SCOTUS Follies: Lindsay Graham Says They Have The Votes, Joe Won’t Say Who He Would Nominate

All the GOP needs is 50 votes, as VP Mike Pence would be number 51

Graham claims Senate GOP has votes to confirm new SCOTUS justice before Election Day

Senate Republicans have enough votes to confirm a replacement for late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the Nov. 3 election, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told “Hannity” Monday.

“It’s pretty obvious that if they [Democrats] want an outcome, they’ll just destroy anybody’s life to keep the seats open,” Graham told host Sean Hannity.

“They said they tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh so they could fill the seat — they were dumb enough to say that,” Graham added. “I’ve seen this movie before. It’s not going to work, it didn’t work with Kavanaugh.

“We’ve got the votes to confirm Justice Ginsburg’s replacement before the election. We’re going to move forward in the committee, we’re going to report the nomination out of the committee to the floor of the United States Senate so we can vote before the election. Now, that’s the constitutional process.”

I wonder if this means that they won’t bother with hearings, which allow Democrats to simply demonize candidates, and move right to a vote? Most anyone Trump nominates will have already gone through a Senate hearing to be installed as a federal judge to start with. But, it might be worth it to go through a few days of confirmation hearings, especially if Trump does nominate a woman. How bad will Democrats make themselves looking badgering and attempting to destroy a woman?

Voting for a Trump nominee will fire up the Republican base to get them out to vote en masse. There is no downside. The people who are against doing this won’t vote for Trump nor GOP Reps and Senators in the first place.

And here’s Handsy Joe

(Breitbart) Joe Biden told a Milwaukee television station on Monday that voters do not deserve to know whom he would appoint to the Supreme Court.

After acknowledging he has a list of potential nominees, Joe Biden told TMJ 4 he simply is not going to share it.

He admitted the first selection was based on race and gender: a black woman. But beyond that, he would not provide additional details.

“Should voters know?” the reporter asked. “Should voters know who you’re going to appoint?”

“No, they don’t, but they will if I’m elected. They’ll have plenty of time,” Biden answered.

He claimed he would not share the names because it, among other things, would give critics too much time to scrutinize them.

A week ago it wasn’t that big of a deal that Joe wouldn’t release names. Today? It’s rather important to know whom he would pick. But, you silly peasants do not deserve to know. King Joe may deign to tell you after the election.

Well, yeah.

Read: SCOTUS Follies: Lindsay Graham Says They Have The Votes, Joe Won’t Say Who He Would Nominate »

College Warmists Demand Their Universities Go Carbon Neutral

Am I allowed to use the same graphic on two different posts in one day? Well, I’m going to anyway

‘Our house is burning’: student climate protesters urge their universities to go carbon neutral

As thousands of Generation Z activists head back to college, they’re pressuring universities to declare a climate emergency, cut emissions and divest from fossil fuels

As West coast wildfires color the skies dystopian red and orange and an aggressive hurricane season batters the US Gulf coast, college students are demanding their schools take bold action to address the climate crisis.

Caitlyn Daas is among them. The senior at Appalachian State University and organizer with the Appalachian Climate Action Collaborative (ClimACT) stands on the frontlines of her school’s grassroots push to go “climate neutral”, part of a years-long, national movement that has inspired hundreds of institutional commitments to reduce academia’s carbon footprint.

But as young activists like Daas urge their universities to do their part to avert climate disaster, many are frustrated by tepid responses from administrators whom they feel lack their same sense of urgency and drive. Appalachian State, part of the University of North Carolina system, has committed to reaching net-zero emissions decades down the line, but Daas and her fellow activists fear that’s far too late. She’s baffled that an institution devoted to higher learning is seemingly ignoring the science around the climate emergency.

“If our voices don’t matter, can you please stop telling us that they do?” Daas says.

College activists concerned about the climate crisis have largely focused their efforts on two popular movements that go hand-in-hand: reaching carbon neutrality, and divesting university endowments. Broadly, the term “net carbon neutrality” means that a campus zeroes out all of its carbon emissions, says Timothy Carter, president of Second Nature, a nonprofit focused on climate action in higher education. This can be achieved through modifying campus operations, often with the help of alternatives, such as renewable energy certificates and voluntary carbon offsets (activities that atone for other emissions). In Second Nature’s definition, investment holdings don’t factor in a school’s carbon footprint. Carbon neutrality often falls within a wider umbrella of climate neutrality, which also incorporates justice and other concerns.

Protesting and Demanding isn’t “doing something.” What have these kids done in their own lives? Anything? Do they take a fossil fueled trip in their own vehicle or have mom/dad drive them their? Do they take a fossil fueled airplane trip from out of state? Remember this reply from Oxford’s burser to the little climate cultists demanding divestment?

Professor Parker responded with a provocative offer. “I am not able to arrange any divestment at short notice,” he wrote. “But I can arrange for the gas central heating in college to be switched off with immediate effect. Please let me know if you support this proposal.”

It gets quite a bit colder in Boone, NC, during the winter than it does at Oxford. Would they be OK without central heating from December through February, where the average high is in the mid-40’s? And can be quite windy, being in the mountains?

Meanwhile, in Californi

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Read: College Warmists Demand Their Universities Go Carbon Neutral »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution caused rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Queen Nancy threatening to impeach Trump again over being able to pick another Supreme Court justice.

Read: If All You See… »

Emmy’s Get Super Woke, But, Of Course, It’s Not Woke Enough

This just goes to prove that no matter what you do it will never be enough for the SJWs/BLMers

Emmys: Why Jimmy Kimmel and Anthony Anderson’s Black Lives Matter moment wasn’t enough

The Emmys reflected the new reality of COVID-19 by going virtual Sunday, but the broadcast itself didn’t do enough to address the continued fight for equality – luckily, the stars in attendance made up for it with poignant fashion choices and speeches.

The show checked the Black Lives Matter box with a skit featuring Anthony Anderson and host Jimmy Kimmel. During the moment, Anderson noted the “record number of Black Emmy nominees this year.”

“This was supposed to be the Blackest Emmys ever,” Anderson said. “These Emmys would have been so Black. It would have been like hot sauce in your purse Black. It would have been Howard University homecoming Black. It would have been ‘You fit the description’ Black.”

Then, Anderson coaxed Kimmel to follow him in a Black Lives Matter chant.

“Say it so that Mike Pence can hear it: Black Lives Matter,” Anderson said before saying he was “glad I got that off my chest.” Kimmel added with a laugh, “I’m glad you did too.”

With a platform this large, the Emmys could have and should have done more. This was a time to be firm in their support instead of briefly mentioning it.

Instead, the broadcast could have taken time to highlight what steps the academy is taking toward equality or the show could have allotted time for stars to speak about the Black Lives Matter movement, similar to the way first responders got a platform to speak about the coronavirus.

See? Never enough. They should set a quota that 12.9% of all Hollywood actors/actresses by Black. Would that be acceptable?

But while Kimmel and Anderson’s Black Lives Matter moment fell short, other stars stepped in to make up for it.

Regina King wore a Breonna Taylor shirt that read “Say Her Name” while accepting an Emmy for outstanding lead actress in a limited series or movie for “Watchmen.”

“(Breonna Taylor) represents just decades, hundreds of years of violence against Black bodies,” King said virtually backstage at the Emmys. “Wearing Breonna’s likeness, representing her and her family (tied into) the stories that we were exploring, that we were presenting, that we were holding a mirror up to in ‘Watchmen.'”

Say her name? Sure. Breonna Taylor, woman who dated a big time drug dealer, and was still friends with him, to the point that everyone thought she was the one protecting the drug money and getting the ex’s mail, and perhaps protecting drugs. Don’t consort with criminals, how about that?

And he’s correct. The Television Academy can truly promote equality by doing the work to use diverse casts accurately to portray underrepresented stories to show that everyone has a place in this world.

That shows that Black lives matter. Not forcing anyone to say so.

Actually, that sounds like forcing everyone to say so. It sounds like forcing people and networks to make shows that are Approved. BTW, where’s the diversity on the Black Entertainment Network? Hey, maybe we can make a show about how things are going in Baltimore, St. Louis, and Chicago, among others.

Again, it goes to prove that when you surrender to SJWs, they will always demand more.

Read: Emmy’s Get Super Woke, But, Of Course, It’s Not Woke Enough »

And Away We Go: Washington Post Tries To Smear Amy Comey Barrett Over Sexual Assault

A few days ago I wondered in a tweet to someone (not digging through all those) how Democrats would attempt to smear Barrett in a similar way to Kavanaugh, some sort of sexual assault thing. I figured someone would directly accuse her of assaulting them, and, unlike Joe Biden, we were supposed to Believe All Women. The Washington Post went a different way (via Twitchy)

Let’s see

Amy Coney Barrett, a leading contender for the Supreme Court seat held by the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wrote an influential appellate decision last year that made it easier for students accused of sexual assault to challenge universities’ handling of their cases.

Barrett led a three-woman panel of judges that said Purdue University may have discriminated against a male student accused of sexual assault when it suspended him for a year, a punishment that cost him his spot in the Navy ROTC program.

“It is plausible that [university officials] chose to believe Jane because she is a woman and to disbelieve John because he is a man,” Barrett wrote in the case, in which the accuser was identified as Jane Doe and the accused as John Doe.

The interesting thing is that so much of the rest of the article actually shows that this was a good ruling for protection of Constitutional Rights of the accused

About 600 lawsuits have been filed challenging decisions in campus sexual assault cases since 2011, of which about 30 have gone to federal appeals courts, said K.C. Johnson, a Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center history professor who tracks these cases. The decision Barrett wrote for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in John Doe v. Purdue University is the “single most consequential ruling in this area,” he said, because it set a fair, simplified standard that has been adopted by three other circuit courts, covering 22 states, as well as the federal district court in D.C.

“This case was a trendsetter,” said Brett Sokolow, a consultant who advises schools and universities on compliance with Title IX, which bars sex discrimination by institutions receiving federal funding. Sokolow, who also serves as president of ATIXA, an association of Title IX administrators, called the opinion “revolutionary” and said it would make it easier for accused students to bring civil litigation against universities to a jury trial.

The lawsuits brought by male students accused of sexual assault generally argue that universities denied their due process rights, or discriminated against them on the basis of sex in violation of Title IX, or both. In many decisions before the Purdue case, Sokolow said, courts upheld accused students’ due process claims but rejected their Title IX arguments on the grounds that the students had failed a complicated series of legal tests first established in 1994.

But, see, most won’t bother reading beyond the headline and first three paragraphs, getting the idea that Barret is Extreme and defends sexual assault. People have Rights. And students accused have rights, and can sue schools for violating those rights.

Read: And Away We Go: Washington Post Tries To Smear Amy Comey Barrett Over Sexual Assault »

Climate Cult Kids Urged To Get Out In Streets And Protest Friday

I’m guessing that, with the U.S. elections approaching, the climate cult has discarded COVID as an attempt to take Trump down, and are saying that it really wasn’t that big of a deal. These are the same people who typically screech about staying at home and wear your mask.

Children urged to strike against lack of action on climate emergency

Schoolchildren around the world are being urged to go on strike to protest against a lack of action on the climate crisis.

Children and their supporters are invited to take to the streets on Friday, if it is safe to do so, or to go online with their protests “in whatever way suits you best”, according to the organisers.

This will be the first such action since the coronavirus pandemic struck. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish school strike pioneer and activist, said: “Extreme weather driven by the climate crisis is accelerating around the world, and yet we still don’t treat it as a crisis. We are in a global emergency that affects all of us. However, not everyone is suffering its consequences equally.”

The protests will focus on Mapa, a new term for “most affected people and areas”, which the organisers prefer to older phrases such as “the global south”. Protesters are asked to make the Mapa signal, which is two closed fists pressed together with thumbs up, symbolising strength, solidarity and hope.

Oh, good, a new talking point and term! With a new signal! Definitely not a cult.

“We live in the midst of a pandemic, but climate change is just as much of a crisis as it was before,” said Fridays for Future, the youth movement sparked by Thunberg’s school strikes, in a statement. “As society is starting to open up in many places in the world, global emissions and resource use is rapidly increasing and we are running out of time … This is not a time to be silent.”

Is anyone else thinking this is rather a racist attitude, a supremacist attitude, with this climate cultists saying that it’s their job as uber-white Warmists to protect those black and brown people in the south? That black and brown people cannot do anything without the help of uber-white 1st worlders?

Anyhow, I’m looking forward to seeing all these kiddies gathered together with little to no social distancing.

Read: Climate Cult Kids Urged To Get Out In Streets And Protest Friday »

RGB Citing Dying Wish Clause Trump’s Supreme Court Hypocrisy Or Something

One would expect Jessica A. Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School, who “studies the law of the political process, including election law and governance issues. Her work focuses on ethics, political corruption, voting rights, campaign finance, ballot initiatives, redistricting, term limits, and state budgets” to have a grasp on how the Constitution works, right? And NBC News to not have something silly, right? Maybe not

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish highlights Trump’s Supreme Court hypocrisy
Republicans like Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell quickly released statements praising Ginsburg’s life and legacy. Yet, they stand now prepared to trample it.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died. Senate Republicans, don’t make us bury our faith in government along with her.

Ginsburg’s death, and the vacancy she leaves on the Supreme Court, comes at a surreal moment in an already uncanny election. Supreme Court justices are enormously powerful and have lifetime appointments. They wield tremendous power in our democracy but they are not democratically elected. Even in normal times, their deaths or retirements spark a macabre guessing game about who will replace them. But these are not normal times, and the sitting president should not nominate Ginsburg’s replacement.

No, they are not democratically elected. Because we aren’t a democracy. Is it really necessary to mention that we are a Constitutional Republic? How does a law school professor not know this?

If the past is prologue, President Donald Trump, with a shameful assist by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will fill the new vacancy on the court with record-breaking speed. McConnell has made clear that he intends to do just that. The Kentucky senator has made confirming federal judges and filling the judiciary with conservative jurists one of his biggest priorities.

This has been done numerous times.

McConnell and Trump have both made statements praising Ginsburg’s life and legacy. Yet, they stand now prepared to trample it. On her deathbed, Ginsburg said, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

Did she actually say that, or did her granddaughter just say she said it, trying to invoke Article III, Section 4, the Dying Wish Clause? It matters not. The way that pesky Constitution works the duly elected president gets to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, and the Senate can choose to confirm or deny. They can choose to take up the nominee or not.

What would a Supreme Court dominated by conservatives mean? It will likely mean, among other things, the expansion of gun owners’ rights but the whittling away of protections for voters, women seeking to obtain access to an abortion, LGBTQ Americans seeking freedom from discrimination and immigrants seeking basic rights in this country. Or perhaps to put it in even starker terms: It could soon be a particularly precarious time for women and minorities in America.

In other words, Democrats are worried that the Court will back the Constitution, provide equal rights to all, rather than giving some more rights than others, respect the laws and sovereignty of the United States, and, really, probably nothing on abortion. It says something about a political party that their biggest concern is to continue protecting the ability to murder the unborn because some people are too lazy to use proper birth control when they have sex.

In the end, we mourn Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg not just because of the legacy she leaves behind, but because of what her death means for our country going forward. Her life’s work is likely to unravel and so is the legitimacy of our governmental institutions if Trump and McConnell press on with their plan to fill this seat.

Jessica wants to use RGB’s death to continue the ever expansive march of Big Government.

Read: RGB Citing Dying Wish Clause Trump’s Supreme Court Hypocrisy Or Something »

Trump Trolls Dems With Joke About Signing An EO To Ban Joe Biden

Remember the joke Ronald Reagan told about banning the Soviet Union, with bombing starting in 5 minutes, which caused Democrats to blow a gasket? This is just as fun. Inquisitr’s Kristine Lofgren is Not Amused

Donald Trump Threatens To Sign Executive Order Disqualifying Joe Biden From Running For President

Donald Trump spoke in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Saturday night where he told voters that he might sign an executive order disqualifying Joe Biden from running as his opponent in the upcoming 2020 race. As video posted to YouTube by Trump’s team shows, the president also accused Biden of getting performance-enhancing drugs shot into his rear.

“We can joke, we can play games, we can have fun. You can’t have this guy as your president,” Trump said. “You can’t have — maybe I’ll sign an executive order, you cannot have him as your president.”

The crowd cheered loudly at the suggestion.

It’s a threat, you guys!!!!!!!

Trump also expanded on his often-repeated suggestion that Biden is taking drugs to enhance his mental performance before giving a speech. (snip through this so-called news org providing cover for Biden’s mental decline)

There is no evidence for Trump’s claims about Biden, nor is there precedent that he can sign an executive order eliminating his opponent from the race.

Good grief. The latter was a joke. It got a laugh from the crowd, and it causes Democrats and their pet media to become apoplectic.

Read: Trump Trolls Dems With Joke About Signing An EO To Ban Joe Biden »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles which Other People should be restricted from using, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on the media turning a blind eye to the attacks on Republicans by Liberals.

It’s Asians week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Gil Elvgren Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s yet another fantastic day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, the Dodgers are in the post-season. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Liberty Loft discusses Democrats believing Trump supporters need to die
  2. New American wonders if lockdown will last longer than COVID
  3. Red State highlights Antifa attacking the media, then a car with a dog in it
  4. IOTW Report covers Biden Dems throwing eggs at small children at a Trump rally
  5. Jihad Watch notes an “Allahu Akbar” stabber and migrant in UK having stabbed other people
  6. MOTUS A.D. says to buckle up, buttercup, post RGB
  7. neo-neocon notes BLM setting up an autonomous zone in Minneapolis
  8. Never Yet Melted covers Cancel Culture coming for shrunken heads
  9. Noisy Room discusses Arab interest based peace with Israel
  10. Pacific Pundit notes the unhinged mailing Ricin to Trump
  11. Raised On Hoecakes wonders if someone can explain how something is hate speech
  12. The Daley Gator notes that even the trees can hurt you in Australia
  13. The First Street Journal covers the left being concerned about white privilege, and Cute Little White Girls
  14. The Last Refuge discusses Trump saying his SCOTUS pick will most likely be a woman
  15. And last, but not least, The Political Hat offers the 8 commandments of critical race theory

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove