Mostly Peaceful Protesters Throw Molotov Cocktails At Police In Portland

We’re at 100+ days of riots in the People’s Republik Of Portland, so, perhaps CNN, NBC News, CBS News, NY Times, and Washington Post can be excused for not bothering to offer any coverage of this, right? Though CBS does have a story on serial rapist Jacob Blake saying it’s hard to breathe.

Portland ‘riot’ declared after Molotov cocktails tossed

At least three Molotov cocktails were tossed in the direction of Portland, Ore., police late Saturday, prompting yet another night of unrest in the city to be declared a riot, according to reports.

Video posted on social media showed people scattering after a fiery object hurtled through the air and crashed on the ground, resulting in a huge fireball and smoke.

In another video, a rioter is seen scrambling for help after his feet catch fire while trying to escape flames.

Late Saturday local time, police posted on Twitter that the crowd near Ventura Park – about 10 miles east of downtown — was “engaging in tumultuous and violent conduct thereby intentionally or recklessly creating a grave risk of causing public alarm.

“This is a riot,” the message declared.

Portland mayor Ted Wheeler has no comment. Literally not comment. There’s nothing in the Portland news sites nor on his Twitter feed about these violent protests. Eh, he’s probably moving house, since the violent protesters showed up at his house the other day. No word on arrests Saturday into Sunday, but there were 27 Friday into Saturday. For which the District Attorney will let most, if not all, go. An with the Portland Police engaged with these idiots, crime has spiked elsewhere throughout the city. There have been 488 shootings in this super progressive, gun grabbing/hating city this year, compared to 299 all of 2019.

Meanwhile, anti-Trump nutters are proving this is really all about left wing politics, not about black lives mattering

An anti-Trump group called for nationwide protests on Saturday — seeking to fuel the left-wing protests that have roiled the country throughout the summer.

The left-wing group “Refuse Fascism” was organizing nationwide events, in places like New York City, Cleveland, Philadelphia and the Hatfield Courthouse in Portland — where protests and riots have hit the federal property for more than 100 days.

So, a bunch of Democrat voters in Democrat run cities are having a Democrat cryfest with other Democrats? Good luck. Just wondering, can anyone of these moonbats calling Trump a Fascist name any policy of Trump’s that limits their freedom, liberty, and choice? San Francisco’s mayor London Breed, who isn’t particularly concerned with people pooping in her streets, and who would have you arrested if caught opening your hair salon, wouldn’t condemn Pelosi but did call Trump a dictator. How so? Dems never say.

Read: Mostly Peaceful Protesters Throw Molotov Cocktails At Police In Portland »

Apparently, The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Sexist

Hey, remember all the articles about a lack of black people in the Cult of Climstrology, especially in leadership positions (let’s face it, the CoC is primarily composed of middle to upper class white people)? Well, looks like the CoC is also sexist

Q&A: Why Women Leading the Climate Movement are Underappreciated and Sometimes Invisible

She is, thus, a fitting historic figure for Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson to cite in opening their new book, “All We Can Save,” an anthology of essays, poetry and original illustrations on climate change by a diverse range of women, to be published Sept. 22. (snip)

“The climate crisis is not gender neutral,” Johnson and Wilkinson write in the book’s preface. “Climate change is a powerful ‘threat multiplier,’ making existing vulnerabilities and injustices worse. Especially under conditions of poverty, women and girls face greater risk of displacement or death from extreme weather disasters.”

Are they saying that women aren’t actually as strong as men? Not very Feminist, is that?

Wilkinson: The inspiration for this book came from the women who are in it. Ayana and I were in Aspen together for a conference and [felt] a bit of frustration about how much the public discourse on climate is still dominated by primarily older white male voices, and how many brilliant innovative, hardworking, committed women are not getting the megaphone. We went on what Ayana has now deemed a “rage hike” in Aspen, really putting our heads together on, “How can we get women in climate the attention and resources they need to really be able to have the change that they’re capable of making?”

So, the older white climate cultists blew them off? Oh, and going on a “rage hike” doesn’t exactly scream “competent and serious adults”, does it?

Johnson: We knew that these women who were leading climate work were out there. They just weren’t visible. They weren’t household names, and because of that, they weren’t getting the resources or support they needed.

So, the CoC is sexist? Good to know.

Wilkinson: My observation is that it tends to be a strength of women in the movement to be able to hold multiple things at the same time—to understand that this is about health, and this is about justice, and this is about good jobs, and this is about science, and it’s also about story and the kaleidoscope through which we need to see and try to understand the climate crisis. … That comes through in lots of different ways in these pieces. 

Sounds like this has little to do with anything other than politics.

What is the significance of your book coming out so close to the 2020 election, given the larger role climate now seems to be playing in U.S. electoral politics? 

Johnson: We specifically made sure the book was coming out before the election in the hopes that it would be able to seed some conversations around the importance of the candidates’ climate platforms at all state and federal levels and in the upcoming election. So that timing was deliberate. In fact, it was a total sprint to get the book done in time to make that possible.

Yup, politics.

Read: Apparently, The Climate Crisis (scam) Is Sexist »

If All You See…

…is sunlight which is brighter due to climate change reflecting off a rising sea, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on the Jacob Blake shooting being justified, and that he was sexually assaulting a woman.

Read: If All You See… »

If (Hardcore Marxist) BLM Really Matters, We Need To Do Away With Stand Your Ground Or Something

And now the gun grabbers are using uber-Marxist Black Lives Matter to reduce gun rights and the right to self protection

If Black Lives Truly Matter, Stand Your Ground Laws Must Go

Now that pointing firearms at peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters is the magic ticket to a speaking slot at the GOP convention, and we have a president who defends an accused double-murderer, it is time to open our eyes to the irrational fear and racism behind Stand Your Ground laws and immediately repeal them.

Unlike many of the other prominent and sobering examples of systemic racism in our country, Stand Your Ground laws aren’t the product of another century or the lasting vestige of our troubled past. They’re new, but their disparate impact on race is unmistakable and disturbing.

The Stand Your Ground laws are a product of the National Rifle Association and a shadowy right-wing organization called ALEC. The law, first passed in Florida in 2005 and now enacted in 27 states, radically changes the definition of self-defense by removing the duty to retreat when defending oneself outside of the home. It has basically traded self-defense for self-offense and lets people discharge a firearm and even kill someone if they feel threatened, with no requirement to seek to de-escalate a potential conflict before firing.

It’s really not that simple, but, if someone is threatening me or attacking me, why should I have to retreat in the face of these assaults? If someone attacks me to the point I need to shoot them, that is not an offensive behavior, that’s still defensive. Further, why is it incumbent on the person being attacked to “de-escalate”? Don’t forget, these same nuts want to defund the police and replace them with social workers, so, who comes to help when the nuts attack?

What is considered “threatening?” Well, that’s in the eye of the beholder. For GOP heroes Patricia and Mark McCloskey, “threatening” is Black people and civil protesters marching peaceably in front of their cavernous, suburban St. Louis home.

Yeah, except for there being 100+ of them and many were threatening the McCloskey’s, and some may have had firearms themselves. And neither shot anyone. The uncivil mob stayed back.

The impact of Stand Your Ground laws has been predictably appalling and bears the marks of the racial justice issues America is grappling with today. White-on-Black homicide in Stand Your Ground cases is almost three times more likely to be found justified than a white-on-white homicide, according to a study by the Urban Institute. And in Florida, where these heinous laws started, the odds of convicting a shooter for killing a non-white victim is half that of compared to cases where the victim is white. In other Stand Your Ground states, white defendants are 354 percent more likely to be let off for killing a Black victim than in cases where the victim is white.

Here’s an easy solution: don’t attack people, especially armed people. Don’t break in their homes.

If we are now living in a country where Black lives truly do matter, we can no longer make room for a law that encourages a “shoot first” mentality or one that makes fear of Black bodies a justifiable defense to murder. With an eye on restoring justice and safety to communities, states across the country should remove these harmful laws from their books.

Of course, if you shoot second you’re probably dead. And, in the wake of all the violence, those states will not be removing their SYG laws. Gun grabbers like Jim Kessler at the Daily Beast just want SYG laws gone in order to prosecute more legal gun owning people to scare more into not carrying and not owning. It’s all about doing away with privately owned firearms

Read: If (Hardcore Marxist) BLM Really Matters, We Need To Do Away With Stand Your Ground Or Something »

Cape Cod Vacationers Greeted By Climate Crisis (scam) Lunatics

Looks like they took a page from their European partner nutters in Extinction Rebellion. One has to wonder how effective this kind of display is, especially when all people want to do is get to their house/hotel room, and may be rather cranky from all the traffic

Demonstrators greet Cape Cod travelers with climate change warning

As traffic backed up at the base of the Bourne Bridge on Friday morning , thousands of people in their cars were met by eight people dressed in red robes with painted white faces walking along the bridge’s narrow sidewalk.

The costumed demonstrators were there to bring attention to climate change.

″(It) is the most important threat facing humanity and it affects all sides,” said Eric Kosse, of Truro. “We need to take immediate action.”

The event, titled “Cape Cod Climate Emergency Spectacular,” was presented by the environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion, an international organization that began in England and spread to the United States, with chapters in Boston and on Cape Cod.

The group was joined by eight members of the Red Rebel Brigade, an international performance troupe dedicated to calling attention to the global environment. Made up of slow-motion mimes dressed in red with painted faces, the members became a live visual display of various emotions triggered by the threat of extinction.

The police were having to waste resources to make sure these nuts didn’t walk in the road, which also slowed down traffic on a busy holiday weekend.

The event started just after 10 a.m. and ran until midafternoon, missing the pro-Trump demonstration held every Friday morning at the Bourne Rotary.

As cars slowly passed protesters holding signs declaring a climate emergency and members of the Red Rebel Brigade, there was a mix of reactions. Many people looked confused, others honked in support or waved, and a few lifted a middle finger, gave a thumbs down, or even yelled President Donald Trump’s name.

Most probably had zero idea what was happening, and were honking and waving at the people putting on a silly show.

Kosse, who drove to the protest from Provincetown during one of the busiest traffic days of the year, said change needs to happen now to stem climate change, otherwise it’s going to be devastating.

“It should be the No. 1 story every day because it is the No. 1 story,” Kosse said.

So, wait, he took a fossil fueled trip? Huh.

Many travelers throw trash out their window without thinking, Stucke said. “It’s a good reminder right as they come onto the Cape and it puts it in their mind.”

Yes, but that is an environmental issue, not one of “climate change.’

Read: Cape Cod Vacationers Greeted By Climate Crisis (scam) Lunatics »

Say, Has The Chance For Police Reform Already Closed?

Yahoo News’ Mike Bebernes is asking the question, and, while he gives some interesting reasons why there has been little reform, he misses the biggest one

Has the opportunity for police reform already closed?

The police killing of George Floyd in late May ignited a nationwide protest movement that saw thousands fill the streets in cities across the country. The goals of the Black Lives Matter movement cover many areas of American society, but the most immediate demand is reforming the role of police in communities.

Floyd’s death, along with the fatal police shooting of Breonna Taylor, helped draw public attention to reform measures that activists have been promoting for years. At the height of the protests, it appeared that lawmakers in many places were ready to make substantial changes. New York City and Los Angeles announced they would reduce police budgets. The use of police chokeholds was banned in several states. The House of Representatives passed a sweeping police reform bill. The most substantial move was taken in Minneapolis, where the City Council voted to disband the police entirely.

As time has passed, though, the momentum for reform appears to have waned, and many of those planned changes have stalled. New York lawmakers have been accused of using “funny math” to hide the fact that police funding wasn’t really being cut. The House bill died in the Republican-led Senate. Minneapolis’s plan to dismantle its police force has gotten bogged down in bureaucratic red tape.

The shooting of Jacob Blake on Aug. 23 offered, for many, a stark reminder of how little has changed about policing in the U.S., despite the massive social movement that was ignited just a few months earlier.

All the various hurdles and delays that have impeded police reform efforts in recent months may mean the country has missed its chance to truly reimagine the role of police in society. After spiking in June, support for Black Lives Matter has gradually trended downward and public opinion of the police has improved, polls show. The issue has also become increasingly politicized, with Republicans holding up reform bills at the national and local levels.

Damned hurdles and delays! How dare people discuss this stuff! Just Make It Happen! Anyhow, Bebernes offers what the pessimist and optimist views of this are, rather than really delving into why, things like

  • Pessimism: the police unions (suddenly, liberals hate unions) standing in the way (they really aren’t, as long as reforms do not endanger police officers, but, darned sure when it comes to defunding them)
  • Optimism: Democrats disagree on specifics but share a common belief that change is needed (well, yeah, they want to defund the police, except in their own neighborhoods)

Also optimism

“This will be a fight waged at the local level — a war fought in city council chambers, budget offices, and other modest rooms, led by city officials who feel emboldened by the emergence of the largest protest movement in American history. Those fights rarely make national headlines, but their effects can be more important than the bigger ones.” — Andrew J. Hawkins, Verge

Reforms should occur at the local, county, and state level, not the federal, but, regardless of all Beberness and others he quotes write, the main reason there has been little done, and a lot of backtracking in places like Minneapolis, is because of the riots and threats that started almost immediately. And once you started seeing this violence by BLM/Antifa/leftist white entitled college kids spread around the nation, people tuned out. Does anyone think 100+ nights of violence in Portland helps the call to defund the police, much less basic reforms?

Most people agreed there needed to be some reforms, though they might not agree on the reforms. Now? No one is talking about it except the hardcores, and no one listens to them, not when they are a reason that more police are needed. Not when they’re a reason that federal, county, and state law enforcement has to be brought in to places like Portland, and even the National Guard, because of lots of lawlessness and violence.

Do you think the average U.S. wants the police defunded? Nope. They lost their chance for reform with their Crazy.

Read: Say, Has The Chance For Police Reform Already Closed? »

Young Climate Cultists Sue 33 Countries Or Something

I think we should apply all the rules of the Cult of Climastrology to themselves

Young Portuguese activists take 33 countries to court over climate crisis

Six young Portuguese activists launched Thursday a European human rights case against 33 countries in the latest legal effort to force governments to step up their fight against climate change.

The six filed a claim Thursday asking the European Court of Human Rights to hold the countries accountable for their allegedly inadequate efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The activists argue that failures to address climate change constitute a threat to their physical and mental well-being, violating their rights to life and respect for their families.

They are backed by the Global Legal Action Network, a international nonprofit organization that challenges human rights violations, and a team of five London lawyers. The countries named in the complaint include the 27 member nations of the European Union plus the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

Nope, not astroturfed by adult cultists backed by big money groups.

The six Portuguese range in age between 12 and 21. Four of them live in central Portugal, where wildfires blamed in part on climate change killed more than 100 people in 2017. The two others live in Lisbon, an Atlantic coastal city threatened by rising sea levels.

If the activists win their case at the court in Strasbourg, France, the countries would be legally bound to cut emissions in line with the requirements of the 2015 Paris climate accord. They would also have to address their role in overseas emissions, including by their multinational companies.

Wait, are they saying that all these Paris climate accord signatories aren’t actually doing what needs to be done according to them signing the document? Huh. But, if they really want to do their part

And if their lawsuit wins, then Portugal would have to give up most of their exports, with tomato paste being one of the biggest in the world, and importing a goodly chunk of food, because it’s not the greatest for agriculture. Oh, and all that wine they export. And then there are the metals they export. And then all that oil and coal they need to import to provide 4/5ths of their energy. And a good chunk of tourism will be dead.

Read: Young Climate Cultists Sue 33 Countries Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a low carbon sailboat for when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the English language now being raaaaacist.

Read: If All You See… »

St. Louis’ Mayor Ran Away From “Protesters” Causing Havoc In Her Neighborhood

Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw notes

We’re starting to see something of a pattern developing among the Democratic mayors in large American cities where protests and riots have gripped the streets. It generally plays out the same way. The mayors are very supportive of the Black Lives Matter movement and say or do whatever they can to appease them. But it never seems to be enough and, before you know it, the protesters wind up camping out on the mayor’s doorstep, not at City Hall, but at their personal home. So what do they do then? They either call in the goon squads to keep the riff-raff away (as was done by the Mayor of Chicago) or they pack up and move (as happened most recently in Portland).

And then there’s the mayor of St. Louis, who has been super permissive of all the BLM/Antifa stuff

(St. Louis Today) Mayor Lyda Krewson has temporarily relocated after a string of protests at her Central West End home.

The mayor on Wednesday confirmed that she and her husband, former television reporter Mike Owens, have been living at an apartment, also in the Central West End.

“We have not lived at home for 2 months,” Krewson said in a text message to a reporter. “We did it to deescalate the situation, to save police resources, and importantly because our neighbors were being disturbed and threatened.”

The mayor said “for me it comes with the territory.”

“I ran for this job — my neighbors did not,” Krewson said.

There’s only one problem: the protesters didn’t know she skedaddled, hence, they continue to protest at her house, making lots of noise and graffiti and trash, meaning her neighbors have to deal with this. Thanks, mayor! Oh, and one other thing

During one such protest on June 28, attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey gained national attention after they were photographed pointing guns at marchers outside their Portland Place home. The protesters entered the private street on their way to Krewson’s house.

That’s right, the same neighborhood, which caused the McCloskey’s to fear for their lives. This is what the mayor secretly escaped.

Jazz asks some good questions

This idea of leaving to prevent your neighbors from being harassed by the mob is an interesting one. It implies, much the same as we saw in Chicago, that the mayor and her family are somehow exempt from the effects of the riots and it’s unreasonable to expect them to be personally accosted. The same seems to apply to anyone lucky enough to live on the same block as the mayor. But what about everyone else in the city? What about the business owners and the apartment dwellers who live downtown? They aren’t granted any special exemptions or extra police protection. They’re left to bar their doors and pray that the building isn’t set ablaze.

Politicians get police protection, even as some call to defund the police. Business owners and residents of the violent areas? Not so much.

Read: St. Louis’ Mayor Ran Away From “Protesters” Causing Havoc In Her Neighborhood »

Your Fault: The Climate Is Changing So Fast It’s A New World Every Day

I heard you took a long shower, drove your fossil fueled vehicle to work, than had a horrible cheeseburger delivered to work with a big sugary drink, then drove home and cracked open a carbon pollution infused beer, which is causing the climate to change every day

How Fast Is the Climate Changing?: It’s a New World, Each and Every Day

The struggle over climate change is necessarily political and economic and noisy—if we’re going to get anything done, we’ll have to do it in parliaments and stock exchanges, and quickly.

But, every once in a while, it’s worth stepping back and reminding ourselves what’s actually going on, silently, every hour of every day. And what’s going on is that we’re radically remaking our planet, in the course of a human lifetime. Hell, in the course of a human adolescence.

We get a sense of what that feels like when we have a week like the one we just came through. Hurricane Laura detonated in intensity in a few hours before it made landfall—that escalation was one of the most rapid that has ever been observed in the Gulf of Mexico, and it’s because of the extra heat that’s available. That sudden burst of fury is becoming more likely, the experts explain, precisely because there’s more energy stored in the ever-warmer ocean, ready to be converted into howling wind and surging tide. As the Washington Post reported, some experts say that “it is almost as if as the maximum ‘speed limit’ for storms increases, the storms themselves, like drivers, are adjusting by speeding up.” Sometimes we get comparatively lucky, as we did with Laura—it poured most of its power into the wildlife refuges and the marshes along the Louisiana-Texas border. Only about three per cent of the planet’s land surface, after all, is urbanized, so the odds are with you most of the time. And physics, of course, is agnostic—a storm goes where it goes.

See, strong hurricanes never happened till you decided to buy a $21,000 Civic instead of a $135,000 Tesla.

Floods and fires are obvious and dramatic. But this extra energy is expressing itself every second of every hour, usually quietly; you may not notice it, but eventually an ice shelf collapses or a heavy downpour turns into a monster flood. It’s relentless, and it means that we live in a new world, newer all the time. For almost all of human history, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide stuck at about two hundred and seventy-five parts per million, meaning that the planet’s energy balance was essentially unchanged.

I’d mention that multiple Holocene warm periods were actually warmer than today while that “energy balance was essentially unchanged”, but, hey, why start with facts now? I’m just going to demonize you for washing and drying your clothes with machines and keeping your air conditioning at a cool 72. Heretic! You must comply!

Read: Your Fault: The Climate Is Changing So Fast It’s A New World Every Day »

Pirate's Cove