Suddenly, California Loves States Rights In Trying To Trump Proof Their Climate (scam) Policies

See, it’s not OK for each state to have their own policies on abortion on demand, but, it’s fine for the People’s Republik of California to have their own climate doom policies. Normally the NY Times would have issues with states bucking Los Federales

California Tries ‘Trump-Proofing’ Its Climate Policies

California officials have been working for months on a plan to “Trump proof” the state’s leading edge environmental and climate policies, in the event that former President Donald J. Trump returns to White House and follows through on his promise to gut them.

Whether California succeeds could affect more than a dozen other states that follow its emissions rules, and could have global impact because the state’s market muscle compels auto makers and other companies to conform to California standards.

The strategy now being crafted in Sacramento includes lawsuits designed to reach wide-ranging settlements with industries that generate greenhouse gases, and new rules and laws that rely on state authority and would be beyond the reach of the administration.

Mr. Trump, who considers climate change a “hoax,” has promised to weaken every major federal climate regulation, as he did in his first term.

Yeah, but, really, he won’t, except perhaps (well, he better) the rules that essentially force American citizens into EVs

But he is also expected to try to blow up California’s climate policies, which have set the pace for the rest of the nation and the world. The state is requiring about three-quarters of new trucks sold there after 2035 to be zero emissions. And in a request that is pending, California wants permission from the Biden administration to enact one of the most ambitious climate rules of any nation: a ban on the sale of new gas-powered passenger vehicles in the state after 2035.

Hey, really, if the PRC wants to do this have at it. They’ll see company after company leave, along with lots of people from working class to uber-rich. Plus all the investment/finance money. If the PRC thinks that manufacturers will change their entire assembly line as the population of the PRC plummets, they should think again. Perhaps the PRC can rely on Chinese (spying) EVs?

Mr. Trump has promised to revoke the waiver. “California has imposed the most ridiculous car regulations anywhere in the world, with mandates to move to all electric cars,” Mr. Trump has said. “I will terminate that.”

Again, will he? Or will the revenge tour ignore this stuff? It took The Donald till his last year in office to shitcan the Paris Climate Agreement. Might Trump simply say “go for it. Every experiment needs an experimental group, and we want to see what happens”?

And the Times and the PRC have cause to be concerned

Black Voters Drift From Democrats, Imperiling Harris’s Bid, Poll Shows

Vice President Kamala Harris has improved her party’s standing among Black voters since President Biden left the presidential race, but she still significantly trails Mr. Biden’s 2020 share of that vital Democratic constituency, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll of Black likely voters.

Nearly eight out of 10 Black voters nationwide said they would vote for Ms. Harris, the poll found, a marked increase from the 74 percent of Black voters who said they would support Mr. Biden before he dropped out of the race in July. But Mr. Biden won 90 percent of Black voters to capture the White House by narrow margins in 2020, and the drop-off for Ms. Harris, if it holds, is large enough to imperil her chances of winning key battleground states.

But, will they show up? How many are starting to realize that their economic well being Trump’s (sic) always voting Dem and hating Trump?

Read: Suddenly, California Loves States Rights In Trying To Trump Proof Their Climate (scam) Policies »

Warmists Upset JD Vance Says It’s Deranged That Women Not Having Babies Due To Climate Carnage

Are they upset because it’s true or because Vance had the audacity to expose that the doomsday climate cult is batguano insane?

JD Vance now says it’s ‘deranged’ for women not to have children due to climate change

JD Vance has said it is “deranged” and “very crazy” for women not to have children due to concerns about the climate crisis in his latest comments wading in on the choices of childfree Americans.

Donald Trump’s running mate has struggled to shake off the backlash for calling Kamala Harris and other Democrats “childless cat ladies” in a resurfaced interview with Tucker Carlson from 2021.

Now, in a new interview with The New York Times published on Saturday, the VP candidate was confronted once again about his past sexist comments less than one month out from the election.

While Vance admitted that his “childless cat ladies” remarks were “dumb”, he went on to stand by his argument, claiming that the US has become “almost pathologically anti-child” and that not having children due to concerns over climate change is “bizarre.”

“What I was definitely trying to illustrate ultimately in a very inarticulate way is that I do think that our country has become almost pathologically anti-child,” he said.

Vance went on to call this so-called “pathological frustration with children” “very dark” and suggested it is “sociopathic” to consider climate change when deciding whether or not to have children.

You usually do not get the UK Independent beings so climate cultish and sounding like the NY Times and Washington post, but, there you have it.

“I think you see it sometimes in the political conversation, people saying, well, maybe we shouldn’t have kids because of climate change. You know, when I’ve used this word sociopathic?” he said.

“Like, that, I think, is a very deranged idea: the idea that you shouldn’t have a family because of concerns over climate change.”

Personally, I would have gone with something like the ladies (and “men” who do not want to have kids) being indoctrinated into Crazy via a cult, similar to Scientology.

Read: Warmists Upset JD Vance Says It’s Deranged That Women Not Having Babies Due To Climate Carnage »

If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon inundate the land from carbon pollution driven hurricanes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on another noose hoax.

Read: If All You See… »

cBS Tells Employees Not To Say Jerusalem Is Part Of Israel

cBS is playing to their Islamic extremist and Jew hating viewers rather than as a news organization

CBS memo sparks outrage: Journalists instructed not to acknowledge Jerusalem as part of Israel

CBS News is facing backlash after an internal memo instructed journalists not to refer to Jerusalem as part of Israel, igniting criticism from media figures and raising concerns about journalistic integrity. The memo, sent by CBS News senior director of standards Mark Memmott in late August, emphasized the disputed status of Jerusalem, despite its recognition as Israel’s capital by the US government.

This directive, alongside internal tensions sparked by an interview conducted by CBS Mornings co-host Tony Dokoupil on anti-Israel perspectives, has fueled controversy both within CBS and across the media landscape.

Memmott’s email advised CBS News staff to avoid saying Jerusalem is in Israel, noting that “the status of Jerusalem goes to the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” While the US embassy is in Jerusalem, and the Trump administration formally recognized it as Israel’s capital in 2017, the memo emphasized that its status is disputed. Israel considers Jerusalem its “eternal and undivided” capital, while Palestinians claim East Jerusalem—captured by Israel during the 1967 war—as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

The directive sparked outrage across social media and among journalists. Adam Rubenstein, contributing editor at The Free Press, stated, “Standards desks are now instructing journalists to deny reality.” Fox News contributor Guy Benson responded, “Jerusalem is not only in Israel, it is the capital of Israel. What on earth is happening at CBS?” Washington Examiner senior writer David Harsanyi added, “Then we can stop referring to CBS employees as journalists.”

The US Congress recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 1995 with the passage of the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act. Former President Donald Trump further solidified the US stance by formally recognizing the city as Israel’s capital in 2017. CBS News has not yet responded to the controversy surrounding the memo.

No one is surprised by what cBS did, are they? The network is chock full of hardcore Leftists who’ll immediately take the side of anyone-but-Israel. Their coverage of all the anti-Israel/Jew demonstrations over the last year has been sympathetic to the Hamas and Hezbollah supporters. Heck, the three fables cBS is running this morning have an anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian terrorist theme to them. Rarely do you see anything about the suffering of Israeli citizens/Jews from the attacks of the Palestinian terrorists.


As Hezbollah and Israel battle on the border, Lebanon’s army watches from the sidelines

Since Israel launched its ground invasion of Lebanon, Israeli forces and Hezbollah militants have clashed along the border while the Lebanese army has largely stood on the sidelines. (snip)

Lebanon’s widely beloved army is one of the few institutions that bridge the country’s sectarian and political divides. Several army commanders have become president, and the current commander, Gen. Joseph Aoun, is widely regarded as one of the front-runners to step in when the deadlocked parliament fills a two-year vacuum and names a president.

But with an aging arsenal and no air defenses, and battered by five years of economic crisis, the national army is ill-prepared to defend Lebanon against either aerial bombardment or a ground offensive by a well-equipped modern army like Israel’s.

Not mentioned is that Lebanon has never been happy with Hezbollah operating on their soil, but, has never been able to do anything about it. They want Hezbollah gone. Most Lebanese do not support Hezbollah. Notice how they streamed out of the areas where Hezbollah operates prior to Israel entering Lebanon, because they do not want to be human shields, especially willing ones.

Read: cBS Tells Employees Not To Say Jerusalem Is Part Of Israel »

The Military Is Totally Not Arguing On Climate Carnage Or Something

So, if your boss says “hey, you need to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and make plans for it, and talk about it, and tell everyone under you they have to be a part of this”, what do you do? You can either get onboard or leave, right?

Why You Won’t Hear the Military Arguing About Climate Change

Today, the U.S. military is confronting a new enemy: climate change.

Before Hurricane Helene devastated the Southeast last month, more than 5,900 National Guard members were called up to help prepare; after the storm, the Pentagon sent active-duty forces to assist with road clearing and logistical support. In June, when Hurricane Beryl spiraled through the Caribbean before making its U.S. landfall, Texas and Vermont National Guard units supported disaster response efforts, working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide meals and water as well as help with search-and-rescue efforts. Already, U.S. forces have prepared personnel and resources to mobilize for support in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.

You mean like during every natural disaster? The US Military deployed to help out after the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, both to Texas and Puerto Rico. They helped out after the great Chicago fire, the massive earthquakes in the 1860s in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, as well as the big Alaska, San Francisco (multiple times), and LA earthquakes. After Mount St. Helen’s went boom.

As some politicians continue to argue about the economic impacts of climate legislation or question the imminent nature of climate threats — in September former President Trump called climate change a “scam” — the U.S. military has reorganized itself around the knowledge that climate change poses an unprecedented risk to national security. It has integrated climate preparedness into many dimensions of planning and operations. This includes not just deployments for humanitarian assistance and disaster response, but also gaming out the geostrategic impacts of the evolving climate, making adaptations to military training, building resilience into installations and shifting to alternative energy sources to improve military effectiveness.

In most parts of the government, the oscillation of electoral politics has resulted in federal climate strategies hitting endless stops and starts. The U.S. military, though, is less subject to this whiplash, given historic bipartisan support for military readiness. As a result, it has become an example of the steady progress that can occur when the U.S. government takes climate change seriously and devotes resources to mitigating risk — rather than ignoring it at a deadly cost. Today, some of the nation’s most cutting-edge climate innovations exist on military properties, including smart grids fitted with energy storage systems and the use of blended biofuels to power ships and aircraft.

This military?

Eight years of Obama. Four years of Biden-Harris. More and more high ranking wackjobs more suited to working for the Peace Corps than a strong military tasked with protecting the United States, so, of course these insane people will listen to their higher ups, and then pass the crazy downstream.

Read: The Military Is Totally Not Arguing On Climate Carnage Or Something »

Harris “Real Men” Ad Is A Dumpster Fire Of Cringe

I’ve seen some bad political ads over my years, as I’m sure you have. Is this the worst? Quite possibly

Pro-Kamala Harris spot targeting ‘real men’ ripped as ‘cringiest political ad ever’

A 90-second video of “typical” men expressing their support for Kamala Harris was widely mocked online Friday — with critics trashing the awkward spot as the “cringiest political ad ever” and an “absurd piece of rubbish.”

The clip features a slew of apparent farmers, car enthusiasts and gym junkies boasting about their masculinity as they repeatedly insist, “I’m a man” and “I’m man enough.”

The script then takes a hard feminist turn as the presumed actors — most of whom were filmed doing outdoor activities or perched on trucks — start rattling off ways they aren’t afraid to support women.

“You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast,” one man oddly says before another chimes in: “I’ll tell you another thing I’m sure as s–t not afraid of … women.”

“If they wanna control their bodies, I say go for it,” the men crow in the video. “If they want to start a family, I’m not afraid of families … If they want to be childless cat ladies … have all the cats you want.”

“If a woman wants to be president … I hope she has the guts to look me right in the eye and accept my full-throated endorsement,” they added.

What if they do not want to be raped and killed by an illegal alien gang member? Or by an unvetted migrant claiming asylum who was a convicted murderer or a sex trafficker? How about if they do not want to pay exorbitant prices for food and essentials? If they do not want to be forced into an EV?

Read: Harris “Real Men” Ad Is A Dumpster Fire Of Cringe »

We Need To Elect Cackles Harris To Stop “Climate Carnage” Or Something

I mean, if this was real we could totally solve it by all the Warmists giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their lives carbon neutral. How many fossil fueled flights and SUV rides has Kamala taking this year alone? Anyhow, it’s always some hot take from the Cult of

Milton shows a Harris victory is needed to combat ‘climate carnage’

Kamala Climate ClownThe recent rapid succession of environmental disasters means it’s time to rebrand “climate change” as “climate carnage.”

That’s the first step towards making the problem a hot button issue in American politics like abortion and immigration. The second step is action which will prove difficult to come by.

The cult has been trying to make this a hot button issue since 1988. And, it is, when it is theoretical. When it comes to real world concerns “climate carnage” is always low hanging fruit. What followed is lots of whining about natural disasters, which have always happened, and blaming it on a slight increase since 1850 of global temperatures, something that has happened multiple times during the Holocene alone

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has ably defended President Biden’ strong record of accomplishment in the fight against climate carnage. The Inflation Reduction Act, which passed despite intense Republican opposition, is a groundbreaking first step in the battle against climate carnage. The administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act stimulated the growth of a clean energy foundation for economic growth through the 21st century.

If we win the war against climate catastrophes, Americans and people across the world will honor Biden as a visionary and pioneer. If we lose the war, people will ask why we didn’t listen to him.

Sadly, the immediate prospect for aggressive American action against climate change is grim. The problem will just get worse until environmental groups and green citizen activists are able to put climate on the front burner of electoral politics.

Would these be the same ones who rarely changed their lives to match their doomsaying?

A Harris victory would keep the fight alive, but there would be constraints on her environmental activism. The real prospect of a closely contested election is that the two parties will share power in a divided Congress which will hinder the passage of a Democratic environmental agenda that might save America and the world from catastrophic weather disasters.

In other words, democracy needs to go.

Also, the screed writer, Brad Bannon, is a Demorat pollster. Aren’t we only supposed to listen to people with climate degrees?

Read: We Need To Elect Cackles Harris To Stop “Climate Carnage” Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible meat burgers causing the temperatures to skyrocket, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on pale pastel politics.

Read: If All You See… »

Obama Goes Full Racist In Excoriating Black Men To Vote For Kamala

Is this panic on the side of Democrats? It looks like panic. It sounds like panic. It feels like panic.

Barack Obama Sounds Alarm: Black Voters Not Enough Behind Kamala Harris, Especially ‘The Brothers’

Former President Barack Obama warned supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday that not enough black voters are backing her for president, especially “the brothers.”

The warning suggests top Democrats are panicked about Harris’s reduced support among black voters.

Only 84 percent of black voters say they would vote for Harris, according to a Pew Research poll from September 30, while 13 percent said they would vote for Trump. Harris’s support among the demographic is down eight points from President Joe Biden’s support in 2020, when he won 92 percent of their vote.

Among black men, only 80 percent support Harris, a Washington Post/Ipsos poll recently found, while a NAACP poll found one in four under the age of 50 showed support for Trump.

Perhaps blacks are finally realizing that the Democratic Party does not own their vote, and that the Democratic Party is not their in black’s best interests

“We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities, as we saw when I was running,” Obama told Harris supporters in Pittsburgh’s East Liberty.

“Now, I also want to say that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” Obama said. “So if you don’t mind, just for a second, I’m going to speak to y’all, and say that when you have a choice that is this clear, when on the one hand, you have somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences.”

“She’s had to work harder and do more and overcome and achieves the second highest office in the land,” Obama said of Harris:

Now, just imagine a Trump surrogate came out and said all white people need to vote Trump because of shared experiences and stuff: it would be lead story material on every news outlet, print, Internet, and TV. Trump would be branded as a raaaaacist and told to drop out. Anyhow, how has she worked harder? She was appointed to her Senate seat, and didn’t actually have to go through a primary to be the Democrat nominee. When she tried in 2020 she flamed out before the primaries she was so bad.

She is a train wreck. Her little media blitz with uner-friendly outlets, most of them puff, have not gone well. The polls have gone down since she started, and Americans realize that she really is clueless. Or, refuses to actually answer questions about her real intentions, her real plans, her real policies.

(WSJ) For Kamala Harris, even friendly interviews are treacherous these days. This week she may have made the biggest mistake of her 81-day campaign in response to similar questions from TV host Stephen Colbert and “The View.” Asked what she would do differently than President Biden, the Vice President said “there is not a thing that comes to mind.”

