Newsweek Wonders Why The Climate Cult Is So Darned White

It’s pretty much because it’s fashionable to be a climate cultists among 1st World middle and upper class folks, particularly in Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Who are mostly the hardcore Modern Socialists, and ones with not much else to really be concerned with. This became a big issue after the end of the Cold War where some had to find an issue to use to control people and increase government power. Those who were supporters of the USSR moved into the extreme environmental movement, which morphed into the Climate Cult. Anyhow, reasons, mostly having to do with it being fashionable among mostly white leftists with no other real concerns

Why is the Climate Change Movement so White?

Climate change campaigners from ethnic minority backgrounds have warned that the movement is too white and middle class and erases the contributions of people of color in fighting climate injustice.

It comes as global environmental movement Extinction Rebellion (XR) restarted large scale protests in the U.K., vowing to target the Houses of Parliament as well as other “key institutions of power” in a bid to raise awareness of the climate emergency.

A University of Michigan study found that the “current state of racial diversity in environmental organizations is troubling” in the U.S. with minorities employed as staff or on the boards of the organizations not exceeding 16 percent.*

In the U.S., people of color live with 66 percent more air pollution while in the U.K. ethnic minority and disadvantaged communities have also been found to be hardest hit because of differences is socio-economic prosperity.

So, is it that Cult of Climastrology groups are not hiring minorities (BTW, the do know that these people are not minorities in many parts of the world, right? Seems like a rather patronizing term) on purpose, preferring to hire white people, or do the non-whites just not give a crap about working for these CoC groups? Kinda like how most non-whites do not care about being a part of the CoC.

Climate justice campaigners like Suzanne Dhaliwal, director and co-founder of the U.K. Tar Sands Network, campaigning against U.K. corporations and financial institutions invested in the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada, says the historical contributions of grassroots movements and people of color are being rewritten by groups such as XR.

“XR are a PR brand,” Dhaliwal told Newsweek. “The way they have told the history of climate change and the way the media reports it, it’s as though Greta Thunberg invented climate change, erasing all of those of us who did the work are pushing corporations, banks, climate literacy that’s been just washed out by them.”

She says that the history of the climate justice movement has a legacy with a rich history of fighting for land sovereignty, against the devastation of territory and the patriarchy and the contributions of marginalized groups are overlooked.

OK, so, XR and the cult of St. Greta are raaaaacist, and, what does climate have to do with land sovereignty and patriarchy and stuff?

“Media reporting only reports on white middle-class folks, it doesn’t report on those of us who have been leading on the front line of the crisis,” she said.

Oh, good, the media is raaaaacist, too. After a lot of whining about XR we get

A second factor is down to the socio-economic condition people from ethnic minority backgrounds find themselves in.

“Environmental concerns are not as high a priority for black and brown people who are struggling to have their life be as good as it can be. They are not thinking about the long term as much as more privileged white people can.

Exactly. People without that much to really be concerned over have time to manufacture their own crisis’.

“That has held back people from participating or at least worrying about these issues. Even once they do start worrying, they hit institutional barriers among the climate movement by being made to feel like their voice is not being heard.

So, the uber-white climate cultists are holding back People of Color? They’re actually racists? Huh.

Read: Newsweek Wonders Why The Climate Cult Is So Darned White »

Serial Sexual Assaulter Jacob Blake Has A Powerful Message Or Something

Who is Jacob Blake?

(The Post Millennial) According to this article in USA Today fact-checking Blake’s history, he was “charged July 6 with felony third-degree sexual assault and misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct. All three offenses carried a penalty enhancer because they were connected to domestic abuse.”

“The charges — which have not gone to trial — stem from a May 3 incident in Kenosha County. A woman Blake knew told police he came into her house about 6 a.m., sexually assaulted her and then took a debit card and car keys before fleeing in her vehicle, according to a criminal complaint.”

He had been sexually assaulting her for years. But, hey, he’s now a darling of the unhinged left, so we get this from Mother Jones

“Change Y’all Lives Out There”: Watch Jacob Blake’s Powerful Message From His Hospital Bed

It’s been two weeks since Jacob Blake was shot in the back by Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer Rusten Sheskey, reinvigorating an uprising against police brutality and racism that has swept the country since the death of George Floyd in early summer. On Saturday, Blake spoke about the fragility of life from the hospital bed where he remains paralyzed from the waist down.

“I just want to say, man, to all the young cats out there and even the older ones, older than me, there’s a lot more life to live,” he said in a video posted on Twitter by his lawyer, Ben Crump. “Your life and not only just your life, your legs—something that you need to move around and move forward in life—can be taken from you like this,” he snapped his fingers.

Blake described the pain he now experiences every time he breathes, sleeps, eats, and moves around. “Twenty-four hours, every 24 hours, it’s pain,” he said. But he ended his message with a call for change and action. “Please, I’m telling you, change y’all lives out there. We can stick together, make some money, make everything easier for our people because there’s so much time that’s been wasted.”

Yes, a powerful message, right? Are we supposed to take advice from people who sexually assault women now? Is that now the standard? Back to the first article from The Post Millennial, headlined

Kamala Harris’ pride in Jacob Blake betrays MeToo

Blake is recovering from the gunshot wounds he sustained, but that hasn’t stopped the mainstream media and Democrat politicians from heralding Blake a hero. Senator Kamala Harris spoke to Blake via phone on Monday and, according to a statement released about the call, told him she was “proud” of him.

The article continues

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Read: Serial Sexual Assaulter Jacob Blake Has A Powerful Message Or Something »

Trevor Noah And Comedy Central Think Flipping Tables On People Is Great, As Long As You Are Polite

Of course, super Progressive (nice Fascist) HuffPost has nary a word of condemnation

Trevor Noah Nails What’s Being Forgotten Amid Black Lives Matter Restaurant Clashes

Trevor Noah offered food for thought Tuesday to those condemning Black Lives Matter protesters for interrupting restaurant patrons. (Fast forward to 4:10 in the video at the link.)

“The Daily Show” host showed video of overturned furniture at an eatery in Rochester, New York, after demonstrators entered to protest the killing of Daniel Prude, a Black man who died after he was covered in a hood and held down by police in March.

“It’s not acceptable to storm a restaurant and flip over tables,” Noah said. “First, you introduce yourself: ‘Hi, my name is Sean. I’ll be your protester this evening.’ Then you flip over the tables. Manners, people.”

Oh, right, right, it’s just a joke. Right. OK then. It’s OK to advocate violence and assault when it’s a joke. What happens when the uber-Progressive nutjobs who watch the Daily Show take this to heart? Will Noah and Comedy Central take responsibility? What if a Republican guest advocated doing this to liberals? Would that be OK? Or if they said to do it to Noah and CC employees? Bet they’d be a bit upset over that, kick the guest off, and denounce them, saying they are advocating violence. And Noah would be surely upset and call the cops if it actually happened to him while he was just trying to eat.

“People get more focused on the symptoms than the cause,” Noah said. “Because right now everyone is talking about what’s the right way to protest. I think the real question people should be asking is why does there need to be a protest in the first place? Because if I had a magic wand, I wouldn’t be trying to fix protests. I’d use it to get the police to stop brutalizing Black people. That’s why the protests are happening.”

Perhaps if he wasn’t advocating violence after being polite we wouldn’t need to talk about the riots and violent Democratic Party voters and could deal with policing reform. That boat sailed months ago, and it’s the fault of the violent Democrats and the Democrats who refuse to condemn and stop them.

Read: Trevor Noah And Comedy Central Think Flipping Tables On People Is Great, As Long As You Are Polite »

Bummer: CO2 Reduction During Lockdown Did Little To Slow Climate Crisis (scam)

So, wait, are they saying that carbon dioxide, what they call carbon pollution, has little to do with the minor increased global temperatures since 1850?

UN report: Covid crisis does little to slow climate change

The global response to Covid-19 has barely made a dent in the causes of climate change, according to a major new report.

While emissions of CO2 plummeted during lockdown, concentrations of the long-lasting gas have continued to rise in the atmosphere.

The period from 2016 to 2020 will likely be the warmest five years on record, the study finds.

The authors say “irreversible” climate change impacts are increasing.

Of course they do

The United in Science report brings together experts from a large number of international organisations, including the UN and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), to give an updated snapshot of the state of the global climate.

The study shows that global lockdowns had a significant and immediate impact on emissions of greenhouse gases, with daily levels in April 2020 falling by 17% compared with 2019.

But this steep drop hasn’t been maintained. As the world returned to work, emissions rose and by June were within 5% of the previous year.

Over 2020, the expectation is that emissions will fall 4-7%.

While emissions can tell us what is happening on the ground, it is the concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere that makes all the difference for global temperatures.

They always have an excuse to perpetuate the continuation of the Cult of Climastrology. One would think that a 4-7% reduction this year would have an impact per their Dogma, but, they know it is all a bunch of mule fritters, so, they are already making Excuses.

Read: Bummer: CO2 Reduction During Lockdown Did Little To Slow Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are trees that will be killed by the same carbon pollution that causes heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on San Francisco opening city gyms, but keeping private gyms closed.

Read: If All You See… »

Ben Sasse Calls For Abolishing The 17th Amendment

This is a push I hope he makes hard, and convinces enough states to do, since elected senators would see their national power diminish along with all that fun campaign cash, hob-knobbing with celebs, and all the perks

Ben Sasse Calls For Repealing The 17th Amendment

Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution in an op-ed published Tuesday by The Wall Street Journal.

Proposed in 1912 and ratified by 36 state legislatures on April 8, 1913, the amendment required U.S. senators to be elected by popular votes in each state. Prior to its enactment, Article I of the Constitution mandated that each state legislature vote to send two senators to Washington.

Sasse’s op-ed, titled, “Make the Senate Great Again,” suggested several Senate reforms “aimed at promoting debate, not ending it.”

“What would the Founding Fathers think of America if they came back to life?” Sasse began. “Their eyes would surely bug out first at our technology and wealth. But I suspect they’d also be stunned by the deformed structure of our government. The Congress they envisioned is all but dead. The Senate in particular is supposed to be the place where Americans hammer out our biggest challenges with debate. That hasn’t happened for decades—and the rot is bipartisan.”

In arguing for the abolition of the 17th Amendment, Sasse pointed to the polarization and nationalization of politics, suggesting that returning control to state legislatures would be a way of implementing local control.

“Ratified in 1912, it replaced the appointment of senators by state legislatures with direct election,” he wrote. “Different states bring different solutions to the table, and that ought to be reflected in the Senate’s national debate. The old saying used to be that all politics is local, but today—thanks to the internet, 24/7 cable news and a cottage industry dedicated to political addiction—politics is polarized and national. That would change if state legislatures had direct control over who serves in the Senate.”

Unfortunately, the piece is behind the WSJ’s paywall, so, we cannot read it in full. Much like the Electoral College, which I discussed earlier this morning, the Senate was designed to give States their own voice to the federal government, like ambassadors. Who can vote. Who do the will of the General Assemblies for each state, rather than for a national party or outside special interests. It would mean people would pay attention to their state governments, who appoint the Senators. Who would vote to uphold the point of the 10th Amendment, rather than continuously give more and more power to the federal government, with almost no way to check it.

We are a conglomeration of states. Nations. The cares of North Carolina can, at points, be vastly different from Oregon, right? And visa versa? That’s one of the reasons we have a Senate. The Upper Chamber. Representatives represent the citizens (at least, that’s how it’s supposed to work, right? Not picking on her, just info I saw recently, but, 80% of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 2018 campaign donations came from outside her district. How does that represent the district? Who’s she beholden to? Same with a lot of reps), Senators represent their states. Beholden to the GA’s.

Rather than yammer on, here’s one great article on the 17th and why it should be repealed, including

The original U.S. Constitution gave state governments a strong voice in the national government by requiring them to select U.S. Senators – to serve much like ambassadors today at the United Nations – and thus created the U.S. Congress to be a political (not judicial) venue for the competition between state government interests and national government interests. The Senate provided the state governments the necessary ability to restrict the natural inclination of the national government to expand its power. It is no coincidence that the national government began its exponential growth following the passage of the 17th Amendment, just as soon as there was no longer a competing interest that could stop it. The framers concluded that the judiciary was not the appropriate arbiter (as the courts currently imagine themselves) of the line between state and national interests, in part because the courts have a self-interest favoring a strong national government (the courts being created by Congress), and in part because the framers understood that different generations may draw that separation in different ways.

And this one

Apparently, the only thing worse than peasants with pitchforks is peasants with pocket Constitutions.

But there’s nothing silly or retrograde in deploring the effects of an amendment that has done untold damage to federalism and limited government.

“Let the state legislatures appoint the Senate,” Virginia’s George Mason urged at the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, lest a newly empowered federal government “swallow up the state legislatures.” The motion carried unanimously after Mason’s remarks.

There is way, way more in both, worth the read. Democrats should remember that unchecked power of the federal government every time it does something they do not like. And they complain enough about special interests, right?

Read: Ben Sasse Calls For Abolishing The 17th Amendment »

You Ate A Burger, Causing 500,000 Californians To Go Without Power

I bet you had a big sugary drink with your burger, too, right? For shame

California’s Climate Crisis Is Deepening as 500,000 Go Dark

In a matter of weeks, California has been hit with two record-breaking heat waves, hundreds of blazes, freak lightning storms and dangerously poor air quality. Now, unusually strong winds are threatening to knock down power lines and ignite more wildfires.

That prompted PG&E Corp. to impose power cuts for more than 500,000 people and could spurs utilities in Southern California to do the same on a smaller scale Tuesday night. As dangerous conditions stretch across the West, an Oregon-based utility has also switched off power to some of its customers.

The shutoffs that California’s largest utility began late Monday are the latest blow for the disaster-weary state, where climate change is making weather ever more extreme. Temperatures have soared to records from Napa to Los Angeles. Wildfires have torched more than 2.2 million acres, the most in records stretching back three decades. Hundreds of thousands of people may be in the dark for days while trapped indoors due to wildfire smoke and Covid-19 outbreaks.

Officials are responding with equally extreme measures. In August, California carried out its first rotating blackouts since the 2001 energy crisis, drawing the ire of millions who went powerless as extreme temperatures boosted demand for electricity. The Trump administration on Sunday declared a power emergency, allowing generating plants to run at full bore, regardless of environmental limits.

Let’s cut to the chase: instead of spending oodles of taxpayer dollars on the mythical climate change while increasing costs and decreasing the available energy by getting rid of stuff that works, California could have updated their electrical grid, burying more lines underground, replaced coal plants with nuclear and natural gas, and so much more. It’s a state that gets very dry and very windy, so anything, such as a gender reveal pyrotechnic, can make a tiny fire huge. There’s nothing carbon pollution related.

Just a state that bought into a cult and made bad choices, rather than realizing that the world warms mostly naturally, adapt properly. A state run by Democrats. Yet, enough people in California will keep voting for them like fools. Oh, and let’s not forget all those who voted Democrat and are now running for Arizona.

Read: You Ate A Burger, Causing 500,000 Californians To Go Without Power »

NY Times: The Electoral College Will Destroy America (or something)

Who’s surprised that the NY Times is running this opinion piece by editorial board member Jesse Wegman? You’ll love the subhead

The Electoral College Will Destroy America
And no, New York and California would not dominate a popular vote.

In other words, the populous states/cities will dominate the popular vote, making it about mob rule, rather than the whole point of a Democratic Republic, hence the reason we are called the United States Of America, not just one name like Canada or Mexico. That was the whole point of an electoral college, because most states were the size, at least by volume, of the old world European ones. What is a state? It was what they called nations. The Articles of Confederation joined these states, with their own issues and concerns, together, but not strong enough to be one nation. Hence the Constitution. Anyhow, enough U.S. History/Political Science 101

Last week, Nate Silver, the polling analyst, tweeted a chart illustrating the chances that Joe Biden would become president if he wins the most votes in November.

The “if” is probably unnecessary. It’s hard to find anyone who disputes that Mr. Biden will win the most votes. This isn’t a liberal’s fantasy. In a recent panel discussion among four veteran Republican campaign managers, one acknowledged, “We’re going to lose the popular vote.” Another responded, “Oh, that’s a given.” The real question is will Mr. Biden win enough more votes than President Trump to overcome this year’s bias in the Electoral College.

Mr. Silver’s analysis is bracing. If Mr. Biden wins by five percentage points or more — if he beats Donald Trump by more than seven million votes — he’s a virtual shoo-in. If he wins 4.5 million more votes than the president? He’s still got a three-in-four chance to be president.

Anything less, however, and Mr. Biden’s odds drop like a rock. A mere three million-vote Biden victory? A second Trump term suddenly becomes more likely than not. If Mr. Biden’s margin drops to 1.5 million — about the populations of Rhode Island and Wyoming combined — forget about it. The chance of a Biden presidency in that scenario is less than one in 10.

I don’t know about you, but this makes me really angry. Yes, I am aware that the United States has never elected its president by a direct popular vote; I wrote a whole book about it. I still cannot fathom why, in a representative democracy based on the principle that all votes are equal, the person who wins the most votes can — and does, repeatedly — lose the most consequential election in the land.

Because, when it comes to the presidency, we are not a representative democracy. That’s the House of Representatives, which, if Wegman really cared, would call for term limits, dramatically increasing the number of Representatives, and reforming campaigning financing so that they are beholden to the people in their district rather than from outsiders.

It happened in 2016 to Hillary Clinton, who won nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump — a margin of more than two percentage points — but lost because of fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. Two months away from Election Day, the odds of something like this happening again are disconcertingly high. That’s a bad thing. The presidency is the only office whose occupant must represent all Americans equally, no matter where they live. The person who holds that office should have to win the most votes from all Americans, everywhere.

You can tell where this is going, right? That the Electoral College is Bad, because it rewards those who play the game and win the electoral votes of enough states and the citizens in those states. You know how this works. I’m sure Wegman, who apparently wrote a book on this, knows as well. That’s why they want the EC to go away. If they really want that, they should push for a constitutional convention. I triple dog dare them.

Or, better, let’s break up many states to be more representative. California should be like 3-4 states. Texas into 2-3. Florida in two. NY into 2-3. Heck, Washington and Oregon into 2, since more than half of those states is dominated by the uber-left wing politics of just a few cities.

Regardless, Democrats won’t give up on getting rid of the EC and instituting mob rules, rather than our existing system which is designed to protect the minority from the majority, to give the minority a voice. And it sure sounds like they are worried Biden is going to lose.

Read: NY Times: The Electoral College Will Destroy America (or something) »

Climate Cultists Hail Ed Markey Victory

They’re thinking this is bold action. This is from 5 days ago, but, even the UK Guardian, the most pro Cult of Climastrology major media outlet in the world, doesn’t do all that much with Hotcoldwetdry these days, because most do not not care in practice

‘Bold action is a winning message’: climate advocates hail Ed Markey win

US climate advocates have their highest-profile evidence yet that putting the crisis first can win elections. And it arrived in an unlikely package: a 74-year-old Senate incumbent, who garnered intense grassroots support from young activists.

Ed Markey this week won a decisive victory in the Massachusetts Democratic primary election over Joe Kennedy who was challenging for his seat, the latest scion of the American political dynasty who had backing from the country’s top Democrat, the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

John Podesta, who was Barack Obama’s climate adviser, said Markey’s win “sent a resounding message: the politics of climate have changed and embracing bold climate action is a winning message in tough races”. (snip)

It came as no surprise that climate was the major focus of Markey’s campaign. He introduced the Green New Deal alongside the New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez last year. And his name is on the Waxman-Markey climate bill of 2009, which is the closest Congress has ever come to taking significant action on climate change.

Say, remember when Markey voted “present” when the Senate voted on his own GND? Oh, and how he takes long fossil fueled flights from Mass to D.C. and back all the time? And how Waxman-Markey went nowhere in a Senate controlled by the Democrats?

Read: Climate Cultists Hail Ed Markey Victory »

If All You See…

…is a summer snow world due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on media gaslighting.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove