Why Vote Trump: All The Damage He’s Done To The Climate Crisis Scam

For the most part, the Trump administration has been rather quiet on all the progress they’ve made in getting rid of silly climate scam rules and regulations, but, they have occurred, and this had made climate cultists upset

Climate Crisis: Can We Reverse All The Damage Trump Has Done?

When he talks about the Trump administration, David Doniger likes to say: “Imagine where we’d be if they knew what they were doing.” The climate lawyer and senior advisor to the NRDC Action Fund spends his days defending the environment from the U.S. government, and for the past three and a half years, that’s meant a front-row seat to the Trump administration’s relentless attacks on any regulation that’s meant to slow the climate crisis.

But it’s also been a window into the hasty, sloppy, and legally dubious ways that they’ve gone about it. “One of the hallmarks of this administration is how incompetently they’re doing this,” says Doniger. “It shows up in how slowly they’ve been able to work, and how flimsy their legal rationales are.” Almost all of Trump’s attempts at deregulation — some 100 rules that he’s tried to eliminate or weaken — are being challenged in court, and environmentalists are steadily winning. According to the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University, the Trump administration has lost 69 of the 83 legal challenges it’s faced in its deregulatory blitz.

Unfortunately, they have cancelled them too quickly at times, and, let’s face it, the left wing judges almost always rule in favor of more Big Government. Trump should have the power turned off in the courthouses, no heat or AC, make the judges live like it’s Climate Cult California.

If Biden wins in November, environmentalists say, his administration would have a slim window of opportunity to get our agencies back on track to meet the enormity of the climate crisis. “It means being aggressive from day one,” says Brett Hartl from the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund. “And not futzing around — knowing what you’re going to do and implementing it immediately.”

Making up for the lost time won’t be easy. Despite his slap-dash approach, Trump still managed to scramble the trajectory of American climate policy, creating a tangle of legal fights that will have to be cleared up for U.S. climate policy to move forward. And he left almost no part of our environmental regulatory structure untouched —  greenlighting fossil fuel infrastructure like the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipelines, setting us back on emission-reduction goals by reversing the Clean Power Plan and higher fuel-efficiency standards, and gutting the federal agencies that should be at the helm of our climate response.

Of course, the CPP never went into force, as it was caught up in lawsuits from the minute the Obama administration out this massive, nation changing rule into effect. Further, let’s not forget he started the process which pulls the U.S. out of the Paris Climate agreement, which becomes formal right after the election. I would have personally preferred he just say “Obama signed this thing with the wave of a pen, I’m pulling out the same way”, but, he apparently was holding out to renegotiate the agreement for better terms for the U.S.

Using executive power, Biden could declare a national climate emergency. It wouldn’t just send an important message to Americans — and the rest of the world — that we’re taking the climate crisis seriously; it would give the administration the power to mobilize the government on a massive scale, like ordering the Secretary of Defense to redirect military spending toward the rapid development of clean energy.

Biden could also immediately order federal agencies to reverse the climate rollbacks Trump introduced through executive order — like allowing oil and gas companies to side-step state approval — and start issuing his own. Most urgently, Biden would have the power to keep more fossil fuels in the ground: He could direct the Secretary of the Interior to halt oil-and-gas leasing and fracking on federal lands, reinstitute the ban on exporting crude oil, and order all federal agencies to deny permits for new fossil fuel infrastructure, like pipelines, storage facilities, and refineries.

He’d also be able to change the ways that money moves through the energy sector. He could prohibit the U.S. government from financing fossil fuel programs overseas and end all Department of Energy loans for fossil fuels stateside, while also requiring the Federal Reserve to manage climate risks — forcing it to acknowledge the current and future impact of climate change on our economy.

There are lots and lots of recommendations for things Biden could do, most of which will increase your cost of living, ruin your pension, and take away lots of your freedom, liberty, and choice.

And this story comes from Rolling Stone. Remember when RS used to be counter-culture, about sticking it to the man, about government getting out of our faces and off our backs? Freedom, man, freedom!

Read: Why Vote Trump: All The Damage He’s Done To The Climate Crisis Scam »

Liberals Go Full Moonbat Over “Notorious ACB” Shirts

They’re already attacking Amy Coney Barrett over her religion, and figuring out other ways to attack her prior to the confirmation hearings. And

(Breitbart) Left-wing groups, including MoveOn, Indivisible, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Sunrise Movement are launching protests at courthouses across the country to oppose the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In what has been dubbed the SCOTUS Rapid Response Action Guide, protest planners offer a wide range of guidance for protesters and also provide links so visitors can donate to Planned Parenthood to “protect RBG’s Legacy.”

Of course abortion is #1, right? Then we have

Critics Go Ballistic As GOP Peddles ‘Notorious ACB’ T-shirts

Critics on Twitter were aghast Saturday as the GOP peddled its latest product: a “Notorious ACB” T-shirt, ripping off the hard-earned and respected nickname of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The shirt went on sale just minutes after President Donald Trump formally nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg in a process Democrats are calling an illegitimate rush to ram through a conservative judge with just over five weeks before the presidential election.

The shirt was posted online by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which raises funds to help elect Republicans to the Senate.

Observers were appalled at the stunning lack of respect for Ginsburg, whom many fans referred to as the Notorious RBG and who had lain in state in the Capitol just the previous day.

They’re “appalled”, more likely apoplectic, that ACB exists and will get confirmed. So everything will make them nutbar

One complained about fundraising “off the death of RGB”. Might want to reconsider that line, since Democrats have been fundraising hard since her death.

They literally cannot even take using her initials. That guarantees people will use them, right?

Read: Liberals Go Full Moonbat Over “Notorious ACB” Shirts »

If All You See…

…is the ocean encroaching on houses due to carbon pollution sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post wondering why the media won’t ask Kamala Harris about bailing out rioters.

It’s the Amazing Race week. Above are Ally and Ashley, ice crew for the LA Kings.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the new fish in my tank seem to be doing well, and the Dodgers are #1. This pinup is by Dietz Dolls, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Change Dispatch notes that the great global warming hiatus was real
  2. Not A Lot Of People Know That highlights plug in hybrids being wolves in sheep’s clothing
  3. 357 Magnum notes trends in gun ownership
  4. American Elephants covers Democrats sinking lower on the decency scale
  5. American Greatness discusses Trump surging with Hispanic and black voters
  6. Blazing Cat Fur highlights a culture of lawlessness in liberal prosecutor offices
  7. Chicks On The Right covers a black Trump supporter dropping a truth bomb on white BLM supporters
  8. Cold Fury notes freedom in Florida
  9. Creeping Sharia discusses two arrested for planned jihad against Trump Tower and the stock market
  10. Datechguy’s Blog has six thoughts on Amy Comey Barrett
  11. Dissecting Leftism highlights the reality of COVID survival rates
  12. Free North Carolina covers the “If Trump wins I’m leaving the USA” thing starting again
  13. Geller Report News notes thousands of unopened ballots found in California dumpster
  14. Legal Insurrection covers Dems trotting out a misleading Barrett video on filling a SCOTUS position
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery notes beer now being raaaaacist

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

The Senate Should Ignore Barrett Supreme Court Nomination Or Something

See, there was a time when there were plenty of squishy Republicans who would listen to the very same media who hated them, because they wanted to be liked and be that “get along go along” type of politician. Think ones like John McCain, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski. While some are still squishy, there are plenty enough, with Cocaine Mitch McConnell driving them, who stand strong. But, the Washington Post will still try shame them

The Senate should ignore Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination

THIS EDITORIAL is not about Amy Coney Barrett. No matter whom President Trump had picked to fill the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat, it would be the wrong choice — because it is the wrong time. Mr. Trump is asking Senate Republicans to perpetrate a damaging injustice by ramming through a nominee on the eve of a presidential election. This move threatens to sully the court and aggravate suspicions over the coming election. Senate Republicans should be disgusted at playing the role they are being asked to play. But so far they seem shameless in their hypocrisy and wanton in their willingness to poison the workings of our democracy.

Followed by lots of whining about Merrick Garland. They haven’t quite figured out how to attack Barrett herself, so, they’re attempting to sway Republican Senators into refusing to vote, knowing full well that if GOP Senators refuse to vote for Barrett the number of GOP voters will decline precipitously, which could cause Trump to lose and those Senators to lose, along with quite a few House seats and State elected positions.

The question is, will the media take their usual role of attacking Barrett? It could be dangerous. Newt Gingrich notes

Since President Ronald Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork to replace Justice Lewis Powell on the Supreme Court in 1987, the Democrats have followed a policy of harshness and ruthlessness in going after Republican Supreme Court nominees.

The assault on Bork – a scholarly and widely respected conservative member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit – was so vicious and underhanded that the process of personal destruction came to be known as “borking.” In fact, the savaging of Judge Bork was so infamous the Oxford English Dictionary added the verb “bork” as U.S. political slang: “[To] obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) by  systematically defaming or vilifying them.”

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee while Bork was being slandered was Joe Biden. A report was issued known as the Biden Report, and Bork later said every word in it was false.

This was the same approach Democratic senators took against nominee Clarence Thomas when he was nominated to the Supreme Court. It was also a ruthless personal assault – and the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, again, was Biden.

Do the Dems want to try this with Barrett?

Now, with the nomination of Judge Barrett, the Democrats face a real dilemma. Judge Barrett is incredibly smart, has an impressive career, and is well-known as a caring, compassionate person.

She graduated magna cum laude from Rhodes College, and then graduated first in her class at Notre Dame Law School. (snip)

Judge Barrett is going to come across as professional, knowledgeable and likable. By all rights, she should be considered a remarkable, inspirational figure to all Americans regardless of political leanings (and especially to young women).

The dilemma for the Democrats is they have to decide whether they will try to destroy her (as they tried with Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh) or to concede that she is unacceptable for liberals but acceptable (indeed preferable) to most Americans.

Do they want to let Diane Feinstein off the leash, and she looked bad with Kavanaugh, as well as some Dems saying she’s not up to a confirmation hearing, plus, her previous attacks on Barrett’s religion and Catholicism overall when Barrett was confirmed as a federal judge, or do they want to let Joe Biden’s VP nominee Kamala Harris, who was also shameless during the Kavanaugh hearings, lead the smears? Or just say “I don’t agree” and yield their time? Will they focus on abortion on demand, the number one sacrament of the Dem Party? It’s dangerous ground for the Dems

Amy Coney Barrett is the ultimate Walmart soccer mom

The biggest takeaway from the 2016 presidential election was that Main Street America was so sick of elites in Washington DC telling them how to live that they elected a politically inexperienced, trash-talking billionaire from New York City to ‘drain the swamp’. While some suburban women appear to have tired of Donald Trump’s style, there is little evidence that the mass of voters who sent that message regret their decision, especially in key states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. (snip)

Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett will do far more than just supercharge hardcore pro-life and pro-choice voters and impact future judicial decisions. Barrett’s nomination will bring many disaffected suburban women back into the Trump fold and greatly increase his chances of again carrying key Midwestern states. This effect will occur for two reasons.

First, Democrats and their liberal-progressive allies won’t be able to resist a full-on assault on Barrett and her family, which will turn-off Midwest suburban women far more than Trump’s past tweets. Before Trump even nominated Barrett, they launched their preemptive strike against Barrett by tying her Catholic faith to the dystopian _Handmaid’s Tale_ where women are subjugated by men, which seemed an odd attack given Barrett’s appointment would make her one of the most powerful women in the world. (snip)

The second and more important reason Barrett’s nomination will bring many suburban women back into the fold is entirely due to who she is. Many women will view Barrett as a regular suburban mom just like them. This is where Barrett’s biography is deadly to Democratic attack lines: small-town, middle America, Catholic, teacher, mother of seven, with two kids adopted from Haiti after a devasting hurricane and one kid with Down’s Syndrome. Demonizing any part of her biography inherently demonizes thousands of other women sharing that same trait or who will find nothing but goodness in Barrett’s biography.

How will it look with coastal Elites in the Dem party attacking her? Read the whole article.

Read: The Senate Should Ignore Barrett Supreme Court Nomination Or Something »

We Can Achieve Climate Just By Simply Going With Open Borders

Funny how so many of the things pushed by the Cult of Climastrology dovetail perfectly with everything Modern Socialist, eh? It’s almost like this has nothing to do with science or the climate

To Achieve Climate Justice, Demilitarize the Border

According to new research out this week, between 1990-2015 the wealthiest 1% of the global population produced more than twice the carbon emissions than the 3 billion people who make up the poorest half of the population. Over that 25-year period—where the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubled—the richest 1% of the global population produced 15% of carbon emissions while the richest 10% accounted for a staggering 52% of emissions. The poorest half of the global population, on the other hand, was only responsible for 7%.  

Hatred of rich people (who also tend to donate heavily to Democrats)? Check

Earlier this month, another new analysis found that as of 2015, the United States was responsible for 40% of excess global carbon emissions while the Global North (in this case defined as the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan) produced 92% of emissions. Meanwhile, the Global South—which is disproportionately harmed by the climate crisis—is responsible for just 8% of excess emissions. As the report aptly states, “these results illustrate what could be referred to as a process of atmospheric colonisation.” 

USA hatred? Check. Anyhow, they finally get around to the focal point, yammering about the coming carbon pollution caused migrations, all because you ate a hamburger and took a fossil fueled trip to Disney, ending with

And yet, the United States’ militarized border enforcement treats migrants as threats. For decades, the United States has been transforming the southern borderlands into a low-intensity warzone. Since the 1970s, federal spending on immigration and border enforcement has multiplied more than 11 times, from $2.1 billion in 1976 to $24.2 billion in 2019. The ballooning budget funds increasing numbers of armed border patrol agents and military-grade equipment—the “fortressing” of America. 

But the push to militarize the border region and villainize immigrants ignores the real reasons that people choose to leave home and cross borders. To achieve climate justice, we must reverse our decades-long trend in border militarization, defund hate by divesting from ICE and CBP, pay the debt we owe to displaced people around the world, and uphold our collective freedom to move and stay.

So, open borders for all! No matter who these people may be, let them in! And give them money! Yet, weirdly, Warmists never offer to house the migrants themselves.

Read: We Can Achieve Climate Just By Simply Going With Open Borders »

If All You See…

…is a world killing plastic bottle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is White House Dossier, with a post on Kamala Harris also hiding.

Doubleshot below the fold, so, check out Bunkerville, with a a very interesting post on the Louisville PD finding a body in Breonna Taylor’s vehicle at one point, and how involved she was in the drug dealing business.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Releases “Platinum Plan” For African Americans

Republicans want to lift people out of poverty, including black people. Democrats want black people kept in poverty because this provides a solid voting block as they give them things and because Democrats are racists

Trump pledges $500B to black communities; designates KKK, Antifa as ‘terrorist organizations’

President Donald Trump announced details of his “Platinum Plan” for African-Americans Friday, which would include increasing capital in black communities by $500 billion, designate the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organizations, and making lynching a national hate crime.

Trump unveiled his plan, which would also make Juneteenth a national holiday, at the Black Economic Empowerment Conference in Atlanta.

“For decades, Democrat politicians like Joe Biden have taken black voters for granted. They made you big promises before every election—and then the moment they got to Washington, they abandoned you and sold you out,” the president said. “The Democrats will always take black voters for granted until large numbers of black Americans vote Republican.”

According to FOX News, the plan would also help to create 500,000 new black-owned businesses and create 3 million new jobs for the black community.

The Platinum Plan also pledges to give black churches the ability to compete for federal resources for their communities; bring better and tailored healthcare to address what the campaign called “historic disparities,” and advance home ownership opportunities and enhance financial literacy in black communities.

Making Juneteenth a holiday is a great idea, as it would remind blacks every year that it was the Republican Party who backed the end of slavery, while Democrats were the party of slavery.

“Instead of fighting for public safety for these communities, the Democrats are attacking our police and empowering far-left rioters, looters, and anarchists,” Trump said. “In the Republican Party, we believe in protecting ALL black lives – including the unborn,” adding that Republicans “believe that every child, of every race – born and unborn – is made in the Holy image of God. Republicans believe that all human life is sacred.”

Abortion was really pioneered by Margaret Sanger, a major eugenicist and racist, who was happy to make sure that Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics were placed in black neighborhoods, the better to get rid of those “undesirables”, and Democrats are happy to make sure black babies are aborted at levels well above their population percentage. Why are things so bad for blacks in areas run by Democrats? Trump’s plan empowers blacks. The plans of Biden and Democrats keep them reliant on Government, and Democrats think they own blacks.

Read: Trump Releases “Platinum Plan” For African Americans »

Democrat House Approves A “Clean Energy” Bill Or Something

Is this a serious bill or something to tell their unhinged base “look, we passed something”?

House passes sweeping clean energy bill

The House on Thursday passed a broad bill that aims to boost energy efficiency and renewable energy sources as part of an attempt to combat climate change.

The chamber approved the 900-page Clean Energy and Jobs Innovation Act in a 220-185 vote.

The legislation would create research and development programs for solar, wind, advanced geothermal energy and hydroelectric power as well as lessening pollution from fossil fuel production.

It would also establish more rigorous building codes and bolster energy efficiency requirements and weatherization programs.

The bill moved rapidly through the House. It was first introduced last week and did not go through any legislative hearings.

Meanwhile, AOC’s Green New Deal is languishing in committee.

A similar energy innovation package that was introduced in the Senate earlier this year has recently been reenergized after legislators came to an agreement on an amendment seeking to phase down the use of a type of greenhouse gas.

A senior House Democratic aide told The Hill that if the Senate passes its own bill, the chambers can go to conference to resolve their disagreements. The aide said that House Democrats urge Republicans to take some action on clean energy, either moving by their own bill or taking up the House bill.

But, that bill is mostly crafted by Democrats, who do not run the Senate.

The top Republicans on the Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees released a joint statement criticizing the legislation this week.

“Here we are in the middle of a global pandemic and Speaker Pelosi wants to spend more than $135 billion on a piece of legislation that will never become law,” said Reps. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), Greg Walden (R-Ore.), and Frank Lucas (R-Okla.). “This bill is chock-full of government mandates that would raise what Americans pay for everything from the vehicles they drive to what they pay to heat, cool, and power their homes.”

What are some of those mandates? And what of the real purpose of this bill?

(NRDC) This bill reforms and builds up grant programs in energy efficiency, clean transportation, grid modernization, and workforce development which will kick start efforts in communities to start moving faster into the clean economy. For example, this bill would update energy efficiency standards for buildings, which on its own could save consumers and businesses $51 billion on their electricity bills by 2050 while also avoiding 1.3 billion tons of carbon pollution. Proven programs like the Weatherization Assistance Program and Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant are given needed boosts in funding which get them closer to meeting strong demand, and new programs are created where needed. The bill would authorize almost $40 billion in transportation electrification grants and other clean transportation deployment and manufacturing programs to cut pollution from cars, trucks, and buses; $27 billion in programs to accelerate deployment of energy efficiency; and more than $6 billion to modernize the electricity grid. It also stands up new workforce training programs to get our workers ready for the new jobs that will be created in the clean economy.

Seems reasonable, eh? Though, it has the potential to raise housing costs.

Making Environmental Justice a Priority
While this bill focuses a lot on technology, it importantly includes a lengthy title on improving outcomes for communities that for too long have suffered from disproportionate levels of pollution, including low-income communities, communities of color, and others who have been marginalized. Under this bill, every agency of the federal government will be required to add environmental justice to its mission, and the 1994 environmental justice executive order will be incorporated into law. Additionally, environmental justice communities would be given more access to federal grant programs to support clean energy projects, but more importantly they will also receive more power to fight for their own healthy future.

And that is the main purpose, to incorporate the Cult of Climastrology in every federal agency decision, along with Dems notions of raaaaacism, giving the government more power over the lives of citizens, especially black and brown people.

Read: Democrat House Approves A “Clean Energy” Bill Or Something »

Amy Coney Barrett Reported To Be Trump’s SCOTUS Pick, Who Might Let Down Conservatives Or Something

All the “inside” reports are saying that Trump will nominate Barrett this afternoon, not a tough call, so, of course, the utterly and completely un-biased news along with Dem pundits are working to tell us why she is bad, such as

And, of course they think the adoption should be investigated. They’re also coming after her religion, leading to a piece by a college president and big time law teacher in defending her from those attacks. And then

Supreme Court favorite Amy Barrett thinks politics have no business in the courtroom. Critics aren’t convinced.

Many Republicans have hailed Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s apparent nominee to the Supreme Court to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as a dream candidate: a relatively young woman of impeccable conservative credentials. The federal circuit court judge believes that life begins at conception. She is a critic of the Affordable Care Act, the Obama-era health care law that Trump wants badly to dismantle. She has upheld restrictive immigration statutes while protecting corporations from lawsuits.

But she has also been consistently against injecting politics into the business of judging, presenting a potential problem for those who see the Supreme Court as a means of achieving ends not possible through legislation.

“I would have had no interest in the job if the job was about policymaking and about making policy decisions,” she said last year in an address at conservative Hillsdale College. “If we reduce the courts to mere politics, then why do we need them? We already have politicians,” Barrett added a little later. “Courts are not arenas for politics.”

Somehow, this is supposed to be a bad thing that she’s interested in deciding things based on the Constitution, rather than political belief.

“I conceive of justices as being driven by first-order commitments to constitutional methods rather than solely by partisan political preference,” she wrote in a 2013 article for the Texas Law Review. Later in the same article, she wrote that “partisan politics are not a good reason for overturning precedent. But neither are they a good reason for deciding a case of first impression.”

The word “precedent” is especially loaded when it comes to abortion. Precedent, on that issue, is Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania, both of which outlined conditions under which an abortion could be performed. Republicans’ judicial nominees worried that they will be depicted as abortion foes often make overtures about respecting precedent. They usually do so when pressed in a congressional hearing room, not in their own academic writings.

Notice that Democrats immediately jump to abortion on demand, because that is really their #1 Sacrament. How did one political party become so enamored with protecting the ability to kill the unborn?

Expect the serious hit pieces to start this evening and for Sunday editions

Read: Amy Coney Barrett Reported To Be Trump’s SCOTUS Pick, Who Might Let Down Conservatives Or Something »

Pirate's Cove