San Francisco Could Give Children As Young As 16 Right To Vote Locally

Hey, maybe the kiddies would vote to install politicians/public servants who would clean all the sh*t and drug needles out of the streets

San Francisco could be first major American city to let 16-year-olds vote

San Francisco could give children as young as 16 the right to vote in local elections if a landmark proposition passes in the US’s November elections.

The proposition to lower the voting age by two years will be decided by the city’s residents, who rejected the legislation when it was first proposed in 2016, according to NBC News.

While the previous attempt failed narrowly with 48 percent of the vote, organizers of the “Vote 16” campaign believe they will get it over the line this year.

“Our motivation here first and foremost is to make sure that we put new voters in a position to establish that habit in the first election they’re eligible for, and then to continue participating throughout their lives which is good for democracy on every level,” Vote 16 campaign manager, Brandon Klugman, told NBC News.

Smaller cities like Takoma Park, in Maryland, already allow 16-year-olds to vote in municipal elections. But San Francisco, one of the largest cities in California, would be the first of its size and could lead to more major metropolitan areas following suit.

Of course, the problem here is that California state law sets the voting age at 18, but, there is some discussion whether that only applies to voting for state elections (obviously, federal is 18), so children could vote at 16 for local. And they are children. It’s right there in the story. The question is, how many of them will “accidentally” vote for county, state, and federal positions, bonds, and ballot initiatives?

Ayanna Pressley, of Massachusetts, introduced an amendment lower the federal voting age to the For the People Act in 2019, while Grace Meng, of New York, introduced a constitutional amendment in 2018 to lower the nationwide age restriction by two years.

“I’m always inspired by our nation’s youth who have demonstrated wisdom, maturity and passion on issues like social justice, gun control, and climate change,” Ms Meng told the outlet.

“They are the leaders of our future and the decisions we make impact their lives every day. To capture their views and experiences, we must lower the voting age to 16 in all elections.”

Well, hell, why not let those down to 5 vote, if they are the “leaders of the future”? Why discriminate? They’re children. They don’t know any better. They have no real world experience. They only know what they’ve been indoctrinated over.

Read: San Francisco Could Give Children As Young As 16 Right To Vote Locally »

Warmists Say Earth Could Maybe Possibly Hit 1.5C By 2024

This is scaremongering with an out: they’re saying we’re doomed but if it doesn’t happen they didn’t say it would, just that it might. So, it’s not really a scientific study, it’s a political study


THE PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT SEEKS TO LIMIT GLOBAL WARMING TO 1.5℃ THIS CENTURY. A new report by the World Meteorological Organization warns this limit may be exceeded by 2024 – and the risk is growing.

This first overshoot beyond 1.5℃ would be temporary, likely aided by a major climate anomaly such as an El Niño weather pattern. However, it casts new doubt on whether Earth’s climate can be permanently stabilized at 1.5℃ warming.

This finding is among those just published in a report titled United in Science. We contributed to the report, which was prepared by six leading science agencies, including the Global Carbon Project. (big snip)

Our report predicts a continuing warming trend. There is a high probability that, everywhere on the planet, average temperatures in the next five years will be above the 1981-2010 average. Arctic warming is expected to be more than twice the global average.

There’s a one-in-four chance the global annual average temperature will exceed 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels for at least one year over the next five years. The chance is relatively small, but still significant and growing. If a major climate anomaly, such as a strong El Niño, occurs in that period, the 1.5℃ threshold is more likely to be crossed. El Niño events generally bring warmer global temperatures.

Under the Paris Agreement, crossing the 1.5℃ threshold is measured over a 30-year average, not just one year. But every year above 1.5℃ warming would take us closer to exceeding the limit.

Temperatures have gone up at most 1C since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850. Now they are saying there’s a 25% chance that it would go up another .5C in the next 3 years? Pure scaremongering Junk Science.

Our report models a range of climate outcomes based on various socioeconomic and policy scenarios. It shows if emission reductions are large and sustained, we can still meet the Paris goals and avoid the most severe damage to the natural world, the economy, and people. But worryingly, we also have time to make it far worse.

So, not a scientific paper, but, a political science one. Like most from climate cultists pushing doomsday, but, refusing to make their own lives carbon neutral.

Read: Warmists Say Earth Could Maybe Possibly Hit 1.5C By 2024 »

After Shooting Of LASD Officers, Handsy Joe Biden Pushes Assault Weapon And Large Magazine Ban

How about this: if anyone expresses support of Antifa, they should have their gun permit denied, because they are mentally unstable and potentially violent. You know, lots and lots of Joe Biden supporters

Joe Biden Counters Evidence, Claims ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Would Save Lives

Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden claimed on Sunday that a ban on “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines would save lives.

He did this via a tweet referencing the 1994 federal “assault weapons” ban:


Biden’s tweet ignores the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report which showed the federal “assault weapons” ban had a negligible effect on crime at best.

The Washington Times quoted University of Pennsylvania professor Christopher Koper, author of the NIJ report, saying, “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence.”

How about this: how about we ban the security protecting Joe, Kamala, their families, and, heck, all elected Democrats from having “assault rifles” and large capacity magazines? Joe would be good with that, right? Better yet, since Democrats constantly rail against firearms, disarm their protection. Let them carry mace and tasers…no, they rail against those. Let them use harsh words.

What saved a lot of lives was a crackdown on gangs and criminals under Clinton, something Democrats are not willing to do these days.

Read: After Shooting Of LASD Officers, Handsy Joe Biden Pushes Assault Weapon And Large Magazine Ban »

If All You See…

…are horrible sneakers made with fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the attempted murder of 2 LA police officers, and protesters blocking the hospital entrance, chanting “let them die.”

It’s ladies in hats week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Antony Ward Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the NFL is being ignored. Go woke go broke. This pinup, a bit more of a modern style, is by Antony Ward with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Watts Up With That? notes the 49 NASA scientists who’ve told the truth
  2. No Tricks Zone covers the issues with German energy production from the wind
  3. Jo Nova discusses Vitamin D reducing COVID infections
  4. 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny covers Trump being nominated for a Nobel peace prize
  5. America’s Watchtower notes Pelosi calling Trump’s Middle East peace a “distraction”
  6. American Greatness discusses “systemic racism” in the Democrat run public school system
  7. Blazing Cat Fur says Netflix’s pedophile movie Cuties has Obama and associates panicking
  8. Chicks On The Right says that Cuties is even worse than you can imagine (I won’t be watching it to find out)
  9. Common Cents Blog covers a BLM riot becoming a MAGA dance party
  10. Creeping Sharia features a 9/11 documentary I’ve never seen, the Man In The Red Bandana
  11. Doug Ross @ Journal says Trump has had a historically great 1st term
  12. Free North Carolina notes AG Bill Barr under fire for accurately describing BLM
  13. Geller Report News discusses the dodgy donations to the Dems “Act Blue”
  14. Legal Insurrection notes that attempts to discredit Durham investigation may mean something is coming down
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery discusses white and non-white privilege

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Warmist Nancy Pelosi Continues Her Bleat On Climate Crisis (scam) Being An Existential Threat

I wonder if Queen Nancy walked or took a bicycle when she broke California rules to get her hair cut?

Nancy Pelosi hosts virtual G7 summit with world leaders: ‘The climate crisis is the existential threat of our time’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the parliamentary leaders of the G7 countries issued a joint declaration Saturday warning, “the climate crisis is the existential threat of our time.”

Pelosi, D-Calif., hosted the virtual summit with her legislative leader counterparts from Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. The purpose was to devise a strong international response to climate change, and address health and economic disparities.

“The climate crisis is the existential threat of our time, jeopardizing the health and well-being of every family in every community around the world,” Pelosi and the world leaders wrote in their joint declaration. “Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in 2020 are among the highest averages ever recorded. The planet suffered through the second hottest year ever in 2019.”

“As the Earth heats up, climate-related impacts, including heat waves, hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, and flooding, are worsening,” they added.

Saturday’s summit was to include virtual appearances from U2’s Bono, the Dalai Lama, Jane Goodall, former Obama administration Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and former Secretary of State John Kerry.

Interestingly, none of these people mentioned have given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral. How much in the way of fossil fuels does U2 use to tour around the globe? How about Pelosi’s constant cross country flights? Couldn’t she take Amtrak?

Pelosi and her fellow legislative leaders agreed that climate change and the coronavirus pandemic require a robust government response as does environmental justice for economically vulnerable and frontline communities.

“Climate policy can end the perpetuation of systemic inequalities,” the leaders wrote in their joint statement.

Yet, Pelosi refuses to bring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal to the floor for a vote. In fact, the House hasn’t even discussed it in committee. Heck, the House was supposed to offer an alternative, and still haven’t. Because they do not want to go on the record with this type of extreme legislation. And they haven’t included it in their various COVID19 bills.

Anyhow, we know this bit of climainsantiy is about the wildfires, much of which can be blamed on humans, not because of CO2 (it was actually hotter in the 1930’s and previous Holocene warm periods, despite lower CO2 levels), but mismanagement of forestry, building in fire zones, idiotic gender reveal stunts, and

Four Arrested for Arson on the West Coast, One a ‘Regular Attendee’ of Anti-Cop Rallies in Seattle

Four individuals — two in Washington, one in Oregon, and another in California — have been arrested for arson as firefighters battle dozens of blazes across the West Coast. One of the arrestees is reportedly a “regular attendee” of anti-police rallies in Seattle.

Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, has been accused of arson, partially sparking the massive Almeda fire, according to the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Office. Oregon Live reported that he has been arrested on “two counts of arson, 15 counts of criminal mischief and 14 counts of reckless endangerment”:

Elsewhere, authorities arrested two individuals in connection with the fires in Washington. One of the suspects, Jeffrey Alan Acord, has been accused of setting a fire along Highway 167. He live-streamed himself on the scene of the fire and reported it to police, claiming that he “literally pulled over to call it in.”

“Other drivers, however, told police they watched the 36-year-old Puyallup man walk into a field carrying a lighter and cardboard,” KIRO 7 reported.

The outlet added that Acord is a “regular attendee at Seattle ‘defund police’ rallies.” He is also facing charges for allegedly breaking into a gas station.

Jacob Altona, 28, has also been arrested in connection to arson.

Additionally, Anita Esquivel, 37, has been arrested for deliberately setting fires in California, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Perhaps Pelosi should speak with her constituents, who like to play with matches.

Read: Warmist Nancy Pelosi Continues Her Bleat On Climate Crisis (scam) Being An Existential Threat »

Earth is Barreling Towards “Hothouse” State Or Something

Hasn’t anyone told climate cultists that this year’s IPCC Conference on the Parties has been cancelled, so there’s no reason for the doomy prognostications in the normal runup to it? Or, perhaps it’s the coming election?

Earth barreling toward ‘Hothouse’ state not seen in 50 million years, epic new climate record shows

Sixty-six million years ago, after a massive asteroid hit Earth with the explosive energy of roughly 1 billion nuclear bombs, a shroud of ash, dust and vaporized rock covered the sky and slowly rained down on the planet. As plant and animal species died en masse, tiny undersea amoebas called forams continued to reproduce, building sturdy shells out of calcium and other deep-sea minerals, just as they had for hundreds of millions of years. When each foram inevitably died — pulverized into seabed sediment — they kept a little piece of Earth’s ancient history alive in their fossilized shells.

For decades, scientists have studied those shells, finding clues about the ancient Earth’s ocean temperatures, its carbon budget and the composition of minerals spilling through the air and seas. Now, in a new study published today (Sept. 10) in the journal Science, researchers have analyzed the chemical elements in thousands of foram samples to build the most detailed climate record of Earth ever — and it reveals just how dire our current climate situation is.

The new paper, which comprises decades of deep-ocean drilling missions into a single record, details Earth’s climate swings across the entire Cenozoic era — the 66 million-year period that began with the death of the dinosaurs and extends to the present epoch of human-induced climate change. The results show how Earth transitioned through four distinct climate states — dubbed the Warmhouse, Hothouse, Coolhouse and Icehouse states — in response to changes in the planet’s orbit, greenhouse gas levels and the extent of polar ice sheets.

So, hey, nature causes this kind of stuff to happen, right? But, not, it’s your fault for that fossil fueled vacation you took the other year

“Now that we have succeeded in capturing the natural climate variability, we can see that the projected anthropogenic warming will be much greater than that,” study co-author James Zachos, professor of Earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said in a statement. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projections for 2300 in the ‘business-as-usual’ scenario will potentially bring global temperature to a level the planet has not seen in 50 million years.” (The IPCC is a United Nations group that assesses the science, risks and impacts of climate change on the planet.)

For example, about 10 million years after the dinosaur extinction, Earth jumped from a warmhouse state to a hothouse state. This event, known as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, saw temperatures up to 29 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) above modern levels,…

“We now know more accurately when it was warmer or colder on the planet and have a better understanding of the underlying dynamics and the processes that drive them,” lead study author Thomas Westerhold, Director of the University of Bremen Center for Marine Environmental Sciences in Germany, said in the statement. “The time from 66 [million] to 34 million years ago, when the planet was significantly warmer than it is today, is of particular interest, as it represents a parallel in the past to what future anthropogenic change could lead to.”

Yes, they really do seem to be saying that we will see a 29F increase by 2300, when no one will remember this insance prognostication.

Read: Earth is Barreling Towards “Hothouse” State Or Something »

If All You See…

…is snow that will either disappear soon or grow bigger from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on meeting the New Afrikan Black Panther Party

Let’s doubleshot so I can clear the folders a bit (below the fold), so, check out Pacific Pundit, with a post on Trump’s brokered deal between Israel and Bahrain

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Read: If All You See… »

NFL Kickoff Ratings Down 16.1% From 2019

The NFL should probably consider this a win, considering how many of their main consumer base said would not watch

NFL ratings: Initial results show decline for K.C.-Houston kickoff game

The initial wave of NFL ratings for Thursday night’s season kickoff have arrived, and the preliminary numbers are down for the NFL. However, the event was the most-watched sporting event since the Super Bowl, and only the second show since the Super Bowl to exceed 20 million viewers. (The Academy Awards in February averaged 23.9 million.)

According to Deadline, the Kansas City-Houston game initially rated a 5.2 among adults 18-49, the key demographic for advertisers, and boasted a preliminary total of 16.4 million viewers. At the moment — ratings are adjusted upward as more reports roll in — that’s a 16.1 percent drop from last year’s kickoff between the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears.

As more numbers came in Friday afternoon, NBC reported a total audience of 20.3 million viewers, down from last year’s 22 million in the same timeslot. Overall, the game averaged a nationwide rating of 11.2/23, down from last year’s 12.8/26.

Remember, the Packers-Bears game itself was down, as were ratings last year.

Critics of the league will point to the NFL’s newfound social justice activism as the reason for the decline. While that may be true, ratings are an inexact science, capable of detecting action but not motivation. Possible reasons for the initial decline include:

Yeah, they offer Reasons, the first which is the social justice activism. And there being no preseason. Doubtful on that one. And competition from the NBA and Stanley Cup Finals. And a tennis match. Yeah, if you’re throwing a tennis match as a Reason, it’s BS. This is the NFL. It should do well, if they weren’t killing their brand and driving away their primary consumer base. Then we get

Sports fatigue: Ratings for all sports, not just politically active ones, are down across the board. The twin societal hurricanes of a pandemic and racial protests have forced sports into a secondary role. Ongoing wildfires on the West Coast are a far more pressing concern to millions than whether Patrick Mahomes has a good day passing. It’s tough to relax with football when the world is crushing down on you.

Could it be that ratings are down because of the virtue signaling, calling the majority of people who watch them racists?

Few outside-the-home options: Ratings as of this season will begin including outside-the-home viewing. But with most bars and restaurants still closed, the opportunities for watching outside the home are slim.

Oh, please, it was pretty much available to most people with a TV.

The matchup: Multiple television ratings experts contacted by Yahoo Sports noted that the most important factor controlling NFL ratings isn’t politics or competition, it’s matchups. A good matchup between marquee teams will carry the day, and from that standpoint, Thursday night wasn’t a powerhouse showdown. The Chiefs are now one of the league’s top draws, but the Texans have struggled to draw attention on the national stage. They struggled on the field, too, falling behind 31-7 before losing 34-20.

Again, oh, please. It’s not like it was the Redskins playing the Giants, two bad teams.

That’s an article from 2013, but, it still applies. The main viewership of the NFL was Republican voters. And ones who are more likely to turn out to vote. It wasn’t that big among Democrats, like the NBA. They’re driving away that viewership, and it will be interesting to see the results of the season. Advertisers haven’t moved on yet, but, if ratings are way down, why pay top dollar for ads?

Read: NFL Kickoff Ratings Down 16.1% From 2019 »

California Governor Takes Fossil Fueled Trip To Proselytize At Site Of Wildfire

The debate is over, you guys

Strange how they keep telling us year after year after year that the debate is over and we keep have this debate, right? Anyhow, you know that if Gavin had take some sort of hybrid or EV this would have been highlighted by the media, so, we can safely assume he took a fossil fueled trip

Amid ashes, California governor fires away on climate change

California Gov. Newsom offered some of his most impassioned comments on climate change, denouncing the “ideological BS” of those who deny the danger and vowing Friday to accelerate the state’s already ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gases.

Newsom spoke against a backdrop of ghost-like trees and ground covered in snow-like gray ash left by the deadliest of the record-breaking fires that have charred huge swaths of California in recent weeks.

“The data is self-evident, the experience that we have in the state of California just underscoring the reality of the ravages of climate change,” he said. “Mother Nature is physics, biology and chemistry. She bats last and she bats one thousand. That’s the reality we’re facing, the smash mouth reality — this perfect storm. The debate is over around climate change.”

Two Republican state lawmakers who represent the Northern California region where Newsom spoke countered that the governor is using climate change as an excuse for years of failed policies by fellow Democrats who control nearly all aspects of California government. (snip)

Republican state Sen. Jim Nielsen and Assemblyman James Gallagher countered that the cause of recent devastating wildfires and electricity blackouts “is decades of bad policy enacted by Democrats, not climate change.”

“The excuse of climate change cannot be used to deflect from the fundamental failure to address the fuels build-up in our forests that are the cause of these devastating fires,” they said in a statement. “These same misguided policy decisions have led to rolling blackouts and an energy grid that is falling apart.”

Good news, Californians: Gavin wants more of the same

The state’s ambitious goal of using 100% clean energy by 2045 “is inadequate,” Newsom argued. “We’re going to have to be more aggressive in terms of meeting our goals much sooner.”

He said the state must push to more quickly adopt electric vehicles and other non-polluting transportation, and ordered the heads of his environmental protection and natural resources agencies to explore more changes to the state’s industrial and agricultural policies.

Again, funny how Gavin is talking about EVs yet I have found not one story on this same appearance by Gavin where they mention how he got to the site. Not one question such as “if EVs are so important, why didn’t you drive one here?”

And, you know what? Those of you Californians who voted for Gavin and Democratic Party politicians and policies need to stick around. You shouldn’t be allowed to escape to other states like Arizona. You should have to deal with the fallout of your beliefs.


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Read: California Governor Takes Fossil Fueled Trip To Proselytize At Site Of Wildfire »

Pirate's Cove