If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is America’s Watchtower, with a post on NYC looking to reimpose Bat Soup Virus lockdown.

Read: If All You See… »

The Hill: Supreme Court Could Threaten A President Biden’s Unconstitutional Agenda

How else are we to read this?

From the article

The Supreme Court is looming as a roadblock for Democrats as they plot an ambitious wish list if they gain control of the White House and Congress for the first time in a decade.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s ascension to the Supreme Court, which Republicans hope to finalize this month, would lock in a conservative majority likely for decades, setting the courts up as a potential foil for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s agenda and Democratic leadership in the House and Senate.

The result of a 6-3 court, Democrats warn, could lead to the justices striking down a host of top priorities for the party, including health care, voting rights legislation or enacting stricter background checks for gun purchases.

“It would be a constant headache,” said Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). “It’s just a court that is lopsided. It’s not balanced and a lot of things that Joe Biden values, and I value, will be at risk.”

In other words, the things they would do would be un-Constitutional

Democrats are feeling bullish about their chances of Biden winning the White House and netting a total of three seats needed to take back the Senate. If they do, they’ve promised a long list of legislative items including election and ethics reform, infrastructure, voting rights, LGBT equality, immigration reforms, climate change and expanding gun background checks.

But their headaches with the judicial branch could start almost right out of the gate. The Supreme Court is hearing several high-profile cases this term, which would be handed down next spring or early summer including a voting rights case out of Arizona, the adoption rights of LGBT couples, the scope of federal housing authority and a fight over Democratic House members’ access to grand jury materials from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

At the top of that list is a case, set to be heard a week after Election Day, that could decide the fate of the Affordable Care Act. If the court strikes down the entire law, something some experts remain skeptical of even with Barrett on the bench, it would drop an explosive healthcare fight into the lap of a Biden administration and Democratic majority just as they are trying to get off the ground.

If you’re worried that Conservative judges going by the word of the Constitution will strike down your agenda, your agenda is anti-Constitution.

Read: The Hill: Supreme Court Could Threaten A President Biden’s Unconstitutional Agenda »

St. Greta And Comrades Accuse EU Of “Stealing Their Future”

Why? Well, they’re young climate cultists who have no actual knowledge of the real world, and have been brought up to be hysterics who are Entitled to whatever they want. Oh, and that the EU is cheating on “carbon pollution” numbers

Stealing our future: Greta Thunberg and 3 other activists accuse EU of ‘cheating with numbers’ on carbon emissions

Disturbed by the issues “not being accurately reported”, Swedish climate change activist Great Thunberg got together with three other teen activists to highlight certain key points of why the proposed carbon emission reduction targets for European Union are very far from being in line with the target of the Paris Agreement. The 17-year-old from Stockholm accused EU of “stealing with numbers” and world leaders of “stealing our future right in front of our eyes.”

Greta shared an extensive research on the matter while promising to spill the beans next on what these leaders say when the cameras and microphones are off. Asserting that the time for little steps in the right direction is long gone, she wrote, “The proposed 55%, 60% or even 65% CO2 emission reduction targets for the EU by 2030 are nowhere near enough to be in line with the below 1.5°C or even the “well below 2°C” target of the Paris Agreement.”

Answering why should the EU be punished for starting to reduce our emissions 30 years ago, Greta lashed, “In reality we didn’t start reducing our emissions back then. We simply moved them abroad and excluded large parts of them from the official numbers. And the idea that some nations and regions should be allowed special treatment will no doubt seriously jeopardize the entire Paris Agreement.”

Why does the U.S. need to be in the Paris Climate Agreement when most other signatories aren’t even coming close to upholding their pledges? It’s becoming just like the Kyoto Protocol, which fee signatories succeeded at. Most didn’t really bother. And, for all the huffing and puffing by EU nations, they aren’t really going full bore at this. That’s not too say they aren’t doing Warmist things, just not so many that they will destroy their economies.

Offering a solution, Greta added in the report penned by her, Luisa Neubauer, Adélaïde Charlier and Anuna de Wever van der Heyden, “What we need — to begin with — is to implement annual binding carbon budgets based on the current best available science and stop pretending that we can solve the climate- and environmental crisis without treating it as one.”

I agree with St. Greta: the EU nations should implement policies in full that fulfill their Paris pledges, that way we can see how bad things get. Economies imploding, people unable to travel, trucks unable to bring goods, including food, to market, energy blackouts and brownouts, no energy for heating (and this would also block using wood and wood pellets for heating, as they have to be transported), skyrocketing unemployment, cost of living jumping way up. We need experimental groups in every experiment, right?

Meanwhile, when do these young climate cultists practice what they preach in their own lives?

Read: St. Greta And Comrades Accuse EU Of “Stealing Their Future” »

NY Times, Other Media Go Bat Soup Virus Truthers

See, apparently, we all have a Right to know the truth from Trump’s doctors, so, they’re apparently calling the doctors lairs, not trusting the science. This is the NY Times editorial board

The American People Need the Truth

The American people deserve better than to be misled about the health of the president.

Several days into President Trump’s battle with Covid-19, even basic facts about his illness — when he was diagnosed, how high his fever climbed, what triggered his hospitalization — remain hard to come by. The White House is being evasive and secretive. That’s nothing new, nor is it unreasonable to withhold some sensitive information from the public.

But too often in the past few days, the administration has appeared to be actively misleading the American people. Administration insiders are expressing frustration (WT -not one named source for that “frustration”) that no one even among Mr. Trump’s own staff seems to know what is going on. Among the broader public, anxious speculation and wild conspiracy theories are multiplying. The unnerving impression is of a White House in chaos. (snip)

On Saturday, Mr. Trump’s doctors assembled outside of Walter Reed for a news briefing, overseen by the White House physician, Dr. Sean Conley. Far from providing clarity, the spectacle was surreal. Dr. Conley delivered a sunny assessment that made it sound as though the president had popped out for a weekend spa getaway. He dodged questions about testing, Mr. Trump’s symptoms and whether the president had ever received supplemental oxygen.

The only ones unsatisfied where the lefties, including the media, who were hoping Trump was on his deathbed. And, perhaps they’ve never heard of HIPA?

There is a long history of misleading the public about a president’s health. Grover Cleveland’s White House lied about his cancer. Woodrow Wilson’s lied about his stroke. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s team covered up his deteriorating medical condition, and John F. Kennedy hid his chronic health problems for his entire presidency.

Because the media are jackals.

However sick the president may be, the truth cannot be more harmful than the thick fog of confusion the White House has created. The American people are entitled to the truth.

What the NYTEB means is they should be given the news free of charge, without having to do any work, because They Are The Media, you peasants. Even though they do all they can to hurt Republicans and the Trump admin.

And Jake Tapper, another previously somewhat trustworthy and respectable member of the Credentialed Media broken by Trump

Where was this “right to the truth” during the Obama era? Why did they have to be dragged kicking and screaming into covering stories that should have had them in a blood induced shark feeding frenzy? And, typically, they tried to bury the story after and/or defended Team Obama. None of them had any real interest in covering those stories, or other things like the details of the Waters Of The USA rule and the Clean Power Plan rule. So, right now, they can spare me their Covatrutherism.

Read: NY Times, Other Media Go Bat Soup Virus Truthers »

You Had A Ham ‘N Cheese Sandwich So It Might Be The End Of Us All

This kind of stuff might have gone over well when it came to nuclear weapons, as they were tangible. You could see the effects. ‘Climate change’? No one really sees a slight 1.5 F increase in temperatures as Doom. Maybe in theory, but, when the greatest example of a movie, The Day After Tomorrow, shows it creating an ice age, people tune out in reality. But, cult’s never stop. And it’s all your fault

Welcome to the Anthropocene Age. Will it be the end of us?

Many people may not know that we’ve slipped into a new era: the Anthropocene Age. This new geologic age marks when humans began to permanently change the planet. This age offers the promise and wonders of our creative genius yet also the seeds of civilization’s complete destruction. And we are about to find out which path will prevail.

Our intellect, technology, ambition and desire for a better life have propelled us forward with rapid changes. And for the last 70 years, our unsustainable lifestyle fed on increasingly greater amounts of fossil fuels.

In 1988, we found that our road to progress had hit a huge pothole. Dr. James Hansen, then director of NASA’s Institute for Space Studies and our top climate scientist, testified before the U.S. Senate that due to our burning of fossil fuels, the Earth was warming. At full tilt. If we continued to burn fossil fuels, emitting greenhouse gasses, it would lead to both significant and damaging changes to the Earth’s climate. We’d witness rising sea levels, temperature spikes and devastating droughts.

The warning signs have cautioned us for almost 100 years, and Hansen’s testimony — 30 years old now — was clear, accurate and undeniable. Yet his warning, which ached for prompt action, was virtually ignored.

Alerting people to the problems associated with climate change and global warming has been ineffective. The fossil fuel industry deliberately sowed confusion about the truth of climate science. Consequently, ignorance, widespread apathy and outright hostility have prevailed. The fossil fuel industry — and those invested in it — kept the public from recognizing the dangers of climate change. Climate science, if properly understood, demands swift action to stop or at least slow the use of fossil fuels, that is coal, oil and natural gas.

I’m looking forward to the Hartford Courtant explaining how they plan to stop using fossil fuels to gather and disseminate the news, and make all their operations carbon neutral. Maybe spending a couple million for solar panels?

Thankfully, we still have time to avoid the worst consequence. Yes, we have started down the wrong road. But yes, we still have an opportunity to write a different ending to our story where the cliff is avoided.

The question is: Do we have the courage to act? Will we work to save ourselves from the calamity of climate change and global warming? It is up to us to act now.

Just say yes to leaders who will fight against climate change, yes to green energy and less consumption, yes to investing in solar and wind energy, yes to a shared planet that we can live in during the Anthropocene Age and beyond it.

Guess not. Some days I really want to give these climate cultists what they want, just so I can hear them complain “wait, I thought this would be a utopia! Why are my taxes so high? Why did my cost of living go up so high? Why did I lose all this freedom, liberty, and choice? Why can my news outlet no longer afford to operate?”

Read: You Had A Ham ‘N Cheese Sandwich So It Might Be The End Of Us All »

If All You See…

…is an awesome low carbon bike, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on Biden promoting 18 month old babies becoming transgender.

Yup, bike week! Gonna have a tough time peddling with those heals on.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are squirreling, and the Dodgers are into round 2 of the playoffs. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jason Whitlock explains how you’re pretty much rooting for China over America by supporting the NBA
  2. Not a blog, but, Rep. Steve Scalise explains the actions the Trump admin took that saved lots of lives from Covid
  3. Victory Girls Blog discusses the double whammy in the NC senate race
  4. The Right Scoop features ABC echoing Chinese state media on Trump having Bat Soup Virus
  5. The Lid notes CNN getting an education on why mail-in ballots are a serious problem
  6. The First Street Journal notes that Big Brother is, in fact, watching you
  7. Raised On Hoecakes covers ideas not looting and burning
  8. Powerline features the George Floyd documentary
  9. Pacific Pundit explains why Biden and Harris won’t condemn Antifa
  10. NoisyRoom offers a flashback into the 2009 stimulus and all the fraud as Sheriff Joe watched it
  11. Moonbattery highlights a mob beating a highschool girl for supporting Trump
  12. Legal Insurrection covers “white supremacy” apparently being behind reopening BU’s campus per crazies
  13. Jihad Watch covers Biden saying “Inshallah” and it’s meaning
  14. IOTW Report notes the Trump admin banning Chinese Commie Party members from immigrating to America
  15. And last, but not least, Geller Report News notes that Biden was just a wee bit off on the number of service members who’ve died from COVID

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Excitable Dick Durbin Worried Obamacare Could Be Killed By Adding ACB To Supreme Court

Here’s a thought: write a better bill next time, not one that can challenged and lose in court. Don’t forget to add severability into the bill, meaning that one wrong thing can take down an entire giant law. And, when did health insurance for which a lot of people cannot afford to use it because the deductibles are so high be “health care”?

Sen. Durbin: Americans need to be aware of what’s at stake with Trump’s SCOTUS nomination

We are just weeks away from two important dates: Election Day, on November 3, and November 10, the day the Supreme Court will take up the case that will decide whether the Affordable Care Act will survive.

(lots of whining about Republicans allowing hearings and votes this time when they didn’t do so in 2016)

President Trump has made clear he wants to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act. That is the position the Trump administration has taken before the Supreme Court in a case that will be argued on November 10, exactly one week after Election Day.

President Trump has also made clear what he’s looking for in a Supreme Court justice when it comes to the Affordable Care Act.

Just this week, President Trump tweeted, “Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper, alternative if it is terminated in the Supreme Court. Would be a big WIN for the USA!”

Let me be clear on two points. First, this effort to rip away health care would not “be a big WIN for the USA.” If Republicans are successful, an estimated 600,000 people in my state of Illinois alone could lose health care coverage, and millions more in my state — even those with employer-sponsored insurance — would lose protections for pre-existing conditions.

It should disturb citizens how embedded the federal government is with their “health care coverage”. The wouldn’t actually lose it, as companies are providing the insurance via Obamacare, mostly what they would lose would be the government subsidies. Most states have requirements for pre-existing conditions coverage, which is the way it is supposed to be, at the state level. That’s where most mandates and requirements resided pre-Ocare. And nothing says that the Congress couldn’t come up with a better plan that would reduce costs while providing better coverage, considering how few providers actually participate in the Ocare exchanges.

At the time of writing, we have nearly 300,000 Illinoisans who have contracted Covid-19 and joined those with asthma, diabetes and heart disease in having a pre-existing condition. As many as 133 million Americans have pre-existing conditions, according to a 2017 Department of Health report. In the middle of a pandemic, who thinks it is a good idea to return to the days when insurance companies could deny coverage, charge women more than men or impose arbitrary caps on benefits?

It’s like they don’t think Congress could come up with a better law. Seriously, it would be as simple as passing a law that says “all insurance providers must cover pre-existing conditions”. Of course, what might be better is having a law that says “people cannot be dropped for having pre-existing conditions.”

Republicans were never able to repeal the Affordable Care Act on the Senate floor, thanks to the late Sen. John McCain, an American hero, joining every Democrat in opposing repeal. So Republicans are trying to accomplish in the courts what they could not accomplish in Congress.

Add super squishy McCain to the list of Republicans who are Not Helpful, like Chief Justice John Roberts

If President Trump and Sen. McConnell go through with their plan to jam through a Supreme Court nominee this year, the Affordable Care Act and its protections for pre-existing conditions will almost certainly be struck down.

Write a better law next time. Perhaps read what’s in it before voting next time. Don’t jam it through using parliamentary tricks. Dick also fails to mention that this is lawsuit by 18 states and 2 individuals, with the backing of the Trump administration. You can read about it here.

Democrats are pretty much at the point of attempting to just scare people into stopping ACB from being confirmed. It’s all they have.

Read: Excitable Dick Durbin Worried Obamacare Could Be Killed By Adding ACB To Supreme Court »

Say, Is It Time To Ditch Economic Growth Due To Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something?

Say, who’s getting the feeling that this whole thing has little to nothing to do with actual science?

Climate Crisis: Is It Time to Ditch Economic Growth?

It was only in the mid-20th century, in the wake of the shattering impact of World Wars and when capitalism and communism were competing for global dominance, that we began to measure the success of an economy in terms of gross national product, or GDP.

The faster GDP was rising, the better an economy could be said to be performing. But something happens as all that economic activity expands. The amount of energy and resources we use also increase.

Ever since the industrial revolution, fossil fuels have set us on a course of furiously expanding production, which has also meant more waste and more pollution. Historically, greenhouse gas emissions have risen alongside GDP. As economies have grown richer, nature has paid the price.

And as the climate crisis has become ever-harder to ignore, more people are questioning whether infinite economic growth is possible on a planet of finite resources.

Who wants to bet that Eco Watch is continuously attempting to grow their brand and earn more capital?

“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in their Fifth Assessment, have 116 mitigation scenarios with a chance of staying below the 2 degree Celsius threshold. All of those scenarios assume 2-3% GDP growth rates,” says Jon Erickson, an ecological economist at the Gund Institute for Environment in Vermont, adding that this implies doubling the global economy by somewhere around 2050.

These scenarios rely not just on switching to renewables, but also on the large-scale extraction of massive volumes of carbon from the atmosphere using as-yet unproven technology, which Erickson describes as “wildly unrealistic.”

“None of those models and the IPCC community even bother simulating a scenario where the global economy contracts, stabilizes and maybe even degrows,” Erickson says. “Yet that’s probably the one realistic scenario that would significantly affect greenhouse gas emissions.”

In other words, they know that economies need to be destroyed to achieve the Cult’s mission. They rarely mention the devastation this would cause people’s lives. Anyhow, lots of excuses are made as to why we need degrowth, ending with

But degrowthers argue that we do have to tighten our belts — and it doesn’t have to be painful. If we could reverse the central logic of economic systems that prioritize growth over human and ecological wellbeing, they don’t believe we would miss the furious activity that’s keeping a minority of the human population in must-have products and ever-more material wealth.

Yet, most of these same people refuse to give up their own modern lives and money. Weird, eh? Seriously, why can’t they just be honest and say they want governmental control over economies and full Modern Socialism?

Read: Say, Is It Time To Ditch Economic Growth Due To Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something? »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful city ful of fellow climate Believers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Michigan’s supreme court striking down Gretchen Whitmer’s lockdown power.

That’s Sam Schoers and Renae Wauhop from season 1 of The Amazing Race Australia.

Doubleshot under the fold, so check out Real Climate Science, with a post on alterations to the US temperature record.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove