Black Police Chiefs Leaving Job Due To Leftist Policies, Riots

Way to go, Democrats. Heck, let’s call it correctly: mostly white Democrats. You’ve driven black police chiefs out. Guess that is too much diversity for you

Protests drive Black police chiefs off the job: ‘These people get in the way of the narrative’

Two more high-profile Black police chiefs announced this week that they plan to step down amid protest unrest, spurring more questions about whether Black Lives Matter is hurting rather than helping Black Americans.

In New York, Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary said Wednesday that he refused to “sit idly by while outside entities attempt to destroy my character.” Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall submitted her resignation Tuesday after coming under criticism for her handling of anti-police protests.

They are departing a month after the retirement of Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best, the city’s first Black female chief, who fought for months to squelch protest rioting as the City Council, which has no Black members, voted to cut the department’s budget.

Black conservatives were quick to point out the irony. “There was a time in this country where systemic racism existed; and you couldn’t find a black police chief,” tweeted Allen Sutton, founder of Stewardship America.

“Now, black police chiefs are being forced out; by no less than the liberal establishment and Democrat party leaders,” he said. “Seattle? Rochester? Who’s next?” (snip)

Black police chiefs are hardly alone. More than a dozen chiefs have announced their departures since the start of mass protests over the May 25 death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody. In New York City alone, hundreds of officers have reportedly sought to retire early or leave the force.

And then the people in these leftist cities will complain when police response times go up up up as does crime. Call a social worker, see how that works out.

“All of these people get in the way of the narrative,” Fox Nation host Lara Logan said on “The Ingraham Angle.” “The narrative is that the entire police force is racist and needs to be abolished, so having a Black female police chief just gets in the way of that propaganda completely and makes a mockery of it.”

In fact, she said, Black police chiefs “who are a powerful symbol of what progress has been made in this country, those are the ones that have to go. They have to be targeted.”

The Narrative was destroyed months ago when the riots started and didn’t stop. We know BLM is a Marxist group, and that so much of the violence is being perpetuated by white Democratic Party voters who consider themselves Antifa. In Portland we see

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Read: Black Police Chiefs Leaving Job Due To Leftist Policies, Riots »

The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Really An Empathy Crisis Or Something

This comes from someone who empathized with an enemy of the United States

St. Greta must be pissed over Hanoi Jane hijacking her schtick with her “Fire Drill Fridays”.

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Read: The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Really An Empathy Crisis Or Something »

If All You See…

…is the awesome colors of the United States Of America, you might just be a Patriot

The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post the Muslim Brotherhood testifying in the U.S. House of Representatives on 9/11.

Read: If All You See… »

LA Times: Biden Should Totally Not Play Trump’s Game And Release Supreme Court Picks List

This should be good!

Opinion: Trump released another gimmicky Supreme Court ‘list’; Biden shouldn’t follow suit

Amid an uproar over interviews with Bob Woodward in which President Trump admitted to downplaying the coronavirus, on Wednesday the president sought (unsuccessfully) to shift public attention to something else: the future of the Supreme Court, which he said was threatened by a possible victory by Joe Biden.

Trump released yet another list of potential Supreme Court appointees — including prominent legal conservatives such as former Solicitor General Paul Clement along with three Republican U.S. senators: Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley. (Hawley promptly said that he wasn’t interested.)

Trump dared Biden to come up with his own list, so that Americans could “properly make a decision on how they will vote.”

Biden shouldn’t take the bait. He already has committed to naming a black woman to the high court and said in June that he wouldn’t release the names of candidates in that category “until we go further down the line in vetting them” — but it wasn’t clear whether he would disclose such names before the election.

Biden is under no obligation to dangle a list of names before the voters and subject the lawyers and judges on the list to partisan attacks.

And suppose Biden did commit himself to naming justices from a list. He’d be hamstringing himself if a vacancy occurred in his administration and a new candidate emerged — say, Barack Obama, who in the past has said that a seat on the court would be “a little bit too monastic for me.” (Biden has said that he would appoint Obama to the court “if he’d take it.”)

This continues on for a while, and, really, Biden is under no obligation. More importantly, releasing a list would show just how extreme Biden and the Democratic Party have become. If Joe’s list isn’t extreme enough, he’ll be excoriated by the Dem base. If it is extreme enough, Biden will show how extreme he is.

Next up will be media folks telling that Biden is under no obligation to release medical records.

That said, the “no obligation” thing is interesting: Trump is under no obligation to release any tax records. The Constitution doesn’t require that. Yet, Democrats still want them.

Read: LA Times: Biden Should Totally Not Play Trump’s Game And Release Supreme Court Picks List »

Climate Cultists Push New Talking Points: Disaster Amplification

Yes, the new growing point seems to be “yes, these types of things, such as wildfires and tropical storms and rain and snow and stuff have always happened, but, they’re worse now”, and now the NY Times has noticed (and runs this as their banner story, with some small ones on 9/11 further down the page)

A Climate Reckoning in Fire-Stricken California

Multiple mega fires burning more than three million acres. Millions of residents smothered in toxic air. Rolling blackouts and triple-digit heat waves. Climate change, in the words of one scientist, is smacking California in the face.

The crisis in the nation’s most populous state is more than just an accumulation of individual catastrophes. It is also an example of something climate experts have long worried about, but which few expected to see so soon: a cascade effect, in which a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplifying each other. (snip)

California’s simultaneous crises illustrate how the ripple effect works. A scorching summer led to dry conditions never before experienced. That aridity helped make the season’s wildfires the biggest ever recorded. Six of the 20 largest wildfires in modern California history have occurred this year.

If climate change was a somewhat abstract notion a decade ago, today it is all too real for Californians. The intensely hot wildfires are not only chasing thousands of people from their homes but causing dangerous chemicals to leach into drinking water. Excessive heat warnings and suffocating smoky air have threatened the health of people already struggling during the pandemic. And the threat of more wildfires has led insurance companies to cancel homeowner policies and the state’s main utility to shut off power to tens of thousands of people pre-emptively.

Let’s see: California has always had very dry areas, because of the geography. They build more and more within areas that are dry and near areas where the state blocks anyone from clearing out the dead brush. Then a fire is started by a poorly maintained power line or idiots using pyrotechnics for a gender reveal party. Then there isn’t enough power because they rely on stuff that only works during certain times. But, see, this is their new talking point, a new and inventive way to Blame Every Event on mankind. Well, on Other People

Climate scientists say the mechanism driving the wildfire crisis is straightforward: Human behavior, chiefly the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil, has released greenhouse gases that increase temperatures, desiccating forests and priming them to burn.

Yet, these same climate scientists, and all the rest of the climate cultists, refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels. Weird, right?

Oh, and see, the thing is that California weather monitoring stations show that it was actually warmer in the earlier part of last century. Most during the 1930’s, one during the 1910’s, and one during the 1950’s (which is interesting, as that was the start of a slight cooling). Of course, none of these facts matter to climate cultists, as they have Narratives

This summer millions of Californians’ homes went dark for an hour or more as the smothering summer heat threatened to overload the grid.

Strangely, we didn’t have that problem in North Carolina, nor did we hear anything on down to Florida nor out to Texas, which always have heat. Heck, even the United Kingdom, which had a warmer than average summer (you know how averages are created), didn’t have the same power problems, even as they rely more and more on “renewables”. Must be amplification for California, eh? Over-reliance on solar and wind followed by Summer weather combined with mismanagement (to be charitable) by Government while building more and more in areas which are in danger zones.

Read: Climate Cultists Push New Talking Points: Disaster Amplification »

Democrats Stop GOP Senate COVID Aid Bill Using Procedure They Want To Abolish

Oh, and they shot down a COVID19 aid bill

Senate Democrats block GOP relief bill

Senate Democrats blocked a GOP coronavirus bill on Thursday amid a deep stalemate over the next relief package.

Senators voted 52-47 on the roughly $500 billion Republican bill, which marked the first coronavirus-related legislation the chamber has voted on since it passed a $484 billion package in April.

The vote handed a symbolic victory to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who spent weeks haggling with Republicans and the White House over the contours of the pared-down GOP bill as he sought to overcome deep divisions over the path forward.

GOP leadership worked behind the scenes to lock down 51 votes, a U-turn from last month when McConnell predicted that up to 20 GOP senators wouldn’t vote for any additional legislation. GOP Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) was the only Republican to vote against the bill on Thursday.

But it failed to get the 60 votes needed to overcome Thursday’s procedural hurdle as congressional Democratic leadership and the White House remain at a standoff over a fifth coronavirus package.

Democrats keep saying they will get rid of the filibuster if they win back the Senate, which is a procedural move to protect the Senate from being simply mob rule, protect the rights of the minority party. Better yet, let’s get rid of the 17th Amendment

McConnell called Schumer’s strategy on the coronavirus bill “toxic,” after the Democratic leader told reporters that Republicans were the “enemy of the good.”

“Senators who share the Democratic leader’s toxic attitude, who think the real enemy are their political opponents, I assume will follow his lead and vote no. They can tell American families they care more about politics than helping them,” McConnell added.

Of course, Excitable Chuck Schumer has a different take

“It is laden with poison pills. Provisions our colleagues know Democrats would never support to guarantee the bill’s failure. The truth of the matter is the Republicans and the Republican leader don’t want to pass a bill too many on the hard right in the Senate and outside it would be angry” with, Schumer said.

Poison pills, eh? Like the Democrats giant $2-$3 trillion House bill, which funds all sorts of far left priorities? Strange that he didn’t list them, nor did any reporter do their job and ask. CNN explains what is in the skinny bill, and can’t find much fault, which pretty much leaves most of the unrelated stuff and porky stuff out of it. Could it do a bit more? Sure. You know what the Democrats could do? Ask for something like $1,200 checks to be put in. We don’t have to do the Big Frigging Bill every time. We could pass this one and then pass one with the $1,200 checks.

Just remember, elected Democrats don’t want to help you unless it benefits them politically and funds their crazy wishes.

Read: Democrats Stop GOP Senate COVID Aid Bill Using Procedure They Want To Abolish »

9/11 At Nineteen: Remembering The Lost

As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.

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Read: 9/11 At Nineteen: Remembering The Lost »

Climate Cultists Call For Taxing Flyers, Banning SUVs

Have you ever noticed that most of the solutions offered by climate cultists involved taxing Other People and limiting people’s freedom and choice?

Climate change: Tax frequent fliers and get rid of SUVs, government told

A frequent flyer tax, phasing out polluting SUVs and restricting cars in city centres are among climate change solutions suggested by members of the public.

A citizens’ assembly of 108 people from all walks of life published its report after weeks of debate.

They proposed curbing road building and using the pandemic to cut emissions.

MPs said the report offered a “unique insight”, but activists Extinction Rebellion said it didn’t go far enough.

The report says the government must show leadership on climate change and insists climate policies must be fair to all – especially the poorest in society. (snip)

The members said it was “imperative that there is strong and clear leadership from government” to tackle climate change.

Oh, and don’t forget giving government more and more power. And people have been brainwashed enough to keep voting for the people who enable this, right up to they say “wait, this applies to me? No, it was only supposed to be Other People who paid the price.” One of the other things they recommended?

People should repair goods and share more, instead of owning all their appliances

So, who owns them? The government?

Read: Climate Cultists Call For Taxing Flyers, Banning SUVs »

If All You See…

…is summer snow due to Other People’s carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Quebec saying it will isolate uncooperative citizens in a secret corona facility.

Read: If All You See… »

Illegal Alien Loving Gretchen “Il Duce” Whitmer Suddenly Decides That Walls Work

Of all the governors during lockdown, Gretchen Whitmer was certainly the most authoritarian. She also is a big supporter of illegal immigration and a hater of the border wall. But

Anti-Border Fence Mich. Gov. Whitmer Building 8-Foot High, Electrified Fence Around Governor’s Residence

Despite her vocal opposition to building border walls to keep Americans safe from illegal immigration, Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is having an eight-foot high, electrified fence built around her official residence to keep out unwanted visitors.

The fence is just one part of a $1.1 million, taxpayer-funded security upgrade to the governor’s residence, The Detroit Free Press reports:

In recent weeks, crews have been working to build what appears to be an eight-foot-tall fence around the governor’s residence property. Last week, a sign on the site where crews were on the job warned, “Danger. High voltage. Unauthorized persons keep out.”

Exactly why does the governor’s mansion need to be electrified? And, if she can do it, why can’t we do it on the border? Further, is it electrified in order to stop the “protesters” who may jump the wall?

As The Washington Free Beacon notes, Gov. Whitmer has called the construction of barriers on the U.S. borders too costly and ineffective:

Whitmer, a Biden surrogate, has attacked the idea of using barriers to prevent illegal immigration. She called President Donald Trump’s border wall “costly and ineffective” in February 2017, nearly a week after suggesting that money for the wall would be better spent elsewhere.

Walls are cool when they protect her.

Read: Illegal Alien Loving Gretchen “Il Duce” Whitmer Suddenly Decides That Walls Work »

Pirate's Cove