Climate Crisis (scam): Cold Lizards Falling Out Of Trees In Florida Is Your Fault

My little spies tell me you had an evil cowburger the other day, with fatty french fries and a sugary drink with an evil plastic straw. Hence, lizards are falling from trees

What cold lizards in Miami can tell us about climate change resilience

It was raining iguanas on a sunny morning.

Biologist James Stroud’s phone started buzzing early on Jan. 22. A friend who was bicycling to work past the white sands and palm tree edges of Key Biscayne, an island town south of Miami, sent Stroud a picture of a 2-foot long lizard splayed out on its back. With its feet in the air, the iguana took up most of the sidewalk.

The previous night was south Florida’s coldest in 10 years, at just under 40 degrees Fahrenheit. While most people reached for an extra blanket or a pair of socks, Stroud—a postdoctoral research associate in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis—frantically texted a collaborator:

“Today’s the day to drop everything, go catch some lizards.”

When temperatures go below a critical limit, sleeping lizards lose their grip and fall out of trees. From previous research, Stroud and his colleagues had learned that different types of lizards in Miami can tolerate different low temperatures, ranging from about 46 to 52 degrees Fahrenheit, before they are stunned by cold. This  provided a unique opportunity to understand how they are affected by .

They couldn’t possibly be blaming cold on greenhouse gases which make the world warmer, could they? The researchers found that many of the lizards, some with Central and South American roots, have adapted to the cold, but

Regardless of the underlying mechanism, the new study provides a critically important piece of information for understanding the impacts of climate change.

Scientists expect that air temperatures will gradually become warmer under climate change, but also that temperatures will become more chaotic.

Events that spike temperature to extremes—both exceptionally hot and exceptionally cold episodes—will increase in frequency and magnitude. As such, it is important to understand both the effects of gradual, long-term increases in air temperatures as well as the consequences of abrupt, short-term extreme events.

Well, hopefully they do not turn into alligator lizards in the air.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam): Cold Lizards Falling Out Of Trees In Florida Is Your Fault »

If All You See…

…is grass that is dying due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Pelosi not being able to stop pandering.

Read: If All You See… »

Want Your Taxes Raised? Vote Biden

The pledge from Harris/Biden is that no one making under $400,000 will see their taxes raised is a cute one, but, like all Democrat plans, once you dig in you see something different

Yes, Joe Biden will raise taxes on those earning less than $400,000

Joe Biden’s tax proposals have gone through a variety of iterations over the course of his campaign, but lately, he’s settled on a pledge not to raise taxes on those earning under $400,000.

This pledge is not consistent with his current proposals, but he’s even less likely to be constrained if he’s elected president.

Even if Biden claims he would not directly raise income tax rates on those earning under $400,000, there are a number of policy changes he’d make that would directly or indirectly hit taxpayers under that threshold.

As one example, Biden has pledged to bring back Obamacare’s individual mandate. Yet in 2018, the last year for which the penalties were still in place, nearly 3.7 million people earning less than $200,000 paid mandate taxes, according to IRS data, which represented nearly 99% of those who had to pay some sort of penalty. And 2.6 million, or about 69% of those who paid the mandate, earned less than $50,000.

Of course, if the Dems keep the House and get the Senate, they will move to replace our entire health system with Medicare For All, ie, Single Payer, so, yeah, your taxes will go up.

Biden has also planned to overhaul the way tax breaks work for retirement savings. The Tax Foundation concluded that, on net, his “plan would reduce the tax benefit of traditional retirement accounts for those earning above $80,250 but under $400,000, violating Biden’s tax pledge to not raise taxes on earners below the $400,000 threshold.”

There are also indirect ways in which the Biden plan would hit those earning less than $400,000. For instance, increasing corporate income taxes, as Biden has pledged, would reduce the income of workers or shareholders of those companies.

While there’s no doubt that, as proposed, Biden’s taxes would hit the top 1% much harder, independent analyses from an ideological cross section of organizations (the Tax Policy Center, Penn Wharton Budget Model, Tax Foundation, and American Enterprise Institute) concluded that take home pay would be reduced at all income groups, even if just by a few hundred dollars for lower earners.

Not mentioned are all of Joe’s plans on ‘climate change’. This will cause direct and indirect increases in taxes for those making less than $400k. The indirect would be termed “cost of living”, as the cost of food, clothes, housing, energy, and so much more will go up up up. If Joe enforces a higher CAFE standard (MPG requirement for vehicles), that increases the actual cost of vehicles. You are then paying more in taxes on the purchase (though it is often termed a “road user fee” by states), as well as the property tax for said vehicle. This is what the Biden voters don’t get: they’re voting for raising the cost of everything.

Read: Want Your Taxes Raised? Vote Biden »

Democrats Introduce Legislation To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam) On The Seashore

We need urgent action, you guys!

House Introduces Sweeping Legislation to Tackle Climate Change on Our Coasts

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chairwoman Kathy Castor introduced the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act. This sweeping, 300-page bill calls for immediate climate action to protect the communities, economies, and birds and other wildlife that rely on a healthy ocean and coast.

“Seabirds and shorebirds are in peril—climate change is driving away the fish they eat, swallowing up their habitats under sea-level rise, and putting everyone on the coast at risk,” said Sarah Greenberger, interim chief conservation officer for the National Audubon Society. “This bill is the most comprehensive answer to the litany of threats that people and birds face on our coasts.”

This is the first piece of legislation that advances comprehensive solutions for addressing climate threats to our oceans and coasts and for tapping these important resources in our efforts to fight the climate crisis. The bill will protect critical bird habitats by expanding the Coastal Barrier Resources System, and setting national goals for wind energy development and protecting 30 percent of the ocean by 2030. It will also help coastal communities and fishing industries prepare for and adapt to climate disasters, authorizes $3 billion to restore degraded wetlands, oyster reefs, and other coastal areas, and will explore the ability of those coastal habitats to store carbon pollution.

The bill will give the Federal Government more ownership of state, county, local, and private property. And control of oceans. It will give use taxpayer money to look to make these fisherman beholden to the money Dems have generously given them. Restoring wetlands and such has nothing to do with climate change, natural or manmade, it is more about actual pollution. I’ve seen that were I grew up on the Jersey Shore. Local were called clamdiggers, yet, the rivers were too polluted to dig clams. That’s changed quite a bit through late 80’s to now.

The sneaky thing is setting national goals for putting up wind turbines across the entire country.

(Roll Call) The bill would ban oil and gas leasing throughout the Outer Continental Shelf, set a national goal of protecting 30 percent of the ocean by 2030, increase funding for NOAA to study offshore windenergy development and establish a program at the agency on blue carbon ecosystems, which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The devil is in the details, and reading legislation can be tricky, so, does it end all leases by 2030, or just no new ones?

(The Hill) “This bill recognizes that oceans also must be part of a rapid transition to clean energy that starts with prohibiting any new offshore oil and gas leases because you can’t solve the crisis by continuing to dig the climate hole deeper,” said Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), a co-sponsor of the legislation.

So he says. Anyhow, I’ll have to dig into the bill to see what other hidden gems there are.

Read: Democrats Introduce Legislation To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam) On The Seashore »

Why Ice Cube Talking To Trump Is So Dangerous Or Something

At least it’s not an uber-white liberal elitist saying this, it is Peniel E. Joseph, the Barbara Jordan chair in ethics and political values and the founding director of the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, who has also written books on race, and he’s black. Oh, and my headline is actually the original headline at CNN, except for the “or something”. Either way, it shows that black people are committing Wrongthink if they dare think outside the Approve Dogma

Why Ice Cube’s political logic is so dangerous

Ice Cube, the legendary Generation X rapper and hip hop icon, last week said he’s open to working with the Trump administration on implementing his “Contract with Black America.” That is a huge mistake which hurts the entire African American community.

I love how elitists can declare what’s best for almost 13% of the US population. Perhaps individually blacks might have different ideas, considering that Democrats have worked hard to keep them down and in servitude to the Democratic Party since the civil rights era, when Dems switched from their KKK and Jim Crow, segregationist style to the “patronize them, give them stuff, keep them down and beholden” style

Cube sparked controversy after tweeting that the Trump campaign made adjustments to “their plan” for Black America after talking to him. Cube was referring to parts of his “Contract With Black America,” which features a preface written by Darrick Hamilton — one of the most respected and well known Black economists in the nation and calls for “a blueprint to achieve racial and economic justice” through polices that promote wealth creation, home ownership, small businesses criminal justice reform, and voting rights. Small parts of the “Contract” are reflected in what the Trump administration has dubbed its “Platinum Plan” with election time appeals to Black voters.

News of Cube’s seeming alliance with Trump’s anti-Black political empire set Black Twitter ablaze with anger and confusion; Cube responded by casting himself as a political maverick unafraid to go against the grain. In an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Cube said he is willing to work with people on both sides of the aisle. “I’m not playing no more of these political games, we’re not part of a team … so I’m going to whoever’s in power and I’m going to speak to them about our problems, specifically,” Cube said, explaining that “our” is referring to Black Americans. “I’m not going in there talking about minorities, I’m not going in there talking about people of color or diversity or none of that stuff. I’m going there for Black Americans, the ones who are descendants of slaves.”

Black unemployment is at its lowest level under Trump. Black small business ownership was high. Wages within the black community are rising faster than ever before. Say what you want, Trump sees blacks as people, not a voting block.

Though he denounced Trump in 2016, Cube’s more recent foray into politics has been shaped by statements that regardless of political party, he wants change. The trouble with this approach is that it implies somehow that for Black Americans, both major parties are or could be interchangeable. The moral equivalency behind such rhetoric is untrue. For as flawed as the modern-day Democratic Party is on race matters it is, for better and worse, the party of anti-racism and intersectional justice in contrast to the modern day GOP. The contemporary Republican Party has become, purposefully in certain quarters, a refuge for the architects of racial division, scapegoating, and hatred that has evolved past the dog whistles of the Nixon era into the bullhorn utilized by President Trump and his acolytes.

Perhaps Cube put aside his TDS and gave careful consideration to the reality of Trump’s policies, that Trump cares, that he is willing to make changes which actually help the black community, while Mr. Joseph’s Democratic Party buddies showed up and started riots, looting, arson, and assault in so many minority areas in Democratic cities. It was not a white people area getting destroyed in Minneapolis.

Joseph goes on for a bit, hating on Trump and essentially calling I Cube an Uncle Tom for daring to have his own mind.

Black men’s pain, which Ice Cube’s scowling image from his classic first two albums — “Amerikkka’s Most Wanted and Death Certificate” — so brilliantly reflect, is real as reflected in their extraordinary rates of imprisonment, punishment and death. Black women’s pain is just as potent, as illustrated in their accelerating rates of incarceration, high rates of poverty and depressing levels of income and lower rates of wealth.

Which presidential candidate authored a law which vastly increased the incarceration rate of black men and which pushed hard for Congress to pass The First Step Act, which helps the black community?

Read: Why Ice Cube Talking To Trump Is So Dangerous Or Something »

The Sports Industry Will Be Made To Comply With Cult Of Climastrology

See, here’s the problem: major and minor league sports leagues and teams have climavirtue signaled on ‘climate change’ already, so, the climate cultists will demand more

Opinion: The sports industry must tackle its role in the climate crisis

For many people, sports are the love of their life. With screaming fans and dedication that knows no bounds for leagues, players, and teams, it’s no wonder the industry is a massive hit. There’s only one problem: we’re often so focused on the high energy and excitement that it blinds us from seeing how the sports industry hurts the environment.

Believe it or not, sports play a role in the climate crisis.

To all those diehard fans out there who might be feeling aghast from this, don’t be. The climate crisis is a serious issue, and to minimize and resolve it, we need all hands on deck.

Every year, major sporting events — the Super Bowl, the Winter and Summer Olympic Games, and the FIFA World Cup, just to name a few — attract people worldwide. But what are the lasting consequences of these events? Substantial carbon footprints are left behind from the increased transportation, large amounts of trash produced, energy required to operate these events, and growth in food production.

The “carbon footprints” of each player, team, and league are humongous, going by CoC dogma, yet, they all want to Lecture Everyone Else while making token changes

Unlike motorsports, other sports such as skiing and golf quietly affect the environment. Their effects are not as obvious as motor racing’s, where the sport clearly is a factor in the climate crisis.

However, skiing and golf are harmful to the environment even though people don’t often realize it. More specifically, it’s the golf courses and skiing slopes that are detrimental, taking up large areas of former ecosystems and natural terrains.

Cancel them?

It’s not only professional sports and organizations that should be doing something about mitigating the climate crisis. Even with the sports industry beginning to become more environmentally aware, there needs to be faster eco-friendly action taken right now as the climate crisis impacts and will impact everyone.

We, the fans, also need to help create a greener sports industry — even the simplest actions like reducing, reusing, and recycling will make a difference. Sports are dependent on a healthy planet, but with this ongoing climate crisis, how on Earth are sports going to exist?

Of course, we all know that the CoC wants Government to Do Something, usually via regulations and laws, which they all think will apply to Someone Else. Because the Warmists themselves won’t do it on their own.

Read: The Sports Industry Will Be Made To Comply With Cult Of Climastrology »

If All You See…

…are candle holders which are so much better than evil light bulbs, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post on a recovering white dude going through a 12 step program.

Read: If All You See… »

Say, Could A Shift To State’s Rights Benefit The Left?

Well, in practical terms, no, because the Democratic Party is about power, and wanting full federal control over everything, but, it is cute how Leftist are suddenly thrilled by the notion of actually following the 10th Amendment

While the expected confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett looks like a nightmare for liberal America, the court may give more power to states advocating progressive policies.

In broad historical terms, this week’s hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett may not precisely be the end of the liberal era in Washington that began with the Warren court and has continued in ever-shallower form to this day. But it’s close enough. Barrett’s seemingly inevitable ascension to the Supreme Court likely spells the end of Roe v. Wade and other decisions of the liberal legal architecture, greater constraints on administrative authority, and a new era of muscular states’ rights. For liberals, it’s all pretty gloomy stuff: a hostile Supreme Court stocked with young (at least comparatively) and uncompromising conservatives and what Gary Gerstle, a professor of American history at Cambridge, described to me as the “paralysis…of central government” that could spell the end of liberal ambitions in Washington for years, if not decades.(snip)

The mental link between federalism and regressive policies is understandable, but it’s not inevitable. Justice Louis Brandeis once touted the ability of states to “try novel social and economic experiments,” as Gerstle recently described in The Atlantic. More importantly, the largest and most powerful states in the country—California and New York among them—are increasingly shading blue, and increasingly aggressive in asserting progressive positions on climate change, workers’ rights, public health, and even immigration. Historically, liberals advocated for centralization of authority in Washington because states were obstacles to progress; now the opposite is true. There is no better example of this than climate policy and environmental regulation. David Uhlmann, a professor at the University of Michigan and the director of its Environmental Law and Policy Program, described a historical inversion: “The environmental law system in the United States was created in the 1970s, largely because state governments failed to prevent pollution and in dramatic ways, leading to the Cuyahoga River on fire, the Santa Barbara oil spill soiling the beaches of California, and hazardous waste sites in cities and towns across America. Today, the equation is reversed, with the federal government failing to act on climate and other pressing environmental issues, and states taking the lead.”

Liberal enthusiasm for local authority has increased exponentially in the Trump era. States have claimed the right to contest Washington on areas as diverse as immigration, environmental rules, drug enforcement, and the use of the national guard and federal police, and California has even claimed authority to regulate the conditions in federal immigration detention centers. All this has peaked during the pandemic, when states have relied on their inherent police powers to enact all sorts of public safety rules, banded together to procure emergency equipment and regulate travel, and in one of the more extraordinary moments of recent years, disputed the federal government’s oversight of food and drugs, as Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York did when he suggested that FDA-approved vaccines might be delayed in New York until the state made an independent judgment on safety. But the recent enthusiasm is a product of circumstances, rather than a philosophical shift. Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of UC Berkeley School of Law, told me that the Democratic dalliance with states’ rights would happily end with Democratic control of the White House and Congress—and a new era of progressive legislation. It is an enticing vision, but it overestimates Congress’s ability to get things done, even in periods of unitary control. Congress’s lawmaking ability has been on a steep decline for decades, from a peak of 1,028 bills passed by the 84th Congress in 1955–56, to 498 in the 108th (2003–04), and 329 in the 114th (2015–16). An increasingly ineffective Congress, Gerstle argued to me, isn’t just a product of our difficult political moment, but the result of a half-century conservative effort to hollow out the center.

Most all of this is supposed to be in the hands of the states. They’re called states for a reason, because the original states were mostly as big, size wise, as the old European nations at the time of the drafting of the Constitution. And nations were called states. What do they call the leader of a country coming to the US? Chief of State. A new term was devised, nation-states. The framers knew how big the U.S. could become, that’s why it is the United States Of America. Kinda like the European Union. Different states have their own concerns. Hence, 10th Amendment, and Los Federales being given specific powers which they aren’t supposed to exceed.

If California wants to implement all sorts of climate change crap, let them. If they want high taxes, let them. If they want to outlaw guns, nope, that’s in the federal constitution. They want to raise their own army? Nope. Run the mail? Nope. Ban fossil fueled vehicles in the state? Yes. It is hilarious that they suddenly love the notion of State’s Rights with Trump in the presidency, and, it sounds like they think Trump will win again.

Read: Say, Could A Shift To State’s Rights Benefit The Left? »

Wrongthink On Climate Change (scam) Disqualifies ACB For Supreme Court Or Something

Climate cultists have received the talking points from the high poobahs in the Cult of Climastrology, as we see from this letter to the editor of the Chicago Sun Times

Climate change answer disqualifies Barrett for Supreme Court

Amy Coney Barrett has forfeited her right to be on the U.S. Supreme Court due to her convoluted answer to the simple question about climate change.

The confirmation process is a sham in many ways. Because the outcome is a forgone conclusion, it has ceased to be a deliberative process on judicial philosophy. The senators make each question a political speech and the candidate finds clever ways to say nothing – as an homage to her mentor, Donald Trump.

When asked a clear ”yes or no” scientific question about climate change, she should have jumped at the chance to give a clear answer — but she did not. She replied that it is a “very contentious matter of public debate.” Settled science is clear and visible proof abounds — so she is either grossly uniformed or she lied.

Does she think that antibiotics cure infections, or is that a matter of “public debate” as well?

Some Republicans deny climate science because their backers are in the fossil fuel industry; Trump makes light of Covid 19 because it hurts his re-election chances, but that doesn’t change the facts. A basic requirement for a candidate to the U. S. Supreme Court would be the intelligence and reasoning power to base decisions on verifiable facts. According to her testimony, Ms. Barrett is not such a person; she is a political hack who does not qualify to be on the highest court.

Whoa, that’s a lot of talking points. We got the sham point in. We have the antibiotics one in (funny, the majority of anti-vaxxers tend to vote Democrat). But, see, because ACB isn’t a card carrying member of the CoC and refuses to toe the line she has “forfeited her right’ to be a Supreme Court Justice. If this sounds like a cult and looks like a cult, it’s a cult.

The writer, Carol Kraines, Deerfield, sure seems to show up quite a bit in letters and such. Here, here, here, and many, many more. Just a big old Trump hater, who, strangely, doesn’t seem to offer anything on how she’s living the carbon neutral life.

Read: Wrongthink On Climate Change (scam) Disqualifies ACB For Supreme Court Or Something »

No Witness Signature? Those Ballots Won’t Be Counted In North Carolina

This is a very strange article from WRAL on the way the law is applied

Agreement reached: Mail-in ballots without witness signatures won’t count in NC

The State Board of Elections will go back to its old way of dealing with absentee ballots mailed in without a witness signature: The voter will have to fill out a new ballot and get a signature for his or her vote to count.

The decision came over the weekend, and Attorney General Josh Stein’s office informed one of the two courts overseeing various lawsuits filed over the procedure, and a handful of others, that the policy shift would take effect Monday.

A number of left-leaning groups targeted the policy in lawsuits filed earlier this year, saying ballots missing witness signatures should be “cured” the same way a number of other problems with mail-in absentee ballots get fixed: By sending voters a certification they can sign, attesting to the validity of their votes, and not requiring new ballots.

The State Board of Elections agreed to the change a few weeks ago as part of a broader lawsuit settlement, but Republican leaders cried foul, saying the change subverted state law by allowing absentee ballots to count without witness signaturees. That triggered more lawsuits and a back and forth that was resolved, on this issue at least, by a letter Stein’s office sent out Sunday with a new State Board of Elections memo attached explaining the procedure to county elections offices.

Those offices have been holding on to ballots missing witness signatures, awaiting a decision. Now they will “spoil” ballots without signatures, meaning they won’t count, and the affected voters will have an opportunity to fill out another ballot. This may be thousands of ballots, but a small percentage of the total ballots cast.

Not sure what the agreement is, or how it is really going back to the “old way”, or why there’s a problem with the GOP “crying foul”: the law is very specific that a witness signature is required on all mail in ballots. It’s not that hard.

Other problems can be fixed by just having the voter fill out an affidavit/certification. Those include if the voter didn’t initially sign the ballot’s voter certification, if he or she signed in the wrong place, if the witness signed but failed to print his or her name as well, or if the witness did not print his or her address on the ballot envelope.

Attorneys for Republicans pushing back against the state board’s initial change have agreed to the new arrangement, according to Stein’s letter, which includes an attached email from one of those attorneys consenting.

It’s not really any sort of agreement, it’s really the way the NC law works. Seriously, just take the time to do it correctly. What’s so difficult in getting a proper witness signature, and signing it correctly yourself? One has to wonder why Democrats were fighting so hard to allow ballots without the signatures.


Supreme Court Rules Pennsylvania Can Count Ballots Received After Election Day

The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday that election officials in Pennsylvania can count absentee ballots received as late as the Friday after Election Day so long as they are postmarked by Nov. 3.

The court declined without comment to take up one of the highest-profile election law cases in the final stretch before Election Day. Pennsylvania Republicans had sought to block the counting of late-arriving ballots, which the state’s Supreme Court had approved last month.

Republicans sought the emergency stay, arguing that it is up to the state’s legislature — not the court — to set rules for how elections are conducted. They also said the court’s ruling could allow ballots cast after Election Day to be counted.

The court’s most conservative justices, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas said they would have agreed to the stay request. But Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s three most liberal members to reject the request.

Again, the media is attempting to paint the GOP as suppressing votes, in this article and so many more. And giving you bad information. The reality is

As Breitbart News reported last month, “The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled … that ballots received three days after Election Day will still be counted — even if there is no evidence they were postmarked on time.”

SCOTUS Blog writes

A deadlocked Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower-court ruling that requires Pennsylvania election officials to count absentee ballots received within three days after Election Day, Nov. 3, even if they are not postmarked. In two brief orders issued shortly after 7 p.m., the justices denied, without explanation, a request by Republicans to put the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling on hold. Four justices – Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh – indicated that they would have granted the Republicans’ request.

Pa. law is clear that they MUST be postmarked by the 3rd or dropped off by 8pm on the 3rd. Period. Yet, here’s the Democratic party suing to void the rules and John Roberts siding with them yet again.

Read: No Witness Signature? Those Ballots Won’t Be Counted In North Carolina »

Pirate's Cove