Good News: Openly Antifa Member Could Be Portland’s Next Mayor

Hey, you know how Democrats and their pet media say that Antifa doesn’t exist, that it’s a figment of Conservative’s imaginations, despite all the flags and symbols and groups and such?

‘I Am Antifa’: Antifa Supporter Sarah Iannarone Could Be Portland’s Next Mayor

Portland’s next mayor could be an open supporter of Antifa, the violent, far-left movement whose members have unleashed violence in cities across America.

Left-wing activist Sarah Iannarone will face incumbent Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler in a runoff election on Nov. 3 after neither candidate received a majority of votes in the first round of voting.

Wheeler beat Iannarone in the first round of voting, but has faced criticism from both sides of the political spectrum over his handling of the city’s nightly unrest, which has included nearly 30 riots since late May. A supporter of President Donald Trump was shot and killed Saturday night during a pro-Trump demonstration in Portland.

Iannarone, whose platform includes a “Housing for All” plank and a pledge to slash the city’s police funding, identified herself as a member of the Antifa movement in a January 2019 tweet.

“To those who say Antifa are violent thugs: I am not a violent thug and I am Antifa,” she wrote.

“I am Antifa because the Red Hats are coming after brown & black people, after Jews, after queer & trans people, and more. They are coming after our democracy,” she added.

Interesting. Does she realize that it’s her side that hates Jews and Israel, who side with the terrorist Palestinians who attack civilians? Anyhow, on one hand you have the rioting permissive Ted Wheeler, on the other hand you have the person who says she is part of the rioters. Tough choice, Portland!

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Read: Good News: Openly Antifa Member Could Be Portland’s Next Mayor »

California To Let Gas Power Plants Remain Open To Provide “Reliable Electricity”

I noted last week that this might happen, and it has, because even though these low cost, low land footprint power plants “contribute to ‘climate change’ (scam)” they are reliable, unlike all the solar and wind

California to let gas plants stay open as time runs low for climate action

State officials threw a lifeline to four fossil fueled power plants along the Southern California coast, deciding the facilities are still needed to provide reliable electricity even as they contribute to the climate crisis.

Tuesday’s vote by the State Water Resources Control Board to let the gas plants keep operating past the end of this year followed brief rolling blackouts over two evenings last month, as a heat wave caused air conditioning demand to soar, and California found itself short on electricity supplies.

Energy regulators are still investigating the causes of the power shortage. But they said allowing the coastal gas plants to stay open a few more years would help prevent more outages as California continues its transition to cleaner energy sources — an ironic solution given that climate change almost certainly exacerbated the recent heat wave.

The four facilities were supposed to shut down by Dec. 31, 2020 under a regulation requiring coastal power plants to stop using ocean water for cooling, a process that kills fish and other marine life. But Tuesday’s decision granted a three-year extension to natural gas plants in Huntington Beach, Long Beach and Oxnard, and a one-year extension to a Redondo Beach plant.

Oh, come on, now. Unreliable energy, which is also a lot more expensive, is a small price in order to save the state for the climate crisis, isn’t it? The same people who voted for all this should be more than will to deal with some rolling brownouts and blackouts to Save The Planet, right?

The Public Utilities Commission and the California Independent System Operator began warning last year that the state might face power shortages on hot summer evenings, when electricity demand remains high even as solar farms and rooftop solar panels stop generating electricity. That prediction seemed to come true on Aug. 14, when the Independent System Operator ordered utilities to implement rolling outages for 75 minutes, and again on Aug. 15, when the energy shortfall lasted 20 minutes.

Hey, this is good practice for climate cultists for what’s to come as they get rid of reliable energy. Why is this making them unhappy? This is what they’ve agitated for. They should want to suffer for their beliefs…oh, right, they just want Other People to suffer.

Read: California To Let Gas Power Plants Remain Open To Provide “Reliable Electricity” »

Cancel Culture Comes For D.C. Monuments And Statues

Hey, remember when Modern Socialists were telling people who objected to bad things on television that if they didn’t like it they should just change the channel? If the SJW cancel culture nuts don’t like these statues and monuments they can just not look. Or leave the country, since they seem to hate it so much

DC Panel Calls for Removing, Relocating, or ‘Contextualizing’ Washington Monument, Other Landmarks

A committee formed by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser issued a report Tuesday recommending the removal, relocation, or contextualization of the Washington Monument and a number of federal monuments and buildings in Washington,DC.

Bowser formed the District of Columbia Facilities and Commemorative Expressions, or “DC FACES” committee in July, to study assets in D.C. named after individuals to “ensure these individuals reflect contemporary DC values,” according to the report.

The committee was asked to make recommendations if a namesake is “inconsistent with DC values and in some way encouraged the oppression of African Americans and other communities of color or contributed to our long history of systemic racism.”

The report recommended:

Using the Mayor’s position on the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission, [to] recommend the Federal government remove, relocate, or contextualize the following assets:

1. Christopher Columbus – Columbus Fountain (federal)
2. Benjamin Franklin – Benjamin Franklin Statue (federal)
3. Andrew Jackson – Andrew Jackson Statue (federal)
4. Thomas Jefferson – Jefferson Memorial (federal)
5. George Mason – George Mason Memorial (federal)
6. Francis Griffith Newlands – Newlands Memorial Fountain (federal)
7. Albert Pike – Albert Pike Statue (federal)
8. George Washington – Washington Monument, George Washington Statue (federal)

The committee was made up of eight working group members and more than 20 staff members.

It focused on “key disqualifying histories, including participation in slavery, systemic racism, mistreatment of, or actions that suppressed equality for, persons of color, women and LGBTQ communities and violation of the DC Human Right Act.”

Bugger off. They also want to rename streets, buildings, schools, parks, roads, buildings, and so much more.

Exactly, Tom. And if the report is using the BLM street graffiti as its cover, it’s a hardcore exclusionary group with Marxist roots.

BTW, what are DC Values? Murder, theft, riots, arson? The District of Columbia has a crime rate of 3, meaning it is safer than 3% of US cities. The only metric that isn’t above U.S. averages is burglary. Heck, the U.S. average for crimes per square mile is 31.1. D.C.’s is 552.

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For D.C. Monuments And Statues »

If We Don’t Indoctrinate The Kids About Climate Crisis (scam) Better, We’re Doomed

Education is free. Freedom of education shall be enjoyed under the condition fixed by law and under the supreme control of the state. Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.

Without better climate education in our schools, the climate crisis will continue to be a runaway train

Growing up less than an hour from the nation’s capital, I considered my education to be unparalleled. In fact, the county in which I attended grade school is the richest county in America. However, it wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I realized my education, and that of my fellow Americans, was severely lacking.

How? Well, while concepts such as parametric equations, rhetorical devices, civic disobedience, and more were thoroughly discussed by my teachers, there was absolutely no discussion about the climate crisis.

In fact, substantial climate education didn’t even come up till my senior year at my STEM-focused high school. See, I was fortunate enough to graduate from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, which has been consistently ranked as the best and most rigorous high school in the United States. However, the only discussion of the climate crisis occurred near the very end of my senior year, realistically a time when the majority of graduating seniors could care less about high school. (snip)

It’s my firm belief that this is because we don’t understand nor impress upon students the urgency necessary to tackle this crisis. We are taught environmental science in a way that feels like something abstract, something that doesn’t directly affect us, but it does. It will literally injure our health and well-being for years to come if we don’t tackle the issue head-on.

And, because the beliefs of every Special Snowflake are important, you must listen to Rohan Arora, who is a patented climate and sustainability activist based in Washington, D.C. focused on the intersection of environmental issues and health disparities. He is the founder and executive director of the national environmental health organization The Community Check-Up that promotes environmental health education through outreach. Unsurprisingly, he and his partner co-founder are nags

After educating both loved ones and community members, they decided to found The Community Check-Up, a national organization focused on reducing environmental health disparities through educational empowerment and youth activism. There is so much more the climate movement needs to encompass regarding environmental health, such as environmental justice, urban planning, and more. They both hope that they can shift the climate narrative to emphasize environmental health in order to build greater momentum for the movement and truly fight for the reduction of environmental health dispariteis through actionable change.


Our work aims to reduce environmental health disparities through improving accessibility of environmental health resources and empowering youth to become environmental health warriors. With our outreach and literacy efforts, we aim to empower people in our nation to understand and educate the true importance of environmental health in the climate narrative. Our three-pronged approach focuses on raising a new generation of environmental health warriors, exposing environmental instability in our nation, and understanding the most pressing environmental health and social concerns of marginalized groups.

Weird, there’s nothing about what action people should take in their own lives. It’s almost like this is really about indoctrinating young minds into Modern Socialism.

They’ve been complaining since 1988 about coming doom, and it never seems to arrive. I wonder why?

Read: If We Don’t Indoctrinate The Kids About Climate Crisis (scam) Better, We’re Doomed »

If All You See…

…are birds which will be wiped out by the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on reparations moving forward in the People’s Republik Of California.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture Comes For Sir Walter Raleigh

I won’t bore you with the history of Sir Walter Raleigh, you can look that up on your own. Most old world explores and such have things that were bad in their past, it was just the way of the world (though some, like Fransisco Pizarro are really, really bad). But, hey, cancel culture doesn’t forget the slightest slight

Columnist says Sir Walter Raleigh image doesn’t belong with bluegrass festival

A column on the “Bluegrass Today” website calls Sir Walter Raleigh a divisive figure and recommends that his image be removed from the World of Bluegrass festival.

Abby Lee Hood, of Nashville, Tenn., who is a former employee of the International Bluegrass Music Association, which has hosted the event in Raleigh for several years, said the city’s namesake “was no angel.”

Raleigh was the chief sponsor of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, the first English settlement in America that mysteriously disappeared in 1590.

But Hood said that Raleigh, like Christopher Columbus and other figures in American history, was a colonizer who subjugated and killed Indigenous people.

“It seemed to me there was a lack of conversation about colonizers and bluegrass,” she said Monday.

Because of his checkered history, she said, the IBMA should drop his likeness from its marketing.

Piss off. Especially since Ms. Hood lives in Nashville, Tenn. What’s next, calling to take down his statues, removing his name from The Lost Colony and Outer Banks stuff, renaming the capital city of North Carolina? Hood ends her article

As the rest of the United States hotly debates which statues and idols to leave behind, the IBMA is in a particular place to choose who it moves forward with. Moving on without Sir Walter Raleigh is an easy, quiet way to decolonize bluegrass just a little.

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For Sir Walter Raleigh »

Capitalism Is Fueling The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Remember, this has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with science. You know, like from the Marxist Mundo Obrero Workers World

Capitalist-fueled climate crisis – ‘Nightmare Reality’

Hurricane Laura made landfall Aug. 26 in west Louisiana and east Texas as a Category 4 storm, with winds clocking in at 150 miles per hour.

The Gulf Coast region in the southern U.S. is on the frontline of a capitalist-induced climate crisis. Most of the people residing there are in close proximity to petrochemical complexes, which are responsible for increasing the regularity and intensity of tropical storm systems.

Thousands lost their homes in the wake of Hurricane Laura, and 200,000 people are without water. (Louisiana Department of Health, Aug. 28) Hundreds of thousands across Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas are without electricity.

Hurricanes never occurred prior to fossil fuels, you know. And the Soviet Union was an environmental paradise, just like China!

Poor communities of color always disproportionately bear the brunt of capitalist-induced climate crisis. This is compounded under COVID conditions, which confirms the truth of Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s definition that racism is the state-sanctioned or extralegal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerability to premature death.

The production of oil under capitalism is disproportionately exposing people of color and poor folks to premature and unnatural death. Yet under capitalism, enough resources are being produced that could provide for everyone facing hardship now.

These resources are being hoarded by a few at expense of the workers who produce this wealth — with the heaviest toll falling on the most oppressed members of our class. Oil companies must pay climate refugees and the world reparations! (snip)

More than ever, the survival of working and oppressed people is a life-and-death struggle that depends on the ability to build power in solidarity and — in the words of Leslie Feinberg — become the best fighters of each other’s oppressions. The workers’ struggle against climate crisis, COVID, capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy has no borders. Workers of the world and oppressed people unite!

It’s interesting that they’re using the capitalist created Internet and capitalist created software for the website while complaining about capitalism.

Read: Capitalism Is Fueling The Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

Oregon Sheriff’s Politely Decline Governor’s Call To Secure Riotous Portland

In real speak, the sheriff’s were saying “you broke it, you fix. You allowed it for months, you hate cops. Deploy some social workers”

Oregon sheriffs reject Gov. Kate Brown’s request to staff Portland protests

The sheriffs of Clackamas and Washington County in Oregon said they won’t send staff to help with the nightly unrest in Portland after Gov. Kate Brown unveiled a plan to bring an end to violence in the city.

Brown had asked the sheriffs and the Gresham Police Department to support the Portland Police Bureau with personnel and resources “to keep the peace and protect free speech.”

Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts on Monday said the governor never approached him before unveiling her plan to mobilize local law enforcement agencies in the Portland protests, and that he has no plans to send his staff to nightly demonstrations.

“Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy, not adding resources,” he said, according to a statement released by Kellee Azar, a reporter with Portland’s KATU. “Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder.”

He said that Portland’s newly elected district attorney had dismissed charges against hundreds of protesters arrested for non-violent, low-level crimes.

“The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office. The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again,” Roberts continued. “The criminal justice system will need do its part and hold offenders accountable.”

Sheriff Roberts is 100% correct: why bother trying to keep the peace when those who are causing problems, many, many of them from out of town and even the state, are just being released night after night. Also, why bother helping when “protesters” are allowed to attack police with impunity, and then see the mayor of Portland attack the police?

Sheriff Pat Garrett (yes, that’s his name, and how cool is that?) said in a statement

“I do not plan to send deputies to work directly in Portland,” Garrett said, according to the station. “The lack of political support for public safety, the uncertain legal landscape, the current volatility combined with intense scrutiny on use of force presents an unacceptable risk if deputies were deployed directly.”

Why help those who hate you? Meanwhile, the same Progressive (nice Fascit) groups Portland mayor Ted Wheeler has allowed to run wild for 100 days are calling for him to resign, and

(Fox News) Portland Police declared a riot on Monday after roughly hundreds of protesters marched on Mayor Ted Wheeler’s residence at a condominium tower to demand his resignation, according to reports.

The crowd of about 200 were there to mockingly celebrate the mayor’s birthday before the demonstration quickly turned destructive and an “arson fire” was reported, police said.

Protesters lit a fire in the street, as some danced to the “Macarena,” according to Allison Mechanic, a reporter for KATU News who posted the video on Twitter. Others placed a picnic table from a nearby business above the fire to feed the blaze.

Demonstrators shattered windows and broke into a dental office, taking items — including a chair – to add to the fire, the Oregonian reported. A bundle of newspapers was also set ablaze and thrown into a storefront, located on the ground floor of the residential building around 11 p.m. – leading police to declare the gathering a riot.

I’m not finding any information that it was Ted’s apartment building, but, regardless, this is what he has allowed to continue. It’s what Gov Kate Brown should have sent in the National Guard on months ago. Is it any wonder Sheriff’s declined to participate?

I’m guessing that they don’t think social workers can negotiate the situation, eh?

Read: Oregon Sheriff’s Politely Decline Governor’s Call To Secure Riotous Portland »

New Zealand’s “Green Government” Has Failed To Deal With….Wait, Milk?

New Zealand climate cultists should push hard on this, see if it helps

This ‘green’ government has utterly failed to rein in our biggest climate polluter

It’s hard to ignore the effects of the climate crisis: from the haze that covered New Zealand during Australia’s bushfire crisis to last autumn’s droughts and water shortages. But it seems it’s easy for some politicians to ignore New Zealand’s biggest climate polluter.

Three years ago voters ushered in a prime minister who had called climate change her generation’s “nuclear free” moment. Then for the first time in history, a Green Party MP – James Shaw – became the minister for climate change. (snip)

After three years in power, Jacinda Ardern and James Shaw have both failed to bring in a single regulation to tackle the monstrous amount of climate pollution from industrial dairying. Despite all that climate rhetoric from this government, they have been scarcely different to previous governments when it comes to dealing with the giant cow in the room.

Good luck in this endevour. I’m thinking people wouldn’t be real happy with their cost of milk and all the products made with it skyrocketing.

Alongside the synthetic fertiliser phase-out, our next government must back New Zealand’s farmers to make the shift away from industrial livestock farming and into more plant-based regenerative farming. Not by continuing to give the industry a free pass to pollute, but by making the targeted and tangible investments needed to help regenerative organic farming thrive.

And going after farming in general. Good luck! It is interesting that they are admitting that agriculture is one of the major causes of global man caused global warming, as I’ve noted for well over a decade, because Warmists used to note this before becoming a cult. Yet, even with that, mankind’s influence is well, well, well below that of nature.

Read: New Zealand’s “Green Government” Has Failed To Deal With….Wait, Milk? »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat in a carbon pollution flooded world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sonoran Conservative, with a post on Biden finally chiming in on the riots.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove