Sadly, this election seems to be ignoring actual policy. You don’t see much about it in the Credentialed Media, it’s more about personality, because, let’s face it, beyond Joe Biden’s talking points, the actual policies are pretty bad. They’ll jack up our taxes, increase our energy costs, food costs, fuel costs, and overall cost of living. And they institute even more government in our lives, government telling us what we can do and when we can do it. Government taking over different aspects of our lives and the economy. And the idiot Biden voters and Never Trumpers don’t seem to realize this. Just look at Net Neutrality: it would turn the Internet into a public utility: how well did that work for landline phone systems, where innovation was like nothing, and costs were essentially fixed, for local and long distance? When government control was greatly reduced, innovation happened.
Liz Peek: Trump vs. Biden — 5 reasons why a sane person should vote – again – for Trump
Four years ago, supporting Donald J. Trump for president was controversial.
Today, backing the president is downright risky. People are losing their jobs, children are being kicked out of class and businesses are boycotted because their owners support President Trump. Imagine.
Seriously, how risky is it to have a Trump flag, or bumper sticker, or hat? Remember when we heard about all the attacks on people for this? We don’t hear it much these days because people only have these in large groups. To do otherwise means an unhinged Biden voter going nutbar. Want you car keyed? Put a Trump bumper sticker on it.
Hitting back at the Democrats’ assault on Candidate Trump in 2016, I wrote a piece for the Fiscal Times titled: “Five Reasons a Sane Person Might Still Vote for Trump.†The arguments I highlighted hold up well, and are perhaps even more persuasive today.
First up: Education.
If you believe in equal opportunity, you want all youngsters to receive a decent education. In many (I’d say most) Democrat-led cities, Hispanic and African-American kids do not receive one.
And yet the teachers’ unions and their Democratic Party backers refuse all accountability or reforms, condemning millions of Black and brown children to second-class status.
New York City spends $28,808 per public school pupil but in 2019 only 28% of black kids were proficient in math and 35% made the cut in English.
That is unacceptable, but Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden would respond by handing even more funds over to his union pals and supporting the status quo.
Why? Because he needs money from the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, two of our nation’s largest political donors.
Trump is a big proponent of school choice and school reform, which Biden and the teacher’s unions are dead set against, even though the majority of parents are for it. 69% of black voters are for school choice. Which candidate is really trying to make the lives of blacks better, and which is simply using them as a voting block when the time comes around, then leaving blacks in squalor the rest of the time? Then we have Obamacare
Democrats have put this failed insurance program on the ballot, and it should be. While Biden tries to scare people by saying the Trump White House will remove protections for people with preexisting conditions, which is not true, they neglect to mention that the cost of insurance premiums under ObamaCare for people not receiving subsidies doubled between 2013 and 2017, making it unaffordable to millions.
As a consequence, the number of uninsured people in the country actually went up.  As of 2019 only 11.4 million Americans were enrolled in the ACA- mandated health care exchanges.
Bet you haven’t heard that data, eh? Further, let’s not forget that the deductibles of the plans are often unaffordable. Sure, you have health insurance, you just can’t use it. Oh, you’re renting a coffee machine, but you can’t afford the coffee for it? Huh.
Liz goes on to discuss the economy, which roared after puttering along during the Obama years, and will again post-COVID, as well as reducing government in our lives and the Supreme Court. For the Never Trumpers on the right, do you really want far left Democrats appointed to federal courts and the Supreme Court? Remember, they will be there for a long, long time, making ruling you really won’t like.
These five reasons to vote for Trump remain critical in 2020. His many accomplishments – bringing hostages home, revised trade deals, taking on China, rebuilding the military, tightening our borders, the blockbuster Middle East peace initiative — and the near-insanity of the left, make the choice even easier.
Sadly, the Trump haters focus more on personality, and won’t listen to reason. They’ve been reduced to 4 years olds screaming because they can’t have a cookie before dinner, even after being told they can have one after dinner. You’ve seen those memes “why my child is crying,” right? That’s these people. All emotion, not adult thought.
Now do this: ask what policies make Biden supporters want to vote Biden: they’ll mostly flip to “well, you see, Trump” and it will mostly be about Trump personally, not his policy, and when they do hit the policy, they have their facts wrong.
Read: Liz Peak Offers 5 Reason To Vote Trump »