Server »

Latino And Hispanic Climate Cultists Fight For Intersectional Climate Justice

This isn’t really about science, is it. Also, most Latinos hate the term Latinx, a word pretty much invented by uber-white liberal SJWs

The Young Latinx and Hispanic Climate Leaders Changing the World

From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, we are celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, a 30-day period dedicated to honoring the contributions and culture that Hispanic and Latinx Americans have shared with society — though we think it’s important to honor the Hispanic and Latinx communities every day of the year.

There are numerous incredible Latinx and Hispanic activists in the climate movement, who all use their platforms to advocate for intersectional climate justice. Read on for a list of nine amazing young Latinx and Hispanic climate activists who are leading the climate movement, whether they’re doing so via online education, in-person strikes, or speeches that gain the attention of world leaders.

What in the hell is intersectional climate justice? It’s like listening to a crazy Marxist make crap up

Alexandria Villaseñor is a 15-year-old Latina climate justice activist. She grew up in California — where the smoke from the Camp Fire made her ill, which introduced her to the horrors of the climate crisis — and has spent the last few years living in New York City, where she strikes outside New York’s UN headquarters every Friday.

Villaseñor also co-founded Earth Uprising, she spoke at the 2020 DNC, and she contributed an essay to the book All We Can Save, a book of essays and poems by more than 40 women leading the climate movement. She often uses her online platform to advocate for intersectionality in the fight for climate justice.

First, that fire was caused by electrical transmission wires and poor maintenance, not ‘climate change’. Second, Is Villasenor willing to give up her own modern life? To forgo a decent adult life for her beliefs, with skyrocketing taxes, cost of living, and unemployment? How about giving up power, which means no Internet connection, no smartphone connections and charging?

Diandra Marizet is a Mexican American climate activist based in Houston, Texas, with a degree from Texas A&M University. During the summer of 2020, Marizet co-founded Intersectional Environmentalist, a platform that advocates for intersectionality in the climate justice movement by providing educational resources, action steps, online communities, and more.

Marizet currently works as a brand strategy director for a nonprofit, and she previously worked in the fashion industry, so her website is a great resource for learning about zero-waste and sustainable fashion and personal care.

Do any of these climawarriors have degrees in science? Lots more are mentioned, and they all seem to be…profiting off the climahysteria the push.

Better known as Queer Brown Vegan, Isaias Hernandez is a California-based environmentalist who provides readers of his Instagram page and website with easy-to-understand explainers about the climate crisis and other justice-related issues. He is also a co-founder of Alluvia Magazine, which amplifies BIPOC voices in the environmental movement.

Read: Latino And Hispanic Climate Cultists Fight For Intersectional Climate Justice »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea causing homes to be put on stilts, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on a Biden gaffe that should end his campaign. If he wasn’t a Democrat.

Read: If All You See… »

FCC Chairman Stands By Killing Off The No Good, Really Bad Obama Era Net Neutrality Rule

Hey, remember when they told us the Internet would die without Obama’s Net Neutrality (which was really more about a government soft-takeover of the Internet by making it a public utility)?

FCC chairman stands by net neutrality repeal after appeals court ruling

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said on Monday he stands by the agency’s repeal of landmark net neutrality rules and circulated a proposal to address three issues raised by a U.S. appeals court.

A federal appeals court in October 2019 largely upheld the FCC’s December 2017 net neutrality repeal, but directed the agency to reconsider the order’s impact on public safety, regulations on attachments to utility poles and the agency’s ability to provide subsidies for broadband service.

An FCC spokesman confirmed that Pai’s order is not proposing any policy changes to address the issues raised by the appeals court.

The FCC under President Donald Trump voted 3-2 to toss out Obama-era rules prohibiting internet service providers from blocking or throttling traffic, or offering paid fast lanes.

Pai said Monday that the “internet has remained free and open. And it’s stronger than ever.” (snip)

The net neutrality repeal was applauded by internet service providers (ISPs), as it gave them sweeping powers to recast how Americans use the internet, as long as they disclose changes. The new rules took effect in June 2018, but ISPs have not changed how users access the internet.

Everything seems to be fine, eh?

Read: FCC Chairman Stands By Killing Off The No Good, Really Bad Obama Era Net Neutrality Rule »

Climate Crisis (scam) Threatens California’s Marijuana Industry Or Something

See, it used to be law enforcement that threatened people growing marijuana (BTW, it still does, if they aren’t growing it at a licensed facility/farm, or if Los Federales get wind, because it is still illegal under federal law). Remember the fun days of Cheech and Chong movies? Now, it’s under threat because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle to work instead of biking

The Biggest Threat to Growing Marijuana in California Used to Be the Law. Now, it’s Climate Change

climate change joke

Valerie Leveroni Corral spent days after lightning set the Santa Cruz Mountains on fire not knowing if a cannabis crop her organization grows for the sick and dying had survived.

The one-acre crop sits on the site of a former Boy Scout campgrounds, off a rutted road so deep in the woods of unincorporated south Santa Cruz County that only fire could find it without a guide. In fact, the CZU Lightning Complex fire came close but skipped the woods, a lucky fluke. (snip)

In 1993, Corral was a co-founder, with her then husband, Mike Corral, of the nation’s first medicinal cannabis collective, the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM). They grew marijuana organically in their backyard as medicine for WAMM members, people of all ages and walks of life who had incurable conditions and terminal illnesses.

Members received cannabis for free or in trade for working the garden. (Most donated their time, care and money). When federal Drug Enforcement Agency officials raided the farm and arrested the Corrals in 2002, an army of sick people rallied to defend them. So did Santa Cruz officials. They sued the DEA and the Department of Justice for raiding a respected community organization sanctioned by California’s 1996 landmark law legalizing medical marijuana, Proposition 215, which Valerie Corral helped draft. A Federal judge ordered the DEA to let WAMM be. (snip)

California’s law legalizing recreational marijuana, Proposition 64, which went into effect in January 2018, did what the DEA could not: It dismantled the collective. When its landlord’s mortgage holder, Wells Fargo, refused to allow it to obtain a state license, WAMM lost its headquarters, where it had held weekly meetings and dispensed cannabis to members for 17 years. Corral said the bank didn’t want a cannabis business there because the drug remains illegal under Federal law.

The collective’s cannabis is now cultivated in collaboration with professional growers in two plots, 40 minutes away from each other, because the law restricts where cannabis can be grown and made available, and affordable land that meets the regulations is scarce. The collective rented an office in midtown Santa Cruz months ago, but it is still months away from opening, because it has not yet obtained all the necessary legal paperwork under the new law to be able to dispense cannabis products to its members.

We now understand the law, right? Well, actually, there is a lot more information on it, including

Legalizing marijuana has not only stalled medicinal cannabis growers like Corral, whose collective includes cancer patients, it has also driven new and veteran growers underground, a trend with serious environmental repercussions.

Some have turned to indoor pot grows, operations that require enormous amounts of electricity for light fixtures, dehumifiders, heating and ventilation. Researchers estimate that indoor grow operations use about eight times the amount of energy per square-foot as do average commercial buildings. Other growers have gone deeper into forested areas than ever, cutting down trees to create plots that pose risks to humans and ecosystems.

And, that is mostly it for ‘climate change”. They blame the fires, most of which were set by humans, unintentionally and intentionally, and now California’s laws are causing it by driving growers to use more energy. It just goes to show, Climate Cultists have to drag their cult into everything, including a story on how California’s marijuana legalization laws actually cause problems for old school growers and real environmental issues.

By some estimates, at least 80 percent of the marijuana grown and sold in California is sold on the black market. In 2019, California sold $3.1 billion in legal cannabis, making it the largest market for legal cannabis in the world. It also sold an estimated $8.7 billion in unlicensed pot. Taxes from legal mariuana sales were supposed to stuff the state coffers with $1 billion a year. They have averaged less than half that amount.

Wait, you mean even the uber-liberals in California don’t want to deal with the burdensome regulations and pay their fair share of taxes? Huh.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Threatens California’s Marijuana Industry Or Something »

Masks: Trump Takes Off Mask At Home, Biden And Media Freak Out

So, yeah, Trump came “home” to the White House yesterday, and took his mask off, resulting in apoplexy from those who have zero idea about the mask mandates

Trump, still infectious, back at White House — without mask

President Donald Trump staged a dramatic return to the White House after leaving the military hospital where he was receiving an unprecedented level of care for COVID-19. He immediately ignited a new controversy by declaring that despite his illness the nation should not fear the virus that has killed more than 210,000 Americans — and then he entered the White House without a protective mask.

Trump’s message alarmed infectious disease experts and suggested the president’s own illness had not caused him to rethink his often-cavalier attitude toward the disease, which has also infected the first lady and several White House aides, including new cases revealed Monday.

Landing Monday night at the White House on Marine One, Trump gingerly climbed the South Portico steps, removed his mask and declared, “I feel good.” He gave a double thumbs-up to the departing helicopter from the portico terrace, where aides had arranged American flags for the sunset occasion. He entered the White House, where aides were visible milling about the Blue Room, without wearing a face covering.

This is another occasion where the media proves why they are untrusted and considered utterly biased. This is an AP article that reads more like opinion. Regardless, here’s Sleepy Joe Biden

Joe Biden slams ‘macho’ refusal to wear masks as Donald Trump rips his off

Former Vice President Joe Biden called out President Donald Trump’s family for opting to take off their masks at last week’s presidential debate in Cleveland – while blasting a ‘macho’ attitude that avoids mask wearing.

Biden spoke Monday night just minutes after Trump left Walter Reed medical facility to reenter the White House – taking off his own mask to be photographed and then reentering the White House.(snip)

Biden said he himself ‘would communicate the right lesson to the American people’ and said emphatically that ‘masks matter.’ (snip)

Asked about Trump’s dramatic arrival, Biden said: ‘I would hope that the president having gone through what he went through, and I’m glad he seems to be coming along pretty well, would communicate the right lesson to the American people,’ the former vice president said.

‘Masks matter. These masks, they matter. It matters. It saves lives. It prevents the spread of the disease.’

It’s a good thing Joe was wearing a mask while on stage with Lester Holt at the NBC informercial, right?

No masks. Huh. Joe further said “Biden said he would encourage governors and mayors to establish mask mandates. Health officials largely agree that wearing any kind of face mask, coupled with social distancing and frequent hand-washing, is more protective than going unmasked.” Again, 33 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico have them. And they’ve been in place for months. Late May at a minimum. Let’s look at D.C.’s, which is relevant (but, doesn’t necessarily apply to federal buildings)

Read More »

Read: Masks: Trump Takes Off Mask At Home, Biden And Media Freak Out »

NY Times Admits WHO’s Travel Ban Opposition Not Based On Science

Someone at the NY Times committed a Random Act Of Journalism

NYT: W.H.O.’s Pandemic Open Border Suggestions Based on Politics, Not Science

The World Health Organization’s (W.H.O) assertion that closing borders would not stem the spread of the Chinese coronavirus was based on politics and economics, not science, according to the findings of a New York Times investigation unveiled this week.

After publishing several editorials suggesting that President Donald Trump’s coronavirus-linked travel bans were racist, unjust, and ineffective, the Times conceded on Wednesday:

For decades, as trade and travel drew the world closer, public health policy, enshrined by treaty, encouraged global mass tourism by calling for open borders, even during outbreaks.

When the coronavirus emerged in China in January, the World Health Organization didn’t flinch in its advice: Do not restrict travel.

But what is now clear is that the policy was about politics and economics more than public health. Public health records, scores of scientific studies and interviews with more than two dozen experts show the policy of unobstructed travel was never based on hard science.

Despite recommendations by the W.H.O., a United Nations entity, against imposing travel curbs on nations plagued by the Chinese coronavirus, U.S. President Donald Trump restricted travel into the United States from China, the virus’s origin place, on January 31.

And, Trump further put restrictions on travel from Europe, as well as blocking cruise ships. He hasn’t been perfect on Coronavirus, but, then, who has been? Remember, Democrats were saying to get to your local Chinese restaurant, to get out and about, and that Covid was no worse than the average flu. WHO and the UN were simply doing what they do best, call for unfettered border crossing for people from 3rd world nations/hellholes

Democrats like the party’s presidential nominee Joe Biden and mainstream media allies, including the New York Times, have changed their tune on Trump’s travel restrictions, particularly against China, after calling them xenophobic.

Sadly, the virus was already here, because WHO covered it up early on, and people from China and Europe, especially via Italy with a large population from the Wuhan region, had already brought it. Seriously, how do you think all those people on cruise ships with European and U.S. ports of call on the East Coast got swamped? From Watts Up With That?

President Trump likely saved countless lives, by closing the US border to China in early February, against WHO advice – advice we now know was deeply flawed. Even slowing a dangerous disease down saves lives, by reducing the risk of overwhelming hospital and medical services.

Remember, when it really ramped up at the end of February into early March the experts were talking about millions of US deaths from COVID. Same NY Times on March 13

Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to a projection that encompasses the range of the four scenarios. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.

That 200K was the best case projection.

Read: NY Times Admits WHO’s Travel Ban Opposition Not Based On Science »

Pirate's Cove