If Ms. Harris loses, that answer will go far to explaining why. Her mistake isn’t merely that she hasn’t distanced herself enough from Mr. Biden’s unpopular record, though that is a problem. It’s that she hasn’t shown voters that she is her own woman. Her campaign of “vibes” and safe appearances suggests she will be, like Mr. Biden has been, a captive of her party and its unpopular policies.

Well, the hyper-sexual Call Her Daddy appearance while people were dying and dealing with Hurricane Helene surely wasn’t a positive for Harris.

After her ascension as nominee, the Vice President surrounded herself with David Plouffe and other Barack Obama advisers who stuffed her with vague, feel-good generalities. “New way forward” and “opportunity economy” and “I grew up a middle-class kid.” The slogans worked for a time as they rallied Democrats demoralized by Mr. Biden.

But they have worn thin as it’s clear the words are attached to the same old politics. Her pledge to appoint a Republican to her cabinet is a meaningless gesture unless it’s a notable conservative to a serious post. On policy, her one deviation has been to say she’ll raise the capital gains tax by 40% rather than nearly doubling it as Mr. Biden wants. Even that move was done for the expediency of pleasing Democratic donors like Reid Hoffman.

She’s basically Biden but worse. And her answers almost make you long for Biden’s dementia, because, at least he had an excuse

Ms. Harris and Democrats are betting that a majority of voters will never vote for Mr. Trump again, and they may be right. But he could win anyway if the remaining undecided voters conclude that Ms. Harris is merely a political cipher whose agenda is whatever Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren command.

And that she’s either an idiot trying to pretend to be smart, or hiding what she really believes.

Read: Obama Goes Full Racist In Excoriating Black Men To Vote For Kamala »

Climate Cult Sues Gas Utility Over Global Boiling

I wonder if they realize that this will raise their own energy prices? Or, is this a case of people who are not served by the utility suing despite having no standing?

In a First, a Gas Utility Is Sued Over Global Warming Deception

Oregon officials have added the state’s largest natural gas utility as a defendant in their $50 billion lawsuit against fossil fuel companies over their contribution to climate change.

The suit — the first to make climate-related deception claims against a utility, experts said — alleges that the company, NW Natural, knew that the burning of natural gas contributed to global warming, but misled its customers about the consequences. It is an expansion of a lawsuit that was first filed last year by Multnomah County, which includes Portland.

The complaint alleges that Exxon, Shell and other companies, now including NW Natural, had schemed to “rapaciously” sell fossil fuel products and cover up what they knew about the risks to the planet, and that the companies bear responsibility for the effects of climate change including a deadly heat wave in 2021 that killed at least 69 county residents.

Alyssa Johl, vice president of legal and general counsel at the nonprofit advocacy group the Center for Climate Integrity, said that gas utilities had been “significant players in the historic and ongoing deception campaigns to mislead the public about the dangers of fossil fuels.”

Even if the slight increase in global temperatures was mostly/solely caused by Mankind, there is no danger to the planet. Mankind has moved forward more during warm periods than cool periods. It’d be nice if we focused more on actual environmental issues rather than scams designed to increase the size and power of government while putting even more money in the coffers.

NW Natural said Wednesday that it had not received the complaint, though it was aware of reports that it had been added to the lawsuit. “We believe adding the company to the suit now is an attempt to divert attention from legal and factual flaws in the case. NW Natural will vigorously contest the County’s claims should they come to court,” the company said in a statement.

It’d be more fun if NW Natural simply stopped selling their products to the government of Oregon, along with the counties and cities that support the shakedown suit.

The original suit also named other companies and industry trade groups as defendants, including the consulting giant McKinsey & Company. In a statement, Exxon Mobil vigorously disputed the claims and said it was investing more than $20 billion in “lower-emission initiatives” through 2027.

“The baseless claims made in these politically motivated lawsuits do not advance any real solutions to address climate change,” Exxon Mobil said. “We’ll continue to fight these lawsuits and claims, and, more importantly, continue to be a leader in the energy transition.”

And therein lies the problem with these companies: they do not see the danger of this cult, when they should be saying “lawsuit, eh? Well, f*** you. We won’t be selling our products to you. Go pound sand and see how you are able to operate.”

Read: Climate Cult Sues Gas Utility Over Global Boiling »

Pirate's Cove