Cancel Culture Comes For Beethoven And Classical Music

Cancel culture will always find something else to complain about, you know

Let’s get this moonbattery going

Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony starts with an anguished opening theme — dun dun dun DUNNNN — and ends with a glorious, major-key melody. Since its 1808 premiere, audiences have interpreted that progression from struggle to victory as a metaphor for Beethoven’s personal resilience in the face of his oncoming deafness.

Or rather, that’s long been the popular read among wealthy white men who embraced Beethoven and turned his symphony into a symbol of their superiority and importance. For others — women, LGBTQ+ people, people of color — Beethoven’s symphony is predominantly a reminder of classical music’s history of exclusion and elitism. One New York City classical music fan wrote in the 1840s, for example, that he wished that “all women shall be gagged by officers duly licensed for the purpose before they’re allowed to enter a concert room.”

Interesting that there’s no link or citation offered for that quote, eh?

Today, some aspects of classical culture are still about policing who’s in and who’s out, and it all started with Beethoven’s Fifth. When you walk into a standard concert hall, there’s an established set of conventions and etiquette (“don’t cough!”; “don’t cheer!”; “dress appropriately!”) that’s more about demonstrating belonging than appreciating the music.

Or, hear me out, it could be about being a polite society which doesn’t interfere with the band playing and people being able to hear it and enjoy it. And a certain propriety about the way people dress.

For classical music critic James Bennett II, Beethoven’s popularity and centrality in classical culture is part of the problem. “As you perpetuate the idea that the giants of the music all look the same, it conveys to the other that there’s not a stake in that music for them,” he says.

New York Philharmonic clarinetist Anthony McGill, one of the few Black musicians in the ensemble, agrees that Beethoven’s inescapability makes classical music appear monolithic and stifling. He likens the inescapability of the Fifth Symphony to a “wall” between classical music and new, diverse audiences.

“If you pretend like there’s no other music out there, that Beethoven is the greatest music that ever will matter,” says McGill, then orchestras will alienate new listeners, since “we’re not promoting any of the composers alive today that are trying to become the Beethovens of their day.”

Yeah, because hip-hop and mumble rap are great composers, you know. The screed doesn’t get any better, and as a typical Vox article, it is stupid long.

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For Beethoven And Classical Music »

90% Of Fires Are Human Caused, But Climate Crisis (scam) Doom Makes Them Worse Or Something

KTVL in Medford, Oregon, thinks they’re on to something, a way to dunk on climate realists as well as propping up the Cult of Climastrology. They’re doing the reverse

90 percent of wildfires are human-caused, but climate change isn’t helping

Ninety percent of wildfires are human-caused, but according to local scientists in Oregon, climate change is not helping and is exacerbating the historic fire and weather events that we continue to see year after year.

Senior meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Medford, Shad Keene told News 10 that, “A body of research has shown, that the wildfire season in the west has become more severe and has a longer duration and a warming climate contributes to this.”

While it’s easy to point at the hundreds of fires along the west coast and blame it on climate change, 90 percent of wildfires are in fact human caused.

Authorities have confirmed that the two fires that merged into the Almeda Fire burning 2000 structures to the ground were both human-caused. One of those fires is currently being investigated as arson with charges filed against suspect 41-year-old Michael Bakkela.

However, according to Keene, climate change is also playing its part by creating the conditions that increasingly favor the spread of these wildfires year after year.

Even if a warmer climate is making things worse, there’s no scientific proof that it is mostly/solely caused by the actions of Mankind. I’ll say it again: mankind does bear a small responsibility: greenhouse gases play a very small part, mostly from agriculture and landfills. The bigger part from mankind is actually land use and the Urban Heat Island effect. Regardless, it is amusing (not in a good way) that KTVL, along with others pushing this meme, are less concerned with arsonists and mistakes causing huge wildfires in their attempt to promote Cult of Climastrology talking points. Are you seeing any stories demonizing arsonists, along with things like poor maintenance by power companies.

“Although it’s difficult to attribute to a single event like this to climate change, a warming climate increases the chances of events like this to occur,” Keene said referring to the numerous fires that spread last week.

Every time, eh, every time with that “difficult to attribute” stuff while blaming every event on Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles and living a modern life.

Read: 90% Of Fires Are Human Caused, But Climate Crisis (scam) Doom Makes Them Worse Or Something »

NC State Court Of Appeals Overturns Lower Court, Allowing Voter ID And Tax Restriction Constitutional Amendments

The People of North Carolina voted and approved of a constitutional amendment in 2018 requiring identification to vote, 55.49% for/44.51% against. But, see, Modern Socialists do not accept the will of the people when they lose, so, they sued. In a very interesting way

NC appeals court upholds voter ID, tax cap amendments

The state Court of Appeals has overturned a trial-court ruling voiding amendments to North Carolina’s constitution that voters approved two years ago, calling for people to present photo identification at the polls and lowering the cap on the state income tax rate.

Four of six amendments on the ballot in November 2018 passed, but the NAACP challenged only the voter ID and the 7 percent income tax cap. The group argued that the proposals never should have gone to a referendum because dozens of the lawmakers who put the amendments on the ballot were elected in illegally gerrymandered districts.

Wake County Superior Court Judge Bryan Collins agreed with the NAACP last year, putting the amendments on hold. But the Court of Appeals threw out his decision in a 2-1 ruling that will next go to the state Supreme Court.

“We conclude that the Superior Court erred in holding that our General Assembly lost its power granted by our state constitution … (WT: there had been a part in here about activist judges, WRAL took it out) simply because a federal court had determined that the maps contained too many majority-minority districts, such that some members elected to that body were from districts that were illegally gerrymandered based on race,” Judge Chris Dillon wrote for the majority. “It is simply beyond our power to thwart the otherwise lawful exercise of constitutional power by our legislative branch to pass bills proposing amendments.”

I’m sure they discussed in the decision somewhere about how NAACP only challenged 2 of the 4 that passed. If their claim is that “gerrymandering” is bad and makes the constitutional amendments Bad, then why not the other two? Regardless, this is the Democrat way: attempting to block people from having to show who they are to safeguard the vote along with making sure elected Democrats can increase taxes when they’re in power.

(Greensboro News And Record) The NAACP announced Tuesday it will appeal the case. If it goes to the N.C. Supreme Court, that court has a 6-1 Democratic majority — although four seats on that court are up for election this year, in addition to five of the 15 seats on the Court of Appeals.

“We are thrilled to bring this historic case to the Supreme Court of North Carolina to ensure that the people’s voice is heard and that the foundational principles of our democracy our Constitution is preserved and protected,” said the Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman of Greensboro, president.

So, wait, is the GBR saying that Democrats on the court are more about politics than actual law and the NC Constitution? Further, the people did speak, Reve Spearman: you see the breakdown of the voter ID above. The tax cap amendment passed 58% to 42%. In reality, the actual tax rates are lower than that for individuals and private entities now. Looks like Democrats want to raise it much higher.

There was also an amendment to guarantee the right to fish and hunt, which passed by a 57 to 43 percent margin, and Marsy’s Law, which expands the rights of crime victims, passed by a 62 to 38 percent margin. Why does the NAACP and other hardcore leftist groups want to only kill two amendments?

It will surely be going to the NC Supreme Court, hence, the voter ID amendment will not be in force this election.

Read: NC State Court Of Appeals Overturns Lower Court, Allowing Voter ID And Tax Restriction Constitutional Amendments »

Say, Is The Climate Crisis (scam) Creating A Bunch Of Crazy People?

Yeah, we’re back to this again

Is the climate crisis creating a mental health crisis?

Psychiatrist Dr Lise Van Susteren did not expect to be allowed into a public hearing of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the agency responsible for regulating interstate energy transmission across the United States.

She had interrupted a FERC meeting before, which typically results in being barred from entering again. But to her surprise, she was allowed into the late February hearing, along with activists from Beyond Extreme Energy, a collective fighting fossil fuel extraction and calling for an overhaul of FERC to enable the quick transition to renewable energy sources. (snip)

The commission was in the middle of considering a proposal for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and 230-mile (370-km) pipeline in southwest Oregon – until it was interrupted. Following six other activists, Van Susteren stood up to speak about climate change’s far-ranging harm to mental health, including the patients who turn up at her office in Washington, DC, struggling to cope with a quickly warming world.

Van Susteren warned the commissioners that by approving the construction of the sprawling pipeline, they were fuelling this mental health crisis.

It is an issue that she has been studying for more than a decade now. In 2012, she co-authored one of the earliest major reports (PDF) on climate change and mental health, published by the National Wildlife Federation.

“We may not currently be thinking about how heavy the toll on our psyche will be, but, before long, we will know only too well,” she wrote in the report.

It’s a self perpetuating prognostication: grand poobahs in the Cult of Climastrology say we’re utterly doomed, climacolytes buy into this and think they’re doomed, creating mental issues, followed by Warmists proclaiming a slight increase in the global temperature which is absolutely normal for the Holocene saying the climate crisis (scam) is creating mental issues, meaning Other People have to pay taxes and have their freedom, liberty, and choice away by Government.

Van Susteren is far from the only psychiatrist warning of the anxiety and suffering resulting from living on an Earth that is being destroyed. She is a founding member of a nonprofit and all-volunteer network of psychiatrists, known as the Climate Psychiatry Alliance (CPA), which share a common goal, Van Susteren explained, of “pointing out the mental health tragedy that awaits as a result of climate disruption and how to build resilience”.

She and the others are telling Warmists they are having mental health issues, so, the Warmists believe they have mental health issues, and it becomes a big circle.

In just a few years, the handful of psychiatrists ballooned to more than 400 across the US. Every two weeks, they conduct a meeting by phone, which begins with a meditation, prayer, or thought to establish a sense of community and trust.

I wonder how much they get paid by Warmists who need mental counseling? Anyhow, you can read the rest, it is a long, long, hilarious article. Unless you are a Warmist, then you’re going more crazy.

Read: Say, Is The Climate Crisis (scam) Creating A Bunch Of Crazy People? »

If All You See…

…are several Bad Weather causing dogs, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on a Biden voter enacting the Democratic agenda.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Voters Throw Bricks Thru Police Station Windows, Target Police After Knife Wielding Maniac Is Shot

Joe Biden voters doing what Joe Biden voters do

Lancaster protesters throw bricks, break glass at police station after shooting of knife-wielding man

Protesters targeted police officers, a police station and adjacent buildings in Lancaster, Pa., overnight, throwing bricks, glass, flower planters, and even plastic road barricades.

More than 100 people flooded the streets surrounding Lancaster Bureau of Police station early Monday morning to protest the fatal police shooting of a Black man armed with a knife during a domestic disturbance call hours earlier, police said.

At the station house, protesters “damaged a county vehicle parked in the front of the police station,” police said in a Monday morning press release.

“Bricks were thrown through the front of the police station and into the post office window,” police said. People also “threw water bottles, glass bottles, rocks, bricks, gallon jugs of liquids and parts of plastic road barricades at Officers.”

Crowds gathered on an access ramp to the police station, on West Chestnut Street, and in an adjacent park, where police ultimately released pepper spray after the protesters were given warnings to disperse before the gas was deployed, the department said.

Eight people were arrested, four not even from the same county. And the crowd consisted of lots and lots of Typical White Liberals

Read More »

Read: Biden Voters Throw Bricks Thru Police Station Windows, Target Police After Knife Wielding Maniac Is Shot »

Excitable Joe Biden Says He’ll Stop Bad Weather If Elected President Or Something

Political newcomer Handsy Joe Bide says to trust him, his inexperience in government will allow him to make changes to stop Bad Weather

‘Is this doomsday’: Biden says wildfires show Trump doesn’t deserve reelection, calls him ‘climate arsonist’

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Monday that urgent action is needed to prevent climate change, pointing to worsening Western wildfires that have killed dozens of people and scorched 5 million acres across 10 states this year.

Biden, a former vice president, said in a speech outside the Delaware Museum of Natural History in Wilmington that he would rejoin the Paris climate agreement to reduce greenhouse emissions. President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement, saying other countries got unfair advantage from it.

Biden also said that he would spur the development of renewable energy through steps such as shifting the federal fleet of vehicles from fossil fuels to electric power. But Biden said the country wouldn’t be safe with Trump, who has called climate change a “hoax.”

“If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised if we have more of American ablaze,” Biden said. “We need a president who respects science, who understands that the damage from climate change is already here and unless we take urgent action, it’ll soon be more catastrophic.” (big snip)

Biden has proposed to spend $2 trillion to spur development of of technology such as generating power without carbon emissions by 2035.

“We have to act as a nation,” Biden said. “It shouldn’t be so bad that millions of Americans live in the shadow of an orange sky and are left asking: Is doomsday here?”

It’s a good thing Jo wasn’t elected to the U.S. Senate first in 1972, right? Nor that he spent eight years as Vice President, right? Why didn’t he do all these big things while in office? Don’t forget, the Paris Climate Agreement is actually a voluntary agreement with no force of law. And most of the signatories are failing to come out with plans, much less stick to any plans. Seriously, what has Joe done? He was certainly one of the Senators who voted 95-0 against joining the Kyoto Protocol, right? Does he only get power for his home from “renewables”? Is he driving a straight electric vehicle? What has he done?

As for this whole “we” thing, nah, I’m good. Let the hardcore climate cultists like Joe act in their own lives. I might believe there’s something to the notion that the changes to the climate are mostly/solely caused by mankind if they give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their own lives carbon neutral.

Of course, the media wouldn’t ask him tough questions, anyhow.

Read: Excitable Joe Biden Says He’ll Stop Bad Weather If Elected President Or Something »

Democrat Cal Cunningham Appears To Stifle Laugh Over Shooting Of LA Police Officers

This will be showing up in Thom Tillis ads within a few days

North Carolina Democratic Senate Candidate Appears To Stifle A Laugh When Thom Tillis Mentions Police Officers Shot In LA

Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham appeared to stifle a laugh during a debate when Republican North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis brought up two police officers who were ambushed and shot in Los Angeles.

Tillis and Cunningham were debating Monday in the first of three scheduled debates in a close U.S. Senate race in the swing state.

Cunningham’s seeming reaction to Tillis bringing up the shootings was clipped and posted to Twitter by National Republican Senatorial Committee press secretary Joanna Rodriguez.

“You saw the reports of the two shootings in Los Angeles over the weekend. Two people ambushed by somebody. These protesters now go to the hospital and say, ‘I hope you die.’ We just a law enforcement in the western part of the state die,” Tillis said as Cunningham appeared to stifle a laugh before frowning and shaking his head.

Now, it may very well have been the kind of laugh/smirk you give when people are telling stories on you that you don’t agree with, but, if so, it is particularly poorly timed, wouldn’t you say? Cal was out protesting with the rioters months ago. He’s supposedly not for defunding the police, but, then, Cal says a lot of things he doesn’t mean, and calling to defund the police is not a winning position here in North Carolina.

Overall, Cal is a typical far left Democrat, who wants to take your guns away, install “Medicare for all” (single payer), tax you and control you over climate change scam, give amnesty to illegals while opening the borders, and all the rest. And he loves getting rich by using the government to force citizens to purchase items help his companies.

Read: Democrat Cal Cunningham Appears To Stifle Laugh Over Shooting Of LA Police Officers »

Good News: Environment Loving Solar Industry Trying To Kill Joshua Trees

This isn’t really about the environment or the climate, is it

The Fight to Save the Joshua Tree Has a Surprising Foe—the Solar Industry

It’s difficult to describe how beautiful Joshua trees are, but when you drive into Joshua Tree National Park and see vast canyons filled with gangly arms, raised in haphazard directions, it hits you: this tree is different, this tree is special.

What you might not know is this: the Joshua tree is also an endangered, threatened species.

Well, at least, it should be. (snip)

Cummings spells out the rationale for the Joshua tree to be listed. “Climate change represents an existential threat to western Joshua trees. Even in the absence of climate change, the convergence of factors necessary for recruitment (read: reproduction) results in successful establishment of new seedlings only a few times in a century.” Cummings cites pollution, climate change, and drought, as inhibitors to the Joshua tree life cycle. This would all lead to the extinction of the Joshua tree within the century.

So, not really climate change, natural or anthropogenic or some combo.

California is on the forefront of fighting climate change, however. The state’s renewable energy goals include a requirement for 100 percent clean electricity by the year 2045 and a goal of reducing planet-warming emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050. But, in order to achieve these goals, there needs to be a lot of solar energy—“more than has ever been built before,” says Shannon Eddy, the executive director of the Large-Scale Solar Association (LSSA), which represents utility-scale solar developers and owners. Solar companies in the Mojave, like EDF, which is in the process of developing a massive solar farm called Big Beau, believe fighting climate change through the production of renewables is more urgent than desert ecology sustainability efforts.

The Daily Beast obtained EDF’s permits for California Native Desert Plant Harvesting scheduled in July on the Big Beau project site. These were obtained a month before the CDFW hearing and the possibility that after the hearing removal of the trees would be exorbitantly expensive or impossible loomed large. Regardless, in July, EDF permitted the harvesting of over 200 Joshua trees. While this won’t necessarily lead to their direct endangerment, it’s an interesting paradigm for a solar energy company that markets itself as striving towards “providing future generations with the means to power their lives in the most economic, environmental, and socially responsible ways possible.”

So, really, it’s about making money and bilking the citizens of California with this “renewables” push, taking advantage of weak minded and brainwashed climate cultists.

Much longer article, worth the read, seeing the Excuse Making and such.

Read: Good News: Environment Loving Solar Industry Trying To Kill Joshua Trees »

If All You See…

…is a horrible meat based meal causing the seas to rise and the land to dry out, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a false rumor helping to start a riot in Lancaster, Pa after a shooting.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove