Fake News: The Atlantic Trots Out Pre-Election Hit Piece, Saying Trump Slurred Dead American Soldiers

Doesn’t Jeffrey Goldberg know you’re supposed to bring out the hit pieces just a couple weeks before the election? Oh, right, see, Democrats are trying to get everyone to send in their ballots through the mail now, rather than after seeing the debates and having more information come out about their crazy, nutty, hair sniffing, gropey, losing his mental faculties candidate. At least Dan Rather and his crew attempted to attach actual names to their fake “blockbuster”. Pay attention to the subhead

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell The Atlantic.

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Belleau Wood is a consequential battle in American history, and the ground on which it was fought is venerated by the Marine Corps. America and its allies stopped the German advance toward Paris there in the spring of 1918. But Trump, on that same trip, asked aides, “Who were the good guys in this war?” He also said that he didn’t understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies.

There are zero named sources of the supposed four. None who are willing to back their claim by going on the record. This is today’s media, allowing completely unnamed sources to makes smears, and we’re just supposed to believe them. Is it any wonder Trump has been slamming them as Fake News for years? And, if you continue reading, you’ll understand that this whole thing was written by a Trump hater, and reads more like an unhinged blog post/op ed rather than a news story, which further reinforces that it is a bunch of mule fritters.

Jeffery did drop this quietly in the piece

 (These sources, and others quoted in this article, spoke on condition of anonymity. The White House did not return earlier calls for comment, but Alyssa Farah, a White House spokesperson, emailed me this statement shortly after this story was posted: “This report is false. President Trump holds the military in the highest regard. He’s demonstrated his commitment to them at every turn: delivering on his promise to give our troops a much needed pay raise, increasing military spending, signing critical veterans reforms, and supporting military spouses. This has no basis in fact.”)

So, his people won’t go on the record, but Farah will. An


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Read: Fake News: The Atlantic Trots Out Pre-Election Hit Piece, Saying Trump Slurred Dead American Soldiers »

Hanoi Jane Is Super Excited To Push Civil Disobedience On ‘Climate Change’ Fight

Jane was late to the Hotcoldwetdry party, and is doing all she can to appropriate it, even as she takes lots of fossil fueled trips and lives in a big, energy intensive mansion

‘Civil Disobedience Has to Become the New Norm.’ Jane Fonda on the Fight Against Climate Change

Jane Fonda wants to teach you about climate change. In the fall of 2019, Fonda regularly convened with fellow climate activists—and some of her Hollywood friends—on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building to call for a Green New Deal and other government action on climate change. The protests, which she called “Fire Drill Fridays,” deliberately ended in arrest.

Now, Fonda has written a new book about the experience. What Can I Do?: My Path from Climate Despair to Action, to be published Sept. 8, recounts stories from her time on the frontlines advocating for climate solutions. The book is presented as a guide for those who are concerned about the issue but unsure of how to help, offering both the science behind climate change and ways to take action.

Fonda spoke to TIME about the stakes of the movement, being inspired by young climate activists and her response to apathetic voters.

Her time on the front lines. What, all of a year, when she attempted to hijack St. Greta’s movement, apparently to cash in on weak minded climate cultists? I wonder what the carbon footprint is of all the trees killed to publish the book and distribute it? Anyhow, what does she recommend people do in their own lives?

Do you think your book will get older voters to think about climate change and affect the way they vote?

They’re already thinking about it! The young climate strikers globally have had a lot to do with that. I’m targeting the people who notice the climate crisis and don’t know what to do about it. I’m teaching them more and then giving people things to do… Civil disobedience has to become the new norm. No matter who is elected in November.

That’s weird, it’s almost like this is political

Because of climate or everything else going on in the world?

Because of everything—and out of everything, what looms is the climate crisis. If we don’t cut our fossil fuel emissions in half by 2030, everything will not only become much, much harder, but a lot of things—equality, democracy, stability in our society—will become impossible. What I want to tell voters who say, “I can’t decide who to vote for. I don’t really believe in Joe Biden,” is, “Hey, I’d rather push a moderate than fight a fascist.”

What’s this we on cutting fossil fuels? People like Jane don’t. And, really, no one cares about having their own lives negatively affected by climate policies, especially those who push it the hardest. is it any wonder that a communist sympathizer loves a hardcore Modern Socialist movement?

Read: Hanoi Jane Is Super Excited To Push Civil Disobedience On ‘Climate Change’ Fight »

If All You See…

…rigging used in boats that should replace fossil fueled cargo carriers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on rules being for peons (and the follow up on the peons setting Pelosi up).

Read: If All You See… »

Portland Police Chief Calls Out Elected Officials (and will probably be replaced soon)

Of course, Chief Lovell should have really been saying this almost 100 days ago when the riots started

Portland’s police chief called out elected officials for not stopping violence in the city, after rioters threw burning debris at the mayor’s apartment building

Portland’s police chief called out local politicians after another night of riots in the city.

On Tuesday, Police Chief Chuck Lovell released a statement, saying “our elected officials need to do their part to draw a line in the sand and to hold people accountable.”

Protests in the city have repeatedly turned violent, and on Monday the unrest was formally declared a riot, giving police expanded powers to control it.

“The violent behavior must end,” Lovell said in his statement.

Lovell didn’t specify which elected officials he meant. (snip)

Insider contacted the Portland Police Bureau for clarification on which elected officials Lovell meant, but did not immediately receive a response.

Well, that would pretty much be most, if not all, of the elected officials in Portland, and a goodly chunk of those elected at the Oregon state level, who have mostly said nothing, and many have egged on the “protesters.” The mayor of Portland doesn’t even have much to say in terms of the rioters being a problem. Many more have slammed the police and talked of defunding them.

However, The Oregonian newspaper reported that the Multnomah County district attorney has drawn criticism for saying his office would not prosecute certain low-level offenders arrested at the Portland protests, which have been taking place nightly since the end of May.

In response to Lovell’s statement, District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s office released a statement saying they are “focusing on the violent crimes occurring at protests and in our community,” which they said was a deicision taken to prioritize public safety.

And the “low level” criminals keep showing up day after day and being arrested then released by the DA. Then their violence gets worse and worse

(The Blaze) A Portland man accused of double murder was arrested just days before for interfering with police during a protest — but the charge related to the protest was dismissed the next day, and he was released from jail, KOIN-TV reported.

Cassy Leaton, 22, and Najaf “Nate” Hobbs, 39, were stabbed to death June 16, and police arrested Phillip Lawrence Nelson two days later, the station said, adding that the suspect faces two murder charges and is being held without bail.

But on June 12, Nelson was arrested at a protest in downtown Portland on a misdemeanor charge of interfering with a peace officer, KOIN said, citing court records. However, that charge was dismissed the next day, the station said. Booking information indicates Nelson was released from the Multnomah County Detention Center.

OK, slightly different, he didn’t murder them at a protest, but, you get the point.

Anyhow, how soon till the chief is fired?

Read: Portland Police Chief Calls Out Elected Officials (and will probably be replaced soon) »

Democrats Want Climate Crisis (scam) To Be Centerpiece Of Presidential Debates Or Something

By all means, let’s put an issue that tends to rank very low on polls of what people really care about on the forefront of the debates, an issue that is popular in theory but not practice

House Democrats Demand Climate Be ‘Centerpiece’ Of 2020 Presidential Debates

Dozens of House Democrats are calling for the climate crisis to be a central focus of the upcoming presidential and vice presidential debates.

In a letter Wednesday to the Commission on Presidential Debates, 70 lawmakers stressed that their constituents must hear from the candidates about how they plan to tackle “one of the most pressing and all-consuming issues currently facing our country.” (snip)

Even a single question on climate change at the upcoming debates would be an improvement over 2016, when presidential debate moderators did not once bring up the rapidly worsening global crisis.

“This cannot happen again,” reads the letter, spearheaded by Rep. Mike Levin of California. “Given the dire nature of the crisis, we ask that you break precedent and publicly call on the moderators to include climate in the topics that will be addressed during the debates.”

I actually agree with this: I think moderator Chris Wallace should ask multiple questions, such as “If you believe that climate change is mostly caused by Mankind,”

  • what measures have you taken in your own life to reduce your carbon footprint?”
  • what will your climate policies do to the cost of living for Americans?”
  • will you give up your own use of fossil fuels?”
  • will you turn the power off at the White House in empathy when areas like California are experiencing blackouts because solar and wind can’t provide enough power?”
  • do you think that the current iteration of carbon taxes, which includes refunding 4/5ths of American’s cost of living increase, makes people dependent on government?”
  • what do you think of the polling that people do not want to even pay $10 more a month for energy?”
  • why is your climate plan, as pushed further left by your extreme base, more about government controlling everything than about dealing with a minor issue?”

Obviously, Wallace won’t ask those questions, but, it would be fun letting Biden and Trump debate the issue, first, because Biden would be a stumbling mess (who thinks Excuses will be made to get Biden out of debating?), second, because this is Trump, and he will ask inconvenient questions like “why did you do virtually nothing during your 40 years in government?” Will you pledge to stop using fossil fuels in your own life?” “Why do Democratic Party plans smack of hardcore Modern Socialism?” “Do you support the Green New Deal, which has less to do with ‘climate change’ and most to do with Democratic Socialism and Big Centralized Government, since you have a hardcore Socialist by the name of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez serving on your climate change advisory board?”

And just imagine all the facial expressions from Trump. He would wipe the floor with Biden, and it would be great to have it highlighted in a massively watched forum that ‘climate change’ policy has little to do with actual science and mostly is about Progressive (nice fascism) control of citizens.

Read: Democrats Want Climate Crisis (scam) To Be Centerpiece Of Presidential Debates Or Something »

Unhinged In Bidenland: Woman Attacks 12 Year Old Over Pro-Trump Sign

Let me ask: how often do you see a report regarding a Trump supporting attacking a Biden supporter over a sign? Trump supporters know it can be unsafe to wear Trump apparel or have Trump signs because Democrats are unhinged

Colorado police seek woman who reportedly attacked a 12-year-old boy over his pro-Trump sign

Police in Boulder, Colorado, said they are seeking a woman who allegedly assaulted a 12-year-old over his sign supporting President Donald Trump.

The incident unfolded on Monday at about 3 p.m. according to a police report.

The boy, who was left unidentified, was riding his bike with a pro-Trump sign when he says that a woman riding on a moped passed him and then took a u-turn in order to confront him about the sign.

Boulder police spokeswoman Shannon Aulabaugh said the woman told the boy, “you want something to look at?” or something similar before she punched him.

Aulabaugh said the woman hit the boy with her closed fist on his head, and give him several more blows. She also scratched him after he fell to the ground.

I know that, at least here in Raleigh, you don’t see a ton of Trump stuff, being a Democratic stronghold, because supporters are worried about being attacked. Even in the Republican counties people have concerns, because Democrats are nuts, and people would prefer not to have to physically defend themselves from the nuts. You don’t see much in the way of Biden signs, because, let’s face it, Biden doesn’t excite anyone.

The boy told Denver7 News that it wasn’t the first time he had been attack for showing his support for the president, but that it was the first time he had been attacked by an adult.

“I like showing what I believe in,” he said. “I didn’t want any conflict – I just wanted to show what I believe in.”

He said that he was afraid to show his support for Trump because of the troubling incident. His father added that he wanted to press charges against the woman if she is identified by the police.

Of course, Democrats will rationalize this behavior by the women, and attacking people for having Trump stuff, because Democrats are beyond unhinged.

Read: Unhinged In Bidenland: Woman Attacks 12 Year Old Over Pro-Trump Sign »

Climate Pope Wants Earth To Rest From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Last I checked, Pope Francis is the leader of a different religion. And spends more time yapping about ‘climate change’ than abortion on demand

Pope Francis calls for ‘letting the planet rest’ amid climate crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how the Earth can recover “if we allow it to rest” and must spur people to adopt simpler lifestyles to help a planet “groaning” under the constant demand for economic growth, Pope Francis said Tuesday.

In his latest urgent appeal to help a fragile environment, Francis also renewed his call for the cancellation of the debts of the most vulnerable countries. Such action would be just, he said, since rich countries have exploited poorer nations’ natural resources.

“In some ways, the current pandemic has led us to rediscover simpler and sustainable lifestyles,” Francis said in a written message.

“Already we can see how the Earth can recover if we allow it to rest: the air becomes cleaner, the waters clearer, and animals have returned to many places from where they had previously disappeared,” he wrote. “The pandemic has brought us to a crossroads.”

Those things have zero to do with the climate crisis

The pontiff urged people to seize the opportunity to reflect on their habits of energy usage, consumption, transportation and diet.

Disintegrating biodiversity, climate disasters and the “unjust impact of the current pandemic on the poor and the vulnerable” amount to a “wakeup call in the face of our rampant greed and consumption,” the pope wrote.

Your pope has spoken, climate cultists

Read: Climate Pope Wants Earth To Rest From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that’s rising hundreds of feet from fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post on another “let them eat cake” moment from Nancy Pelosi.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Openly Antifa Member Could Be Portland’s Next Mayor

Hey, you know how Democrats and their pet media say that Antifa doesn’t exist, that it’s a figment of Conservative’s imaginations, despite all the flags and symbols and groups and such?

‘I Am Antifa’: Antifa Supporter Sarah Iannarone Could Be Portland’s Next Mayor

Portland’s next mayor could be an open supporter of Antifa, the violent, far-left movement whose members have unleashed violence in cities across America.

Left-wing activist Sarah Iannarone will face incumbent Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler in a runoff election on Nov. 3 after neither candidate received a majority of votes in the first round of voting.

Wheeler beat Iannarone in the first round of voting, but has faced criticism from both sides of the political spectrum over his handling of the city’s nightly unrest, which has included nearly 30 riots since late May. A supporter of President Donald Trump was shot and killed Saturday night during a pro-Trump demonstration in Portland.

Iannarone, whose platform includes a “Housing for All” plank and a pledge to slash the city’s police funding, identified herself as a member of the Antifa movement in a January 2019 tweet.

“To those who say Antifa are violent thugs: I am not a violent thug and I am Antifa,” she wrote.

“I am Antifa because the Red Hats are coming after brown & black people, after Jews, after queer & trans people, and more. They are coming after our democracy,” she added.

Interesting. Does she realize that it’s her side that hates Jews and Israel, who side with the terrorist Palestinians who attack civilians? Anyhow, on one hand you have the rioting permissive Ted Wheeler, on the other hand you have the person who says she is part of the rioters. Tough choice, Portland!

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Read: Good News: Openly Antifa Member Could Be Portland’s Next Mayor »

California To Let Gas Power Plants Remain Open To Provide “Reliable Electricity”

I noted last week that this might happen, and it has, because even though these low cost, low land footprint power plants “contribute to ‘climate change’ (scam)” they are reliable, unlike all the solar and wind

California to let gas plants stay open as time runs low for climate action

State officials threw a lifeline to four fossil fueled power plants along the Southern California coast, deciding the facilities are still needed to provide reliable electricity even as they contribute to the climate crisis.

Tuesday’s vote by the State Water Resources Control Board to let the gas plants keep operating past the end of this year followed brief rolling blackouts over two evenings last month, as a heat wave caused air conditioning demand to soar, and California found itself short on electricity supplies.

Energy regulators are still investigating the causes of the power shortage. But they said allowing the coastal gas plants to stay open a few more years would help prevent more outages as California continues its transition to cleaner energy sources — an ironic solution given that climate change almost certainly exacerbated the recent heat wave.

The four facilities were supposed to shut down by Dec. 31, 2020 under a regulation requiring coastal power plants to stop using ocean water for cooling, a process that kills fish and other marine life. But Tuesday’s decision granted a three-year extension to natural gas plants in Huntington Beach, Long Beach and Oxnard, and a one-year extension to a Redondo Beach plant.

Oh, come on, now. Unreliable energy, which is also a lot more expensive, is a small price in order to save the state for the climate crisis, isn’t it? The same people who voted for all this should be more than will to deal with some rolling brownouts and blackouts to Save The Planet, right?

The Public Utilities Commission and the California Independent System Operator began warning last year that the state might face power shortages on hot summer evenings, when electricity demand remains high even as solar farms and rooftop solar panels stop generating electricity. That prediction seemed to come true on Aug. 14, when the Independent System Operator ordered utilities to implement rolling outages for 75 minutes, and again on Aug. 15, when the energy shortfall lasted 20 minutes.

Hey, this is good practice for climate cultists for what’s to come as they get rid of reliable energy. Why is this making them unhappy? This is what they’ve agitated for. They should want to suffer for their beliefs…oh, right, they just want Other People to suffer.

Read: California To Let Gas Power Plants Remain Open To Provide “Reliable Electricity” »

Pirate's Cove