Anonymous Sources Say Hope Hicks Was Frustrated Over “Cavalier Approach To Coronavirus” Or Something

Funny how the same media which says they only use anonymous sources rarely mostly only seem to use them in practice, eh?

Hope Hicks “frustrated with Trump” over “cavalier approach to the virus” after positive test: report

In the wake of President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump testing positive for coronavirus, Gabriel Sherman reports for Vanity Fair that “Trumpworld is gripped by fear and panic” as the news settles in.

Sherman cites a New York Times report that says Trump is exhibiting “coldlike symptoms,” adding that he’s spoken to two sources inside the White House who say Trump is experiencing a cough and a fever. Melania is reportedly asymptomatic.

“‘They are worried about the president because of his age,’ one of the sources said. Sources said Trump will likely want to be seen in public as soon as possible to blunt the narrative that he is sidelined by the virus he’s spent the last six months downplaying. ‘He’s going to want to get out there a lot sooner than people think,’ the former official said. ‘But it will be hard to hide if he’s sick. Also, who will want to be in a room with him?'” Sherman writes, adding that the White House didn’t respond to his request for comment. (snip)

Trump confidant Hope Hicks tested positive before Trump and the first lady and is reportedly experiencing symptoms. Two sources speaking to Sherman said she has had a high fever and a cough and has lost her sense of smell.

“Hicks is said to be frustrated with Trump for taking such a cavalier approach to the virus. She was one of the few West Wing staffers to wear a mask in meetings, which her colleagues chided her for,” Sherman writes, adding that she was “made fun of because she wore a mask,” according to a friend.

“Sources told me Hicks is also upset that news coverage has made it appear that she gave Trump the virus, when in fact no one knows where he got it,” Sherman reports.

Not one source is named, and we’re just supposed to take the word of the mostly Democrat voting media after years of attempting to destroy Trump? They have zero credibility.

BTW, from that NY Times article

Senate Democrats also demanded that Republicans slow the confirmation process for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, charging that “an already illegitimate process will become a dangerous one.”

Leading Republicans pledged to go “full steam ahead” to confirm Judge Barrett before Election Day. Judge Barrett, who met with Mr. Trump at the White House last weekend, tested negative on Friday.

Well, we’ll see if Senate Republicans get squishy, which is always something to be concerned with.

Read: Anonymous Sources Say Hope Hicks Was Frustrated Over “Cavalier Approach To Coronavirus” Or Something »

Another Quiet Reason We Need ACB On The Supreme Court: Crazy Climate Lawsuits

Certain issues get all the press when it comes to the Supreme Court: abortion, voting rights, gun rights, a few others, right? But, you shouldn’t forget about other things that can have huge implications on all our lives, like climate cultists attempting to sue to get their way

US Supreme Court to Hear Appeal in Climate Damages Lawsuit Against Fossil Fuel Cos.

The city of Baltimore filed suit against ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel companies for climate change related damages two years ago. To date, multiple federal circuit courts have returned this and other climate damages and fraud cases to the state courts where they were filed. The Supreme Court decided today to take up an appeal on a narrow procedural issue, allowing the defendants to further delay proceedings on the issue of severe and rapidly accelerating climate impacts raised in the case.

Below is a statement by Kathy Mulvey, accountability campaign director in the Climate and Energy Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

“Today, the U.S. Supreme Court took up a procedural motion related to a lawsuit brought by the city of Baltimore seeking to hold oil and gas companies accountable for the climate change harms their products have caused. As early as the 1960s, companies such as ExxonMobil and Chevron knew their products were destructive yet knowingly deceived the public to inflate their profits and keep us hooked on fossil fuels. We’re hopeful that the Supreme Court will reject this transparent attempt by Big Oil to delay the inevitable: justice for communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis in a court of law.”

So, a press release from the Union of Concerned Scientists (who are not concerned enough to forgo their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral. A lot wouldn’t be able to do their jobs without fossil fuels), hoping that SCOTUS will do something to bone Big Oil, which could end up hurting the people in Baltimore, if those companies decide to no longer operate in the city. But, hey, they have their “justice for communities on the front lines” talking points down, right?

(Reuters) The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear an appeal by energy companies including BP PLC, Chevron Corp, Exxon Mobil Corp and Royal Dutch Shell PLC contesting a lawsuit by the city of Baltimore seeking damages for the impact of global climate change.

The justices will weigh whether the lawsuit must be heard in state court as the city would prefer or in federal court, which corporate defendants generally view as a more favorable venue. The suit targets 21 U.S. and foreign energy companies that extract, produce, distribute or sell fossil fuels.

The outcome could affect around a dozen similar lawsuits by U.S. states, cities and counties including Rhode Island and New York City seeking to hold such companies liable for the impact of climate change. (snip)

The Supreme Court in 2019 declined the companies’ emergency request to put the Baltimore litigation on hold after a federal judge ruled that the case should be heard in state court. In March, the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the judge’s decision.

The question is a good one: does the suit belong in federal court, as some of these companies are international, and the others are nationwide, or state court? Regardless, if the liberals control the Supreme Court they will rule in favor of all these crazy climate lawsuits, creating legislation from the bench. And one can never trust John Roberts, hence, having Amy Coney Barrett confirmed quickly is important, as the Warmists are increasing their use of lawfare.

Read: Another Quiet Reason We Need ACB On The Supreme Court: Crazy Climate Lawsuits »

Washington Post Goes Conspiracy Theory, Demands To Know Trump’s Condition

Well, it’s not as much a horrible take as many on the left and in the media are trying for (in fairness, some are good, some are ok), but, this smacks of attempting to say Team Trump is hiding his sickness from us

The nation needs the truth on President Trump’s illness

PRESIDENT TRUMP has joined the ranks of millions of Americans who tested positive for the coronavirus. On Friday, he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he is expected to remain for several days. We wish a speedy and uneventful recovery to him, first lady Melania Trump, White House adviser Hope Hicks and anyone else around them who contracted the virus.

Whether his recuperation is speedy or slow, however, the president’s state of health will be a matter of urgent public concern. Americans must know whether Mr. Trump is well enough to make decisions of vast importance, including those regarding the nation’s security. Experts must dispassionately trace the source of the outbreak to discern who else must take precautions. The public must be reassured that senior staff across the White House, federal agencies and Congress will be tested regularly, watched and, when necessary, isolated to contain any spread among the country’s senior leadership. That also includes Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and others who attended Tuesday’s debate in Cleveland; though the former vice president tested negative on Friday, the incubation period for the coronavirus can extend to 14 days. (snip)

The looming election may supercharge Mr. Trump’s instinct to hide or twist the truth. The record is already discouraging. The White House learned that Ms. Hicks had tested positive before Mr. Trump flew to an indoor roundtable fundraiser on Thursday. Yet the president still held the fundraiser, without wearing a mask, as though nothing were amiss. It was not the White House but a Bloomberg News report that eventually informed the public that a close presidential aide was sick with an extremely contagious virus.

This piece by the WP editorial board was published Friday at 542pm. It hadn’t even really been 24 hours since we found out Trump had Bat Soup Virus, and they’re already going moonbat.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows assured the country on Friday that Mr. Trump was experiencing “mild symptoms.” But such reports from political aides are not adequate. Mr. Trump was being examined late Friday by doctors at Walter Reed, where presidents go for checkups and treatments. The results should be fully disclosed by those doctors, who should answer reporters’ questions at news conferences.

Late Friday. So this loony piece was published Demanding information before there was even a chance to find out. BTW, HIPA laws, anyone? Yeah, though, we should find out, no doubt, but, the WPEB sounds like this is all some big conspiracy.

Then there’s this bit of Crazy

Read: Washington Post Goes Conspiracy Theory, Demands To Know Trump’s Condition »

First Time Climate Cultist Voters Are Super Mad (but still won’t actually vote)

If they’re so angry and want things done, why aren’t they changing their own lives? Why do they always want to force their beliefs on Other People with no consequences in their own lives?

‘It makes me so angry’: First-time voters want leaders to act now on climate change

Anna Mohr-Almeida was only 8 years old when she first experienced a feeling of existential dread. By the time she was 10, the phrase “climate change” had become a regular part of her vocabulary. By 14, she had started an environmental nonprofit, marched at climate rallies across Phoenix and beyond, and testified at an Environmental Protection Agency hearing.

Sounds like her parents and teachers should be investigated for child abuse, making this child a mental mess

Today’s young people are coming of age during a global pandemic, renewed uprisings against systemic racism and one of the most polarized political moments in American history.

One in ten eligible voters in the 2020 electorate will be part of this new generation of Americans, known as Generation Z. Members of Gen Z are more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation. They have never known a world without smartphones.

They’re also the first generation who can be realistically unsure about how much of the Earth will be habitable in the latter half of their lives. They will live to see which of many climate projections play out.

Thirty years from now, when the youngest Gen Zers are in their mid-50s, human-propelled climate change could displace over 1 billion people and ruin ecosystems.

Yet, they still won’t show up in any sort of numbers, if history is any indicator.

These young voters believe the climate crisis should bring the country together, not pull it further apart. Americans are often politically divided about the causes and seriousness of climate change, but there is strong public support across party lines for a variety of climate and renewable energy policies.

Hey, we’re all for higher taxes and losing our freedom, liberty, and choice, right? Those should bring us all together, right? Them first.

Read: First Time Climate Cultist Voters Are Super Mad (but still won’t actually vote) »

If All You See…

…is a horrible muddy area caused by carbon pollution extreme rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post on pottymouth parrots.

That’s Dana Alexa, who won season 26 of The Amazing Race, along with Matt Steffanina.

Read: If All You See… »

Adding ACB To Supreme Court Will Mean Stripping Of Rights Or Something

It’s always some kind of fear and Doom with these people, eh?

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett will help conservatives strip away rights

What difference will it make in the law and in people’s lives to replace liberal United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with someone from the opposite end of the political spectrum, Judge Amy Coney Barrett?

The overall effect in the short-term will be less than it might seem. That’s because there already are five conservative justices on the Supreme Court. But there are some areas where her presence will make an enormous difference. In the long-term, Barrett, who is 48, likely will keep this seat in conservative hands for decades to come. (snip)

In the overwhelming majority of cases, these five justices vote together and Barrett’s presence will mean that the decisions will be 6-3 rather than 5-4. Last term, there were 14 5-4 decisions. In 10 of them, the majority was Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. In just two of them was the majority Roberts, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan.

But there are occasional, important cases where Roberts has sided with the liberals, and these would come out differently with Barrett rather than Ginsburg on the bench. Last term, for example, Roberts joined with the liberals to strike down a Louisiana law that required doctors performing an abortion to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles. (snip)

More generally, with Barrett on the court, Roberts no longer will be the swing justice. In some areas, this is going to matter enormously. There is no doubt that there will be five votes to overrule Roe v. Wade. No one questions that Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are ready, willing, and eager to do so. Now there is a sure fifth vote.

Surprise? Nah, not really. You knew this had to be primarily about abortion, right?

Read More »

Read: Adding ACB To Supreme Court Will Mean Stripping Of Rights Or Something »

The Climate Crisis (scam) Is The Story Of The Century Or Something

Has anyone let the climate cultists know that there is no UN IPCC climate conference this year? They usually start with the super-scary stuff around this time of year as we head towards the normal early December big meeting. It was cancelled due to Bat Soup Virus, which might be a slightly bigger story

The climate crisis is the story of the century

The annual Western wildfire apocalypse rained ash from clouds of charcoal, lightning and white-hot heat waves set half the continent ablaze. Another late summer in the Gulf swirled with record torrential hurricanes — Laura recorded some of the highest winds on record and Sally took first place for being the slowest moving storm in recent history. A severe derecho sent pounding hail, spawned tornadoes and flattened the Midwest.

ZOMG, weather happened! There’s really no point in explaining to climate cultists that there is nothing unusual, and there have been plenty of hurricanes just as strong if not stronger when the CO2 levels were below the “safe” level of 350ppm.

Our world is growing hostile and uninhabitable and it’s only going to get worse. In the next 50 years, one in three people will live in cities and towns too hot for human life. The climate crisis is one of the most dramatic stories in our 200,000 year human history.

But, see, cable news has failed you

Fox, MSNBC and CNN do not give enough airtime to the crisis. Only 13 percent of their coverage connected the Western wildfires to climate change. A shameful fact, but unsurprising, when major news outlets allotted less than four hours of airtime to the climate crisis in the year 2019. This is largely because cable news is driven by clicks and ratings, not necessarily what the public needs to be informed about. As Chris Hayes put it in 2018, “it’s been a palpable ratings killer. So the incentives are not great.”

People watch what they care about

Cable news also does not give airtime to Biden’s climate plan. Americans are still waiting to hear about Trump’s plan. The mainstream media doesn’t need to just to ask the candidates about their plan, but make them answer with committed specifics. Climate is a top issue among Democratic voters, and it’s the issue that defines our lifetimes. The mainstream media has a duty in this moment to get to the bottom of their climate plans. The American people need to know.

If Democrats care about it so much, why do so few Dem run news outlets focus on it? Because few care in practice.

It’s why the right to a free press is enshrined in the Constitution. The job of that press is to carry out a vital service to our democracy: to hold the United States government accountable, expose corruption and report truth, and educate and inform the public about the most urgent issues of our time.

It sure sounds like the Cult of Climastrology wants to force the free press to cover their cult in a positive way, eh?

The crisis is not just a threat to future generations — it’s a threat to those alive and reading this now. I will be 73 in 2050. My brother will be 61. We have already lived through the hottest decade and record California wildfires. At our current rate, 2050 will not be a livable world.

Nikayla Jefferson is an organizer for Sunrise Movement San Diego and a Public Voices fellow of The OpEd Project and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Follow her at @kayla_nikayla.

So, another parasite playing at being a cult leader.

Read: The Climate Crisis (scam) Is The Story Of The Century Or Something »

Democrats Hide “Deferred Action” For Illegals, Importing Cheap White Collar Workers In COVID Relief Bill

Now that we can see it, we can see what’s in it, and a lot seems barely related and unrelated to Bat Soup Virus relief, House Democrats are simply using the pretense for some of their wishes. The entire thing starts out with providing relief SNAP and food and all sorts of things that are simply liberal wish lists, then on to students and schools. Then they codify that any worker can, by law, use any vacation or other leave as sick leave. And changing the terms of intermittent leave that may already be in force between and employer and the employee. It just goes on and on, till they actually get to the so-called Hero Act. There is a 12 moratorium on evictions and foreclosures. It suspends negative credit reporting. And then lending for “people of color”, because Dems think POC aren’t capable of doing it themselves.

And things like the Jabara-Heyer No Hate Act, which has nothing to do with COVID, and sets up hate crime snitch lines, among others. What could go wrong? And “environmental justice” grants. And so much more

House Democrats Hide Amnesty, White-Collar Inflows in Coronavirus Bill

House Democrats have buried a huge amnesty for several million blue-collar illegal aliens in their coronavirus bailout bill, which also creates a new pipeline to pump foreign workers into U.S. healthcare jobs.

“They are going to make legal the hiring of illegal aliens — it is in the text on page 2030,” said John Miano, a lawyer with the Immigration Law Reform Institute, which opposes amnesty for illegal workers.

The 2,154-page bill says:

During the [healthcare emergency] period described in subsection (e), an alien described in subsection (d) shall be deemed to be in a period of deferred action and authorized for employment for purposes of section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

These are illegal aliens who are “engaged in essential critical infrastructure labor or services in the United States prior to the  period described in subsection (e) and continues to engage in such labor or services during such period.” It’s estimated there are at least 3-4 million illegals engaged in food supply and other “critical” labor and services.

And once an illegal is given deferred action, we see that it is almost impossible to get them off it and deport them, even if they’ve killed or raped someone.

The legislation also allows employers to import many nurses and doctors to work in lower-wage staffing companies, even though many American nurses, doctors, and medical experts have been laid off during the coronavirus crash, even though many Americans are training to become healthcare workers.

Starting on page 2034, the bill offers fast-track green cards to foreign doctors, nurses, and scientists, including many who arrive on temporary H-1B, J-1, or O-1 visas…

The resulting flood of the compliant and cheap foreign worker will allow the executives in hospital chains to sideline American nurses and doctors, he said. Under the Democrats’ bill, executives “can go out there and say ‘I’m going to bring in a bunch of nurses and I’ll certify the [promised] wage based [on wage rates in] Tupelo, Mississippi,’ and then send them to [high-wage worksites in] New York or Silicon Valley.”

Wages for Americans in healthcare careers would be “totally undermined … That’s clearly what’s intended here,” he said, adding:

The purpose of this is to bypass the American labor market entirely and to turn the American labor market into a third-world labor market .. The people in management level are able to undermine higher wages in the professional class in America.

“What this bill tells you is that Wahington is totally controlled by lobbyists … They rule the roost,” said Miano. “Manipulation of immigration policy is one of the major reasons why we have all increases in wealth flowing to the extremely wealthy in this country.”

We’ve long known that one of the things keeping wages down is cheap foreign worker, whether illegal or illegal. Sadly, Republicans are in on this scheme, too.

Read: Democrats Hide “Deferred Action” For Illegals, Importing Cheap White Collar Workers In COVID Relief Bill »

Judge Strikes Down NC Change Eliminating Need For Mail Ballot Witnesses

Say, I wonder why Democrats wouldn’t want witnesses for mail in ballots? I can’t think of anything, can you?

Federal judge strikes down change to NC absentee ballot witness requirement

A federal judge on Wednesday warned the State Board of Elections that recent changes to requirements for absentee mail-in voting in North Carolina do not have his approval.

Those changes, outlined in a Sept. 22 memo from the state board to county elections directors and confirmed again Monday in an email from the state board’s attorney to county boards, were represented as being responsive to changes required by U.S. District Judge William Osteen’s ruling in a lawsuit brought by Democracy North Carolina.

Osteen pushed back on that representation Wednesday, however, taking sharp exception to the board’s changes on witness requirements for absentee ballots.

A witness must certify that a specific voter completed an absentee ballot. When the witness information is missing from the ballot envelope, local election officials usually try to contact the voter so he or she can cast a new ballot that meets the requirement. If the problem can’t be rectified, the ballot isn’t counted.

But the state board told county officials voters could simply sign an affidavit attesting that they had mailed the ballot, forgoing the witness requirement altogether.

“Nothing about this court’s preliminary injunction order can or should be construed as finding that the failure of a witness to sign the application and certificate as a witness is a deficiency which may be cured with a certification after the ballot has been returned,” Osteen wrote in his order Wednesday.

Seriously, what could go wrong without a witness?

Read: Judge Strikes Down NC Change Eliminating Need For Mail Ballot Witnesses »

Your Fault: Global Heating Makes Nights Warmer

Wait, I thought it was climate change? And, your fault for taking that long shower followed by chocolate milk from an Evil cow

Global heating warming up ‘nights faster than days’

The climate crisis is heating up nights faster than days in many parts of the world, according to the first worldwide assessment of how global heating is differently affecting days and nights.

The findings have “profound consequences” for wildlife and their ability to adapt to the climate emergency, the researchers said, and for the ability of people to cool off at night during dangerous heatwaves.

You mean like how wildlife has mostly adapted to changing climate conditions, for, let’s just use the last 20,000 years since the end of the last glacial period, with all the warming and cooling periods?

The scientists compared the rises in daytime and night-time temperatures over the 35 years up to 2017. Global heating is increasing both, but they found that over more than half of the world’s land there was a difference of at least 0.25C between the day and night rises.

In two-thirds of those places, nights were warming faster than the days, particularly in Europe, west Africa, western South America and central Asia. But in some places – southern US, Mexico and the Middle East – days were warming faster.

The changes are the result of global heating causing changes to clouds. Where cloud cover increases, sunlight is blocked during the day but the clouds retain more heat and humidity at night, like a blanket.

This leads to nights getting increasingly hotter compared with days. Where cloud cover is decreasing, mostly in regions that are already dry, there is more sunlight during the day, which pushes temperatures up more rapidly.

First, cloud formation is primarily driven by that big nuclear furnace in the sky, not you driving a fossil fueled vehicle to the airport so you can fly back from D.C. to San Francisco every weekend like Nancy Pelosi. One should expect nights to stay warmer during a Holocene warm period.

Second, quite a bit of this is actually in urbanized areas, which would make this land use/Urban Heat Island effect, where urban areas hold heat longer. It’s one of the reasons people put rocks around fires when it is cold: the rocks trap the heat of the fire and hold it longer than the ground. Go out in the boonies and you’ll find the temperatures going down faster. But, hey, anything to prop up the cult, right?

Daniel Cox, a research fellow at the University of Exeter and leader of the study, said: “We demonstrated that greater night-time warming is associated with the climate becoming wetter, and this has been shown to have important consequences for plant growth and how species, such as insects and mammals, interact.

Didn’t they tell us that a warming world would be dryer? Guess the talking points depend on the Doom they’re pushing.

Read: Your Fault: Global Heating Makes Nights Warmer »

Pirate's Cove